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Bzprpg - Ko-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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IC: [Lio Convoy]Except due to the fact that snow and wind, along with lack of sunlight, could still leave shadows visible, and because Lio and Big Convoy were trained professionals, Dino was easily detected."Mirage," said the lion-themed Prime, using the other Toa's former codename. "I order you to stop eavesdropping on us, or I'll send Big Convoy after you."

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IC: "Eet sounds to me like he's hiding eh..something."OOC: When was Dino effeminate? Or was some other incarnation of Mirage effeminate? (By the way, if you've read Legend of the Primes, this Bionicle-style Dino never did go by Mirage before being rebuilt by Ratchet. Never was rebuilt by Ratchet to begin with, lol.)


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IC: Big ConvoyBig Convoy hefted his cannon. "You see this, Dino? This is the big cannon. That is literally what it's called." He pointed at Dino. "And if you don't go away, I will shove it down your throat as far as I can, and pull the trigger as hard as I can."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: MegatronMegatron blasted Optimus' blade away with expert aim from his laser vision, then- Impact! He rolled away, preventing Optimus from landing on him, then fired a flame blast to keep Optimus busy while he reached out (metaphorically) to the small crowd of Skakdi massed outside the invisible barrier. They felt his powers stretching, and so responded, allowing Megatron to use his element, and he unleashed a quadruplet of colossal snakes of flame, which came from all sides, and struck at the same time. One snapped out at his legs, another wrapped around his neck like a boa constrictor, and the other two lashed out at his arms.OOC: Just in case you aren't aware, being a Toa/Skakdi of fire does not make you immune to fire attacks, though it does decrease the damage somewhat. Nuju has also said that you can't absorb other people's attacks (I think, and am almost certain I recall reading that).You probably know all this anyway, but just in case, to prevent another... Accident.

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IC: AtvinAtvin held Mariko's gaze for a moment as he considered whether it would be very wise to let Draeverian on board. Sceptical as he always was, there didn't seem to be any harm in the decision and if it proved to be a problem, they could deal with it later. Atvin nodded in response."Don't do anything stupid." he said to Draeverian in a neutral voice, lacking the typical edge associated with that phrase. Just as Atvin was about to hold out his hand, he remembered that his fellow Toa of sonics was blindfolded so instead, there was a small pat on the shoulder."Name's Atvin, De-Toa."
IC:"Do not worry." Draeverian said, smiling slightly. "I've paid my dues. Time after time. I've done my sentence. Even comitted a crime." He shrugged. "So you see, I have done my fair share of stupid things...I don't plan on doing any more. And it would be a chance to atone for those I have done."He suddenly felt another pat on the shoulder. This time it was Mariko. Even though Draeverian could not see it, the other Toa looked at him in a way that plainly showed he perceived what drove the Toa of sonics. It was a familiar feeling, one that he himself carried with him every day and that neither he nor his bretheren would ever be able to rid themselves from, unless they succeeded in the task that fate had given them. "I know what drives you, then." he said. "You are most welcome to join us, brother. We can travel together to Pala-Koro.""Oh, I know where that is!" Draeverian said, happily. "And best of all, I even know a shortcut.""A shortcut?" Mariko asked. The Toa of sonics nodded. "The other routes to the other Koro take so long to travel, first down to Le- or Ta-Wahi and then to the other Wahi. But I've lived here long enough now to know a few paths only the locals take."Mariko considered the idea. Then he nodded. "Rushing never does any good, but a well-planned shorting of travel-time will be quite useful." he agreed.On the wall, unseen, the darker shade of shadow stirred at the new information.---------------------------------------------------While night spread a dark-blue balnket dotted with stars over the mountainranges of Ko-Wahi, there were not few who did not sleep at this hour. For one, there were the astronomers, studying the map of the firmament on such a clear night. The others were the sanctum guard, ever watchful at their posts near the gates of the village. And of course there were the travelers. Sitting in taverns and inns, drinking the nights away around a warm fire, or just sitting and enjoying conversation. And then there were the ones that were up to mischief. As Kohra followed these thoughts, she almost felt like having a little giggle. Because right now, there was only one being she knew that was up to mischief. And that was herself. You know this will only work if your boytoy plays along, right?Indeed. But the plan will work either way, wether he shows up or not. It just might take a little longer.Are you certain?Would you have given me this task if you thought me incapable?The darkness did not respond. Which was all the acknowledgement of her being right about her master she was going to get.The Vortixx had invited herself into the home of a local Matoran. The door had been locked of course, but if you were capable of opening such doors with just the flick of a wrist, the challenge was almost negligable. She had taken a brief look around the home, before allowing herself the comfort of sitting down on a chair in the room. Next to the chair, the figure of the Matoran owner lay still, sleeping on his bed.Leaning over, she placed her clawed fingers on his throat and the other on his mouth. His eyes shot open immediately, followed by a sharp intake of breath. He tried to call out, but the grip of her hand was like a vice. "Shhhhhh...." she whispered. "I've heard so many things about the quiet nature of the Ko-Matoran. Why don't you show me just how quiet you can be."Her purple eyes seemed to drill right into his frightened blue stare. "I will let you speak now. If you are one bit too loud, I will make sure you'll never speak again, you understand?" The Matoran nodded. "Excellent."Slowly, she took her hand from his mouth. He gasped, before asking in a quivering whsiper: "Who are you?"Kohra smiled at him; it was the kind of smile that left not the slightest shadow of a doubt that she was not to be crossed. "Why, I am a customer of yours...or rather, I will be." she said. The Matoran continued to stare. That had made less than no sense. And had he not been woken up under threat of death in the middle of the night, his ususal cynicism would have pointed it out. Now though, he only managed to ask: "What do you want?"Kohra's smile broadened further. "I wish to hire you, of course. I've put an ear to the ground and from what I have heard, it seems you are one of the best sherpas in the village. As it happens, I am in need of a sherpa. I need to reach the cliff of the northern glacier. I hear the view is quite wonderful." The Matoran shook his head. An obviously crazy Vortixx, raising him in the dead of night, just so she could moongaze...was he dreaming? A sharp poke to his shoulder immediately discouraged that thought."Now, if you don't mind, there is a fair bit of walking to be done and I wish to see the stars." Kohra said, her voice like the ice atop the mountain. "So get out of bed.""Yes, yes, of course..." the Matoran muttered quietly, sliding his legs over the bedside and carefully standing up. He was about to walk to another room when a hand held him back. Kohra shook her head, indicating the door. "But I need my gear." he protested. She shook her head again. "No gear. Just you and your knowledge of the glaciers."Reluctantly, the Matoran opened the door of the hut, Kohra following close behind. As she pulled the door close again behind them, Kohra flicker her wrist once more, relocking the small house. The small Matoran kept walking, shivering slightly. Something which he definitely did not attribute to the cold. Kohra carefully led him to the northern side of the village, making sure they did not come across any guards or other travelers out by this late hour, until they reached a passage between two huts. There was a large rock behind them, taller than either building, that redirected the slow flow of the ice around a small bend. And hewn into it's surface were flat, snow-covered stairs."Lead the way." Kohra told the Matoran. And he did.OOC: All the devious planning in the world and then the plot comes together in my mind within 30 seconds. Dang. Totally didn't plan on the wall of text, but I had a sudden inspiration ;) Edited by Vezok's Friend




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OOC: So how do you want it to go with the travelling? I think with the assault happening, it would be a good idea to take time travelling and spend some time in Ga and Ta while we do, possibly running into a few other Aitua. Your call.IC: AtvinMariko's reaction proved to be rather informative, revealing possible small but important fragments of his past which he had yet to share. Hopefully more of that would flow out over time rather than have it asked for."So shall we get going to Ga-Wahi?"OOC: I liked the Queen reference, by the way ;)

Edited by TX Wade
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IC: Elian"It's disturbing. It's like watching your life leak out in a pool of red....." Elian shuddered again.She lookeed at Sehrii. "Right. So, what's the plan? Where are we headed?"

Edited by Krayzikk Champion of RPGs



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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OOC: Thanks for the heads up, I was gonna absorb the snakes. O_o you know me well.IC: Optimus was blasted by the Fire Shotgun, sending him flying back, but making the snakes miss when they tried to touch him. As of course they would not cease just because of that, he ignited his sword and swung at the snakes, somewhat turning them into arcs of flame that flew away and dissipated. "Cheating the barrier. Just what I would expect of you, Megatron."OOC: Even though I know what he actually did was perfectly legal. Lol.IC: Optimus, still holding his Blast Rod, fired repeatedly at Megatron. He shot a few at the barrier, which would reflect them, so he would be shooting both at Megatron's front and his back. He shot jets of flame from his sword that closed in on Megatron from the sides. Hopefully Megatron couldn't fly.OOC: With something as creative as your last attack, I wouldn't be much surprised if he found a way. XD


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IC: "Yeah...Megatron himself was knocked out several times...ironically..." He couldn't bring himself to say the rest. Megatron had fought for Keretao. If he only knew, as Optimus did, that back then, he fought his jealousy, tears would have come to his eyes. But then he let his jealousy take over when the humble Orion Pax became a towering Toa. Following his meeting with The Fallen, so began the war. "Do you remember Que? Your creator?"


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OOC: This conversation is funny. Oh, and Optimus was diplomatic, Hubert. Remember the jail negotiation? He pretty much stopped Barricade and Ratchet from being stuck in there for years and killing half the guards out of desperation. IC: "So, where are the other Dinobots?"


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