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Bzprpg - Ko-Wahi

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IC-Naut:Naut rolled his eyes as Dervian tried to evade logic, and then instantly increased the gravity between Dervian and the plasma one-hundred fold, the plasma shooting out again, a miniature star compared to what was around it. He'd need to be very, very smart to get out of Naut's little trap. Unless Naut, you know, nudged him away to cause pain instead of death. Which is probably what Naut would do, all sadistic and all.Yeah, Naut forced Dervian slightly out of the way with his element. Giving them Pain before death always made it that much more satisfying.

Edited by Kal Grochi

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OOC: Editing. IC: With Dervian stuck to the barrel, and the cannon dysfunctional until Dervian died or willed otherwise, he had both hands free. "You still can't fire that." He formed a wind sphere at the tip of each sword, one pointed at each opponent. "I can fire and completely control these, however."

Edited by TNG Prime


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IC: Big ConvoyBig Convoy grinned, and drew his maces with a clunk. Each one was a perfectly balanced implement of destruction, a metal rod wrapped in leather, with a spiked head. The low light glinted off the spined weapon. "You know, Aukati. Elements only work when you concentrate. And you know what isn't very conducive to that? A mace to the head."Big Convoy stalked forward slowly, advancing on where Dervian lay on the ground. As he walked, he slammed his weapons on the ground with each step. "You now, I could've let you livebefore. But know, you've threatened me." In two more strides, he reached the Toa. "Goodbye."The first wwing was aimed at Dervian's pelvis, powerful enough to utterly smash the bones there, beyond recovery. Next, was directed twoard his elbow, a painful place to be harmed. Then the other elbow, each swing a relentless blow for destruction. Then the knees. Finally, he raised a mace, surely coated in blood since it was impossible to avoid all the blows, and swung at Dervian's head.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Dervian willed the two spheres together before Big Convoy could reach him with a single one of the described attacks. "This coming from someone who threatened to kill Optimus and nearly tried to? Oh no, Maximal. It's YOU who overstepped!" The wind spheres collided and unleashed a massive explosion of wind, chaotic tendrils of the condensed wind lashing out and only avoiding Dervian by his own will. The wind made a massive blast, not made by Dervian alone, but by the slamming of the spheres. Big Convoy flew away, and unless his weapons could grow 50 feet, Dervian was in the clear. "Now, I'm angry." A wind shuriken formed above Dervian and flew towards Big Convoy, perfectly guided. "Now I don't think killing you is worth it...but I'll certainly make sure you never attack an Aukati again. HOW DARE YOU, MAXIMAL?!"


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IC-Naut:Naut held Big Convoy down with gravity, preventing him from flying away, while he tossed Dervian back at the last second. The wind shuriken flew up, hopelessly off target, and dissipated into the air as Dervian landed again, this time face first on the ground.

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IC: An air cushion prevented the fall.OOC: I'm pretty sure you're coming close to modding. Manipulating the minuscule gravity of all things to a point of any significance at all is not a common Gravity Toa ability, and one that even an Element Lord, if there existed one, would probably have trouble with.IC: Dervian laughed, as the perfectly, skillfully, no, artfully guided wind shuriken spawned another and each flew unstoppably at each of his targets.

Edited by TNG Prime


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IC-Naut:"Those wind Shuriken are bloody annoying, you know that?" He dropped his concentration on holding Dervian down to force both Big Convoy and himself down, underneath the Shuriken for a moment. He then charged Dervian like a raging bull, slashing out with his claws.

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IC: Dervian made a very narrow but condensed wind gust, like a battering ram with only six inches of width. It kept Naut back and probably blew him away. "Melee is not a good idea against me." The wind shuriken came back around at Naut from the back, as the other came back around at Big Convoy--again.


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IC-Naut:Naut rooted himself with his element, making heavy, gravity assissted steps towards Dervian, until he was nothing but a few feet away, as Dervian was pushing against him. However, he did not attack Dervian. Instead, he waited until the last second, and dropped, allowing Dervian's wind shuriken to converge upon him.And even if that didn't work, Naut also launched two upward stabs towards Dervian's groin region.

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IC: Big ConvoyThe wind shuriken simply pinged off his armor, leaving barely a scratch.Over a matter of seconds, Big Conviy knew what he would do. His plan, such as it was, relied on keeping Dervian too busy to react. A second after deciding, he swing into action.Big Convoy charged, sheathing one mace. Since Dervian's attention was riveted on the shurikens and his air battering ram, he didn't have time to react to the charge. In fact, he was about to have even less, as Convoy tyre Cabolo with his free hand, sending five fruit flying at his opponent from several angles.His distraction now in place, he took advantage if his opening. Convoy lunged, simultaneously swing his mace at Dervian's knee. He landed right next to his cannon. Since Detvian had performed such precise manipulations if air, he had been forced to take his attention off of the cannon. As such, it was once again operable. Convoy squeezed the trigger before Dervian could react, sending a blast of plasma toward Dervian's head at point blank range.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Instead, the winds caused by the shuriken's rotation, and Dervian's curving its path upward as it flew past Naut, kept Naut from swinging with any level remotely near accuracy, unless he wore a Pakari to resist the winds. "Good job with the gravity. It makes you slower." Dervian kept up the narrow gust and had the wind shuriken fly down at Naut from above. Stay heavy? He would get hit before he realized it was coming. Get light? He would be blasted back several feet. Stay the same? Both, as soon as the wind shuriken unstoppably and irrevocably hit. Big Convoy was unable to get anywhere near Dervian, let alone point blank. Wind gusts do that. "Wow. I didn't even have to do anything else about this one." Dervian's pre-made attacks and their aftermath had made it so that absolutely zero focus or effort were used to stop Big Convoy. However, he had no offensive against him aside from one big bloody gash.

Edited by TNG Prime


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IC:There was no immediate reply to Draeverian, only more mockingly cold laughter. The Vortixx atop the outcropping elegantly stepped over its edge, suspended in mid-air for a long second, before touching down on the snow below sliding down several feet, coming to a stop at the base of the enormous rock. Casually, almost ignoring the weapons the three Toa wielded, she sashayed closer. Her walk remained in the same pattern as always, even here on the frozen plateau. It was both attractive to most beholders and dangerous to those of them who did not know her. Which was almost everybody. But Draeverian knew her. And he knew her well enough to be dangerous; something she found unacceptable. The Toa of sonics needed to be dealt with, even if chosing to reveal herself to the trio was rather risky. But then again, it was part of her plan. The Vortixx slowed her steps until she stood closer, but still far enough away to be a mere silhouette against the light of the moon. The cold smile she wore broadened as she studied Draeverian. He had made a fascinating recovery...and had managed to not get imprisoned either."Ah, Draeverian Joskiir. I am glad to see you are doing well...", her eyes glanced over to Mariko and Atvin, "and you've made some new friends. I must say, it is quite a surprise to not see you incarcerated, after all that you've done...do your friends know about all those crimes you have comitted? Behind Draeverian, Mariko glanced at Atvin. "Be wary, she's evil." The other Toa of sonics raised an eyebrow, glancing back at his companion. No kidding, the look seemed to say. Mariko couldn't really explain it now, the situation was getting tense. But he could feel what the other two couldn't. Whoever this Kohra was, she was embued by shadows greater than her own. Mariko activated his ability, though he knew it was of little use at this time. Perhaps if they engaged the Vortixx he could get a hand on her, but right now she kept her distance. And Mariko instinctively knew they were facing an experienced adversary. And the bad feeling that something was terribly wrong here nagged at the back of his mind, now more than ever."Who are you? What do you want from us?" he demanded loudly. But the Vortixx didn't answer verbally, instead eyeing Mariko with a cold stare. Finally, she spoke: "Tut, tut now, my dear Toa. Or have your elders never taught you it is rude to interrupt when others are in conversation. I was just about to inquire about the well-being of dear Draeverian here. He is after all in a peculiar situation...always walking in shadow, even in the light. Responsible for the deaths of...oh, more Matoran than i care to count or remember.""Spare us your words of deceit, servant of darkness!" Mariko spat, his face contorted into an expression of undisguised hatred. Hatred that he had accumulated over more than a thousand years, directed at all who served the shadows. Kohra's smile vanished. Her purple eyes drifted slowly from the definatly standing Draeverian to the darker Toa to his right. The one that could not keep his mouth shut. "I wasn't talking to you." she hissed coldly, twisting her clawed hand and flicking it outward. Suddenly, Mariko felt his head rocking to the right. He stumbled for two steps, but caught himself, then the throbbing along his jaw began. His green eyes narrowed and glared at the Vortixx, who had just given him a telekinetic backhanded slap to the face. "Always so eager to get involved, Toa...always interfering in the affairs of others, wether it is wished for or not. Even if you know that you might possibly get in way too deep with the Takea. And still, what you don't know can still hurt you. A lot." The dangerous smile Mariko had learned to loathe over the past few minutes crept back onto Kohra's face, even it was hard to discern in the darkness. He clenched his hands into fists. Kohra's eyes continued to linger on him. It was as if she was reading something in him. "Oh my..." she said, her eyebrows raising just a trifle bit. The her expression changed, a look akin of cheerful interest. "But you're not like the others, are you?" she asked, rhetorically. "No, most definitely not...I can see it in your eyes. And I have seen Toa's looks in the face of horror." She paused, intentionally glancing at Draeverian. "Yet you manage to keep your countenance. But I can tell you are so much further into the dpeths of Karzhani than he is." Mariko glared at her even more. With a single chuckle she turned back to the Toa of sonics. She smiled."Take a good look at your new friend here. This is what awaits you. The torture of hearing all the souls you doomed, screaming for the rest of your life. You will see them, every time you close your eyes. How you have managed to keep your conscience quiet for so long is truly a marvel to behold.""You!" Draeverian shouted, the surging of his elemental power enhancing the word,causing it to echo loudly from the peaks rising behind the Vortixx. The Toa of Sonics raised Rivet high, twirling her around, until the twin-prongs faced straight down. With another yell, he rammed them downwards. Just before they made contact, Mariko caught the look on the Vortixx' face. The cold smile had broadened into an evil grin. And in the blink of an eye, he realized what was going on. They were playing right into her hands. This was what she wanted, why she had shown herself in the first place. He didn't know what her relationship to Draeverian was, prior to meeting the Toa of sonics, but she had known him well enough to tear right into a weak spot with her words, provoking him into doing exactly what he was doing now. For Mariko, it was as if time slowed to a crawl. He turned to Draeverian, hands reaching out."No! Wait!" he shouted. But it was too late. Draeverian unleashed a sonic shockwave through Rivet, aimed for Kohra. But the Vortixx had counted on the Toa's element. Had the ice been solid, she would have been knocked off her feet. But the ice was not solid. Not anymore. Over the course of hours, the heatstones had melted their way into the natural crack in the ice, affecting internal structures of the glacier that had remained untouched for centuries. Placed strategically as they were, the heat continued to destabilize the ice, to the point where the small portion of it would have eventually collapsed in on itself in time. But she had not felt like waiting. So once again, she had elisted the unwilling help of the blind Toa of sonics to achieve her goals.Before the sound of Mariko's shout had faded, they all felt the rumbling of something huge beneath their feet. It was as if a dragon had slept below the ice and was awoken from slumber. Mariko's eyes darted downwards. And then the inevitable thunder erupted. The edge of the crack in the ice exploded into a cloud of dust and shards of ice as the whole protrusion, together with the portion of the cliff underneath it broke away from the rest of the glacier. Mariko glanced once more at Atvin and Draeverian, then the three of them fell, the ground underneath their feet giving away. The last thing Draeverian could see, was the figure of Kohra, standing unmoving at the new edge of the glacier. Then the fall turned him over and she vanished from sight. But as he fell, he thought he could hear her chuckling softly over the roar of the collapsing glacier.Tons of ice began to fall, taking even more snow and rocks with them as they did; an avalanche, aimed for the valley below...and a small part of the village of Ko-Koro. The few huts, a little away from the main-part of the village mainly housed Matoran scholars. The sleeping villagers were suddenly awoken by what seemed like the growling of the mountain itself. But that was the only warning they got. A few managed to leave their homes, most didn't. But no matter where they were, the falling masses of ice and snow buried them all equally. When the last boulder of ice stopped moving, silence fell once more. Atop the edge, Kohra contentedly looked down upon the destruction. At her feet, the dead figure of the sherpa laid still. Soon enough, the Ko-Matoran would find the message: That their virtues were worthless.With a smile, the Vortixx turned around and vanished into the night.OOC: And there we go. as per Nuju's approval, a small part of Ko-Koro has been buried under an avalanche, killing many of the Matoran there and damaging several huts. This does not affect any major locations in Ko-Koro itself.

Edited by Vezok's Friend




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OOC: Fantastic post there Veef! Kohra has really "done it again," needless to say you've made such a huge amount of character dev material for DJ right there... (Yeah, Atvin and Mariko got a ton as well, but I'm a bit single minded these days, lol.) Now, to follow up something that great, I guess I can't just leave it at one line of text, now can I? Drat. :PIC Draeverian JoskiirThere were flames everywhere. Long streams of hot, red, flames flowing outwards across a white canvas. What a bizarre world, Draeverian thought as he fell, watching as his vision became useless in the air. Kohra's chuckle rung in his ears, even above the growling of the mountain's fury. Blocks of ice hurtled past in a world of white, the red lines continuing to spread upwards, as if trails in the sky to record his fall from grace to the grave. How is that flame possible? He wondered, the dull realization of the truth yet to come. He hit the main branch of the avalanche from the front, the mass of animalistic hatred towards civilization gobbling up the toa without direction or purpose. He was just another pawn in the collection of velocity. Inside, Draeverian was battered and assailed, crushed and thrown, his body seeming more like a rag-doll with every critical blow. His earbuds were thrown loose in the destruction, and Draeverian threw up his arms to attempt to block out the momentous sound thrashing around -- rings of doom vipers were striking straight to his brain, lashing out at his mind with hatred against their master. Under such siege, Draeverian fell.The avalanche buried the small glacial huts on the outskirts of ko-koro with a power reminiscent of divine punishment. Each scholar found himself thrashed and buried before his scream of terror was realized in his mind. There was no time to escape, and the snow covered all in silence, a stark paradox to its furious nature. Shoved against the foundations of a buried home, Draeverian was packed in with snow, rocks cutting into his body from all sides. Surprisingly, Rivet had come along for the ride, even though she was no longer in his hand but in his lap, her teeth gently cutting into his ribs from the external influence of pressure. What have I done? Draeverian attempted to think, but conscious thought alluded him in any form. He was the beast one killed on the side of the road, if only to put them out of their misery. Somehow, above the torture of his fate, Draeverian's mind was concerned with the buried matoran. The freakish binding chain of duty held him to such provocations. Without air, he was suffocating, and yet;"To KARZ with it!" He screamed, thrashing himself forwards, fighting against the tide. "It won't end like this!" He grasped Rivet in his mutilated hand, using her to funnel through the rocks, her blades becoming nicked and bent as she was thrashed outwards against Nature's cold ice. STOP IT DRAE! Do you want me to DIE?! She screamed with each jab into the snow, her mantra a reminder of those he had failed. Halfway through he faltered, his mind reeling back to earlier days as he began to lose consciousness..."Don't make me hit you, Drae," the toa laughed, her hand tapping him in the shoulder with a jovial shock that bounced him slightly into the air. He shook himself, and and bent down to pick up the bag he'd dropped. "You almost blew up the cabolo, seriously," Draeverian retorted as his grabbed the purple tinted fruit and placed it back in the cloth bag before scooping the handles up in his hand once more. He blinked, enjoying the heat of the day, made all the more potent by the live volcano in the background. "You know, if you were going to get my attention, there's better ways." His companion giggled, her face contorted into mock shock. "You're joking! I thought only getting you to jump would work." She jolted him again slightly for play, then darted slightly to the side as he returned with a sharp jab, his hand missing her by miles. Shaking his head, he began to walk again, his hand soon finding its natural resting place in hers. Color abounded with sounds, their vibrant playfulness nowhere better expressed than in the city of fire. He watched as a merchant swept the ash from his sidewalk, cleaning the way for the red and yellow armored customers who were sure to pay visit to his shop. He paused, taking stock of how strange this all seemed all of a sudden."What's wrong Drae?" She asked, her eyes staring at him. He didn't look back. "What's wrong Drae?""I," He began, "I dunno. It just all seems too fake. Like, I'm not supposed to be here anymore."His companion slowly released her grip on his hand, her fingers shaking slightly as they left his palm. "What's that supposed to mean? Are we... Are we..."If its ko-koro or you, then yes, die! His duty resolving Draeverian's heart to kill his only friend if that was what it took to save the lives of those encased in snow.If you die, that means I'm dead too, you know!"Why don't we test that theory." Draeverian said and clenched his jaw into a locked grimace, averting his pain to his subconscious, letting his mind forget about the past, or what he had become.His fist punched through the freezing sheet of snow, accessing the surface world once more, his vision dull no longer with the threat of sound, but of blood loss. Draeverian was more akin to a toa of flame in color than his natural element, the red blood flowing in slow trickles across his body licking like hot flames against the cold metal. He thrashed himself outwards until he was only waist deep, then pulled with his hands to release his lower body. The space he had occupied collapsed and filled with snow, trapping his ankle but a quick ##### and a scream of pain brought his leg, broken yet intact, back to the surface of the nightmares. The wind howled all the greater without his earbuds to block out such noise, its ripping shriek piercing like the falling snow. For a toa of sound, there was no stillness here. He heard the breathing of his comrades, the cries of the doomed, and his heart beating, beating, beating. Where do I begin? His eyeband was gone, and Draeverian had to clench his eyelids closed to avoid the pain of his sockets being assailed by the air. The eyelashes were no longer long and supple, but watery and short, giving a limp depreciation of their original purpose. Through his black world, he could make out the sounds of two larger beings. Not sure where to really begin, he dragged his broken body to the closest and starting using Rivet as a shovel, tossing snow behind him until he grasped a fellow hand and began to pull...

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OOC: Geon spotted them, but they were two seperate groups then, and Botan, Tamaka, and Takana hadn't even gotten to the others, they had only been spotted heading towards Geon, Fehron, and Kotahk.IC Dymiun"Don't let him get away!" he yelled, magnetizing Zenex's armored limbs together.IC Geon"That's an easy way to get lost quick. Also, Kakamas don't work very well in knee-deep snow."
OOC: I'm planning on having the crystal destroyed later. It is the equivelent to a pakari right now.PS: I'm going on a 12 day vacation and won't be online until then.I.C. Zenex made contact with the crystal. He was immediately gifted with a surge of strength, with which he resisted the magnetic surge, hacked down the brittle igloo hut with his axe, and ran off quite swiftly. Having long legs, he was able to outrun them.Kranuka chased after him as hard as he could, but was a little slow. "I should have stabbed him when I had the chance!"I.C. "I forgot about that. Fehron, is it possible for you to make a compass?"


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IC-Naut:Instead of doing any of the things that Dervian supplied, Naut istead altered the pull of gravity, easily pulling him out of the way of the wind shuriken, and not sending him flying.However, this pulled him right next to Lio Convoy, and he was getting tired."Nice to have somebody that'll correct these people," he growled to the other being.

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i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC: AtvinAtvin's world turned into chaos as he became engulfed in the mass of ice and snow sliding downhill. All he could see was a swirling mass of white, his ears were pained with the roar of nature surrounding him, his stomach was nauseated and his lungs felt like they were about to explode any second. All thought process had been reduced to a minimum, primal instincts kicking in instead as he tried to survive what would be a probable death. Atvin continued to be swept away by the powerful current, clawing at the snow in a futile attempt to escape its grasp.Very few times did he get the opportunity to breathe, being tossed in and out of the avalanche like a rag doll. Even with his Kualsi, there was too little time for escape and nowhere to safe to teleport to. Finally, what seemed to be an endless nightmare came to an end as all went black.The Toa of sound awoke with a gasp, in a crevice with snow overlaying it but there was room left to breathe. It took him a while to register the whole situation, baffled that he was still alive and stuck in somewhat of a daze. What shook him out of it was his stomach, regurgitating its contents and forcing him to vomit to the side, both out of stress and physical reasons. Wiping the bile out of his mouth, he tried to move but his rib cage felt as if it was set on fire when he did. Atvin clutched his chest in pain, waited several minutes, tried to move again but found that he had not the strength at the time.So this is how it all ends, huh? Freeze to death in a buried crevice because of some random creep we ran into. Talk about bad luck.Well if he was going to die, he'd rather be asleep when it happens and it just so happened that the events took a real toll on him, allowing fatigue to settle in. He took no comfort in the thought since his fate was absolutely terrible but he refused to break down. Atvin closed his eyes slowly, shivering in his wait for death to take him peacefully...until a series of digging sounds interrupted him. Suddenly, a hole appeared in the snow, letting in stark daylight accompanied by a hand reaching for him. A spark of hope ignited within him and without thinking, he clasped the hand and let it pull him out.

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IC, Aurax: Aurax stopped the group. They were near the edge of the village. "Okay guys, I think we'll just wait here for Stannis," he said. He walked over to a bench and sat down. I dear hope to Mata Nui that we'll find something in Ta-Koro, he thought to himself. If we don't, then we'll have failed our mission. He looked back towards the Sanctum. What's taking Stannis so long? he thought. Surely there can't be someting that important to talk about.

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OOC: Geon spotted them, but they were two seperate groups then, and Botan, Tamaka, and Takana hadn't even gotten to the others, they had only been spotted heading towards Geon, Fehron, and Kotahk.IC Dymiun"Don't let him get away!" he yelled, magnetizing Zenex's armored limbs together.IC Geon"That's an easy way to get lost quick. Also, Kakamas don't work very well in knee-deep snow."
OOC: I'm planning on having the crystal destroyed later. It is the equivelent to a pakari right now.PS: I'm going on a 12 day vacation and won't be online until then.I.C. Zenex made contact with the crystal. He was immediately gifted with a surge of strength, with which he resisted the magnetic surge, hacked down the brittle igloo hut with his axe, and ran off quite swiftly. Having long legs, he was able to outrun them.Kranuka chased after him as hard as he could, but was a little slow. "I should have stabbed him when I had the chance!"I.C. "I forgot about that. Fehron, is it possible for you to make a compass?"
IC Fehron"Yes, but without Dymiun, it won't point north."IC DymiunOne teleport later, Dymiun was standing right in Zenex's path. "Where do you thing you're going?" Dymiun tripped Zenex and the crystal tumbled out of the bag. Touching it, Dymiun was gifted with the same super strength, wrestling Zenex to the ground.


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IC: As his attacks were already performed on Big Convoy and he was waiting for a response, and Naut seemed to not be doing anything anymore, Dervian let him be. "By the way, since the plasma's cleared out of the barrel, I think that point is irrelevant."He turned the wind shuriken again, sending it at Big Convoy, while still keeping just enough of his focus on Naut to react if he did anything.


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OOC: Well guys...you definitely took that avalanche and made it your own private Karzhani...I wouldn't have been mad if you had found a way out of it almost unharmed. But seriously, that was pretty awesome.IC:A shadow fell over Draeverian. Which the Toa of course couldn't see, but he could hear the footsteps. Raising his head, he saw the outline of Mariko, reaching down to his injured companion. Together, they pulled on the hand that could only be Atvin's. This is why we can't have nice things...Mariko thought to himself. He reached inside his satchel and produced a small roll of gauze. He had learned a very long time ago that leaving home without a bandaid, as a Toa, was incredibly risky. He quickly examined the injuries on hsi friends body. Apart from what seemed like a broken leg, the majority were superficial. Blunt trauma, from tumbling among ice.Mariko winced as he bent down. He probably had a few broken ribs as well. Only a quick use of his mask had prevented him from faring worse. Gently, he unwrapped the gauze and tied it around his companions head at eyelevel."You look like Karzhani." he remarked.




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IC: Draeverian Joskiir"I'll believe it when I see it," Draeverian joked in a rasping tongue, giving Atvin a gentle pat on the shoulder for consolation as the three rested on the top of the now finished avalanche. Slowly his sound-world was coming back together, and within minutes Draeverian was able to distinguish the individual pieces of Mariko's armor. However, even as the trio recovered from their fall, Draeverian knew there were several more beneath the surface. He had felt them all die, one by one, as Atvin was pulled from his snowy prison. How much more can I fail my duty?How much more can you abuse me?! Rivet clanked out, looking more like the blades of a helicopter than the tuning fork shaped sword. You've TRASHED me, Drae. How am I supposed to feel proud about myself like this? Draeverian gave a slight chuckle at the thought, but his focus stayed on the dead. The bandage around his empty sockets was a welcome extension of help from Mariko, but Draeverian tugged slightly at the itchy fabric, wishing for his leather eyeband and the smooth comfort it provided. Still scratching, Draeverian began to casually address his compaions;"They've all past, you know," He said absently, attempting to detach himself from the violent emotions bottling up inside, "They've all passed to the promised land, where matoran live free with Mata-Nui's helping hand. Why is it he never helps us now, when darkness falls and there's only us around?"He shook his head, his words failing as emotion began to clench inwards, crushing his walls of security. His shoulders slumped at the finality of what he had done. Again."When you go dark, you can never go back, can you?"

Edited by Kughii
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IC: Atvin"Well I'll be." Atvin muttered upon seeing his companions, hardly expecting to see them alive much less be the ones to dig him out. Every single one of them appeared to be roughed up but nowhere near the verge of death or something fatal for that matter. The De-Toa knew for himself that a few of his ribs were broken and his left arm was pretty smashed up. With the initial shock of the avalanche and the pleasant surprise of being dug up wearing out, Atvin went back into the events prior to the catastrophe, playing the scenario over and over again in his head.The Vortixx's face was burned into his memory and a dangerous fire raged inside of him at the simple thought of her, vowing that if they ever crossed paths again, she would suffer a horrible death. Not only because that she nearly killed him but because of the pointless mass murder of Ko-Matoran for whatever reasons she deemed good. Although brooding over that subject wouldn't do him any good at the moment so it would have to wait. Draeverian's philosophical question caught his attention instead."You can. I believe that anyone can achieve anything: it simply matters how determined you are and how far you'll go to accomplish your goals. Sometimes, the right path to choose may be foggy and therefore unseen however at one point or another, it'll clear up and present itself." Atvin replied, not quite sure whether his fellow Toa was going through a mental phase or something of the sort."Survive, push forward and let nothing burden you to the point of breaking down, especially if it involves your past...lets continue this conversation when we're walking. We need to go. We're of no help to the village in our state."

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