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Friar Tuck

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I prefer to think of the matoran as average people in a psychological storm that has surrounded them for over a thousand years, with one hundred more recent years with less hopeful lives than before. Granted, they are hardy people, but we have mostly seen canonical examples of matoran living in a civilization ruled by ideals and faith in their god, at least when it comes to matoran on Mata Nui and Metru Nui.But these people have a life more akin to those from Voya Nui or the Southern Continent. Their hopes have been crushed, they live in a tyranny, and now even their elders, the supervisors of the Virtues and the guardians of prophesy, are gone and not to be the same. Their heroes have been cast down, their brave ones dead or taken away, and now their lands are rife with pessimistic wannabe heroes and psychotic corporeal villains. These matoran have been through much more than the matoran we are used to.The matoran are also not bound to the stereotypes we see in other literary fiction. They are the common inhabitants of a land, the humans of the Matoraverse. They are not the minority of children in a city or a small alcove of Hobitts in their little Shire, these are the men of the land, with all the maturity their environment lends to them. It matters not if you age them canonically as hundreds of thousands of years old or play them as young people only 40 years of age, these are people who either live in or were born in a rotten epoch of despair.Will there be the immature ones? Sure, people can play their people as childish and petty, but the ignorance would be feigned and the idealism waned over time. They all must face their demons, and in the matoran's case, their demons are all around them.

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:kaukau: Alright, let me put it in a little clearer sense: while I don't imagine these people as being childish, I see them as struggling not to allow the troubles of the world affect them and turn them into people they don't want to become, and have managed to still live in the simple moments that uncover what life is all about: our relationships with others. They still find room for enjoying the simple things in life, the things that make life worth living, and they notice many of its beauties.I suppose I could explain by detailing how each character of mine fits into this tale:Ruby: A Ta-Koro guard and lava surfer. She wishes to fall in love and run away with a friend who completes her. Like I said earlier, someone who makes life worth living.Tom: A dreamer sitting back at home in Po-Koro, volunteering for the guard but also writing plays in his spare time. He never got around much, until a wandering friend introduced him to the rest of the island. Even though it's dangerous and he doesn't want to get hurt, he has an undying faith in all Toa and idolizes them.Jloudo: A coward on constant panic mode, Jloudo surprisingly isn't all that affected by the war with Makuta. Even though it's given him ample room to be frightened, he's still clung to his interests in pharmacy and veterinary practices, and has an extremely eccentric love for walks with his pet ussal, Duku. People universally regard him as weird, and he hasn't made up his mind on whether or not he enjoys friendship.Kraggh: A wandering Ko-Matoran, he's avoided the problems of the war with Makuta and has stubbornly distances himself from violence and danger. He has often ignored any implications for his own destiny and has engaged in the Platonic pursuit of comprehending and appreciating the world more fully. He sees it for its underlying beauty and doesn't want any psychological cloud to blot out his view.Cari: While admittingly frustrated by the war with Makuta and highly opinionated about Toa, she doesn't necessarily see the war as her own personal conflict. The problems that really define her in life are being overworked, treated poorly, and not having enough time to gather good friendships. She also struggles with prejudices and harsh feelings. She needs a personal journey that takes her away from stress and makes her feel younger again, and she needs to learn to see the beauty in people she doesn't like.Nixi: A Le-Matoran who spends much time writing in her journal, she's often quite observant. What she sees most is the breaking of spirit, and she stands up for the poor and downtrodden. She's more of a firefighter than a soldier (literally, she's a firefighter), she wants nothing more than to protect the people she cares for and ensure that everyone has hope and faith. She spends much time contemplating destiny and what it has in store for her...but in the meantime, she's busy making sure her friends have healthy minds. Like many of the others in my future group, she enjoys the simple things in life. In her case, she has nerdy interests such as books. Similar to Kraggh, she takes time to appreciate beauty, although unlike Kraggh she looks more at the beauty of particulars (especially individuals) rather than the big picture ideas. Particulars, for her, would be individual people. Where Kraggh is Plato she is Aristotle. She also takes some inspiration from Anne Frank.I guess you could say that for these characters, Makuta is more of a big bully rather than Darth Vader. He has, of course, haped their lives to some extent, but there's still much room for these people to go on a personal journey that reflects timeless themes such as friendship, trust, understanding, faith, happiness, belonging, imagination, curiosity, serendipity, peace, and love.At present, Tom is a little traumatized by the death of a friend. That's not quite Calvin and Hobbes. But it hasn't fundamentally changed him. It only makes him want to go on a "long walk", so that he can appreciate life more while it lasts, and wait for serendipity to happen.Perhaps these people aren't quite possible, but then it is all the more fitting that they're known as the Nobodies. But yes, I do want to capture something that holds onto the simplicities of MNOG II in times that are so unlike it, so it seems that I'm nudging more closely to Nuju Metru's interpretation of Matoran. At the end of the day, when you subtract Makuta, all they want are the same things that everyone else wants deep down inside, and those are things that I really want to explore through the unique characters that are Matoran.It's no wonder little Kraggh has forced himself to forget that he's a chibi Toa. Matoran are extraordinary.Your Honor,Emperor Kraggh
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None of my characters really follow any of the basic personality traits, which I guess makes up for mg ego, attitude, and meager writing style. I'll name a few (I've got a whole lot) just to show what I mean.Zlynn (Shady): A killer who has lost his mind. He killed his family and many more, not to mention he enjoys his job. But that's normal around here. Half the time, he's a citizen who has saved lives and contributes to society. Not interesting enough for you? He doesn't have a split personality. His dual lives are personal choice.Eonian: According to him, he's not even on the right continent. Hogwash, of course. Mata-Nui and a few surrounding islands make up the world. Right? Anyways, now here, he has two daughters. Most people know them as Knife and Edge. He kicked them out on the streets because he claimed they were sadomasochists. He hates the world. Little does anyone know, he's a closet sadomasochist himself.Huh. Not as interesting as they sounded in my head. I would write about Coryza, but that kind of bragging would be more blatant than the kind above.

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"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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Somebody please give me a concise summary of the recent happenings of the Rama attack. I'll love you forever if you do... At least, for a few minutes. :)

Here's my understanding. It's not very detailed and I haven't been keeping track of everything, but I think it has most of the action.
  • [*]Demolitions have set the explosives and are ready to blow them. The hive wall near to them has been taking a relentless battering from a mace-swinging pakari-user. Demolitions and the strike team are protecting the explosives from rama.[*]A few characters loyal to Makuta have been trying to get in the way, but have mostly been beaten (when last I checked).[*]The ground-squad is still fighting like a pack of angry muaka but struggling to make progress against the never-ending tide of nui-rama. Toa Zealokan is helping them out from his bamboo glider.[*]Two of the ground squad tempoarily passed out for a flashback, but they've woken up again.[*]The air-squad's leader went down for a bit, but I'm not sure whether he's back up yet. EDIT: Just checked. He's still on the ground. The rest of the aerial troops are having to do without him.

Edited by The Lorax


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If we consider the BIONICLE universe as following the Tolkien archetypes (which, let's face it, everything does),

So much yes. But seriously, I agree completely. And that actually sounds really fun, Kraggh. I like that idea. newso1.png

"As a writer you ask yourself to dream while awake." ~ Aimee Bender

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Somebody please give me a concise summary of the recent happenings of the Rama attack. I'll love you forever if you do... At least, for a few minutes. :)

Here's my understanding. It's not very detailed and I haven't been keeping track of everything, but I think it has most of the action.

  • [*]Demolitions have set the explosives and are ready to blow them. The hive wall near to them has been taking a relentless battering from a mace-swinging pakari-user. Demolitions and the strike team are protecting the explosives from rama.[*]A few characters loyal to Makuta have been trying to get in the way, but have mostly been beaten (when last I checked).[*]The ground-squad is still fighting like a pack of angry muaka but struggling to make progress against the never-ending tide of nui-rama. Toa Zealokan is helping them out from his bamboo glider.[*]Two of the ground squad tempoarily passed out for a flashback, but they've woken up again.[*]The air-squad's leader went down for a bit, but I'm not sure whether he's back up yet. EDIT: Just checked. He's still on the ground. The rest of the aerial troops are having to do without him.

Lorax has it right, but to go in slightly more detail:- After confirming that he's alive; Onyx is still sealed in his own little iron shelter, and is battering away at the wall with his Pakari-enhanced strength,as he doesn't have much else to do.- The others (demolitions, ground squad) have planted their makeshift explosives and retreated away from the hive itself. They are now simply battling Nui-Rama in general, waiting to see if it works. You can assume that they are set to blow ASAP, but the delay is probably realistic enough given that we are in the middle of a giant insect swarm here and thus need time to bat them away too. :)- In the meantime, three Makuta-loyal player characters attacked (well, two and a half, given that one keeps switching between his Jekyll and Hyde personalities), so they have kept us busy on the ground. One (Shade) is confirmed to have run off, another (the Hordika) is seemingly trying to run away, while the third (the reptilian Kyju) I haven't kept up with.- Several player characters have sustained injuries and are struggling to stay in the fight or getting their bearings. One or two have been lost. The rest are just trying to hold out until the battle plan proceeds. Edited by Katuko
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- After confirming that he's alive; Onyx is still sealed in his own little iron shelter, and is battering away at the wall with his Pakari-enhanced strength,as he doesn't have much else to do.

Saving himself by a hair by sealing off his iron shelter and he's pretty weak at the moment. Although, after battering away constantly at the wall, he left his iron prison and had Reordin plant a charge on the wall he attempted to soften up.
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Somebody please give me a concise summary of the recent happenings of the Rama attack. I'll love you forever if you do... At least, for a few minutes. :)

Here's my understanding. It's not very detailed and I haven't been keeping track of everything, but I think it has most of the action.

  • [*]Demolitions have set the explosives and are ready to blow them. The hive wall near to them has been taking a relentless battering from a mace-swinging pakari-user. Demolitions and the strike team are protecting the explosives from rama.[*]A few characters loyal to Makuta have been trying to get in the way, but have mostly been beaten (when last I checked).[*]The ground-squad is still fighting like a pack of angry muaka but struggling to make progress against the never-ending tide of nui-rama. Toa Zealokan is helping them out from his bamboo glider.[*]Two of the ground squad tempoarily passed out for a flashback, but they've woken up again.[*]The air-squad's leader went down for a bit, but I'm not sure whether he's back up yet. EDIT: Just checked. He's still on the ground. The rest of the aerial troops are having to do without him.

Lorax has it right, but to go in slightly more detail:- After confirming that he's alive; Onyx is still sealed in his own little iron shelter, and is battering away at the wall with his Pakari-enhanced strength,as he doesn't have much else to do.- The others (demolitions, ground squad) have planted their makeshift explosives and retreated away from the hive itself. They are now simply battling Nui-Rama in general, waiting to see if it works. You can assume that they are set to blow ASAP, but the delay is probably realistic enough given that we are in the middle of a giant insect swarm here and thus need time to bat them away too. :)- In the meantime, three Makuta-loyal player characters attacked (well, two and a half, given that one keeps switching between his Jekyll and Hyde personalities), so they have kept us busy on the ground. One (Shade) is confirmed to have run off, another (the Hordika) is seemingly trying to run away, while the third (the reptilian Kyju) I haven't kept up with.- Several player characters have sustained injuries and are struggling to stay in the fight or getting their bearings. One or two have been lost. The rest are just trying to hold out until the battle plan proceeds.
To add to this, I quote myself:

The Ussalry have escaped the swamp and have entered the field on its mainly unguarded left. The two medium (npc) regiments have detached to form a skirmishing line firing crossbows into the swarm, possessing enough flexibility in movement to split up and canter about while maintaining fire.

@EW: Because he wants it to actually get going? The School's been 'almost started' for a while now.



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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Somebody please give me a concise summary of the recent happenings of the Rama attack. I'll love you forever if you do... At least, for a few minutes. :)

Here's my understanding. It's not very detailed and I haven't been keeping track of everything, but I think it has most of the action.

  • [*]Demolitions have set the explosives and are ready to blow them. The hive wall near to them has been taking a relentless battering from a mace-swinging pakari-user. Demolitions and the strike team are protecting the explosives from rama.[*]A few characters loyal to Makuta have been trying to get in the way, but have mostly been beaten (when last I checked).[*]The ground-squad is still fighting like a pack of angry muaka but struggling to make progress against the never-ending tide of nui-rama. Toa Zealokan is helping them out from his bamboo glider.[*]Two of the ground squad tempoarily passed out for a flashback, but they've woken up again.[*]The air-squad's leader went down for a bit, but I'm not sure whether he's back up yet. EDIT: Just checked. He's still on the ground. The rest of the aerial troops are having to do without him.

Lorax has it right, but to go in slightly more detail:- After confirming that he's alive; Onyx is still sealed in his own little iron shelter, and is battering away at the wall with his Pakari-enhanced strength,as he doesn't have much else to do.- The others (demolitions, ground squad) have planted their makeshift explosives and retreated away from the hive itself. They are now simply battling Nui-Rama in general, waiting to see if it works. You can assume that they are set to blow ASAP, but the delay is probably realistic enough given that we are in the middle of a giant insect swarm here and thus need time to bat them away too. :)- In the meantime, three Makuta-loyal player characters attacked (well, two and a half, given that one keeps switching between his Jekyll and Hyde personalities), so they have kept us busy on the ground. One (Shade) is confirmed to have run off, another (the Hordika) is seemingly trying to run away, while the third (the reptilian Kyju) I haven't kept up with.- Several player characters have sustained injuries and are struggling to stay in the fight or getting their bearings. One or two have been lost. The rest are just trying to hold out until the battle plan proceeds.
Jus to add, the hordika should be incapacitated soon, because

IC:"I'm over here!" Lantz yelled at the Toa. He might not be able control where he went but he could give his and Skaarn's position away, and hope the Toa were powerful enough. Soon enough their body might collapse anyways from sheer exhaustion and loss of blood. Lantz sincerely hoped that the Hordika body had some sort of accelerated healing, even if only slightly. His body couldn't take much more.

And some other guy slashed at his arm, and I threw a madu cabolo at him/them, but we are just waiting for him to reply.

Could someone point out a good place for a travelling circus band to get some interaction? Thought I'd try with Ta-koro but no such luck

Is this travelling circus-band accepting new members? there's this one flute playing random character I made a month or 2 ago and don't have anything to do with.

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To add to all this, Nuju, we have built a bomb shelter, Auron's had a vision with Acrophobia's char (They were apparently lovers), and we are generally letting ourselves get our tail ends kicked. Who knew that dislocating your shoulder could be so much fun? :P-Bane

Gentlemen, it's time to spread the word. And the word is: Panic


life is not a question of how long we live, but what we do with the life we have

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Go figure, the day I'm home sick is the day almost nobody is on.*grumblegrumble*

Sorry, reality calls. Too bad, I'd interact with you, but you've probably got all your chars in conversation and other things.In other news, I'm reactivating chars in the other koros. I'm going to use them in between Nuju's posts at Le-Wahi.Shade will be in Ga-Wahi, and Mantoxis is in Ta-koro. Balta and Acrophobia, I'm waiting for you...-Bane

Gentlemen, it's time to spread the word. And the word is: Panic


life is not a question of how long we live, but what we do with the life we have

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Go figure, the day I'm home sick is the day almost nobody is on.*grumblegrumble*

Sorry, reality calls. Too bad, I'd interact with you, but you've probably got all your chars in conversation and other things.In other news, I'm reactivating chars in the other koros. I'm going to use them in between Nuju's posts at Le-Wahi.Shade will be in Ga-Wahi, and Mantoxis is in Ta-koro. Balta and Acrophobia, I'm waiting for you...-Bane
Hey, you should have Shade become a slave. :P

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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Go figure, the day I'm home sick is the day almost nobody is on.*grumblegrumble*

Sorry, reality calls. Too bad, I'd interact with you, but you've probably got all your chars in conversation and other things.In other news, I'm reactivating chars in the other koros. I'm going to use them in between Nuju's posts at Le-Wahi.Shade will be in Ga-Wahi, and Mantoxis is in Ta-koro. Balta and Acrophobia, I'm waiting for you...-Bane
Yeah, I'm waiting on Balta. :(@Krayzikk, you got any chars open for interaction? I'll interact with you. :DLol, cause, I'm sick; too.But I'm homeschooled... So..... It sucks. I still got school. :P



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Go figure, the day I'm home sick is the day almost nobody is on.*grumblegrumble*

Sorry, reality calls. Too bad, I'd interact with you, but you've probably got all your chars in conversation and other things.In other news, I'm reactivating chars in the other koros. I'm going to use them in between Nuju's posts at Le-Wahi.Shade will be in Ga-Wahi, and Mantoxis is in Ta-koro. Balta and Acrophobia, I'm waiting for you...-Bane
Hey, you should have Shade become a slave. :P
A slave?! What do you mean?@Acrophobia: YOU TOO? YES!!! Another homeschooler on the BZP!-Bane

Gentlemen, it's time to spread the word. And the word is: Panic


life is not a question of how long we live, but what we do with the life we have

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I've actually discovered, from looking around on various sites about LEGO, that a good size of the fan base in actually homeschooled. I am as well. But this is OT...... I think I'll make another Skakdi and do something evil in Ga-Koro...


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Go figure, the day I'm home sick is the day almost nobody is on.*grumblegrumble*

Sorry, reality calls. Too bad, I'd interact with you, but you've probably got all your chars in conversation and other things.In other news, I'm reactivating chars in the other koros. I'm going to use them in between Nuju's posts at Le-Wahi.Shade will be in Ga-Wahi, and Mantoxis is in Ta-koro. Balta and Acrophobia, I'm waiting for you...-Bane
Hey, you should have Shade become a slave. :P
A slave?! What do you mean?@Acrophobia: YOU TOO? YES!!! Another homeschooler on the BZP!-Bane
There is a floating slaving colony in Ga-Koro. You should let us enslave your character. :P

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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Go figure, the day I'm home sick is the day almost nobody is on.*grumblegrumble*

Sorry, reality calls. Too bad, I'd interact with you, but you've probably got all your chars in conversation and other things.In other news, I'm reactivating chars in the other koros. I'm going to use them in between Nuju's posts at Le-Wahi.Shade will be in Ga-Wahi, and Mantoxis is in Ta-koro. Balta and Acrophobia, I'm waiting for you...-Bane
Hey, you should have Shade become a slave. :P
A slave?! What do you mean?@Acrophobia: YOU TOO? YES!!! Another homeschooler on the BZP!-Bane
There is a floating slaving colony in Ga-Koro. You should let us enslave your character. :P
Pweeeze. We won't hurt you character... that much.BTW, did anyone involved in that slave thingy see my Thrak edit fo Ga-Wahi?



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Go figure, the day I'm home sick is the day almost nobody is on.*grumblegrumble*

Sorry, reality calls. Too bad, I'd interact with you, but you've probably got all your chars in conversation and other things.In other news, I'm reactivating chars in the other koros. I'm going to use them in between Nuju's posts at Le-Wahi.Shade will be in Ga-Wahi, and Mantoxis is in Ta-koro. Balta and Acrophobia, I'm waiting for you...-Bane
Hey, you should have Shade become a slave. :P
A slave?! What do you mean?@Acrophobia: YOU TOO? YES!!! Another homeschooler on the BZP!-Bane
There is a floating slaving colony in Ga-Koro. You should let us enslave your character. :P
Depends. What kind of slave work would you have me doing? Shade's practically a trained assassin, and he might be more useful in that capacity. Also, do I have a chance to get higher up in the hierarchy besides being a slave?-Bane

Gentlemen, it's time to spread the word. And the word is: Panic


life is not a question of how long we live, but what we do with the life we have

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Could someone point out a good place for a travelling circus band to get some interaction? Thought I'd try with Ta-koro but no such luck

Is this travelling circus-band accepting new members? there's this one flute playing random character I made a month or 2 ago and don't have anything to do with.
Well they do already have a flute player but another wouldn't hurt


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