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Friar Tuck

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In a similar vein as those above: All of my inactive chars are coming back. This doesn't mean that they'll suddenly get moving again, but I can play them as needed or wanted.Knife & Edge as well as Doomie are to stay where they are. However, I can and may take them back at any time.

Edited by Joshua L. Chamberlain



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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Anyway, putting a lot of my chars on hiatus because some of them have really started to annoy me and I don't want to kill them. Just bunny them along as you please if you're involved with them.-Teezy
Um... Which ones? :P
The ones I'm making ICs for right now are the ones I'm keeping active.So far, probably Dorian, Desde, the Gemini, Cipher, Kellin and Nikila.-Teezy
... what about Ema?@Kray- Eh, one of them is still good than none of them. Edited by Sam Nex
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I'd like some more characters... I'm thinking about making a Ko-Matoran who was frozen solid when he went scouting when the Matoran first came to Mata Nui, and just got thawed out. So how long has it been in this RPG since the Matoran first came to Mata Nui?
1,200 years.Or thereabouts.


Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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I'd like some more characters... I'm thinking about making a Ko-Matoran who was frozen solid when he went scouting when the Matoran first came to Mata Nui, and just got thawed out. So how long has it been in this RPG since the Matoran first came to Mata Nui?
1200 years, or so. Things on Mata Nui worked out more or less hoe they did in canon up until the Toa Mata disappeared. and it's seen a couple hundred years since that happened.EDIT: Bah, ninja'd. Edited by BenLuke-116
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Who's in the gang the ILS is after?

I occasionally return to BZP for a nostalgic trip back. Hit me up on discord if you need anything. 
BZPRPG Characters that I will possibly revive, Mons-Shajs-Tarotrix-Aryll Vudigg-Jorruk Yokin-Senavysh Angavur






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I'd like some more characters... I'm thinking about making a Ko-Matoran who was frozen solid when he went scouting when the Matoran first came to Mata Nui, and just got thawed out. So how long has it been in this RPG since the Matoran first came to Mata Nui?
They didn't. As far as we know, the Matoran have always been on Nata Nui.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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Actually, in this universe, they might have been.Metru Nui didn't happen. Metru Nui might not even exist. The villages have been around as long as people can remember. And no player has knowledge of before them.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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:kaukau: Alright, let me put it in a little clearer sense: while I don't imagine these people as being childish, I see them as struggling not to allow the troubles of the world affect them and turn them into people they don't want to become, and have managed to still live in the simple moments that uncover what life is all about: our relationships with others. They still find room for enjoying the simple things in life, the things that make life worth living, and they notice many of its beauties.I guess you could say that for these characters, Makuta is more of a big bully rather than Darth Vader, and the war impacts them more like tough economic times. He has, of course, shaped their lives to some extent, but there's still much room for these people to go on a personal journey that reflects timeless themes such as friendship, trust, understanding, faith, happiness, belonging, imagination, curiosity, serendipity, peace, and love.
:kaukau: So basically, I'm thinking of reviving this idea, now that I have the time. I want to write about adventure, but not the type that incites an action narrative. Mostly I'm interested in personal journeys. If you look at my character profiles you might know what I mean, but basically what I'm wondering if there's anyone out there who's interested in role-playing on a similar level.Now all I need is a wrench thrown into my characters' inaction to stimulate a story.Merida
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@ Merida: If you have any specific details, feel free to PM 'em at me and maybe I can make a character for this story of yours. Sounds interesting.Do whatever you want. If you want to make a character, though, I'm working on a new plot you may want to stick your character in.-Mef

Edited by Mef Man
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:kaukau: I'm still figuring out what I want to do. I just know that I want there to be a distinct narrative, because the power of the character dies when all I can think of doing is wandering around randomly. And I know, randomness is part of the gaming element, but I still want some sort of emotional direction that their story takes them on.Anyway, what plot are you thinking of?Merida
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Oh man I forgot Saporta.Well, I'll keep him on ice until Stannis comes calling, I guess.-Teezy
Ice? Geddit? 'Cuz he's The Icicle? A-har, har, har.
Good lord, I forgot that nickname. xDActually, I feel like Reordin's gonna assume more of a Lancer role in the team, kind of like an antihero to Stannis's straight hero.-Teezy



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Here's a map of how Pala-Koro currently looks.- Estimated size of this map: 200 meters (656 feet) horizontally. This makes the HQ hut about 10 meters (33 feet) in size.- Every hut in this village has only one floor. They have a short stone foundation and either stone, dirt or wooden floors depending on who made that particular hut. Similarly, most of them have wooden walls with either wood or plant material as their roof. D's hut is made of mud, while Laki's is made in Le-Koro style. The Turaga's hut is made of stone and iron, in order to ensure that it's safe.- The wall surrounding the small village is made of stone, though due to the length its thickness varies from 15 to 25 cm (half a foot to a little under one foot). It is clad with some iron plating and has some internal iron sticks to make it stronger. Thank our local Toa for the construction work. :lol: - The gate is technically just a big slab of metal that Onyx or someone else makes a hole in when needed.- The bar is under construction. It does not have any wares at this point.- The part of Lake Pala shown in this image is just the southern end of it. It stretches waaaay further outside the map, and the simple iron fence does not stretch too far into the waters. It's simply to ward off eventual underwater Rahi that might decide to pay a visit.
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Guys, what's this about a hostile group outside of Pala-Koro?
There is a group outside Pala-Koro that is planning an attack on the village, but Desilix (my character) betrayed the group and informed an ILS member (optimus) about the attack. Now, it's just a waiting game on both sides.


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seven of my characters
This doesn't strike you as bad RP'ing in any way?
It does now. It sounded good at the time. I should probably kill of a few in this attack.

"I pitea the fool!"

(quote by Chro)




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Thank you for being here in the ILS' time of need.
You're welcome. In any case, Katuko's got control of Volin for the exchange so that's all good and if the group at Pala-Koro needs some extra manpower or a guy to manipulate the gates' plating to impale anyone who's smart enough to climb it, he's got Onyx too.I don't see any reason for Alfon though.
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