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BIONICLE MAFIA XIII: Tower of Trepidation


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Well done@that Hau usage, Kaiser. I guess MoC not being attacked throws off that theory from before (or all the posting about in the topic dissuaded the Hunters from killing her). Or... she's a Hunter, which would be a plot twist and a half.


ANYWAY enough speculating. Onto votes.


I'll vote Baltarc first, and Null second. I'm going to take a bit longer and assess the situation before condemning an innocent to death because man those are difficult choices.







because of an alliance I have with Ehks, iBrow, and Blade.


democracy at its finest

Edited by Mesonak

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Unit has voted me several times before... Petty revenge! Voting for him!


I also vote Mesonak because of an alliance I have with Ehks, iBrow, and Blade.

quiet you that was a secret.






Chro: 0

Baltarc: 3

Unit: 3

Dapper: 2

Null: 1


iBrow: 0

Mesonak: 2

Ehks: 1

Blade: 2

Burnmad: 0

Null: 4



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Voting Dapper and Mesonak.


Also wow me, Ehks, Blade and Burnmad all in the same list?

I mean seriously


Also FYI Manducus, Burn, Flaredrick, and whoever that other person on the suspect list with Swimming Beard was are probably innocent, since we lynched the guilty party in that scene.

E: (I say probably because who knows what the heck the MoI is doing)

Edited by Agnes Oblige
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This is all too confusing for me, although I'll second iBrow's observation (see above). I'm not sure if we're being manipulated somehow or not, but we can't be slaughtering endangered species.

Voting null and null; might change later as circumstances shift and evolve.

E: Ninja'd. Curse you, Manducus!

Edited by Shadowhawk
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Don't fall into the trap. I'm an easy scapegoat because aside from you I'm the only Ko-Matoran left but I'm an innocent soul. Just go back and look at all my posts; I've consistently strived towards bringing down Hunters and have attempted to protect innocent people. :P



Edited by Mesonak

The Three Virtues YouTube Channel




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I vote Unit and Mesonak.


I'm confused slightly why we're actually voting for the second one, but, if Baltarc, me, and iBrow all die, like is seeming to be wanted... Yeah. ._.


I totally forgot you're water too


Yeah, something's definitely up then - two out of three Ga-Matoran on the verge of being lynched, and the third being left alive merely because people are afraid of the consequences (would would admittedly be dire)?



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Just some advice, guys, I'm one of two remaining Air matoran. Think ahead, dudes.


No offense, but I personally think the Ga-Matoran are more important.


Also, I have a feeling either you or Unit is Mafia, so... hold onto your Haus if you have 'em.

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Just some advice, guys, you're trying to lynch both of your remaining Air players. Think ahead, dudes.


These guys are trying to kill of one of the last few Ko-Matoran. They just aren't thinking, plain and simple.





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No offense, but I personally think the Ga-Matoran are more important.


Also, I have a feeling either you or Unit is Mafia, so... hold onto your Haus if you have 'em.


While Water may be more important than Air (we're both probably biased on this matter), there are more of you than there are of us.

Morally unambiguous.

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There won't be if you all lynch Baltarc and Blade.

E: Admittedly, the lynch is tough; there are so few of every element, that we're going to be in a bad situation with one of them regardless.

Edited by Agnes Oblige
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To be honest, I'm willing to take the fall for Baltarc; I'm sure Unit'll do fine on his own.


Changing from Null to Dapper on Kaiser's vote.


I'm not going to slay myself and the Water guys, so VOTE FOR MEH

Edited by Dapper-San

Morally unambiguous.

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Dapper's apparent sacrifice made it a three way tie for what I'm somewhat reluctant to call "first." Chro's vote has now broken said tie.


Also figured I should probably deal with this potential problem ahead of time; should the null and a suspect tie for first, a coin flip will be used to determine if there's a hanging or not.




Chro: 0

Baltarc: 4

Unit: 4

Dapper: 5

Null: 1


iBrow: 0

Mesonak: 4

Ehks: 1

Blade: 2

Burnmad: 0

Null: 5


Edited by MT Zehvor


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MoC, that image is awesome. ^^

For just pennies a day... You can help save the life of a Ga-Matoran...


Pick up the phone now... And show that you care...



To be honest, I'm willing to take the fall for Baltarc; I'm sure Unit'll do fine on his own.


Changing from Null to Dapper on Kaiser's vote.


I'm not going to slay myself and the Water guys, so VOTE FOR MEH



Also switching from Unit to Baltarc on Kaiser vote

Edited by Makuta of Comedy

If only you had known what horrible retribution your comment would rain down upon you.

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