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Today we received an update on the 2014 LEGO Legends of Chima constraction sets, and there is good and bad news. The good news is that the sets are in fact coming out. The bad news is that there are no plans to release the sets in North America. While I know many of you won't be happy to hear that, BZPower is working with the LEGO Community Team to get as many of these sets as we can to use as contest prizes, giveaways, and more. Hopefully we're successful and there will be plenty of Chima Ultrabuilds to go around!


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Wow. Did not see that coming. Those are some serious sets to make region-exclusive, I wonder why they did this?


I am very disappointed, too, of course.



Well that's weird. Any details on why or was that pretty much the extent of the information?


Anyway, thanks for making an effort to try and get a hold of these for contests. I think all of us NA folk really appreciate it. ^_^


Well, I guess this is good news for some people. I dislike not being able to buy these directly from Lego. It always seems that prices on constraction sets on Amazon and eBay are always crazy inflated. I think there is a good chance that will be true for these sets as well, not to mention the oversea shipping costs. At least they are out there somewhere.

PSN ID: darthlego
Gamertag: SPARTAN J46
Steam name: jumpy46


Heh, this is just what I thought would happen. (Although I don't remember if I vocalized that prediction, so my claim therefore may not really mean anything.) After all, they've done this with some Star Wars sets and licensed games sets in recent years (Released everywhere except North America deal) but I thought those were more of an issue with licensing deals, which shouldn't affect Chime at all. But the Constraction sets seem to have sold badly over here, just based on my experience of seeing the sets taking up shelf space over here, so that might have been a factor.


It's disappointing news, yes, but I'm not too choked up, since I wasn't thrilled about many of the sets to begin with. Of course, it's still a bummer for people who want to get their hands on them; hopefully BZP will be able to distribute a bunch.




Its a shame that these sets won't be released in North America. :( I've would've seriously considered getting one or two of them.

Everyone is one choice away from being the bad guy in another person's story.




Hmm, this is really sad. I'm pretty shocked by this. I feel like with Chima doing as well as it has been (hasn't it?) these would be a hit! Could these possibly foreshadow a decline in constraction?



It's great for us to know that the Chima constraction sets will be coming out, but it's sad that they are not coming to North America. I hope that BZPower can successfully convince the Lego Community to release the sets to North America.:(

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I like Lego, Bionicle, and Hero Factory!:)


I'm pretty frustrated with this, but hopefully this will end up the same way it did when you guys said they were cancelled completely. Otherwise, I'm going to be praying for reasonable prices.

leechfoam.gif "Copy and paste me into your sig! The shadows command you!"

 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)




Glad to hear there going to be released. Shame us in North America won't be getting them. I was skipping most of them and just ordering there individual parts anyways. Though I was going to get at least Fluminox, Fangar and Laval. I guess I'll have to buy them online off Bricklink. Hopefully they won't be terribly expensive.

:smiletol: I am Takanui Nuva. The Toa Nuva of Light :smiletol:
11.gifI also go by Baron Von Brickenstein 11.gif

AFOL, Gamer and overall nice person.


The constraction sets must fail if we ever want to see Bionicle reborn... *rubs hands together, evil laughter*

I've moved to getting sets for their parts, more than for them as sets, and I was excited for the variety of colours coming out in this wave. Thanks BZP for doing what you can to allow us on the North American continent a chance at getting these!


Its a shame that these sets won't be released in North America. :( I've would've seriously considered getting one or two of them.



Hmm, this is really sad. I'm pretty shocked by this. I feel like with Chima doing as well as it has been (hasn't it?) these would be a hit! Could these possibly foreshadow a decline in constraction?



It's great for us to know that the Chima constraction sets will be coming out, but it's sad that they are not coming to North America. I hope that BZPower can successfully convince the Lego Community to release the sets to North America. :(



I kinda knew that these would be released, but the regional thing surprised me. Darn...


I feel the same as these guys :(


Although I would like to know where this information came from, and that it isn't some odd sort of scam, or that a hacker put this up somehow.

leechfoam.gif "Copy and paste me into your sig! The shadows command you!"



Creating topic for Idd2000, please don't post until he does.


Or he'll eat you


Well, I can't say I'm pleased by this. I was actually looking forward to Cragger, Mungus, and Fluminox. The rest would just be good for parts, I think. Still, it's a shame these won't be as readily available here in NA.



~Your friendly, neighborhood Shadow



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Posted (edited)

The constraction sets must fail if we ever want to see Bionicle reborn... *rubs hands together, evil laughter*

Not meaning to crush your hopes, but how is that supposed to make any sense? If anything, LEGO would more likely scrap constraction lines entirely or try something new with them, not bring an old theme back that was cancelled for declining sales in the first place.


-Gata signoff.png

Edited by Gatanui

- Gata



Please don't use my avatar or signature without permission, thanks! ^_^

Posted (edited)

to be honest, this is really only slightly disappointing to me, because a] i likely wouldn't buy them anyway, b] if i did it would be for certain pieces, which c] i can now just buy on bricklink

Edited by Arc

As before, this doesn't affect me that much, but it does strike me as odd. I'd imagine that North America buys a large percentage of LEGO's products.

It does, but which products they tend to buy more of varies between themes. I've noticed that the Chima constraction sets tended to warm shelves at most American retailers I've visited, but I've heard that Chima has sold much better in other countries, especially the constraction sets.


I had kind of been hoping that the sets would be made exclusive to a major retailer like Toys R Us in the U.S. (which would explain their absence at Toy Fair NY). This is the next best thing—international shipping can be a bear, but at least the sets will be available to those willing to pay the price.

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Formerly Lyichir: Rachira of Influence

Aanchir's and Meiko's brother



The constraction sets must fail if we ever want to see Bionicle reborn... *rubs hands together, evil laughter*

Not meaning to crush your hopes, but how is that supposed to make any sense? If anything, LEGO would more likely scrap constraction lines entirely or try something new with them, not bring an old theme back that was cancelled for declining sales in the first place.


-Gata signoff.png


...Excellent point. Though I mean it jokingly, as I do like the fact that LEGO has incorporated both System and Constraction lines in the Chima theme.


Kinda bummed for all of you guys in NA. I'm so glad I live in England now :P Cuz then I can get my hands on some of them, as I had expressed my vast interest in them a while back :D

Then again... I might be going somewhere else this summer, so I wonder how this might affect my ability to buy them :/





"Welcome to Valhalla, Warrior."


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Ugh, hate when this happens. Often happens with Transformers, too.


On the bright side, I don't like Chima or the modern-day Constraction sets (in general) with a few exceptions.

Steam Name: Toa Hahli Mahri. Xbox Live Gamertag: Makuta. Minecraft Username: ThePoohster.

Wants: 2003 Jaller (from Jaller and Gukko), Exo-Toa, Turaga Nuju, Turaga Vakama, Shadow Kraata, Axonn, Brutaka, Vezon & Fenrakk, Nocturn, ORANGE FIKOU.

I got rid of my picture, are you happy?






As before, this doesn't affect me that much, but it does strike me as odd. I'd imagine that North America buys a large percentage of LEGO's products.

It does, but which products they tend to buy more of varies between themes. I've noticed that the Chima constraction sets tended to warm shelves at most American retailers I've visited, but I've heard that Chima has sold much better in other countries, especially the constraction sets.


I had kind of been hoping that the sets would be made exclusive to a major retailer like Toys R Us in the U.S. (which would explain their absence at Toy Fair NY). This is the next best thing—international shipping can be a bear, but at least the sets will be available to those willing to pay the price.


Yes, I suppose that's true. I was at my local store and noticed that a lot of last-wave constraction sets of Chima were still there.


Anyway, it's kind of blucky news, but I suppose that I'll be able to find a Laval shield if I want one.


I'm just excited they'll actually be released. You can always order from the UK. I also applaud the staff for trying to get some as prizes. For those interested (and I am DEFINITELY one), it'll be an incredibly motivating prize.

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