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The votes were cast almost unanimously for Tyler, who backed away towards the center of the island. Manducus, Taka Nuvia, Aiwendil, Captain Caboose, and Voxumo all approached him cautiously, expecting an attack.


“I know that I made a mistake in saving your life,” Manducus said. “And now I must fix it. You must die - Ehks believed you were a Dark Hunter.”


“You’re a fool just like the rest,” Tyler said, sneering. “This group has been one of the most idiotic that I have ever had the misfortune of being a part of - the true culprit should have been obvious to you! And yet here you are, trying to execute me instead.”


“Not trying,” Aiwendil said. “We’re succeeding!”


“No,” Tyler said, drawing a handgun. “You’re not.”


The other survivors froze as Tyler slowly raised the gun.


“I’m not letting you idiots beat me into oblivion,” Tyler snarled. “I’ll just do it myself!”




The body of Tyler, assigned number one, dropped to the ground. He was dead the moment the bullet entered his head. The survivors stared at it for several moments in silence, almost forgetting that Voltex and the Makuta were even present. After a time, Manducus finally broke the silence, turning to face the other survivors.


“Well, I guess we messed up,” he said, grinning sheepishly. “I guess we’d better-”




Manducus was cut off mid-sentence as a bullet shot right through his stomach, burying itself in the ground behind him and leaving a visible hole in his body. Clutching at the wound, he stumbled and fell to his knees as Ancient, the Master of Green, placed their gun back in its holster, stepping up to Manducus, who groaned in pain as he lifted his head up to look at them.


We have cut down every single leader that this miserable excuse for a village has had,” Ancient said, their voice rumbling strangely. “And you are no different.


Ancient drove their knee into the side of Manducus’s head, knocking the Matoran unconscious immediately, leaving him to bleed out on the ground as the Master of Green turned to face the remaining survivors.


Which of us shall die next?” Ancient asked.


Four survivors remained - the village had one last chance to redeem themselves and achieve victory… but they would need to vote for the right suspect to do it… along with the help of a certain Plague Doctor.


The odds were no longer in their favor - victory for the Dark Hunters, it seemed, was all but guaranteed.


Suspects for the Final Execution






The final scene shall be posted tomorrow, and Bionicle Mafia XVIII: By the Numbers 2 shall end. I will, at some point in the next week, be posting a post-game write-up in the BZP Mafia Discussion topic, but of course, it doesn't end there....


Will you be ready for the Voltex Constant?


The final scene of this game shall include a small teaser for Bionicle Mafia XIX: The Voltex Constant, which shall be released as soon as possible after this game ends. ;)

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You know what Ehks, I've trusted my vote with you before, so why should now be any different. I shall also vote for #10. If Ehks and burnmad believe it is best to vote that number.. Well it is the best lead we got.


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Manducus was cut off mid-sentence as a bullet shot right through his stomach, burying itself in the ground behind him and leaving a visible hole in his body.


And I thought I was actually going to survive through a whole entire game for once :l


I'm so glad you didn't refuse our offer, Manducus. I hope you like fish...


What is this blasphemous offer you speak of?!


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Hmm... You know what, given the last few times I have voted for what Ehks suggested, it has lead to innocent deaths, I actually think I am going to take a risk and switch my vote to #15. 


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If you interact with one of my characters and I don't respond or acknowledge the interaction within a day, send me a PM. Odds are I missed or did not see the post.

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