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Corpus Rahkshi

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IC Vector:

The one called Hoto glared at him. Vector was surprised. Had he done something wrong? He started to stammer out an apology, but was interrupted by another Rahk coming up to talk to Hoto.

 Kopaka, the coolest(Pun intended) Ko-Toa ever:


"If the fight had turned, Exann might be the one on the floor with Antidermis spurting out of him. This is how battle is. This is how life is." -Mar'jik, Corpus Rahkshi                                       

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IC: Hoto - Outside Library


"Oh, Jayar!" Finally able to recognize someone, she felt much better. "Sorry for running off on you like that. I heard Era using sonic pulses, and just had to meet her for myself.


"Era, this is Jayar. He's a Rahkshi of Quick Healing. I was trying to teach him echolocation earlier. Maybe you could give me some help with that. Oh, and this is Victor, I guess."

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IC Vector:

"Er, my name is Vector, not Victer. Vector as in physics and math."

 Kopaka, the coolest(Pun intended) Ko-Toa ever:


"If the fight had turned, Exann might be the one on the floor with Antidermis spurting out of him. This is how battle is. This is how life is." -Mar'jik, Corpus Rahkshi                                       

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IC: Xara, Exxan - Library. 


Having had her damaged leg armour repaired, Xara left the infirmary and made her way towards the library, where the next assignment was supposed to be taking place. There was quite a crowd already gathered, all jostling and chatting, seemingly as loudly as they could. "Out of my way!" she snapped, pushing her way through the crowd. She let her power flow through her entire body, jolting any and every one who had the misfortune to run into her. 


"Watch it!" she recognised the voice, and whirled to face a striped Vacuum Rahkshi who had managed to get out of the way before she could zap him. Exxan. "Oh, it's you..." his tone relaxed a little, "...here for the assignment, I assume?" 


"Trying to get up to the front," Xara shrugged, trying to keep her temper in check. Here he was, right in front of her: the little bookworm who had somehow beaten her at both of the assignments so far. "Where's Phogen?


"No idea," Exxan said dismissively, masking the flood of confusing emotions the name gave him, "seen any sign of The Twins?" 


"They were in the gym earlier; both took a bit of a hammering. They might choose to sit this one out." 


"Ugh... fine..." Exxan would have liked to have them at his back again. They'd helped him a lot during the previous assignment. He could have used their aid for whatever was to come. "...we'll talk later. If you see Phogen..." his voice faltered,  "...tell her I'm looking for her." With that, he vanished back into the crowd. 


Xara watched him go. There was something about him, the way he'd spoken, that reminded her of her own confusing feelings for Glass. When she'd mentioned Phogen, and again, when he'd said her name. She laughed. Exxan and Phogen? No way...


IC: Era - Outside Library 


"Hello Jayar," Era turned in the direction of another Rahkshi-shaped object, before facing back towards Hoto. She didn't actually have to face someone to see them, but she knew it made everyone around her more comfortable if she at least acted like she had eyes. "I... I'm not sure I can teach echolocation to someone without sonic powers. I use infrasonic frequencies, too low for most beings to hear..." it was almost instinct to her. She did it without thinking; as easy as breathing, "...I don't know how to teach that." 

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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IC: Fang - Nynrah


Fang scoffed. "It's probably the other way around, actually. A Makuta does something bad, the Toa just feel they have to stop it. The Makuta are evil, no question about that, and the Toa are just attracted villains like Kofo-Jaga to heat. Or..." he glanced around, only half-seriously, "... maybe they're just jealous. Toa are the good guys now. They stop all the big bad Makuta and get all the praise of the Matoran." He laughed again. It was good to get away from the Academy.



IC: Hoto - Outside Library


Hoto just waved Vector's protests off and turned back to Era. "That's where I'm having the trouble. I guess it's easier to show with my clickers, but it's hard to explain how exactly it works. It just... does, for me."

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IC: Era - Outside Library. 


"I know what you mean," Era agreed, "I've had to learn it out of necessity. It's not really a skill that can be taught, or learned. It's part of who I am..."


Blindness is not weakness, she reminded herself. That is who you are. 

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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Ic: Siren.

Siren had "fallen asleep", and so did not know of the assignment until the porters said it very loudly in her ear.

She crushed them with ease and then got up and walked over to the library, already crowded.



Hashan was still eating when the porters came around and told of an assignment. He walked over to the library.

Ooc: both are open to interaction.

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IC Vector:

"Yes." Vector replied, holding up his abacus.


IC Shatter:

One healing jolt from Palma to fix the electric burns later, Shatter walked into the library. This place always made him edgy,  all those perfectly arranged and organized books. And now there was a massive crowd. Walking past the few Rahks talking just outside, Shatter pushed into the crowd. Involuntarily, his body began to emit extremely weak Freagmentation, powerful enough only to give the effect of the static shock you might get from rubbing wool.

 Kopaka, the coolest(Pun intended) Ko-Toa ever:


"If the fight had turned, Exann might be the one on the floor with Antidermis spurting out of him. This is how battle is. This is how life is." -Mar'jik, Corpus Rahkshi                                       

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IC: Raptor


Raptor sat down on a free bench, pulled out a book, and was soon immersed in its contents.


IC: Mantis


Mantis looked around and saw a group of students conversing nearby his meditation spot. The strange clicks on was occasionally letting out were breaking his focus, and his vision started blurring again. He thought that it would be disrespectful to comment upon the matter, though, and continued trying to focus.


OOC: Raptor or Mantis open for interaction.

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IC CLockwork:

Seeing somebody reading a book, Clockwork decided that that was an eccelent idea. He was having some trouble with his current project, and maybe he could find the answer to his dilemma in a book. Or better yet, maybe that Rahk could help him. He sat down next to the Rahkshi. "Hello," he said, "Watcha reading?"

 Kopaka, the coolest(Pun intended) Ko-Toa ever:


"If the fight had turned, Exann might be the one on the floor with Antidermis spurting out of him. This is how battle is. This is how life is." -Mar'jik, Corpus Rahkshi                                       

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IC: Raptor


Raptor looked towards the Rahk that had just said something to him.

"Hey, dude. I'm reading a book about flight. These diagrams of the Kahu wings are pretty freaking epic. See, there're two different types of holes. The circular ones and the plus-shaped ones. I'm trying to figure out how they contribute to the Kahu's flying mechanism."


OOC: Pins and axles, anyone?

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IC Clockwork:

"Cool. I hadn't noticed that. Maybe they make the energy transfer over the wings more efficient or something. The wing energy isn't very well understood, from what I know."

 Kopaka, the coolest(Pun intended) Ko-Toa ever:


"If the fight had turned, Exann might be the one on the floor with Antidermis spurting out of him. This is how battle is. This is how life is." -Mar'jik, Corpus Rahkshi                                       

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IC CLockwork:

"Hmm. Perhaps it's something protodermic? Like, maybe Protodermis tends to congeal that way?"

 Kopaka, the coolest(Pun intended) Ko-Toa ever:


"If the fight had turned, Exann might be the one on the floor with Antidermis spurting out of him. This is how battle is. This is how life is." -Mar'jik, Corpus Rahkshi                                       

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IC CLockwork:

Clockwork took off in pursuit of the crazy Rahk.

 Kopaka, the coolest(Pun intended) Ko-Toa ever:


"If the fight had turned, Exann might be the one on the floor with Antidermis spurting out of him. This is how battle is. This is how life is." -Mar'jik, Corpus Rahkshi                                       

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IC: Raptor


"Dude, that's no way to treat a book! Here, rip up... uh... this random piece of paper instead!" He shouted, throwing a crumpled ball of parchment he'd just taken from a random Rahkshi at Deadeye.


IC: Mantis


Mantis heard some commotion brewing. Respect was respect, but this was a library, after all. He stood up and headed for the manic Rahk holding a book.

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IC Clockwork:

Clockwork ducked behind a bookself and came out with a heavy volume on how to throw blunt objects. "Ironic" he muttered, hurling the book with impeccable aim at the insane Rahkshi's head.

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 Kopaka, the coolest(Pun intended) Ko-Toa ever:


"If the fight had turned, Exann might be the one on the floor with Antidermis spurting out of him. This is how battle is. This is how life is." -Mar'jik, Corpus Rahkshi                                       

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IC: Jayar / Outside the Library



Jayar listened attentively to the two blind Rahkshi discussing echolocation. They seemed in agreement they it would be difficult, almost impossible, for a seeing Rahkshi to learn. No matter. He would persist... though after the assignment, probably.


"I'm willing to try whatever the two of you come up with," he said. "Although it may have to wait until after this assignment. Any guesses as to what we're going to have to do this time?" Jayar asked the group.


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IC CLockwork:

Diving to catch the book, Clockwork overshot and slammed into a bookshelf. "I can see stars...." he muttered, before falling unconscious.

 Kopaka, the coolest(Pun intended) Ko-Toa ever:


"If the fight had turned, Exann might be the one on the floor with Antidermis spurting out of him. This is how battle is. This is how life is." -Mar'jik, Corpus Rahkshi                                       

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IC CLockwork:

Clockwork was passed out on a bench, so he did not see the chaos or general insanity that presided.

 Kopaka, the coolest(Pun intended) Ko-Toa ever:


"If the fight had turned, Exann might be the one on the floor with Antidermis spurting out of him. This is how battle is. This is how life is." -Mar'jik, Corpus Rahkshi                                       

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IC: Hoto - Outside Library


"Well, if you're willing to try, I'm willing to try." She grinned, then winced a little bit as the noise rose inside the Library. A few Rahkshi were shouting at the top of their lungs about a book. She tried to ignore it.


"I don't know what it could be, but it's weird that we're meeting in the Library. For the last one, we met outside before going to Nynrah, and I think I heard the assassination one was in the Gym. Must have something to do with books or learning. I just wish it wasn't in the one quiet room in the school."


IC: Tube


Tube watched the crazy Rahkshi steal the book eagerly. Whenever the other one attempted to grab it, Tube laugh out loud. Their cries of "Get 'im, get 'im!" were quickly lost in the crowd.


I hope he tears up all the books. That would be so much fun! But master likes them... so maybe just a few more.


Then the crazy one was brought down by someone else's book, and Tube groaned. "That's not fair," they shouted, but no one could hear them, so they grumpily settled in against a bookshelf to wait. Suvok was taking too long.



OOC: Tube open to interaction.

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