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Corpus Rahkshi

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IC Mahrika



Mahrika noticed an insectoid-faced Rahkshi sitting by the edge of the gymnasium. With a thought, he instructed the gym to clean up his remaining practice targets, then approached the Rahkshi.


"Care for a spar?"

( The bunny slippers hiss and slither into the shadows. ) -Takuaka: Toa of Time

What if the Toa you know best were not destined to be? Interchange: The epic begins

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IC: Raptor


Raptor finished the book and slammed it shut. He knew exactly who he had to find.

He checked the gym. Nope.

He checked the refectory. Nada.

He checked the halls. Null.

He checked the infirmary. There they were.

"Rider! Revenge! Dudes! CHECK THIS OUT!" he shouted, oblivious to the countless patients surrounding him.

Edited by Gukko Lord
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IC Mahrika



Mahrika bowed back to Mantis, a little awkwardly. He wasn't used to bowing. Then he stepped back and folded his arms.


"Before we start, though, let's settle on some rules. One, no changing the arena mid-battle. It makes it too complicated. Two, either of us can quit at any time. Three, don't try to go past your limit. That okay?"

( The bunny slippers hiss and slither into the shadows. ) -Takuaka: Toa of Time

What if the Toa you know best were not destined to be? Interchange: The epic begins

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IC: Shark / Gym



Shark made it a personal policy never to show pain, but this policy was stretched to its limits when two of Zex' knives embedded into him: one in his left arm, and one in his torso. Even as Zex threw them, he brought his sword down from above Zex' head where he had conveniently pushed it. It would be too small a time frame for him to dodge, and if he tried to block it the heavier, moving sword would likely push his own sword into his face.


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IC: Sidonas - Outside Squid's Dorm


"Hello?" Sidonas called again, he knocked one more time and waited there, adding only: "Someone left food outside your door, it looks like fruit."

Maybe he'll respond to food at his door..

Sidonas then was silent, waiting to see if anyone was beyond the door.

Recoil, I hope you're having better luck than me. Sidonas thought.


OOC: Your go Pohatu:MoS.

"In this new- Wait, why am I being quoted?!"

-Kovika, Toa of Ice, Bread Enthusiast, and Ko-Metru Scholar.





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IC: Jayar / Infirmary



"If your friends need to see it, why do you shout it to the furthest strangers?" mused Jayar quietly, mostly to himself. At the mention of sight he took notice of the fact that Rider's seemed rather damaged.


"You're Rider, correct?" he said, after walking over to him. "Am I correct in inferring you have suffered damage to your vision?"


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IC: Fang - Hallways


"Selfishness?!" Fang roared. He reeled on Exxan, nearly dropping Vaalku in the process. "I tried to save Dodge in the first assignment, and my only thanks was the lightblaster! I stopped Caoutchouc from beating Vaalku, only to be defeated in his stead! Do not speak to me about selfishness! You killed the best Rahkshi in this school to save your own skin!"


Fang was quivering with anger, and his armor began to glow with plasma. Caoutchouc's words still echoed in his head. Selfish. Greedy. Prideful.


He was not. He would prove it.


But the many fights he had begun and lost in his own name echoed through the words, telling him it was all true.

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IC: Jayar / Infirmary



Jayar's guess was confirmed unintentionally by Alpha. He looked over to her and then did a double take. His first conclusion was that some greedy Kraata, seeing a muscular empty suit, had traded in theirs for Omega's. But then he recalled what Hoto had told him about Omega's sister, and combined with a glance over at the bed Omega's body was still in, concluded that this must be Alpha.


He hadn't really known Omega, so there was little for him to say. He gave a nod and turned back to the blinded Rider, waiting for his response nevertheless.

Edited by Johnrahk


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IC Mahrika



Mahrika narrowed his eyes, taking in Mantis's stance and the kamas he wielded. His mind made up, he stepped forward and took a sweep towards Mantis's chest with the head of the trident, using it like a Rahkshi staff.

( The bunny slippers hiss and slither into the shadows. ) -Takuaka: Toa of Time

What if the Toa you know best were not destined to be? Interchange: The epic begins

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IC: Illusive - Phantom-on-the-Water.


The second killing was harder. I needed there to be witnesses this time. There was no point in killing the Matoran unless they knew that a Rahkshi was responsible, so I followed the sound of Matoran voices until I found myself closer to the village's heart, in the very same main square where we'd started the Wreck the Halls assignment. 




There were a half-dozen Matoran there, conversing in hushed tones, as well as a few others, speaking much louder, who walked along alone or in pairs. A normal evening in Phantom-in-the-Water, but not for much longer. 


I projected an illusion of myself in the middle of the square, and all chaos broke loose. Running.... screaming.... weapons firing. One Matoran fell dead with a smoking hole in her face before I'd even had a chance to enter the fray. 


A disk launcher-toting Matoran rushed past my position and I stepped out of hiding, impaling them on Serpent-Fang. Another spotted me and flung himself after me, sword drawn. I caught the blade in my claws and snapped it, before swiping my blade across his face, shattering his mask. By now, the other Matoran had realised the illusion was a fake, and were heading straight for me. 


Something thudded into my shoulder and I stumbled back in surprise, staring at the crossbow bolt embedded in my armour. Time to go.... I ducked a Kanoka and took to the air, leaving the village behind. 


Three deaths were enough for one night's work....



IC: Exxan - Hallway.


I thought we were past this.... I rounded on Fang and regarded him coldly, arms folded across my chest - he didn't seem to have even noticed that both of my arms were free now.


"You think you're some hero then, do you?" I spat, choosing not to take the bait with his mention of Omega. "You're just deluding yourself. You said it just now when you complained that you didn't get any thanks for what you did."


My voice was empty, devoid of emotion. "If you were really acting selflessly, you wouldn't expect thanks of any kind, Fang. Whether you choose to believe it or not, we're all the same." 

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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IC: Fang - Hallway


"I know!"


His anger and heat suddenly vanished with the words. "I know," he repeated in a whisper. He turned and walked off to the Infirmary.



IC: Rain - Squid's Dorm


Rain rolled her eyes as the Rahk outside knocked again. The food was new, but they had plenty of that in Squid's bag. She silently continued with her work, not wanting to be disturbed. But of course, Squid would have to say something.

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IC: Exxan - Hallway.


"Fang... get back here..." I started after him, "...you can't run forever." I caught his shoulder and tried to turn him around. "Sooner or later you have to face who and what you are, and come to terms with it. If you don't.... you'll destroy yourself...." 

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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IC: Tube - Causeway


Tube took the offered hand and pulled themself up. Now, with a new master, their usual excitement was returning. "I'm Tube!" they said, shaking the hand.



IC: Fang - Hallway


Fang shrugged off the hand and kept walking. "Then what am I?" he asked without turning around.



IC: Hoto - Courtyard


Hoto turned to Era. "What do you know about Kaita, then?" 


She had seemed to know more than Hoto and Kat, maybe she could help.

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IC: Era - Courtyard.


"Three minds in one body," I shrugged, "I don't know much more than that. We'll be more powerful. A lot more powerful." 



IC: Exxan - Hallway. 


"That's not my decision to make." I replied. "You've got to figure that out for yourself. But you can't keep fleeing from it forever." 

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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IC: Shark / Gym



Shark made it a personal policy never to show pain, but this policy was stretched to its limits when two of Zex' knives embedded into him: one in his left arm, and one in his torso. Even as Zex threw them, he brought his sword down from above Zex' head where he had conveniently pushed it. It would be too small a time frame for him to dodge, and if he tried to block it the heavier, moving sword would likely push his own sword into his face.

IC: Zex


Zex had pushed the flat side of the sword above his head. A heavy sword would be hard to keep steady so he attempted to push the large sword aside and down to the ground.


OOC: 2 in Shark, 7 on floor, 11 in bag.

~After they make Styrofoam, what do they ship it in?~

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IC: Hoto - Courtyard


"Is it worth it then?" Hoto asked, softly. "All that power, just for a few little tips?"



IC: Fang - Hallways


"I'll tell you what I am, then. You're right. Caoutchouc's right. Everyone here is right, except me! I'm no hero, I'm just a selfish, prideful, wrath-filled Rahkshi who cares more about his crazy ideas than anyone else."



IC: Tube - Causeway


Tube cocked his head to one side. "Lee-jun... that's a funny name. Oh, oh, oh, this is is Whak! She's nice."

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IC: Era - Courtyard.


"I guess that's up to you," this had been my idea, but I didn't want to pressure Hoto into anything. Last time hadn't gone too well....



IC: Exxan - Hallway.


Wrong! He was only looking at the negatives. I gave Fang a sly grin. "Everyone else? Even Kat?" 

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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IC Fog:

Fog heard this, and mentally stored it away.

 Kopaka, the coolest(Pun intended) Ko-Toa ever:


"If the fight had turned, Exann might be the one on the floor with Antidermis spurting out of him. This is how battle is. This is how life is." -Mar'jik, Corpus Rahkshi                                       

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IC: Hoto - Courtyard


"I... I don't know. What if we... have trouble controlling it... and... Am I worrying too much?"



IC: Fang - Hallways


Fang paused for an almost imperceptible moment. "...Maybe."

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IC Kat:


"It'll be us three. If we aren't in unity, it will simply fall back into the three parts."


I shrugged.


"Or so I've heard."


I placed a hand on Hoto's arm.


"I give you my word it will be okay."



IC Poly: We bowed slightly to the other, called Whak?


"There is much to be done, my new friend. To ensure the well being of the school, we must free the students from their own chains."

Edited by The UltimoScorp
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IC Mahrika



With his trident deflected out of the way by Mantis's defense, Mahrika tried to block his strike by grabbing Mantis's wrist with his free hand, then swept up the trident into a more defensive position in case Mantis attacked with the other kama.


OOC: Works fine for me, I have some IRL things to do.

( The bunny slippers hiss and slither into the shadows. ) -Takuaka: Toa of Time

What if the Toa you know best were not destined to be? Interchange: The epic begins

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IC: Exxan - Hallway.


"I don't think so. You do care about her, otherwise she wouldn't be wearing your necklace." I said pointedly, before adding (because he somehow still hadn't noticed): "Or cutting my arm loose."



IC: Era - Courtyard.


"It's like what I said to Hoto back on Malebranche," I spoke up, "we need to at least try." 

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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IC: Shark / Gym: Zex' Enclosure



That wasn't going to work. The blade might be hard to hold steady, but it was easy to rotate so that the edge faced Zex. It was equally easy to swing down in a straight line simply by complying with gravity's desires, and once it was going gravity's brother inertia, and Shark's great strength, wasn't going to let it be knocked far aside. Despite Zex pressing against it, it was inevitably going to land upon his head or at least his shoulder.



OOC: I don't expect Zex to find any way out of this one, but not going to autohit him... Just keep in mind, it's a heavy sword being swung downwards at impressive speeds. And you already used the short time you did have to try escape.

Edited by Johnrahk


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IC: Sidonas - Outside Squid's Dorm


Sidonas, beginning to get impatient, called: "If you are interested in creating diplomatic relations with the Matoran of Phantom-On-The-Water, go to the 3rd dorm from the right in the East hall. Good day." At that he leaned against the wall parallel to the Squid's dorm and quickly wrote some notes, they read what he had said to Squid. He then went to the Refectory and placed a note at the entrance. Then he stuck one at the entrance to the Gym as he walked by. He went to the library and took a seat, pulling out his Codex and turning to his log, he wrote in his encrypted format.


"Recoil and I have, well, gotten together. I have sent fresh fruit to a my fellow Rahk as repayment for my thieveries, and I am planning negotiations with the Nynrah Ghosts of Phantom-On-The-Water. How we shall manage diplomacy, I will never know..

"In this new- Wait, why am I being quoted?!"

-Kovika, Toa of Ice, Bread Enthusiast, and Ko-Metru Scholar.





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