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Corpus Rahkshi

Wyrd Bid Ful Araed

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"The... Oh, yes, of course."


Um... What memorial?


Xi did his best to lift the other Rahk, trying to hide the tell-tale signs of being really incapable of doing it as he slung her cautiously over his already-strained shoulder. "S-see you there." He staggered towards the doorframe.



IC Spindle




A small click was heard as he restrained the mechanism that activated his wrist blade, and danced his fingers along the design in a maddening fashion. Speaking of palms, want to 'read' mine? hehehe...

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IC: Tear - Library


Tear slowly raised her hand and glanced at the palm, wondering just what information lie in there that she couldn't read. She closed her fist and her eyes rose back to Lucid, wondering if this would still be safe. But apparently she believed it would be, as she opened her hand again and held it out to Lucid, palm up.



IC: Tube - Hallways


Tube laughed eagerly. "And that's all we need Master!"

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IC: Gaever / Library



As always Gaever was paying little attention to people or conversations as she went to leave the Library, mortar recipe book in hand. But she was also, as always, highly attentive to gadgetry, and the metal clink of Spindle's wrist blades was practically guaranteed to draw her attention. She couldn't stop at just that though, and soon her gaze was drawn across the entirety of the situation. Observing the blade mechanism let to observing the creepy, skeletal, probably unhinged Rahkshi of Accuracy it belonged to, and then the group of gentle-looking students he was apparently bent on freaking out with it.


She wavered near the exit for a moment, deliberating intervention. It didn't take long for her to decide in favor of it. She had failed too many innocents already.


Approaching Spindle from behind and to his left, she warned him quietly, "It is probable that flaunting such an armament will unsettle others. Putting it away would be to the benefit of all." Her stern gaze down at the pale knife-wielder suggested he not trifle with her.


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IC Spindle


Spindle hadn't noticed the taller Rahk sneak up next to him until after it was too late. He froze, unsure of what to do, then slowly turned round and glanced up at her. Blinking twice, he broke out a soft smile, which lathered on the malice in his eyes. Explaining my situation is practically impossible... Unless Tear does it.


"I'm sorry... Were you talking to me?" He almost whispered, his voice slightly crackling as a powdery tone of naive sentiment flowed out.

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IC: Gaever / Library



It did not amuse Gaever that Spindle thought a spurious smile and phony naivete might convince her he was harmless, when the weapon in his hand and malevolence in his eyes (somehow exacerbated by that grin) said otherwise. "Affirmative." Her response was stony.


* * *


IC: Lucid / Library



Lucid carefully took the offered hand, and began examining Tear's palm closely. She slowly traced lines across it, and tapped it gently, muttering about things like 'heart line,' 'parallel,' 'mount of Tahu,' and other arcane terms, alongside other things like 'interesting.'


"There is duality... gentle and cunning, mild and harsh," she soon announced quietly, looking up, sympathetic. "You are troubled."

Edited by Sergei Rahkmaninoff


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IC: Tear - Library


Tear tried very hard to hold her hand still as Lucid's finger dragged across her palm, and kept her eyes focused on the finger, trying to guess at what Lucid would tell her.


But when the Dreamrahk finally spoke, all sense of wonder and fun vanished. Tear stared at her incredulously as she struggled to find words. "H-how... how d-did you know about h-h-him?"

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IC: Tear - Library


Tear glanced around at the Rahkshi surrounding her. The Fellowship of Peace, they said. She shook her head. "I... I sh-shouldn't have c-come here. M-maybe I'm safe, b-but you are not. H-he's going to h-hurt you too!"

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IC: Lucid / Library



"No, don't think that. It's good you have come, so we can help you," Lucid reassured her, taking her hand again - this time not for divination, but as comfort. "We've made it this long, we'll be okay. The stars will see to it." She believed it - just look at how quickly that freaky pale guy with the knife had been confronted by a sympathetic mechanist; clearly some benevolent force wished them well.


"But... tell me who he is," the dream Rahkshi asked. "If you're comfortable doing so." It would help her to help Tear if she could figure out who this mystery Rahk was, what he had done... why he was linked to Tear's palm.


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IC: Tear - Library


"He's... he's me... but... not me. He's... in my head, but I can't hear him. It's like he thinks he's the only one too. But now I know the truth." Tear was on the brink of crying again, her fearful eyes pleading to Lucid to help her.

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IC: Lucid / Library



Of course, that made perfect sense. "I understand... I know what we can do," Lucid told Tear reassuringly, raising her ring hand. "I have the power to bring you to a place of peace, a realm of dreams. And I can bring him, too. There we can work things out. I must just touch your forehead with my ring, and we will depart." Though it seemed obvious Tear would agree, she would still prefer to have her consent before drawing her into dream-trance - it was not a power she took lightly.


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IC: Tear - Library


There was something about Lucid that had quickly earned Tear's trust, but this request was certainly an odd one. Sending her into a dream trance? How did she know it was safe? And how did she know that it would help her? She hadn't even met her other self; how would it be possible in a dream?


While Tear pondered these options, she leaned back, retreating from Lucid's hand, her gaze fixed on the strange ring. It couldn't be safe but...


...what did she have to lose?


Tear closed her eyes and nestled her head against Lucid's outstretched hand, waiting for... whatever was coming next.

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IC: Lucid / Library



The ring touched Tear's forehead, where the painted swirls and teardrops had been often repainted and scratched away, and the world dropped off...


* * *


IC: Lucid / Dream Forest



And another took its place, as they found themselves standing by a small lake. On one side several waterfalls cascaded down grey and moss-covered cliffs and off rocky ledges into the pool of crystalline water. On the opposite side of the pool water fell from another ledge into a river, which disappeared into the thick rainforest. The pool itself flowed slowly from one to the other, fairly shallow near the bank where they stood and deeper in the middle and on the other side, the bottom smooth and rocky. Bending grasses were predominant along the bank where they stood, tall and thick like the best carpet; trees, ferns, and flowers of many colors were present too. Further back taller trees grew, majestic and wrapped in vines. Shimmery fish swam in the lake, and exotic birdcalls echoed from the trees. Warm mist billowed out of the waterfall, revealing a rainbow from certain angles; the canopy dyed the sunlight with shifting green patterns.


"Welcome to my realm," Lucid told Tear, slightly luminescent in her own domain. "You can feel safe here; I will not allow you harmed. ...I haven't woken the other into the dream yet, if you're wondering."


She could... feel him, though. It was new, for she had never dream-tranced with two minds at once, but she felt control over whether one or the other, or both, would experience the dream.


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IC: Tear - Dream Forest


Tear waited for what felt like an eternity, focusing on the feeling of the hand resting on her faceplates. She felt little, but when Lucid spoke she opened her eyes on a completely new vista. There was so much color, so much life...


She jumped as something screamed out behind her in a crude mimicry of Melody's flute. Then another, and another. Tear reeled back and forth trying to take it all in. After a moment, she succumbed to the vertigo and sank to the ground, closing her eyes again. "C-can we go back inside?" she asked meekly.

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IC: Lucid / Dream Forest, Temple



Oh dear, that wasn't supposed to happen. "Of course," Lucid agreed, quickly waving a hand and transporting them to a small, quiet building, perhaps reminiscent of a temple in a small Matoran village. The room was hexagonal, with stony walls and a wooden roof, six sloping triangles. A few small windows high in the walls let sunlight stream in while showing little of what was outside. In the middle of the room was a small fountain, and the wooden doors were closed. "Better?" Lucid asked hopefully.


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IC: Tear - Dream Temple


Tear hazarded a small peek at their new surroundings. It wasn't familiar, but at least it felt safer. The walls wouldn't let in any of the frightening creatures out there.


She sat up and just nodded weakly to Lucid. "But... where is... h-he?"

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IC: Tear - Dream Temple


She thought back to when her friends had tried to explain this to her. It was hard to take in, and only because she had seen the results of his actions did she believe it. How might he react, one that had already caused so much harm?


She didn't want to be there to see it, but she couldn't just let Lucid face him alone with little proof. "I... I think you should bring him here," she decided. "But... before you do... can you bring other things in here? I had a... a stuffed Hapaka. My Mother gave it to me."

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IC: Tear - Dream Temple


"Haru!" Tear cried, snatching the creature and holding it close. Though it was a far from perfect imitation, it was enough for her now.


Now with the familiar feeling of soft fur in her arms, Tear nodded to Lucid and said, "Okay, bring him in."

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IC: Tear - Dream Temple


And there he was. Somehow, he didn't seem quite as scary as she imagined, lying on the floor like that. Then he jerked his head up, and Tear shuddered, trying to hide herself behind Haru. His yellow eyes, seated deep in worn and scarred sockets, passed over the room in a slow, almost bored way. 


It wasn't long before he found the two on the other side of the room, and all at once he leapt to his feet and charged towards them, spines rattling and mouth hissing. Tear was sure this was going to be the end, but then he stopped short just in front of them. "Where am I?" he snarled. "I'm tired of your games! Tell me what it is you want with me!"

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IC: Tear - Dream Temple


Tear's eyes burned into Lucid critically. "A 'vision?'" he scoffed. "I don't need you to..."


Tear trailed off as he caught sight of Lucid's companion peering out from behind that all too familiar toy. She quickly ducked back behind it, but that wasn't a face Tear could easily forget. He had seen it in the mirror enough times. "Who is that?" he asked, his voice suddenly losing much of its bluster. "Why are you doing this? Make it go away!"

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IC: Lucid / Dream Temple



"That's... what I want to help you with," Lucid explained. "You find yourself in places you didn't go, with things you didn't have or missing things you did, no? I know. She does too. It's because there are two personalities in your head - you, and hers. Sometimes you're is in control, others she is. In the physical world, you share one body, and can never meet. But here, in a dream, you may." She gave a sympathetic frown, knowing this sounded implausible, especially to as suspicious a mind as his. "I know it's hard to believe, to deal with. But it is true."


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IC: Tear - Dream Temple


It was unheard of. It couldn't be true. But why did it have to make so much sense? "No," Tear muttered, his chest heaving with ragged breaths. "No. You're... you're lying! I don't know why, but you're lying!"


His hands quivered with rage, ready to lash out at anything and anyone nearby. But as his eyes fell upon the small one... himself, no herself... their other self... he couldn't strike her. She was a lie, an illusion, a trick... but how can you destroy something that looks back at you through your own eyes?


With a bellow of rage and confusion, Tear spun around to turn his anger on the fountain instead. His hands pressed to the hidden compartments in his sides, only for him to remember that the knives were gone. She had taken them. Just as every other weapon he had ever tried to wield. The thought only increased his anger. Why was she so soft? How could she dare to be a coward in his body! Everything he worked for, taken away by some...


"Tear, stop!" He froze where he stood, and hated himself for doing so.


"That is your name, isn't it?" Tear stood up, Haru hanging limply by her side. "Everyone I knew learned to fear you... to fear us. All you can do is tear things apart."


"That's not true!" he hissed. He turned back around to face his doppelganger, looking down on her tiny, pathetic stance. "Everything I've done was for us! She locked us away, tortured us, manipulated us, tried to mold us into her weapon! I fought her, fought those whose will had crumbled under hers, and fought against the bonds she tried to place us in! I ran away to save us from her!"


"W-who are you t-talking about?" Tear whimpered, fearing she already knew the answer.


"Our Mother!"

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IC Spindle


He blinked once more, looking the taller Rahk over, sparing more than a couple seconds looking at her hands. "Well, you've got quite the mechani-"


Looking around at Tear and... Oddly coloured Psycho, Spindle noticed they both had dropped off into what appeared to be a blank stare, but there eyes were closed. He snapped the wristblade back in without thinking about it and looked back and forth in confusion. "...Hello? You okay?"


Upon getting no response, he murmured uh=ohhh... to himself, and attempted to struggle out of the door.

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IC: Slif - Refectory to Gym

I rolled my eyes on the way out. He could barely lift her, let alone make it outside. For me, it would have been like picking up a couple of dew fruits.

Now that I knew where everything was, a walk to the gym would be pretty short. Subconsciously I started rubbing at a few flecks of food on my chest, and fingering them into my mouth. The flavor didn't even register in my mouth, I just kept wiping it off until I was clean. Before I knew it, I was biting at my claws, running my teeth across to sharpen both my teeth and claws. I traded the bowl between my hands, working on each of them. When I walked through the gym door, I only just realized how into my claws I was getting. I shrugged and relaxed my arm, willing the gym to give me fresh water. As the floor sank and filled, it created a nearly-smooth surface that I could easily see my reflection in.

"Hello there, handsome," I couldn't help it. My face was just... right there. "Mind if I borrow some of this? 'Course not."

With a quick dip, the bowl was full, and the reflection dissipated.


IC: Sim - Library


I woke with a start. My face was flat to the ground, and my hips up in the air.

"...Doh." The field surrounding my body dissipated, and I propped myself up with my arms. I don't normally lose balance when I fall asleep in place... hm. I rubbed at my face, I could feel a little dent where I had left the field inactive.

"Dat doesn't feel gud." It sounded like my nasal cavity had been closed up too. Not fun. 


IC: Fate - Infirmary

On with the next step in the process, dissection. This brought my focus almost entirely to the kraata, although I would be picking out nerves extensions and a few stray muscle formations in the armor. Suits tended to have a few organic components left over from the transformation process, such as in the arms, and sometimes the calves. I pulled the kraata as far out of it's casing as I could, until the tentacles were taught. I gingerly pulled on each of the tentacles to free the kraata. Most of them came out, but a few had death grips in their sockets.

I frowned. I was hoping I could remove the kraata entirely first, but it was going to have to stick around for a while longer.

Edited by Coconut Fanatic
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IC: Lucid / Dream Temple

The conversation between Tear and Tear was revealing much to Lucid, but unfortunately it wasn't information that seemed likely to make her task of mediation easier. She knew well the intractable nature of both devotion and opposition to the Makuta, another barrier between the two in addition to their conflicting gentle and volatile natures.

"You may not trust the Makuta's motives, but violence is not a necessary part of resistance," she cautioned Tear. "If you make of yourself a weapon, sooner or later someone will use you for it."

* * *

IC: Gaever / Library

Gaever was going to point out that she hadn't been waving her hands around in anyone's direction, but Spindle never even finished the sentence accusing her of anything. Instead he looked over at Lucid and Tear, then suddenly went to leave. Well, okay. She wasn't going to stop him from that. She herself though stood hesitantly where she was for a moment, in case it was a ruse and he was hoping she'd also leave immediately so he could go back to waving his knife menacingly, or worse.

Edited by Sergei Rahkmaninoff


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IC: Tear - Dream Temple


Tear's attention suddenly snapped back to Lucid. This one he wouldn't be afraid to hurt. "And what did you expect me to do?" he replied, making the most of his height to loom over her. "Be taken in by her soft words and gentle lies? She knew I wouldn't break that easily, and I have the marks to prove it!"

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IC: Lucid / Dream Temple



Lucid met Tare's glare firmly, looking up at him calm and unwavering, still compassionate. "No, to resist was right. But consider, what more compelling target for persuasion than a Rahkshi of already prodigious violence, which must only be redirected? There were other ways than violence, there always are." She sighed, and continued more positively, "But I admit it is hard to condemn what was done under pressure. So, what's done is done. You did find another way, escape, and it brought you here, where many share your convictions. Find them, befriend them. You don't need to be hostile and reclusive anymore."

Edited by Sergei Rahkmaninoff


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IC: Tear - Dream Temple


Lucid's quiet response shocked Tear, and he stepped back, bending back down closer to Lucid's eye level. "There are... more?" he muttered, looking over to Tear to see the same surprise mirrored on her face. Despite how many of Mother's cautions had proved unfounded thus far, he had still believed in the students' vicious loyalty to the Makuta. The Rahkshi who had tried to hunt him down only added merit. He hadn't even considered the possibility that others had seen the Makuta for the vile manipulators they were.


"Like... the Fellowship of Peace?" Tear asked hopefully.

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IC: Gaever / Library

Gaever was going to point out that she hadn't been waving her hands around in anyone's direction, but Spindle never even finished the sentence accusing her of anything. Instead he looked over at Lucid and Tear, then suddenly went to leave. Well, okay. She wasn't going to stop him from that. She herself though stood hesitantly where she was for a moment, in case it was a ruse and he was hoping she'd also leave immediately so he could go back to waving his knife menacingly, or worse.

Sorry for the confusion, I meant the door he had on his arm.


IC Spindle


Despite pulling on it as hard as he could, the door was rather securely fastened around his arm. Well drat. Jeez, I really hope I don't get questioned...


"Um... Want to hear a knock-knock joke?"

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IC: Rose [Refectory]


She grinned again and continued. her voice as uneven as ever,


"tell the guy wh-w-who makes this SLime," her words faultered and hissed, "that it is n-n-nEIther filling, NOR t-t-tasteful..."


she leaned over the counter with an air of trouble about her, resting with her spiny elbows digging into the surface,


"and, t-trust mE, I wo-uld know t-th-that."


OOC: Sorry! time flies when real life happens <_> i also kinda forgot how Rose speaks entirely, but i think i still got it?



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IC: Sliver - Gym.


"And I really don't care," I replied flatly, straightening to glower down at the other rahk, "Trust me, I'd know if I did." 

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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OOC: Oh, okay. Well, Gaever would still have been watching him anyways.


IC: Gaever / Library



Gaever raised an eyebrow skeptically, but beyond that did not respond.


* * *


IC: Lucid / Dream Temple



"Yes, and others too," Lucid said, glad she was starting to make sense to Tear. "It is not a ubiquitous sentiment, nor one often loudly spoken. But it is certainly present."


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IC: Tear - Dream Temple


Tear beamed with delight at Lucid's words. It was as if the Fellowship was her dream come true. They were all so kind to her, they didn't want to fight, and they would help her stay away from Mother, though she still wasn't sure where her loyalty would fall there.


And best of all, they wouldn't be scared of her now that they knew about...




She glanced over to her other half, who seemed to still be processing this startling bit of information. If he had understood what she had asked, he gave no sign.


It will be alright, she thought. He'll be better now. He knows he doesn't have to fight anymore. The Fellowship would be good for both of us.


But she couldn't be sure. Even now as they spoke face to face, the weight of his crimes done with her hands still burdened her.


Her thoughts were interrupted by his voice, now a surprisingly subdued murmur rather than a roar. "Then... what can I do?" Tear asked. "I've been fighting with claws for so long, determined to never forgive. I want to end their tyranny, but I don't know how anymore."


Is he changing?

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IC: Fate - Infirmary

Snip. In one quick motion, the scalpel tore open the kraata by it's head. It easily separated the soft tissue. Inside was a perfectly intact, if a little stale, kraata brain. I didn't particularly know much about brain anatomy or structure, so I carefully removed it and put it in a jar filled with chemicals. Someone else can have fun with that in the future. I continued picking it apart, identifying certain organs under my breath as I went along. Fluid began to drip down my arms, and pooled on the table beneath it, all while I made sure the fluid didn't leak into the empty suit beside me. Without thinking, I flicked off a large glob of thickened ichor from my arm across the room. Hopefully that didn't hit anyone...


OOC: And that's what you call an invitation. 


IC: ??? - Ruins on the water

They thought that they had seen someone... but there didn't seem to be anyone there. Shame. They would have liked some more company. They continued to wander through the mist, finding more and more pieces of dead and broken lives. More than ones had a step resulted in the crunch of a shattered mask(or worse) beneath them. It had been some time now since Pentaghast and Vyper had left. It felt like days. Months, even. This thought dragged them down, and weighted their mind. Fatigue from days of walking set in, slowly. Without warning, their legs suddenly refused to move, and they were on the ground. 

They let out a sort of cry, and promptly fell to sleep.


OOC: I don't know what to do with this character. *shrug* they seem pretty stuck right now.

Edited by Coconut Fanatic
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IC: Rose [Refectory]


"b-but yOU're the one.. be-Hind the counter he-ere" she sputtered through her fangs,


"I'm not s-s-satisfi-ed with the food... and w-ant some-th-thing mORe sub-stanti-i-al!"


She had raised her voice a bit, but not quite enough to be "loud" yet, and there was more peeve than aggression in her tone.


OOC: translation- "i ate a whole bowl of this sludge and just now realized it kinda sucks!"



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