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Ghosts of Bara Magna

a goose

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IC: Karak - Arrival in Tajun

A city of crevices. Already the air feels less dry - though only by a slight. 

I slow. Already a crowd is beginning to build outside the subterranean settlement. How far Huracan would take me before I would have to disembark?

A finger up, I attempt to signal Skyra somehow in front of me. She likely knows this place far better.

OOC: @Snelly @Techn0geist

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“No. Sorry, kid, that’s the one thing you can never do.”

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IC: Skrall - Caravan

"That, I cannot answer. As I understand it, all the tournament means is influence. He has to mean to do something with it." 

Skrall was speculating, but he had to infer that what they were doing meant something. Here again, he was an outrider. On the marches you could lose yourself, if you didn't believe in what your were doing. Even in the march south, this had been true. He had seen outriders, like himself, sitting down to willingly die from exposure. They could not imagine the future anymore, or how they would contribute to it.

"I cannot say for sure. But, you sound skeptical."

OOC: @Nato G

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IC: Skrall - Caravan

"I won't claim to have the skill or experience of our leader... but if Tirveus was planning to conquer the South, wouldn't this tournament be the perfect time?" He asked. "If it were me, I'd besiege Atero at the very end of the tournament, when all of the best Glatorian are gathered in one place, injured and tired from weeks of fighting. Sending us into the tournament would... complicate things."

It made sense, at least to his mind. Invading villages one by one would galvanise the former foes of the South into a unified front. Eliminating them all at once, when they were weakened and confined to one, easily-controllable location, made sense. 

But perhaps he was giving Tirveus too much credit by assuming he would employ such a strategy. Perhaps this entire discussion of an invasion was fanciful thinking. Or perhaps the Skrall gathered in these chariots were sacrificial pawns in service of a greater plan... 

It didn't matter. Their task was to win the tournament. 

Why Tirveus wanted it was irrelevant. 

The reward all that mattered.  

I will be Named.

I will be known.


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Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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IC, Aurax: Precipere

Aurax raised a hand in polite greeting. "Hello," he said to the guard, Giltu, "my companions and I are on our way to Ferrum. I'm not sure if you've heard, but there's been an issue in my home village. Some kind of plague, allegedly. The situation is concerning enough that people from various tribes are going in to investigate." Aurax gestured to the others to show their varied origins. "If you could grant us passage through your village so that we can reach Ferrum with haste, we could all greatly appreciate it."

OOC: @Nato G @oncertainty @Burnmad @a goose

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IC: Skrall - Caravan

"A bold plan that would be," Skrall said, thinking it through. "But perhaps just as likely to unite our foes against us. If the strike was decisive, then we would win absolutely. If not, then we would be facing the Southerners as one."

He took a breath in, and then let it out.

"Perhaps we are meant to do something more subtle. Perhaps we are meant to weaken them in another way, by showing that we have surpassed them even in what they prize above all else. These games, these arenas, their Glatorian—" he spoke the final word with careful pronunciation, unfamiliar with its use. "—are everything to them. Their whole social system is built upon its foundation."

OOC: @Nato G

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IC: Giltu - Precipere 

"We've heard about Ferrum. I was told to expect visitors," the Agori nodded along with Aurax's explanation, "I believe our village leader was intending to send some of our own along with you, and I'm sure he'll wish to speak with you before you continue on."

He turned towards one of the faces watching through a nearby window. "Go wake Somok!" 

Another Agori promptly came rushing out of the hut, running off towards another part of the residential district. 

"If you'll follow me," Giltu started walking down the path, towards the centre of the settlement, "Our guardhouse should have room enough for everyone to talk, away from prying eyes."

@Burnmad @a goose @~Xemnas~


IC: Skrall - Caravan

"I'm not sure subtlety is something Tirveus understands," he scoffed, the image of their leader throwing the prisoner against the wall still fresh in his mind. "But you may have a point. Losing their tournament to outsiders would be a... cultural conquest, of sorts." 


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Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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On 4/23/2023 at 5:29 PM, Vezok's Friend said:

IC/ Skrall/ Caravan

“Facts, then: How did they die? What wounds did they suffer, if any - and from what weapon, if you know?”

IC: Skrall [Trail, Roxtus ->Bone Hunter Stronghold, Lead Cart]

"Quickly. Slashed all over - some more than others. Only Skrall blood was spilled - and the ambushers left none of their weaponry behind."

Edited by BULiK
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Visit www.BZPRPG.com to view my project of archiving BZPower's RPGs, and also access the BZPower Roleplaying Wiki

BZPRPG Profiles - Ghosts Of Bara Magna Profiles

Exo-Force RPG Profiles - Six Kingdoms: Apocalypse (Knichou, Berys, Arnex, The Taku, Exuze)

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IC: Skrall - Caravan

"I am not optimistic about our leader's capacity for subtlety either, for what it's worth," he shrugged. "But I don't want to start thinking there isn't a strategy. There has to be a reason for us to be here."

He leaned back in his seat on the chariot, and closed his eyes for a long moment. The south, wide and unknown, seemed to unfold before him. Eyes open, he crossed his arms.

"But if you find our purpose obscure, well, hard to imagine a better place to be than here. No leaders in the south. By necessity, we'll be making our own way."

OOC: @Nato G


IC: Escus - Precipere

Escus looked to his companions, briefly raised his brows, then turned and followed the guard into the interior of Precipere.

His gaze lingered on each artistically-adorned wall that they passed. An attempt to ensure that something survived the death of any one person, he supposed. Escus could sympathize. However, this attempt was limited by the limitations of the lives they depicted. For the most part, they could only ever depict the exploits of ordinary Agori. Not much of an afterlife, in his estimation. Not how he would be remembered, after he was gone. In being one of the few who would go to Ferrum, he was ensuring that.

OOC: @a goose @Burnmad @~Xemnas~

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IC: Skrall - Caravan

"In truth, that concerns me," he replied, "Aside from our guide..." he gestured to the Special Forces Skrall over in the other carriage, "...I wonder if any of us have gone so far, or so long, without orders. I certainly haven't." 


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Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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IC: Skrall - Caravan

"Nor I. Even in the first march south, there was more of a command structure than this," he said, and put a hand to the back of his neck. "It concerns me as well. It seems all too easy to lose oneself, in the south. I hope I am wrong about that, but we shall have to see."

OOC: @Nato G

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IC: Skrall - Caravan 

"I'm not concerned about us losing ourselves. More... the opposite," he said, "You said there are no leaders in the South, but we all seek to become one. We have a shared mission, but only one of us can claim the reward."

With name came rank. With rank came the right to lead. 

Already, members of their group had asserted themselves. Already, tensions had formed. With the promise of power before them, how far would these Skrall be willing to go to claim it? What resentments would fester among those who fell short? How closely could they trust each other in the weeks to come? 

"How are we to work together when we're competing?" 


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Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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IC: Mard & Ahmoa - Training Ground, outskirts of Atero

The rules laid out, the two Glatorian in position, Mard raised his arm high to the night sky.

"Ready!" He yelled surprisingly loud for someone of his stature, summoning an arena commentator's voice from deep down.

For some added drama, Ahmoa started drumming his spear against the ring's wooden fence for a count=of-five, earning a grin from his partner.

Tack. Tack. Tack. Tack. Tack. Then a pause.


Mard threw his arm down. "Fight!"


OOC: @Toru Nui @oncertainty

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The Writer Formerly Known as Zeal
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IC: Somnii (Bone Hunter Stronghold; Somnii's Cell)

"Wait." It went against her every instinct, but she knew that she was powerless here. She needed leverage. She needed information. Planning an escape would only go so far if she didn't even really know who she was escaping from.

"Who is the four-eyed man?"

OOC: @Toru Nui

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Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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IC, Aurax: Precipere

Aurax glanced back at Tueris, then began following Giltu to the Ash Tribe's guardhouse. He wasn't particularly happy at the concept of more people joining the group; that means more chances for things to go wrong. But it wasn't his call. He wasn't in charge; Tueris was. If Tueris was fine with more people, Aurax could suffer through it.

OOC: @Nato G @oncertainty @Burnmad @a goose

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IC: Tueris (Staff NPC; The Long Road to Ferrum)

Tueris nodded to Aurax, though his expression was grim. Each additional member of their party was an additional life to worry about, and an additional vector for transmission. He had once read a story of a boat, travelling down a river of water; it stopped again and again along the banks, taking on a new passenger each time.

It never reached its destination. The weight of its occupants forced it below the waterline, and the lot of them drowned.

He followed closely behind the Ferrumite.

OOC: @~Xemnas~ @Nato G @oncertainty @Burnmad

Edited by a goose
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Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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IC: Lutenus (Outskirts of Atero, Training Ground) - CPU


Lutenus charges Lorqua, training axe in hand-

@oncertainty @Techn0geist


IC: Skrall (Skrall Convoy, East of Roxtus) - That Liar Lies

Skrall, defeated so easily? Impossible! Skrall’s mind was made, now - this prisoner was definitely false.

“The prisoner lies - Skrall cannot be bested in such a fashion.”

@BULiK @a goose @Vezok's Friend @Burnmad @Nato G @oncertainty


IC: Taldrix (Bone Hunter Stronghold, Outside Somnii’s Cell) - Mystery Man

What? Four eyes? Only Great Beings had those. She wasn’t referring to eyeglasses, was she? Cybernetic enhancements?

Taldrix brushed this aside. “You’ve far more immediate concerns.” She then started glaring at the Skrall slave, to force him into leaving before she lost her temper.

@a goose @Mel

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IC: Skrall (The Caravan)

Skrall began to chuckle. "You know who I am, don't you? What became of my unit?"

He turned to look the suicidally overconfident Skrall dead in the eyes. "Care to wager a guess at the glorious manner in which they fell?"

OOC: @skrall, but primarily @Toru Nui

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Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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IC: The Ash Tribe - Precipere 

Like the rest of the buildings in Precipere, the guardhouse was a squat, single-storey structure of stone, though more rectangular in shape, and much larger than the rest. Similar to the other structures the visitors had seen, the guardhouse exterior was a showcase of the village's past, adorned with vibrant depictions of guards and Glatorian battling beasts and repelling raiders.

Inside, the structure was spartan and spacious, with a rack of weapons against the farthest wall, and hand-carved tables and chairs of varying sizes and scales scattered haphazardly around the room. Shelves were carved into one of the long walls, housing stacks of parchments and stone tablets, likely containing the records and reports of the guards. Across from it, the other longer wall had what looked to be hundreds of names scrawled into it, denoting the many denizens who'd helped defend the village over the decades. The early-morning sunlight shone in through weathered windows, painting the room in an ominous orange. 

"Take a seat," Giltu said, stifling a yawn as he led the group of travellers inside, "Somok will be with us shortly."

@a goose @~Xemnas~ @oncertainty @Burnmad

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Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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IC: Salwa (Precipere)

The party had arrived. I hadn't made any sort of attempt to make myself known, and it would stay that way for now. Outsiders were not common here, this entire event was unprecedented, and that made my spine tingle with anticipation of more unexpected things to happen. Never a good sign.

For now, I stayed out of sight, but I made sure to stay awake and indoors. If I was needed, I'd be called for eventually.

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IC: Skrall - Caravan

Skrall smirked in response to his companion's question.

"You say you're not worried about us losing ourselves, but I'm not convinced what you are worried about is any different. Hmm. We remain Skrall wherever we go, evidently," he gestured towards the prisoner, in the other chariot and still surrounded by their inquisitive fellows. "We still call him Skrall. But who we are specifically was forged in the fires of cohesion and discipline. In breaking from that, he has lost himself. The opportunity is there for us all to do the same. Our goals ought to be compatible, if they are for the good of the Skrall, but this tournament," he shook his head.

"This tournament may yet make us like Southerners, if you are right."

OOC: @Nato G


IC: Lorqua - Training Ground

Lutenus had taken the initiative. He moved with a decisiveness that Lorqua would not have expected from him. All the same, she was used to being on the back foot. Bandits, Skopio, the odd Vorox or Bone Hunter: these were not fighters that announced themselves. When you realized you were under attack, they were already upon you. If someone was coming at you, why not let them?

Lorqua didn't try to dodge out of the way. She immediately spread her feet into a wide stance, holding her shield high and angled to deflect the blow. Simultaneously, she threw out her right arm, letting her Warrior's Sinews extend outward. Her hand, holding a javelin perpendicular to the line of Lutenus' attack, hurtled towards his ankles for a trip.

Revealing the big secret early, but it seldom paid to hold back.

OOC: @Toru Nui @Techn0geist


IC: Escus - Precipere Guardhouse

Escus did not sit.

Instead, he stepped up to the wall of names. He traced out the characters on the wall, following the handwriting of of each name with his finger. He whistled softly but, conscious of Tueris' orders, he said nothing.

OOC: @Nato G @a goose @~Xemnas~ @Burnmad

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1 hour ago, oncertainty said:

IC: Skrall - Caravan

"This tournament may yet make us like Southerners, if you are right."

IC: Skrall - Caravan

"We don't even need the tournament for that," he said, gesturing to the soft-hearted Special Forces Skrall who was guiding their expedition, "But this is a new world for us. Perhaps some kind of change is necessary." 


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Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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IC: Skrall - Caravan

The smirk grew into a small smile. "On that point, I am inclined to agree. This is a new world, and change will happen no matter what we do. The trick is making sure we change in a good way," he tilted his head quickly by forty-five degrees. "That's the difficult thing, I'd say."

OOC: @Nato G

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IC: Skrall - Caravan

"Change in a good way," he repeated, brow furrowed in thought. Good by whose definition? Did change even have a morality?

The Southerners valued individuality and personal freedom above all else. To them, the use of slaves and the denial of names were abominable concepts. To the Skrall that was simply the way of things. Did the Skrall need to change themselves to suit life in the South, or did the South need to be changed to suit them? Was there a middle ground to be found, or was conflict inevitable? 

"What do you see as good change?" He finally replied, knowing as he asked it that he had no answer for the question himself. 


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Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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IC: Lutenus (Outskirts of Atero, Training Ground) - A Nice Trip

The javelin did indeed, trip up Lutenus, but he started clambering up to his feet very quickly-

@oncertainty @Techn0geist


IC: Skrall (Skrall Convoy, East of Roxtus) - I Reject Your Reality

“There will be no ‘wager.’ Do not disgrace the memory of the fallen with further falsehood.”

@a goose @BULiK @Vezok's Friend @Burnmad @Nato G @oncertainty

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IC: Skrall (The Prison Wagon)

"We were a party of six; our leader died first. We initially believed that he was simply going mad – he became confused, unsure of who and where we were, then turned paranoid. We were considering killing him in his sleep – mutiny was a crime, but in this case, it could also be a mercy. He spared us the trouble by never waking up.

"We thought he'd been cursed by the people of a nearby village. We took the man we thought responsible as a prisoner; when we returned to Roxtus, he would come with us to answer for his crimes. But then he started talking."

Skrall's face betrayed a cold fury, passionless and raw.

"Sunstroke. He diagnosed it easily, the moment we mentioned our leader's lack of sweat – as the only named one among us, he had insisted it was due to his mental and physical superiority, the same reasoning by which he refused to rest in the heat of the day or take shelter from the sun. He was Skrall; such weakness was beneath him.

"Oh, we didn't believe the prisoner at first, thought it more tricks – after all, what reason did he have to tell the truth? But we favoured the shade and travelled by night from then on, and none of us met our leader's fate. But it wasn't long before the rest of us fell ill, clearly the doing of our bound companion. We were suffering fatigue, dizziness, nausea; one of our number succumbed to delirium and wandered into the desert, convinced he had seen an oasis on the horizon. We found his dessicated body lying in the sand three days later, picked clean by carrion. We were growing weaker by the day, and after another of us died in his sleep, I stated the obvious: we weren't cursed. The prisoner showed the same symptoms as us, and had identified the cause days earlier – much of our water had evaporated in the heat, and with no way of recovering what had been lost, we were rationing it. And we were rationing it too tightly."

He heaved a pained sigh, clearly still troubled by the recollection of what came next.

"The prisoner had suggestions – cutting into cacti, turning over rocks. Superstition and nonsense. We were Skrall, we knew how to fend for ourselves; we dug down and used the groundwater. Not two days had passed before all three of us who remained were struck down with fever and agony of the stomach; what water we drank, we passed immediately, now saturated with blood. One more scout took his own life rather than endure the pain. We two who remained knew that we were dying, and my comrade blamed the prisoner. Even I could not deny that he was the only one who was not suffering as we did, but rather than kill him as my comrade bade me, I asked him why."

Skrall produced a flask of water and took a swig, savouring it. His mouth felt dry from the memories alone. His eyes, which had turned to the middle distance during his tale, fixed themselves again on the fool Skrall.

"Tell me, Skrall. Tell me why I lived, and my comrades did not."

OOC: @skrall but primarily @Toru Nui

Edited by a goose
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Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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IC: Skrall (Skrall Convoy, East of Roxtus) - Literary Analysis

“Then the survivor was saved by being the most resilient of the party, withstanding the various witchcrafts described - and witchcraft does exist, the power of the Sisters is known.” Skrall said all this as if it were obvious.

“This tale is… more feasible, as it tells of greater struggles than the one told by the prisoner, who would have others believe that Skrall could be felled far more easily. How does one story prove another?”

@a goose @BULiK @Vezok's Friend @Burnmad @Nato G @oncertainty

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IC: Skrall (The Prison Wagon)

"Have you ever seen evidence of witchcraft with your own eyes? Even once?"

Skrall did not wait for a reply.

"I survived because I started collecting and drinking water in the way the prisoner did; he told us the truth, from the start. We didn't face a single struggle that we ourselves didn't create – all our ailments were entirely preventable, if we had only asked the locals for help, instead of treating them with suspicion and condescension. My comrades weren't killed by witchcraft or hardship. They were killed by Skrall superiority. And if you keep thinking it's treason to admit we aren't invulnerable, you won't last very long in the Wastelands."

OOC: @skrall but especially @Toru Nui

Edited by a goose
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Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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IC: Skrall (Skrall Convoy, East of Roxtus) - And Substitute My Own

Skrall sighs. “Honour demands that Skrall speak truthfully, the poison of doubt already festers within this warrior, to great shame. But what does it matter, if pride in the Black Legion is this one’s swift end? It is infinitely preferable to the slow, more painful death of the self, betraying all that the Skrall are, and all that the Skrall can become. This one’s life means little…”

He then grows more contemplative. “Though, there may be truth in this story, that the words of profligates should not go unheeded…”

@a goose @BULiK @Vezok's Friend @Burnmad @Nato G @oncertainty

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Content Warning: internalized victim blaming
a slave | bone hunter stronghold

You have become unused to judging people—this is not a luxury that a slave has.   Yet, something about the fire in the prisoner’s words stirs approval in your chest.  She is brave, defiant.   She should have been born Skrall, and you—

You should stop this.   It is foolish ramblings, the world cannot be anyway than it is.   You can never be anything but what you are, a failed attempt at Skrall, only useful to propagate those not flawed as you are.

You bow before the not-hunter’s bitter gaze, silently turning back down the hall.

OOC: @a goose @Toru Nui

Edited by Mel
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There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

AU8R4.gif BkY1n.gif 5r6gI.gif MWEwd.gif ZMVSN.gif ODscu.gif FICZv.gif HZtia.gif XDvOI.gif

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Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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IC: Skrall - Caravan

"I..." Skrall began, and then faltered. He blinked, he looked bashfully down at his feet, then peered out of the chariot again. Finally, he returned his gaze to his interlocutor. "I apologize. To say I want things to change in a good way is... crude. I ought to have thought further on this before I spoke. I... Do you—" 

he was speaking quickly, eschewing the retreat that falling into silence would represent. 

"—do you remember the smell of the air, at home? Not at Roxtus. North. Do you remember how the air would smell on a morning after a rainfall?" at this question, a slight tremble entered his voice. "I am not convinced I do. Not with any accuracy. But don't get me wrong. I do not mourn for this. I have learned many other ways a morning can smell. A satisfying exchange, a profitable one even, if you wish to think of it in such terms. I think I mean only this: change ought not diminish us."

Then he did fall silent, and looked downwards again. He frowned deeply, and his embarrassment at his response to Skrall's question was evident.

OOC: @Nato G


IC: Lorqua - Training Ground

Lorqua's surprise at Lutenus' speed and economy of movement continued. A keen observer would notice her eyes widen and quickly blink as her opponent scrambled to his feet. Her surprise precluded her from taking advantage of his fall.

Instead, she drew back her arm to its ordinary length and, still holding her shield out before her, circled Lutenus to see what he would do next.

OOC: @Toru Nui @Techn0geist

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IC: Skrall – Caravan

It was amazing how swiftly one could forget how things had once been.

Even before the march South, much of Skrall’s life had been routine and repetition. The same places, the same faces, over and over, day after day. In the wistful gaze of hindsight, so much of what he had once known was marvellous to him now, when it had been mundane and meaningless at the time.

The smell of rain on the wind… verdant valleys… fields of glimmering green… all gone.

Forsaken in fear and failure, replaced by scalding sand, whipping wind, and horrendous heat.

“This place is… harsher than what we left behind,” he said, “But it will not diminish us. We will...” He stopped short of saying "survive it". To survive wasn't enough. How the Southerners lived was survival, but Skrall were meant for more than scraping and scavenging, "...it will make us stronger." 


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Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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IC: Jeizmel, Streets of Atero

A fan was... as good a description of herself as any, Jeizmel figured. More a fan of Vraek as a person than as a fighter; but in the end it all amounted to the same thing. She nodded her head a couple of times, agreeably; but was distracted from saying more by their new companion's next words.

A crystal crafter? She knew it, she had been sure this was someone who appreciated ice for its purity just as she did, and that - as well as the mention of being misunderstood - was all the confirmation that Jeizmel needed. Surely this was a lady of like mind to her own!

"It is beautiful," she added her own appreciation to Vraek's, her voice soft as her blue gaze wandering the intricate shaping of Xani's mask. "I'm not really an artist, but there's nothing I appreciate more than the purity of such work. I'd love to see more."

Oh of course, names, names...

"I- I'm Jeizmel. It's a true pleasure."


ooc: Iiiiii'm sorry this is so late! I've been working on other things and kinda neglected to check in here for a while ^^;

@Daniel the Finlander @Toru Nui

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"New legends awake, but old lessons must be remembered.
For that is the way
of the BIONICLE."

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IC: Lutenus (Outskirts of Atero, Training Ground) - Demo Mode

Within, the man internally debated with the machine. It believed that continuing its charge was paramount. Lutenus now wasn’t so sure, having seen Lorqua’s unusual cybernetic arm - all but certainly another Celrys special.


“Oh, that’s rather good.” He said, beginning to walk in an anti-clockwise circle around Lorqua. “Is there anything else?” He hoped to induce her into counter-attacking.

@oncertainty @Techn0geist

Edited by Toru Nui
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IC: Skrall – Caravan

“Yes,” he repeated, nodding. The word was little more than filler, something to break the silence as he searched desperately for something more to add. What little he had to offer in way of profound remarks had been thoroughly expended.

Truth be told, he wasn’t used to talking this much.

But even in a simple conversation, Skrall wasn’t one to admit defeat.

“Have you ever travelled this far South before?” He asked. Not his best attempt at small talk, but relevant enough to the purpose of their journey that it hopefully didn’t stand out as too awkward.



IC: Somok – Guardhouse

It wasn’t long before a new figure appeared in the doorway of the guardhouse.

He was an Agori, elderly and infirm, leaning on his crimson staff in a way that made it all too clear that it wasn’t just a badge of office. His armour was evocative of the style used by the Fire Tribe, all flowing lines and flame-like filigree, but entirely hued in shades of grey.

His breaths came haggard and heavy as he stepped into the building, even the simple act of walking across the village proving to be an exercise in exertion. The only truly lively thing about him were his emerald eyes, wide and wary, sweeping swiftly over each member of the party in stark contrast to his slow, unsteady steps.

He pulled out an empty chair and slumped down into it with a groan, laying his staff down in his lap. “You’re not what I was expecting,” his voice, when he spoke, was raw and raspy, “I am Somok, leader of the Ash Tribe. Which of you should I be addressing?" 

@oncertainty @Burnmad @a goose @~Xemnas~

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Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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IC: Skrall - Caravan

"Hmm," Skrall vocalized, rising half-way to his feet and steadying himself on the side of the chariot as he looked all around the outside of the vehicle. With a series of blinks, he activated a series of nictitating membranes which allowed him to inspect several landmarks with greater detail.

For a few moments he said nothing. A silence that he suspected was welcome for both of them. Weighty conversation was a rare thing for him, and it didn't come easily.

"Not this far, no. I think I once rode to the foot of a pillar of stone that we passed an hour ago, and after that we were the furthest south I've ever been. Hadn't really thought about it until now," he returned to his seat and disengaged the membranous lenses. "You?"

OOC: @Nato G


IC: Lorqua - Training Ground

On 5/10/2023 at 7:47 PM, Toru Nui said:

“Is there anything else?”

No, not unless Lutenus was planning to surrender after seeing her drink a serious amount of water, there wasn't. Of course she was happy to keep him guessing about that one. She assumed a bold grin. "Maybe there is."

Luckily for Lutenus' plans, Lorqua was not a hard fighter to goad. However, luckily for her, she wasn't entirely without guile either. She had been surprised by how he reacted before, so she decided to test him against a more conventional strike. She threw a javelin overhand in a downward arc. Make it look real, but plan for a near miss. See what he makes of it.

OOC: @Toru Nui @Techn0geist

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IC: Skrall - Caravan

"I've been part of a few patrols just outside Roxtus. Never travelled much further than that," he looked out at the windswept plains of sand and stone strewn all around them, "It seems there is little in the way of new sights to be seen."


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Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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IC: Skrall - Caravan

"Aye, from here there is. Almost makes you wish we'd stumble upon some Vorox or a Skopio or something, break up the monotony," he said, though without sincerity. "But I hear the South is not only this. We are bound for Tajun, are we not? They say it is a city like the parched gathering about an oasis. I should like to see that, I think."

OOC: @Nato G

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IC: Skrall - Caravan

"It makes one wonder why the Southerners don't all live there," he replied. 


  • Like 3

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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