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Soran's Comic Emporium


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So I figured I would post the finished comics that I had on my computer. 


Charade Conundrum


I assume most people figured it would work out this way once they disguised themselves as each other.


The More Guilty Party


I'm a particular fan of the dramatic zoom of both Soran and The Fourth Wall. Especially because for The Fourth Wall it zooms in on nothing.


Case Closed


Best ending I could think of at the time. It was all pointless in the end.


Blind Setup


I found an old comic script in a box and decided to make this one. Had to lengthen the joke to fit 3 panels but hopefully it still works.


Anyway, that's all for now,



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The Modest Reward


Another script from the same paper I found.


yay more comics. But u think that the Judge would know what the sue was on


I would just assume that the judge was late and wasn't aware of what it was about.


Well, looks like its time to play the waiting game now that I've read all the comics.


Don't wait too long.



Hope you guys enjoy the comic,



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Cup Half What?


The cup is actually right at 50%. 


Thank you so much for including me!


I really loved the court case one, and it turned out brilliantly. You are a true comic genius.


You're welcome. Thank you for the ideas at the time.


I somehow didn't see the lawyers declaring their clients guilty coming. I was taken by surprise and it was hilarious.


This one was pretty good too. Didn't think Mal was the sort to do that though.


I'm glad it worked. Unless a character is in a story arc I try to specifically vary the characters I use in the 1 off comics. Since Mal's character constantly talked about (in the past) his powers but never really displayed them I assumed he was somewhat egotistical. Other than that I would've used Z's character as his character's attitude was probably more appropriate for the situation. Also, I'm going to be using his character quite a bit rather shortly.



Glad you guys enjoyed the comic,



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BIONICLE 2 Storyline


Will Tahu Master of Fire be able to escape the Skull Spider Fikou Spider's web? Find out next comic!


I always assumed that the cup never emptied


It only empties when the plot necessitates that it does.


That last panel took me by surprise. Added humor to the sort of argument I find more annoying than funny normally.


Well hopeful it worked out then. I always found that type of argument to be rather silly but I decided to try my take on it.


I have to do this to someone now.


I recommend not using a scalding hot drink when attempting.


You have free right to use my character any way you wish in the future.


Now, the new comic...



Does this mean Wind is half empty?


Oh goody, now I can make Ghidora's character do the strangest things I wouldn't have my normal characters do. Hehehe...


But in all seriousness, thanks. Also in this scenario Wind would be half covered.



Glad you guys enjoyed the comic,



Edited by Soran
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BIONICLE 2 Storyline



That appears to be a:



BIONICLE 2 story: 404 not found


Unintentional and probably a better joke than the comic. Hopefully the comic is working now. 



That appears to be a:


Ironically, I'm supposed to be doing an essay right now, but no, I'm playing Smash Bros.  Wonder if it means anything...



If you haven't already started on your essay yet you should definitely do it. No point procrastinating as you're going to have to do it one time or another. All you're doing by delaying the assignment is building up stress.



Oh goody, now I can make Ghidora's character do the strangest things I wouldn't have my normal characters do. Hehehe...

So, I'm acting normal then.





Hopefully the link is working now. 



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Archaeological Beginnings


Hopefully this comic ends up working first try, let me know though if it doesn't.


Fun Fact: The headline in the first panel is based off of a real news headline I had seen.


Noo Tahu!


You  must use the powah, Tahu! THE POWAAAAAHHH




Yeah, it worked out.


Heheh. I once had interest in getting one of those. Gave it up to prioritize something much more fun, but that spider really knows no bounds.


They're still pretty cool sets not to discredit them. I just wish the story was more interesting compared to Gen 1.


Well it's certainly nice to see this comic back up and running like before. Greatly anticipating a certain little story arc, but no rush. It's good to see you back Soran.


Expect it in due time. Good to be back.


Oh my gosh, I've missed so much!

It all looks fantastic, Soran. I read every one.


Thank you.



Oh my gosh, I've missed so much!

It all looks fantastic, Soran. I read every one.

Just you wait! one of these days Soran will sue Swimmy 2.0, and I will WIN THE CASE!


CALL 1-131-GHIDORA OR I KILL YOU!!!!1!one!



There will be a return of Swimmy 2.0 in due time. It isn't anywhere close though. I've got 3 story arcs lined up already. One of them is massive and is technically 3 story arcs mashed into one (since they all link up with each other, one after the other). 



Glad you guys enjoyed the comics,



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He does have experience, though.


Oh great, he's gonna go dig up brake fluid.


Hopefully he'll stop before he does that.


I do think they're the best canister level sets ever, but Gen2's story is atrocious.


Took me a while to get the main joke of this comic, and sadly I didn't find it all that funny this time. What was hilarious was the ironic news article in the first panel.


Normally for me when it comes to introducing a story arc it's harder to set up the scene along with a joke. In those sort of scenarios if I know that the main joke isn't too great I'll put in a throwaway joke (like the one in the beginning). Best case scenario, both jokes are funny, worse case none of them are or meh case scenario at least one of them work. 


Cut to thousands of years ago when Mal buried numerous "artifacts" with the express purpose of causing people to uncover them and find them valuable, thus boosting the economy.


And by "artifacts" I mean random junk


Oh so you were the one hiding all that stuff around Voya-Nui (Voya Nui Online game reference). Crafty guy.


Does this imply there aren't enough unusual things in the front yard?


All I ever find is doggie bags. Hopefully your front yard is more convenient.



Glad you guys enjoyed the comic,




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Dead Setup


Walked right into that one.


You can't really tell if it's a twenty-foot hole


Or a mine shaft



He may even hit the city water supply


Excellent, exactly what I wanted.


Maybe they'll find a magic lamp.


Dude, spoilers.


I bet he'll dig up the skeleton of the previous owner of Jahli's house.

Also, Jahli sounds like a shipping name.


That sounds horrifying. And it does intact sound like a shipping name, it might actually be. Jaller + Hahli. 



Glad you guys enjoyed the comics,




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Walking the Line Between...


Almost everything Soran does is with good intentions but results in bad outcomes. Because of this he is literally walking the line between good and evil.


I see...


What is it with comic makers dying?


Poor healthcare.


Heheh. Dunno why he has a problem with Akino doing it. The guy can hop around with his feet in concrete, he should be able to dig too. :P


WHOA there Bulik. LOL


No idea either, I mean he has experience. He tried to do the equivalent of digging a hole to China. Bulik took the easy setup.



I see...


What is it with comic makers dying?


To be honest? No clue.


I'd actually want to figure that out myself.



Everyone gets sick with death. Very few get better.




I see...


What is it with comic makers dying?


To be honest? No clue.


I'd actually want to figure that out myself.


We've died so much it's like a LEGO video game.



Pfft, who dies in a LEGO video game? /s (But seriously you're correct. So much death in LEGO Star Wars.)



Glad you guys enjoyed the comic,



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I can't decide which panels my favorite, it has to be either the second one with the transparent clouds or the third panel, with Loganto & Ghidorah in the background, the lighting being excellent due to the shadows obscuring most of Soran. I get that you were trying to go for a shocked or scared look, but the eyes by themselves aren't enough to convey that certain emotion.

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I can't decide which panels my favorite, it has to be either the second one with the transparent clouds or the third panel, with Loganto & Ghidorah in the background, the lighting being excellent due to the shadows obscuring most of Soran. I get that you were trying to go for a shocked or scared look, but the eyes by themselves aren't enough to convey that certain emotion.

Mine is quite obviously the one with me and Loganto. Not necessarily because I'm in it, but more on the curious ideas of how the two of us burnt up the entire hilly areas of Ireland.

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