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How Do You Imagine Other Bzpower Members?

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I pretty much imagine you as your avatar.

This pretty sums up how I view others. For example a friend had a Nathan Drake avatar, I thought he looked Nathan Drake. However I'm hoping the picture of Spike from Cowboy Bebop I put in my about me section will associate his image with mine.


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As people hunched over computer keyboards, cackling maniacally, slapping the refresh button habitually and sweating exclusively through their mouth.Unless I've met them, and then I just know them as crazy people.

Perfect description of me.
My Writing Blog (more writing coming soon!)

My Bionicle/LEGO Blog (defunct)

Hyfudiar on Spotify (noise/drone/experimental music)

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Same here. But what I imagine them is like....I dunno.

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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Much younger than they really are. (Or what their ages say)

I think I am one of an elite few who don't lie about his/her age.
Ditto. Who'd lie about being my age and gender?...Ah...



i wanna be the very best

like no one ever was

to catch them is my real test

to train them is my cause

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Much younger than they really are. (Or what their ages say)

I think I am one of an elite few who don't lie about his/her age.
I don't lie about my age either. Why would you? Edited by Toa of Smooth Jazz

"I pitea the fool!"

(quote by Chro)




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How do you imagine other bzp members? I usually imagine them as their avatars, which can be akward for those who change their avatars often.

Living versions of their avatars, or a random human picture. I'm usually proven wrong by seeing their IRL pictures if they show them.For the record, I look nothing like Michael Rosen.

My Comedies: The Krika Show (Season 1)
The Krika Show Season 2 

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I always imagine them as people, but their avatars have an effect on how seriously I take them.For instance, when Ghosthands had the serious-looking David Tennant avatar, I was scared to death of him. XD


Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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I imagine people as normal people who sit completely upright,never hunched, who type decently,and have nice lives,with decent personalities,although their heads similar to their avatars,but face looking. I never picture people badly. :)EDIT: although, I had a dream where all the members were kids and the moderators and admins were adults...

Edited by Raiden: Toa of Storms
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Hmm... Depends... If I've ever seen a picture of them in real life, I imagine them more or less in that way (and I've only seen a select few and I think only the staff really. And that was only recently from Hahli Husky's blog). I imagine others from their avatars or their attitudes. Generally if I like someone I add a y to the end of their names and think of them as adorable plush chibis. Though there are exceptions to this. Such as Taka Nuvia. Takay or Taka Nuviay just sounds silly so I refer to her as Taka. Also, she's less chibi as I imagine she has demonic, torn to shreds skeleton wings. The whole adding a y thing came from Bonesiii becuase I just imagine those three i's make an eee sound. It's highly contagious to your impression of other members. XDIf I don't like the member (which is hardly anyone, if anyone) then I just think they're a grumbly grump face. (Self-censorship, Away!). Though I really don't hold grudges. =/ Though if the member tends to ramble on and on with big words that I don't use in my day-to-day vocabulary thingy, then I often imagine them to be writing with a quill pen, occasionally dipping it into some ink and then sending it off to their publishers who then type it out into a post. Oh, and they normally have fancy hats or a powdered wig. Or a fancy hat and a powdered wig.

Executive Vice President of Tomato Throwing

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depends on the avatar. If the avatar is purple, blue or green, (main colors) I imagin them as Dule Hill (Burton Guster) from PSHYCE. If the avatar is any other colors, I imagine them as Jack Sparrow.




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Usually, it's based upon the way they post for me. If someone usually posts extremely seriously and nearly never jokes, this person will seem like a bit of a grump to me. :PIf someone seems super happy all the time, and uses the "tongue" emote a lot, they seem like a joker to me. Who likes to be funny/have fun around the place.Although, I usually try not to "judge a book" by it's cover. Even though sometimes I can't help it (because I'm human... Humans judge other humans whether they like it or not... Not because we're all bad people, it's just because we're human. It's just how we are...) if I get to know a member better, the way I "see" them will most likely change the better I get to know them.

naw man

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