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IC: Vinewhip - Washington, DC -Ash turned to look at Emily. Emily would notice that Ash was panting and sweating, but otherwise seemed fine. "Well...I took out one so far." She took another gulp of water from her canteen before putting it away, she eyed three more Sentinels that were laying waste to a parking lot.

Edited by Overlord Snelly

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: TorrentCaleb nodded and froze the floor in front of him as he skated across it, making a frozen path to the Sentinels, "Come on!" Caleb said to the others

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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IC: Nero rolled out of the jet, grabbing his pounding head. That ride had not been the most comfortable in the gorramn wheelchair, and the resulting headache was inevitable. All the same, he started to follow the group, but got stuck as he realized they would be crossing an ice bridge. "...I'm pretty sure these wheels aren't made for this..."

~Totally like a boomerang. I always come back. Just never when you want me to.~

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IC: Feral (Washington DC battle)John quickly scaled the side of the giant robot, using his claws to stick into the metal as he climbed higher and higher. The Sentinel tried to blast him off with beams of lasers, but Feral was too agile, jumping from one spot to the other, his claws digging into the metal. Eventually he reached the Sentinels’ neck, he began hacking and slashing away as the Sentinel went crazy trying to fling him off.After a few minutes of slicing, the Sentinel’s head was sliced completely off, falling to the ground before exploding. John jumped from the Sentinel, falling towards the ground, but digging his claws through the metal husk of the Sentinel to slow his decent. Once he touched down on the ground he ran away from the Sentinel as it fell to the ground.IC: NPC Secret Service, President (White House)Instantly twenty Secret Service agents surrounded Shawn pointing guns at him, “Stop where you are!” one of them yelled.“He’s an intruding mutant, sent to kill the President!” one of them said.IC: NPC Crossfire (Savage Lands, Brotherhood fortress tunnels)He hadn’t been expecting her to sling the rocket back at him. He dove to the ground as it flew into the wall behind him exploding and showering gravel onto his armor. Crossfire’s ears were ringing in his head as he ran towards Prototype as she charged for him, two could play this game. He shifted both of his hands into large metal hammers that resembled war-hammers, and then jumped at Prototype, trying to slam one into her chest.IC: NPC Enforcers (Enforcer Van)The Enforcer’s were knocked back by the invisible shield. “You little snot!” one of them roared. “Your lucky we can’t kill you.” He said before they began to sit back down. “We’re almost to DC, your going to have lots of fun there.” He said.IC: Scorcher (Weapon-X HQ)Kane shrugged, “I haven’t seen Jaws in a while, and Legion walked off a bit ago.” He said. “The three of us should be able to get this done ourselves.” He said. There was always Darkfang but since he was a rookie Kane felt he needed a break.IC: Quicksilver (Savage Lands)Peter grimaced as Elijah vanished from view, his footsteps likewise disappearing. He levitated himself up into the air, and then began to feel out with his power over magnetism, trying to sense of Elijah had anything metal on his person.OOC: Does he? XD be honest. Also note Advent its just some ice on the ground outside the plane, he could easily go around it. Also Zyke you forgot to post with Zack since Ashlynn is talking to him outside the mansion.IC: Triblade (Washington DC battle)Matt slashed through the Sentinel’s foot all the way, his hot plasma blade going out the other side and severing its foot. The Sentinel hobbled for a few moments before falling to its knees. Matt jumped up and then let loose a huge beam of plasma from his chest, it punched straight through the Sentinel’s core, effectively destroying it. He grinned and then ran at another Sentinel, his plasma blades shimmering.IC: Beast (Washington DC battle, Blackbird)As all of the X-Men on the Blackbird got off to fight the Sentinel’s Beast flew the plane up into the air. He began to fly around, blasting missiles and rocket from the Blackbirds weapon systems, blowing up about three Sentinel’s in a few minutes. Soon he saw American fighter planes take to the sky, attacking the Sentinel’s, but they were hardly as maneuverable as the Blackbird, and the Sentinel’s were literally blowing them out of the air.OOC: Beast arrived at the lake, X-Men got into the Blackbird, then he flew them to Washington DC, they just got off the plane and are now attacking the Sentinels.

Edited by Flex Nard
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IC: Alec had discarded his arm's blaster state for now. he had bigger prey in mind. See, normally the defences of a Sentinel's CPU were a little tough for him to crack, ironically because he'd been the test subject used in keeping them technopath-secured. But he was willing to bet that after their tampering at the hands of Quicksilver they were a little more open to suggestion...Switching to grapple-shot arm he fired the hook at a nearby Sentinel's head, winching himself up before it had a chance to swat or blast him. Standing on its shoulder his arm began to change again, breaking into smaller and smaller parts as it seemingly fused into the Sentinel's head. The light in its eyes flickered briefly, before dimming and dying. Now Alec was in control."Haha, now this is more like it," he said as he used the Sentinel's hand-cannons-far more powerful than his own- to open fire on the other robots


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IC: Agent Starling - Tunnels, Savage Lands -Krystal hadn't expected the rocket to come back at them. Since she was behind Crossfire, she was closer to the blast when it hit the wall, which took a larger toll on her. It sent her flying across the tunnel, she landed face first, hitting the ground hard. She groaned as she slowly rose to her feet, dazed. Her forehead had a nasty gash. She looked up at the fight in confusion, her vision blurry and her ears ringing. She began to stumble further away from the fight, she figured maybe if she could find Shock Bolt...he'd be able to help them take down the mutant. Krystal was wandering the tunnels quite aimlessly, her head injury, plus cuts on her chest, were bleeding steadily. She most likely had a concussion to top it off. She saw someone in the distance, wandering the tunnels as well. "S-Shockbolt?" She asked, and in fact, she had found him. She stumbled toward him. IC: Vinewhip - Washington, DC -As Ash got closer to the group of Sentinels, her ruby eyes began to glow intensely. The Sentinels were unfortunately standing on pavement, which made using her powers a little more difficult, but it wasn't anything she couldn't work around. There were several trees off in the distance from the parking lot, all she really needed. The roots of the trees began to grow and expand rapidly underground, creating large cracks that grew toward the pavement. The pavement began to crack and bulge as the roots grew under it. When the roots reached the Sentinels, they shot out from the pavement, sending dust and debris everywhere. The roots began to wrap themselves around the Sentinels legs, and continued to wrap themselves around till they reached there arms. The Sentinels of course struggled to break free, sending blasts of energy out everywhere, one narrowly missing where Ash stood. Ash didn't even flinch however as she concentrated on holding the machines in place, making them easy targets for the others.

Edited by Overlord Snelly

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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Shawn IC: Shawn smiles at the secret service "Hey I am only here to help guys!.........you know if you guys put your guns down, I may be willing to take your daughters out hahaha." Looking at there faces he realizes that they are actually serious he changes his tone and tells them. "Look, I am trying to help you guys out. All I want to do is help and get the president to a safe place. No harm done okay?"Emily IC: Emily's Weapon-X training start's to kick in as she manuvers through sentinal's gracefully blasting them with her blaster.

Edited by The_Shawn_Legend


Close enough to my Shawn is...Zelos Wilder.

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IC: NPC Secret Service"The President and his daughter are in a safe place, they are in a bunker beneath the White House." one of the S.S men told him. "We have no reason to trust you mutant, the President's life is too important to trust in the hands of one unknown man." another one said. "Leave now or we will be forced to fill you with lead." another added.IC: TribladeMatt saw as Ash trapped some Sentinel's using some large roots. He smiled, they were sitting ducks. He ran forward and then jumped into the air, releasing a stream of plasma from his chest that pushed him higher into the air and towards one of the Sentinels. Once he was closer he lashed out with his plasma blades, cutting into the metal gut of the robot. He then unleashed another plasma blast from his chest, and twisted his chest while he was in the air, the stream of plasma melting through the robot, and effectively cutting it half. IC: FeralJohn ran towards one of the Sentinels trapped in the roots, but the Sentinel saw him coming and then unleashed a laser beam from its hand. The laser caught John in the chest, blowing him backwards, as it punched straight through him, missing his heart, but leaving a good sized hole in him. Feral fell to his feet as smoke rose up from the laser wound. He could feel his blood pumping in his ears, pain lancing through him, but slowly the hole was closing as muscle, bone and flesh began to regrow. He got to his feet a few moments later and then leaped at the Sentinel, grabbing one of the roots to sling him higher, doing a back-flip in the air before stabbing his claws into the Sentinel's metal hide, all of that parkour training with Dallas was paying off.IC: NPC SentinelsAs Wild Card shifted into the form of the President about five Sentinel's heads turned to him. He now registered as a human in their database, but more then that he was the main target Quicksilver had planted in their mind. "Target acquired... destruction eminent." they said in unison in their booming robotic voices as their palms pointed at Wild Card as about ten streams of lasers shot towards him.OOC: You picked the worst possible form lolIC: ScorcherKane nodded, "Where do we start this search though?" he said, looking at his comrades. "He's probably long gone from that city by now." he said. "He could be anywhere in the states." he added.

Edited by Flex Nard
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IC: NPC S.S Agents"What sort of safer place do you hope to find?" he asked. "What's safer then a metal bunker?" he asked. "And yes we are sworn to protect the President and if you don't leave we will see you as an possible assassin." he said, flicking the safety off his pistol. Suddenly a huge beam of laser crashed through the wall, smashing into about three S.S agents and turning them to dust. The others scrambled to the floor as they began to fire their pistols at the Sentinel through the hole in the wall.

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IC: Vinewhip - Washington, DC As Triblade took down a sentinel the roots that were holding it quickly moved to latch on to the other rooted Sentinels, effectively putting even more strain the them, the roots began to pull at the Sentinel's heads, trying to rip them off their sockets. Ash was sweating terribly, it was taking a lot of her energy to maintain control of all the roots, but she had to keep at it.

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: (Tragedy,Wander)Both guys had gotten off the plane, and had rushed forward, with Tragedy going into werewolf form along the way. the pair came up to a sentinel, Wander shouted out "Tragedy, Tengo Black, Now!!" Tragedy then ran behind the Sentinel, distracting it, so Wander Could jump on it's back, and start to cut at as he climbed up, and then started to slash at it's neck, hopping to take it down quickly. IC: (Lexie: Fury)Fury had swung her hammer at the same time as Crossfire, but still had the other one, and her momentum. She then Swung it at Crossfire, hoping to get him in the side, ans send him to a wall

War...war never changes.

We crawl, on our knees for you,
under, a sky no longer blue,
we sweat, all day long for you.

But we sow, seeds to see us though,
cause sometimes dreams just don't come true,
we wait, to reap what we are due.

-Rise Against, Re-Education (through Labor)




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IC: War MachineDurham shrugged and said, "I would suggest we find a map, pinpoint the location they were at when Mest was observing them figure what direction they are going and calculate how far they would have gotten. Once this is done we search that area for them."

Edited by Nevermore

Blog "A Cask of Amontillado": Breaking News




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Shawn IC: Shawn realizing that he just can't leave the agents there rushes back to the fray, and in the blink of an eye he attempts to land a flying roundhouse kick to the face of the sentinel's. "Look guys! just get out of here!! Go back to your families and take them somewhere safe!" he laughs a bit and then says. "I will make arrangements to meet your daughters later."

Edited by The_Shawn_Legend


Close enough to my Shawn is...Zelos Wilder.

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IC: Dallas (White House, Washington, D.C.)"No, no, no, no, you do it like this!" Dallas's voice rang out from behind the Sentinel's head; instants later, the Californian slid down to the robot's elbow and began to tear away at the arm panels. The Sentinel swatted at him like a fly, aiming to shake him loose, send him flying, break his bones, but Dallas sent out a momentary time warp that gave him ample time to tear away at the cables hooked up to the laser. The Sentinel let out a robotic crackle, akin to almost a scream, as the timeshifter jerked its own laser into its head, its arm spinning full circle and cutting a hole in the floor with such rapid speed that Dallas couldn't hang on in time.He went flying through the newly crafted, circular hole in the White House floor, and Dallas landed hard onto the metallic floor. Instantly, Secret Service guns were all over him, and as he hefted himself up onto the floor, looking around, he caught sight of the President, a Northeastern, clean-shaven, good looking man in his late forties, and Nicole. Dallas was quiet for a second, taken aback at this guy, who he considered one of the best Democratic politicians to take public office since JFK, until he cleared his voice and looked around without worry at the Secret Service."Mr. President, on behalf of the X-Men and this fair nation," he panted, grinning wildly and waving at Nicole as he caught his breath, "Hi, I'm Johnny Knoxville, and welcome to Jack***."-Teezy



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IC: Shockbolt's internal dialouge continued on in his head. He decided not to go back to the Enforcers, doubly so if they found it what had happened which was only a matter of time. However he heard his codename being called and then turned around to see Agent Starling, a sort of co-worker of his. She was stumbling, and apparently very injured from the way she looked. She looked about as if she was about to fall over and almost did if he didn't catch at the last moment."What happened to you?" he asked looking down at her.He had a few other questions for the agent, namely how'd the Enforcers find the place, and how were they going to get out, but first things first.


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IC: Scorcher (Weapon-X HQ)Kane nodded, "Sounds like it could work..." he said. "That is unless they took an airplane somewhere, then we will have lost their trace for good." he said. NPC: Enforcer (Enforcer Van)The lead Enforcer nodded, "Shut up or we might remove yours." he said. "Honestly this government doesn't give two ****s about mutants, we can and will do anything we want to you, very soon." he grinned. The driver opened the metal window and began to shout back to the other Enforcer's. "Be on alert! I've just gotten reports that Sentinels are going haywire and attacking civilians all over DC, they've even attacked the White House!" he said."****. Lock and load people... this could get messy." he said.IC: NPC S.S Agents, President, Nicole (White House)Nicole and her father had just climbed out of the secret entrance to the bunker after they'd heard the lase smash through the wall. Nicole's blue eyes flashed as she saw Dallas land in the room through the hole in the wall as a massive Sentinel fell to the ground, destroyed behind him. "Dallas!" she yelled before running over to him and wrapping her arms around him. "Get your guns off of him, Dallas is a good guy." she said. Several of the S.S agents were still chuckling at Dallas joke as they lowered their weapons.The President walked forward, "Your one of the X-Men?" he said looking Dallas over, not seeing any outward sign or symbol that justified what he was saying, though it was obvious he was a mutant. "Do you know what the **** is going on and why our own Sentinel's are attacking us?" he demanded. "On top of that why we've lost contact with our strike force in the Savage Lands!" he yelled.IC: NPC CrossfireCrossfire's twin hammers were blocked by one of Prototype's. Then she swung her other hammer at him, smashing into him and sending him into the tunnel wall, which cracked from the weight of his armor and the impact. Crossfire grunted from the pain, feeling two of his ribs break from the impact. He ignored the pain, allowing some of the nano-bots that made up his armor to enter his body and create a metal ring around his bones to hold them together. He then flew towards Prototype, swinging one hammer at her side, and then the other towards her chin. OOC: Okay Kal

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IC: ZackZack hopped to his feet."Zack," he said, "Zack Summers. And you are..?"IC: JordanJordan created a field of gravity around the foot of one of the giant Sentinels, tripping it and causing it to creak, then topple over with a mighty crash. Before it could get back to its feet, Jordan levetated a piece of rubble over its head and dropped it."Who's next?"


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IC: Dallas (Bunker, Underneath White House)"Frankly, Mr. President, no, I don't, though if there are half the number of technopaths running around in the Savage Lands as there are at the Xavier Institute, it'd be a safe bet that those Sentinels and Enforcers stopped being a factor the moment they were within sight of the Brotherhood," Dallas replied grimly, hugging Nicole. "Hey, Nicole."-Teezy



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Emily IC: Emily begins to show some more skill. Moving in such a way that no one saw coming from someone like her. Shawn IC: After knocking the Sentinel down Shawn hears the loud boom from the bunker being exposed. He then rushes over to the noise where he see's more secret service agents and an old man a young lady, and an X-Man who he did not really know like that. He rushes in and says "who ever is the president I'm here to save you....I am assuming it's you." *pointing at the president.*

Edited by The_Shawn_Legend


Close enough to my Shawn is...Zelos Wilder.

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IC: Summer-flightWhen she heard Zack utter the name Summers her face lit up like a firework, pure shock written all over her features. She paused and acidently dropped Ric to the floor with a loud thud. Summers. That was her surname. It all made sense now... She knew who he looked like, he looked liker her father, who she'd only seen in his photographs. "Oh my god..." she said, a tear of happiness running down her cheek. "I'm... I'm... well I'm Ashlynn Summers... I'm your sister." she said. IC: FeralJohn tore his way through the chest and core of another Sentinel before it exploded, sending him flying to the ground, his suit singed and smoking. He then suddenly noticed Phorce as he attacked Sentinel's and recognition burst through John's mind. It was the mutant he'd fought on the last mission... he was a Brotherhood member. Feral let out an animalistic roar and then charged towards him, "What are you doing here? Your a Brotherhood mutant not an X-Men." he spat.IC: NPC President, NicoleThe President sighed and nodded, "Well that's just great." he said. "Come on Nicole, let's go back in the bunker where its safe." he said."Hey." she said smiling at Dallas and revealing perfect white teeth. "I'm glad that your ok... I was really worried from your last call, I could hear all this wind and you were shouting..." she said, ignoring her father.

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IC: Vinewhip - Washington, DC As yet another Sentinel was destroyed that Ash had rooted, thanks to Feral, those now free vines all went toward the last Sentinel that had been rooted, with so many vines twisting, yanking, and pulling at the machine, it was dismantled in moments. With that finally done Ash dropped to her knees, taking her canteen out and taking a long drink. "How many...are left?" She wondered out loud, addressing no one in particular. She hoped that they'd finished them off, but somehow she knew there were plenty more, the screaming and the explosions in the distance sorta gave that answer away.

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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Shawn IC: Shawn walks right past Nicole and Dallas and walks towards the president. "Look Mr President I think you are making a mistake. I think it would be in yours and your families best interest to come with us. If you stay in your bunker eventually Washington D.C will be overrun. I estimate by nightfall these lands will be crawling with Sentinels. So I would really advise against you cornering yourself in a bunker, where if they manage to break in there is absolutely no chance of you and your daugther's escape." Shawn than thinks to himself *OHHH YEAAHHH! hit this old fart with some knowledge*Emily IC: Still making sure Caleb is safe she says "I am not too sure Vinewhip, it's like they never end" *She begins to pant.*

Edited by The_Shawn_Legend


Close enough to my Shawn is...Zelos Wilder.

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IC:(Lexie: Fury)Fury saw Crossfire come at her, and blocked the one going for her chin, but was unable to stop the second one. She went flying about 10 feet, and landed with a thud. As she got up, she went to a combo. Blade on her right arm, Whipfist on her left. She then threw the whip at Crossfire, hoping to drag him in and cut him down to size.(Tragedy,Wander)Wander had finished with cuttuing off the Sentinel's head, and then the duo went for another one. "Wander, go Alpha Delta." The two then both on the bot, and started to hack at it. Tragedy was climbing up to the core on it's chest, and Wander went of the head again.

Edited by thelonewander

War...war never changes.

We crawl, on our knees for you,
under, a sky no longer blue,
we sweat, all day long for you.

But we sow, seeds to see us though,
cause sometimes dreams just don't come true,
we wait, to reap what we are due.

-Rise Against, Re-Education (through Labor)




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