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Nuju Metru

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Heh. Pun-y pun.


Should the rhyming infection spread here? :evil:


NOMost certainly not.

But regarding the possibility of what the riddle could mean...

Seeing as everything so far has made sense somewhat with the clues, what if what the Riddle leads to isn't actually an entrance to the Vault?

What if it simply is another Vault? Or just whatever lies within the vault, buried in the Archipelago?

Just crazy speculation on my part. Very crazy.


Steam name: Ehksidian

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The toast is supposed to be put inside an alcoholic beverage. Seriously. That's how the "toast"ing to someone came about.Spiced toast was used to flavoour drinks. So, toasting to someone, meant you held them in such high regard that their names flavoured the drink as toast would.Aaaaaaaanyway, I'm curious. Does Clan Daikura run the yards as well? The yards includes schools and the like, but dobthey run only the school bit of the yards? And the training areas. Run by the Imperial Palace? Or Daikura? Or anyone just uses them?

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The Rora owns all of the Imperial Palace, including the Yards, of which the school is a part. Clan Daikura runs the school and have for many generations, but they don't technically own it. They just look after it and oversee everything that goes on there as if they did own the place.


Does that help?


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I think that it was confirmed that they speak the same language as the Matoran; whether they have another (archaic) tongue hasn't been revealed, but I wouldn't be surprised if somebody started posting in Japanese. Writing isn't known.Question of my own: is there a detailed Dasaka history anywhere? People keep mentioning stuff like last Fursic uprising but where was it first mentioned?

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Question: Do the Dasaka have a native language of their own? Do they write with the same letters as Matoran?


Nuju has said that they speak the Matoran language, and they presumably therefore use the same alphabet.



Question of my own: is there a detailed Dasaka history anywhere? People keep mentioning stuff like last Fursic uprising but where was it first mentioned?


It's not been described in detail, no. All official information on Dasaka history is in the Dasaka Master Reference Post, but as players engage in 'world-building' they will generally come up with the details on their own until the staff give definitive information. On the topic of the last Fursic uprising, it's been established that the Fursics have attempted multiple coups in the past and it's therefore probably safe to assume that at least one happened within living memory.



Just wonderin', do the Dasaka have a common currency?


I would assume that they do, but it hadn't been officially named or described yet.





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Aaaaaaand another one!


I know Toa Kaita aren't allowed in the game, but what about Matoran Kaita or Nui? They would not be OP at all, being simply a little stronger physically than Toa and lacking powers, yet they still require multiple characters to form. Allowed? Not? Maybe?

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DASAKA WORLD-BUILDING! The cultural concept below was approved by Nuju Metru after a petition by Ghosthands and myself.

This is how the business of making a book, from concept to reader, would flow with the approved concept (with some details of general business omitted) in the Kentoku Archipelago:

  • The writer takes their manuscript to a publisher, who would be a dasaka trained in molding crystal protodermis with their psionic powers.
  • The publisher creates a copy of the manuscript by storing psionic information in the resonant frequencies of a crystal tablet. This tablet projects a hum audible in the psionic plane on a low level. Books could be produced in multiples if the menti was extremely skilled, otherwise the process would repeat with each copy of a book.
  • Book binders create cases for the tablets out of bamboo, semi-precious metals (in rare cases), and fabrics. The exterior of the case is tough like a book cover, but the inside is padded to protect the tablet.
  • When a being wishes to read the contents of a book, they go into a specially constructed crystal reading room. The resonance of the room itself would amplify the tablet's psionic frequency, thus allowing the reader to mentally hear and see what was stored in the crystal upon opening the cover.
  • The Imperial library would have reading rooms on every level in small alcoves, as well as large sections budding off the structure. Courtiers and influential dasaka could have personal reading rooms created in their homes.

The idea of psionic transmission offers another possibility in caste dynamic, since dashi cannot (so far as has been revealed) access the psionic plane of communication. In this way reading of crystal tablets would become reserved for the Datsue and Dasaka. Dashi would have to pay for incredibly small and expensive paper copies of books, made from trees grown on clan Ageru land on Odaiba, which would dissuade most from learning to read or write. The menti would be able to keep control over information in this way, as well as once again separate themselves from the dashi lower classes.

This information will also be added to the wiki page for dasaka. :)

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  • In the profile page, you are allowed ONE POST; multiple posts by a single player will be deleted. Place all your characters into one post; this makes it easier for you, your fellow players, and the Staff to find your characters. You can have as many character as you want, as long as their profiles all fit into one post.

From the profile topic. I suppose that isn't a problem, but double-check with the staff just in case.

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When one runs out of space, is it permissible to considerably shrink the profiles to bare basics then hyperlink to the extended version on the wiki? I've exhumed my character limit.


Exactly what I'm in the process of doing right now. Tazera's profile already got eaten >_>


I see Nuju's reading the topic; unless he has something else to say, I'd assume it's fine to make profiles succinct and link to extended Wiki versions.





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When one runs out of space, is it permissible to considerably shrink the profiles to bare basics then hyperlink to the extended version on the wiki? I've exhumed my character limit.


It has been done before, I remember that much, but I'm not sure if it was encouraged or discouraged by the staff.


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I must ask since you all now have me wondering what is the average number of characters one is able to fit into their page?


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If you interact with one of my characters and I don't respond or acknowledge the interaction within a day, send me a PM. Odds are I missed or did not see the post.

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If you have ridiculously short profiles, you can get to forty.


(Hi Grochi)

Wow forty.. Thanks you both.


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If you interact with one of my characters and I don't respond or acknowledge the interaction within a day, send me a PM. Odds are I missed or did not see the post.

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