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BZPRPG - Ga-Wahi

Nuju Metru

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IC: Celite

"Ah, at last..." The chunks of metal had been cut down and electrically merged, although it was a fairly shoddy job at best, but that's what adhesives are for, right? The Vo-Truaga used the metal to create a blade. Once that was done, Celite wrapped a flattened and weakened strip of metal around the tip to keep it together.. The end result was surprisingly light, though that was probably because it was, in fact, a mere dagger, and fairly shoddily-made at that.. The small size of the tool meant that it would at least be easier to conceal, buts its effectiveness would probably be fairly low."It's not great," She mumbled to herself, "But it should get the job done..." She placed the new blade inside the leaf-bag that she brought the metal into her house and set it around her waist in such a way that it merely looked like a slightly oversized purse. "I do hope it doesn't come to this."

Edited by Makuta Almanax

Current (still-living) BZRPG Characters:
LITOZEN (Toa of Sonics) SANCHII (Toa of Air)
THENTYLE (Toa of Earth) MALKAN (Ta-Matoran)

CELITE (Turaga of Lightning)

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"Wha?" Tillian asked, clearly taken off guard by the sudden question. "No. Not Liara. Some girl I bumped into. I told you that."



Edited by Dallas Winston



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IC: Skyra


I looked at Tillian, a bit of frustration in my eyes. "Look here Tillian, I'm not stupid, and I don't like it when people hide things from me. Now I-"


I was cut off as Ga-Toa came up to Tillian asking if in fact that was who he was. "Yeah he is." I decided to reply for him.

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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Lenat- Ga-koro


IC: The Vortixx watched as his Matoran friend walked off with a sympathetic look on his face.


"Don't mind him. He's just angry that all that hassle he went through was pointless. In any case, lets get working on that gunblade of yours."


Turning on one heel, he headed back to his workshop, carrying the crossbow over his shoulder.


OOC: Is that flare gun foreign tech? Because if it is then we can't replicate it. As of now, normal players can't get advanced tech unless it is from a foreign character.

"I serve the weak. I serve the helpless. I am their sword and their shield. If you want to strike at them, you must go through me, and I am not so easily moved."



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IC: Skyra


I kept looking at Liara, or at least who I believed was Liara. I didn't buy that she was just some girl Tillian bumped into, her armor was different, but everything else about her was just too... familiar to be coincidence. So either I was going crazy, or she was Liara. I supposed either was possible.


As Tillian and the Ga-Toa talked I stood up and walked closer to the Le-Toa. Then again, maybe she wasn't Liara and I was just losing it, that would be awkward. I stopped in my tracks, just sorta just hesitating.

Edited by A billion cats

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC:Xenin sat at the edge of what he had learned was Ga-Koro, looking out towards the horizon. The sky met with the sea in a thin, hazy line of perfection that seemed to hold the world together. 'Why was I sent here? I am a Toa, am I meant to protect the Matoran of this place named after the Great Spirit himself?' He had spent the last few hours listening in on conversations that resided throughout the Koro. He had heard of the other villages of the island, and of the many squabbles that broke out between them. But protect them from what? There seemed to be no immediate threats towards the island's inhabitants. More questions filled his head by the minute, and he felt it would burst if he continued further. Forcing them from his mind, Xenin focused in on the moment. The afternoon sky was still clear, sunlight reflecting off the sparkling waves. A small boat bobbed close by, and Xenin spotted a small Matoran swimming peacefully near the craft's hull. She looked so content, floating on her back, eyes fixed skyward. He had a sudden urge to call out to her, but he wasn't eager to disturb her meditative state. He continued to observe. She was one with her surroundings, absorbed in the beauty of this place she called home. Xenin suddenly realized it didn't matter why he was sent here. He was here, and that's what mattered. He was a Toa after all, and if that meant watching over Matoran, he was determined to do so. He smiled for the first time since his arrival, and patiently waited for the Matoran to come ashore.

Edited by Toa Varen
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IC: Zacax"I'll be with y'all soon! Just head to my shop!" Zacax called out,

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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Lenat- Ga-wahi


IC: Lenat dropped by his workshop, picking up the necessary tools and resources he would need for the job as well as dropping off the crossbow that Voutok had been shooting with. Hoisting the pack full of stuff over his shoulder, he made his way to his client's shop.

"I serve the weak. I serve the helpless. I am their sword and their shield. If you want to strike at them, you must go through me, and I am not so easily moved."



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IC Faori:


Turning dreamily in the water, Faori eventually noticed that the bay was starting to become chilly - the day was moving on. Shaking her head to clear the drowsy feeling, she rolled over onto her belly and paddled back to the Cowrie.


Clambering in, using the ropes she'd hung there for purchase, the Ga-Matoran noticed a stranger sitting on the nearest bank, gazing into the horizon. He looked to be an outsider - Faori's eyes narrowed. No good could come of letting anyone and their pet Mahi just wander into the Koro.


Using smooth, powerful movements that belied her small size, Faori pulled the sail taut and brought the small craft round to face the bank. As the hull cut through the crystal waters, she put on a brave face, and called out.


"Toa! What brings you to Ga-Wahi?"

Edited by Tahakki
Previously known as tahakki-nuva, Zyglakky Tahakky, Dougal and Mister Brown Sauce. :P
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IC: Klina


She watched as the waves hit the beach of Ga-Wahi. It was a glorious sight. But she could hear a sound coming towards her. The sounds of Matoran crying for help. She rushed through the village but there were no signs of the screaming sound. That was when someone attacked her.

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Lenat- Ga-koro


IC: The Vortixx watched as his Matoran friend walked off with a sympathetic look on his face.


"Don't mind him. He's just angry that all that hassle he went through was pointless. In any case, lets get working on that gunblade of yours."


Turning on one heel, he headed back to his workshop, carrying the crossbow over his shoulder.


OOC: Is that flare gun foreign tech? Because if it is then we can't replicate it. As of now, normal players can't get advanced tech unless it is from a foreign character.

OOC: The Flare Gun is a toa tool. It's basicaly a hollow tube that you can focus your element through.

IC: Arias

"So.. I guess the first thing would be to test the metal. Anyone got a diamond? Or some other instrument for measuring hardness?"

"Go beyond the impossible, and kick reason to the curb! That's how Team Gurren rolls!"



Exo-Force RPG Profiles

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IC: Strakolix


The cloaked Vortixx looked over his shoulder. Good. No one had followed him here. He snuck into Ga-Koro, unseen, like a wraith. He looked around and saw no form of military or leadership. Then he heard footsteps. He slowly and silently unsheathed one of his knives, careful to keep if under his cloak. It had just been a Ga-Matoran. Strakolix placed his knife back in its sheath. Finally deciding, he truly was safe, he walked out from his hiding place of shadow and into the light of the day in Ga-Koro.


OOC: Open for interaction.

Want to solve an exciting murder mystery? Try Murder Mansion II, a new game in Games and Trivia! 8 Spots remaining!


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IC: Cadias


"That's probably because you burnt it," Cadias said with a smile. "We'll get you some proper food, cooked right." A waitress walked over, placing two menus on the table. Cadias glanced at his. "I'll have a serving of the Kane-Ra roast, please. Water to drink."


"Fruits are delicious, yes. And Matoran have discovered many ways to combine fruit with other delicious things. Like pie, for example." He grinned, although his grin faded somewhat when Vrana asked the question.


"It makes me feel uncomfortable, yes. But I'm more worried about someone causing a disturbance and the Marines getting called in. You see, a group of Toa came in here a few months ago and nearly took over the place. It's changed the locals. They're less trusting, especially when it comes to Toa."

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IC: Strakolix


Strakolix had been standing in the same spot doing nothing for five minutes. He was bored. He started thinking of ways to make life more interesting but could not decide on one. He could try to assassinate the village leader, but when he'd tried that in Ta-Koro, he'd almost been killed. He wasn't in a discrete place, so he couldn't ask around for a bounty hunting job. Wait, that's it! thought Strakolix. He had finally thought of a way to make life more interesting. "Deadly weapons for sale!" he yelled. He had no intent of selling any of his weapons, but he loved terrifying little Matoran when he wasn't coming up with complex plots to rule the universe.


OOC: Still open for interaction. It'll be intersting to see what happens if someone tries to buy a weapon.

Want to solve an exciting murder mystery? Try Murder Mansion II, a new game in Games and Trivia! 8 Spots remaining!


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IC: Strakolix


Everyone ignored Strakolix as if he was insane. It's not fair! thought Strakolix as we walked around the Koro. Nothing I do to try to make life interesting works! I'm bored. I need a goal. Just then he spotted a De-Matoran, a marine by the looks of him. There's no reason the law will recognize me, I'll just play it cool. thought Strakolix, resisting the urge to vaporize the Matoran instantly. But, better safe than sorry. Or rather, better unsafe than sorry in this case. he thought as he unsafed his concealed plasma cannon. "Hello officer!" he called out. "Lovely weather isn't it?"


OOC: The Marine is Voutok

Want to solve an exciting murder mystery? Try Murder Mansion II, a new game in Games and Trivia! 8 Spots remaining!


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IC: Suran

The Ga-Lesterin Marine sat with his head bowed on a bench, ears alert for any sound of trouble. Despite being a mariner, he wasn't on patrol at the time, and so devoted his attention to the protection of the village. His attention was drawn to the sound of a complaint at the village gates.


Following the sound, he rose fluidly and wove his way toward the entrance. "What seems to be the problem?" he inquired.


The guards, not having heard him, both jumped and raised their spears, but recognizing the Lesterin, relaxed. "Well, there's a(n) ((OOC: What is Aurel? I can't find her profile.)) Outside. She hasn't been able to produce any solid identification, so--"


"Let her in," he interrupted, his voice weary but commanding. He held no position of power, but the people of Ga-Koro had learned to heed the wisdom of the old Lesterin. "She poses no threat. I will escort her myself."


Reluctantly, the two guards backed down and opened the way, letting the outsider in.


OOC: Also, character bios can't be in spoilers. I know it's a drag, but them's the breaks.

Edited by Draezeth

BZPRPG Profiles
If I go AWOL for a while, feel free to contact me via Discord

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OOC: Still open for interaction. It'll be intersting to see what happens if someone tries to buy a weapon.

[OOC: How about if a De-Matoran happens to]

IC: Strakolix Everyone ignored Strakolix as if he was insane. It's not fair! thought Strakolix as we walked around the Koro. Nothing I do to try to make life interesting works! I'm bored. I need a goal. Just then he spotted a De-Matoran, a marine by the looks of him. There's no reason the law will recognize me, I'll just play it cool. thought Strakolix, resisting the urge to vaporize the Matoran instantly. But, better safe than sorry. Or rather, better unsafe than sorry in this case. he thought as he unsafed his concealed plasma cannon. "Hello officer!" he called out. "Lovely weather isn't it?" OOC: The Marine is Voutok

[OOC: ...Well isn't that a coincidence. I just got about wrapped up with something. >=) ]IC: VoutokVoutok had been silently mumbling to himself about his previous endeavors being overshadowed by the "almighty Maru", though he reduced it to thoughts a few minutes later. Returning to his duty in mind and in body, he lowered the suppression system down to "2", the normal setting for patrols. Over the past few months he's learned how to better deal with his hearing. Sure, he'd never take the headphones off and of course he always keeps a ready hand to shoot up and turn the dial up to "4" or "5" at a moment's notice, but he's developed a technique as a Marine to "block out" or "ignore" the general noise around him and focus on listening for keywords or abnormal sounds. It's helped catch a petty robbery or two in his three-month career, and as previously demonstrated it has helped him hear distant cannon fire, but he hasn't had a major uncovery with it...until, maybe, now.As he walked, he could have sworn he heard a knife sheath. But when he quietly drew his bladed disc and turned a corner, there was nothing. He figured it was his mind playing tricks on him, given his recently-induced state. However, then he spotted a shifty-looking Vortixx who just...stood there. Voutok shrugged it off as he turned back behind the corner and continued his patrol, which took him around the same general area. Five minutes later, as he passed around the other side of the area the Vortixx was, he was still there, with a look on his face that might have made Voutok think twice about his previous shrugging off of the situation. Right as Voutok was about to shrug it off again and continue his patrol, he yelled out the magic words:"Deadly weapons for sale!"Voutok was sure something wasn't right about this guy now. However, if this guy really was an illegal arms dealer, he'd probably need some backup. Voutok faded back into the crowd and scanned for any other Marines. Luck finally gave Voutok a chance, as he saw Suran, one of the few fellow Marines he knew by name, standing off to the side, near the gates, addressing some guards. After checking to make sure the Vortixx hadn't moved, Voutok approached and quietly whistled to try and get his attention, followed by a series of discrete signals to try and convey the general idea of "shady guy over here, keep your eyes on me and give me a hand if things go bad"Without waiting for a sign of acknowledgement other than a quick nod of the head, Voutok broke away from the crowds and made his presence a little more overtly in the line of sight of the Vortixx. Just his luck again, he responded."Hello officer!" the Vortixx called out. "Lovely weather isn't it?""I suppose. Lovely weather for arms dealing." Despite putting slight emphasis on that line, he glanced around at a nearby weapons shop, one of the many in town, in a pointless attempt to seem as though he wasn't on to him, even though that was far from what he wanted to convey. "I can't say I've seen you around here. Are you a traveler? A "merchant" perhaps?" Edited by Voutok S'Tythe (Ray)

Behind this sucky post count, a writer and hardcore RPer lies in wait of a reason to post...


For those who will likely ask when reading some of my non-RP posts: for me, "*shot*' = "I know that what I said was something stupid and I am acknowledging this before people think I'm serious."


Oh yeah, and my current BZPRPG character bio can be found here.


"Why...me? Oh yeah, that's right. I'm weak. I'm of a minority, a minority of people with a common trait: we hear too much. And what we're supposed to hear hurts to hear. When I'm alone in a silent room, I can hear a pebble dropping from a mile away. I can hear a motor boat being started up several yards off the coast. A whisper from outside, I can hear as if they were talking right at me. An explosion in another koro, I hear as if it's just outside. Sounds useful, right?"


"It's a curse, if you ask me. The same pen dropping inside this aforementioned silent room would ring in my ears. If I stood by the same motor, I'd get a headache. The same whisper would ring in my ear like two metal beams being slammed together in front of my face. The same explosion would render me deaf for years...thank the Spirit I thought of getting me something to dampen the noise, or I'd end up like the rest of my kind..."


~Voutok S'Tythe; unknown date, unknown location

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IC: Strakolix


"Oh, yes officer, I sell many powerful weapons to be used for purely self-defensive purposes," said Strakolix, putting on what he thought was a deceptive and charming smile, although it couldn't be seen under his hood, and it was really more of a leer. "I evaluate each customer personally to make sure they won't use my weapons for evil. Would you like to buy one?" asked Strakolix, hoping the marine would buy his "dumb act". "The name's Kordo, by the way. What's yours?" Strakolix loved making up new names for himself, it was a hobby of his to see how long it took people to realize two of his aliases were the same Vortixx.

Want to solve an exciting murder mystery? Try Murder Mansion II, a new game in Games and Trivia! 8 Spots remaining!


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IC: VoutokVoutok ignored the question with another question."Everything legal, I assume?"

Behind this sucky post count, a writer and hardcore RPer lies in wait of a reason to post...


For those who will likely ask when reading some of my non-RP posts: for me, "*shot*' = "I know that what I said was something stupid and I am acknowledging this before people think I'm serious."


Oh yeah, and my current BZPRPG character bio can be found here.


"Why...me? Oh yeah, that's right. I'm weak. I'm of a minority, a minority of people with a common trait: we hear too much. And what we're supposed to hear hurts to hear. When I'm alone in a silent room, I can hear a pebble dropping from a mile away. I can hear a motor boat being started up several yards off the coast. A whisper from outside, I can hear as if they were talking right at me. An explosion in another koro, I hear as if it's just outside. Sounds useful, right?"


"It's a curse, if you ask me. The same pen dropping inside this aforementioned silent room would ring in my ears. If I stood by the same motor, I'd get a headache. The same whisper would ring in my ear like two metal beams being slammed together in front of my face. The same explosion would render me deaf for years...thank the Spirit I thought of getting me something to dampen the noise, or I'd end up like the rest of my kind..."


~Voutok S'Tythe; unknown date, unknown location

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IC: Strakolix


"You mean there are laws regarding this sort of thing? I had no idea!" Strakolix tried hard to keep the sarcasm out of his voice. "I'd be happy to cease my selling at once and starve as a homeless beggar!" he suggested. Maybe I can even sucker this fellow into giving me some money.

Want to solve an exciting murder mystery? Try Murder Mansion II, a new game in Games and Trivia! 8 Spots remaining!


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IC: Vrana


"... Okay, so maybe I did burn it a little. I still don't like the taste it had." Vrana responded to the suggestion that the problem with cooked food was his own cooking. When he was handed a Menu, he looked down upon it rather blankly, before going on to respond to Cadias. He said nothing to the waitress.


"Isn't pie fruit cooked into something?" It was clear from the way that he spoke that he saw it as crime against fruit itself, an abominable combination of what is good, and what is not. "I think I'll pass on pie."


"Then I think you are starting to understand. You see those stares, they are signs of fear at what may be, what danger you may be to them. Those are the looks that I have suffered through since I first came into contact with the island's villages, you will learn to ignore them in time."

Edited by The Dark Chronicler

This is my signature

It has words in it

They don't say much


BZPRPG profiles

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IC: Strakolix


Strakolix noticed a docked ship out of the corner of his eye. Of course. How could I have forgotten about the plan? The reason I came to Ga-Koro. To join a ship and eventually turn its crew into my own personal army. Aw, but I'd prepared a speech and everything. Oh well, I'll just track this Matoran down and kill him later. "You've changed me officer, I'll never sell weapons again." Strakolix walked away thinking up a better cover story than his ad-libbed "stupid act" if the Marine asked any more questions.

Want to solve an exciting murder mystery? Try Murder Mansion II, a new game in Games and Trivia! 8 Spots remaining!


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IC: Cadias


Cadias simply grinned and shook his head at Vrana. "You've never liked cooked food, true. But I remember when you hated plants, too. So, one of two things is happening: One, you're just too stubborn to try new things and miss out on them, or two, your tastes changed with the rest of you."

He turned and smiled at the waitress, who appeared unhappy about being ignored by Vrana. "You'll have to excuse my friend. I don't think he quite grasps the concept of a menu. Make that two servings of the roast, and one slice of Bula berry pie." The waitress nodded and walked off, and Cadias turned to face Vrana again.


"Perhaps, if we stay in Ga-Koro. Personally, I'd like to see the rest of the island without Makuta looming over it all." Cadias had decided to tell Vrana of the rapidly deteriorating relationships between the Koros later.

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IC: Suran

The Lesterin's eyebrows sunk as he began to walk alongside her, "Two months? That is a very long time. I can't see any possible reason why anybody would be kept out for such a long time." He sighed, supposing it was due to the growing enmity between the villages.


OOC: It's the forum rules in general, Spoiler tags are spoilers only. Anyways, what is she anyways?

BZPRPG Profiles
If I go AWOL for a while, feel free to contact me via Discord

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IC: Vrana


"I don't like plants, I only like the fruit they produce." Vrana replied with a bit of a frown. he looked down slightly at the table in front of him as he thought over Cadias' words. He knew the Toa of plasma was right, his tastes had seemed to change along with his form. He couldn't even eat decaying meat without getting sick, and the flavor alone was enough to make one wish never to eat it again. "I'll go with stubborn."


He watched the waitress heading off, he knew exactly what it was that she had been waiting for, his order. He even knew what the menu was intended to be. But it seemed a better idea to be seen as a little confused than to have others merely known the truth.


Vrana found he didn't have the heart to tell Cadias that if one village saw him in such a way, that it was likely that all of them would look at the Toa with a hint of fear. The actions of Matoran between villages were much closer to each other than they might wish. If one viewed with fear, others would do the same. "Sure, I have nothing holding me here anymore."

This is my signature

It has words in it

They don't say much


BZPRPG profiles

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[OOC: Don'tchu be runnin' away from me, boi!]IC: Voutok"Ok, one thing's for sure: this guy is no criminal mastermind" Voutok thought to himself, fighting back a smirk at what he could only assume was this Vortixx's vain attempt at playing dumb. The fact that he changed the subject to a dismissive one right before he could respond made the charade even more obvious."Oh karz it, do you think I'm a karzing moron? You know, if you had kept your mouth shut I would have shrugged you off twice now as just being a random bystander with a menacing cloak. Then you started shouting to the world that you were selling "deadly weapons" in the middle of the street--poor advertisement and way to suspicious if I do say so myself--and you tried to make small talk with a Marine when he walked by, used that pitiful excuse for sarcasm when all I asked was if you were selling legal weapons as opposed to ILLEGAL ones, tried to make a quick buck off of me with that sloppy excuse of a pity tale, and suddenly decided to walk off without even waiting for a response. Sir, I'm going to have to ask that you come with me for questioning back at HQ. But before we do that...do me a favor and drop that weapon you turned the safety off of before engaging in conversation with me. De-Matoran are nowhere near deaf, you know, let alone one who knows what to listen for."Voutok wasn't sure what to expect from this guy, but he kept a hand ready to whip out one of his bladed discs if he tried anything "funny".

Edited by Voutok S'Tythe (Ray)

Behind this sucky post count, a writer and hardcore RPer lies in wait of a reason to post...


For those who will likely ask when reading some of my non-RP posts: for me, "*shot*' = "I know that what I said was something stupid and I am acknowledging this before people think I'm serious."


Oh yeah, and my current BZPRPG character bio can be found here.


"Why...me? Oh yeah, that's right. I'm weak. I'm of a minority, a minority of people with a common trait: we hear too much. And what we're supposed to hear hurts to hear. When I'm alone in a silent room, I can hear a pebble dropping from a mile away. I can hear a motor boat being started up several yards off the coast. A whisper from outside, I can hear as if they were talking right at me. An explosion in another koro, I hear as if it's just outside. Sounds useful, right?"


"It's a curse, if you ask me. The same pen dropping inside this aforementioned silent room would ring in my ears. If I stood by the same motor, I'd get a headache. The same whisper would ring in my ear like two metal beams being slammed together in front of my face. The same explosion would render me deaf for years...thank the Spirit I thought of getting me something to dampen the noise, or I'd end up like the rest of my kind..."


~Voutok S'Tythe; unknown date, unknown location

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[The Blue Takea, Outside the Wall]“Stop firing, private.”“I know.”There was silence on the other line as Talli glared at the stupid toa on his doomed boat through the scope of her disk. There wouldn’t have hardly been a point firing at him if the Toa Maru hadn’t intervened anyway. He had been dodging anything they hurled at him, thanks to that annoying mask. Still, they had been doing quite alright once they started aiming at the boat instead of its occupant.We’ll never learn how to defend ourselves if we always rely on these guardians, Talli thought, but she kept that observation to herself. This was at least better than simply staring at the blue horizon and informing the captain of the occasional Ruki fish that had decided to show off (or worse, be stuck in the cabin and have to face the pitying stares of her comrades.)Leaning on the railing, she waited.

Edited by Yukiko

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

En4XX.gif BkY1n.gif gkKRR.gif MWEwd.gif 7dN9Y.gif ODscu.gif HpGw0.gif HZtia.gif AKbnC.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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"About as much as you would expect," the Matoran of Plantlife replied, eyeing Iraira warily, though covertly, in such a way she couldn't see; one did not become a performer like himself without being able to do what you wanted with nearly every part of your body, after all. "Hahli's killing herself under mounds of paperwork, trade between here and Le-Koro is booming, and most of the Koros seem about ready to pounce at each other, though I can imagine some alliances are starting to form, likely through trade." He sighed.


"This is a time darker than that which plagued the villages only a few decades ago," he muttered. "Matoran pitting themselves against each other, every friend now a foe."


IC: Captain Iraira


Captain Iraira let out a vibrant laugh that could have been mistaken for the ring of a tapped wineglass. Waving her hand through the flax plants, the thin stalks bent to her motion, before standing back up, their tips reaching towards the heat lamps above.


"If the Akiri had anymore paperwork I'd personally send a cartographer to sound the depths and make a map to her desk." Iraira's words were only half-joking. It was almost impossible to see Hahli from the door of Nokama's hut on a regular day. She sighed then, letting her shoulders bear the weight of her rank. "It's true there has been more general violence between Koros since Makuta's fall. However, there has been a growth of trade. Why, even these gardens --" Iraira raised her hands towards the domed ceiling where fish could be seen swimming past in the sunbeams penetrating the watery depths -- "were the products of trade. It seems we cannot be truly self-sufficient as individual koros. As if The Great Spirit wanted us to cooperate, He has forced grumbling leaders to meet and decide what is best for their people. Why, even last week --" Iraira paused suddenly then, her hands falling back to her hips. A look of concern overcame her face, then with a slow turn on her heels she looked at her Eutuchia with a small frown, as if bothered by a nagging doubt.


"Excuse me," She finally said, breaking the awkward silence. "I have to attend to something. It's been a pleasure seeing you! If you need anything, just ask Lipa. She's my messenger."


Passing the two matoran in the rows of plants, Iraira walked towards the exit with a clip in her stride.

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