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  1. You know what I'm talking about. Biodegradable coffins, no formaldehyde stuff, more ecological burial, etc, general environmental welfare stuff. So if people are gonna go with coffins that break down shortly, and without any sort of thing to slow down decomposition, this means their bodies will decay, rot, and become one with the Earth much faster. So has anybody thought about the potential for abusing this? I mean, you could somebody who has it in their will that they want a green funeral in a non-conspicuous manner, and they'd be buried, and the body would be too decayed to determine the cause of death or whatnot from by the time anybody got suspicious. Geez. Another case of humanity not thinking things over.
  2. Figured I'd do one of these before my last (or next to last, depends) blog entry, just to see what the popularity is between the two characters.


    I'd take Mario, because Sonic I just dislike intensely. His attitude is just unbearable for me. >_<


    (plus: obligatory advertising for my holiday special in the Comedies forum, 'Twelve Days of Christmas' parodied into Bionicle terms)

  3. So, hi. Wow. I will admit that I thought the place was razed to the ground years back, and became nothing more than a childhood memory.


    I was still technically a youth when I was last here. I was a child when I first joined this place - a very vivid memory of me asking my mother for permission to join the Internet in a world of Bionicle that I learned from a Flash game of Takua.


    To add to the feels of polishing off cobwebs, a lot of my old content was gone. I found a message in my Inbox asking for my second Epic, Changing Worlds. All those documents are gone, I'm afraid. I'd honestly be surprised if any data from 2005 made it to my laptop 13 years later.


    Lots have changed for me, once I left BZPower and the server move. I got a degree. I got a job. I moved countries for said degree and job, and had to leave it and return to my homeland. Taxes became a thing. Earning a living. The skill of the pen left me as well, when the demand of a day-to-day job overtook languid breaks between essays and projects... and World of Warcraft and Starcraft and Diablo, et cetera.


    And the 'death' of Bionicle. I honestly could not keep up when Mata Nui went from godhood to mortal life. He was the last figurine I got, and that was as a gift to an autistic boy who shared a similar passion. That was in 2010, I think? When the news from LEGO came out, I merely thought that all good things would come to an end.


    Fast track to today. Just two days ago, I had to dig out old certificates for an interview. I dug out my old backups to hunt down one missing cert, and came across my old FictionWrites. One of them was for Bionicle. And no, it was not everything. I eventually started saving my Epic writings in 2003-4 by copying what I raved into a text field onto Notepad. That did not come through. My short stories were lost too. I only found two stories, both in-progress and will probably be buried. They are fond memories to me, and it would be wrong to go back in and whack at it aimlessly.


    I honestly don't know if I will pop round much anymore, but it is great to see old friends and usernames still active here in BZP. Maybe I will? I'm not sure how the rules have changed - or if the rules have changed - but... Yeah. Good to see BZPower alive and well.

  4. So, I entered this Adobe Imagination Challenge, and I need votes to win $10 000.




    If you could, help a brotha out and vote for me here: [You may not link to sites with comment systems. -Shine]


    aiya shine, pretty please? i thought this was a cooler bzpower :(


    well then just go to the website and go to entries and mine's on page 6


    You have to register an account. Don't worry, it takes like 5 minutes.


    Spread the word on BZPower! Put a link to this in your blog.


    Thanks everyone.




    Yay for mini series! I hope it sticks with the classic Avatar stytle we love so much. It would suck if it was like the new film...



  6. I can't be the only one here who fails to see what a woman being upset over not being able to have kids, has any relation to feminism what so ever. Some people want kids, some people don't. If the writer of the film says the character wanted kids, THE CHARACTER WANTED ###### KIDS!

  7. With the return of BZP forums, KanohiJournal Publications (formerly KanohiJournal) will be setting up relevant forum material over the next few days.


    As there have been major structural and purpose revamps, the KJP is now more diversified than ever before. This means we will need a bit of time for us to propagate our content across the related sections on BZP. Meanwhile, please visit the official KanohiJournal Publications website, where can you check up on the first chapters of Mata Nui Nui's Origins serial, along with the first fan-made BIONICLE book and more.

  8. calvin-on-independence-day.jpg



    7. Run through the streets singing Yankee Doodle--all fifteen-or-so verses!--at the top of your lungs.

    6. Call everyone you see "comrade."

    5. Remind everyone how this day is a day of remembering and honoring our belligerent founding fathers' disrespect for authority.

    4. Mail letters to all your British friends--gloating!

    3. Write a short story about a professional baseball player. Then, reveal it to be nothing but a young boy's daydream, suddenly shattered when he hits a baseball through a window. Or otherwise write an Independence Day-themed short story, interpret the theme "Glass," and submit it to the Flash Fiction Marathon!

    2. Playing with explosives. Better, watch someone else play with explosives, stand in the crowd, and say to everyone near you, "These Chinese incendiary weapons sure are pretty, aren't they?"

    1. Remember the sacrifices of our forefathers, and honor their bravery, their valor, and all the many deeds throughout our history, that have made our nation great, and afforded us the blessed freedom we enjoy.


    0. If you're not an American--then spend the day as you would any other day! Happy Thursday! :D


    Sincerely, Nuile: Lunatic Wordsmith


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    Been browsing through old posts and blog entries. I realized how much I've grown since joining BZP. I first joined when I was in just 3rd grade, over 8 years ago...think how young you were in 3rd grade! Yet I was glued to a computer screen, for BZP, among other reasons.


    I think back to my childhood and teenage years. So much of my life now is defined by the things I did here. It was through someone I met on BZPower that I first got into web development, which then inexplicably led me to work on KanohiJournal and other projects that let me hone my programming skills. I am now a freshman in college majoring in Computer Science.


    It's all just really interesting for me. Looking back through my activity on this site is like seeing myself grow. I haven't been very active at all for the past few years, but I spent a lot of my formative ones on this site.


    Cheers to BZP. It's played a bigger part in my life than I ever thought. If I could just get unbanned from the Facebook group...yeah, that's be great. :P


    If you're one of the followers of this blog (major points if you still are), or if you're one of my closer friends on here (you know who you are), thanks for everything you contributed to my experience on BZP. After graduating high school, I realized we take friends for granted. So if you're one of the people reading this and we've communicated on this site before, ever, thanks to you. Wish you all the best! Maybe I'll post on here every so often. :)

  9. Nara
    Latest Entry

    I'm currently rewatching/(watching for the first time since I only remember them beating Zophis) the series, subbed, and gah, I get so attached to Zatch and Kiyo's ally mamodo teams.


    Yopopo, Danny, and Nya are the ones I got really attached to and absolutely didn't tear up when their books got burned. Not at all. Especially Danny.




    Also on another note, Naruto is set to end this week. It's been a good run.

  10. Canama
    Latest Entry

    I just got accepted into graduate school. My dream program. I feel excited, and I also feel guilty for feeling excited because I'm also still mourning. None of this makes sense.

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      It's not go time. Maybe next time.



  11. Serpent of Fire
    Latest Entry

    This is my sort of annual visit to BZP to see how things are. This site was one of my main stomping grounds when I was in my teens. Man the time has flown by. I'm freaking 30 years old now! It's pretty cool to see that this place is still going.


    Well, until next time! 


  12.  Tuesdays seem more tiring than Mondays in my opinion.

  13. Fenrai
    Latest Entry

    'Sup dudes and dudettes. I've finally come out of my cocoon of inactivity, and I'll hopefully post more than I have over the past month or two. (Or three, or four... :P )

  14. Once something is close enough to pass through the skin, it enters the black hole in your chest that formed from the self-destructive weight of the questions that are at the end of their lives, as old as anyone has ever been, but also just as young as you. "Who am I?" "What is the meaning of life?" which invariably means, "what is the meaning of my life?" It is said to teach is to learn. How can you teach something only you will ever truly understand? With that in mind, how can you ever truly learn what you know?


    Suppose you are trying to describe a friend to someone else. You can use the words most of us would use; loyal, kind, funny (for some of them). You could very well go far, far beyond that. But what that friend is to you is something that can never be articulated fully because no one else is you. To anyone else that friend is just another person, or perhaps their friend, not yours. Once something is a part of you, you can only be and feel it, never know it, because the black hole questions will never stop sucking you in.


    I can describe my childhood home to you, can draw a blueprint for you. I can tell you that my room was blue and had a window looking out on the street, and right outside was the staircase that led down to the front door. I can even tell you how that scared me as a child because on nights when I couldn't get to sleep and heard things going bump I'd imagine some axe-wielding madman would kick in the door and come right up and chop me to bits first. But I can never make you understand what it was to me, what it was to live there. It's in my bones, not my head. If I break off a piece of me and give it to you, it will wither and die.


    I could, however, tell you in no uncertain terms what the home of someone I know is. I might not remember how many chairs are around the kitchen table or what color the walls are, but I could tell you what it's like to be there, what's on the air. How it feels in that house. That place is nowhere near the event horizon.


    This trick works for people, too, and the further they are from you the sharper the image is. I can tell you more about a stranger passing on the street from the way they walk, how they carry themselves. What they wear and how they speak, what's in their eyes. Do they grimace or just roll their eyes when they step in that puddle? When I look at my dearest friends the lens is blurry with love and years of memory. The woman opposite me in the waiting room is a neon sign.


    We grasp and flail through our lives and anything we manage to grab ahold of is brought in close, too close, lost and kept forever. You will never stop asking who you are, but people on distant and lonely planets of their own are putting together the puzzle of you. The further from your reach they are, the bigger the piece they've got.


    You may stumble through darkness, but know that in the telescopes of unseen strangers, in untarnished clarity, the real you burns.

  15. ankyfdarkness
    Latest Entry

    Just want to get your guys' thoughts on college.


    As a man who is close to finishing his associates degree, I'd like to hear what everyones' expectations are/were and how life has treated you during/after/before college.



  16. Makutaman654
    Latest Entry

    If you ever decide to pull a stupid stunt, like myself along with 20-sum others, to go to college summer classes for English (albeit, a sophomore-level class), prepare to read until your eyes bleed.


    Oh, the inhumanity..

  17. Well, just got the email that said I was needing to either ante up for another six months, or allow my premiership to lapse. As is becoming usual with this blog, I'm going to allow it to lapse and wait until I can either win a contest or something to gain premier again. Been nice to post up my thoughts the past half-year.


    And as is also becoming tradition: I shall end off with an AMA. If anyone has any questions they'd like to ask about anything at all, fire away!

  18. GreenBioGuy
    Latest Entry

    I will not be entering, due mainly to the fact that I simply have not had time to build something really good, and no mind-blowing ideas came to me to begin with. Sad, yes, but you can't enter them all. There are some really amazing entries this time around; stuff which I would have no hope of competing with. I sorta built a Han Solo, but there wasn't anything innovative about him really... BBCC's just don't hold the weight with me as they used to (I'm growing up I guess) I am looking forward to the voting process though.


    In other MoCing news my Fusion Project is very close to completion and once it's done a college friend of mine who is a Photography major (I think) has agreed to do professional photography of the model in an actual studio setting (which will be SO much better than my set-up at home). I look forward to showing him to you guys. :)


    So... yeah. Life is good, school is busy (but good), and I'm glad the weekend's here. I can't wait for LEGO Universe to be released but in the mean-time I do believe I'm going to go back to some of my old PC games to crack back open (i.e. Star Wars: Republic Commando)


    EF (GBG)

  19. Bitter Cold
    Latest Entry

    Been listening a bit to the Chicago Independent Radio Project.


    On an unrelated note.. Here's how your occupations compare with your values:


    Singer has 5 out of 9 of your values


    Animator has 5 out of 9 of your values


    Musician has 5 out of 9 of your values


    Artist has 6 out of 9 of your values


    Toy designer has 6 out of 9 of your values


    however bear in mind that two of them were "2 or less years training" and "A good salary I can depend on, maybe not the highest" soo yeah


    but what if I did them all at once? or at least, like, more than one

  20. Well, it's been a long time since I've been on here and I'm quite content to say I regret nothing.


    No, I'm not here to socialize, nor am I here to act like a harlequin. That doesn't mean I won't jot some stuff down here, but I'm not interested in being an entertainer- and no, I don't plan on being one of those passive agressive guys in the corner, mumbling and rolling their eyes either.


    Trimming the fat away, I'm here to sell off my Bionicle collection and I plan to provide information on that here if any of you would happen to be interested.


    But hey, hello again everyone!




    P.S: I plan on ignoring all the nonsense I've jibbered on here before, as nearly two years have passed and would serve as a poor example of who I am now, so I would be thankfull if you could give me the benefit of the doubt and do the same.

  21. I saw this movie a month or so ago.




    Oh... lord. I've never started to cry during a movie before. Never. I stopped myself before it happened, but, oh ...

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