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Friar Tuck

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She'll be replaced soon. Don't worry.Besides, I didn't feel like making a profile for her and EW was going to kill her if I didn't. No big loss.-Teezy

Iris is gonna be ticked. Jikal will just be disgusted.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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Are ALL your characters somewhat psychopathic TD?


:(I liked her.In the sense that Tuara had somebody to burn to near death before tossing in a cell for hurting her Angel. [/awww wookit da wittle babee]-Snipe

Looool.Also, if my char's already been created/interacted with yours, and he just received a Mark, do you still want me to PM you the whole profile, or just the specifics of the Mark?

She'll be replaced soon. Don't worry.Besides, I didn't feel like making a profile for her and EW was going to kill her if I didn't. No big loss.-Teezy

Iris is gonna be ticked. Jikal will just be disgusted.
Sorry to hear that.-Teezy



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Honestly, the fact that you people are still surprised by the things my chars do mean that clearly I'm not working hard enough.-Teezy

It's become more of a dull surprise, now. Except the whole throat-ripping-and-nomming thing. That was 100% unexpected.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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Hey there, players!Did you recently read a certain lengthy post by yours truly? Did you read about the disgusting slug-like things that latch onto people most painfully? Do you want one of these Parakuka things for yourself? "No, not really?" Well good, you're in luck! Because they're now an option!Presenting: The Parakuka

A lesser son of Makuta, the Parakuka is a slug-like parasite. It latches on to sentient beings, and thereafter develops a long-term parasitic relationship with them.TraitsParakuka are slug-like, resembling Kraata, but with heavier armor in adulthood and numerous hooks on their undersides for latching onto the flesh of their host. They are blind, having no eyes; instead they feel their way along the ground. Parakuka’s mouths are ringed with numerous needle-thin mandibles, which are the initial way they hook onto their hosts. They are resistant to the elements (and elemental attacks), and make sharp shrieking sounds when in distress.Parakuka feed directly upon life energy; they cannot eat food or sit in the sun to feed. They must be attached to a being in order to survive, unless changing hosts. Most of the time, the Parakuka is drawn to sapient beings as hosts.The Parakuka is an intelligent life form that, after linking to the spine and brain of its host, can and will communicate telepathically with said host. The Parakuka does not use words, but images and emotions, to communicate. The older a Parakuka is, the more experienced it becomes at this communication, and the better its host will understand it, even learn to reply in turn.The Parakuka slowly grows larger and thicker-skinned as it ages and stays on a host. Once attached, the Parakuka is almost impossible to physically detach, bodily and mental consequences to the host aside. It starts at the base of the neck and progresses down the line of the spine. Parakuka exist in a variety of muted colors and mottled combinations.Parakuka require energy to live, and this is consumed from the bodies of their host, but in reality the Parakuka is an energy generator that will give its host, at least for a while, more than it takes. It grants its host great strength, speed, and agility if “activated,” meaning that the Parakuka gives its user extra strength from its own energy reserves.This energy makes the user faster, stronger, and more agile than normal beings.When bonded to a host and activated, the Parakuka will transform the host’s appearance slightly. This new appearance will vary from host to host but will generally be monstrous and intimidating. Most of the time, the Parakuka makes its host resemble a pseudo-Rahkshi: hunched, spiny, with red eyes and powerful limbs. However, the host is still just as vulnerable to attack as they were before activation.Development and Bonding ProcessWeakest when they are young, the Parakuka are small, slow, and pale, without exoskeleton. They generally keep to dark places and water, where they will stay alive and grow large enough to trap better hosts by consuming what is available – rats, fish, it doesn’t much matter. More Parakuka die in this infancy period than survive to adulthood.After the Parakuka first bonds to a legitimate host by latching onto their neck, they will cause the host to fall into a two-day sleep. During these two days, the parasite will acclimate to the host’s body, aligning with and hooking onto the spinal cord, feeding off the energy of the host, and creating the first mental connections with their new host.When the host awakes, the parasite and host together are at the peak of their combined power, though it isn’t a high that’s usable; considering the host will inevitably attempt to regain control of their body during this initial phase, it’s more a war of host versus parasite, in which both will exhaust themselves. After this struggle is over, the Parakuka will be incredibly weakened and must slowly regain its strength. The host will also be disoriented and physically weakened.Before the host can think to destroy the parasite on its back, though, the Parakuka will present the best argument it can muster against such action – it will activate with what little energy it has left. The host will feel immediately reinvigorated, and revel at their new form and incredible power. Most often, curiosity of and/or satisfaction with their active Parakuka form will stop a host from doing anything to harm the parasite until it’s too late.The first activation past, future activations will happen voluntarily, normally by wish of the host. As the host will discover, too long of an activation will make them fatigued.As host and parasite develop a physical and mental relationship, the host slowly becomes more dependent upon the Parakuka. The older the Parakuka becomes, the more life energy it will need to survive and the stronger its activations will become. This is a generally neutralizing process: the Parakuka will draw more and more energy from its host and as such, even though it has a stronger activation, after a time the activations will only serve to balance this growing energy deficit. Eventually they will not even be able to do that.Parakuka hosts will die from their slugs. If the being hosted a younger, weaker Parakuka in the beginning, this cycle takes perhaps half the normal life cycle of the host in question. If an older or stronger Parakuka was latched on from the onset, this time period will be protracted. Parakuka themselves can live seemingly indefinitely.Other Information

  • [*]The Parakuka absorbs elemental energy and ruins the mental concentration of a being, thus preventing them from using mask, vision, and elemental powers. In addition, it reacts violently to any foreign technology and will actually prevent the user from even coming into contact with it.[*]A Parakuka can only be active for about ten minutes at a time. Should the slug still be active past its wont, the user will begin to slowly die, as their body can no longer withstand the physical stress caused by using the parasite.[*]Attacking a Parakuka will be incredibly painful for its host and can be fatal.[*]The longer the parasite is active, the more the host will be weakened and tired following its deactivation. In addition, as the parasite grows naturally stronger the host will become physically weaker - to the extent that they no longer have enough strength to move without activating the parasite.[*]The Parakuka will alter its host psychologically, too. The more they use the parasite the more they are drawn to darkness; the host generally becomes more aggressive and mistrusting of others.[*]The parasite is not unchangeably evil – though its nature is one of darkness and destruction, it can be taught right from wrong and can even ultimately gain a conscience. Younger Parakuka are easier to condition this way; old ones steep into evil and stay there.[*]Should the parasite die while still attached to its host, the host will die as well. However, if the host dies the parasite will live for a very short time, during which it must bond with a new host.

That all said, the Parakuka is now an option for your character. At the loss of your current powers, you can get one of these bad boys directly from Makuta - however young or old it is, what color it is, whether or not you want to control it or it to control you, is all up to you guys. You don't even have to get this approved; just say clearly in your profile that the character in question has a Parakuka, thereby nullifying the other parts of their "powers" section.The process of weakening happens very slowly; as such, don't worry about losing all your power if you take a Parakuka. It'll take a good while for the thing to get stronger than you, unless you want it to take shorter, of course. Also, there is a way to remove the Parakuka: it just isn't revealed yet. So don't think that if you take one, it'll be permanent. I encourage you guys to try this out if it sounds interesting, and going steady - er, that is to say being pinned (ha, ha, I'm so clever) - with a morally ambiguous parasite could just do your character's personality wonders.I'd like to take this post to thank our very own regular player, Nebula 2.0! The Parakuka started out as his idea, as a custom species he pitched to me. He presented a very in-depth explanation of what they were like, what they did to you, how they'd effect the story... all that jazz I'm looking for when I hear a pitch for a custom race. With some slight modifications, his parasite slugs were just perfect to play a role in the official plot. This just goes to show y'all that normal players CAN and DO make a difference. It also shows that, despite my strong prejudices against them, custom species can come about and play a major part in the story.If you have any questions or want any points about the Parakuka clarified, I'll be glad to answer them if you PM me. Enjoy this new CD device, guys! I hope a lot of you do this for your characters. :)

Edited by Nuju Metru
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It's a pretty sad day when I realize that my character's moral alignment could be improved by having a "lesser son of Makuta" attached to the base of his neck. Unfortunately, that's not really how I want Salamander to (sort of kinda) reform, so I'll have to pass. However, that description changed my opinion of the Parakuka from "gross gross parasites" to "gross, but kinda in a cool way".Looking forward to seeing what happens with this new option. :biggrin:

Edited by Despair


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Just as a clarification on this point:

The process of weakening happens very slowly; as such, don't worry about losing all your power if you take a Parakuka. It'll take a good while for the thing to get stronger than you, unless you want it to take shorter, of course.

Does this apply to mask/vision powers or just physical/mental power? What I mean is, will the magical powers fade slowly, or just disappear as soon as the parasite latches on? I assmume they would be gone pretty quickly once the enhance strength/agility kicks in and the parasite takes more mental control, but will there be any crossover while the thing has just found a host and is still getting its beaerings?


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Nuju, I have a question: can some of us individually fight Heauni, or is this Madrihk vs. Heauni? It'd be sweet to have a gangup against that villian. All those who are on the strike team; we might just have a fight on our hands.-Bane

Gentlemen, it's time to spread the word. And the word is: Panic


life is not a question of how long we live, but what we do with the life we have

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So... Power Sucking monsters...Which of my innocent carefree little girl Matoran needs corrupting?* :evilgrin:*This is not a rhetorical question, I'd really like to know which character of mine I should corrupt.

Edited by 'Da Boss: BioBeast

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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Personally, Tyler and I were looking forward to Sulov and Reordin V. Heauni (if possible). Their elevated plot relevance and status as matoran could make it interesting.And of course, I'm raring to see how Sulov reacts to yet another evil toa with a sword. At this rate he'll start discriminating based on species and weapon alone =P"Ko-Matoran with longsword...British-accented gentleman of both great affability and a diabolically cruel mind. Conclusion: Kill at all costs."

Edited by Armadijo



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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Heauni will be at the hive, perhaps, but I have no agreement with Nuju about only my character being his target. If you see him and want to fight, you may. Note that unlike the Nui-Rama and most other things, Heauni can auto-hit to an extent.Heauni works with shadows, but as powerful as shadow might seem, we are walking around with elements and powers of our own. He can't hope to fight all of us at once, alone. If it comes to blows, a concentration of force can down him or force him to flee, I am fairly certain. What I'm more worried about is the purpose of the Turaga, which have been moved to the hive. I assume they will be there to demoralize us upon sight and also prevent an immediate destruction of the hive as long as they are inside. They are infected with these Stargate villain things, though, but Makuta said they would be unconscious for a few days.I predict us rescuing them, only for them to wake later and wreak havoc. Oh well. Our character's don't know anything about this, so we'll just have to proceed and see how it all turns out. :)... Oh, by the way: if and when we run into Heauni, you are all required to turn on the Final Fantasy 6 boss battle music. So there. ;)

Edited by Katuko
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Zombified Turaga... Under the control of a mad Makuta... wondering how we're going to get these parasites off... This is starting to look like a horror movie. Wonder if the Turaga will be used as hostages. Heauni would do that, if only to save himself. Auto-Hitting, I could care less about. It makes it more fun to fight this guy, and besides, when else are we going to fight a toa of shadow?-Bane

Gentlemen, it's time to spread the word. And the word is: Panic


life is not a question of how long we live, but what we do with the life we have

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I'd like to clear the air.The only characters I have killed this storyline were in Rahkshi battles - one of them the player was actually asking to die OOC, saying "If nobody reacts in x number of posts, I'm gonna die," and I figured that was silly and killed him anyway. The others were the characters of a player who was breaking the rules and I decided to reprimand. He talked back, so I killed all of his characters.I want this fight to be fun and amazing. I don't kill characters without reason - unless you're begging for it or breaking rules, the most that should happen is your character getting injured, and even those injuries are given in love. Injuries are easy CD for posts and posts to come. And if you fight well, odds are good you won't get injured.Plus, considering how many people are fighting this battle, I doubt I'll be able to injure you all, anyway. :P

But Nuju, I like being silly. I thought it was funny when you killed me anyways....:PAnd the debate afterwards was funny, from my being the first to be killed.Anyways...can somebody give me a recap over all that happened yesterday? My internet was derping and so everything just passed me by.

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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I'd like to clear the air.The only characters I have killed this storyline were in Rahkshi battles - one of them the player was actually asking to die OOC, saying "If nobody reacts in x number of posts, I'm gonna die," and I figured that was silly and killed him anyway. The others were the characters of a player who was breaking the rules and I decided to reprimand. He talked back, so I killed all of his characters.I want this fight to be fun and amazing. I don't kill characters without reason - unless you're begging for it or breaking rules, the most that should happen is your character getting injured, and even those injuries are given in love. Injuries are easy CD for posts and posts to come. And if you fight well, odds are good you won't get injured.Plus, considering how many people are fighting this battle, I doubt I'll be able to injure you all, anyway. :P

But Nuju, I like being silly. I thought it was funny when you killed me anyways.... :PAnd the debate afterwards was funny, from my being the first to be killed.Anyways...can somebody give me a recap over all that happened yesterday? My internet was derping and so everything just passed me by.
The Turaga got overtaken by a bunch of parasites that act like sentient Marks, and Heuani's personally going to be leading the Nui-Rama forces in the battle against the ILS.And Tillian ripped out Succubus's throat with his teeth.-Teezy



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I'd like to clear the air.The only characters I have killed this storyline were in Rahkshi battles - one of them the player was actually asking to die OOC, saying "If nobody reacts in x number of posts, I'm gonna die," and I figured that was silly and killed him anyway. The others were the characters of a player who was breaking the rules and I decided to reprimand. He talked back, so I killed all of his characters.I want this fight to be fun and amazing. I don't kill characters without reason - unless you're begging for it or breaking rules, the most that should happen is your character getting injured, and even those injuries are given in love. Injuries are easy CD for posts and posts to come. And if you fight well, odds are good you won't get injured.Plus, considering how many people are fighting this battle, I doubt I'll be able to injure you all, anyway. :P

But Nuju, I like being silly. I thought it was funny when you killed me anyways.... :PAnd the debate afterwards was funny, from my being the first to be killed.Anyways...can somebody give me a recap over all that happened yesterday? My internet was derping and so everything just passed me by.
The Turaga got overtaken by a bunch of parasites that act like sentient Marks, and Heuani's personally going to be leading the Nui-Rama forces in the battle against the ILS.And Tillian ripped out Succubus's throat with his teeth.-Teezy
Ripping out her throat?Please, Tyler, be more creative. That's not surprising at all, and I expect more from you.

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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I'd like to clear the air.The only characters I have killed this storyline were in Rahkshi battles - one of them the player was actually asking to die OOC, saying "If nobody reacts in x number of posts, I'm gonna die," and I figured that was silly and killed him anyway. The others were the characters of a player who was breaking the rules and I decided to reprimand. He talked back, so I killed all of his characters.I want this fight to be fun and amazing. I don't kill characters without reason - unless you're begging for it or breaking rules, the most that should happen is your character getting injured, and even those injuries are given in love. Injuries are easy CD for posts and posts to come. And if you fight well, odds are good you won't get injured.Plus, considering how many people are fighting this battle, I doubt I'll be able to injure you all, anyway. :P

But Nuju, I like being silly. I thought it was funny when you killed me anyways.... :PAnd the debate afterwards was funny, from my being the first to be killed.Anyways...can somebody give me a recap over all that happened yesterday? My internet was derping and so everything just passed me by.
The Turaga got overtaken by a bunch of parasites that act like sentient Marks, and Heuani's personally going to be leading the Nui-Rama forces in the battle against the ILS.And Tillian ripped out Succubus's throat with his teeth.-Teezy
Ripping out her throat?Please, Tyler, be more creative. That's not surprising at all, and I expect more from you.
He's the new MB of Lust.And it surprised everyone else. I guess you've just got a higher tolerance for the actions of my chars.-Teezy



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I'd like to clear the air.The only characters I have killed this storyline were in Rahkshi battles - one of them the player was actually asking to die OOC, saying "If nobody reacts in x number of posts, I'm gonna die," and I figured that was silly and killed him anyway. The others were the characters of a player who was breaking the rules and I decided to reprimand. He talked back, so I killed all of his characters.I want this fight to be fun and amazing. I don't kill characters without reason - unless you're begging for it or breaking rules, the most that should happen is your character getting injured, and even those injuries are given in love. Injuries are easy CD for posts and posts to come. And if you fight well, odds are good you won't get injured.Plus, considering how many people are fighting this battle, I doubt I'll be able to injure you all, anyway. :P

But Nuju, I like being silly. I thought it was funny when you killed me anyways.... :PAnd the debate afterwards was funny, from my being the first to be killed.Anyways...can somebody give me a recap over all that happened yesterday? My internet was derping and so everything just passed me by.
The Turaga got overtaken by a bunch of parasites that act like sentient Marks, and Heuani's personally going to be leading the Nui-Rama forces in the battle against the ILS.And Tillian ripped out Succubus's throat with his teeth.-Teezy
Ripping out her throat?Please, Tyler, be more creative. That's not surprising at all, and I expect more from you.
He's the new MB of Lust.And it surprised everyone else. I guess you've just got a higher tolerance for the actions of my chars.-Teezy
I've known you since Jasik got himself forcefully disemboweled by Inquisitors.It's really hard for you to surprise me now.

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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Oh dear, looks like it's going to be another of these posts...*sigh*Dear All, Due to my need to hunker down and work on my schooling and mental-rebuilding through to the end of the school-year, I'm officially freezing DJ. Yeah, he's no longer existing in this world until I return. Sorry to the group in the Sanctum/Nuju's Hut area, but I just can't participate in this game right now. Come summer, I may be able to rejoin the game. I'll be occasionally around checking PMs, so feel free to stay in touch, but I gotta' leave the game, again, for a while. Ciao to everyone, and had a lot of fun. Hope to be back soon. :)--Kughz

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Oh dear, looks like it's going to be another of these posts...*sigh*Dear All, Due to my need to hunker down and work on my schooling and mental-rebuilding through to the end of the school-year, I'm officially freezing DJ. Yeah, he's no longer existing in this world until I return. Sorry to the group in the Sanctum/Nuju's Hut area, but I just can't participate in this game right now. Come summer, I may be able to rejoin the game. I'll be occasionally around checking PMs, so feel free to stay in touch, but I gotta' leave the game, again, for a while. Ciao to everyone, and had a lot of fun. Hope to be back soon. :)--Kughz

...So, now Madrihk has an assassin with regenerative powers after him. This should be interesting. Tyler hardly surprises me anymore. The throat ripping thing was done in Catching Fire and I've numbed to his shockers after the towel spelunkation.

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"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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