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Taka Nuvia

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Comments posted by Taka Nuvia

  1. Winter fairies have so much potential. I'm thinking a more lax nature and subtle forms of magic like how the cold can creep up on you. They prolly live in snowflakes and come out to slowdance under the glow of the full moon and it would be awesome because that's when the snow looks all bright and the trees are covered in ice and shimmer... Man, winter fairies must be awesome.


    I find that concept very intriguing. C:


    The fairiest paladin of them all. :P

    That's lovely. :3

  2. Wait. If entries begin tomorrow...


    What is this then? =OOO



    I was so. Tempted. To do this. D:


    Blog-o-sphere? Sounds like complex terminology.

    Indeed, but just wait until you get to the theory of multiple blog-o-spheres co-existing in the blog-o-verse, which by itself is only small part of the expanded BZP-verse. :D

    Some individuals are even said to have crossed the boundaries between the spheres... all very mysterical, and highly hypothetical if you ask me.

  3. I can vouch for the "draw every day" bit. I have an online friend and we both started drawing around the same time. We were about matched in skill level when we met. He really wanted to improve (and I just wanted it as a casual hobby), and he started drawing every day. He now surpasses me greatly and is insanely good at drawing people.

    Yeah I think it's truly essential to do something every day; I totally didn't for a year, and lost just about as much time skill-wise... at least it took ages to get back to an acceptable level. :/ But it's really hard.


    I think the biggest problems I have are 1 and 2, but really mostly 2. :P I have to get over the "if it doesn't look good then I suck and I should stop drawing why bother" thought process, but it's really hard lol.


    That thought process is almost as bad/destructive as mid-project-hate ('though I'll probably write more on the subject later.) - but it's really the hardest to overcome. D:

    Still, keep going, you can only improve! =D


    The first thing is one of my biggest problems. While I'm at school I tend to get a lot of practice simply at sketching, which is helpful. But this is only because school is boring, and sometimes drawing is the only thing I can do to keep awake. (ironically, this mostly applies to an art appreciation class...) But when I'm on vacation or on my own time I usually have a lot of other things going on and let myself slip and stop drawing, sometimes for very long periods of time, and my skills tend to decline heavily. It's a vicious cycle that has kept me from improving too much in the past couple of years, or at least not as much as I could have. Motivation is a big problem.


    I've found that having an audience does increase motivation a lot, though. Early last year I was part of a little fan community for a certain tv show, and as one of the more relatively skilled fanartists, I got requests and such by the truckload. In February/March of that year I must have done some hundred or more drawings just doing that, and I got much, much better at it. But then that community mostly broke apart, and I'm pretty sure I've drawn less since then than I did in just those 2 months...


    The abstraction thing is also a problem for me, though. I tend to draw in a stylized manner that is pretty darn cartoony (mostly taking influence from Derrick J. Wyatt, my favorite cartoon artist, who also encourages people to learn how to draw before they try to draw in stylized manner). I don't do nearly as much observational drawing as I should, (something I've been working on correcting) so my skills are pretty lopsided...


    Art is hard.


    But man, is it ever so rewarding to see yourself improve.

    I miss school's lessons where there was so much time, enough to do some drawings yet not miss out on anything important... university is so much different, if I stop concentrating on the lecture for more than 5 minutes I always miss out on important stuff. ><

    But yeah, I totally know that - one really only appreciates the time when they don't have it, it seems.


    Requests never really worked as a motivation for me, sadly; I tend to procrastinate that too much becuase it means work to me. Drawing exercises not so much. But I guess that's different for everyone.

    You're right though, having an audience certainly helps with motivation.


    Indeed, indeed. It's one of the things I used to consider quite counter-intuitive... and hey, I should do more observational drawing, too. D: (I'm really bad at that, anyway)


    That last sentence. So true.

  4. But... but I talk to you all the time every day! D=


    (Oh wait, no I don't...)


    Have fun at the party! =D

    But you totally should. All the time. Every day. =D


    Thankies, I guess I did.


    How was the party? :D

    Honestly? There was a bit too much going on - waaaaaaay too many people, too loud (I'm awful at drowning out background noises, sdo it felt like being hit by a wall of sound) - had I not been there with a group of other students I happen to know a bit, I probably would've gone home early.


    But overall I wouldn't say it was an all bad experience - at least the part before the party, where we went to that one guy's place because he lives close to uni was actually really cool and pleasant, and after all, I wasn't alone there with people I don't know. :3


    According to someone who's already been to several uni parties in the past said that there were exceptionally more people than usually, though... so I just chose a bad moment for "trying out this whole party thing", I guess. ^_^

  5. I remember the Borg phase :P Congratulations! ^^

    Aaaargh, really? D: Oh dear. xD But thanks.


    Wait, seriously? Oha man, for some reason I thought today was the tenth and that my anniversary was the thirteenth. XD


    I was way off. =P. But thanks. ^^


    (Also the over-hype for Xmas totally ruins fall for me every year)

    Okay then xD


    (yeah, me too. 'specially since I really like Halloween-related stuff, cliché as it may be ^^)


    Huh, that means I've been here a few months longer.


    Anyhow, conflagrations or something. =3

    A few, yes. *nods*

    Anyhow, thanks. xD


    I've missed out on almost all of my BZPversaries. The trick is to not plan anything special so you won't forget anything when the inevitable missing occurs.

    That's some important advice. I'll be sure to heed it next year. :) (really, though.)


    Happy belated anniversary. :3

    Thankies! :3

  6. Thank you all for the kind words. :J


    Sometimes a picture can better portray something than words for instance:


    *sends you hugs*


    *glomps of empathy*


    Mathing woes, girl. Mathing woes. (Assuming this is math, of course.)

     Relativity-related mathing, yes.

  7. I already heard of this study, and to be honest my initial reaction was pretty similar to yours. :/


    I'm something of a daydreamer myself, but it's never been something to 'summon at will' anyway, it was just... there. Thinking and overthinking things, coming up with stories or doing some world-building has always come naturally.


    Introspection is terrifying. Not everyone is willing to look into the abyss, only to find themselves staring back.


    If the average human enjoyed being alone with their darkest thoughts, we wouldn't have nearly as many mindless distractions in this world


    I kinda have to agree with that, but not having anything to do for 15 minutes does not equal staring into the abyss.

    Sometimes the mind wanders to strange places if left unsupervised (or undistracted), but that's not the norm. At least it should not be. D:

  8. You've got quite the grasp for volume, shape and form which is apparent in the hair (which is awesome). Even though I haven't watched that much of Once, just a few episodes, I still recognise the character, you totally captured one of her typical expressions.


    Her left eye (seen on the right) is abit too slanted, creating the impression of slightly mis-aligned eyes, but since the inner corners of the eyes actually line up well, it's really just the left eye as far as I can see.


    You're definitely improving (and better at drawing real-life people than I am!), so keep it up!  :3

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