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Posts posted by ARROW404

  1. IC: Lapu - Po-Wahi desert trail

    The mute Toa paid little attention to the conversation happening at the other end of the group. His focus was on scanning the surroundings, ensuring everything was safe. In one of his hands, he practiced summoning cacti and aloe, based on what he had seen thus far in Po-Wahi. As a result, he had also learned how nice chewing them was, and offered a piece of each to Kanohi and Hakari.

    OoC: @Harvali@Snelly

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  2. On 7/4/2023 at 6:27 AM, Mel said:

    CW: torture, both shown and implied

    [Fort Garsi, Environs (Ipsudir/NPC)]
    The would-be surrenderer was watching for signs.

    He didn’t get any.

    The harpoon that Ipsudir carried was not, in terms of the technological wonders that Zakaz could produce, a very impressive weapon.   But it did not need to be—the combination of well-oiled spring loaded mechanisms and sturdy barbed blade was fast and silent and gruesome in its work—the work of pain.   It suited her.

    The blade streaked out of the yawning darkness of the entrance and stuck fast in the gap of armor under an armpit, embedding itself deep.   Before his brain could process any of the terrible, ripping, wrenching pain Ipsudir had yanked him off his feet.   The cranking mechanism in her weapon dragged him slowly, agonizingly toward the shaded entrance, but Ipsudir closed the rest of the distance herself, placing a foot on the prone warriors chest, pressing down as she drove the now compact harpoon deeper.


    Her voice started soft, almost a purr, but it quickly rose in volume and intensity.   “You come to my land, try to conquer my fortress, and when it turns belly side up you want me to invite you in for tea and crackers?”

    She twisted, so virulently that she sent the rifle slung across her back swinging, and the skakdi cried out as bloody foam spilled from his lips.   “That ain’t how it works around here, sweetie.”

    She pointed at where Zenakra and Kirik were pummeling each other.  “There, is where you should be.   Such a fool, but at least she will die with honor.   I will make sure her name is remembered.” With one last twist, she ripped out the weapon and spit on the skakdi’s face.   Her eyes remained focused on the melee down the hill as she kicked him again for good measure.   “Take this heu:nii to the dungeons,” she said, without turning toward her warriors at her her back.  “Make sure he lives for as long as possible.”

    Kerigor’s X-ray vision pierced through the fog, but he had stopped shooting once the group had achieved range—anyone brave enough to charge the fortress was dead already, and powder was after all, expensive.   While scanning the remains of the battlefield, however, he caught the glint of unfamiliar copper.

    Grinning, he tapped his partner’s currently-holstered impact crystal launcher.   “Shall we bring back a little bauble for the Lady?”

    OOC: @Geardirector @Techn0geist @ARROW404 @Visaru @Snelly

    IC: Mandokk - Fort Garsi

    All of the curse words went through Mandokk's head in the ensuing thirty or so seconds. He had half expected this, but that harpoon had come out so fast... "Figures," he choked out. "Do whatever you want. I'm expendable," he coughed, half snarling, half grinning.

  3. OoC: Apologies again for the long wait. I'm in the middle of moving, and still struggling a bit with motivation to RP

    IC: Yoka and Ikyazu

    Yoka watched Yuna get up and bolt with a look of confusion on her face. She looked at the spot where the Rahkshi had vanished under the water, then back at the receding form of her compatriot, wondering what had been so unusual about the Rahkshi as to provoke such a reaction. Probably something traumatic, given her reaction. Not wanting to possibly make her reaction worse, she got up slowly and started after her at a leisurely pace, a moment before Raika zipped past her.

    "Ikyazu," she said quietly, "Mind going to keep an eye on them?"

    [Why?] her partner asked impassively.

    Yoka frowned and rolled her eyes, then activated her mask, drifting out of their shared body. [Fine, take the body and I'll look.]

    Ikyazu's ghostly form shrugged and took over their body, apparently deciding to to follow at the same easy pace Yoka had been. The latter fluttered on invisibly ahead at a quicker pace.

    When she arrived, Raika had clearly caught up to Yuna, and the two were just staring at each other. Ideatalking, she imagined. She stayed there a moment, watching, until finally one of them spoke up.

    "I don't know about not panicking, I did just run off because Yoka saw me do water things, after all…" she shook her head, "Look, I don't know what I am, but I do know that you and Ahri and the others are…. All I have. I don't want to let you go."


    Water... things? She thought back to the sight of the Rahkshi dipping beneath the waves. She had really not noticed anything unusual about it at the time. The Rahkshi had gotten pulled in rather powerfully, but she could have attributed that to Mindarm... Had she done something with the-


    "And um…. D-don't take this the wrong way but I think I might….like you?"


    If it were possible for a ghost to blush, she would have. Turning about, she zipped back toward Ikyazu and stopped her. [Everything is fine!] she said, putting on her best poker face after what she had accidentally overheard.


    Whether Ikyazu believed her, or just didn't particularly care, she gave a little shrug, and returned to help with the boat until the two returned.


    [They're back,] Yoka eventually observed, and Ikyazu put down the hammer she had been working with to approach them.


    "Everything okay?" She glanced pointedly at their held hands, then back up at them.

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  4. On 4/25/2023 at 2:49 AM, The UltimoScorp said:

    IC Yuna Koizumi - Oki village:


    The not-Menti nearly jumped right out of her skin, and more literally jumped to her feet, panic written all over her mask, "Zuto Nui, don't sneak up on a girl like that!"

    The Realization quickly set in that if she hadn't heard Ikyazu approach, she might also have not seen her. Which meant.....

    "How.... how long were you watching me?"

    OOC: uh oh!

    @ARROW404@Keeper of Kraata@Click@Lady Takanuva

    IC: Ikyazu and Yoka - Oki Village

    Yoka gave a nod toward the surf behind Yuna. "Just long enough to see a Rahkshi armor slide under the waves. Good riddance." She squatted down beside the panting Menti. "I would have helped you drag it," she said flatly.

    [And maybe smash it up a bit too,] added Ikyazu, privately.

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  5. On 4/9/2023 at 11:15 PM, The UltimoScorp said:

    IC Yuna Koizumi - Oki:

    With a deep breath to calm her jangling nerves, Yuna stepped into the hole in the side of the ship. There it was. Laid out on the deck was the still form of one of those monsters. It's shell was a sickly brown color, reminiscent of the one she had fought, and she failed to suppress a shudder.

    Yuna knelt down to take hold of it's arm to drag it out but the curled taloned fingers of the thing made her reconsider. If by some chance it was still alive, she'd rather it not wake up with her in front of it. She moved around to the things leg and gingerly picked it up. It was heavy, heavier than she'd expected. Yuna grimaced, she hadn't had the time to rest that the others had, and it had already been a long day with fishing, rescuing the others, and raising the ship. Her muscles burned.

    But she was the only one who could do this right now. Ahri was off getting supplies and people, and she didn't dare to ask Raika or Mitsuri for help after what they'd been through.

    It was up to her.

    Gritting her teeth, she opted to just drag the stupid thing out. The sound of metal dragging on wood, muffled swears, and ragged breaths became her world and she slowly hauled the dead creature out of the hole. It got caught on more than a few edges, and by the time it finally fell limply to the sandy ground she was entirely exhausted.

    Panting, she took a quick look around to make sure no one was watching her, then reached out to the sea to pull the carcass away from the beach, never to be seen again below the waves.

    Finally done, she collapsed on the sand.

    @Lady Takanuva  @Click

    OoC: Sorry y'all, for some reason I had a lot of trouble getting into the Kentoku side of things, but I'll put in some more effort here now.

    IC: Ikyazu and Yoka

    The shared body of the two Iden-users peered around the hull of the vessel. Rest finished, Ikyazu had gotten up to inspect it some more, and now heard a peculiar grinding sound from the other side. The source became apparent as she came into view. A chill rand down both of their spines as they beheld the empty shell of a Rahkshi's armor. Setting her jaw, she kept herself from clenching the side of the boat too hard, and approached the collapsed Yuna. "Easy," she said, not quite as gently as she intended to. She wasn't too experienced with 'gentle'.

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  6. IC: Balian the Mask Maker - Kanohi Dragon Forge

    Mask-making was an art. Of course, even a lava farmer would call his trade art, but Balian would dare anyone to come up and say it wasn't so of his trade in particular. A beautifully ornamented Mahiki sat finished before him, the product of two weeks' work, not counting breaks to focus on other commissions. Protodermic base, as with all masks meant to be worn, gilded at the edges and along the raised surfaces, set with gemstones from Onu-Wahi, truly a sight to behold. Maybe even a contender for his best work.

    The finishing touch laid, he sat back in his rocking chair, joints creaking, and simply observed it. It almost was a shame this beauty wouldn't stay here. But the act of giving his masks to the buyer was an essential step in the ritual that was his daily life. It kept him humble, preventing him from amassing his pride around him. No, his place was dingy, covered in soot, and sparse in terms of decorations. It got cleaned once a month by a maid, and he didn't entertain much. Anyone would see the place and think 'a humble man lives here'. Balian didn't know if he could really be considered humble, but at least he didn't show it outwardly, except in his care and finesse in his craft.

    "Thank Mata-nui I'm a mask maker," he sighed with a contented smile. He gave the arm rests of his chair a pat and lurched to his feet, took the mask off its stand and placed it in a safe until its commissioner would come to collect it, then went up to the living area of his shop, to bed.

    OoC: Just a reminder there's a mask maker in Ta-Koro.

  7. On 3/28/2023 at 4:09 AM, Nato G said:

    IC: T’harrak – Fleeing Fort Garsi

    "We gotta go back. She's still got breath in 'er'."

    T’harrak stumbled as if she’d been shoved, the insane suggestion striking her with all the force of a physical blow. She glanced back behind her, spotting the figure Sohmak was referring to. Jojax, stooped on the edge of the battlefield, battered but still alive.

    But she also saw one of Fort Garsi’s riders parked by a mound beyond the spikes. She was hurling words their way, and the grenade in her hand made it all too clear what she’d be throwing next if they doubled back. She was alone for now, but there were still snipers out there somewhere, and other Fort Garsi survivors were making their way through the spikes. There were probably even more warriors still waiting inside the Fort, fresh and ready to fight.

    The Fort Razorfish group had already lost or left behind so many today. Zanakra, Seeker, Ahuum, others whose names T'harrak had never known. And they would lose a lot more if they threw away their one clear chance for escape to go back for just one person.  

    “I’m sorry,” T’harrak said, tears of shame shining in her eyes, “Her life isn’t worth all of ours.”

    And then she kept running.


    @Techn0geist @ARROW404 @Smudge8 @Mel

    IC: Gashril - Fleeing Fort Garsi

    She spared Jojax a glance as the fog swelled, soon obscuring her from view. "She could still make it out," she thought to herself. "Get to the edge of the mist, and follow." Then she shrugged dismissively. "If not, well... She should have known better than to jump right into the middle like that." The last part she left unsaid- that if Jojax died, it was her own **** fault.

    "A wise decision, T'harrak," she said, following- though not at a full run. She didn't have enough breath in her lungs for that just yet, and to be honest, she wanted to give Jojax something of a fighting chance to catch up. Mindless hot blood had its uses. To her side, she caught an inquisitive glance from Okulmo. She knew what he was thinking. Do we take Fort Razorfish for ourselves now?

    She shook her head and he looked ahead, taking the message without question. Taking over the fort had never been the plan, after all, and the loss of Zanakra hadn't changed that. Of course, it wasn't out of the question, but she saw no reason to do it either.

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  8. On 3/26/2023 at 12:02 AM, Emzee said:

    IC: Tailua — Ostia, The Dancing Crab

    The Ta-Toa took in the replies of his new drinking buddies.

    “I suppose that’s one way of lookin' at it,” Tailua replied to Lohkar. “I guess I was one of those fools who drank up the teachings of Turaga like a thirsty Mahi. Freedom, true freedom… maybe that’s just what I need”

    He then looked to the other two: the Lesterin and the Skakdi.

    “What makes you two so sure where we’re goin’ will be so much worse?” Tailua asked. “As someone who was just nearly run down by—I still don’t know, actually—ya think Zakaz is gonna be full of cloak and daggers there as well?”

    “No don’t get me wrong. I ain’t smooth-brained enough to expect sunshine and rainbows,” Tailua continued, “But at least if a Zakazian wants a game of strife, they’ll use their own force and wits instead of these Karzahni-danged intrigues, sending agents into the night... right?”

    OOC: @Ghosthands @ARROW404 @BULiK Sorry for the wait!

    IC: Suran - The Dancing Crab, Ostia

    The Lesterin knocked back a second shot, then tapped the bar for a second glass, which he poured and slid toward the Ta-Toa. "Nothing makes me 'sure,'" he said. "Which is precisely my point. We don't know what to expect." He gave a slight shrug, "Matoran, Lesterin, Skakdi- people are not so different from one another, at the end of the day. Probably, we will find a place full of people whom, at the core, are just like the rest. Either way, I'll keep my hopes... middling."

  9. IC: Ushadra - Mangaia

    The illusion of the Matoran clung back at the edge of the light, just outside the door, a foot and her shoulder the only parts visible from beside the fire. Ushadra, herself, stood on the other side of the door, however, peeking in, hidden in her illusion. She was somehow both intrigued and disappointed. So the Toa wasn't the heroic anti-Makuta type. That took some wind out of her sails- those ones were fun to play with. But someone this flavor of "open-minded" was bound to be interesting either way.

    She said nothing, just listening.


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  10. On 3/19/2023 at 4:36 AM, Snelly said:

    IC: Oceanna - Her House -

    Oceanna was quick to snatch the bag, opening it not unlike a child opening a present. Her eyes lit up a bit as she saw how much was inside, but she quickly composed herself soon after as she looked back at Aar. 

    "No problem! I was happy to help." The guitarist gave a thumbs up.

    IC: Aar

    The guardsman disguised a wry smile as a muscle twitch and scratched at the corner of his mouth. "It's much appreciated." He gave a small nod, "That's all for you today. Unless you need anything with the guard."

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  11. IC: Lapu - Forsi, Papa Podu's

    Possibly against his better judgment, Lapu had given in to his curiosity, and his attachment to the little band that had formed around Kanohi. He had never taken himself for the sentimental type, but he had spent more time 'socializing' with Hakari and Kanohi in the span of a couple of days than he had with anyone else in years, and leaving them to go back to the jungle somehow seemed less important than figuring out what this niggling sense at the back of his skull was.

    How he regretted following his curiosity now. It was hot. It was dry. And the only plant he had seen in hours were cacti- and the aloe plant sitting on the windowsill of the restaurant. Not remotely enough to comfort him. He wanted to touch grass, curse it.

    He almost grumbled, but instead opted for simply allowing his face to adopt an even more sullen look than usual. He was here- his armor was wilting already- and he lacked the ability to ask for a way to somewhere greener anyways. So, like it or not- he didn't- he was along for the ride.

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  12. @Geardirector@Snelly

    IC: Ushadra - Mangaia

    Ushadra followed, projecting her illusory image to her right, pressing against the wall and making "herself" as small as she could. The illusion peeked cautiously around the corner, then gasped at the gruesome sight shrinking back into the darkness. Ushadra mirrored the motions, then shaped the image with her mask's power, into the vulnerable and pitiful appearance of the Matoran.

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  13. On 2/27/2023 at 4:40 AM, Emzee said:

    IC: Tailua — Ostia, The Dancing Crab

    “Heroics are a lie on this land. I know that even more now, with these rumors I heard on my way to Ostia. So **** it. Let the Makuta take this land, and we’ll make a new life on this ‘Zakaz’ place you suddenly remembered”

    OOC: @Ghosthands @BULiK @Void Emissary

    IC: Suran - Ostia, The Dancing Crab

    Having paid his boarding fee, he figured he might as well spend whatever Mata-nui currency he had left, and ordered himself a bottle of middlingly-priced alcohol to sip. As the first shot wet his palate, he listened in. So this one was leaving to escape the Makuta. He gave a little sideways nod of his head in consideration. Once that idea spread, journeys like this one were sure to become more popular. If he thought to find heroics on this new island though, the Lesterin strongly suspected he would be disappointed.

    "Empty hope," he muttered quietly, not intending to be heard, but not particularly caring if he was either. "Run from the Kofo-Jaga, straight into the nest of the Nui."

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  14. On 2/23/2023 at 6:35 AM, ~Xemnas~ said:

    IC, Aurax: Ga-Koro

    Aurax smiled softly. “Thank you all,” he said. The thought of seeing his old home made him excited, but also a bit apprehensive; if Ga-Koro had changed so much during his absence, what would his home village now look like?

    “Very well, friends. Let’s grab a quick bite to eat and head out!”

    OOC: @Harvali @ARROW404 @Mel @Lady Takanuva @Tarn @BULiK @~Xemnas~ @BBBBalta @Umbraline Yumiwa @Rahisaurus Aurax (and everyone else who's coming) to Po-Wahi. I'll be making an initial post over there.

    IC: Kimala

    The Toa of Crystal chewed her lip in consternation. She did want to go... But could she? With a sigh, she gave her answer eventually. "I need to run some errands. I will join you if I am able, but I cannot say for sure. I will meet you at the exit of the Koro if I'm able to. If not, don't wait for me."

  15. On 2/14/2023 at 8:23 PM, Geardirector said:

    "Well? Are we going to keep our prospective host waiting?"

    OOC: @ARROW404@Snelly

    IC: Ushadra

    The illusory Matoran gave an uncertain nod, but made no attempt to get closer, pressing herself further against the wall and gesturing with a subtle nod for the seeker to take the lead.

  16. @Harvali @ARROW404 @Mel @Lady Takanuva @Tarn @BULiK @~Xemnas~ @BBBBalta @Umbraline Yumiwa @Rahisaurus @Snelly

    IC: Kimala

    The tall Toa considered the possibility of accompanying Aurax. It was... an interesting idea. Her students would probably be inconvenienced if she left, though. Unable to give her answer at the moment, she considered in silence, rubbing at her mouth pensively, and glanced at the other Toa in the room, wondering if one of them would undertake the journey at least.

    IC: Lapu

    The Toa of Plants stared at the window, lost in a thought just out of his reach. Hakari's voice drew his attention slowly back, and he turned to try and read what he could make out of Kanohi's message. He felt like he had missed something while he had spaced out. Kanohi seemed to be bidding Hakari farewell, but she said they would travel together for a bit longer. Where had they said they would be going? Back to Le-Wahi, he hoped.

    Silent and inscrutable as ever, he simply stood beside the pair he had arrived with.

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  17. On 1/30/2023 at 7:08 PM, Snelly said:

    IC: Oceanna - Her House -

    It was nice having her own place and not living on the streets, even if she was still relatively poor. She opened the door soon after Aar knocked, looking like she was half asleep still as she stared at him.


    IC: Aar, Oceanna's doorstep

    The unassuming-looking Matoran guard gave her a salute of greeting. "Apologies, it looks like I woke you up. I'm here to deliver you this." He held up a cloth bag stamped with the Ussalry's logo. It looked heavy for its size. "For your help apprehending some suspected criminals the other day."

    He never could quite get used to talking with civilian Toa. Twice his height and ten times his power, but he was the one who was supposed to command respect and protect them in a crisis. It was odd. He didn't let it show on his face though.

    OoC: I don't even know what widgets are worth, full disclosure. Just uh... the bag contains about what you'd expect I guess?

    @Palm@Geardirector@Void Emissary

    IC: Onepu - Akiri's hut

    Onepu loved visiting Nuparu. When he talked with his old friend, it almost- almost- felt like old times. He did not like visiting the Akiri's hut, however. It reminded him of Whenua. Life had been good before... Before the Toa and Takua-

    He caught himself before fell too deep into reminiscing. "Gentlemen, I think you've got this. He waved his former charges toward the door. "I think I'll go for a walk. Nuparu can give a holler if he needs me."

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  18. On 2/10/2023 at 2:50 PM, Geardirector said:

    IC: Zelvin (Mangaia)


    "A seeker" she answered.

    @Snelly OoC: This is happening a ways down the tunnel, far enough the fire would be well out of sight. I'll go ahead and assume we can still hear him though.

    IC: Ushadra

    The black smear gave way to features the longer the Toa of Crystal looked at it. It appeared to belong to a Matoran, either Po or Onu judging by the black and tan armor. Female, judging by the voice. "S-seeker?" she repeated. "What is-"

    Drakkar's voice drifted down the hall, and the figure flinched. Behind the illusion, Ushradra frowned in annoyance. She wanted to play around a bit first... But she quickly changed tack, as she was forced to. The figure looked toward the source of the voice, then back at the approaching Toa with an expression of confusion and concern.

    OoC: So, Ushradra is projecting the illusion a few paces from where she is actually standing, and making it sound like her voice is coming from it. Depending on her sense of smell, Zelvin may or may not pick up on this when she gets closer. Up to you.

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  19. On 2/6/2023 at 8:56 PM, Geardirector said:

    IC: Zelvin (Mangaia)

    The howls of anguish that flared to life from further into these dark depths were both a surprise and thoroughly unsurprising. Where else would that sort of people congregate but here?

    After a moment's hesitation, she went in that direction.

    OOC: @Snelly @ARROW404

    IC: Ushadra - Mangaia

    The sound of footsteps caught the sensitive ears of the Toa of Sonics, even amid the sound of screams. Who could that be? Cloaked in silence, she cast an illusion of pure blackness over herself that blended perfectly into the shadows of the tunnels, and stole out to see for herself. Finding the individual was a trivial matter to one with her sensitivity to sound, and once near enough, she approached to get a closer look, at just such a distance she could make details out from. A Toa, not infected- and more surprisingly, not currently being impaled by a Rahkshi. She would not underestimate this one. She also appeared to be wearing a Ruru, a smart choice for these dark tunnels. Ushadra's disguise as a black smear would not hold up any closer.

    She considered with the moment she had, how best to proceed. Intimidation with a Rahkshi illusion? Call actual Rahkshi to kill or infect her? Or perhaps subterfuge?

    She smiled. She loved subterfuge.

    "Who's there?" came a hoarse, scared whisper from ahead of the Toa, where a form appeared to be sitting, curled up.

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  20. On 2/1/2023 at 11:45 PM, Harvali said:

    IC Kardaka - Po-Wahi - The Motara Desert

    OOC: Kardaka open to interaction

    IC: Lumune - the middle of the desert

    Idas crested the top of a dune, and the Iron Mahi's tracks came into view. From what Lumune had gathered, the lion didn't much care for said tracks- didn't like staying close to them. She could imagine why. Dead metal like that was an odd sight, that must have set the rahi's senses on edge. Or maybe it had had a bad encounter with the Mahi itself. Couldn't say the same, herself. She'd never had a reason to use it, not a reason to dislike it.

    Movement caught her eye, and both she and the lion zeroed in on a potential catch. Her brow furrowed. Her eyes must be playing tricks on her... She gestured with her spear, and Idas stalked forward so she could get a better look.

    A Turaga. A live one, no less. Out here? In the middle of the desert?

    Her mind went back to a track she had seen once or twice in the past year. She hadn't known what kind of Rahi it could have belonged to, and now she knew why- it had belonged to a Turaga. Not a footprint she'd been familiar with before, but now that she saw those crooked feet, she made the connection.

    "Bit far from the safety of home, venerable one!" she called once she was close enough for the wind not to carry her voice away. Idas continued his slow approach with a look of curiosity. Lucky Turaga, the lion had just eaten.

    On 2/4/2023 at 10:43 AM, Ghosthands said:

    IC (Lohkar) [The Dancing Crab, Ostia]
    "Well, gents, I shall leave you in the capable hands of me subordinates," he said, waving a hand in the general direction of the various Infernavika crew present (mainly Yasurek — he'd be happy to deal with all the boring details, right?). "They'll be 'appy to discuss all the details with ya. But as long as you can pay our modest fee, rest assured we'll get ya ta Zakaz. Just make sure you're aboard before we cast off!"

    With that, he flicked them a casual salute and moseyed over towards where Gunner was already intercepting a somewhat hurried-looking red-armoured Toa who, based on his somewhat haggard breathing and the flecks of glass still dusting his sizeable shoulders, was most likely the same being who had made the audible window entry (re-fenestrated? Pre-fenestrated? He'd have to look that one up.). His ever-reliable gut told him this should be a fun one.

    IC: Suran

    The Lesterin spared a curious glance at the Toa who had certainly gained the Crab's patron's ire by destroying one of the establishment's windows. His hand went to his sword, but relaxed as he saw the Toa offered no danger, turning his attention then to Lohkar. "Ah yes, a fee." He looked to said subordinates, wondering which one would be telling him the cost of the journey.

  21. IC: Gashril and the Tahtorak crew - Fort Garsi warzone

    Yavonna abandoned all hope the Nakihl could have survived that. "It's over Miraule," she told her earth-aligned partner.

    Gashril agreed with a nod. "Even if he survived that, there's no getting him out now." She grunted in frustration. She'd wanted to get a chance to speak one on one with them. Now it seemed that would never happen.

    By her side, Sohmak designated T'harrak the crew's new leader. She couldn't complain, she'd already proven to have more sense than their old one- and now stood alive because of it. Living proof the foolhardy Skak:Dii way would one day eat itself alive, she thought. Their new leader made a choice. Gashril spared the open door of the fortress a glance, but shook her head. Why trust someone who offered peace, then let their underlings pick off the ones who had surrendered but simply didn't leave quick enough?

    "Agreed," she echoed T'harrak's sentiment, and the rest of the group fell into step with her.

    "The ride back is going to be light," Okulmo commented. Gashril allowed herself a small sigh of relief at hearing his voice. He was key to the group, and he had survived. The $$$$ show was over, and they had paid steeply for it, but all was not lost.

    Speaking of... She peered through the mist and located Mandokk, the gravity-aligned member of the crew. Quietly, she fell into step beside him and spoke in a hushed tone.


    As the mist slowly drifted along and away from the battlefield, one last figure stood, where the rest had gone, walking slowly toward the open door of the fortress, his weapon held over his head in surrender. His colors gave away his element- gravity. He walked slowly, cautiously, ready to bolt at the first sign of treachery.

    @Techn0geist@Nato G@Sparticus147@Mel

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  22. On 1/29/2023 at 8:16 AM, Snelly said:

    IC: -Somewhere near the Mangaia -

    He groaned as his eyes struggled to open, the first thing he noticed was that it was dark. The only source of light was a small fire. As his senses returned to him he realized he was in some kind of cave, he could hear the crackling of the fire, along with quant humming nearby. 

    The source of the humming was a large, armored Toa, a Toa of Stone probably, who seemed to be cooking something. "Hey, you're finally awake." Despite how friendly his voice was, the man felt himself shiver, something wasn't quite right.

    "Where...am I? Who are you?" He tried to move, but found his arms and legs were very heavy. To his alarm, he found his limbs completely incased in stone. "What is this?!" 

    The Toa of Stone poured the contents of his pot into a bowl before turning to look at the man. The the man's horror the Toa of stone was clearly wearing an infected Pakari. "You must be hungry, say 'ah'." The Toa attempted to feed the man. 

    "I don't want your f-hrmmph!" Despite his protests the Toa forced the spoon into his mouth, to his surprise the soup actually tasted pretty good, excellent even. 

    The Toa smiled before sitting back, looking at the man. "I'm sure you're wondering why you're here, Xxeth Daring. Though it shouldn't come as a surprise no? Abandoning our brothers and sisters in Ko-koro? Well that's just plain naughty." He said in a scolding tone, like a parent to a child. 

    Xxeth's mind race, how could he get out of this!? All he wanted was to go live a quiet life of peace, somewhere where no one remembered him. He was done with this life! "I never promised undying loyalty, I was a mercenary, nothing more."

    The man laughed. "It is fortunate it was I who found you, Xxeth. Most of my comrades would have slaughtered you where you stood! Now, to business..." He took a spoonful of his own soup. "You maybe believe you may come and go in the service of the Lord Makuta, but that is not how this works. Once you're in his service, that is where you shall remain till your dying breath. There is no choice in this."

    Xxeth gritted his teeth. "Then, why am I still alive, huh? Just get it over with and kill me." Something wasn't adding up here.

    He smiled a smile most unpleasant. "Now you're asking the right questions. Why would I leave a worthless traitor like you alive? Perhaps to lure a certain Skyra Daring and her friends? Who knows really?"

    "You've got to be kidding." Xxeth couldn't believe what he was hearing, would he ever escape Skyra's shadow? Why couldn't he just be left alone? "Sorry to disappoint you, whatever your name is. But my brother doesn't want anything to do with me, and the feeling is mut-" The prophet of makuta suddenly tightened the stone bindings around Xxeth's limbs, causing the Toa of Air to cry out in pain. 

    "You really shouldn't misgender people, it's very rude." He scolded. "Regardless, like so many you simply don't understand how 'heroes' work do you? True champions of Mata Nui will help anyone in need, even their enemies under the right circumstances."

    Xxeth wasn't sure what to make of this guy, he wasn't like most members of the brotherhood that he'd met. "Who the #### are you?" 

    "Why I'm Drakkar Brack, prophet of Makuta." He smiled. "You should rejoice, Xxeth. This is your chance at redemption, if all goes well you may escape with more than just your life, just maybe."

    "How do you know my br-sister and her friends will come for me? They could just as easily suspect this is a trap." Xxeth refused to believe Skyra and her friends would bother on someone like him, it wasn't like he deserved their help, or even wanted it. 

    "Hmmm...call it intuition, I suppose. Though there is one way to really make it convincing..." Drakkar stood up, brandishing a knife as he approached. "I'll just have to send them something that will confirm that you are indeed, in serious trouble..." One of Xxeth's hands was freed from the rock, but his arm still remained pinned down. He struggled in vain as Drakkar got closer. 

    The harrowing screams that followed echoed throughout the cavern.

    OOC: Feel free to come say hi! But only if you're an evil piece of ####. 

    OOC: Finally! An invitation to put Ushadra to use!

    IC: Ushadra

    The priestess of Makuta could hear the screams long before she arrived, bearing the next week's supplies. Well, that explained why she had been sent on an errand. Dealing with traitors was best left to Brack alone. Not wishing to distract her brother from his task, she cloaked her footsteps in silence, and took her time finishing her task before dropping by.

    • Like 2
  23. On 1/28/2023 at 7:36 PM, Ghosthands said:

    IC (Lohkar) [The Dancing Crab, Ostia]

    "Not to worry, mate," Lohkar assured the armoured Skakdi in chummy tones, entirely unfazed in the presence of a man whose build would be best described as somewhere between 'tank' and 'battleship'. "We'll get ya home safe an' sound, an' in comfort to boot."

    He turned to his fellow Ga-Lesterin.

    "An' what can I do for you?

    OOC: @BULiK @ARROW404

    IC: Suran

    The stoic Lesterin glanced at the hand on his shoulder, slightly surprised, slightly suspicious, but his hackles remained down. "As your friend said," he responded, inclining his head toward Frii'glokk. "I seek passage to the- hmm- 'Greater Zakazian area'. I had been hoping for Seprilli, but Zakaz will do."

  24. On 12/23/2022 at 11:31 PM, Snelly said:


    IC: Oceanna Gallywix - Onu-koro -

    "So, do I need to sign something or...anything?" Oceanna wanted to be sure before she just took off, she wanted that dang reward. 

    OOC: @ARROW404 It's been a while so I figured I'd get this going once again. 

    OOC: Sorry about that!

    IC: Ussalry Toa guy

    "No, nothing to sign. Well, not for you anyhow," the Toa said with a smirk. "Your name and where to find you will suffice. Once we've booked these guys and ascertained their crimes, we'll figure out what you're owed. Should take a day. Two, at most."


    Mid-afternoon the next day, there was a knock at Oceanna's door. Aar, Exo pilot currently grounded due to repairs, had been delegated to bring the reward to her, and now stood at the door of her abode.

    OOC: Figured I was puppeting NPCs too much anyway.

    On 1/22/2023 at 3:42 AM, Void Emissary said:

    IC: Nika | Ussalry HQ

    "Cultured Gentry," Nika said, scratching his chin. "Heard of them in certain circles. Money like that only ever bought with blood; but Turaga blood? Why disrupt the status quo so drastically? Would only make sense if Turaga would oppose something important for them going forward. But what?"

    He glanced to Pae, and added, "Perhaps Akiri here has past records from Whenua, evidence of negotiations gone wrong with Gentry."

    He gave a pointed look over to Onepu, too; the two of them would require official recommendations for a meeting with Nuparu.

    OOC: @Palm@ARROW404


    IC: Onepu

    The Captain inclined his head, taking Nika's meaning. "Of course. Nuparu will be more than happy to help. I already told him of your errand the other day, so you won't have to bring him up to speed." He held their permission-to-leave slip a little higher and let them take it. "For the time being, I recommend you two get yourselves something hot to eat- my treat, for your long stay here- and a place to lay your heard- also my treat, same reason. I'll catch Nuparu after his big speech today and let him know you'll swing by soon."

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