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BZPRPG - Kentoku Archipelago

Nuju Metru

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OOC: The following is a jam with House/Raegar.






[southwest Sado]


The caravan sparked in the late morning.


Most of the early hours had been taken up by a well needed wash in the sea. The Kuychar were not, as Imperials might assume, unclean. In fact, they regularly carried sand to scrub with should they be away from the sea for any amount of time. However, it made no sense to stop for any amount of time before they reached Sado; the area near the large bridge that connected Sado and Odaiba was at all times full of people interested in moving, not buying. Besides, Hatchi had discovered over the years that strong odors tended to expedite customs.


Hatchi had chosen to strip the selling booths of their usual canvas covering today, so that the sun illuminated the primary wares of the Kuychar clan: glass jewelry of every shape and size, delicate as teardrops, and boxes of pale driftwood, inlaid with swirls of black glass and white bone. There were more practical wares on display as well of course: leather gloves, utensils of various sizes, and cast iron kettles, to name a few. Most of the objects that were not wood, glass, or bone had been acquired from trade with other Taajar clans; few Imperials, even Saihoko, would trade with them. Hatchi's most valued wares at the moment were a glimmering set of beautifully made Angavur crystal-cooking knives. She had traded a couple fine o-gi boards for them (after of course, she verified their authenticity), and they would likely see good returns, considering the huge amount of chefs in the capital that needed to please the ever-changing palette of nobles.


No one of much had come today, just a few city dwellers curiously pawing through the ceramics. Hatchi was suited up to remedy that. In her best felted coat, dyed in indigo blue, and a pair of transparent shell mask-rings swinging by her jaw, she looked exotic but not intimidating. She was taking Myzru for a slow walk around the caravan, to get the bird used to traveling in the midst of so many people again. She would ride him into market to announce the caravan's arrival this afternoon, and she didn't want him knocking anyone over like last year.


Along the horizon, the Kuychar caravan saw a rather uncommon sight. In was banner, large and, painted with the brightest red, and the darkest black, in a unique checkered pattern. The sea breeze made it ripple and flutter with every gust. It was the banner of Clan Angavur, the only Taajar banner most denizens of Sado, or Imperial citizens in general, could recognize. Such a banner came to the city once a year, the time that the Taajar lead clan, or Astyzyar, paid tribute to the crown. Such a ritual happened in rain or sun, war or peace, harvest or famine since antiquity.


Under the banner, five Zrupgars and three times more Mukau marched towards the city in as rapid a pace they could go. In the front was a Zrupgar in red armor, the Toroshu, or Jahagir, of Clan Angavur. She seemed short, compared to Imperial Menti, as many Zrupgars were. But her height was increased by the feathers in her headdress, by about ten inches. Most natives of the city took a glance and returned to business, those visitors to the city looked longer. Some had looks of disdain, some looks of wonder. The latter was quite strange in Hatchi's eyes.


As they neared the bridge, the Angavurs sighted the camp. The caravan stopped, twenty feet from them. The Jahagir walked to the yurts and blankets of the camp, and from left to right, began to look at their wares. She talked with a few, even, something that shocked Imperials passing by. She looked over the glass, opened curiously the boxes, and gradually came to Hatchi's little stand. The Jahagir's eyes found the knives first, the Dashi second. Many, including Taajars of several clans, had nothing but scorn for koshi zrupgar. But in the Jahagir's eyes, there was nothing but curiosity. It was strange, as Clan Angavur was considered the most Imperialized clan among the Taajars, the most viciously anti-traditional. Tales of past Angavurs spitting upon Koshi Zrupgars were common, as many believed them representations of older, banned traditions.


"I bid you hello, Koshi Zrupgar," she said. Her voice was crisp and youthful, with only a hint of the Taajar accent. To an untrained Imperial, she'd sound like a member of a rural Imperial clan, not a Taajar one. "I am Senavysh, Jahagir of Clan Angavur, may I see your wares?"


Hatchi realed back her surprise at the Jahagir's greeting. She had been approached by Jahagir before, but certainly never in such a friendly way. It was always cautious indifference at the best and open hostility at the worst. The fact that this was the Jahagir of the Astayzyar, complicated matters further. She had heard the gossip surround the new Astayzyar Jahagir's slightly more lenient ways, but it was one thing hearing it and another to find the example in front of your eyes.

"This lowly one greets you, Astayzyar Jahagir," she replied in flawless Imperial, the honorifics coming to her lips easily after years of dealing with the egos of Imperial citizens. "If the humble wares of this table are to your interests, you need not ask."


She motioned to a young dashi.

"Bring tea for the Jahagir," she whispered in Vulgar Taa. "Black, with butter and salt on the side."

"But-" It was common practice to serve perfumed green tea to customers, but the strong Taajar stuff was reserved for meetings with other Taajar traders.

"The Jahagir is not an imperial," Hatchi said. "Now step."

She turned back to face Senavysh, swatting Myrzu aside as he went for her mask-rings again.


In her tea, Senavysh mixed in a dash of salt, and what an Imperial would call an unhealthy amount of butter. She sat stood over the table with kindly eyes, and sipped the tea like it was water. She first inspected a box, ebony wood, polished to the precise degree, inlaid with pearls and gems. The Jahagir looked impressed. "How much for this box, Koshi-Zrupgar?"


The inlay of the box, while certainly flashy and precious, was not it's most valuable feature. Ebony only grew on Oki, and only a few trees could be harvested each year in strict accordance with the local clans agreement. Hatchi paused. She didn't want to insult the Jahagir, but not at least trying for a higher price felt like a waste to her. (It was, honestly. The ebony and jewels were valuable, she wouldn't make any money if she couldn't set the price higher than the cost of the raw materials.)


"A ruby dragon, eighteen topaz serpents, three amethyst foxes, and twenty clay wagon wheels."


It was a slight overcharge, even for the capital, where prices tended to go higher, but not enough that someone who really desired the box would not be willing to pay for it.


"Or two mukau and a Husi, if the Jahagir would prefer it that way."


The Jahagir had a slightly thoughtful look upon her face. Reaching quickly into her surcoat, she pulled out a bag of coin, and counted them out. It was a fine, silken bag, easily worth several serpents on its own. She produced the amount Hatchi stated to the exact coin, along with an extra dragon. That dragon alone would buy several Mukau. The Astyzyar Jahagir must have been in a good mood.


"Have an extra, kinswoman," Sena said quietly, in crisp Taa. "And if you happen upon our longhouse, you will have welcome."


Hatchi could not believe her ears. Now was the real dilemma. She couldn't refuse the offer of the Astyzyar Jahagir; it would be an insult. Yet such a gift could not be accepted without some attempt at repaying it.

"Your generosity is truly great, Astyzyar Jahagir," she replied, keeping her voice low as she expertly tied a piece of dark blue cloth around the box that had caught the Jahagir's eye. "We will feast tonight in your honor. You must be busy with great matters of state, but would do us great pleasure if you would share of our bounty."

The dashi stood up, the limp in her step and the strange twist in her leg now obvious. She bowed deeply as she handed the package to Senavysh.

"This lowly one is called Hatchi, of clan Kuychar," she said in soft but clear Imperial. "Many thanks for your honorable attention."


Senavysh gave a kind smile. "Tonight it shall be, Hatchi of Clan Kuychar. The tribute to the Rora is not to happen til tommorow, so I can fully feast with your kin. Allow me to arrange lodgings in the city and store our goods. I'll return across the bridge by dusk. May Mother Zuto bring you luck."


After giving a curt nod, the Astyzyar Jahagir returned to her caravan, and slowly walked towards the gates.


Edited by Yukiko

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

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[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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IC (Rano-Sado Marketplace)


Should anyone have looked to Rano as Jiyu made his remarks, they would've seen her face in her hands, anything but impressed by his style of debate. He insulted rather than inferred, was aggressive instead of cunning. Putting her arms back by her sides, she rolled her eyes. :C'mon, not in front of her: she motioned the princess, almost giving a vibe of embarrassment. She elbowed her companion sharply before stepping into a more dominant position between him and Seiryu.


"Excuse me..." her voice was loud enough to get her target's attention, and undoubtedly that a few others, but not rude. "You speak of the flaws of war with the foreign island. I must, respectfully, disagree. Look around you. We have nigh-complete control over the mental plane, right? We can manipulate what they see, hear, feel, smell- the whole experience. We can cripple them with our thoughts. Their ability to fight back in such a manner, if they even have one, could not stand up to us. In this way, we are superior. But alas- when it comes to physical combat, we cannot hope to match their strengths, correct?"


She let the words set for a second, allowing silence to assist in sowing the seeds. When another began to speak in rebuttal, she summoned her pitchfork-fashioned Soulsword. Waves of psychokinetic energy shot across the marketplace. It was obviously non-violent, and everyone could see that.


"In my opinion, such thinking is wrong," the weapon faded back to brainwaves as she continued to speak, "we have weapons they cannot easily disarm us of, and we are darn good with them. We have a strong navy, and while I'm sure they, a fellow island people, have a strong one as well, they will see how easily a ship is incapacitated when one is using Mindarm techniques. I am willing to believe we would make quick work of land forces with teams of four- each of a differing discipline, combining abilities to destroy them."


She began to step back, as if finished, but decided not to- still words to be said.


"Please, do not mistake me for a war-monger. I don't wish for blood to spill on Kentoku soil, or foreign soil either. However, I stand by the logic that we are a formidable conquering force and would come out on top of a battle. Seiryu, you said we can't just a forest by a few trees- that we have comparatively merely seen the 'palace' of the foreign island. Now, I ask: if we have seen the palace and are not impressed by it, can we not assume we would make short work of the lower branches?"

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"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC Seiryu

"While I would counter that the denizens of Mata Nui have much more versatile abilities then us," Seiryu responded, "I do believe that you are correct in that regard. In open warfare, we would be at a disadvantage, as from what the report said, the inhabitants of that island are masters at manipulating the natural world; should they choose, they could drown us on land, cast us into the abyss, or literally rip the bones out from our bodies. However, if we were to use guerilla tactics, then the plan you proposed would be most effective, as they have little defense against illusionry and mind control."


Jumping down from the rooftop, Seiryu took a moment to recover himself before turning back to Rano; this one he would speak to on equal terms. "If we were to follow down the path of war and conquest, then-provided that we are prudent in our strategy and that we stand united-we could easily overwhelm the island of Mata Nui." Seiryu took a deep breath before continuing. "However, one must remember that the army does not dwell in the palace, but in the barracks. Merchants dwell in the markets, farmers dwell in the fields, scholars dwell in the universities, so on and so forth. Merely visiting the palace-and one palace out of six, though they can hardly be called palaces-can be used as a measure of a state's strength, one would have to examine the lower levels of the Easterlings' society to truly understand all of its nuances as well as to discover the secrets that they may not wish to reveal to us."


"Pray forgive my excessive use of analogy," Seiryu continued to speak on, "When one travels to Oki, they first behold the trees-anybody, feel free to correct any of my errors on the island; I have not set foot on that island since I was a child." Seiryu briefly remeninsced about his travels their before silently reprimending himself for getting distracted. "Focus," he told himself before continuing. "However, if one travels into the forest, they will discover many varieties of flora that cannot be observed from the outside, on virtue of the treees blocking your sight. One, if unlucky enough, may also encounter a multitude of previously unknown dangers, such as toxic flora and predators that stalk the jungle. Consider this, and interpret it how you will."


"Ultimately, how we deal with these people would be a matter of examining the cost versus the benefits. If we were to treat them as insects to be trod underfoot, we would not only gain control of the island and its resources but also potentially gain a population of slaves. However, we cannot be certain in our success, and if we were to invest a large portion of our resources into the foreign land, troubles could arise back at home due to our negligence. I need not remind you of what occurs when troublemakers see an opportunity to disturb the peace."


"On the other hand, if we were to treat these people as equals, a mutually beneficial union could be brought between our Empire and their society. We would have a much easier time acquiring the riches we crave, for they would be more than happy to give them to us-albeit at a cost, and that is where the problem lies. What happens if in our zeal for commerce we end up draining the archipelago dry of its crystal or our coffers of their wealth? How we approach this situation would ultimately depend on what we want to gain, and what we our willing to lose."


"However, one of the people who spoke did bring up an excellent point: we must remember the law and virtues that our Mother set out." Seiryu took a moment to reflect on everything that he had learned in his philosophy lessons, expecially on the subjects pertaining to the Three Virtues. "Honor. Order. Power. We must remember to contemplate how these virtues would fit in to our dealings with these peoples, not only externally, how they would apply to them," Seiryu emphasized, "But also how they would apply internally, to us." Seiryu placed a hand over his heartlight. "While imparting these virtues to the Matoran is considered by some to be an important goal, we, the Dasaka, must remember not to betray them ourselves, for hypocrisy is a most grave sin."

Edited by Man of Miracles
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OOC: I'm going to have Sena arrive at a slightly earlier time.


IC: (Senavysh Angavur/Marketplace)


Senavysh, after tucking her box into her personal bags, escorted her group into the city walls. The group was small, and Sena knew they were important enough to warrant lodgings in the lower Wards. The Mukau would be stabled outside, for better or worse. The goods they carried would be kept under guard overnight. It would rather complicated, but it would work, as it always had.


As they walked by the markets, Senavysh couldn't help but notice a crowd gathered. Noise and talk she heard a street away. Raising her hand, she instructed her cousins to go to the Wards without her. As she would go and inspect the commotion. She paid attention, to both the sounds in the air, and the mental plane. The talk was about an island, an island called Mata Nui. Senavysh knew the story already, at least the basics of it. Taajar caravans were among the best informed persons in the Kentoku Isles, and word had gotten to the Angavurs days past.


The talk was of war, of conquest, of sailing the seas to this strange land. She stood on the sidelines as the speakers came and talked. Sena had arrived at a lucky time, ten minutes before the Chojo. She watched in awe as she came, and saw those brave enough speak to her, and argue point and counterpoint. Sena had no love of these Skakdi, these 'Accursed Six' in particular (The Taajars had a different name for them), but these claims to kill their entire race disturbed her. It was long ago that her people had been sighted for destruction, and it nearly came. Only the grace of the Rora had saved them. She doubted the current Rora would be as merciful to Skakdi. But she felt that they could be redeemed, become civilized and honest people. Given time.


She worked her way to the front of the crowds, politely and quietly. She could feel the stares upon her, stares of fear, stares of hatred. She knew the feeling well, and it did not phase her. All but the Chojo were her equals. Nervously, she bowed deep and low, and asked a question.


"My Chojo, may I ask your permission to speak?"

I occasionally return to BZP for a nostalgic trip back. Hit me up on discord if you need anything. 
BZPRPG Characters that I will possibly revive, Mons-Shajs-Tarotrix-Aryll Vudigg-Jorruk Yokin-Senavysh Angavur






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Ic: "My Chojo, may I ask your permission to speak?"


Of all people (all people) I would never have expected the toroshu of the Tajaar to be in the presence of this (unplanned?) public forum. It seemed all the social spices were here -- from the lowest of the male saihoko to noble First Sons, from the most mediocre mento to me. I guess I had no business being surprised anymore, though it still tickled me how there were so many citizens of status in the market of all places, the one area I had always been warned was left untrodden by nobles and their kin.


"Rise, and speak, jahagir," I said with a gentle gesture to respond to her obeisance and respecting the culture's dialect.

Edited by Daenerys Targaryen
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IC: (Senavysh Angavur)


"Long ages ago, the Taajar people and the Dasaka people were the most bitter of enemies. The Taajar Hordes and The Dasaka Empire waged a long and ever-constant war. Eventually, the people of the last Taajar Horde were pushed to the edge of Mount Koshiki, where we fought our final battle with the Empire. Entire clans perished, including that of our last royal house. Broken and starving, we laid our arms down in defeat, and sent word of our surrender. But the Toroshu below had little mercy. They gathered their strength, willing to destroy us all for the crimes of our ancestors, kill every last Taajar."


She spoke in as calm a voice possible, loud enough for the crowd to hear.


"But your ancestor, my Chojo, The Rora-she took pity upon our broken people. From Sado she rode fast and true to the side of the mountain, and commanded the Toroshu to spare us. It was then our people were given a new chance to live, to live in peace. After that, we swore to uphold a treaty of neutrality, a treaty we have upheld to this day. These Skakdi many in the crowd speak of, they speak with hate, murderous, destructive hate. Long ago, the ancient Toroshu spoke with such a hate, and it took an action of a most kind to heart to stop it. Once we were worse than the Skakdi, in many ways. But what are we now? Honest, peaceful people who have not once raised a blade in rebellion. We love Zuto Nui, we live where we bother no one, and we speak the language of the Empire."


"By killing the Skakdi, we would remove from the world an entire culture, an entire history, We would rob them of a chance of being redeemed. What I humbly think we should do, my Chojo, is send our greatest warriors to destroy the Accursed Six. But also to send those of the faith, those who teach, to educate the Skakdi, to bring them the light of Zuto Nui and her civilization. So with time, they shall become peaceful, they shall plow fields instead of killing and maiming. It is a better and more honorable path, in my view."


She bowed again.


OOC: It's fun playing a naive noble in a Game of Thrones. :P

I occasionally return to BZP for a nostalgic trip back. Hit me up on discord if you need anything. 
BZPRPG Characters that I will possibly revive, Mons-Shajs-Tarotrix-Aryll Vudigg-Jorruk Yokin-Senavysh Angavur






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IC(Rano-Sado Marketplace)


The menti listened respectfully throughout Seiryu's counter-argument. All good points, all good points indeed, all relayed in a civil manner. The male Dasaka was an admirable speaker, but Rano was already preparing to return the favor. Before she could, however, another newcomer spoke up. So many important people in the marketplace today. The Eiyu listened carefully to everything she said. The last few bits, however, was what spoke to her. As such, she spoke back.


"What leads you to believe they deserve redemption?" she said as gently as she could.

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"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC: Eshai


There was a long silence after I took the first bite of the unknown dish. I found that it was far from what I had expected, and I really didn't like the taste in the slightest. But to complain about food in front of my employer, food that she had purchased herself, was not something that I could ever bring myself to do. She had willingly spent her money to buy me a dish that would normally be a little outside of reasonable price to me, which is something I hadn't experienced since years when I could have met Sanei as almost an equal. I merely had to continue eating it, to ignore the unpleasant taste and continue eating what I had chosen. I would not make the mistake of ever ordering that specific dish again.


I could see that Sanei was a little nervous, probably due to the possibility of someone who knew her seeing her sitting with a dishonored warrior. I would do all within my power not to bring attention to her, but my armor made that very hard indeed. And should anyone recognize me from my time as The Demoness, then I would certainly bring great shame upon her. She had never seemed to recognize me as such, but there was no telling in who else might be more well-informed. But this job was of the utmost importance, so their were things that even Sanei didn't need to know.


After ending the meal in silence, I followed along after Sanei to the markets. I didn't know what it was that she was after, but I didn't really see her as the type to waste money on unneeded items. So clearly whatever we were after was of some importance to her. I would do my best to remain a silent guardian unless spoken to, it wasn't my place to ask anything about what she was after. I would know when she acquired it, no sooner.


There was someone speaking from somewhere nearby at the time, and a quick glance revealed something quite startling. The speaking person was shouting out from a place atop a building. At first I thought that perhaps the person was intending to end their life in a rather public way, but then I caught what was being said. It was a rather strange subject, but where exactly else was there to go? Perhaps it was due to my nature of being outside of any clan, but I had not heard any news of new locations. And even then, what point would there be to leaving the archipelago anyway? Everything, culture, people, society, was placed firmly here.


It was then that I noticed Sanei bowing before someone, something which raised several warnings in my mind. Clearly the person had to be of a rank above Sanei, otherwise she never would have acted in such a way. I quickly followed suit, lowering my self in a sign of respect. in my quietest voice, I whispered to Sanei. "To whom do we bow?"

This is my signature

It has words in it

They don't say much


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IC: Sanei


I looked at Eshai, honestly surprised. Still, I suppose that it made sense that she hadn't been keeping up on politics. She was a warrior without a clan- politics were of no concern to someone with such a lowly status as hers. "We bow to Chojo Yumiwa, Crown Princess of the Dasaka Empire, Heir of the Rora," I whispered back, not wanting the large number of Menti to overhear us using Ideatalk. For the sake of simplicity, I'd shortened Yumiwa's full title- it was pretty long, as I recalled.


Having bowed for an amount of time that would certainly demonstrate my respect, I stood up straight and listened to the debate intently. I'd heard a few rumors of the land called 'Mata Nui,' where metal was as common as the crystal we used in the Archipelago, but I'd heard rumors only. People with power were here- people who had access to official reports, people who spoke with the certainty of fact. Actually, there were lot of them. The crowd must have drawn them here- I couldn't imagine deigning to visit the Markets if I had their status.


This Mata Nui.... it truly did sound like a land of wonders. Beings, savage as they may be, with control of the very elements themselves... how strange! Metal in abundance, an entire race of the Chaotic Six... it sounded so different, so alien. So very full of opportunity.


I continued to listen in silence. To speak in the presence of so many that were so far above me.... Yes, the Ringti had spoken and had been well received, but there was no reason for me to chime in. Not yet, anyway. For now, it was better to not say anything.

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IC: Eshai


The crown princess? I never would have guessed that any of the voices were of someone so high up in power. As of the current moment, I was not aware of exactly which voice was that of the princess, considering the gathered crowd. But Sanei knew, and I could merely follow after her actions in order to keep myself from being noticed as out of place. But a princess traveling the streets was very likely to have many guards, perhaps a few who might recognize my appearance should they get a good enough view. It was for this reason that I pulled my hood over my mask, keeping my savage visage relatively hidden.


Following her, I too rose from my bow, staring out into the suddenly busy street. There was a great deal of murmuring conversations that barely made much sense. I could barely make anything out among the crowd, but I was certain I heard mention of another place, some sort of island that had been discovered. This was something quite new to me. I may have heard rumors about it before I was hired by Sanei, but as far as I had known it was nothing more than idle imagination. But it seemed to the gathered people, it was a very real possibility.


There was a look on Sanei's face of interest and possibly slight amusement, clearly she was heavily in thought. Perhaps she had managed to hear more than I had, or perhaps it was the very same. Maybe it was the possibility of a new island that held fast onto her attention. I held no interest in the imaginations of faraway places where minerals were plentiful. It sounded completely absurd to me, such a place was mere fantasy.

This is my signature

It has words in it

They don't say much


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IC: Ahrusa


Ahrusa loved politics, and enjoy the ongoing conversation that was occurring. She had not had a chance to discuss thing of such magnitude for a long while. "Who is to say they do not", she said. "It is not our place to decide the fate of an entire race based on the actions of a few specimens. Who is to say they are all so without mercy? Besides, if we do go to this island and eradicate them, then we are no better. Attack on them may incur the wrath of the others native to Mata Nui."

"Poor Cyclonus - Sworn To Reject A World That Hates and Fears Him. He And I Are Very Similar, Really: Two Reformed Characters Struggling To Make Our Way In Life. He Just Has Less Violent Coping Strategies." Whirl



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IC: Vadiru Celis (Kozu, Toroshu Celis's chambers)

Toroshu Celis sat in her chambers staring out at the waves as they lapped at Kozu's single mountain.

The chambers she sat in were simple in regards to furnishings. To one side of the room there was a large window built into the side of the mountain with a padded ledge built into it. The furniture in the room was made of simple oak wood. Celis had long believed that a person's possesion was not a sign of their wealth and power but a sign of thier wastefulness.

With a deep sigh Celis rose from her seat and approached her dresser. Without hesitation she donned her sleeveless robe and sheathed her weapons. As she approached the chamber's door she took a second to observe it. The door was made of bamboo with crystal inserts for the sake of elegance. As she stepped out she saw several of her clan members walk by though as soon as they saw her they seemed a bit more careful with their movements so not to disturb her.

A slim hint of happiness came over her features as she saw the way her people feared yet respected her. It was a sign that she was doing her job correctly. She kept on moving though the mountain towards the entrance of her clan's 'home'.

A short trip later.

Celis stood upon the docks located at the base of the mountain and was speaking with the lucky dashi she had put in charge of maintance of her private vessel 'The Ashewinde', a small cutter class boat made for speed among other things.

"I need transportation to Sado."

The Iden clad Dashi nodded "Of course my lady. It will be an hour before we can depart."

"Send for me when the ship is ready for departure."

And with that Celis headed off to explore a bit more of the docks that rested on the northern edge of the mountain. The docks themselves were not directly on the ocean but instead a lake. The lake itself was connected to the ocean via three small slow-moving rivers. While most would consider it a hassel to have a dock this far inland she considered it a blessing. The reason for this view was that it provided her clan with an advantage if there was ever threat of an attack on her clan's base.

However Celis continued with her walk when suddenly a dashi came running to her and with a bow he muttered "Your ship is ready." She made the short trip back to the docks and immediatly boarded the ashewinde while the crew set a course for Sado

OOC: Bit of world building since not much has been described about Kozu's single mountain. Also woot woot, first post as Celis and for Clan Vadiru.


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If you interact with one of my characters and I don't respond or acknowledge the interaction within a day, send me a PM. Odds are I missed or did not see the post.

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IC: (Senavysh Angavur)


Sena turned to reply to Rano.


"Only six of the Skakdi have wronged us. Six unstable members of the race. How many more have we seen, besides the Accursed Six? If so, how do we really know if they are all cruel, vicious monsters? Destroy those that killed our people, not those who harmed us not."

I occasionally return to BZP for a nostalgic trip back. Hit me up on discord if you need anything. 
BZPRPG Characters that I will possibly revive, Mons-Shajs-Tarotrix-Aryll Vudigg-Jorruk Yokin-Senavysh Angavur






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Ayiwah didn't move her head, but shot a glance in Seiryū's direction, diverting a moments attention from observing the crown princess. Careful, first son, the lot you speak of includes many that should not be spoken of in such manner.


Then she focused back on Lady Yumiwa. Your highness, if I may be so bold: We have had but a mere glimpse of this Island of Mata Nui and many here speak based on the thorough, but limited, observations only a few of us have made. Whatever course of action is to be taken, peaceful or otherwise...we will need more information before we move.




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IC (Rano - Sado Marketplace)


Rano nodded as Senavysh spoke. "I will admit I spoke brashly- the entire species is not deserving of extinction. Though one would be hard-pressed to find a single one among us who would be quick to trust their kind."

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC: (Senavysh Angavur)


"I am certain there are those with kind hearts and open minds willing to bring to the Skakdi civilization."

I occasionally return to BZP for a nostalgic trip back. Hit me up on discord if you need anything. 
BZPRPG Characters that I will possibly revive, Mons-Shajs-Tarotrix-Aryll Vudigg-Jorruk Yokin-Senavysh Angavur






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IC(Rano - Sado Marketplace)


"I simply urge us all to err on the side of caution. If we are wrong, and if they are all as deceitful and violent as the Six... The results would be devastating."

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC: (Senavysh Angavur)


"Caution is always a good thing, I agree. But the possibility that all are foul should be thought little. Few things are born evil, and I doubt the Skakdi are."

I occasionally return to BZP for a nostalgic trip back. Hit me up on discord if you need anything. 
BZPRPG Characters that I will possibly revive, Mons-Shajs-Tarotrix-Aryll Vudigg-Jorruk Yokin-Senavysh Angavur






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IC: Noshima


Prior to the Empire's foundation, the archipelago had been gripped by chaos, the clans locked in an eternal struggle against each other for dominance. The era of the warring clans was one shrouded in myth - much of the period was completely unknown to historians, and the earliest sources (the accuracy of which were still being debated upon) were all dated to after the unification of Kentoku; a hundred years after the first Rora, daughter of Zuto Nui, successfully managed to end the strife between the separate clans.


As with many other noble children, Noshima had grown up reading the Spirit of the Koshiki, a romanticised tale of the warring clans era. While it was not exactly historically accurate, it instilled in her a fascination for the ancient years of the Kentoku Archipelago, something kept even to this day. She had spent quite a lot of time in the Towers of Knowledge, learning from the archivists and chroniclers who resided in the crystal spires. Although the matters of her clan took priority over whatever other activities she wished to do, the Toroshu of the Hogo Clan still attempted to find time to visit the Towers whenever she could.


Her clan's current situation was much like that long-ago era. She was not ignorant of the tensions between the members of her clan, nor was she unknowing of the glares some gave her when they thought she was not looking. Battle lines were being drawn within the Hogo, and it had been her new policies that had started the all the strife that now plagued her people.


She had expected such to happen; it was common for people to be alienated by major changes.


Noshima silently moved to her feet, turning her gaze to the window beside her. Kentoku was rapidly changing, and in time, her clan would see that as well.

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"The pleasure is all mine, Toroshu Kilanya" Kulrik said, bowing low to the Ageru leader. He knew that such a show of respect was not necessarily required, their two status' in Kentoku being fairly evenly matched with Kilanya being the Toroshu of a fairly powerful clan in the Empire and Kulrik the (most handsome) First Son and hailing from one of the most admired clans, Kulrik nevertheless thought the act prudent. Kilanya was the Toroshu of a fairly powerful clan in the Empire whilst Kulrik was the (most handsome) First Son and hailed from one of the most admired clans.. If he was to vacation on Ageru lands for any length of time it would be best to be in the good graces of its' powerful ruler. And, it could never hurt to show a girl too much attention.


Kulrik cleared his throat.


"Might I add that I now know the rumours I've heard have been proven quite untrue - you are far more beautiful and striking than people say."


Kulrik turned to the side, whispering the name of his Herupa aide. Seigyo quickly removed her pack and handed him a wooden box, dark brown and glistening with expensive varnish. Kulrik took it and approached the woman sitting on Gestheru's Seat. He knelt, offering up the box and opening it at the same time.


"A gift, from both myself and the Vilda." Inside the box was a single flower called a Misthal. Atop a long, green stem sat petals of pure white with clear crystals embedded within them. The flower was a rarity in the Empire, long since extinct everywhere save for a few patches of land on Oki and a single, private room in the Gardens. It was notoriously difficult to grow - the Misthal took years to mature, and that was only with the right conditions and the skill of an expert gardener. As a present, it was priceless, as Kulrik very well knew. The flower could self pollinate so the Ageru, if they were as talented with products of the ground as they claimed, could eventually cultivate an entire bouquet if they were smart.


Suddenly there was the slightest flurry of air in the room when suddenly the Misthal emitted a perfectly clear note. Ahh, and there it is Kulrik thought, The Misthal's Song. When wind brushed it's delicate, studded petals the Misthal emitted a single, pure note onto the mental plane. With a dozen flowers, the effect was greatly magnified and the most beautiful song could be heard by those nearby.


Kulrik waited for Kilanya to accept the priceless offering.

Quiz by TheQuizzery.com



You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

Which Barraki are you?

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Then she focused back on Lady Yumiwa. Your highness, if I may be so bold: We have had but a mere glimpse of this Island of Mata Nui and many here speak based on the thorough, but limited, observations only a few of us have made. Whatever course of action is to be taken, peaceful or otherwise...we will need more information before we move.

.:Your opinion is noted, commodore,:. I replied. The decision was ultimately not mine to make, nor could I seem to decide on something here in the public circles lest people expect unrealistic things of me.
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IC: Vadiru Celis (Sado. Market Docks)


It has been several minutes since the ashewinde had made it to port, Though Celis had taken to land the instant she could. She had a destination in mind, the market sector.


Short walk later


The Lavender and grey robed Dasaka walked through the crowded streets of the market. Thanks to her Akaku she could see that in the distance there appeared to be a large gathering of Notables and commoners alike. This intrigued her greatly and what type of Toroshu would she be if she did not represent her clan in this little... debate. With a slightly greater determination she completely abandoned her previous task of purchasing some new messenger rahi and instead walked slowly but surely towards the gathering and the eventual conflict she imagined it would erupt into.


Oh what fun this shall be. Perhaps I can even ignite some rivalries if given the chance.

OOC: Celis open for interaction if you care to stop her in the market.

Edited by A Vox in a Box


Banner made by Onaku



If you interact with one of my characters and I don't respond or acknowledge the interaction within a day, send me a PM. Odds are I missed or did not see the post.

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[sado, Market District]


Hachi guided Myzru through the crowded market with a firm hand on the rains. The bird squawked nervously whenever a hawker got too close, but it obeyed her commands, thank the skies. Her lunch, a bowl of noodles heavily fortified with garlic, sat warm in her stomach. The caravan’s zrupgar came from behind her, leading a fat mukau that she had bought for the feast. She had also purchased a notebook and a few crafted pencils for Mrimok, as well as some spices and some cloth scarves. There was little that could be found in the market that the caravan did not posses (and could be found for cheaper elsewhere), but all their mukau were working animals, thin and muscular from the long journey. It would be good to have something besides dried beef from the home herds.


When she encountered the great scene in the market, she stopped and tapped Myzru so that he sat down. She would get a better view from atop the bird, but she had no wish to drawn unneeded attention to herself. She could listen just fine.


Hatchi did not know how she felt about war. Although she was koshi zrupgar in all but name, she knew that if the armies of the empire mobilized the clan elders would not let her join them. War would happen, or it would not happen, and what she said would not matter.

Edited by Yukiko

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

AU8R4.gif BkY1n.gif 5r6gI.gif MWEwd.gif ZMVSN.gif ODscu.gif FICZv.gif HZtia.gif XDvOI.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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The market clock struck noon and a monk began pounding twelve times on the gong. (Gong's a funny word, actually. Gong. Gong. Heeeee!)








Sometimes you get this feeling of wishing you could be in more than one place, you know? Like you have purposes to be elsewhere but also a duty to fulfill where you are. That's sort of what I was feeling right then. I left Hanako back at Inokio's house with the Clan Hogo minions retainers and the other two servants, which didn't sit well with me. She was my bestie, my other half, my little muse and secret action girl. My god, things must be so indisputably boring back at Inokio's house! The Korae First Son lived a remarkably stark and plain life despite his privileges and rights.








Man, that chiming must have been playing havoc on people's minds.


It wasn't like I didn't think Hana couldn't take care of herself, and she was set up in a music room with some of her favourite toys, but still... Inokio's lessons don't tend to take this long. He likes doing things college-style, as in, "here's an hour or teaching, now spend the rest of the day practicing until you're perfect. Come back tomorrow." Some people could say that's a lazy approach, but he's always been there when I needed help and isn't ashamed of helping me with my practice, but generally there's an end to the lesson an hour after it starts. It's been two hours now and Hana, the good girl, she's probably fussing over how I'm late.


Hana's always fussing about how I'm late for this and that. I swear, if it wasn't for her I'd be a total wreck at managing my calendar. Unfortunately for the two of us, I have a schedule to keep and duties to fulfill so long as my mom establishes my priorities, and though I'd love to stick around and enjoy every moment, some days are just way too tight.








(Have I mentioned how quickly my mind works? I'm super smart and can thing complex things out faster than--)










This discussion in the Market was stunningly informative. I'd heard viewpoints from all sides of the issue: A few Fursic-allied people, First Sons of various clans weighing in, even a toroshu and the commodore, neither of which were faces I would have ever in my life seen in the market (if only I could look at myself in the mirror; look at me talking about things that never happen! here I am in the market myself!)... And somehow, in the middle of it was me, all smiles and pleasantries, worshiped as the chōjo and seen as a stable point of reference in the debate. These people expected things of me. I had a familiar obligation to uphold.


My mom's usually deep in the palace's chambers, ruling in solitude save for court sessions. My uncle, the Umbraline First Son, was quite similar, never showing his face except when his duties as royal executioner came to the fore. The Umbraline toroshu, my aunt, was never around, instead serving the clan from our castle on Oki and keeping herself away from the palace to avoid mixing up with royal business. That left me as the highest-ranking Umbraline to not have issue with speaking up and roaming about. To the vast citizenry, my opinion, taking all aspects of my identity into consideration, bore the wight of the Umbraline clan and the whole of the empire ex officio of that fact. I had a legacy to help upkeep.


And so I chose neutrality, I chose wisdom and I chose logic, the core of Umbraline diplomacy. The choice of what to do regarding Mata Nui wasn't mine to make -- whatever my mom and the militant toroshu decided would be what would happen, irregardless of my own input -- but I had to retain appearances in the public eye and represent my clan and the Diamond Throne with dignity.


Thing was I felt I had already accomplished that goal with flying colours. I kissed babies and people kissed my ######, since that's how the game is played, and I praised, debated others and made some vague words spelling uncertain futures and people ravenously bought it all. All the while I remained focused on the bigger picture, focused on all the things, just as Inokio wanted me to. My job was done here, as far as I was concerned, and it was time for me to move on to other priorities on my list. Hana was waiting and I still had riding lessons in the afternoon.


"My ladies, lords and citizens," I serenely but strongly stated to the general gathering of people so that all could hear me, "on behalf of the crown I will one day wear I appreciate the intelligence represented here and the discussions that have been made. Personally, my duties require me elsewhere as of now," I said, vaguely gesturing to the market clock, "and I must dismiss myself. To those of you of rank, I am sure we will see each other again later, likely to research this very same issue, and for the rest of you, take my word that I will do all that I can within my power to protect this realm and its people." Except the disgusting people. And the smelly ones. And the worst of the hoko.


"And to you," I said, lifting my countenance on the rabble-rousing Menti on the roof, "your opinions may be shared freely, but if you dare draw the dignity of me and those above you into question again then I can only hope Zuto Nui will save your soul."


Strong. Dignified. Fair and just. Good job, Yumi, you've succeeded at being the spitting image of the ideal chōjo. ^_^ Without saying another public word I spun on my heels and began to walk away from the spontaneous public forum, but as people spread away from my path to give me room to step I came near Commodore Ayiwah. The officer began to slide away from my direction like the rest of the populace, but I gave an emphatic point to the ground where she stood, urging her to "stay."


"Commodore," I said hushedly as soon as we were close enough to whisper to one another, "stay until the end, please, and give me your own report on who this menti is and how this meeting ends."


"My chōjo, with all due respect, I'm sure you have others who--"


"Because you are an Umbraline," I replied preemptively. I wasn't going to go so far as to say I trusted the commodore but that was personal. I don't trust people I don't know very intimately: My mom, Hana and Inokio were the only three ones I fully trusted. The commodore was a steadfast servant to the crown and as reputable as they could come, but I didn't know her well enough to consider her an actual friend; I only trusted friends. Nevertheless, I added an objective, if bridging, remark, saying, "And because the crown trusts you."


In my opinion, it was better to have the report come from a single esteemed source than spies and observers who's sole job was to take notes, as I saw it, and so I left that charge to the next-highest-ranking member of the family present after me. We exchanged understanding, mutual nods before Ayiwah bowed slightly and stepped aside as dictated by courtesy, and then I left the throng.


The walk back to the piers where Inokio's launch was parked was quiet, not at all loud and boisterous like when I entered the market. Word of my presence was by then almost universally known, as was the very public execution for defiling my mere skirt (or so it could be translated by these regular minds), so people readily continued to bow and allow me roomy passage as soon as the denizen beside them did so. In all honesty I was eager to leave the Market and my steps were quickened at the prospect of seeing the lesson finally end and Hana's face relieved at my return.


I proceeded to quickly descend the stairs on the seawall to the piers, Inokio's empty launch already within sight.

Edited by Daenerys Targaryen
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[Oki, Central Jungle]


“For the last time, I am not going.”


“There are rumors, Toroshu. The Fursics--”


“The Fursics are always doing something. If there was anything to worry about, I would know. The clerks are saihoko, not blind.”


Plangori Morie sighed, gazing out at the assembled Datsue from her bamboo chair. This is why I haven’t retired, she thought for the fourth time this week. Once you don’t have actual responsibility, you don’t have to think about your decisions.


“There are whispers of war among the populace, Morie. Should you not go to the Rora’s side to advise her?” said another one of the assembly. Yuiki, or maybe it was Iuiki. Morie didn’t make a point of learning to spell their names correctly.


“There are children, arguing over things they do not understand. The Rora is wise, and if she calls me, I will come. But I will not lower myself and this clan by stooping to the level of street gossips. I am not leaving Oki without good reason, and that is final.”


She swept out of the room before any of the assembled Datsue could get another word in.

They were used to this.

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

AU8R4.gif BkY1n.gif 5r6gI.gif MWEwd.gif ZMVSN.gif ODscu.gif FICZv.gif HZtia.gif XDvOI.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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"The pleasure is all mine, Toroshu Kilanya."


Kilanya gave a graceful nod, acknowledging Kulrik's bow. It was all formality, of course, but formality was tradition and tradition was Order, and Order was to be aspired to.

Kulrik cleared his throat.

"Might I add that I now know the rumours I've heard have been proven quite untrue - you are far more beautiful and striking than people say."


Kilanya raised an eyebrow at the comment. Unknowingly, and despite his meticulous attention to ceremony, Kulrik had just made something of a political gaffe. The obvious (and futile) flattery aside, his compliment had been unintentionally backhanded - he had effectively implied that she was said to be unattractive.


Or, she reflected, perhaps it had been intentional. Men of Kulrik's standing (not to mention ego) were not above a little psychological warfare: nothing too obvious, but just a little attempt to subliminally bring you down a peg or two.


But either way, Toroshu Kilanya was not affected, nor was she impressed. Her mind was far too well-trained and experienced for that. The Vilda First Son's words only served to add to her perception of his pride. Of course, she gave no indication of this besides the raised eyebrow. Control of one's body language was a crucial part of diplomacy, and personal opinions of Kulrik aside, relations with the Vilda ought to be cultivated.


However, the First Son soon redeemed himself. Turning to his Herupa companion, he took a fine wooden box from her and presented it on bended knee.


"A gift, from both myself and the Vilda."


As he opened the box, Kilanya's eyes were met with a glimmer of reflected light. Nestled within was perhaps the most beautiful flower she had ever seen: a long, slender stem of pastel green, topped with a star-like head of alabaster petals. The gleam came a set of crystals, like cut diamonds, that had grown naturally with the flower.


A single psionic tone range from the crystal-clad petals as the breeze brushed them, taking her breath away with its sweetness and clarity.


Misthal flowers, as Kilanya knew, were one of the rarest and most valuable of the Archipelago's natural treasures. It was certainly an impressive offering.


"Vilda Kulrik, your generosity amazes me," she said, clearly moved by the Misthal's beauty as she accepted the box. "What warrants such a fine gift?"

Edited by GhosthandsOfChristmasPast





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[The Markets, Sado]

IC: Soraya

Plangori Soraya looked down at the pile of fabric in front of her, thought briefly about how dead she was if this was as bad as it looked, closed her eyes, counted to ten, and made it to seven.

On eight, she looked up to the
Dashi standing in front of her wringing her hands nervously. "Get out."

"But what about-"

She held up a hand. "Get out. Skeddadle. Leave. You screwed up big-time. Now, you did right by bringing me said screw-up, but that doesn't mean I'm happy about it."

"It was an accident," the
Dashi muttered, scratching the side of her Hau nervously. "I was just washing it like normal, and-"

Soraya stepped forward (taking great care to avoid trodding on
the clothes that might very well decide her next six months of sales), grabbed the babbling cleaner by the collar of her robe, and glared up at her, hoping her Kakama was as good at relaying ticked-off as she thought it was. "I. Don't. Care. You had very specific instructions for washing this, you screwed them up, and now if I don't get this looking presentable before someone notices it's missing, we are both going to be out of a job. Get out and let me do my work."

Dashi nodded glumly. "How will I know when you're done?"

"Stand outside and wait for me to yell 'HEY, MORON!'" Soraya let go of the
Dashi and pushed her towards the workshop's exit. "Now get."

other Dashi got. Soraya let out a long, frustrated sigh and picked the fabric up from the ground. It was an absolutely stunning purple, except for the arm that was now a patchy mess of puce and red that made it look like someone had been alternately using it as rag and as napkin.

Muttering to herself, she turned and climbed the stairs to her loft. At the back of the fabric-crowded room, a tub of water was waiting next to a titanic wooden chest. She opened it up and grabbed her tools without even looking -
Umbraline #5, resist pastes, a set of stencils. She was lucky, now that she took a closer look - the robe's pattern was simple, if elegant, and it didn't make use of any hues she didn't have the supplies to make. If Zuto Nui was feeling particularly generous that day, maybe, just maybe, she'd have this fixed before Chōjo Yumiwa noticed it was missing.

Or maybe she wouldn't, and she'd have to either give the royal family a good three months' worth of dye for free as an apology (and pray nobody sent word to
Morie) or make tracks south and hope there was a boat headed to Odaiba that afternoon (and still pray nobody sent word to Morie). The first option was distasteful; the second was unforgivable.

She rolled up the
black-and-white sleeves of her jacket. It was time to get to work.

Hey: I'm not very active around BZP right now.  However, you can always contact me through PM (I have email notifications set up) and I will reply as soon as I can.

Useful Topics: The Q&A Compendium | The Official RPG Planning Topic
Stories: Fractures | An Aftermath | Three Stories | LSO 2012 Epics: Team Three | The Shadow and the Sea | The Days They Were Needed | Glitches | Transformations | Echoes | The Kaita and the Storyteller | Nui

BZPRPG: Komae · Soraya · Bohrei

Blog: Defendant Lobby no. 42

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IC: Hogo Kamari


A soft footstep behind Noshima brought her from her reverie. "Where were you just now?"


IC: Daikura Koga


"Of course," Koga said with a soft bow toward Soraph. :I bid you a good evening.:


With a whistle for Hane to follow, Koga turned slowly and left the veranda, his footsteps measured as he disappeared down the halls.


OOC: short posts but back in play.

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IC: Vadiru Celis (Sado, Markets)


Celis had finally made it to the outskirt of the small gathering in the market. Her eyes scanned over the various faces however thanks to her akaku she need not push past people to see all who was there. But instead of getting involved she merely stayed back and watched. Celis had never been one for conversation unless it was necessary.


OOC: Toroshu Celis open for interaction


Banner made by Onaku



If you interact with one of my characters and I don't respond or acknowledge the interaction within a day, send me a PM. Odds are I missed or did not see the post.

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"What warrants such a fine gift?"


Throughout Kulrik's short speech Toroshu Kilanya had barely reacted beyond raising an eyebrow, as impassive as the most well trained women of her position. But it was clear from her tone of voice now that Kulrik's presentation of the Misthal had surprised her, and dare he say, impressed her. It was just the reaction he'd been looking for.


"Nothing at all, my fair lady, but the hopes of myself and the Vilda to foster a greater relationship between our two clans. Communications between the Vilda and other clans have suffered the past few hundred years, and now we are determined to rectify that mistake. Given the Ageru's great renown and value to the Empire, my mother Toroshu and I thought it prudent to first visit your lands and repair the ancient connections our peoples have. We both, after all, treasure the land above all else, do we not? I hope you are pleased with our gift?"


Soraph watched First Son Koga walk away into the darkness of night, his Janu bird following after him.


:Until next time: she thought so quietly no one else could her. :The night has certainly been interesting.


She called to the Sakl bird with her mind, drawing it near. She activated her mask, shrinking to a tiny form in moments before jumping onto the bird's back and gently caressing the animal's mind with her own. She compelled it to fly away, back towards her apartment.

Quiz by TheQuizzery.com



You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

Which Barraki are you?

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IC | Yumiwa


Honestly, I was not looking forward to seeing Inokio.


I was his prize pupil and he already showered praise on me (and also reminded me to work hard but I did that), and yet I was going to meet him and reveal that I had failed him and his tasks. I quickly walked across the wooden piers to his launch, not even bothering to return the gestures of respect the scattered dashi and dasaka nearby payed me. My eyes zoomed in on the boat's empty seats, but as soon as I remembered I was supposed to keep my eyes open everywhere I looked around to find my mentor. I mean, surely he had to be around here somewhere, right?


He wasn't anywhere, though. A few commoners bowed and waved at me from afar but when I looked right at them and didn't so much as twitch my eyelashes at them they were a little disappointed, maybe upset, but whatever. My mind was set on Inokio and how I was going to fess up to my failure at what was probably the biggest part of the tasks he gave me.


Daintily, I came up to the boat and stepped in. It shuddered and rocked under my sudden weight and it was only by a miracle that I didn't capsize the tiny thing, so I decided not to test my luck and sat down quickly to lower the center of gravity and tossed the fruit under my seat. And I sat still, hands placed on my thighs and lips drawn into a disappointed pout, in an effort to calm the sea of frustration that raged inside me just as much as I tried to calm the rocking of the boat.

I waited there for a good minute. Some of the commoners pointed at me from a distance and spoke to their friends, well outside my earshot, but I could only guess what they were saying.


"Is that really her?"

"Yeah, man, that's her. She just came from the market, went to that boat and just sits there."


"Huh. Doesn't look like much of a princess to me."


"Watch it, buddy. Don't tempt Zuto Nui to zap your ######."




Or so I guessed. I had no idea, to be honest, and that was fine by me. They could be judgmental if they wanted to; I knew I was judging me for sure. I deserved that much and my pride wasn't getting the better of me then.


Suddenly, the boat shook horrifically despite the fact that I hadn't moved -- something was moving it. I gripped the sides of the craft in vain, not really sure what that would accomplish but feeling like it was a good idea at the time, and looked with wide eyes as a man came up from the water and spilled into the tiny boat like a huge, washed up fish. I yelped in surprise and raised my hand up to defend myself against the stranger, a faint spark of energy glowing from my palm, ready to turn into a dagger to slash the throat of the man open. I never had to do it; the man settled down and sat across from me. "I expected you to be happier to see me," he said.


"######, Inokio! I thought you-- I didn't realize--"


Inokio just looked at me like I was from another planet before smiling thinly and nodding empathetically. "You're alone. You didn't know it was me. You thought fast and reacted for your safety." He held out an open palm. "That's good."


"I'm sorry I didn't realize it was you," I stammered but he would have none of it.


"How was the Market?" he asked.


"Not as dangerous as you made it seeeeeemmmm," I said. "I think I have you to thank for that, though."


"In a way," Inokio said, explaining his lesson in his roundabout fashion. "I hadn't expected the public to be that welcoming, but it was an option."


I wanted to furrow my eyebrows, question Inokio's method, ask him what he would have done had the people turned hostile on me, what I would have gone through until he could somehow clear the way for a rescue, but I didn't. I couldn't question him, not then, not yet, not when a sense of guilt still loomed over me. I was not the big fish here, I was the little fry, and I wanted to hide in a coral to avoid attention.


"How was your mission?" he asked. "Where is the best sushi in the market?"


"Shirakawa's," I replied flatly but somewhat confidently.


"I saw you ask around for a recommendation by making a connection. Very good. And do you have my pears?" I pulled the sack from under my seat and handed it to my teacher, who quickly opened it and pulled a pear out. "Mmmm, apple pears. Good choice. And now, the pendant. What did Lumpsum give you for it?"


"I..." The words couldn't come out. Come on, Yumi. Fess up. You failed, you have to say it, you need to be honest. But what if Inokio knows already? He most likely does so there's no shame in admitting it anyway. Come onnnn, Yumi! "I lost the pendant sometime around when you, uh... executed the saihoko."


"I know. I took it."


"You what?" I blurted and clasped my hands across my chest in a very very late effort to protect the pendant I lodged there earlier. "When?"


"Right after I killed the saihoko. I wasn't planning on doing it that way, but the opportunity to test how aware you were of what was immediately around you came up and I took it." Inokio leaned back casually, judging my reaction by the expressions on my face. I tried to be steely but still was still obviously surprised. He calmly stood up and manned the pole, then edged the launch off the pier and kneaded the craft through the little waves back to his house. "You kept a good eye on your surroundings, but sometimes a threat is so close you can overlook it. You mustn't forget to check what's directly around you. An example of this philosophy, and one which would benefit you in court, is to keep your friends close and your enemies closer, that way you can watch them more intently than anything. Awareness of this first circle is more important than anything."


"So... I failed," I admitted rather dejectedly.


"No, you failed the test. You learned something today, yes?" I nodded. "Then you succeeded in the lesson. There is nothing to be ashamed of -- you improved, and that is what matters."


I knew he was right. Every improvement, no matter how small, is good and brings glory to Zuto Nui. I knew there was no way for me to just find myself as the pinnacle of perfection, it takes real work, determination and a lot of effort to become great and I appreciated every step of the way. I now understood just how effective Inokio's lesson was for me and for the first time since leaving the boat I relaxed and reflected.


Oh yeah. The Menti on the roof.


My teacher was one of the three people I trusted and he gave me good advice on virtually any topic that popped to my head before, so I felt comfortable asking him for input on the events concerning the impromptu speech in the square. I turned my chin up to face him as he stood on the stern. "Inokio," I began earnestly, "I want to ask you about the--"


"Forget it," he bluntly said, snapping my thoughts from my head and tossing it aside as if they were weapons before I could hurt anything with them. "I'm not going to advise you on politics; that's Hana's job. I'd rather not influence you on such things."


"But you're a First Son," I protested, really wanting his insight. "You have the right."


"Yes, and if I am called to war I will answer with my clan's banner, but I would rather avoid politics. Yumi, your opinion holds more sway in this empire than most everyone else, even some toroshu, I don't want to be the one to change those opinions. Bad things can happen when unqualified people voice their thoughts and the topic of Mata Nui is far beyond my scope of wisdom."


"Okay," I said and nodded, understanding his logic. The weight of being chojo belonged to me and me alone; it was natural for Inokio to not want a piece of that pie. I was being raised to bear that burden -- Inokio wasn't. In a way his caution only reinforced my trust in him and his decisions despite my frustration at not getting the immediate reward of insight from the only man I respected.


I looked ahead of the bow, towards the Wards and Inokio's house where Hanako waited for me. Hana would be happy to help me figure out what to do... My other half would have no reservations at speaking her mind. I missed my handmaiden a lot by then. Inokio's lesson had taken a loooong time, much longer than usual, and plus I was slowed down by the discussions in the Market. I hoped Hana hadn't grown too bored without me, as she often did. The rest of the ride back to his house was done in silence, neither one of us really having anything more to say, but as we got really close to Inokio's private pier I would see Hana waving and cheering at me from the balcony.


I waved back enthusiastically, happy to see that the hours had not dulled my Hana's energy. There was so much to talk about with her now.


"Hiiiii Hana!" I yelled back at her as I disembarked the launch and stepped towards the house's door, Inokio shortly behind me after tying the boat up.

Edited by Daenerys Targaryen
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OOC: This jam is brought to you by Daenerys Targaryen and I, please do enjoy!




The door opened and I stood to the side, bowing to both Yumiwa and Inokio as they entered.

"Good afternoon my Chojo, Yumiwa and Master Inokio," I replied, happy to see both of them had returned after so much time. I did not enjoy parting with my friend, sometimes Inokio's lessons required that I do not follow. It was something I understood clearly as a Herupa but deep down did not enjoy. I'd like to be there, just in case, my Yumiwa was my world. Call it instinct but I felt as though something had troubled my future empress and best friend, though still I asked the question. "How was today's lesson, my lady?"


I quickly hugged Hana as soon we were in arm's reach, disregarding the formality of bows or whatever. We were like two magnets that came at each other at an even pace until our fields connected and we snapped together when our fields of force intertwined. Our embrace was in the doorway, though, so it clogged the pathway for Inokio to get back into his own house, though I didn't realize that when it happened and he waited patiently until I stopped hugging Hana and walked further inside.

"It was, ermmmm... uhhh... /Lots/ of things. It turned out to be much more than a lesson, akshully."


I hugged Yumi back, my smile grew slightly larger. Although she was only gone for a few hours, it had felt like centuries had passed for me. As we both moved aside for Master Inokio, so he could enter his home again. "Really, my lady Yumiwa? It sounds like you had a most interesting day." I turned to Inokio again, bowing and offering my thanks.

"Thank you for the violin and sheet music you left for me, sir. You are thoughtful as always." I smiled. In my life, our culture, the two people I was talking to were my betters, although Yumi seemed to at times treat my opinion as equal. It is a kind gesture, for of my three siblings, favored as I was, I was third born, the youngest. Such kindness, such friendships weren't so often afford to people in my position. I was so happy to help the Umbralines, specifically my Yumi, for she had been the only true friend I have ever known.


Inokio nodded once to Hanako in return. "One tries to be thoughtful," he said kindly, "and you /are/ rather easy to shop for." He laughed, then looked at Hana and then back at me. "You girls have a lot to catch up on, I think."

"Right," I said and poked Hana in the rib to pull her along. "That we doooo. Let's go and I'll tell you what I found."

The Clan Hogo retainers quickly formed up around Hana and I like flies encircling a temporarily lost prize as we left Inokio's house and went back to the streets of the Wards. The Palace's diamond towers reflected light differently than when I saw them earlier, an indication of how much time had passed. By my estimation it was early afternoon by then, shortly after the second sundial pip, and that gave me a full hour until my riding session in the Gardens, and I wasn't going to waste time standing idly so I walked quickly. Hana, as usual, remained by my side effortlessly, as was her nature.

"Inokio's lesson was on focusing on things. He said I have to be able to keep track of everything on me, around me and in the distance, to be a good ruler. You know what I mean -- like looking at the big picture, balancing out the needs of others and making sure all points of view are accounted for. Simple ideas for me to catch on to, buuuut... harder to do in practice than I thought, I guess."


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IC (Kilanya)


Kilanya smiled graciously.


"It is true, Vilda and Ageru both nurture the green things of this world," she said, "and I am honoured to receive this token of friendship."


She handed the box to a nearby retainer, who bowed and disappeared off, taking the precious Misthal to the Toroshu's treasury.


"So, Vilda Kulrik," she continued once the retainer was gone, "what can the Ageru do for you?"





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[OOC: The flashback of the below is a jam with Yukiko. Sorry for taking so long to post it!]

IC: Soraya

Soraya took a step back and reviewed her work. The robe's arm was still sagging with the weight of her work's water, but the disgusting mess of before had been washed away by a pitch-perfect purple. She gave a little nod of satisfaction. Odds of the Umbralines blowing their top lowered. I'd call that a success.

Humming to herself, she turned and made for the window. The
Dashi who'd so kindly ruined her afternoon was sitting uncomfortably at the food stand across the street. Smiling, Soraya leaned out and put her hands to her mouth-

Soraya was shoving the robe back into the
Dashi's hands not thirty seconds later. "If it were up to me, this thing would be staying here for another day until I could dry it and finish removing the pastes. Unfortunately, time waits for no screw-up. Get this back to the Palace and hide it with the soiled clothes for the night until it dries. Chip off the paste in the morning and rinse it carefully. If you screw this up again, it will officially be in my best interests to get you fired than to keep fixing your mistakes. Got it?"

Dashi's face turned a bit sour. "You don't have to be so rude about this. It's your job, after all-"

Soraya found herself grabbing her client by the collar for the second time that day. "My job is to keep the Umbralines happy with Plangori product, not to be the fixer for every washerwoman who can't keep her soaps straight. Now get out of here before the
Chōjo needs that thing back for - whatever it is Chōjo do. Declaring war on that island, whatever."

Dashi muttered something and scampered down the stairs. Soraya watched her go from the window.

Outside, the sun had begun to set. She gave a light chuckle. "My job, huh?"


Two months prior

Plangori Soraya looked up at her Toroshu's hut, sighed, bit the back of her hand, shook her head, and took a breath. Getting called in by the Toroshu was, at least in her experience, rarely a good sign. It wasn't that Morie was cruel or anything like that; it was that she ran as tight a ship as she could, and if she needed to talk to you, it probably meant you were leaking.

She looked down at herself; she'd given her
clan jacket a hasty cleaning when she'd gotten word the previous night that Morie wanted to see her, but a work jacket was a work jacket. Hopefully the Toroshu wouldn't take too much offense. She'd really have to get something nicer one of these days.

Quit psyching yourself up, Soraya. You do good work, and you know it. If the Toroshu disagrees, we'll cross that bridge then.

She took another breath, smiled, stepped to the door and knocked twice. "Toroshu? It's Soraya."

"If you stand there any longer, vines will start growing on you. Come in." The old Toroshu's sharp commanding voice emanated from inside.

Sharp was bad, but for Morie it was also normal. Soraya put her odds of imminent death at four to one and stepped into the Toroshu's hut, wearing a smile that she hoped came off as 'confident' and not 'cocky'. "I got your message last night, Toroshu. Do you need me for something?"

Morie sat in the center of her hut, facing Soraya, arm thrown casually over the back of her chair. She was examining Soraya as one might examine a husi at the market, eyes narrow and appraising.

Soraya gulped and tried not to think of the large machete that was propped against the table next to her.

"No, I called you here to have tea—of course I need you for something."

She waved a piece of paper at Soraya. It was dyed as a piece of cloth might have been—Plangori occasionally took commissions from papermakers—marked with the official seal of the clan and covered with
neat black scrawl.

"This is a communication from Yahino, announcing that she intends to retire. Do you know what that means?"

It didn't pay to be slow on the uptake in Soraya's job (though it often paid to act that way with certain clients). Since her gut reaction of a stream of (admittedly slightly prideful) profanity probably wouldn't go over too well, she opted for something slightly more subtle.

"You're looking for a new ambassador to the Umbralines." (The "there's no way I'm walking out of this meeting without getting assigned as the imperial family's new saleswoman-slash-emergency-seamstress, is there" went unspoken.)

"Don't look like such a martyr, you're being offered a great honor," said Morie, as if she was reading Soraya's thoughts (which, knowing her, could be true). "I know that Plangori Saihoko are considered second only to Dastana in not knowing their place, but don't let that give you ideas. I am the leader of this clan, and I like results. The fact is, you have the best record out of all of the clerks this year, and I am pretty sure I know why."

Soraya was pretty sure this was only a rhetorical question, so she kept her gaze respectfully focused on Morie's feet.

"You have pride. You honestly believe that our work is the best in the islands, and that alone is the most powerful tool for convincing any client the same thing. That includes the Umbralines. I would start packing now; I want you on the morning boat to Sado."

Well, one couldn't fault Morie for not knowing how to play her subordinates. Soraya opened her mouth, closed it, and opened it again: "Permission to speak freely for a moment, Toroshu?"


"Good, since I was going to wind up thinking this even if I didn't say it, so you probably would have heard it anyway. Look, I'm honored - really, I am, this is about as high-class an assignment as could ever be - and I promise I'll do my best, but: with all due respect, you are aware I once covered the clothes of a client who backed out at the last second with enough
botched dye that he looked like stew on legs?"

Morie frowned. "For both our sakes, I'm going to pretend I'm not."

"I'm just saying, tact isn't one of my strong suits, and this is the capitol we're talking about here. I don't want to be responsible for the imperial family declaring a ban on Plangori dyes because I forgot to kiss the right foot one day."

The Toroshu looked thoughful for a moment. Then her frown vanished, replaced by a cold smile.

"Well, I also know you have a healthy sense of fear, Soraya. The Umbralines tend to have that effect on people. If you screw up, I will hear about it, and I will not be happy. I expect you to remember that.

"To be honest, the Umbralines have enough people flattering them day in and day out. If I sent someone who spoke nothing but honeyed words, I'm pretty sure that they would begin to suspect me of spying on them. Honesty is rare commodity on Sado, Soraya, and like all rare things, it has value. Now get packing."

Soraya felt a smile come to her face. "Honesty and fear. You do know how to keep a clan running well. Alright, you win. I'll be on my way first thing in the morning." She gave a light bow to Morie and made to leave.

At the door she stopped and looked over her shoulder. "Though if I may pay one compliment, Toroshu, it's not the Umbralines that scare me. It's you."

Was it just her, or did Morie's smile grow a little wider at that?

Outside, she took another deep breath. "Guess I'm going to have to learn to like Umbralines," she muttered.

She looked herself over one last time. She was going to have to pick up a good formal robe somewhere, royals always went for the good formal robes. She'd ask Kasha to bring her a good assortment of fresh dyes, and get in contact with Yahino to pick up her connections-

Her smirk widened. And by the time she was done, she was going to make well sure that Clan Plangori was at the top of the market. Right where it belonged.



Present day


The dyemaker's grin had faded from her face. She turned and looked back over her shop; the remains of two months of desperately juggled orders stared back at her. She sighed. Ostensibly, she knew she should keep the shop manned in case there was some emergency order from the Umbralines, but-


She dabbed the last of the water from her hands, pulled her jacket closer around her, and headed downstairs. Even professional-foot-kissers-slash-merchants at the top of their game could use a night off from the client. Humming tunelessly to herself, she grabbed her satchel from where it hung on the wall, flipped over the sign on her door - NOT HERE - and stepped out into the street.


Who knew? Maybe if she was lucky something other than a messed-up laundry job would be the highlight of her day.

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Hey: I'm not very active around BZP right now.  However, you can always contact me through PM (I have email notifications set up) and I will reply as soon as I can.

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BZPRPG: Komae · Soraya · Bohrei

Blog: Defendant Lobby no. 42

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The commodore stood straight, watching the princess walk away for a few seconds until she was clear of the crowd and departed the market square. She had not expected that she would cross paths with the chōjo this day, especially not in the market at this time of day and under these circumstances. She wondered what had brought Yumiwa to this part of the city in the first place. Of course, she was free to go wherever she desired, but for the most part, mingling with the market folk was atypical for a noble of her calibre. The commodore could only think of two possible explanations for her presence: Either, she had decided to come here on her own, unannounced. Which seemed unlikely; just by glancing around Ayiwah could spot a number of royal guards, inconspicuous among the crowd, no doubt there to ensure the chōjo's safety. The other explanation left was an educational trip as part of her training.


In any case, the circumstances of the encounter were very much irrelevant right now. The princess and future Rora had requested something from her and she would have serious reason to question her command abilities if she could not comply with her orders and carry out Yumiwa's request at the same time. She glanced up at the roof, where the Menti that had caused the public debate in the first place was still standing. Now that the princess had left it remained to be seen whether the woman would continue to try and sway the opinion of the public in her favor or if she would leave. With Yumiwa gone they did not need to maintain the high level of respectful discourse as before.


Naturally, Ayiwah would do what had been asked of her and remain until the Menti finished, but she had her orders in mind as well and the Rora's secretary was waiting. And to keep her waiting was almost as disrespectful as keeping the Rora herself waiting, it would be ill-advised to say the least. Thankfully, she was not alone.


:Taz, it appears we've just been assigned another task. I hate to pull rank on you, but I can not delay the meeting with the secretary much longer. Once that Menti departs, I want you to follow her to find out who she is and where she can be found. But do no more than that, I would very much like us to avoid becoming pieces in any game of intrigue if it can be helped.:




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IC(Moeru, Rida(Sado Markets)):



Why is everyone so ready to destroy an entire species, an entire land, we've never even seen for oursleves, save six vile specimens?

It doesn't matter, I tell myself. Your job is to be a warrior, not a freaking politician.

Through these thoughts, I remain stony-faced and silent. Strong, like a good male should be.

At this moment, I see my sister, Toroshu Rida, motioning that the time has come for us to leave.

.:You're never going to get the hang of Ideatalking, are you?:.

Her look of annoyance answers my question.

.:Alright, alright. Let's go.:.

On the boatride back to Iki, we discuss the possibilities that lie before us.

"Do we really have the right to destroy an entire species in the first place?"

"Of course we don't," Rida answers. "The more powerful clans, on the other hand, or the Rora..."


"I don't like it either, but whether or not the Empire has the right to do it, we certainly don't have the right, or for that matter the power, to stop anyone."

"This sucks."

"Yeah, it does."

Later, at my underground home, I continue to ask myself the same questions.

Do we have the right? Does the Rora herself even have the right? Do we have the right to tell her she doesn't have the right?

These same thoughts swim around in my head for hours, until eventually I feel my eyelids getting heavier. And heavier. And heavier...



IC(Turi, Sokia, Kashikoi, and Yujin(Iki)):


" it!" I growl as the crystalline sword I'm trying to shape shatters in my hands, the result of putting too much pressure on the blade.

"That's it," I tell Sokia, "I'm going minediving."

"Come on, Turi," she tells me. "You'll never learn if you don't stay and practice."

"Don't care," I say as I sling the cord over my shoulder.

"Kashikoi! I'm going out, be back in a few hours!" I call.

"Okay, but don't blame us if there's no food left when you get back!" Comes the response from the kitchen, where Kashikoi's fixing something delicious for supper.

I leave the underground hut, walking through caves for at least half an hour before I come to a deep mine I found last week, just to see someone about to dive.

"Hey!" I shout, "This is my mine!"

"It's mine now!" She shouts, and I realize it's Yujin, grinning crazily like always.

"Well," I say, ginning as well, "I should at least get first dive. I did find it first."

After we've jumped for a couple of hours, I tell Yujin I need to go eat supper and leave. Feeling like the world is once again at peace, I enter Kashikoi's home hungry and ready for something delicious.

I can't shake the feeling, though, that something's... off. I look towards the bushes, thinking that something's watching me, but see nothing.

I hope it was just my imagination.



Edited by The Nold

Xbox LIVE: FlamingCheese77

BZPRPG Profiles: http://www.bzpower.com/board/topic/9733-bzprpg-profile-pages/?p=547516


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"Not much, Toroshu Kilanya, other than bear my presence on your lands for a little while. If you would allow it, I'd like to stay here as a diplomat, joining your nobility in court and building the relationship between our two clans. And I of course would love the opportunity to explore these fertile grounds, so full of life; they are the last refuge of nature in this Empire of Crystal."


Kulrik waited politely for an answer, not that he wondered what it would be. Very few indeed would turn down an offer to host a First Son, except perhaps the Fursic. Now that he thought about it, that would be a challenge - charming the clan of traitors to offer a Vilda male lodgings. He mentally took note to try that in the future.

Quiz by TheQuizzery.com



You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

Which Barraki are you?

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IC: Celis (Sado, Markets)


Celis moved away from the small gathering taking advantage of the crowd to easily slip away. She had no intent on staying around such large crowd, instead moving in the back alleys towards the deepest sections of the market. She used her cane with expertise as it clacked ever so gently on the ground with each step she took. The way she walked and held herself showed her station even if she didn't enforce it. However she stopped at one certain stand in the market to take in what it was selling.


OOC: Celis is open for interaction in the Sado Markets


Banner made by Onaku



If you interact with one of my characters and I don't respond or acknowledge the interaction within a day, send me a PM. Odds are I missed or did not see the post.

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