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BZPRPG - Kentoku Archipelago

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IC: Celis (Dragon Hall)


Celis could not help but give an appreciative nod of her head at this

"I personally find that permanent servants just tend to get in the way, hence why I usually travel alone, though I do keep a permanent crew for my personal ship."


Banner made by Onaku



If you interact with one of my characters and I don't respond or acknowledge the interaction within a day, send me a PM. Odds are I missed or did not see the post.

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IC: Sesseta – Sesseta’s Home (Pre-Party)


Parties – you either love ‘em or hate ‘em. Or in my case, both. It really depended on who you bumped into at these gatherings. Being who I was, I was required to play many roles, most of which were roles that I would prefer to not have to play. Not to mention that I would surely have to keep a closer watch over Kuno than usual. Time was running out for us to play our hand, and I would not stand around to watch him fail again.


I stood erect, face perfectly stationary, as Yuzio, my handmaiden, gently and slowly rested my crystal masquerade mask over my Akaku. Indeed, rare times like these made me wish I had had the mostly unnecessary lenses removed. Their presence meant that this crystal snake masquerade mask had to be custom fitted. People would notice, most definitely.


But to be fair, it is quite recherché for one to see an Akaku without the special lenses attached. There are sure to be others at the party who share my aesthetic predicament.


Once the bejeweled masquerade mask was rested on my Akaku, my shoulders dropped and I relaxed. I was already wearing my shoulder-less indigo and silver dress that matched the dark blue crystals of my facial ornament.


“I believe now is a good a time as ever to depart,” I said to Yuzio, beckoning her to step down from the stool she was standing on. “We may not be early, but I assuredly don’t want to be late”


Within minutes, I had my silk silvery scarf wrapped around me as I sat comfortably in the transport. The trip to Sado would be just long enough for me to become dreadfully bored, so I picked up the latest news article and began reading.

"hey girl: here’s an idea, but… it’s up to you:

You’re the boss of this operation."

[BZPRPG Profile] [Ghosts of Bara Magna Profile]


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[imperial Palace, Dragon Room]



So that’s how they were going to play it. Honestly, they were going to have to do better than that. Insulting my a)lack of “good company” which I don’t care about b)looks, which I’m used to isn’t exactly the way to drive me off in a huff. I’m a persistent one, you see.

“I’m afraid you’re right,” I said, making no attempt to disguise the acid in my voice. “I don’t attend many of these kind of parties. You see, my face tends to scare people away.”

I cackled for effect.

“But enough I about me. I absolutely love your costumes. Considering how boring everyone else is being here, I appreciate that you chose to go with something a bit more controversial. It reminds me...there was this story about a Rora and her brother, a first son, and it was said that they were--”

I paused (for effect).


“Oh I’m sorry I can’t discuss it. I’m in polite company. I’m sure sophisticates such as yourselves wouldn’t even think to hear of such things.”

Edited by Yukiko

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

HAHVF.gif NVnzf.gif B8pNV.gif 8qwI0.gif rg6F2.gif ItljY.gif UOJS7.gif lQn0K.gif X1bBI.gif 035db.gif

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Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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"Um, miss, are you sure that there's no mistake here...."


"What's that darling, you'll have to speak up? I can't seem to hear you over the sound of your stuffed shirt ruffling."


"Oh, well uh, urm, uh, oh dear...."


Poor girl, this guard, I'll have to admit. Highest honour of guarding the chojo's party, getting to shout out the names of every royal, noble and assorted brown-noser who had any sort of importance in Kentoku's glorious empire, perhaps even thinking herself someone of near-eminence just through proximity and the sound of their titles on her tongue. Night's growing deeper, probably waiting for the shift to change so she can sneak away some punch while the chojo's not looking, tell the Hogos that she had the honour of having consumed flecks of the crown princess' spit. And instead, she got to deal with me.


Still funny though, not going to deny it.


"Yes yes, this was Dastana Cabria's invitation to this party; no, I am not Dastana Cabria." I said, my voice mockingly patient. "I am Dastana Daijuno, escorted by Dastana Zyla, and I was given this invitation so as to attend this party on Dastana Cabria's behalf, what with her ill health and all. Now, can we proceed with things, or do you require explanation? Perhaps we should perform a dramatic re-enactment? You can be Cabria."


"That, uh, that's not necessary Miss Daijuno," she said, barely hiding her shock and anger.


Turning, and with a remarkably short seven seconds of hesitation -- she must've been trying to be very professional -- she shouted, "Dastana Daijuno, of ... Clan Dastana."


"How theatrical," I muttered on my way past, my headdress oh so accidentally clipping the guard's elbow along the way.


My professionalism outweighing my contempt for the setting, I quickly re-adjusted my headwear, setting each individual leaf back into its proper place, even if it was frankly both pointless and impossible. Between the Dastana twins ("should have thought of that first" I muttered) and the Fursic family ("and once again, the Fursics need all eyes on them"), I really doubt that anyone was interested in the minute placement of faux leaves on the head of a Saihoko. Still, it had been important to Zyla, so I tried to keep it straight; besides, it might not have been my idea to dress as a tree, but in light of our competition, I was dead-set on proving it wasn't a bad idea.


It was all fine on paper; set of armour carved from Madu bark, accompanied by a green cape trimmed with yellow and wooden head dress adorned with stiffened cloth cut to resemble leaves. Along with the the mask, it had seemed like a perfectly reasonable, if utterly bizarre choice of costume; advertise my products and show the world that I'm wealthy enough to buy full sets of wooden armour.


I, of course, had wanted to dress as a Saihoko worker, but Zyla was hoping for a costume less likely to get me lynched at the doorway. In addition, though this is only speculation, I suspect that a wooden outfit gave her a valid excuse to confiscate my cigarettes.


Huffing in disappointment at my one vice in life being taken away, even for a night, I made a bee-line for the Dastana twins (Jezak and Arry or something, I can't keep track of all these nobles), and smile on my face. A few eyes were drawn to my costume, but most of them quickly rolled in derision, if not completely disregarding me for the spitting images of the rora and her consort.


"Oh, do go on dear; not many folks who get into less polite conversation than myself," I cooed to the one who could only be Plangori Shuuan -- not many folks with a face and temperament like hers who wear the Plangori colours -- before adding, "Dastana Arsix, Dastana Jasik, a true honour to meet you both; wonderful costumes, even if I now have to hate you both for thinking them up before I could."



Edited by Emissary


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IC: Soraya [imperial Palace, Dragon Room]


Soraya was not a heavy believer in signs, omens, or any of that, but she was a believer in diving head-first through windows of opportunity, and so when within the space of a few minutes a handmaiden urged Dakte away, Yumiwa took to the floor again, Morie looked the other direction, Shuuan started either talking or flirting with the twins, and the drink tray passed by her, Soraya decided there wasn't going to be any bigger window short of grabbing a rock and smashing the thing herself.


She turned back to Daste and Amaki and smiled. "Well! I won't keep you - gonna be a hard job making this party worthwhile. Best of luck!"


Grab the drinks, dodge the twins, don't bump into the Rora's other daughter, and...


Soraya slid into lockstep with the Chojo as naturally as she could, which probably wasn't fooling anybody but at least got points for effort. "Chojo! Care for a drink? And a few words in private - or at least as close as we can get with a dozen pairs of the island's nosiest ears stuffed into the room?"

Edited by GSR

Hey: I'm not very active around BZP right now.  However, you can always contact me through PM (I have email notifications set up) and I will reply as soon as I can.

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BZPRPG: Komae · Soraya · Bohrei

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After a brief farewell to the Chojo Relisai led her elderly subject away from the crowd of guests, towards a relatively secluded corner in Dragon Hall. There were some Dasaka around them, but the music was loud enough to stop anyone from listening in on a private conversation. Relisai finally stopped, turning to face Mako. Her eyes narrowed as she inspected the traitorous Datsue that was a friend of Soraph.


"So it seems, Mako, that in order to join that expedition to Mata-Nui you will need two stellar recommendations."


Relisai flashed a brilliant and false smile, the same practised expression that the Vilda had come to know and love of their respected leader.


"We both know Soraph will give one of them, but that leaves the matter of the second... up in the air as they say. And I wonder how many respected Dasaka you know here on Sado, away from our home, that would be able to help you? Now, you've done nothing but bring honour to the Vilda clan - your service record has very few complaints in it - and so I'd happily write you a personal letter of recommendation to help you. Of course, everything comes with a price, as I'm sure you've learned during your long life. In exchange for the letter I will need something of you."


A waiter passed by silently, a platter of cocktails raised in her right hand.


"Would you like a drink?" Relisai asked Mako before continuing.


IC: Vilda Mako (Dragon Hall)


"I suppose so," I replied, "I'd also like to say something"


"You don't like Soraph, I know. She's a threat to your family's hold on Toroshudom in our Clan. And you're now doubtlessly transferring that hatred to me for associating with her, isn't that right?"


"Well, lemme tell you something Ma'am, if you think I'm in league with her you're sorely mistaken, I don't care about politics, never did and never will. I'm not some self-conceited crotch dumpling who thinks just because he's "important" that somehow makes him a good leader or negotiator or whatever in Zataka's darned #### you want to call it. Soraph just provides good company, and that's all I ask for nowadays. I just have myself and my business to worry about, politics are not my realm."


"So don't come here to me with your baseless paranoia, if you'll excuse my pertinent tone, Toroshu"


"Now, what exactly do you want from me?" I asked as I crossed my arms.

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Ic: "Soraya!" I said and smiled politely and slowed my pace to a more languid one to suit the saihoko's abilities. "I'm glad you could make it." My smile suddenly faded into a grim line as utterly catastrophic thoughts entered my mind—are these dyes going to rub off like my panties did or did the seamstress forget a stitch? Oh please no...


.:How's this for private?:. I asked, shoving my words into Soraya's head though my Willhammer might like clothes in a suitcase. The Plangori would see a faint tinge of red in her peripherals, a telltale sign that my powers ever so slightly dominated her mind. .:It's a conversation in your head and it's more secluded than what we'd physically muster here. What's up? Is... there something wrong with my dress!?:.

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"The point of a spy is not to get caught, not to get noticed", Ahrusa said to herself as she sat in her comfortable home in the center of Sado. "Simple enough, this is a masquerade ball after all." She walked over to her small wardrobe, and pulled out an ornate uniform dyed in navy, with the signature Fursic reds trimming the interior of the outfit. She sheathed a long ceremonial crystal blade along her side, and placed her masquerade mask upon her own. It covered only the facial region itself, and was nothing too ornate.


However, this did not in any way discredit its quality. It was shaped from the finest crystal, with various designs etched into it including her own clan emblem. She walked over to her desk and drew an envelope from it. Within it sat the invitation, placed back within after having been read. They always feature the same impersonal, fill in the blank text, but it's nice to know your being thought of. Ahrusa quickly shoved it into her pocket, and walked out the door, strolling to the seat of the empire itself.

Edited by Observedhalo

"Poor Cyclonus - Sworn To Reject A World That Hates and Fears Him. He And I Are Very Similar, Really: Two Reformed Characters Struggling To Make Our Way In Life. He Just Has Less Violent Coping Strategies." Whirl



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Despite her unflinchingly pleasant appearance, anger coursed through Relisai.


How dare he talk to me like that?! He is just a pitiful old Datsue, and I am his Toroshu! Does he really think his age permits him these dishonours? If he does, then his aged mind is even more addled that I thought, ha!


​And does he really think I can't see past his lies? Politics are not his realm, and Soraph just provides 'good company?' Does he think I'm stupid? Of course thats what any of the witch's servants would say, to hide their allegiance with their ignoble master so they might live to see her try and depose me. Even if what he says is true, Soraph has infected his mind; whether he does it for her or of his supposed will, Mako will betray me, I know it!


Relisai smiled.


"Well, when you return from Mata-Nui, I'd like the truth," she began.


Without pausing, the Vilda Toroshu unleashed a stampede of thought and willpower against Mako's mind, an incredible force of mental energy to overcome the Datsue's defences through surprise and sheer power. Her attack leapt across the vast crevasse that separated the two Vilda's conciousness's to begin the assault, and Relisai urged her mind to move faster, stronger, with greater purpose. Relisai had honed her Willhammer skills over a span of centuries, closer to millennia, and was the leader of a clan reknown for such a Menti discipline; Mako was a simple male, an elderly Datsue past his prime. In the real world, Relisai's grin inched imperceptibly wider. This battle would not take long, and when it was finished, Mako's mind would become her plaything.




"Toroshu Celis, it's possible that you simply haven't used servants properly" Soraph said, her conversationalist skills keeping the statement from sounding like an insult. "Like you said, you keep a crew to care for your ship - they are Dasaka that know exactly what they must do, have been trained to complete the task and don't busy themselves with a multitude of other chores.


"A servant requires the same conditioning and atmosphere. You must make sure they have the knowledge of the duty you assign them, and not clutter their mind with countless unrelated jobs. Any Dasaka, even servants, can surprise you with their skill if you don't try and interfere with his or her assignment because you believe you can do it better. You have to trust them. I understand why it might seem strange for the Vadiru. To be the servant in a clan of servants can be confusing."


Soraph held out a hand towards the Korae First Son, her head looking to the dance floor. The band had started a slow song a little while ago, and were nearing it's middle. Dancing to it would give them an excellent opportunity to continue their conversation.


"Shall we?" she asked Inokio.

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You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

Which Barraki are you?

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IC: Vilda Mako (Dragon Hall)


The Vilda are known for their Willhammers, and while I certainly wouldn't sell myself short in the discipline, there is something to be said about a relatively menial-ranked ex-Menti going up against a still kicking Toroshu. And as the old bat (since that's what it felt like), invaded my mind, I knew instantly that this was a battle I couldn't win, even as the wolf reared its head and bared its teeth in a sneer, its fur was stained gray and its muscles atrophied.


Old wolves don't die gracefully, warriors their entire lives, they don't know how to live when they grow old and their fangs fall out.


But then again, I wasn't that old just yet, and I'd be darned if a didn't still have a bite that was slightly worse than my bark.


And more than that, unlike Relisai, I was not alone.


Kama, the instant my retaliation began, our minds were connected, and her strength bolstered mine, and the Hawk reached where the Wolf could not, and the Bat was outnumbered, though not necessarily outmatched for very long, but for now it'd hold, I hope.


Have, to... think. of. something.

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Relisai would have laughed if she were not so focused on the battle. Did the Datsue really think a bird would be able to help him defeat her, Toroshu of clan Vilda? The second mind, more feeble and weak than the Datsue that had received Menti training long, long ago would give him a few extra moments, if that, in the impossibly long instant in which the battle took place.


Relisai abated her attack somewhat, calling back the horde if willpower ever so slightly. She saw the aged wolf howl in satisfaction, take a step forward to press his advantage. But Relisai had not faltered. Far from it. By weakening her attack she afforded hersel more concentration, which she fed into her Mindarm skill. In the real world, she pushed Mako forward, just a bit. Instinct and reaction would take Mako's mind away from the battle so that he could move his leg and stop his fall. In that moment of weakness Relisai would redouble her assault, and be victorious.


Around them, the party danced and gossiped, oblivious to the mental struggle.

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You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

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IC: Xania | The Dragon Hall


As Desdemona departed and Xania was left to talk with Ayiwah, she heard a quick thrill of Janu Bird from below. Interested, Dasaka looked down and found Vilda Mako, standing near another Dasaka. On his face was struggle, and his pet Kama moved with unease on his shoulder. Relisai, Toroshu of clan Vilda, was standing still, with grim concentration on her face. A struggle of minds, in the midst of party. Xania frowned. She's not gonna allow this to continue.


Calling to her Mindarm discipline, she concentrated on Relisai and pushed her back from Vilda Mako. Not a second later, Menti hurried down, throwing quick "Excuse me for a moment," at Ayiwah and others.

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OOC: Protip, picking a mental fight in a room filled with Willhammers just as good if not possibly better at it than you? Not the smartest thing you could've done.


IC: Vilda Mako (Dragon Hall)


Something external reached out and sent the bat flying right out of my chimney covered in soot, and I was back in the house as I wiped away a trail of sweat from my forehead and stared at Relisai with murder in my eyes.


"Your games are over, witch" I said, my voice brimming with dark satisfaction.


"Thanks for the assist" I remarked to Xania, "for a moment I thought I wasn't myself anymore"

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IC | Clan Hogo NPCs


Something wasn't right. They knew it, glanced at each other and nodded in before stepping off their tiles on the perimeter in unison and entering the fray of the party.


They instantly turned into a wedge formation and their synchronized footfalls were like a pounding drum to shake the guests out of their way. Their sergeant, a potent Mindarm, heard a voice in his head. It's on your one o'clock, boss. The squad's Willhammer member directed her like a scout, pointing the sarge, and the team as a whole, towards the brewing storm she felt from within the party's floor. Guests kept dispersing to allow the train passage, but as they came to the point of interest two people didn't move.


A Datsue, who siddenly was tossed backwards a little bit by a Mindarm other than the sarge, and a Dasaka, clearly a noblewoman if not a toroshu. Abruptly, an Umbraline Menti came up to the group, too—perhaps the unseen other Mindarm?


"All three of you: What is the meaning of this?" the sargeant gruffly asked the Dasaka noble. The squad circled around the trio like a cage, sealing them in tightly to prevent anyone's escape, including Xania's who they felt was an unknown member of the puzzle, though as the Willhammer guard looked her over she couldn't feel any telltale sign that she was anything more than a bystander who got involved after the storm started. "We felt a disturbance, and disturbances are not allowed at this event."

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Perceiving the situation more or less defused, I decide to slip away in the most subtle way possible.

Looking around, I spot the Dastana twins once again. I still can't help but smile at their costumes; the nerve required to pull something like that is admirable, to say the least. Still grinning, I find myself beginning to make my way in their direction.



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IC: Vilda Mako (Dragon Hall)


"I was attacked by my own Toroshu is what happened" I railed, Kama chirping in exultant confirmation, "and then the Umbraline here was smart enough to intervene"


Alright, Mako, keep it together, don't give them any reason to suspect you of pulling a charade. You know the drill, keep in control, and stick to your story.


:Thanks for your quick thinking, Kama: I remarked to her, she chirped triumphantly in return.

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IC: Xania | The Dragon Hall


Xania froze as Hogo approached. Mako was okay, and she was glad.

"Menti, what is your involvement and can you verify the datsue's claim?"


"I heard a pet of my acquaintance was disturbed and I descended to investigate. Beforehand, I noticed that this noblewoman was keeping herself really tense and concentrated around Vilda Mako, and made a guess that a battle of minds was in progress. I thought that a light push will stop it without causing too much trouble," she said honestly, her face straight and hands behind her back. "I think, that my guess was right, because you are here, alerted by mental disruption, and because Vilda Mako just told so."

Edited by Demitsorou
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Soraph held out a hand towards the Korae First Son, her head looking to the dance floor. The band had started a slow song a little while ago, and were nearing it's middle. Dancing to it would give them an excellent opportunity to continue their conversation.


"Shall we?" she asked Inokio.

Inokio took Soraph's hand and stepped away into the dance floor. "Gladly. Ladies," he said and congenially nodded away at Celis and Ihi, "until next time."


Once in the middle of the floor the two gently entered dancing poses and began to move to the music. "That was interesting," he said and smiled thinly thinking back to the moment prior with the other women. "I wasn't aware I was this popular. But—do you have any other thoughts on the previous conversation, Soraph?"




The guards' eyes fell on Relisai. "Do you have something to say for yourself?" the sergeant asked.

Edited by Crown Princess Yumiwa
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OOC: To whom it may concern, Dakte is not the First Son of the Ageru. Although he is relatively high-born, he's a few rungs down the line of succession, and thus unlikely to ever hold the position himself.


IC (Dakte)


Having thanked the messenger for the heads-up, Dakte turned back to Amaki.


"Well, I'm on next, so I'd better take my leave of you," he said. "Pleasure to meet you, and I look forward to hearing your - "


"Toroshu Kilanya, of the clan Ageru!"


For a second after the herald's announcement, Dakte seemed to freeze, besides a visible tightening of his jaw. A moment later, it was as though a spell had been lifted from him, and his face returned to its previous relaxed state. Something in his eyes, however, did not.


" - performance."


He disappeared into the crowd.


IC (Kilanya)


Passing the herald with a gracious nod, Kilanya entered the Dragon Hall, and the inevitable dozens of pairs of eyes turned in her direction to appraise the latest Toroshu arrival and examine her choice of masquerade costume.


They would not be disappointed. Where most nobles had elected for themes of animals and birds, dragons and demons, Kilanya had chosen to emulate a different form of life - an unsurprising one, given her clan, but no less impressive for it. Kilanya was a willow-tree.


She was garbed in a long, thin dress of dusty browns, made from a fabric that was dyed in a marbled pattern resembling the whorls and knots of bark but was as smooth as that of a sapling. Its long sleeves hugged her arms all the way down to halfway across the palms of her hands, where a hole for each thumb kept them in place. On her forearms and fingers were bracelets and rings of jade, so that her arms resembled leaf-tipped branches.


The beauty and elegance of the costume, however, was completed by her headdress. A mask of willow-leaves wreathed her eyes, but stretching back from it - across the top of her head and down behind her shoulders - were myriad straight, slender branches. These were no craftsman's imitation - they were the real thing, grown into the perfect shapes by the most skilled of Ageru arborists so that they coiled about her head and shoulders like the snakes of a gorgon. They were freshly-cut, too, and still sported their youthful green leaves, like viridian tongues or little lime blades.


The poise and grace with which Kilanya walked complimented the outfit perfectly. The supple branches swayed a little with each step, as though a light breeze danced through them.


But soon, she had descended the steps, and was just another in the crowd - a lone tree in a forest of animals and birds, dragons and demons.

Edited by Ghosthands





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"Talking to three women, and suddenly you're popular? Inioko, you must not get out very much..." Soraph said with a gentle smile.


The pair moved with the beat of the crowd, first a few feet here, then a couple there. Soraph allowed herself to be twirled around, spinning a dizzying number of times before returning to face the First Son and resume the calm ebb and flow of the dance.


"As a matter of fact, I do. You make it sound like us women are the only ones capable of intrigue in the Empire, that we alone play the political game. You, on the other hand" she said, referring Inioko's gender as a whole "are but our weapons to be brandied about. Some are more powerful then others, such as yourself with your skills as Battlemaster, but a weapon nonetheless.


"Is that what you truly believe, or just an observation of the political state of the Empire as a whole? Don't you have any aspirations in your life besides being sone hulking figure in the shadow?"



"Of course I do: the truth" Relisai told the Hogo guards with another one of her gleaming smiles.


"This Datsue is one of my clansmen, who performed duties for the Vilda years ago back when he was a Dasaka. He came to the party here tonight and when he saw me, asked if I could write him a letter of recommendation for a job. I told him I'd have to look over his file back on Oki, and depending on it I would write a letter that properly displays his past achievements. He grew rather upset that I wouldn't write an excellent letter right away, and attacked me mentally. It was actually a little pitiful - there's no way a Datsue could hope to overcome the will of the Vilda Toroshu - but regardless I defended myself and easily gained the upper hand. I was going to try and calm him down when this beautiful dear chanced upon us.


"Thank you by the way" Relisai said to Xania "but I was fully capable of defending myself. Its nice, though, to see that the latest Menti are trained to immediately help those in trouble.


The Toroshu turned her attention back to the Hogo.


"If you could actually escort us outside, I would be very grateful. I have my own guards waiting to protect me, and help settle this little disturbance. It's a clan matter, and there's no reason you all to get involved. I'll make sure everything is resolved we've both calmed down before we return. We wouldn't want to disturb the party, now would we?"


Though she hadn't said it explicitly, the mention of 'clan matter' got the attention of the Hogo guards. Despite belonging to the Empire as a whole, each clan was a distinct unit and resolved it's problems separately; it was, at best, rude to interfere with the goings of another clan. At worst, it could be a bloody affair.

Edited by Toa Fanixe

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You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

Which Barraki are you?

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IC: Ahrusa


Ahrusa entered the Ball room just as the dancing had begun. Beautiful music played in the background to set the mood. Ahrusa grabbed a weak alcoholic beverage and stood among the other partygoers, spectating the dance. She sensed a sort of tenseness in the air, but couldn't place it. She thought to herself it to be nothing, after all the relations between the clans are currently very strained. She lifted her glass to her mouth, and took a small sip. She was never to fond of alcohol, having found water far more palatable. The dancers moved gracefully, but still something felt wrong about tonight. With all the tension recently, someone was sure to pull something. Still, she remained static, allowing others to worry about such matters. Tonight, she would enjoy herself.

"Poor Cyclonus - Sworn To Reject A World That Hates and Fears Him. He And I Are Very Similar, Really: Two Reformed Characters Struggling To Make Our Way In Life. He Just Has Less Violent Coping Strategies." Whirl



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"With all due respect, Toroshu, there's a glaring flaw in that logic."


The speaker was a new arrival to the conversation; After Xania had departed, Sinshi had noted her departure, and the commotion that immediately followed. Oftentimes, she would have left it to the Hogo guards; That was their duty, after all, and it was not her desire to take it from them. At this party, however, she was beyond bored, and more than that, out of her element. And besides; The situation, it struck her, was not as it should be.


"Why would a Datsue attack a Toroshu? It is simple knowledge that a Datsue does not have the power left at their disposal to overcome a Menti close, or perhaps a little beyond, their prime." A pause as the Menti continued, hands clasped behind her back as she came to a stop just to Xania's left. "Furthermore, if Vilda Mako was growing distressed enough to attempt such an illogical action, the behavior would have been noted. That kind of anger does not go unnoticed in a setting this large, nor would such an aura of rage escape notice by the Hogo guards. Nor do I believe an up-standing Umbraline like Lady Xania would be so easily fooled."


"Umbraline Sinshi," The Menti stated, bowing slightly to those present as she identified herself. "I apologize for my intrusion, but I did not feel it would be honorable to turn a blind eye."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



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IC: Vilda Mako (Dragon Hall)


Lying, conniving, sniveling, masterminding little...


Alright, from rhyme to serious, you're not getting away that easily.


"Wrong" I interjected, "this was a public disturbance and as such is in every way the matter of the event's security and its organizers."


Yes, organizers, like for example the Chojo herself, hehehe...


At that point another Umbraline stepped in, arguing what I'd just been about to say. Excellent, spares me from wasting breath on the witch.


"What Sinshi said" I confirmed, "and I did not ask of anything from you, for the record"


"Your intrusion is forgiven" I added with an appropriate nod in her direction. OK, that sounded painfully formal coming from me, but I wasn't going to screw up this situation if I could help me. Poise, Pertinence and Prose, all part of the job.

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"Quite simple, Umbraline Sinshi. Vilda Mako is a Datsue, and it is well know that the mind of one so aged can easily turn violent, and grow increasingly confused in a short amount of time. And you have to remember, he has received training as a Menti - his first reaction would not be to lash out with his fist, but with his mind. So of course a public demonstration of violence would not have been noted."


Despite the accusations, Relisai's demeanour continued to be remarkably pleasant and unphased.


"And by the way, it seems your logic is flawed. Why would anyone in their right mind, especially a Toroshu, attack someone in the middle of party surrounded by guards? Also you would seem to suggest that the actions of a Toroshu are unjustified. Such an accusation is both dishonourable and disorderly, Menti."


"Come now Mako, let's not ruin this party any more than you already have. We can sort out your letter outside."

Edited by Toa Fanixe

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You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

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"Actually, Toroshu, by the very definition of the virtues, I am justified." Sinshi replied, with an icy civility. "As an Umbraline, it is my duty to guard the Order of this location. As your actions have been both dis-Orderly, and dis-Honorable, I am in fact obligated to speak against the situation."

"Additionally, that is not a well known fact; Datsue, as you well know, are valued in our society for their wisdom. That would not be so if they were liable to grow confused so easily. Furthermore, if you were correct, Vilda Mako's anger would have become visible due to body languages long before he acted out of line." An overly polite smile.


"Furthermore, you do not have the current authority to remove yourself, or Vilda Mako, from the situation, as this falls under the jurisdiction of the guards of this event."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



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IC: Vilda Mako (Dragon Hall)


"My first reaction in a situation would be to lash out with my mind, yes, but not with my Willhammer powers. My main discipline is the Mindarm"


That was all I had to add at the moment. I just crossed my arms and kept my stance.

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"I'm sorry Umbraline Sinshi, but I don't recall having been convicted of any crimes. You're accusing me of violence and disorderly conduct without having even seen the battle begin. In fact, you only arrived well after it ended. Is there some magical way you know for a fact that I am the cause of the disruption? If so, I would love to hear it. If not, then perhaps you should just look at the facts on ground."


Relisai continued.


"Yes, Datsue are respected for their wisdom and experience. But to think they are infallible, immune to diseases of the flesh and lack moments of weakness is incredibly foolish. I think some of the people around will remember Mako looking upset. And I didn't demand myself and Mako leave - I was simply suggesting it."


She turned to Mako. "Maybe, maybe not. All i know is that a few minutes ago, you attacked me with your Willhammer skill."


"I think there's been enough arguing. Perhaps we should just let the guards decide?"

Edited by Toa Fanixe

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You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

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IC | Guards:

"Stop. You are not yet released," the sergeant commanded. The squad still circled around the trio, with Sinshi hanging outside it but still very much a part of the discussion.


"Umbralines Xania and Sinshi, thank you for your service. Vildas Relisai, we have a very hard time believing your story but as Clan Hogo guards we are not fit to determine a judgement. In that spirit, we feel the need for an arbiter. Because this is Chōjo Yumiwa's party that has been meddled with, we feel it is prudent that she render judgement as she seems fit.


"Go find Her Imperial Highness," the sarge said and pointed at one of their number, who broke off to comply with the command.




"Your Highness," a Hogo clanswoman said upon approaching me, "we have need for your diplomacy to settle a dispute."


"Hm?" I said, perking up. This was unusual. "What's the matter?"


"Toroshu Relisai of Clan Vilda was in a scuffle with one of her clansmen. We cannot render judgement and request your attendance."


I sighed deeply. That ! Messing with my party! Nonetheless I remained calm and composed. "Soraya, you can come, if you want," I said low to the little Plangori before nodding to the guard. "Take me there." This'll be fun! :evil:

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IC: Xania | The Dragon Hall


Xania politely nodded to arrived Sinshi. Her provided insight was invaluable and unbiased, much needed in situation like this. Dasaka only hoped that this incident won't disturb part for much longer. To her, it was also surprising that a Toroshu attacked Datsue of her own clan.


"I would recommend to exercise silence," she looked at both Mako and Relisai. "There is no need to spill careless words from both sides."

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Ic: "Soraya!" I said and smiled politely and slowed my pace to a more languid one to suit the saihoko's abilities. "I'm glad you could make it." My smile suddenly faded into a grim line as utterly catastrophic thoughts entered my mindare these dyes going to rub off like my panties did or did the seamstress forget a stitch? Oh please no...


.:How's this for private?:. I asked, shoving my words into Soraya's head though my Willhammer might like clothes in a suitcase. The Plangori would see a faint tinge of red in her peripherals, a telltale sign that my powers ever so slightly dominated her mind. .:It's a conversation in your head and it's more secluded than what we'd physically muster here. What's up? Is... there something wrong with my dress!?:.

IC: Soraya [imperial Palace, Dragon Room]


Plangori Soraya saw perhaps a bit more red than intended.


She shoved her spare drink into the Chojo's hands, brought her own to her mouth, and began to chug it down, trying to ignore the fact her hand was now gripping it so hard there was a decent chance the glass might shatter.


Keep your head, Soraya. She doesn't know. She was trying to be helpful. It would be very, very bad to punch the Chojo right now. Come to think of it, could she hear her right now? How did all this Willhammer trickery even- Oh, screw it.


She lowered her glass, her hand still slightly shaking, and tried to focus. .:Chojo-:. she began, suddenly aware of how difficult controlling the tone of one's inner monologue was, .:I realize I asked for privacy, but in the future - don't Willhammer me. Please just don't. I'll go along with it this time, but just. Don't.:.


She barreled on before the Chojo had a chance to reply or she had a chance to think anything more profane. .:It's not about your dress. I - well, we - don't make dresses that don't hold up. Subject to washerwomen who follow the blasted instr-:. She shuddered and shook her head. .:It's way, way too easy to get off track talking like this. Look, I just wanted to talk about the other day at the shop. To-:.


Thinking a word shouldn't be this difficult.



Edited by GSR

Hey: I'm not very active around BZP right now.  However, you can always contact me through PM (I have email notifications set up) and I will reply as soon as I can.

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IC: Arisaka


Arisaka observed the party goers and there little quips and drama and horrific socializing. Completely unseen, by standing in plain sight!


Though really, no one paid her much mind as she stood by the wine fountain, which she'd been refilling her drink from the entire party. This was the way she prefered to spend her time at parties, away from conversation and drunk as .

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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"Perhaps one of the classes in the Yards should be on how to hold one's drink." Nihonei observed wryly, taking a long sip from her drink. She noted the second commotion brewing, over near who appeared to be the Vilda Toroshu, but didn't comment. The guards had things well in hand, and her own skills would not be needed.


"Lady Kamari seems to have done a spectacular job, Lady Noshima."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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OOC while the nobles are messing about...


IC Ichi and Ni

"Next time, don't bring anymore fish."


"Huh? Why not?"


"You do know fish goes bad really quickly, right? I can't take so much inventory at one time."




"... You didn't catch a word of what I said, did you?"


Me and my sister had come home for the night, and while I was serving some guests, she was uselessly lounging around in the backroom. Well, okay, that's where I wanted her to be, because she wouldn't break anything like that. "What did you do with all those fish?" Ni asked. "I sold about three quarters of them," I replied. "Thank Zuto Nui for fishless fisherwomen." "Ah, okay," my sister chirped. Strange. I was expecting her feelings to be hurt. Well, ya never know what goes on inside that head of hers.


"... And a tonkatsu ramen with extra meat coming up!" I placed the finished soup bowl on the counter, and my customer grabbed it eagerly, slurping it down with great vigor. "It's that good, huh?" Nu quipped from the back of the room (which wasn't very far away. "Hey, just because you don't like Tonkatsu ramen doesn't mean others don't like it either." I sighed and began working on a Razorfish rice bowl."


Space was a premium on Sado, and even businesses like mine were crammed into small sapces. I really should have moved to Odaiba or something-wait, no, here's where all the business is at. The lack of room in my shop was countered by a high turnover rate; many of the customers ate like hapaka, wolfing down their food at the speed of sound, then running off and making room for more people. Of course, that meant I had to work just as fast as they ate, something that would drive me up the wall sometimes. I considered hiring somebody to help-come to think of it, Yon and Nana were good with maintenance. If I could track them down...


OOC open for interaction

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IC: Soraph

"To be honest, I don't," Inokio stated. "For a long time it was because I wasn't able to, and lately simply because I didn't want to."


Left foot forward, right foot sideways, left foot close.


Soraph was an excellent dancer, on par with Hanako's top-of-the-line expertise, but Inokio was far from uncultured at the art. Dancing was the acolyte's step in learning swordsmanship, the paces were the same as the parries and lunges and sidesteps used in sparring, so the moves were familiar enough for Inokio to adapt and fine tune to the music. In that close proximity to the Vilda lady he noted Soraph's pleasant smells; fragrances of rosehip with a mint and ginger midtone and a fruity citrus base. It reminded him of the inner valleys of Korae's home turf, only marginally distant from the coastline that housed the population, which he romped in his youth. Oh how long ago that was. Simpler days...


"Oh, men play the game all the time," he said between graceful sways and flowing twirls, "they just don't play it well. It's not so much what I believe as it's what I see, and I don't mean to question your instincts but you should understand no member of the rora's guard can be dim in the eyes. Men are best at war; most are aggressive and liberal. Socially, this has become ingrained—hence I'm the lead in our dance."


Right foot back, left foot sideways, right foot close.


He laughed good naturedly. "I'm hardly a hulking man," he said, referring to his average frame and build, "and never have I lived in the shadows. Serving the empress was never without bright lights. But believe me when I say I have no plan to dabble in politics. True, I may be well-suited for the task, but it's not my place. I've lived in the midst of elegance and politics to last my lifetime—and I left the guard to be free of it all. Sometimes Yumiwa, ah— she asks for my opinions on matters in the realm from time to time, but I don't give them out."


Left foot forward, right foot sideways, left foot close.





IC: Soraya

I found it funny how easily I could pick up everything Soraya thought, including her emotions and doubts. This power was so incredibly potent—indeed, it was almost as easy and carving into cake with a knife—on someone as unprepared as Soraya and a mischievous thought danced through my mind for a moment before I resumed to professional tones. My appearance needed to be regal and my thoughts pure if I was to be an arbiter on Toroshu Relisai's mess. My steps were casual, befitting the occasion, but as always were authoritative with my eyes fixed forward in the wake of the Hogo guard, so people didn't try to talk to me again just yet.


.:I'll ask ahead next time,:. I offered, knowing I'll probably forget and do it anyway, though, honestly...


My fascination with her honest apology replaced my previous prankster thoughts, though. Surely she must mean the remarks about the nobility, the ones I caught like a net before letting the topic rest slowly. .:Your remarks were very much out of place and irreverent, Soraya,:. I impressed on her mind. .:But I like to think I'm benevolent and gracious, so... Apology accepted in full, Soraya, but don't tug my skirt again.:.


"Here we are, Your Highness," the Hogo mook guard announced. Sure enough there was a circle of mooks guards around Mako, Relisai and... Xania? What did she have to do with this?


"Let Xania out," I commanded. "An Umbraline doesn't deserve to be contained like so." Loyally, the circle of Hogo retainers opened and allowed Xania exit, though she lingered still. "It seems this is serious enough to warrant my attention, so please, regale me with what I'm dealing with," I said, glancing at everyone present, minus the toroshu.


.:This will be fun. Stick around, if you'd like, and watch.:.

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Sinshi bowed low and deep as the Chojo arrived, remaining in that position for a count of ten before returning to an upright position. She kept her hands clasped behind her back, tone as polite as possible when she began speaking again.


"I am sorry for the disturbance, Chojo. Umbraline Sinshi, at your service." A pause as she surveyed the people gathered, before speaking again. "There was an altercation between Vilda Mako and Vilda Relisai, one conducted in the confines of the mind. Willhammer, your highness. The Hogo guards closed in as Umbraline Xania moved to intervene, breaking up the conflict."


"Vilda Relisai contends that Vilda Mako struck first, citing alleged upset and fury. She states that he attempted to overpower here, and that she acted in defense. Milady, if I may, I believe these allegations to be false. Her version of events does not line up with that of Vilda Mako nor Umbraline Xania, and contains large flaws in logic. As you are no doubt aware, it would be the height of folly for a Datsue to instigate conflict with a Menti, particularly one for whom Willhammer is the primary discipline. As such, I believe that any anger that would have been sufficient to prompt such illogical action would have been noted by the guards."


A brief pause, and then another respectful bow. "I also do not note any irrational behavior from Vilda Mako, and I believe such mental illness would have notable. I apologize if I have overstepped my bounds, but I felt Honor-bound to defend the honor of an elder, and preserve the Order of the situation."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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