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BZPRPG - Kentoku Archipelago

Nuju Metru

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Ic: "My name has been spoken," Inokio said, suddenly aware that someone — the toroshu, it sounded? — had uttered his name and he snapped his head up to investigate like a bird of prey glancing around his roost. "Hello."




"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I'm trying," I muttered blankly. "Food and tea are on the way. I, uh... I'mmm drunk!! An I knnnow that I am! I'm be prolly back on my feet again... soon. In no time! Anyway, look, I wanted to, um...


"Your Highness," a servant said to slide in and sett a tray down in front of me with a fresh pot and a plate of cake. "My apologies, princess," she said to my sister. "Would you like something as well?—"


When I'm really drunk I don't usually have much left in the way of social grace. It's rather ridiculous, really. I steamrolled over the servant like a, uh, roller that steams. I perked up and pointed vaguely at Desde. My finger swayed more than the sign on Soraya's shop in a windstorm. "I want to talk to you. About something importananant."

Edited by Crown Princess Yumiwa
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Desde stifled a dry sob at 'importananant.'


"What?" she asked. "What could possibly be so important that you had to drink...for the love of...Zuto Nui, Yumi, don't eat so much cake at once! Is that your hand? There's a fork!"





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When another voice spoke her name, Sinshi nearly choked on her drink. Rather than lose her composure, she swallowed quickly, clearing her throat as she set her drink down, and stood to bow-


Only for the Battlemaster to get distracted anyway. The Menti wasn't really sure what to do, so she remained politely bowed.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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Ic: "Sissy have you ever seen me eat herney limon crumblecaken with a FORK?" I asked quickly. "Nuuupe!" The servant poured the tea and I quickly consumed it, too, as quickly as if it were wine.


"Anywasy, see, sis, it's uh about ussss. You and me. You, me. Yumi. Yumiwa! Hehehehehehehe," I said and just started laughrying (laughing/crying for you uncouth prunes) right then and there, a square of the cake dangling precariously in front of my nose like a carrot on a stick, and then I snorted and smooshed the cake on my face before slumping even further. If I had an ounce of self-awareness I would have felt shame, but I didn't.

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IC: Xania | The Dragon Hall


For a few minutes, Xania was preoccupied with thoughts about her appointment as guard to Yumiwa on her trip to Mata Nui. She was so deep inside herself she missed a lot of what happened around her, including a spectacular performance of Ageru Dakte. As she returned to material world from her mind plane, Xania took a quick glance around to spot Toroshu Morie and Battlemaster Inokio talking to her right in front of their table, and Sinshi. Sinshi's face made Xania smile. Menti was looking at the dance floor with that longing, dreamy face, that Dasaka couldn't help but just take her hand and stand up.


"Let's go," she said, smiling to her, and before Sinshi could properly react, Xania dragged her down and soon they were there.

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Truthfully, Sinshi's transition from wondering what to do about Inokio, after all he was now talking to someone else, to being dragged along by another Menti towards the dance floor was less than smooth. One moment she was dealing with the former, the next trying to figure out how the latter came to be. She regained her footing quite quickly, easily keeping pace with Xania despite her surprise.


"Ah, L-Lady Xania, you needn't worry about any of this." drink, there goes easy stoicism. "You really don't need to."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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[imperial Palace, Dragon Room]


"Greetings Battlemaster. Your hearing is astute."

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

En4XX.gif BkY1n.gif gkKRR.gif MWEwd.gif 7dN9Y.gif ODscu.gif HpGw0.gif HZtia.gif AKbnC.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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"What hasn't she done?" He asked, holding in a snarl, "I've spent almost the entirety of my existence locked inside my own room, kept there through locks and threats. I had to beg to be sent to train... And when I return, she had spread lies and slander so that no one would want me as a servant. She disregarded my existence, only talking to me to remind me that my entire existence is pointless."


Jiyu knew he couldn't truly be cross at Hana... Kentoku was islands of doors and mirrors. Secrets and smoke. The truth was never plainly visible. And it only got worse among the secrets families kept.


"Zola was no different," He said with a frown, knowing Hanako didn't care to hear this, "She and Eshiwa thought alike. And the night before Eshiwa's death, she told me that things would be even worse once she became Toroshu... Although, I suspected by then her sanity had started to unravel..."


IC: (Hanako)


"Why would mother treat you as such? You're First Son of the Herupa, but most importantly you're her son." I frowned. "Why would mother treat you so poorly? Why would Aunt Zola do worse?" I was so confused, my heart went out for my brother but at the same time, there was this image of my mother. As this friendly, beautiful Dasaka woman, and later, kindly, old Datsue. My brother's portrait of my mother and her sister. "Was there something wrong with their minds? I just don't understand how she could treat you that way."


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Ic: "A pleasure to meet you, toroshu," Inokio said with a quick courtesy-obligated bow before turning and realizing both the Menti had suddenly left. Odd. What was even funnier was the look the two women exchanged. Xania's smile was a knowing one—had Yumiwa spoken to her directly? The princess talks a lot, he thought. It's indeed possible.


"It seems those I'd like to speak to have gone," he expressed with a level of defeat. Resignedly, he sat in Sinshi's seat and joined those at the table, deciding to wait and speak to Sinshi upon her return, if she ever did.

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"According to them, I'm an object. Something that only looks nice. To them, that's all that males are. It's a belief. Their way of life."


Jiyu folded his arms as he frowned, "The fact that I was her son didn't stop her. We all are capable of the most terrible cruelties in the presence of those we hate."


How ironic.

Edited by First Son Jiyu
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Ayiwah watched Xania and Sinshi depart to join the more relaxed crowd of guests on the dance floor. Maybe it was the Bumboo causing it, but the commodore felt a hint of mild envy - if it hadn't been for the Toroshu's request, she would have done the same. The feeling only lasted a second though, as another Menti had joined their small group.


She turned and greeted Inokio respectfully as well. The name tied to his reputation preceded him quite a bit. Now, the commodore had not had the chance to personally talk with the first son like this before, but she had heard a thing or two about him. As far as his skills as battlemaster were concerned, he reminded her of Mune, in a way, if the stories were to be believed. Unlike her late father though, Inokio still lived a bachelor's life it seemed.


"Battlemaster Inokio. It seems I was not the only one invited here for a specific purpose. Toroshu Morie was just making a proposition out of concern for her daughter - and since you are here, your opinion would be highly valued."




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IC: (Rano)




That was what had occupied Eiyu Rano's time while Jiyu was busy with the party. She'd purchased a canoe, a fishing pole, and some bait, and taken to the waters just outside of Sado. So far, her efforts had yielded little. Not to say it wasn't relaxing- no, she'd almost dozed off once or twice. But there was only so much to be marveled at in the catch-and-release luring of aquatic beasts. She had considered hiking the jungles of Oki, but had decided against drifting too far from Jiyu. Though their time together had been short, she'd grown rather protective of the big oaf.


Which was why it pained her to see him the way she had recently. The death of an aunt- especially a suicide -would've sent her into grieving for months. But he'd brushed it off without a thought. He'd overall been...odd, lately. There had to be something going on there, but what? Did it have to do with his responsibilities as a First Son? Would it be changing anytime soon?


As Rano pulled another fish into the canoe, she grimaced. Maybe he'd be like this forever.

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC: (Hanako)


I loved my mother and my aunt, but they sounded like monsters out of a storybook, but as fake and false as I wanted it to be. As much as I wanted to keep them as positive memories in my mind, all I could see was the very real pain, written all over my older brother. I couldn't help it, I rushed forward and hugged my brother as tightly as I could. "I'm sorry Jiyu, I'm so sorry...I don't know why they hated you, simply because you're male, or because of something in their head? It doesn't matter. You're my brother and I don't want to see you hurting anymore. You are more than just a male, you're my brother, Jiyu."


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"Byyye, Mako! Kama!" I bade as I was whisked away by my clan-sister.


IC: Vilda Mako (Dragon Hall)


"See you around" I replied to Yumiwa as her handmaiden whisked her away to avoid her embarassment. Always taken care of, those nobles.


Well, couldn't be helped, and there was still that second endorsement to find...


OOC: Mako's open for interaction.

BZPRPG Profiles


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IC: Vilda Mako (Dragon Hall)


I was inspecting some of the food whilst browsing the crowd for a glimpse of Soraph, who I still hadn't spotted and it was starting to annoy me, when I suddenly noticed a Hogo Guard coming up, studying us guests with uncanny scrutiny.


When her eyes landed on me, I nodded favourably, and cut in before she looked away in case she'd be reprimaned for glaring at an elder.


:No need to look away, Hogo. Vigilance is a virtue:

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IC: Vilda Mako (Dragon Hall)


"I can sympathise with that" I replied.


More than you know, I thought to myself as I decided to give some indeterminable pastry a try, it was very dry.


"Typical nobles, always gotta watch their wastline"

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IC: Vilda Mako (Dragon Hall)


"That's the spirit" I replied with a nod of approval. What can I say, I've always prefered people who are prepared to get some hard work done.


"Maybe sometime, when I feel particularly fresh, we could try our hand in the ring?"

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IC: Vilda Mako (Dragon Hall)


"Same for me, I haven't had a good workout in a while" I admitted as I looked Higashi over, she certainly looked like she'd be a decent challenge.


"Let me introduce myself then. Vilda Mako, at your service etcetera etcetera ad hominem"

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Akiri Nuparu Posts:

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IC: (Hanako)


I loved my mother and my aunt, but they sounded like monsters out of a storybook, but as fake and false as I wanted it to be. As much as I wanted to keep them as positive memories in my mind, all I could see was the very real pain, written all over my older brother. I couldn't help it, I rushed forward and hugged my brother as tightly as I could. "I'm sorry Jiyu, I'm so sorry...I don't know why they hated you, simply because you're male, or because of something in their head? It doesn't matter. You're my brother and I don't want to see you hurting anymore. You are more than just a male, you're my brother, Jiyu."




The moment Hanako hugged him, Jiyu was surprised. He wasn't sure what to do his arms, he even briefly forgot that it was night, and he was in the imperial palace.


But he heard Hanako's words. And as he slowly began to hug Hanako back, he did his best not to let out a sniffle as his vision began to blur.


"Thank you Hana..."

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OOC: Kwaiya and Kamari are no longer in my control. I give them to their new owners with sad, but happy, heart. Play them well my friends! :) Koga is still mine for the time being. If you're interested in playing him please PM me. You cannot have a male dasaka already, according to game rules.

IC: Daikura Koga

:Then speak with Commodore Ayiwah, Tasu’. It’s important to follow your dreams, so long as they're please Zuto-Nui.: Koga smiled at his eldest daughter and placed a fatherly hand on her shoulder. He felt the embroidery of her gown and the beneath the wiry muscles of a warrior trained in the arts of stealth. The dark night was her environment, not the brilliant Dragon Hall with all its festivity and inebriation. Tasaru had always been shy, he reflected. Accomplished and proud, but never one for the spotlight. Perhaps she would have made a better Hogo than Daikura. If she had been born a Hogo a class of students with their gazing, innocent eyes never would have fallen into her care. She could have served the Umbralines from the shadows, guarded their treasures and their clan until she died. It would have been honorable, and perhaps Tasaru could have enjoyed the anonymity of her position. He let the thought disperse and remembered the truth: his daughter was Daikura, and would be until she was buried. Then, she’d be a star child in Zuto-Nui’s clan.

The thoughts had disturbed him, not only as a father but as a man. Who was he, truly? No one had asked that question without some hidden meaning except Soraph of clan Vilda. She was a disgraced member of clan royalty, exiled, forced to tend the Imperial Gardens on Sado without ever visiting the forests of her home. In many ways she was as chained to duty as he. Why had it been a woman who challenged his way of living instead of a man? The question nagged him, as did the shards of love embedded in his heart.

:Forgive me Tasu’, but I have an appearance to maintain and menti to see. I am the First Son of our clan and Toroshu Ihi would scarce let me spend the night enjoying a party with my daughter,: Koga thought, gave Tasaru a paternal peck on the cheek, and made his way through the crowd. He did not know how Soraph had dressed for the masquerade, but her mind would not have changed. The flowers would still be blooming on the psionic plane, and his fires would find them and gently warm each petal in the dark of the void. Soon enough Koga and Soraph would meet again.

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IC (Dakte and Kilanya)


The minuets ended, and the dancers diffused back into the crowd.


Dakte began his final piece.



It was a simple piece, of only three voices and not demanding of very much technique, but Kilanya's head turned at the sound of it. The Toroshu had not looked at the Ageru musician yet in his performance, but as the bittersweet tones began to echo delicately through the Hall, she could not help but look.


She felt a lump in her throat. Years had passed, and had brought more poise and maturity to his face and form, but he was still the same Dakte who had held her in his arms...


As she watched him play, memories of younger, carefree days spilled out into her mind from where they had been so carefully set aside in the name of Order and Honour - such things were powerless before Love. And it hurt.

She could listen no more. She moved carefully through the crowd, the sweet yet sad music still pouring through her ears and into her soul, until she was through a side-door. With a squeak of hinges, the notes were shut out.


After the warmth and noise of the party, these corridors were quiet and cold with the night air: they led to the secluded outer balconies, where guests were encouraged to retire should they need fresh air and solitude. Zuto knew, she needed both...





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IC: (Lhurai)


I was bored. I was at a party, and I was bored. Now, the music was great and all, but that wasn't really my thing. I needed to find someone to talk to.


"Hogo Higashi, nice to meet you," I heard someone say, "Although some call me JoJo at times. Don't pay them any heed. Just a misreading of my name."


I stepped over to the two, taking a sip from my drink. "Well, while we're making introductions, my name is Lhurai, I'm the First Son of the Eiyu tribe."

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC: Soraya [imperial Palace, Dragon Room]


"And you," she said cheerily, "are Toroshu Noshima, on account of I recognize you from stopping by to get that friend of yours dressed, and also because you've got this way of using ten super-polite words where two ordinary ones would do." She took a sip of water. "How'd Akone like her dress, anyway?"

Edited by GSR

Hey: I'm not very active around BZP right now.  However, you can always contact me through PM (I have email notifications set up) and I will reply as soon as I can.

Useful Topics: The Q&A Compendium | The Official RPG Planning Topic
Stories: Fractures | An Aftermath | Three Stories | LSO 2012 Epics: Team Three | The Shadow and the Sea | The Days They Were Needed | Glitches | Transformations | Echoes | The Kaita and the Storyteller | Nui

BZPRPG: Komae · Soraya · Bohrei

Blog: Defendant Lobby no. 42

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IC (Dakte)


The piece drew to a close, and as Dakte placed the final notes, he was still for a moment, eyes closed, as the string's vibrations slowly died away.


Then the spell was broken, and he stood up from the stool. The hall burst into applause, and he bowed low once again, giving his audience a smile of acknowledgement. Nobody was close enough to see that it didn't reach his eyes.


He left the stage, and the clapping died away, the hubbub of conversation surging in to replace it. His performance done, the musician navigated through the crowd to a side-door, and quietly slipped away.





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IC: Noshima


"It is the belief of this one that Miss Akone considers the garment that your talents have crafted to be highly pleasant."


Noshima paused.


"It appears as if Miss Akone is no longer at my side as of the current moment."


IC: Higashi


First Son. Higashi slowly pivoted around, her eyes training themselves on the newcomer. She raised an eyebrow.



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IC: (Hanako)


"You don't need to thank me Jiyu, you're my brother." I smiled, looking to my much taller brother. "It's good that we're finally talking, big brother. I'm sorry that we haven't really talked much, it's just I've been so busy with everything, and I know that doesn't really excuse it. I'm glad I haven't lost you."


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OOC yeah, I know I'm lazy




oh are you now






IC: Mygahn


She gave a smile that wasn't a smile, not exactly. Of course, it looked like a smile, though it felt entirely different. Perhaps it was just a trick of the light, or lack of it, rather.


"Perhaps it is the wind that speaks to you, then," Mygahn offered, before perking up with a start, "Oh, excuse me, I am Mygahn, it is a pleasure to finally meet you."



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"And I'm glad not to have lost you either, little sister."


The word sounded almost foreign to Jiyu. He never really had called Hanako 'sister' before... Much less 'little sister'... But, it was like the things he had heard of Mata Nui. Alien to him, but something that he knew within he enjoyed.


"And, you can not blame yourself for following your duty... It's what we are meant to do Hana."

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IC Seiryu

"Aye, 'tis a masquerade; however, one of keen eye and sharp memory could keep track of the names of every single figure who enters this hall, thanks to the bombastic shouting of the announcer." He stayed silent as Soraya talked to Noshima, debating whether or not to leave and go back to work.

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