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IC: Arisaka


"Well it's like you said, a great honor. It keeps you on your feet to be sure...get a surprisingly large amount of trespassers who just so happened to get lost in the middle of the courtyard." Arisaka shrugged.


"Though these days I train a lot of novice Menti then actually keep watch at a post. I guess I'm starting to show my age."

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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"Miss Akone," The fish-themed Eiyu greeted, inclining her head respectively. While the two Hogo had conversed, she had taken the time to finish her drink and pass the crystalline glass off on a passing server. The Toroshu didn't claim another drink, not yet, she'd had quite enough for now. Nihonei did, however, claim some food from that same server, which she politely paused in the consumption thereof during her greeting.


"It's always a pleasure to meet a colleague's family. I don't get to do it often, I'm afraid."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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[imperial Palace, Dragon Room]

Morie nodded. “As I was telling Commander Ayiwah, I’d like to offer my third daughter for military training. Her raw potential is immense, but she has become far too much for me to handle.”


She glanced at her daughter, who was currently staring at the retreating backs of the Dastana twins. “Well, what do think, battlemaster? I can pay the expenses for her upkeep, but I understand if it is something you would rather not be saddled with, given the upcoming mission to Mata Nui.”

Edited by Yukiko

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

HAHVF.gif NVnzf.gif B8pNV.gif 8qwI0.gif rg6F2.gif ItljY.gif UOJS7.gif lQn0K.gif X1bBI.gif 035db.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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IC: Arsix Dastana - The Dragon Room


The twins glanced at each other. Their eyes turned once more to the Dasaka before them, showing no signs of internal thoughts or feeling. They were known within the courts for their poker faces, "I don't know... those were pretty interesting accusations to say the least."


Arsix's brow furrowed, "I'm not so sure Jasik, by the looks of her gene pool she's likely to know more about that sort of thing than us."


"Arsix, play nice. The Plangori here is worthy of our respect - look at all the fine dresses her family's made for this evening. What are our royal Umbralines supposed to do if she takes offense and decides to crawl back under her rock? Go naked? Nobody wants to see that any more than we want to see her."



[imperial Palace, Dragon Room]

I raised an eyebrow.

“You don’t want to see the Princess naked, first son? I’m sure there are many a male and quite a few females who would disagree with that sentiment, except for dear Kuno over there.”

I was getting under their skin, I could tell. My mask hid my own expressions, but I didn't need my legendary intuition to feel their disdain hammering down on me through their words. I'm not the kind of person who values impassion, however I knew they did and breaking down that cold wall would be all the more sweet if I managed to do it.


“As for your other point, scientists are a bunch of cold fish and I prefer to avoid them...I’ve heard such things affect the intelligence before the body, in which case I’m sure you both would be more knowledgeable than me.”


IC: Dastana Arsix - The Dragon Room


Arsix glanced to her side to see her brother set aside his drink only for the pair to share another glance. Her eyes gave him a scornful look. He was breaking form. They hadn't agreed on this and Jasik showed no sign of communicating further. Arsix repressed her emotions by sipping her drink gracefully. Jasik leaned over and gave her a peck to her temple before he turned away, leaving his sister to deal with other members of the party alone.


Yet, missing her second half, the Dastana turned once more to the Plangori as if Jasik had never left, "If what you say is true - about intellect suffering before appearance - then you are much dumber than I had heard previously." Her cold irises returned to Shuuan as they talked, "But at least we can agree on Kuno's disposition, Plangori," Arsix glanced across the room to see her brother totally disappear. She quickly realized who he might see and allowed herself a snarky smile, pretending it was meant for her "conversation" partner.

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"Yes," Nihonei replied, shrugging slightly. "Visitors towards my clan's regions are not all that common, and I myself do not come to Sado often. It is a fascinating place, and as I said it is always a pleasure to meet my colleagues in person, but..."


"I prefer having as little to do with the Empire's politics as I safely can."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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"Indeed. It does, however, lead to becoming something of a recluse from the social scene. A rather negative side effect, in my opinion; I quite enjoy events like this." Another shrug, and a slight sigh. "Perhaps I'll find the balance eventually."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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"Yumiwa. Of course. She's one of the few people in this room I've actually talked to before in this room, after all."


IC: (Hanako)


"Well then, do you mind if I join you?" I asked. Inwardly I was worried about how things would turn out for my older brother. There had been no male Toroshu in a very long time. My brother wasn't moronic, he knew that there would likely be consequences for this decision and attempt at leadership. I was worried for him though, he had already suffered much. What if he was shot down? What if wasn't allowed to lead the Herupa? What then? Who would lead the Herupa, my elder sister? Me? I shivered at that possibility. Rank of Toroshu might have been a prestigious position for many, but for me it would change my responsibilities. If I had to do something like that I would, I wouldn't enjoy it, but I understand that leadership is needed. I just hoped so much that my brother could have control, for all the anger, the bitterness, the standoffish nature. He was a good man and he could lead the Herupa. It was just unprecedented, something that would cause quite a stir.


Personally I think our society needed a little bit of change-ups like that. Didn't mean the majority of nobles agreed, some held on tradition so hard they became blind to all the other possible routes for our people. I continued to sip my wine as I awaited my brother's response.


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"I do not mind Hanako," Jiyu said softly as he began to walk towards the Chojo. He passed several servants and other Dasaka as he walked, the servants offering him drink and the Dasaka offering him petty talk, rumors and frivolous trivia that he had little time for. Nor the patience to listen. He saw several Dasaka surrounding Yumiwa. One was her sister. The other was the Dastana First son. He had heard his entrance.


Arrogant Prick. Just because you and your kin have been traveling upward in status, it doesn't give you the right to dress -or behave- like this, He thought, making sure his thoughts wouldn't leak out into the crowd before thinking. Upon seeing Yumiwa's sister however… Jiyu double-checked his mental barriers. If Desdemona wanted entrance, he wouldn't hold her off for too long… But he'd keep her out for just enough for him to make a scene of it.


Although he hoped it wouldn't come to that.


"Chojo, I thank you for letting me speak to Hanako. I hope I didn't keep her for too long," He said respectfully.

Edited by First Son Jiyu
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Soraph said goodbye to the Korae First Son and then drifted away from the dance floor, her heart still beating to the to the sound of the ending song.


She wandered around the Hall a short while, again meandering from one dull conversation to another. Most of the guests were too occupied with the price of each others costumes or the latest bit of gossip to provide any real sort of interaction. Soraph smiled and exchanged pleasantries with her fellow nobles, her lips uttering hollow words. Her mind returned to another First Son she'd met not long ago, a much more interesting character with whom she flow across the very city.


Soraph felt a sudden heat, both on her backside and on the mental plane. Curious, the Vilda princess turned around.


"First Son Koga" Soraph greeted the Daikura with a small bow. She placed a hand on his shoulder, feeling the pulse of the headstone beneath her fingers.


"An interesting costume, the hottest at the party I'm sure. Have you come to forfeit on our little bet?" she asked with a playful smile.

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You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

Which Barraki are you?

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IC: Daikura Koga

He was forward, Koga knew, but things in his life were moving ever in a forward motion, picking up speed like a great kanohi dragon in flight, and he felt compelled to squeeze in every moment he could with the princess of the Vilda. Having seen her dancing with the first son of Korae only spurred his desires further, but by the time he caught up with Soraph his jealousy had subsided.

Koga let her hand reside on his shoulder, feeling the pulsing heat wafting off of the heat-stones sewn on the inner bodysuit beneath the yellow and gold silk damask draping his frame. His head dipped in greeting, the tall points of the masque moving comically in counterbalance. He laughed softly at her joke, letting a rare smile cross his chiseled face. Soraph had a way of extracting the best from Koga, and he enjoyed it. The first son offered a thin glass taken from a waiter’s tray on his way across the Dragon Hall. It was filled with a pink desert wine, still and calm unlike the giggling champagnes in the wider crystal glasses.

:Our bet?: He asked through idea-talk instead of attempting to fight over the bubbling voices of drunken revelers. :I do believe the terms were my losing a game. Since a game was never played there was nothing to lose. Though as a token of my good faith I will have them sent to your chambers once the evening is through. In any case, I came to ask if you would dance with me.:

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IC: Vilda Mako (Dragon Hall)


Oh wait, there she is, finally. I saw Soraph in the crowd and made my way in her direction faster than you could blink, but as the crowd finally stopped obscuring my view, I finally got a proper look at the whippersnapper she was with. It was the First Son from the Paero game... Koga of the Daikura.


Unlike before there was something much more at ease about his appearance, the shifty, almost soggy undercurrent was gone, at least for now, and it looked a lot like Soraph was the reason.


"Alright, kid," I thought to myself, "you want to get in on that deal, then you better know how to treat her right"


Kama looked at me quizzically from where she was perched on my shoulder, as if expecting some sort of command to issue forth.


:No, not yet, let's see how well this kid does first, shall we?:


The ball's in your court, Koga, you better make the best of it.

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Soraph took the glass from Koga's hand, quickly downing it's contents before returning the empty crystal to a waiter's platter.


:And I believe that I only offered you that opportunity on condition that you won the Paero game. Since it was never played, there was nothing for you to win. But as a token of good faith, I suppose I could at the very least accept your offer to dance. I hope they teach you not to step on feet in your clans' training halls.:


The Vilda princess graciously accepted Koga's extended and followed the First Son to the dance floor. Another slow song was being played, the upbeat tunes of that Ageru male gone like the pink liquid that had been in Soraph's cup just a few moments ago. With one of the Daikura's hands clasped in her own and held high, the other around her waist, Soraph allowed herself to be pulled close to Koga and the two began dancing, swaying back and forth to the rhythm of the song.


Perhaps it was the added effect of the alcohol in her otherwise empty stomach, but the heat from her dance partner's clothes made Soraph feel awfully lightheaded. It was so cozy, and the music was so genial Soraph felt her eyelids begin to close as she took comfort in Koga's arms.


Soraph begun to clear her mind. She forced her eyes open and looked into the First Sons's eyes, pushing out the placidness that tried to overcome her.


:How is everything with you, Koga?: Soraph asked, her mind brushing against the First Son's. It was more fiery and intense then the clothes he wore, but like the disguise Soraph knew it held a much more serene interior hidden away. Have you thought about discussion from the other night? And you know, I've been considering the tale you told me the other night, about that Daikura that wanted to fly so badly he made himself wings from feather and glue, but when she flew too high the glue melted and she fell to the ground. Why didn't your clanswomen just use an Iden or Kadin?:




Kulrik was going to answer his Herupa aide when he spied a tall and beautifully dressed Toroshu cross his field of vision in the main Hall below. Her costume was that of tree, albeit the most ornate and supple tree Kulrik had ever seen, even when compared to the flora on Oki. There was only one person it could be, naturally. It had to be Kilanya, Toroshu of Clan Ageru, a clan renown for their skill with plants.


"Soon" the First Son told Seigyo. "There are still a lot of people to talk to. You know, I believe I saw your twin Jiyu, and your sister Hanako. Why don't you go speak to them? It must have been a while since you've last met. And don't worry about me, I'll be fine."


With that, Kulrik bid adieu to Seigyo and the other guests he'd been talking to, then followed after the tree-clad Dasaka. After asking a few of the waiters where the uniquely dressed noble had gone, Kulrik also disappeared behind a side door.

Edited by Toa Fanixe

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You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

Which Barraki are you?

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As Morie continued to speak to Inokio, the commodore stood by her side, listening closely. She was curious about the battlemaster's reply as well. out of the corner of her eye however she spotted Kulrik departing, which made her ease up a little. For all his smooth talking and self-assurance, he had a displeasing lack of tactfulness. With him off to mingle or socialize or whatever other party activity he was prone to engage in, it was easier to have conversation, without such silly suggestions as sparring on the balcony.


Sparring. In this dress? Ha!




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"Chojo, I thank you for letting me speak to Hanako. I hope I didn't keep her for too long," He said respectfully.

"Hullo," I dreamily muttered at Jiyu as he came to me and I slowly spun my head to face him. Jasik had my permission to ascend to this platform but did Jiyu? Nope. I don't recall ever saying— "Hana!" I exclaimed. Yeah, that's a good ticket to get in my presence.


"Jusso yanno, I'm still uhhh 'recovering.' We sure got some hella great wine for tonight! But please, sit. Join me in watching the little people," I said, patting the arm of the chair to my left, opposite from Jasik.

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Jasik smiled slyly at Jiyu with a semi-respectful nod. The Herupa First Son was an angry little thing for such a big man, all ambition and grudges but with little talent, charisma, or natural power to back it up. Arsix might have kept a straighter face, but Jasik was made of more easy-going stuff, and he took a sip of tea and watched Jiyu sit with irreverent golden eyes that did all the laughing that his mouth, by custom, could not. Is he dressed as an angry strawberry?


"I would like to think I'm a bit less heavy-handed with my implications, Chojo," he answered, casually raising two fingers to Kuno Fursic and pushing them together, pretending to squash the First Son like a bug in a deliberately heavy-handed implication. He knew it would catch her attention, for if there was one thing this Chojo noticed as much as a good Fursic loather it was a contradiction, especially a tongue-in-cheek one; over the course of the night her behavior towards the other major clans and her taciturn swaying of the Menti from the Market debate a few weeks back had only sealed the deal.



Edited by Plank Sinatra



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IC (Kilanya & Dakte)


The Ageru’s Toroshu stepped up the stone stairs, feeling the cool evening breeze on her face as she neared the balcony. The curved passageway opened up, revealing the deep blue sky, brushed only lightly with clouds, and tinged with a hint of orange away to the west.


The balcony was empty, high above the Sado streets, and silent save for the trickling of a fountain into a small ornamental pool. She approached it, seeking solace from her wrenched-up heart in the water’s ripples.


“Kilanya,” she heard a male voice behind her.


Her breath caught in her throat. She did not turn.


“Clan-cousin Dakte,” she said, in as measured a tone as she could muster. “Your...your performance was very pleasant.”


There was silence between them for a few moments. She felt his gaze boring into her back.


“That’s it?” he said at last. “After all these years, that’s all you can say?”


As she turned to face him, he could feel all the pain, sorrow and anger he had bottled up or poured into his work surge up inside him. It was a heat in his throat, a throbbing in his chest, an infinitesimal shaking in his muscles.


“What else can I say?” she replied, barely holding back a sob.


“I don’t know!” Dakte retorted, his voice ragged. “That it’s been as much of a torture for you as it has for me? There is not a day goes by that I don’t see your face in my dreams, and wake in the knowledge that it was just a dream, that it will always be just a dream! Being with you, it was...like nothing else, and I dared to think we had something...but your family took care of that. And now, all you can say to me is that my music is ‘pleasant’.”


“Dakte, what else could I have done?” she asked, distress wrought across her features behind the willow-leaf mask. “I had a duty...to uphold the honour of my clan…of the Empire...”


“Is that really all it is to you, now? A dishonour against your clan?”


“Of course not,” Kilanya choked, then fought through the turmoil of her heart to bring a new (albeit brittle) strength to her voice and gaze, “but this is the world we live in! Neither of us can….change that! If word had spread...the scandal would have destroyed the Ageru’s standing in the Empire - or worse, brought the tensions between our families...to breaking point! It would have torn the clan apart!


“My mother would have had no choice but to...banish us,“ she continued, her voice trembling with barely-contained emotion. “Would you have gone into exile for - “


YES, I WOULD HAVE!” Dakte thundered. For a moment, he stood there, chest heaving, mouth taut with passion. “I would have died for you, Kilanya!”


He stared at her, and for a moment it looked as though he would break into tears.


“I still would.”


She could not speak. She could only look at him with wetting eyes, transfixed by pain and hopeless longing for things that could not be.


“But no,” he said softly, suddenly cold. “Your clan is more important. I see it now. Well. I won’t waste any more of your time.”


He turned away.


“I suppose the Umbralines will need warriors for this expedition of theirs?”


“Y-yes?” Kilanya replied, not expecting the sudden change of topic.


“Good,” Dakte said, in a low, hard voice. “I suppose I may as well go to Mata Nui. There’s nothing left for me here.”


“Dakte - “ she managed to call, but to no avail. He did not slow. “Dakte, I…”


I love you…


But he was gone, like the final, sorrowful notes of a lament, melting away hopelessly into the night.


And the willow wept over the pool.

Edited by Ghosthands
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Kulrik reached the bottom of the staircase just as another male, an Ageru, strode off it so fast he barely saw him in the dark night. The brief look he had of the Ageru allowed Kulrik to recognize him as the musician from the Hall, although Kulrik didn't have a chance to congratulate him on his performance or ask him if he'd seen Kilanya.


Instead, Kulrik looked up the spiralling staircase and walked up at a brisk pace.


At the top he saw the Ageru Toroshu in her resplendent costume huddled by the single fountain adorning the balcony. She seemed not to notice Kulrik's presence at first, and the Vilda thought he heard a faint whimper.


"Toroshu Kilanya" Kulrik began, genuine concern in his voice, "is everything all right?" He approached Kilanya, wondering if the male Ageru that had fled had hurt the Toroshu.

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You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

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"Well, I imagine the right people to ask about such a training would be the military," Inokio noted as he delicately turned a glass set before him. "It seems you've already done so." He cleared his throat and flashed a quick coy smile to stamp the snark as jocular, then continued speaking in a scholarly tone after taking a sip.


"Sorry for being objective here, toroshu. I understand there's a high demand for my services, but I tend not to take on students. My tutelage of Chōjo Yumiwa is done as a favour to her mother, not for personal gain." He neglected to mention his taking on Koga as pupil, though unless that first son blathered to everyone he met that night there was no chance any of those at the table knew of their private meeting's events. "I also just don't fancy myself a military man—I'm an artist, not a soldier. However.


"If you feel confident enough, I could make some time to appraise your daughter for training. If I find her abilities re within my scope as a teacher we can talk about what I can do to help her blossom. Maybe work can even be divided between myself an a serviceperson to deliver curriculum in both military and Menti matters. What do you think, Commodore? and, Toroshu?" he asked, turning towards Ayiwah for input now.




"I would like to think I'm a bit less heavy-handed with my implications, Chojo," he answered, casually raising two fingers to Kuno Fursic and pushing them together, pretending to squash the First Son like a bug in a deliberately heavy-handed implication.


"Honestly, nobody knows what exactly you and your clan implies," I shot back. "You guard that mystique like you hoard your gold. My ire at Kuno, though—everyone knows I want to just crush his skull between my thighs and be rid of him."


Whoops! Did I just say that out loud? :guilty: I cupped my lips with my fingers as though suppressing a dainty burp and warbled my eyes around in mock embarrassment. Jiyu quickly joined us, though, so my attention drifted to what he said next.


"Thank you, Chojo," he said as he took a seat next to Yumiwa, "when we last spoke, I told you of... The herupa's loss. I would think you'd like to know that... A new toroshu has been chosen."


"Well, good," I said, bobbing my head up and down like a bird in agreement. A prolonged period of sedes vacans would only promote a power struggle, even in an honoured clan as the Herupa. "Soooo... who's the lucky woman?" I asked expectantly.


(Is it Hana? Please no I want to keep my Hana. But if it is well then okay I guess.)

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Ic: I almost laughed to scoff at such a ridiculous claim, but there was no way I was going to let my composure dissolve like eggshells in acid. I had to be proper here because I was positive Jiyu wanted to be talking to me in my capacity as the dignified chōjo, not the imperial brat. I had to keep it together. (God ######, what's taking this booze cure taking so long? No, no, stop, don't let the room spiiinnnn.)


(Okay, there we go. Focus, Yumi!)


I didn't like what I was hearing, not a bit. It's not that I love clinging to our high traditions because gawddess knows I don't, but this wasn;t just a matter of breaching tradition—it was wrong. The guys don't rule. They just don't. In all the ancient history books I've read the men who rules before the empire's foundation all but doomed us all with their aggression and vitriol. Sure, Jiyu was cultured enough as a man (he was a Herupa, anyway) but that was by no means reason to say he was fit to be a toroshu. The clan elders, if they were even the ones to put Jiyu on the pedestal, had made a great mistake.


Hana's face was one of earnest. She knew about Jiyu's claim, else she'd be gasping for air like I was, and that meant she at least neutral on the mater, though likely she supported her big brother. (My mind wheeled back towards Desde and the conversation I had with my girl earlier in the week as I thought of the younger sibling helping the elder, but I quickly snapped back to the present issue.) This meant someone had to put her foot down and it may as well be me.


"I'm sorry, but that is disallowed," I explained sternly, my eyes serious and undaunted in the face of the Herupa's enormity or determination. "By all the upright principles of the Empire, sons cannot sit on thrones and thus you cannot be toroshu."


There. Said it.

Edited by Crown Princess Yumiwa
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Ic: "We don't need a law that establishes matrilineal succession just like we don't need to codify that the sea is blue! It's been accepted for millennia, thus it's a rule. Feed me all the philosophic jargon you want, Jiyu—no child of Zataka can be sovereign. As a man your duty is never to transcend to toroshudom, and as a man you are never the lesser of two evils," I said, flushing his assurance away like a dead goldfish.


"The nobles and royals of the empire admire the Herupa for their devotion to tradition and dignity. This would shatter the trust those people—these people in this hall right tonight—," I said, gesturing grandly at the many heads in the expanse, "have in your clan. It would have been wiser for you to check your ambitions at the door because I find this disdainful."


Why am I getting saddled with all these profane issues? From Relisai's outlash to Jiyu's assumption maybe I should have done straight-edge tonight. For 's sake...

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Jiyu did his best to hold in his emotions. Luckily for him, his stony expression didn't change much other than the softening of his eyes.


"Then-" he started, before feeling his throat close up. No intelligent replies. No counter-arguments. Nothing. His gaze was fixed on the Chojo's gaze.


And out of his eyes he saw the coy smirk of the dastana. If he wasn't a better man than him, he would be more than willing to summon his soul-spear and drive it through him right then and there. But jiyu was a better man. And he had no desire for revenge. He only wanted to-


"Good evening, Chojo. I hope you enjoy the remainder of your party with the rest of your... Esteemed guests," he said. Standing up and bowing respectfully before quickly walking away. Away and out of the party. Waiting so he was far enough away that couldn't hear the lights and sounds of the party.


So that no one could hear him wipe away the water in his eyes.

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Ic: I remained stern and aloof like a nightwatchman on a bastion's watchtower as I felt Jiyu's pride flutter off his shoulders like a cape come unclasped, and I maintained that composure even when the assumer choked on his emotions and left with what remained of his dignity.


In his wake I turned to Hanako, who now sat with an ashen expression plastered on her mask, and softened my features a little as I spoke. "Please understand that I'm doing this for the good of the Realm and the Clan. You might judge me harshly, dear, and I'm sorry, but I hope you'll realize I didn't rebuke out of spite. But... I suggest you seek Jiyu out again for now. I fear for his health." I sighed softly and then turned my attention to my crumbcake. When Hana left I would also dispatch one of my other handmaidens to watch over them and make sure the situation didn't devolve more than it already had.


The cake didn't judge me or critique my actions or decrees and it unconditionally tasted good to me. I only hoped putting my foot down didn't jeopardize my relationship with Hanako. If it did I would need far more than crumbcake to comfort my soul.

Edited by Crown Princess Yumiwa
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IC: (Hanako)


"No I don't judge you, you were just following tradition, I can't hold that against you. Even though I know how you feel about him, I know you didn't do it because of that. You're only doing what's best for the Realm and the Clan. I'm sorry but as much as I'd like to stay, my brother...isn't doing well. "Thank you."


With that I turned on my heel and moved to follow my brother he needed me. It took me a while to find him, and although the handmaiden that was sent after us was following me I turned. I still kept Jiyu within eyesight. "Tell Yumi the situation will be handled, she doesn't have to worry. I'll fix it. Please respect that this is my family and he's my responsibility."


I turned around again, and follow Jiyu.


"Jiyu please can we talk in private?" I asked as I strode up to him.


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IC: (Hanako)


"Here just..." I lead my brother towards somewhere away from the party, somewhere where he could release without fear of looks, without any more pain than he had to endure. I wouldn't let anyone hurt him anymore, he's my older brother and he's already been hurt enough. "I'm...I'm sorry Jiyu, I'm sorry that...that you cannot be Toroshu."


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"Sorry..." He said softly, pronouncing it slowly as if it was a new word to him.


He summoned his spear -the bident- with a flick of his wrist, his masquerade mask dropped upon the ground some distance away from him.


"I do not know what drove you Hanako... But for me, what made each day of loneliness and darkness more bearable was the knowledge that someday... Someday, I'd would get back at her- Eshiwa. I would become powerful. I would break free of what she wanted for me. I would lead, and would never be bound to her vision of my future."


He inspected the soul weapon, particularly the bident end of it, gently resting a finger on the point of it, to make sure it was still sharp.


"Understand this Hanako. I have no desire to be some pawn or puppet. I have no want of women. All that has mattered was that I pick what I wished to do with my existence," he said, holding the bident in front of him.


"Without that... There is nothing for me."

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IC: (Hanako)


"I won't let you be anyone's pawn. You don't have to do this, we'll figure something out. Jiyu you're my older brother, you're my family. I don't want you to hurt anymore and this isn't the way. Just please don't do this. We'll find a way brother, together." I pleaded, I knew Jiyu was depressed, but I didn't...didn't think he would consider killing himself...this was my fault. I should have talked to him sooner...I couldn't lose him, I couldn't lose any more family.


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Jiyu turned his head slightly as hanako spoke, his soft eyes glancing back at her before turning his gaze back to the soul spear, lifting it up-




He could sense her, the woman that mother had posted in front of the door. And while he couldn't see her, he could hear the music of her mind. It was a wonderous thing really, something that he knew the rest of his clan didn't know how to do.


The mental blow came fast and quick, and before the herupa guard could muster any form of defense, the young dasaka was in control. So he had her unlock the door for him. All five locks. As she opened the door from the outside, jiyu's eyes registered the dark light of the night. The first real light he'd seen in the past ten-maybe-longer hours. As soon as the door was large enough for the large dashi to fit through, he issued a final command for the guard. For her to sleep. And she did. Content that she wouldn't wake, jiyu stepped out of his room, feeling the cool night air run over his armor, both natural and additional armors. Quickly closing the door and propping the guard up, he moved silently through the night, towards the one place he always tried to go to at night. His twin's room. He darted past the passage to the rest of the compound, he tip-toed past his mother's room. He glanced at his father's room, a door always locked from within, and stared hungrily at the building that he knew the various stored foods were kept in. Eventually, he reached Seigyo's room. He silently entered, and gently awoke the young dashi with a slight shove to the shoulder.


"Jiyu..." She said wearily, her eyes cracking open to stare at her larger twin, "you're not supposed to be out of your room..."


"C'mon Seisei," he whispered, "I'm bored. Besides, I slept for most of the day anyway. Lets play. C'mon Seisei..."


"Lemme sleep..." And with that, Seigyo rolled over so she faced away from jiyu. He didn't get it, why she never wanted to play. Why couldn't she sleep during the day like him? It wasn't often that he got out. It always took him forever to figure out how to get the guards to unlock the locks his mother added.


With a sigh, jiyu began to leave the compound, only to find the front gate deserted. There was always a guard or two he had to 'convince' to sleep befor-


"You ungrateful pig."




"I told you not to leave your room!" A shrill voice said as jiyu turned to see a dasaka, one who was in her twighlight years stride toward him. His mom. Eshiwa.


"I just wanted to-"


"To what? Go out where I can't keep track of you? You zakata-blessed beast!"


Jiyu instinctively took a step back. Whenever she got like this, she could become dangerous. But tonight didn't seem like jiyu's night as eshiwa strode forward, grabbed his shoulder and struck him across his face, in the same manner that Seigyo would do to Amakasuka Seiryu years later at the Chojo's party.


The herupa dashi stumbled back, into the arms of the guard he had put to sleep earlier, who immediately grabbed ahold of him as Eshiwa advanced, beginning to beat the young Jiyu.


"You bumbling brute! You foul monster!" She cried with each blow, "your exactly like your father! Disgusting, spineless, pathetic, selfish, and a zakata worshipper to boot!"


By the time she was done, the young jiyu was covered with bruises, prompting the herupa guard to let go of him, and fall to his knees. The sound of his tears filled the night air, prompting Eshiwa to roll her eyes as she summoned her soul spear.


"Pathetic. I wish I never gave birth to you, you pathetic disgusting excuse for a Herupa."


Which was when she struck him across the head with the staff portion of her soulspear.


When jiyu woke up, his mind was filled with noise, and his body was weak and full of pain. Looking around, he was empty in the darkness of his room, and in pain.


So he curled up in a tight ball, and tried to go back into the blissfully ignorant sleep. The only place where he could leave the pitch-black expanse of his room.




Three months before the Chojo's party, the island was recovering from the furious six's rampage. His sisters both now served masters, and he was all alone. Eshiwa was old now, as a Datsue, she no longer had the energy to keep track of Jiyu all the time. And as the Herupa's only willhammer, he played with Eshiwa's mind to allow him some time to travel the empire. But today...


Today he was taking food to her. She glared at him all the while, but he could tell that she wanted to speak to him regardless.


"You're in luck Jiyu, this time I do believe I have found a suitable match for you. Someone who will conquer your... Pathetic nature."


He didn't respond. He'd give her no such pleasure today.


"The commodore is unmarried, I'm quite sure that this time the royal family will approve of-"


"I wanted to say something as well," jiyu said, turning around as he forced his mind upon Eshiwa's. he quickly overpowered the Datsue, preventing her from moving or saying anything else.


"You see Eshiwa, I'm done being your little bargaining chip. Today I slipped in a little something into the meal that you've begun to eat. It's a poison of sorts. One that had no taste, or outwardly negative effects... But it eats away at your immune system, slowly weakening you so that the next disease that your body meets... Will kill you. Above all, you won't remember this conversation when I'm done... So, thank you Eshiwa. You raised me to be full of one thing for you. Hate. And I will carry it all the way to my grave, where they hate will be buried with me. So... Good riddance to you, Eshiwa."


And before anything else could happen, jiyu cleared the conversation from her mind, and allowed her to continue talking about how good of match he'd be with the commodore.




In the past, a young jiyu watched silently in the night at his sleeping sister. His new sister. Hanako. He could hear the music if her thoughts in the day, and he wished... He wished he was her. But he also wished that she would never feel the things he felt. And so as he finished his silent vow and returned to his room, he began to think of how to accomplish that.




-and with all if his might, stabbing it into the ground, the ground cracking from the sheer power his muscles gave him. And he lowered the barrier between his thoughts and the world As he sank to his knees, soulspear vanishing as he let loose a silent scream.


And instead let his emotions -of anger, hate, sadness, and above all, despair- he let them out of his mind, the tranquility of the mental plane shattered by the emotional scream that he sent out from his mind.

Edited by First Son Jiyu
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IC: Amaki


Deep breaths, Amaki. Get a hold of yourself. It's going to be okay.


It was terrifying standing up on the stage with only a velvet curtain between her and the party goers, especially when many of those behind the barrier were highly influential members of the empire. Amaki knew that the moment she was revealed to the audience, she would be judged. Everything about her would fall under intense scrutiny, from the way she played to her family name. By stepping forth to beat out a song for her honoured Imperial Highness, the young drummer would be baring her self (her passions, her energy, her dreams) to all who deigned to listen.


And despite the growing pit of emotion within her, despite her fraying nerves, Amaki realised that she was perfectly okay with that.


She would make her debut here, on this grand stage. Under the watchful eyes of the nobility, she would rise like a dragon towards the heavens, and there would be nothing to stop her. She was going to prove to everyone that she wasn't just another amateur. She was more than that. She was going to leave her mark on history, and in the following centuries, all would know Amaki's name.


Nothing's going to get in my way! I'll be just fine!


"Honoured guests, please provide welcome to our next performer, Fursic Amaki!"


Remember, deep breaths.


The curtains were unveiled, revealing Amaki and the large taiko drum that stood to her side. For the amateur musician, it was quite awe-inspiring, seeing the faces of so many important figures. She moved to speak, but her throat caught. Did she make a mistake in performing here? Could she really do it?


There was no turning back now. She needed to proceed.


"I ... greatly appreciate that Her Imperial Highness has deigned to allow my presence here," began Amaki, bowing deeply to the audience. Unnoticeable to all, she was sweating nervously. It was the first time she had ever been in such a situation. "And through this performance of mine, I will show that the honour given to me was not misplaced."


It was time.


Let's go


Amaki approached the drum, her bachi gripped tightly in her hands. She closed her eyes, and breathed deeply.


don ...


A smile graced her lips.


And the drumbeats began.

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