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BZPRPG - Ta-Wahi

Nuju Metru

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"Something like that." Saeva answered the Vo-Toa absently, eyes moving steadily to take in the full scope of the scene. Things, on the surface, seemed mostly alright; flames weren't licking at the buildings, the streets weren't filled with debris and bodies. But the signs were still there. The Guards were everywhere, walking down every street in groups, and here and there a being bearing either a medical insignia or the mark of the Investigative Corps could be seen moving about with focused determination. The populace was quieted; people weren't loudly haggling in the streets, or chatting animatedly as they walked about.


Things were subdued. For a place like Ko-Koro, Po-Koro, even Ga-Koro, that was normal. Things were supposed to be quieter, more peaceful. But the City of Fire was always alive with the hustle and bustle of life, and to hear it quieted was just wrong, down to her very core. Though it was unnoticeable in the heat, her body's temperature shot up a few degrees, a silent testament to her anger.


"They do work fast. The Guard's always run a tight ship, and with Jaller in charge of everything, it's only gotten more efficient. There were probably repair crews out as soon as the fighting stopped." As she spoke, her arms crossed, shifting slightly on her feet as if she couldn't bear to stay still. "Investigators are out in force. This many Inspectors around? Something big went down. And they're all headed the same direction." Silently, she noted that they were all headed to Ta-Kini. "More Guards than you can shake a stick at. Medics are on the streets, but they seem to be headed towards the hospital. Probably where the victims were evacuated to."


Something big happened here. The Ta-Toa thought to herself, eyes, almost unconsciously, seeking the route to her home. Where's the shop? 



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: "So what're we looking for?" he asked, racking his brains to see if he could remember this, which he really should. 


"Clothing shop, right?"

That was it. And yeah, he'd gotten a decent feel of it first, but now that she mentioned it, it really stood out that there were guards on every freakin' corner of this place. His brow furrowed. Should have caught that himself. Yeah, yeah, Saeva was a native, but how can he claim to be proud of his eyes when he can't pick that out himsel--

"Woah, watch it."

He turned an annoyed glance the Toa of Magnetism's way, only finding a half-puzzled, half-amused look returned to him. Like he was asking him, "Seriously? Glarin' at me for that?" with an expression.

That brought him out of that petty little mood and back to reality easily, and he returned to his usual affable state, mouth quirking upwards and raising an apologetic hand, before returning his eyes forward. Getting into an argument over that'd be stupid anyway. More important things to do right now.

"Thank you, jungle wizard." he said lowly, nimbly dodging through a small crowd and forming back up with the rest of the group.

"How deep into the city is it?" he asked Saeva with a tap on the shoulder, mask now aglow with power as the world became sharp, clear, and nuanced. Maybe he could pick up a few details as to the extent of the destruction...


helo frens

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IC: Torana


Torana eyed the Guards on the street carefully, squinting her eyes to get a better look.


"Investigators? Terrorist attack, perhaps?"


Torana wrenched her glance away and eyed the destruction rife throughout the Koro.


"Hmm, no large explosives, as far as I can tell." She eyed the patterns of the damage. "Looks like a battle of some sort was fought here."

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Angelus took a deep breath and pinched his nose. Dorian Shaddix... the temperamental mercenary had been a thorn in all sides during his parole in Ta-Koro, as much an asset to the Investigative Corps and profilers as he had been a constant boot in the of the administrators. He, before his time as Captain, had been too heavily involved in the Mark Bearer investigation - in Dorian - to look at him through the eyes of a high ranking Guard; he could only look at him as the Mark, the target, the man who had killed Yuru, shot Tank, savaged him...and then left, scot free, with Makuta's lieutenant, the Shadow Toa who had haunted the island. What happened to him, he didn't know. After their band had dissolved, he'd spoken to Agni semi-frequently, Tuara once or twice, and Joske not at all. It didn't matter. Heuani had never been the issue - it was Dorian - beautiful, cocky, careless Dorian! - who had swept out of the Ta-Koro prison and into a cush loft in the high rises of the Guard residential section, sharing Tuara's bed. 


Not that he was jealous. The breakup with Tuara had been...amicable, if a little cold. He couldn't fault her if she wanted to find happiness, even if she thought she could find it in Dorian. What he faulted was hearing about her spiraling into open alcoholism, gasping for whiskey or beer or whatever her boyfriend could get his hands on at his job. What he faulted was seeing his first love tear herself apart, watching all that he had come to respect and cherish about her unravel while she threw away her badge, her hobbies, her life...for Dorian. Self-destructive, sinister, dangerous Dorian, with his sharp barbs and his easy smiles. Always smiling.














Would the Akiri wait for him? Doubtful. Shaddix had Jaller's protection while he sought out the Turaga Killers, and whoever employed them - even if Dorian dragged his feet about it, and even if Angelus already had suspicions every answer they needed was already locked in the Toa of Iron's head. Oreius had shared his misgivings once or twice in private, but the Akiri was hard-headed and determined to a fault...even when it came to a man who had been the cost of at least two Guard lives. Angry blue eyes danced around the proceedings after Loren had walked away, observing the remaining Toa.


"You two go ahead and check out the brawl for me," he ordered, crisp and in command. "I should go see Jaller. He won't appreciate me being later than I already am. Kino, we'll talk later. Jol, good to see you as always, brother. Keep in touch...and if you ever need a job, let me know. If things are hot, try not to engage unless it's to support." With a nod, the Captain turned on his feet and walked towards the Guard HQ and Jaller, trying to reach the Akiri's office before he changed his mind.



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"They blew up the Lavapool."


It was as the Ta-Toa rounded a bend that she saw it for the first time. Most of the city had been repaired, even if a familiar eye could not the differences. But here, there was no hiding the smoking crater where once Ta-Koro's mainstay had stood. A shattered and charred mass of broken beams and obliterated foundation, a piled ruin, a testament to the Piraka's cruelty. The area around it had been swept for debris, carefully moved out the the street, but the Guard perimeter remained. She could see Inspectors (it was too far away to see their insignia, but they could be no others) picking through the ruin, even now, hours, maybe even days, after the event. She could see medics moving away covered stretchers.


Her voice, when she spoke, was quieter even than conversational, but the restraint within it was palpable. Unconsciously, her hands clenched into fists. Her posture spoke of anger, restrained, but it was more than that. The blow that had been struck was not an insult. It was not a wound, that would heal and eventually be forgotten. They had struck into the heart of Ta-Koro, and they had gotten away. They had left ruin, of life and of limb, in their wake, and she knew, deep down, that they had done more that she still did not know.


"That was it. Right there." Saeva said, to her companions and to herself. "Most famous Inn in the village. Best bar, best entertainment. Everyone's been there a time or two, if they've set foot in Ta-Koro. Never was a more popular place. There are Inspectors headed to Ta-Kini, too. Don't know what happened up there."


Her blood practically boiled, and the air around her was practically scorching, her breath slow and measured to maintain her patience.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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Lenat-Ta-koro- Ta-koro Technology Emporium


IC: Looks like somebody had responded to his sign already.


Turning around Lenat looked at the newcomer. A Ta-Matoran from the looks of it, hardly surprising considering where they were.


"Well you came to the right place for a job. My name is Lenat, what's yours?"

"I serve the weak. I serve the helpless. I am their sword and their shield. If you want to strike at them, you must go through me, and I am not so easily moved."



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IC: Torana


"Oh. Oh my." 


It was only through a complete and in-depth 'tour' that Torana could witness the destruction that had scarred the Koro. 


The inhabitants were hard at work, rebuilding the city at an alarming rate - stones were being hoisted, buildings repaired. These weren't Po-Matoran. She hadn't even seen them work this fast, or build something this quickly. Torana could only imagine how serious the damage could've been when Ta-Koro's wounds were fresh.


Her eyes drifted to what her Ta-Toa 'guide' had pointed out, the "Lavapool" - or what remained of it.


Which wasn't saying much.


"I..." she began, the words stopping in her throat, making it itch. "This is..."


"I don't have words for this."


Torana refocused her attention from the destruction to the Toa of Fire before her. There was something about her posture...


It wasn't until Torana saw the look on her face that she realized there was something significantly wrong.


Now, she'd seen Ta-Toa before - they were always angry, in some way or another. It was natural to them, their blood boiled like magma and their tempers were oft aflame. Torana knew anger all too well herself. It was there, deep inside her and practically invisible to any being not within her mind, but it reached up in tendrils from the pit of her heart, just grazing at the underside of her skin and armour or forcing its way up to her tongue. 


But it had never gone further than her eyes.


Toa of Fire and anger went hand-in-hand. The Toa's fists were clenched, the tone in her voice, her posture...


This was her home. It's destroyed and whoever's responsible is long gone.


Don't say anything inflammatory, Torana.

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IC: Erzu said nothing, merely nodding and giving his rival her space. To tell the truth, a brief though flashed in his head to mention that they knew that coming in. ######, A year or two back and he probably would have, and earned himself a fist to the gut in response to it if he got off lightly.

This was neither the time nor place. He wasn't a native, but even he knew that this was much bigger than the destruction of a simple inn. The Lavapool was famous island-wide, and was just as much a symbol of Ta-Koro as a flame was. Karz, even he had wanted to check the place out when he left his hometown, at least once. He was sad to see it go, and he could tell that Saeva was doing everything she could to keep herself in check. He'd thought he'd seen her mad at Po, but this...

Seeing the destruction first-hand had pushed her far beyond what he could ever do, in any fashion. And it'd take more than a half-joking mint leaf to calm her down from this.

He checked for the third time today that the wooden sword, his weapon of choice was still on his back. Good. He would need it soon, because she would need to vent somehow. Hopefully he was still fast enough to avoid getting his head knocked off.

He turned to Torana, who seemed to be trying to find her words to respond to Saeva's tremendously restrained rage. Reaching a hand to her shoulder, he gently tugged backwards a bit, not enough to knock her off balance, but enough to send a message along with the solemn shake of his head clearly.

Give her some space.


IC: "Sure thing. Take care, man." Jol said with a wave as the Captain of the Guard marched off.

Probably should take him up on that... he thought, folding his arms with a contemplative frown. Right now all I've been doing is a little trapping and... maintenance. Making sure the house is kept in shape. Making sure I'm kept in shape. Nothing really... new.


Edited by Uncle Chael P. Sonnen

helo frens

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IC: "Sure thing. Take care, man." Jol said with a wave as the Captain of the Guard marched off.


Probably should take him up on that... he thought, folding his arms with a contemplative frown. Right now all I've been doing is a little trapping and... maintenance. Making sure the house is kept in shape. Making sure I'm kept in shape. Nothing really... new.



[Ta Koro, Residential District]


Lucira swept past the Toa of Magnetism, looking haggard.  She glanced briefly at up at him.


“Jolek, right?  Want to come help me sort out a little domestic?"

Edited by Yukiko

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

En4XX.gif BkY1n.gif gkKRR.gif MWEwd.gif 7dN9Y.gif ODscu.gif HpGw0.gif HZtia.gif AKbnC.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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"Always am," Hahli said, smiling irrepressably. The Ga-Matoran kicked the box, sending the hardened wicker bouncing against Jaller's chest harmlessly and flopping to the ground in front of his bookcase. The Akiri grinned up at Jaller and flicked his chin defiantly; he looked down at her for a second before each pulled the other into a mutual hug. "I came as soon as I heard. Figured you could use an angel on your shoulder."





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IC: (Tarotrix/Ta-Koro)


"If we let the crowds kill a man, let them kill the right man," Taro said, sending a ill-natured glare at Loren, while watching Grokk get patched up. 


He inspected the scene, and ordered the civilians around them to leave. This was a guard matter, and only a guard matter. But it was of no doubt that Loren's intelligent 'Turaga Killer' proclamation would spread to the masses like wildfire. Giving them both a pair of maniacs (One wounded, albeit) to guard and a mob of angry, probably armed villagers rushing at them. If it was going to happen, he was going to get any innocent (Semi, at least) out of the crossfire. Natharius seemed to him to be another Skakdi thug, but one innocent of such a horrible crime as Turaga-murder. He needed to be taken to the jails fast, to stop him from meddling in this affair, and to keep him from being possibly lynched.


So he ordered both a door guard, and a pair of newcomers to the scene to him. "Bind the Skakdi who's not wounded. Take him to the jails, and into a high security cell. Now."


The three came at Natharius. Tarotrix kept his spear at the ready to fight the Skakdi if he resisted. "Do not resist, you'll be taken to the jails to await due justice."


I occasionally return to BZP for a nostalgic trip back. Hit me up on discord if you need anything. 
BZPRPG Characters that I will possibly revive, Mons-Shajs-Tarotrix-Aryll Vudigg-Jorruk Yokin-Senavysh Angavur






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[Ta Koro, Residential District]


“It might have to do with what you were just talking to the captain about.  You know about that fight that occurred just now?  Several famous faces involved.  Well anyway, there’s already quite a few people on the scene, but they need more crowd control, cleanup, that sort of thing.”


The pair turned the corner just in time to see the a trio of guardsmen facing down Grokk.


“Just my luck I got promoted yesterday.  I’m a lieutenant colonel now, and that makes me the highest ranking individual in the immediate vicinity.  Most everybody with more pull’s taking care of more serious issues.”


Lucira stepped in front of a pair of spectators who had decided to “help” apprehend the Skakdi.


“Please, clear the area and let the guard do it’s work.  We wouldn’t want anyone else to get hurt."

Edited by Yukiko

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

En4XX.gif BkY1n.gif gkKRR.gif MWEwd.gif 7dN9Y.gif ODscu.gif HpGw0.gif HZtia.gif AKbnC.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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Inhale. Smoky, familiar air filled her lungs.


Exhale. The same air exited, carrying away with it some of the heat fuming deep inside. The process repeated, ad infinitum, as the Ta-Toa closed her eyes. Her muscles were taut steel cords, coiled and ready to pounce upon an unknown enemy. Her hands were fists, prepared to batter that enemy into submission. With tremendous force of will, she slowly forced them to begin to relax, the oxygen cycling throughout her body slowly cooling the inferno of her temper. 


After a few, solid minutes, she opened her eyes and turned around, really looking at the Vo-Toa for the first time. She nodded in acknowledgement, extending a hand to shake. "Saeva Sareta."


Keep things calm. No good blowing up now.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Torana


Thumbs up from the Toa of Green, and an extended hand from the Toa of Fire.


Extending her own hand to take Saeva's, Torana caught her eye.


There was still anger burning inside her, but it had subdued to her core, not visible on the surface - much like Torana herself. Took years of practice to perfect bottling up your anger without exploding. Even with the natural rage that comes with being born of Fire, Saeva must've had plenty of practice herself.


Torana took the Ta-Toa's hand and shook.


Karz, she's strong.



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IC: Welp. Guess that goes for me too. Rev up that announcin' voice and get to work.

"Nothin' to see here, folks, just your typical fight! We have one, like, every three hours, just keep moving along!" he called out to the assembled crowd, eliciting some snickers and the departure of a few who got the message.

"Keep rolling, you got places to be!"

This is kinda fun.


IC: There we go. Looks calmer now.

As Saeva extended a hand and the two exchanged greetings, he managed to coax his own out of his pockets.

What? Habits are rough stuff, man, and it's comfy in there. Don't blame him, he liked the pockets in the thing. They were nice. Just because he was a bit of a thuggish kid didn't mean he couldn't like nice things? Karz, hands in the pockets? That's delinquent as heck! Get off his case, man. He was trying to be polite for a change anyway.

"Erzu Salvajemono." he said, offering one of his own after a moment's hesitation.

helo frens

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IC: Ril


Guard duty was always fun. Although, if he were to be pedantic (was that the word?), Ril was always on guard duty, seeing that it was his job title and what-not. There was actually very little time that he wasn't on guard duty, it seemed. All he could remember from the last several weeks were constant patrols, takedowns, drug busts and that one incident in which he got defenestrated. He could not, for the life of him, remember any moment where he was relaxing. Had he turned into an workalcoholic like Naona? He hoped not. Despite their amicable working relationship, the Toa of Fire could honestly say that his former partner was a madwoman who had terrible taste in drinks.


Still, he thought, hanging around headquarters was pretty relaxing. The "protecting Jaller" duty was actually as easier done than said, especially when the Akiri was too intimidating for anyone to have a go at. Its only risks were getting scolded for something or whatever, although that might really be just him. The Sergeant plonked down onto the steps leading up into the building. Fortunately it seemed like Jaller's crankiness was directed elsewhere today. Which meant he could probably laze around for a while, act like a smug dick to anyone who passed by, and ponder the merits of the coffee from the cafe down the street compared to the coffee over at McTahu's.


OOC: Open for interaction.

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IC: "Torana. Got it."

He looked over to Saeva.

"Then we might wanna head over and see what it's lookin' like. Sounds like the chase that supposedly did all this damage started around this area, but the shop maaaay've been caught up in the early parts of it." he said, glancing up in the sun's general direction (not at the sun seriously his eyes wouldn't want none of that) and determining which way was east.

"So down there? Lead the way." he said, pointing to the nearest East-West Street and motioning for her to go on ahead.

helo frens

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"Oh yea um sorry about the dinner  there was no excuse for that . And no theres not anything else  unless you want to take a vacation to ga-wahi.


IC: "We separated for a reason. I'm already doing you a favor, and you've caused enough trouble tonight."


Denrika looked away from Tor, and made a conscious effort not to look back as she tilted her chin up.

The times, they are a-changing...



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"Dorian Shaddix," the other Skadi spat. Then, "I don't think he can hear you, is he in shock or something?"


Saeren pulled rolls of dressings and bandages out of his pack, laying them carefully on top to keep them both accessible and out of the street. He heard the vocal one give his surrender, but kept his eyes on the patient. Dorian Shaddix. He'd heard the name--who hadn't?--but it didn't help him determine what kind of damage could have been caused. Right now his best guess was that the left lung was probably in full collapse from a penetrating trauma, and that the right one may be compromised.


"Here," Saeren pushed Grokk gently into a sitting position, leaning him back just enough to keep his breathing passages as open as they could. He put a hand over the hole in Grokk's armor and sent a thread of power into the metal. It began to seal, a door sliding down until only a crack remained. Saeren covered what remained with a bandage, leaving a corner un-taped. He would still bleed through there, but not as quickly. "Sir," this to Grokk, "I'm going to finish bandaging you up, and then I'm going to have to use my mask," he tapped the Matatu, "to carry you to the hospital. Once we're there, someone with a Sana will be able to probably heal this damage. Until then, I'll need you to stay as still as possible. The more you move, the more damage you could do to yourself."


As he said this, Saeren measured and cut bandages for the laceration to Grokk's side. With that covered, he put basic dressings on the less severe injuries, examined the burn, and decided that doing any more would waste precious time.


"Loren, I need to take him. Can you escort us? And could you bring the other Skakdi as well? He never told me how the chest wound happened, and the doctors will need to know as much as they can."

~~-BS01 Histories-~~
by Zox Tomana, B.A. - Blog

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"Then I shall be leaving  " He bows to her and heads for the door and stops ."If you ever need any help for anything you know who to call no favors will be asked for in return  Just if you need anything give me a ring . " He leaves  giving her a friendly wave as he exits .

Edited by TheMegazordman1
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IC: Natharius.


Natharius did his best not to sound too smug as he turned to the guards who had been approaching him. "You heard the medic; I've got to go long with him. Besides," he stumbled a little as he stepped forward, the injury to his leg starting to take its toll, he wheezed, "I could use a little medical attention myself." 

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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IC: Akhulii


The inside of the inn was fair. It looked well kept, but was still pretty old and was naturally falling apart. The lobby had a large fire glowing in the center with creaking wooden chairs placed around it. A large tattered drape covered one wall The front desk was off to the side. A short ta-matoran was sitting behind and was playing with My Little Mahi figures.


Akhulii rung the caved in bell and he jumped up and looked at him, blushing, though it was hard to tell from his red color. "Uh, h-hi, how can I help you?" He was still nervous from being caught playing with his figures.


Akhulii cleared his throat with his hands behind his back and replied, "Hello. Me and my company here were looking to find a room to stay. What sort of rooms might you have available?"


He took out a book and fluttered through the pages quickly. "Well I'm afraid we only have one available, sir. We're pretty full tonight. It's a one bed and bathroom type of deal... 30 widgets a night."


"30 widgets!? That's outrageous!" Akhulii turned to Ryzen and said, "Ryzen, can you believe this? 30 widgets! I bet they don't even have free meals to go with that!"

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IC: Denrika leaned back in her chair. What a night...



The next morning had Casanuva waking up early, with a crick in his back; at least the floor had been heated. Or that was the lava foundry next door... Casanuva magnetically shifted the plates in his back until a pop relieved the pressure.


"Rise and shine! Gotta leave early. Ga-Koro awaits!"


Casanuva shook a groggy Nunonu out of bed and tossed him his bag. Together, they exited Ta-Koro's walls, to Tor's forge.


"Is everyone ready? Cause I am ready."

The times, they are a-changing...



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IC: Nunonu


Trailing slightly behind Casanuva, Nunonu yawned and rubbed his eyes.


"Is everyone ready? Cause I am ready."


"Yeah..I'm-" He yawns again. "Ready."

-Kongu Champion Gukko Rider


"Two, Four, One, Ten, Two, Four, One, Ten. Am I Transmitting, Is Anyone Listening..?"

LEGO Universe Fan - BIONICLE Fan from 2001 - Discovered BZP in 2007

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