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Friar Tuck

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IC: SoranI watched as the bird flew off, for a moment I considered shooting it. It would after all be good practice, but I suspected it's master wouldn't be too happy about that, so instead I continued walking to this Baker Street, waiting for my signal. Then, I would see just what kind of Karz would break loose.


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IC: TillianTillian was silent for a moment before flipping the Staff of Absorption back into its sheath on his back."Why are you here, Perkahn? The last time you showed up at Ta-Koro, Vakama told you what would happen if you showed up. I seem to recall the words 'on pain of death' being repeated. Multiple times."-Teezy



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OOC: Okay, EW has a point, Jaron cauterizing Skyra's wound...probably a dumb idea...I'll make Skyra more... injured now, I don't want to recon, so I'll just...you know...just read! :PIC: EmotiaEmotia nodded at Tillian. She was in a lot of pain still, the ice stake had started to melt, as they had been afraid to remove it, she began to bleed faster...IC: SkyraSkyra suddenly collapsed, his hip began to bleed again, apparently the eternal bleeding had burst it back open the rather sloppy and quick cauterizing that Joran had down. (You know, now that I think about it, DON'T ever cauterize one of my characters again Kal, it doesn't help...it makes it worse. :P) Someone (Can be any of you, doesn't really matter.) picked up Skyra and got him into the Inn as well, he wasn't in that great shape either, it was amazing he'd been able to stand before, blame it on adrenaline.

Edited by Snelly

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: "Well, I'd offer to buy you two a drink," he sighed, sitting down on a bench. "Sad thing is, it seems unfair to drink when the inn is the closest thing these people have to a hospital. Long story short. If I wasn't as, forgive this slight arrogance, lucky as I am, I wouldn't be standing here right now. We were drinking, me and a few friends; eating, and having a great fireside feast, meaning, a fireside feast with copious amounts of mead. My own brew. One of the things I value the most, really. And suddenly, my friend falls unconscious. If it wasn't for me slamming a dozen herbs into his mouth, he'd be dead. And I find it highly improbable that somebody would want my friend dead and poison my mead."His eyes, sharp and dark, seemed to pierce whatever they touched to the core. As if an x-ray."I want to find out who wants me dead. And why. And, it so coincidentally happens, that most my friends who can help me are dead. So I have to trust people who do not trust me. One of them is in this room."

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IC: Tillian"She's bleeding faster," muttered one of the medics, and Tillian's eyes turned from Perkahn's to the medics. He crouched down and took off his t-shirt, pressing it to the worst part of Emotia's wound and applying pressure. It wouldn't last very long, but at the very least, it would give the medics ample time to try and heal the injury.-Teezy



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IC: KrayzikkKrayzikk chuckled as he replaced his morning star on his belt. "You can make that two people, pal." He looked over to Emota. Karz, I really need to learn some kind of first aid......



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Perkahn would've smiled if it wasn't so sad. His mission to save his skin might just have saved somebody else's. He took one single glance at Emotia's wound, just one glance. That glance was more than enough for him to grab a medic by the arm and ask him whether they've got the plant elyphia. A positive answer provoked a smile."I'll need some, to heal the woman."He did not expect the medic to be so willing. Within seconds, he had delivered Perkahn a whole batch of elyphia, far more than was needed. Perkahn knelt beside Emotia."Take that off her," he pointed to Tilian's T-shirt.

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IC: "Hang on, let me try something," Knidia said. What Emotia was losing was liquids, which were all mostly water when you got down to it. And water was what she could control...By applying a little elemental power she managed to slow the bleeding. Not stop it entirely, but turn into more of a slow ooze. With Tillian applying pressure as well, that managed to stop it."Okay, so who knows how to heal internal injuries?"


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IC: TillianTillian looked at Knidia with a slanted glance."I could try and see if I could use my power over gravity to lift her tissues back into their natural positions," he said. "I don't know if it would work, but it's worth a shot. And even if it does, someone would need to connect them while I hold."-Teezy



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IC: EmotiaEmotia was still in a lot of pain, "Whatever you do...do it soon please...I really wish I wasn't...awake right now..." She remarked as she groaned from the pain. IC: SkyraSkyra, meanwhile, wasn't much better. He lay in one of the rooms of the Inn. His hip had been bleeding through the bandage a nurse had hastily placed there to slow the bleeding. Skyra wondered where Laserbeak was...not to mention where the doctor was...though he wouldn't of been surprised if other patients were worse off than him, he certainly hoped not.

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: TillianTillian winced."Alright," he said. "Let's do this. At the very least, we can get her split tissues back into place." Looking around, he saw a Toa with a Mask of Healing and signalled him over. "This might hurt a fair bit," he said apologetically to Emotia.Concentrating, he summoned some of his last remaining power over Gravity and lifted the muscle, bones, and other body parts that Hiemalis had split with the icicle and brought them back into place. Grimacing, he signalled for the Toa, who bent down and used his Mask of Healing to reattach the split tissues. After about five minutes, Emotia's internal injuries were healed. After a couple more seconds, the giant gash in her back followed suit.-Teezy



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IC: OnuzekHe watched the other Toa of Gravity heal the injured Toa of Water's back."Onuzek could have helped with that," he said, almost as an after thought.The massive Toa of Gravity looked down at himself, and was surprized to see the large gashes in his armor. He didn't realize he was that hurt.



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IC: VolinHaving ran out of the hospital before the battle started, Volin was unharmed the entire time and proceeded to find the rest of his friends. Upon finding Onuzek, he was taken aback by the massive Toa's injuries."Onuzek, you sure you should be up and about?"OOC: Yeah, I have no idea what happened during the battle since I went to sleep and woke up to find 5 pages. :P

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IC: EmotiaEmotia couldn't help but scream as her tissues began to forcibly be put back to where they belonged. She was teary eyed through out the whole operation, her hands had grabbed hold of the sides of the bed, which she squeezed tightly, breaking some of the wooden frame on each side. When it was over and her wounds were sealed, she could finally relax somewhat, the pain was still there of course, but the worst was over. She closed her eyes as she panted, breathing heavily.

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: Volin"Methinks you should get some treatment, fast. I don't know what happened to Yasashiv but it would be a fine dandy time if she showed up soon with her mask of healing." replied Volin. He noticed a few pieces of debris stuck in Onuzek's armor and flesh so he pulled out the stuff which wouldn't cause a major bleed-out via telekinesis.

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OOC: Don't worry EW, I plan to have them all stay in pain. Jaron's nearly unconscious as it is. :PIC-Hasil:Hasil stood, his stomach area burning in pain. He managed to limp slightly to the side, before he crashed against the wall next to him. His right arm hung limply at his side, and it would be a while before the torn ligaments and riven muscles would be able to heal. He lurched across, over to the group that was talking. He landed against a Toa of Fire:"What have I missed?" He managed to gasp out, leaning on the other Toa. His vision blacked out, but returned to normal. He managed to stay on his feet.IC-Jaron:Jaron cursed under the weight of the robed Toa who was leaning against him, trying to hold him aloft. He couldn't do so, however, and he crashed to the ground, panting for breath. He pulled himself up against a rock and lay himself back, trying to stay conscious, if it all possible.IC-Grantuur:Grantuur nodded at Dail's words. "I'll join you," he said, as he leaned the robed Toa against a rock next to Jaron. He looked around, and noticed a small Ko-Matoran."Take care of the big black Toa over there, will you?" He asked.IC-Lashev:Lashev snorted. "I've been doing that for the past thirty minutes," he said, walking over to his friend.

Edited by Kal Grochi

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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OOC: Posted as Morik up thereIC: Volin"Oi, can anyone here fix this guy up?" asked Volin out loud, searching for a medic in replacement of Yasashiv at the moment. He'd have to learn a thing or two about medical care in case stuff like this happened again.

Edited by TX Wade
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OOC: Sheesh, you guys are busy bees. And I thought this topic moved fast during the battle.IC:Sisk took Lashev's hand as he pulled himself out of the rubble. The Le-Matoran looked around himself and at the leveled hospital. He could hear people nearby groaning. He thought on what Nikaron had said. But he didn't feel anything like a hero. He didn't feel brave, or proud. He frowned, a pained expression on his face. He could feel a tightness in his chest and the Matoran had to work hard to hold back some tears.What he did feel was the gravity of the situation he, they, were all in. This was no longer about avoiding the Makuta or his servants. This wasn't about a spoke in the wheel of his plans. This was a war now. And they had just been drafted on the front-lines. He turned to his companions."Thank you, both of you." he said, weakly, nodding at Nikaron in gratitude. But before he could say anything else, he needed to know if they had made it. Nikaron was here, so he had a small reason for hope, but the question just had to be asked, as if coming out on its own: "Is Kol save?"




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IC: Morik Brum'WaizMorik raised an eye questioningly as Gravity transformed into a gukko bird. Not that he had anything against them, it was just that most of them weren't very good steeds which could support his weight. "You seriously think you'll be able to hold me?" he asked with a slight grin on his face.

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IC: NikaronNikaron nodded, "Yeah, Kol's fine," he pointed to a spot away from the ruble, "he's over there, I was about to take him to the Inn, but figured I should check on you first."IC: LansSuddenly a Le-Matoran walked over to the small gathering, "Hey there Sisk, long time no see."ooC: Figured they're both in the Gukko Force so they should know one another.


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IC: KrayzikkKrayzikk bent down, and spoke to Emotia. "Mind not crushing my hand next time, though?" The titan joked. Laserbeak walked through the inn, trying to find Skyra. She'd lost track of him. "Skyra?"



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Kale IronshaperKale had arrived in the final stages of the fight in the hospital. From the look of things, jumping in then would have caused more harm then good, it would not have been the first time he had seen somebody using his opponents' attacks against them. So he had stayed back and helped evacuate people from the hospital. The line that the Toa of Air had shouted just before bringing down the rampant Ice Toa had struck a chord within him. The idea of serving a higher being in the pursuit of justice was almost like a dream come true. So he came forward with the rest of those that had been interested in this new group. For the moment though, he was hanging back and listening to what was being said.

"I serve the weak. I serve the helpless. I am their sword and their shield. If you want to strike at them, you must go through me, and I am not so easily moved."



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IC: Emotia"Ya..I'll try not to do that...I don't know my own strength...sometimes. Her mark had been getting plenty of excitement, and still was. Heck, probably everyone here who didn't know her thought her currently dark green eyes were their normal color. Funny how no one had mentioned her glowing mark either, probably too worried for her to notice. IC: SkyraSkyra heard Laserbeak's voice. "I'm over here..." He called out, his voice sounding pained.

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: TillianWith a wink, the Toa of Gravity stood up and walked over to his massive counterpart."Alright, big guy," he said with a grimace at the gash in Onuzek's head. "Let's get you fixed up."-Teezy



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[soran] watched as the bird flew off, [and] for a moment I considered shooting it. It would after all be good practice, but I suspected it's master wouldn't be too happy about that, so instead I continued walking to this Baker Street, waiting for my signal. Then, I would see just what kind of Karz would break loose.

Ic: Soran looked around, seeing several things. The apartment buildings behind him were for several people; 221A was for someone named Danerys, wbile 221B was for a certain Stannis. The latter's doorbell also had a picture of the matoran's face, in an odd angle as he apparently stared closely at the camera's lens, giving a fisheyed presepctive of his Kanohi. This, of course, only rienforced his contempt to the lesser beings, hoping that whoever was here to meet him wasn't one of the midgets.Several people passed by, mostly matoran, some toa, and one Skakdi who gave him a bad look. But then, all Skakdi gave all things bad looks. Finally, a matoran with an Akaku walked up and tossed a letter into Stannis' mail slot, and then sat down at the aforementioned apartment's steps, doing nothing. He stayed there for a moment, looking up at the sky as he were a shaman predicting the weather, and then, when the street was empty, he sad, "The dogs are barking mighty loudly tonight."But there were no dogs, and it was not night.
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OOC: Nice reference there, EW. 221B. Very clever, my dear Watson.IC:Sisk looked up when he heard a familiar voice call his name. He turned and saw Lans. He knew him, at least briefly, from the force and gave him a small smile. "Hey. How are you flying?" he asked. The tone in his voice hinted at how deeply the recent event had affected him.OOC: Nice meeting another Gukko force member. What's Lans' position there, though?




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FYI, I'm bolding all the names I mention in the IC postIC: Riaril, Nakumiir, Faerulo, Moriika, and TakimocRiaril moved patiently through the wounded, her personal injuries -- however miniscule they may have been -- forgotten amidst the despair of the dying and deceased. Sweat covered her brow as she worked; it seemed as if Riaril was pouring her very life into her mask of healing. Skyra's hip slowly sealed under Riaril's exhausting fortitude, the tendons and muscle re-connecting and growing with alarming speed. As soon as the preliminary emergency care had been given, Riaril left the room, passing Laserbeak as she exited through the open door of the small wooden room. "Take care of him, though I fear he might not walk again." She muttered quietly as the two women passed. Riaril had no use for condolences now. Only the truth -- hard cold facts -- would save the wounded.The door closed, and Riaril leaned against the wall of the corridor, her fist pounding into the surface with a hollow "thump." Something wet ran down her mask, plipping onto the floor far below. Time paused for a brief second, and shame washed over Riaril like a great wave, battering her down, washing her away into the void of grief. Why didn't I try and stop him? I didn't wait to save anyone. Why am I so greedy? Wiping away the wet secret of her sadness, she stood stoic on her one, then walked towards the stairs to begin her fight as a doctor: to combat death from the other side, when victims had lost all hope.Onuzek and Krayzikk were easy to spot, the purple titan looking more like a mummy than anything alive. Krayzikk's hand was bent at an odd angle, but Riaril knew someone else could tend to it, though her heart longed, no demanded, she ignore all but the titan of her affection. Am I a woman, or am I a doctor? Riaril battled at the keep of her heart as she passed him by. "Where is Tairel when you need him, the brakas," She muttered, never having seen the note he'd laid on her table just before the battle which left the hospital in ruins. Do you think -- no, he couldn't have. She checked Emotia's pulse, feeling the slow intervals between each pump of blood from her heart as she knelt by the stretcher, the pool of blood slowly staying the hem of her lab coat a dark pink."This is not good," Riaril said, looking at the worried faces of those around the fallen toa."She needs time, and we have none. All I can do is reconnect some of the tissues, but growing the organs back won't be easy. I'm going to have to fuse what's already there and hope for the best. She won't have the same appetite, that's for sure, but she may at least be able to walk if I can repair the nerves and the broken spinal column."An audience of sorrowed faces.Riaril's eye picked out the lash of lightning against the toa's body, but chose to ignore it. There were more pressing matters on this patient. She called out, and within seconds a glass of water had been brought. The sweet liquid disappeared into Riaril faster than the cup had arrived. Wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, she began. With painful exertion, the headache causing her to vomit every so often, Riaril began her trial by fusing the intestines back together, occasionally using a small tool or her bare hands to readjust the position inside Emotia's body, against the better judgment of the toa's screams for mercy. "Death, will NOT take you!" Riaril would yell back each time Emotia gave in to a fate Riaril would not, could not, accept. The time trickled by like the blood on the floor, but eventually the innards were refused, though one kidney was beyond repair. In a quick burst of genius, Riaril reused the mangled tissues to form the membrane of the nervous system in the spine, causing a scream of panic as Emotia's legs began to convulse, their nerves finally intact. Two nurses quickly pinned down the legs and Riaril set off to heal the spine. Ice had burned the marrow in the bones, but using the mask of healing Riaril was able to return the damaged insides to normal. However, replacing two bones in the spine was impossible. Emotia's body still open, Riaril leaned back, her head held up to the heavens. "I need bones."OOC: Yes, she did just ask for bones. Any bones will work, since she can reshape them, but I guess its time for someone to either find a dead animal quick, or lose something important. OR, we could just let the toa die :P

Edited by Band Wagon Jumper
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ooC: Umm... well, let's just say he isn't exactly the most obedient Gukko Force Member... hence why he was downgraded into the irregulars.IC: LansLans shook his head, "Let's just say things haven't been too swell. Something I'm sure you yourself have come to realize, judging from this, destruction." He pointed to Verdi, "Verdi here, is the only remaining member of my squad, the rest were killed by Rahkshi, but that's what I'm here to talk to you about."IC: NikaronNikaron looked at the newcomer, and then back at Sisk, "I suppose I should leave the two of you alone for the team being."IC: SoranI smiled, that was my signal. I walked over to the Matoran with the Akaku, and sat down next to him, waiting for him to make his move. Things were about to get interesting.


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