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Bzprpg - Po-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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IC-Kaimaen:"I don't really know, some celebration or some-such," he replied. Soon enough, they came over by where the HQ was-it had been rebuilt, apparently, but the marks of its former explosion were still settled about."Well, I guess they work faster than I thought."OOC: ...I'm not actually sure if it was rebuilt or not, but being the guy that blew it up, I'm just going to say it was rebuilt.

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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Kale Ironshaper- Po-wahi- FowardiIC: Once the ship had been gotten underway, Kale had gone down into the hold with the model he had been working on earlier. For the rest of the trip, the people on deck could hear thuds and thumps emanating from below decks, as well as the occasional pained shout or muffled "Yes!"OOC: It was rebuilt before the Fowardi took everybody to Ga-koro.

Edited by Silvan Haven

"I serve the weak. I serve the helpless. I am their sword and their shield. If you want to strike at them, you must go through me, and I am not so easily moved."



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IC: After a much-needed rest, Kokkrihan checked out of the Po-Koro Inn and took his supplies with him out of the desert city. There was one last stop for him to make.-------------The trek from the village to the Po-Koro docks was much longer than the PR manager had anticipated. One hour later, the Ko-Matoran had arrived to the docks to set sail to that destination.OOC: Kokkrihan moving to Ga-Wahi region...

Edited by Altair of Assassins Creed

"hey girl: here’s an idea, but… it’s up to you:

You’re the boss of this operation."

[BZPRPG Profile] [Ghosts of Bara Magna Profile]


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OOC: On the Forwadi from Ga-KoroIC: (Hari)"Why?" Hari asked, her hands on her hips as she came up to Krayn and Naona. "Shouldn't they be on deck with us, well at least the crewman that are supposed to be on deck, it seems like it would be hot and stuffy down there. Wouldn't it?" She was glad to be back in Po-Koro. The various attacks it had sustained meant that really any guard needed to be on hand and although the Turaga had been found, the lack of one had forced the Guards to toughen up, any stricter and they might as well declare martial law. Then again it wasn't really that bad, it just seemed, that these days everyone was on edge, though it was unfortunate that everyone had good reason to be that way.


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IC:Kehua shrugged, he had not heard of any of the incidents that had taken place in the village of stone before. "Seems the place was sacked pretty good the last time." he commented, when he saw the traces that had been left from the explosion. "Come on, I need to have some answers." he said. With that he led Kaimaen inside of the Po-koro guard-building. It was not yet complete on the inside, the two quickly realized, with many workers still busy preparing rooms and bringing in new furniture, but the daily business of the guard seemed to be running smoothly among the contruction-work already.Another guardsmen, of the same strong build as the one they had spotted earlier stepped into their way. "Can I help you?" he asked. It was both a friendly question and a security check, Kehua realized. Seeing the huge Toa's meteor-hammers though, he decided he would not have to worry about concealed weapons being carried."Yes, I could use some help." Kehua said, bowing his head slightly as a greeting. "I am looking for my bretheren, a team of Toa.""We get lots of Toa coming through here. How many are you?""Six, but we got separated upon arriving on this island. I do not know if they have found each other yet. It could have been a group of five or just individuals. I don't know." Kehua explained the situation. The guardsman frowned slightly, he wasn't getting a lot of information to work with here."But I am sure you know what they look like, right?" he asked. Kehua caught onto the slightly sarcastic undertone, but seeing the state of things in the village, he could imagine a few Toa, elemental champions of the people who could very well take care of themselves, were far from being a priority on the guards list. Kehua quickly gave the Matoran a description of each of the other Aitua. The Matoran just nodded, but when he started to descripe Tupua, his eyebrows rose up suddenly."You know him, then?" Kehua asked. The guard shook his head, but said: "No, not in person. But we've had a report several days ago. The description of your borther fits the one from the tablet perfectly. Come along, I'll...show you what I mean."The guard turned around, indicating with a wave of his hand for the two to follow him. Kehua looked at Kaimaen as they started walking behind the Matoran. "Well, we're getting somewhere..." he said.OOC: To be continued ^^




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IC: Dehkaz"I did... wha?" the Toa of Magnetism asked as he turned from the wheel. He was confused, really confused, what was Naona talking about? "I'm sorry, what are you talking about...?"He did, however, notice Dekal's eyes get really big, and his First Mate start edging towards the edge of the deck. Apparently, a swim was preferable to an angry Naona. Funny, Dehkaz had never seen the purple armored Toa scared before.



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Kale Ironshaper- Po-wahi- FowardiIC: Another thump came from the bowls of the ship as Dekal delivered his line and jumped overboard.

"I serve the weak. I serve the helpless. I am their sword and their shield. If you want to strike at them, you must go through me, and I am not so easily moved."



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IC: Dekal"Kaaaaarzzzzz!" the Toa of Sonics said as a Po-Toa torpedo shot towards him. Why a Kakama? Why...?Fortunately, his mask granted him endurance beyond what he was normally capable of, so he wouldn't get tired of swimming. Unfortunately, there was nothing he could to about speed.IC: DehkazMeanwhile, a Toa of Magnetism traveled below decks of his ship and was slightly annoyed to find a bunch of smelly Po-Koroans. Frowning, he lead the Po-Koro Guard onto the deck.



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IC:LoJak awoke, barely able to move. Which he quickly realized was because he was tied up. It took a considerable amount of effort, mostly due to heat exhaustion and dehydration, but he was able to burn the ropes that bound him. On his arms and knees, he looked around. LoJak was surrounded by dunes of sand, towering nearly 20 feet over his head. He began to crawl up one of them......A half hour later, he finally made it to the top. In front of him was an amazing sight. The sea. The glorious, blue, wet sea. And not far at all, perhaps 40 or 50 feet from where he stood. He was on a beach. The sight of water seemed to rejuvanate him, and he found the energy to get up and walk, albeit slowly, towards the water. He reached the water and collapsed into it, relishing the feeling as it cooled him down and hydrated his body. After a short while he looked around for any sign of civilization. Not too far off into the ocean he saw a boat. He started waving his arms at them, trying to get their attention. LoJak may have cooled off, but he still needed food and water, and quickly too. A chat with a real live person would be pretty nice as well, he thought.ooc: the Fowadi?

Edited by Toa Fanixe

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You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

Which Barraki are you?

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IC: [Naona]"DEEEKKKAAALLLL!" roared Naona as she caught up to the other Toa with her enhanced speed. "LET ME SEE YOU GRIT THOSE TEETH!"The guard member swiftly dived underneath where Dekal was swimming, and rocketed upwards, slamming her body into the other being and sending him flying into the air.OOC: Sorry for auto-hit.

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IC: Rynekk Simul - FowadiRynekk had just managed to massage the last of his pain out of his body, when, before he could even lay his arms back at his sides, he saw Naona leap into the water after Dekal, obviously with the promise of bodily harm should she catch him."Oh Mak... ta Nui," he groaned, straightening his Kakama and standing back up, "Is everyday going to be like this?"-Void



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IC: DekalThe Toa of Sonics was cycling trough the various powers his Kanohi allowed him, but none that he knew of had a Naona-resistant shell. Naona's blow had sent him clear out of the water, and pretty high up. At the top of his arc he thought he saw a person on the beach, (LoJak) and Dekal waved to him.The De-Toa dove back into the water, adding a few flips for good measure, and promply began swimming to the shore again. This time, however, he was sending out a sonic wave to hopefully keep Naona away... For a while.IC: Dehkaz"I certainly hope not..."



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IC: [Naona]Yet no matter how hard a beating her ears were taking, Naona continued in her single-minded charge after Dekal, her legs pumping her through the water at high speeds. Not even the shore would protect the Fowadi crewman from her rage, and when she caught up to him, he would wish the Makuta had caught him instead.She rapidly gained on the other being once more, and quickly grabbed onto Dekal's shoulder, flinging both of them onto the shores of Po-Koro, where she landed gracefully. As her feet touched the sand, she marched over to where the other being was, her eyes burning with rage."Dekal," she said in a threateningly cheerful tone, a smile on her face. "I'm in a rather good mood today. I'm letting you choose what punishment you get. Isn't that brilliant?"OOC: Get on Skype.

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OOC: Can't :cIC: Dekal"Lucky me, eh?" the Toa of Sonics said, coming up from his shoulder roll. "The Karz... So this is what I get for trying to do something nice..." he added to himself.IC: Dehkaz"Ah sir, it is good to see you join the living again," Dehkaz said, glancing at Tillian, before focusing his attention back on Dekal and Naona. Now, only if he could stop the her somehow...

Edited by Gravity



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IC: Tillian (Fowadi, Po-Wahi)The vampire groaned, obviously not used to waking up randomly on the middle of the deck of a naval vessel."Did I ever tell you guys that I killed a Rahkshi?" he mumbled sleepily before rolling over on the deck.-Teezy



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IC: Tillian (Fowadi, Po-Wahi)Tillian groaned and lifted his head up before yelling in alarm, now fully awake, and holding his hand to his face."Owowowowow! Hot sun, hot sun!" he yelled, moving into the shade with Krayn. "Oh. Hey, big guy."-Teezy



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IC: Tillian (Fowadi, Po-Wahi)"Uh...I've been with Naona," said Til. "Like, last night, she walked up to my door and was like "murrrr we need krayn" -" and as he said this he pantomimed a snarling, wide-eyed Naona with hands moving like claws - "and I was like nurrrrr he's just a boy!"This time, he portrayed a cowering Tillian with his hands over his face.-Teezy



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IC: Dekal"Alright... Lets see," the De-Toa said, striking a thinker's pose and trying to decide.After 29 seconds had passed Dekal finally said, "Okay... I choose....""Neither. Can I go now? I need to get out of the sun."IC: Dehkaz"Don't hurt him too bad, ma'am, First Mates are hard to replace!"



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IC: Krayn"She threatened to make me incapable of ever having children. Multiple times." He shook his head in amusement at Tillian's antics. "You put the Rahkshi staff through the door, didn't you?"



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



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IC: Tillian (Fowadi, Po-Wahi)"How dreadfully inconvenient. I wonder if I..."He nibbled at his wrist slightly before pulling away, seemingly sparked by sudden anger."Wait a sec! If I drink my own blood, I'm not gaining or losing blood! It's just recirculating! I'm not eating anything!"-Teezy



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