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Bzprpg - Ko-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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I.C. Ussalaius (Inn)"Well, I'm not doing anything much and would be willing to help you if I'm needed."I.C. Kotahk (His hut) "Sure. You two wait here." I'm glad I hid my valuables. These two matoran look like the sort that might run off with something. Kotahk entered the room with Ardoku. "What is it?"


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IC: Toa Ardoku"I will explain it to you later, but I have an another request... or more or of a suggestion actually." Ardoku paused, then continued. "You see, I once had a good friend. His name is Kranuka, I believe he would be a valuable addition to this team..."

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OOC: Henkka never told Trad his name.IC (Henkka, in Voi's body, Ko-Koro Inn):"We'd appreciate it", Henkka said to Ussalaius. Then he turned to Stronin. "Stronin, let me tell you one thing. You should never trust on someone simply because of his or her outer shell. You, from all beings, should understand this."

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IC: Utu - Ko-WahiUtu followed after Tank as the group walked along the ridge. He was right, they needed Tank too much. The others might not see it, but he did. Tank was special, no matter how many times he would deny it.The thing is though, they all were special.IC: Tank - Ko-WahiThe storm had hit. It would near impossible to determine what was where in the blizzard. Hardly his companions let alone the ledge they walked upon. But he knew they were close to their destination.|OOC:who wants to make the Ko-Koro post?

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OOC: Kughii left DJ in my care until he returns to active playing.IC:Close to Stannis group, next to a pillar of ice, the lone figure of Toa Draeverian Joskiir was still standing, closely listening to every word uttered by the Matoran in front of him. Leaning on Rivet, he examined the sounds of their voices, his keen sense of hearing painting an image of the companions, so accurate, thanks to them remaining relatively still, that he could almost make out the features of their faces clearly. All the while he listened to what Stannis was saying. And while it provided some answers to the questions burning in the blind Toa, much of what he had witnessed in the past hours remained a mystery to him.But one thing he was certain of: That if these brave travelers were headed into uncertainty, he would try to help them in their quest. Or at least offer it.Taking a step forward, he softly cleared his throat, just enough to be heard by the companions."Wanderer, if I may be so bold, I don't understand all of what has been told. But if is darkness you'll travel into, to burn it with light, I offer my assistance, to aid in the fight."OOC: Oh and yes, I was ordered to continue his rhymes...




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OOC: Krayzikk from Ko-KoroIC: KrayzikkKrayzikk quickly arrived at the Academy. When he did, he walked into the main building. He didn't go looking for Hau just yet, he didn't think he could talk to him without losing it. Not yet. But one thing he never expected to see was a Toa of Iron in a marching jacket, standing just inside the door. Krayzikk instinctively didn't trust him. He didn't recognize him, and his gut told him that something was wrong."Who are you, and what is your business here?" Krayzikk said, a note of warning in his voice.OOC: Tyler, your move.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



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IC: Dorian (CRANE Academy, Ko-Wahi)"My name is Dorian, and I'm honing my abilities here so I can learn to kill everyone in the world," muttered Dorian, brushing past Krayzikk. "Is that a problem?"This guy was mad. Dorian could feel it. Against his will, the Mark on his shoulder began to glow a bright, cool blue, visible through his jacket.-Teezy



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IC: KrayzikkIn an instant, Krayzikk took in what Dorian said, and noted the Mark on his shoulder.As he stepped past, Krayzikk snapped. Not the same way he had before, where his actions were guided by senseless rage, when Krayzikk went berserk. No, this was different. This was a tranquil rage. In that instant, all of Song's lessons returned, and Krayzikk knew what he needed to do.Swiftly, Krayzikk drew a dagger, and whirled, simultaneously stabbing at Dorian's back. "Yes. Yes it is." Krayzikk's voice possessed an eerie calm.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Dorian (CRANE Academy, Ko-Wahi)Dorian felt only a slight pain, very slight, as the dagger entered into the skin behind his rib cage. In curiosity, he plucked it out of his body, watching the slow flow of blood, then turned his attention to the tip of the blade and licked it, tasting his own blood."I get the feeling you don't like me," he said, dabbing at the knife as if he were a cat taking a drink of milk. "Why don't we just talk this out like civilized beings before I get too high off your supply of pheromones to think clearly?"-Teezy



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IC: Dorian (CRANE Academy, Ko-Wahi)"True enough on both counts," he said with a smirk as he dodged the swipe easily. "Give me enough time, I'll make you the same. Why don't you drop the weapons and just pummel me like a real man? I promise to provoke you if you do."-Teezy



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IC-Beatha:"Agreed," Beatha said, standing, before hearing a couple people talking, one voice sounding familiar, the other giving a familiar name. He laughed slightly, then louder, his full-blown chuckle easily carrying through the halls."Nevermind," he said, "Looks like he came back. Onward I go!" the Toa of Fire exclaimed cheerfully, before limping his way out towards where Dorian and Krayzikk were."Dorian Shaddix, Mark Bearer, Assassin, and all-around annoying man. Tell me," Beatha said, no, commanded, "How exactly did you end up here? I don't recall seeing you when first I came."OOC: I really need to get him back to his house so he can grab all of his files that he keeps on pretty much every resident of the island.

Edited by Kal Grochi

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC: Krayzikk"I will never be like you!" Krayzikk responded, throwing away his knife. Even if Dorian hadn't requested it, he still would have. It would do him o good in this fight. He feinted a punch toward his face, instead driving his fist toward Dorian's ribs.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Dorian (CRANE Academy, Ko-Wahi)"Okay, really. How do all of you people know me? I went through a lot of work to get this makeover!"He looked down at himself and smirked, dabbing at his blood again."Not that I don't like it, but the point of dying was so that I could, y'know, try to live a new life. Anyway, where were we? You were throwing a punch, right, big guy?"Almost in answer, Krayzikk's fist thudded into Dorian's ribs."THAT'S the ticket..."-Teezy

Edited by Tyler Durden



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IC: KrayzikkKrayzikk ignored Beatha completely. He didn't understand why Dorian wasn't hurt. He'd been stabbed, and punched in the ribs. What did it take to break this guy? Try as he might, Krayzikk couldn't stop his rising anger. He threw another punch at Dorian's face, then slammed his knee into the Bearer's groin.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Dorian (CRANE Academy, Ko-Wahi)His Mark giving him a euphoric feeling, Dorian hit the ground hard, spitting out blood and laughing. It wasn't even the Mark giving him strength; it was pure psychopathy. He wanted to be pummeled."Go ahead! Keep going! Every time you drag me down, you're sinking a bit yourself, Krayzikk!" he screamed, laughing a bit harder. "Do you want me to confess my sins? Fine! Should I start in alphabetical order or do you want me to go chronologically?"-Teezy



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IC: KrayzikkKrayzikk's eyes widened. "You Piraka!" He screamed, all tranquility gone from his face.With a howl of primal rage, he attacked. No longer did the Titan hold anything back, every blow had his full strength behind it.First, he slammed his heel into Dorian's ribs. That was quickly followed by an elbow to the nose, and that was followed by another kick to the groin. Krayzikk attacked again and again, all morality forgotten, attacking every part of Dorian's body he could. It was as if beast had replaced the man.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC-Beatha:"I wouldn't have recognized you if you hadn't give the name Dorian, young one," Beatha said, moving his way towards the two fighting. He stuck his Naginata between them, glaring at each in turn."Now, stop this. If we can't be civil in a place of learning, have we the ability to be civil elsewhere?"

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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Ic: Kaccio knocked on the door of Ambages' apartment door, but there was no answer. A simple note on a pillar in the entrance alcove said, "OUT." It, coupled with the silence beyond the door, was all Kaccio needed to know. Rejected temporarily, he turned away, suddenly coming to face to a matoran. "I'm mas'r Ambages' butler. How can Ah halp you?" he asked professionally."Where is the massa?" Kaccio requested in due politeness."Out," the butler responded. He waited a moment before continuing, "But I heah' he be back in town. That meens hea'll be a'comin' home soonish, Ah reckon. Do you wanna cum in?""I would appreciate it," Kaccio said."Heah, Ah'll open it up fer yah," the man said, pulling some keys out and opening the door. He plucked the note outside away as he entered -- aparently it was for him, not Ambages, though it served just as well. Kaccio would wait for the Gentry member to return.

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[stannis] Ic: "Alright then," Stannis said after a few others had spoken. "I welcome your company just the same and appreciate your willingness. Now then, start heading off to Ta-Koro. I'll be right behind you, but first I must speak with Matoro." The steely Pa-Matoran turned about and went towards the former right-hand of Nuju, suddenly catapulted to leadership of the town.[Ambages] Ambages turned around slowly, having finished his meal, and looked, ostensibly to see if the storm had stopped. It had, but his eyes lingered from the windows to the pair of Vortixx. He was an excellent judge of movements and could tell that the woman had gained a vague sense of his attention. "Paikish," as Ambages had overheard his name before, remained engaged solidly. He would have to return to converse with him, though he knew not when that time would be."I have to return to my home," he said. "The storm has passed and I must still clean myself from my journey. We shall speak again soon, though," he said, tossing a handful of widgets on the counter and leaving the establishment.The snows were piled higher than Ambages was tall, but he trudged through it all. He knew where the catwalks weaved and where the ledges hung even without all his sight, and so he was able to safely navigate his way to his doorstep. The alcove of his doorway was clear, of course, shielded by an overhanging arbor. He shuffled his keys out and opened the wooden barrier.His valet greeted him immediately, taking from him his muddied overcoat and hat and relieving him of his stress seemingly instantly. "Mas'r, dere is a man without in tha studee."Ambages' relaxing was jolted away at this remark. "Who is it?""He says he is frum tha collage over yonder," the valet replied."Ah. Did he say his name was Vernadon?" Ambages wondered. He had heard murmurings among his fellow members in the Cultured Gentry that Wokapu had made contact with the school but had been rebuffed by a certain Vernadon. Why the school would send a delegate to him and now was odd."No, he said it wasn Kashio, er summin liek thaht.""I see. Very well, I'll go see him. Thank you." Ambages strode towards the study, pausing in a mirror as he passed to straighten his Kanohi for business. He finally opened the twin doors to the study and entered, and saw a seated toa with light green and tan colors. He could not tell what sort of toa he was at first, though quick inspection of his more detailed features, as Kaccio rose from his seat, alerted him to the possibility that he was a toa of gravity. The padded boots and gauntness told him much about him already. "Greetings, and welcome to my humble abode," Ambages said with open arms as a sign of salutation to Kaccio. As he neared the professor, he extended a hand and they shook. "What can I do for you, good sir?" As Kaccio accepted the hand, Ambages was assured this meeting was on matters of business."Hi," Kaccio replied almost informally. "I am Kaccio, a professor at the academy."Ambages seemed a little startled by this casual air, but instead of revolting he adapted. "Ah, my manners! Ambages," he said with a slight bow, "at your service." He retreated to his own chair and Kaccio did too."I am aware that you are a member of the Cultured Gentry," Kaccio began rather flatly."That is correct," Ambages said. "My position as an architect has given me a vote in the club.""A member of your society gave the academy a visit as we were founded. Wokapu, I believe. He gave us an offer of funds to solidify our footing in the island. A fellow teacher of mine, however, told him no. I am here on similar business and say otherwise: I would welcome a partnership between your group and mine, and especially to make use of your mind and influence.""I see," Ambages said, but he detected something amiss. "And your peers, are they aware of your wishes?"Kaccio sighed softly. "There are problems in the campus. Some of the teachers do not agree, and others are prone to their own ways of teaching. Some even endanger the principles of our order in their actions and interests. While I am here, I speak for the betterment of the school, not for my squabbling peers.""Interesting..." Ambages said. He liked this Kaccio. He sensed that he was pragmatic and fearless, traits he could appreciate. "So how can a partnership help us mutually?""I am one of equals at the college, and am alone in my crusade for principle there. My authority is equal to the others, but if I were able to be influential to bring in a flux of new students, I would gain prestige and influence, not just from my peers but from the students who would recognize my name first. With this influence, I could remove the bad eggs from the basket. Your sphere of connections, which I know the scope of which is large, would help achieve this. In turn, you would gain a very valuable and powerful asset within the college: Me. I do not plan to simple chase the undisciplined away from their posts, I intend to maintain power so long as my protectorship is needed." He smirked slightly, "And I expect that to be quite a while.""An amusing offer, though I do not see how having my pockets in a college would be of any special use to me, I'm afraid," Ambages regretted. "Unless I am overlooking something? Please, prove me wrong.""A college that serves to inspire students and provides a pool of sharp minds would be a strong generator of prodigies for you to make use of as a Gentryman and an architect. Especially in your line of work, imagination, ingenuity and intelligence are strong characteristics you demand. In addition, you would be in our debt for designing additional buildings for our campus. You would essentially be, in part, an owner of the college, and you could have your way with some of the students. Think of it as a breeding ground for minds you can hone."Ambages nodded in understanding, realizing the usefulness of such a resource in his grand plans. He did not know it, but Kaccio knew exactly what was happening; he was betting on pulling the right cards to spur Ambages' imagination. "You have a deal. I will send new people to your college and design your new buildings. In return, I expect part-ownership and a say in the curriculum. You will serve as my proxy in the affairs of the college. Is this agreeable?""Remember, we have to oust the bad eggs first," Kaccio reminded."Of course. You need a little influence to get you started, I suppose. Here," he said, drawing up a book from one of the shelves and opening it to a precise page, which he ripped out. "This is a schematic for a building similar to what I think would be for the campus. You can show this as a toen of goodwill. I will construct this one and the rest pro-bono. This will get your wheels moving, I think.""Thank you," Kaccio said as he stood up and shook Ambages' hand once more to close their meeting. "I thank you for your service. You are heloing the college out profoundly.""And you to me," he said. In ways you cannot possibly imagine.

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IC: Dorian (CRANE Academy, Ko-Wahi)Dorian sprayed blood out of his nose and mouth as he laughed, pushing the other Toa out of the way as he stared at Krayzikk, his cool blue eyes glowing brilliantly; his Mark was doing the same."Are you going to kill me? Fine! Go ahead, prove yourself worthy of the title monster, prove to yourself and to me that you're no better than the people who killed your girl!"-Teezy



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IC: Since Stannis had missed the Toa in favour of dealing with Aurax and Matoro, Lepidran turned to Draeverian."Uh, sorry," said the gangly Le-Matoran, "The group is Matoran only. Stannis explains it better than I could. Though since this news from Nuju, he may have changed his mind. You may wish to speak with him after he's finished with Matoro."


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OOC: Crossing the Moral Event Horizon in 3...2...1...IC: KrayzikkKrayzikk paused. Dorian was right. If he killed him, then he was no better than Frieza. Then he mentioned Riaril.Krayzikk's eyes narrowed, and he slammed a vicious punch into Dorian's face. Following that, he slammed his other fist into Dorian's ribs and he thought he heard something crack, but it barely penetrated the fog surrounding his mind.Krayzikk grabbed Dorian by the neck, and tried to slam him against the wall.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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