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IC: Zakaro (HP: 20/20)


As Zakaro spawns in, he can quickly start to feel a coldness creeping into the depths of his bones. That would only be one of two people, and Voxumo, he noted, wasn't present. That could only mean..


"Ah, Luroka, glad to see you again," Zakaro commented offhandedly, summoning up his nice and shiny fire powers to blaze around his body and heat himself up. With Luroka incoming from one direction and his target off in another, Zakaro summoned his shield, a giant, Transparent Tahu Mask in front of him to allow for a split in concentration while he shot a series of super-heated metal shards at Strider. With that done, Zakaro backflipped and dispelled the shield, firing off a fireball and then seconds later a large cannonball at Luroka.




They call me Zakaro. You should too.

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OOC: None of these are permanent weapons, they are basically water taking the shape of whatever for a short time before disappearing. Plus, I'm not trying to replicate the tonfas either.


Zakaro: Is that an instant 7 damage thing or?

Edited by Phoenix Zero

Haven't seen one of these in a long time...



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IC: Makuta Luroka (20/20)


As Zakaro throws a fireball and later a large cannonball at me, I use the mask to diffuse the heat from the fireball, and move to evade the cannonball, and continue to draw heat from Zakaro. As he begins cooling, I throw a series of powerful punches and kicks.

Edited by Makuta Luroka


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OOC: No, no insta-7 damage or anything. This is just the other functions of the TTM, and I'm just throwing some hot metal at you JiMing. :P


I uh..

Luroka, i don't think taking the heat from a large cannonball is going to magically stop said cannonball from making an impact on your body

explanation would be nice



They call me Zakaro. You should too.

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OOC: No, no insta-7 damage or anything. This is just the other functions of the TTM, and I'm just throwing some hot metal at you JiMing. :P


I uh..

Luroka, i don't think taking the heat from a large cannonball is going to magically stop said cannonball from making an impact on your body

explanation would be nice


Wait what did the cannonball come from? DF wep?


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OOC: No, no insta-7 damage or anything. This is just the other functions of the TTM, and I'm just throwing some hot metal at you JiMing. :P


I uh..

Luroka, i don't think taking the heat from a large cannonball is going to magically stop said cannonball from making an impact on your body

explanation would be nice



Yeah taking heat away from a cannonball isn't saving you from damage

Cannonballs freaking hurt

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OOC: Had to make sure, Zakaro. =P


IC: Strider Jiraiya (19/20)


Out of the corner of his eye, Strider saw a barrage of molten metal heading straight for him. The ninja wasted no time sliding to the side, the attack hopefully passing by Anna as well. Then he narrowed his eyes, throwing several water kunais as Zakaro in retaliation.

Haven't seen one of these in a long time...



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I'm taking a hiatus from this as well.. I find myself unable to be around during the day when the majority of people are active so until things are back in order on my end I wasn't going to rejoin

Also you're in a timezone with nothing but water.


I fail to see how that is truly relevant due to it being incorrect.


Banner made by Onaku



If you interact with one of my characters and I don't respond or acknowledge the interaction within a day, send me a PM. Odds are I missed or did not see the post.

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IC 19

As the water blades embedded themselves in the light shield, Chro thickened it, reforming light in the gaps that the water had created.
"Yeah, right." He launched more spikes from the shield's surface towards Phoenix, while strafing to the left, shield and all.

save not only their lives


but their spirits

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OOC: my power is Iron, basically, but without being able to control other people's armor and other people being able to control my Iron


that's where the cannonball came from


IC: Zakaro (HP: 20/20)


Preoccupied with rolling out of the way of the incoming Luroka, Zakaro took the kunais in his arm, dealing some damage. (-1, 19/20)  Throwing the shield up to delay Luroka again, he fired off another bunch of metal shards at Strider after he was dodging Chro's attacks in hopes that one would catch the ninja unawares.


Turning back to Luroka, Zakaro dropped the shield and stomped his foot. If Luroka continued to charge at Zakaro, a large metal spike would emerge from the earth at a 45 degree angle, pointed at Luroka's gut. All the while, Zakaro kept his fire powers counteracting Luroka's cooling.



They call me Zakaro. You should too.

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OOC: No, no insta-7 damage or anything. This is just the other functions of the TTM, and I'm just throwing some hot metal at you JiMing. :P


I uh..

Luroka, i don't think taking the heat from a large cannonball is going to magically stop said cannonball from making an impact on your body

explanation would be nice


Wait what did the cannonball come from? DF wep?


Zakaro's power this cycle is metallic constructs.


IC: Unit [25/20]


Unit saw a crosshair appear over Luroka. He started charging towards the Makuta, hammer at the ready, but he didn't take more than five steps before his weapon vanished. He instead chose to fire off a repulsion blast at Luroka, with the intent of propelling him into the cannonball that Zakaro had just fired.




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IC: Strider Jiraiya (19/20)


Strider swiftly dodged the spikes from Chro, rigjt in the way of a molten shard. (18/20). Staggering briefly, the ninja used his time on the ground to sneakily charge a water shuriken while it seemed he was down. Then he leaped to his feet, tossing a rather large shuriken at Chro, and another uncharged one at Zakaro. The charged shuriken would strike multiple times, putting pressure on the barrier.

Haven't seen one of these in a long time...



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OOC: Edited previous post.


IC: Makuta Luroka (20/20)


As Zakaro raises a metal spike, I try to maneuver around it, while trying to dodge the blast from unit. I freeze the air to form a very dense ice shield around myself and zakaro, and unleash a quick series of physical attacks.

Edited by Makuta Luroka


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IC: [20/20]


Caboose landed onto the Arena floor creating a crater where he stands. "I like this new form and sword." Caboose saw fisher attacking someone, but he couldn't quite see him well. The figure appeared to be Blade as soon as came closer.


Trying to utilize the element of surprise, Caboose sneaked up to fisher and made sure to not get seen by following his movements. Once he was in range, Caboose went into a spin motion as he unleashed a mive he called Hurricane Slash.


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IC: Zakaro (HP: 19/20)


Even as Luroka weaved around his spike, Zakaro was getting ready. 

"I admit, the ice dome was an unexpected twist but you forget, Luroka.."

Zakaro spoke even as he blocked a series of punches, before twisting to a side past a kick and rolling back before encasing his arm in one long, sharp metallic object as the ice dome shattered in various spots from Strider's and Unit's attacks.


"You're as trapped with me as I am with you."

Ignoring a punch to the face, Zakaro stabbed forward, intending to impale Luroka on the spike as Unit's wave hit him forward. (-1, 18/20)



They call me Zakaro. You should too.

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IC: Unfortunately, I am quite focused on the attack on Blade and don't notice Caboose's attack. [19/20] A bit stunned by the aging, I turn on my heel instead of the usual flip. I decide on a crueller around his head and feet, and send him rolling away to the other side of the arena. His aging powers will dissolve it eventually, but hopefully it will backfire and give him a nice bump on the head.


[19/20]: I pull the chocolate back to me and try to hit Blade again. It's going to be a long day. 

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IC: Makuta Luroka (20/20)


As Unit penetrates the ice shield, and blasts myself towards Zakaro, I act to fortify my frozen air dome, freezing the various gases within the air, making the shield incredibly dense and hard. I then freeze air around Zakaro's stabbing implement, to round it's point, preventing impalement. As I collide with the thing (-1 19/20), I recover, and resume my assault on Zakaro, fashioning a sword out of frozen air to aid in my battle. I lunge at him, and follow up with a spinning slash.


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fishers looked to the heavens and thought very, very hard about how much she wanted the best army possible.


In response, she actually received the Skull Spiders, which dealt four damage to every fighter in the game. That said, since fighting without weapons OR powers would be unfair, fishers did not lose her abilities.

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IC: Zakaro (HP: 18/20)


In response, Zakaro just bursts into total flames, spewing them all over the place and likely melting Luroka's makeshift weapon, not that it would have lasted long with the rules of this round, and enough of the ice dome to leap out. While doing do, Zakaro created and flung another, but as large as himself this time, cannonball back at Luroka. 


Feeling quite a bit more free, Zakaro sprinted forward and flung a couple of fireballs at Strider again before turning around and launching another, smaller cannonball at the likely pursuing Luroka, with luck catching him off guard.

E: oh, and spiders GAHGHAGHAHGHAHGAGhhhhh (-4, 14/20)


Edited by Zakaro


They call me Zakaro. You should too.

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IC: Unit [25/20]


Spiders suddenly descended upon Unit. Before he could react, they had bitten him all over[21/20]. He used water to wash them off and prevent further damage. Seeing Zakaro forming another cannonball, Unit sent water into Luroka's face, aiming to blind/distract him long enough to allow the cannonball to hit.




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IC: Spiders. [15/20] Ow. I decide to make a strawberry creme filled one for them, grabbing the leader to take control. He is licking his lips - apparently he likes strawberry creme. 


[15/20]: So I'm not going to lose my powers this time. Good. I don't need any more distractions. 

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-==IC: Anna - HP: 20/20==-


Anna frowned, as she ducked forward to avoid most of the attacks flying around at that moment, aiming to run diagonally right, having felt the unwelcoming presence of Chro teleporting behind her. Anna didn't want to be skewered,though, so she rolled away as she heard the hardlight barrier powering up. Then the spiders appeared. [HP: 16/20] Anna frowned, as she summoned the Master Core quickly, intending to have it shoot finger rockets at Ehks even faster. [Master Hand: 5/5]

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IC 14
Chro sprinted forwards to avoid retribution, then teleported to behind the Master Hand. He began hurling blasts of burning light towards it, but prepared to teleport away in case it retaliated sharply.

Edited by Chro

save not only their lives


but their spirits

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IC: Strider Jiraiya (18/20)


Out of nowhere, Skull Spiders arrived and assailed Strider. (14/20) Staggering to his feet, the ninja growled and sent a quick wave of water to wash away the spiders, preventing them from attacking again. 

"Vermin can't stop me....." Strider declared, preparing a storm of small water sais. Once he prepared an adequate amount, the great majority were sent towards fisher's Skull Spiders, with some also headed for fishers herself, Chro, and Zakaro.

Haven't seen one of these in a long time...



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Noticing fisher's absolutely horrid luck with summoning an army, Captain Caboose decided the same - considering that she had summoned the worst army possible, it wouldn't take much to have better luck. So he called to the heavens, and Voltex responded.


An army of Mii Brawlers, Mii Swordfighters and Mii Gunners appeared on the battlefield, fully healing Captain Caboose and readying their weapons; at Captain Caboose's command, they would deal six damage to four other fighters.

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IC: [19/20]

"Yay. I love this stuff. Can a get a giant cake of chocolate now too?" Remembering his Mii fighters [+1], he looked onto the battlefield still a bit dumbfounded as usual. "Let's see, who should I let you guys attack?"


He noticed Chro a bit and pointed to his direction and in which some Miis went to him. "I love my new friends. They look like ballons." Then he noticed An/a and pointed his sowrd at him/her (he can't tell) and some Mii Gunners went to the fighter.


He then looked out some more with his finger on his chin. He then also noticed Unit as well and motioned some Miis to him as well. He needed one more fighter to let out against, and he knew the perfect one. He saw Luroka going against someone and sent the rest of the Miis to Luroka to deal their damage. "I think I'll just stand here and watch right now. I feel too much joy to even fight right now. :D"


OOC: This is the first time I used this army system. I had to try it out.

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OOC: Um, the Rahkshi are unquestionably the worst. :P


IC: I dodge Phoenix's water sais. Unfortunately some of the skull spiders are hurt. [86/100]


[15/20]: Meanwhile, I decide to grant Caboose' wish for chocolate. A chocolate donut appears around his head, just big enough to block his vision and cut off his breathing, hopefully. 

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IC: Strider Jiraiya (14/20)


Caboose summoned an army as well, but none of the Miis chose to attack Strider. Taking advantage of the situation, the ninja charged up two water shurikens to large proportions, one headed for Caboose, and the other fishers. Even if he missed, it was almost guaranteed he'd take out more of their respective armies, due to the multi-hitting nature of the large shurikens.

Haven't seen one of these in a long time...



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IC: I build a crueller in the path of the shuriken, and swing to the left as it inevitably is cut in half and becomes soggy mush. A couple more spiders die [84/100], while a few others eat the mess on the floor. 


[15/20]: I direct the Spiders to resume their assault on Master Hand. 

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I would still have 19 HP if it weren't for auto-damage. Now I have 8. What fun.

Why did you attack me, Caboose? I'm hunting the guy who's trying to kill you. And you didn't even attack your own actual target.

Speaking of which, where the heck is Aeron? I want to accomplish my goal this round.

Edited by Chro

save not only their lives


but their spirits

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Could've gotten his own target down to six HP... but whateverrr


IC 8

Chro encased himself in a light shield, and teleported to directly behind ShadowVezon. He punched the ground, sending a web of hard-light over the arena floor, and launching spikes of light upwards from the web beneath SV.

save not only their lives


but their spirits

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Aeron got up. He was dizzy and confused but saw a red circle on his hud built into his mask. Captain caboose seemed to be right below the circle but he was AFK. So he checked his hud again only to learn that Chro was targeting him. He knew he had to take him out or else it would be over. Aeron formed a tornado under him and rode it towards Chro, who was oblivious to Aeron being non-AFK. Chro was knocked to the ground by the tornado, several feet away from Aeron.


OOC: Sorry I'm late. 9th grade is tough :P

Edited by Toa Aeron

Just because you're trash doesn't mean you can't do great things.

It's called garbage can, not garbage cannot!

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