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Ok, so here is my theory as to the storyline.

A mythic godlike being showed up ( lets call him artakha) and used the mask of creation to create a beautiful island paradise. He then vanished, hiding his mask somewhere. Then an evil guy, jealous of artakhas creation, comes along and wants to use the mask to reshape the world. Cue toa, they get the mask first, good guys win.

There, just flesh that out and you have bionicle 2.0

The Chirox Codex

Chuck's Very Dead Comic Series

:smilehafu: This is my signature. Exciting, huh?  :ruru:


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But then what do the Toa do with the mask? How do they defeat/destroy the bad guy?

Simple. One of them wears it, and uses it to create a way to defeat the bad guy. :P


Joking aside, this does make me ask something. Does anyone else think that the Mask would have consequences for wearing it? Like with the Ignika, when a destinied user wears it and dies from it. Do you guys think that anyone who wears will have to pay a price to do so? Like death, or a loss of their own power, or something of that sort?

Everyone is one choice away from being the bad guy in another person's story.



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That'd be really cool. Creativity is a key theme in Lego, makes sense they'd re-introduce Bionicle with it. Maybe the price of wearing the MoCr is losing your creative potential when it's not equipped. This could lead to one of the characters having to don it to save the team, then the mask is lost or returned to Artakha or w/e and there's a storyline in which they try to restore the character's creative potential.

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Actually that doesn't make sense to me completely. It would be like saying the Avokhii (mask of light) drains all the light out of its wearer to power itself. That would make the wearer a being of shadow. This mask in particular actually enhances the wearer with power of good. A mask should have powers on its own and not use the beings who wear it as batteries. If anything I feel like the Mask of Creation should make the wearer more creative.


But then again kanohi physics are pretty unspecific so I have no idea.  :P

Edited by Banana Gunz
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That'd be really cool. Creativity is a key theme in Lego, makes sense they'd re-introduce Bionicle with it. Maybe the price of wearing the MoCr is losing your creative potential when it's not equipped. This could lead to one of the characters having to don it to save the team, then the mask is lost or returned to Artakha or w/e and there's a storyline in which they try to restore the character's creative potential.

That sounds like the end of 2007, except with a slightly more kid-friendly theme. Lego, have I just guessed your plotline by any chance?  :P Although a later year, with that member nearly incapacitated, might get a bit boring due to one member not being able to fight. Nobody would want to buy that set. Also, Banana Gunz, remember that the Avohkii isn't a legendary mask. The MoCr is on a completely different power level.

Edited by Makuta Miras


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Honestly, lack of creative potential is not something threatening. It just means you can't think up anyhting new. You can still be a very effective fighter and person, just very boring and set-in-your-ways. Sounds like a lot of Ko-Toa already.

:r: :e: :g: :i: :t: :n: :u: :i:

Elemental Rahi in Gen2, anyone? A write-up for an initial video for a G2 plot


I really wish everyone would stop trying to play join the dots with Gen 1 and Gen 2 though,it seems there's a couple new threads everyday and often they're duplicates of already existing conversations! Or simply parallel them with a slightly new 'twist'! Gen 2 is NEW, it is NOT Gen 1 and it is NOT a continuation. Outside of the characters we already have I personally don't want to see ANY old characters return. I think it will cheapen the whole experience to those of us familiar with the original line...


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Actually that doesn't make sense to me completely. It would be like saying the Avokhii (mask of light) drains all the light out of its wearer to power itself. That would make the wearer a being of shadow. This mask in particular actually enhances the wearer with power of good. A mask should have powers on its own and not use the beings who wear it as batteries. If anything I feel like the Mask of Creation should make the wearer more creative.


But then again kanohi physics are pretty unspecific so I have no idea.  :P

It mainly makes sense if you consider that the Vahi, Ignika, and Mask of Creation are legendary masks and thus far more significant than the Avohkii and other great masks. The legendary kanohi are tied to the most integral forces maintaining the matoran universe, and destroying them would have catastrophic effects. They also cannot be replicated, and are too powerful for most of the MU inhabitants to fully control, whereas the knowledge, skill and resources to replicate even the Avohkii are readily available.


Honestly, lack of creative potential is not something threatening. It just means you can't think up anyhting new. You can still be a very effective fighter and person, just very boring and set-in-your-ways. Sounds like a lot of Ko-Toa already.

On the contrary, all independent autonomous functions rely on creativity to some extent, and a lack thereof would inhibit a being's ability to think critically, solve problems, innovate new technology, study new things, improve working solutions, and observe the natural world. Creativity is one of the fundamental forces of the matoran universe, and a lack of creativity would cause it to lose its ability to function properly.

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Actually that doesn't make sense to me completely. It would be like saying the Avokhii (mask of light) drains all the light out of its wearer to power itself. That would make the wearer a being of shadow. This mask in particular actually enhances the wearer with power of good. A mask should have powers on its own and not use the beings who wear it as batteries. If anything I feel like the Mask of Creation should make the wearer more creative.


But then again kanohi physics are pretty unspecific so I have no idea.  :P

It mainly makes sense if you consider that the Vahi, Ignika, and Mask of Creation are legendary masks and thus far more significant than the Avohkii and other great masks. The legendary kanohi are tied to the most integral forces maintaining the matoran universe, and destroying them would have catastrophic effects. They also cannot be replicated, and are too powerful for most of the MU inhabitants to fully control, whereas the knowledge, skill and resources to replicate even the Avohkii are readily available.


Honestly, lack of creative potential is not something threatening. It just means you can't think up anyhting new. You can still be a very effective fighter and person, just very boring and set-in-your-ways. Sounds like a lot of Ko-Toa already.

On the contrary, all independent autonomous functions rely on creativity to some extent, and a lack thereof would inhibit a being's ability to think critically, solve problems, innovate new technology, study new things, improve working solutions, and observe the natural world. Creativity is one of the fundamental forces of the matoran universe, and a lack of creativity would cause it to lose its ability to function properly.




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That sounds like the end of 2007, except with a slightly more kid-friendly theme. Lego, have I just guessed your plotline by any chance?  :P Although a later year, with that member nearly incapacitated, might get a bit boring due to one member not being able to fight. Nobody would want to buy that set. Also, Banana Gunz, remember that the Avohkii isn't a legendary mask. The MoCr is on a completely different power level.



True, but I don't see a reason why the legendary masks would have different physics than other masks. It's arguable that the elements they control are so powerful that they need to drain that energy from the wearer to operate it, but I still feel like it makes a needless inconsistency with how masks work. And how would the Vahi work? Would the wearer be frozen in time if they put it on? Not from what we've seen. They still have the element of time working perfectly fine for them. The only time I remember the Ignika draining life from someone directly was matoro, and that was to bring back Mata-Nui. The rest of the time it gives beings powers that can cause death, but that's not draining life energy from anyone that directly touched it.

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Remember the Ignika cursed those who touched it, though. Dekar became Dekar-Hydraxon, Vezon was fused to a giant Fenrakk (and probably driven mad), some of the Barraki had characteristics taken up to 11, Click became a shield (though able to switch back and forth, although Greg originally planned for it permanently a shield)  etc. Yeah the Vahi would be the odd one out in this story, but then again it wasn't created by the GBs like the others, and it can still rip apart time and space themselves if not used right or if damaged.

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Remember the Ignika cursed those who touched it, though. Dekar became Dekar-Hydraxon, Vezon was fused to a giant Fenrakk (and probably driven mad), some of the Barraki had characteristics taken up to 11, Click became a shield (though able to switch back and forth, although Greg originally planned for it permanently a shield)  etc. Yeah the Vahi would be the odd one out in this story, but then again it wasn't created by the GBs like the others, and it can still rip apart time and space themselves if not used right or if damaged.


Those aren't powers of death though. In a sense, those are still powers of life. Dekar wasn't killed, just transformed. His life force was used to become another being. Vezon wasn't really fused to Fenrakk to my knowledge. The only thing the mask did was give him great powers. I know one power granted by the Ignika was a death touch, but technically that power did not interfere/change with the persons life energy. They were still very much alive. And in the case of Click, though it was originally planned, it is not canon that he (he for convenience, I don't actually know what gender it was) was turned permanently into a shield. And so he is still very much alive, in fact enhanced because he can become a living shield.


And just because the Vahi was made by someone else it doesn't mean it is any less of a legendary mask or that it should work differently from the others. I don't see how the point of how it can rip apart time if destroyed is really valid here. As long as it remains intact the users time energy is not directly interfered with, as long as they know how to properly use the mask without letting it use them.

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I hope they don't break the fourth wall by having them wear the mask and then start building things with parts.

You mean like how the Toa assembled themselves in some of the very first BIONICLE videos? Or how the Toa Nuva built the Ussanui from Rahkshi and Bohrok-Kal parts?


I agree it would be a bit unusual compared to what we saw in the later years of BIONICLE, but I don't think it would be a tragic thing for BIONICLE to emphasize building a bit more, considering it is a building toy. I don't think it would qualify as "breaking the fourth wall" any more than when Transformers characters transform. :P

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If they could find a way to integrate the building in a manner that works and isn't silly (like the machine building in the HF show this year, ugh), I'd be all for it. Especially when it comes to things like the Ussanui; if we could see more machines and whatnot being built in-story that would be kind of cool.

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I don't see anything wrong with building, as long as it doesn't interfere too much. I thought it was interesting how HF did it with the Invasion from Below special. I don't see how it would be done with Bionicle but I'm sure it can find some way inside. (I'm imagining a fun commercial for Bionicle 2015 titans where there is a giant, ancient stone pool covered in runes and filled with CCBS/technic parts and then the set starts rising out of it....)

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I'd rather imagine that Bionicles aren't supposed to be made of parts in canon. It's just weird, or why wouldn't they just be swapping around their own limbs and making themselves look and function better?

As for your first statement, I believe that the sets resemble the characters rather than the characters resembling the sets. 


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Well, they could do another Friday reveal, but judging by what they revealed this time, they seem awfully adamant about not revealing anything other than the Mask for now, and there's really not much left to reveal that wouldn't intersect with the things they're keeping secret. Chances are we're gonna have a long two weeks ahead of us.

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True, but I don't see a reason why the legendary masks would have different physics than other masks. It's arguable that the elements they control are so powerful that they need to drain that energy from the wearer to operate it, but I still feel like it makes a needless inconsistency with how masks work. And how would the Vahi work? Would the wearer be frozen in time if they put it on? Not from what we've seen. They still have the element of time working perfectly fine for them. The only time I remember the Ignika draining life from someone directly was matoro, and that was to bring back Mata-Nui. The rest of the time it gives beings powers that can cause death, but that's not draining life energy from anyone that directly touched it.

Luroka explained the "mask-physics" differences very well.

I suspect that the Vahi could have some effect on the wearer that we haven't seen yet, because Tahu and Vakama are still around... and the Vahi is related to time, so could have a latent effect. It might seem a bit contrived but it's possible.

Edited by Chro

save not only their lives


but their spirits

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I'd rather imagine that Bionicles aren't supposed to be made of parts in canon. It's just weird, or why wouldn't they just be swapping around their own limbs and making themselves look and function better?

The Matoran canonically did that exact thing in the 2003 storyline, after the Bohrok-Kal were defeated...


Personally, I wouldn't have a tremendous problem with that kind of thing. With that said, there are more ways to incorporate references to building or creation than actual characters being assembled. The Ussanui in BIONICLE: Mask of Light is just one example.

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I'd rather imagine that Bionicles aren't supposed to be made of parts in canon. It's just weird, or why wouldn't they just be swapping around their own limbs and making themselves look and function better?

The Matoran canonically did that exact thing in the 2003 storyline, after the Bohrok-Kal were defeated...


Personally, I wouldn't have a tremendous problem with that kind of thing. With that said, there are more ways to incorporate references to building or creation than actual characters being assembled. The Ussanui in BIONICLE: Mask of Light is just one example.


Don't forget about the Vahkii! While we were never shown their creation, me must infer they were built with parts, too.



~Pohatu Master of Stone, 2015

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Guys! I have a friend working at NYCC, and he told my what the BIONICLE Reveal is going to be! And it is...



The Mask of Creation!

They're going to have a giant, brick built Mask of Creation, a giant banner of the Mask of Creation, they'll be raffling off preview BIONICLE sets- a polybag of the Mask of Creation!

They'll also be revealing the first trailer for the TV series, featuring a narrator narrating- about the Mask of Creation!

This will be the best comic con ever!


(This is a joke in case you couldn't tell...but it still could be true at this point)

Edited by Turaga Jack
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Follow the light...


The Hype Train will take you to it


Follow me on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/JTHStudio


Also, watch my new BIONICLE Short: "How BIONICLE Really Came Back" http://www.bzpower.com/board/topic/15938-how-bionicle-really-came-back-a-brickfilm/

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Guys! I have a friend working at NYCC, and he told my what the BIONICLE Reveal is going to be! And it is...



The Mask of Creation!

They're going to have a giant, brick built Mask of Creation, a giant banner of the Mask of Creation, they'll be raffling off preview BIONICLE sets- a polybag of the Mask of Creation!

They'll also be revealing the first trailer for the TV series, featuring a narrator narrating- about the Mask of Creation!

This will be the best comic con ever!


(This is a joke in case you couldn't tell...but it still could be true at this point)

Not gonna lie, I'd like a Mask of Creation polybag with some other things, like a small Rahi/whatever.

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"Onua gazes upon the Earth and sees riches. It is our Duty to dig, and our Destiny to find them"

- Aiyetoro

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I don't know if somebody said this, but we know Artahka has the Mask of Creation and he has not lost all his creativity through use of the mark. 

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Steam Name: Toa Hahli Mahri. Xbox Live Gamertag: Makuta. Minecraft Username: ThePoohster.

Wants: 2003 Jaller (from Jaller and Gukko), Exo-Toa, Turaga Nuju, Turaga Vakama, Shadow Kraata, Axonn, Brutaka, Vezon & Fenrakk, Nocturn, ORANGE FIKOU.

I got rid of my picture, are you happy?




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What if the Mask of Creation was only available in one of those massive $90 sets? What would you do?


Hopefully that won't happen since $90 sets don't exist. At most, it'll be a $60 set which hasn't been around since 09.


I don't know if somebody said this, but we know Artahka has the Mask of Creation and he has not lost all his creativity through use of the mark. 


What I had in mind was that you lose your creativity when taking it off, not while you still have it.

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What if the Mask of Creation was only available in one of those massive $90 sets? What would you do?


Hopefully that won't happen since $90 sets don't exist. At most, it'll be a $60 set which hasn't been around since 09.

I assume that you are talking about constraction sets. Anyways, the Skopio XV-1 was about $80, and the most expensive Hero Factory set was this one




~Pohatu Master of Stone, 2015

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Guys! I have a friend working at NYCC, and he told my what the BIONICLE Reveal is going to be! And it is...



The Mask of Creation!

They're going to have a giant, brick built Mask of Creation, a giant banner of the Mask of Creation, they'll be raffling off preview BIONICLE sets- a polybag of the Mask of Creation!

They'll also be revealing the first trailer for the TV series, featuring a narrator narrating- about the Mask of Creation!

This will be the best comic con ever!


(This is a joke in case you couldn't tell...but it still could be true at this point)


If it's a joke, what's funny about it?

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Guys! I have a friend working at NYCC, and he told my what the BIONICLE Reveal is going to be! And it is...



The Mask of Creation!

They're going to have a giant, brick built Mask of Creation, a giant banner of the Mask of Creation, they'll be raffling off preview BIONICLE sets- a polybag of the Mask of Creation!

They'll also be revealing the first trailer for the TV series, featuring a narrator narrating- about the Mask of Creation!

This will be the best comic con ever!


(This is a joke in case you couldn't tell...but it still could be true at this point)


If it's a joke, what's funny about it?


It is a secret joke that I do not get either.

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~Pohatu Master of Stone, 2015

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What if the Mask of Creation was only available in one of those massive $90 sets? What would you do?


Hopefully that won't happen since $90 sets don't exist. At most, it'll be a $60 set which hasn't been around since 09.

I assume that you are talking about constraction sets. Anyways, the Skopio XV-1 was about $80, and the most expensive Hero Factory set was this one



(Yes I mean constraction sets) What? I thought Skopio cost $60. o.o

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What if the Mask of Creation was only available in one of those massive $90 sets? What would you do?


Hopefully that won't happen since $90 sets don't exist. At most, it'll be a $60 set which hasn't been around since 09.

I assume that you are talking about constraction sets. Anyways, the Skopio XV-1 was about $80, and the most expensive Hero Factory set was this one



(Yes I mean constraction sets) What? I thought Skopio cost $60. o.o


It looks like it was $90!




~Pohatu Master of Stone, 2015

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