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Corpus Rahkshi

Wyrd Bid Ful Araed

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IC: Sim - Library

"Aah, doh." Not while Fate was still in the area over there... or, had she left? Maybe. Either way, this shouldn't warrant that much attention for Palma.

"Dis not dat bad. Dit dust sounds bad."

I could see her holding in her laughter. Her concealing smile was infectious, it was all I could do to keep myself from laughing too.

"Behbe we- I mean I, should dust doh outdide."

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IC: Melody - Library

"Okay." Melody clung close by, determined to help Sim even if he didn't need it.


IC Spindle
Seeing Tear dodge out of the corner of his eye, Spindle buckled his knees and dropped as best he could. The knife tore into the top of his kraata case, and a small crack formed directly in front of the stab.
Everything flashed black for half a second as the knife barely sliced a nerve on the kraata's skin. With his face on the ground, the best he could do was kick backwards and hope he tripped him.
OOC: If you'd like me to respond sooner Ghidora, a simple note in the Register or a PM saying you edited might be nice.
IC: Tear - Causeway
Spindle collapsed with a jagged wound across his back. Despite Tear's best efforts, he was still kicking... literally. "Pathetic," Tear sneered as he stepped aside, taking little more than a whack across his legs. "Did you really think I would forget? That I would leave you in peace?" He paced around Spindle's prone body, debating on the best way to finish this job. "I'm finished with being made a fool of."
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IC: Blue (Hallways)


"Man, that place was a madhouse!" Blue said to himself after leaving the infirmary. Then he stopped as he heard a soft strumming coming from outside. "Hmm? What's that?" he asked curiously as he wandered out into the courtyard.  


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IC: Tear - Causeway


Tear winced a little as the scream hit his ears, but as Spindle was no Power Scream Rahkshi, it was far from crippling. Already, the sound was muting slightly as his Adaptation abilities kicked in. If anything, the scream only made Tear more desperate to end this. He pounced on the prone Rahkshi to hold him still as the dagger cut towards Spindle's faceplates. Tear knew very well that it would all be over if he could just get that blade through a seam in the helmet.



IC: Canvas - Hallways


Canvas was jolted awake as a piercing scream echoed through the halls. Someone was carrying her... where? It didn't matter. She flew into a panic and flailed around, shouting, "Let me go!"

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IC Spindle


The noise died for a split second as Spindle attempted to roll, but Tear's knee landed on his hip before he could do anything. He shrunk his neck back as best he could, but the knife still drove clean through one of his mandibles. Furious, he lunged his head forward as he tried to bite Tear's hand, and forced his wristblade towards Tear's throat.




"Whowhat- AAAGH"


Xi stumbled crazily, losing his grip on Canvas and consequentially getting kicked square in the back as she fell off. He collided with the wall and spun onto the ground in a daze.

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IC: Tear - Causeway


With the blade embedded in Spindle's mouth and Tear keeping a firm grip on it, the only one Spindle was going to hurt by biting was himself. The wristblade, on the other hand, proved to be more effective. Tear hardly saw it coming before the short blade pierced his neck joint and the fleshy Kraata underneath. Though it wasn't long enough to do serious damage, Tear screeched in agony as he pushed backward, leaving the dagger in Spindle's faceplates.



IC: Canvas - Hallways


Canvas fell from Xi's shoulder and crashed to the ground, but didn't waste any time in kicking herself against the opposite wall. Her frantic eyes finally rested on Xi, and she stared at him uncomprehendingly for a moment before sighing with relief. "Oh, it's you," she panted. "You okay?"

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IC Spindle


"Thhnk yy." Spindle said as he growled at himself for failing depth perception class, cutting the corners of his mouth on the metal weapon. He pulled the knife out of his mandible and slowly rose up from being face-down, cringing as the pain flowed faster than the blood, his wristblade in a warding position.


Not wanting to waste any more time, he continued the horrendous screaming.




"Uurgh.. Where did..."


His eyes finally rested on Canvas, and a blush filled his cheeks. "I... Uh... Y-you ww-went unconscious after Holl-ow left, s-so I was b-b-bring you to the.. T-the.. Mem...Orial? I think t-that's what it was..."


IC Vaalku









Vaalku had slowly hobbled through the halls, headed towards the gym, a small stream of tears falling down his face. Everything I've ever done has been a failure...


He paced in, creating spots of the gym to support himself before settling against one of the walls, slumping to the floor and curling his arm against his knee.

OOC: Vaalku open for interaction.

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IC: Tear - Causeway


Tear pressed a hand to his neck to try to stop the bleeding, only to wince and remove it again. He watched the ichor as it pooled in his hand, entranced by the morbid beauty of it.


And Spindle was still screaming. What was it supposed to prove? Was it his way of showing he expended every last effort before succumbing to death?


Despite the daggers of pain darting between his wound and his head, the rhythmic throbbing of his heart entwined with the shrill screech, Tear began staggering forward again, madness glittering in his eyes. It didn't matter that he didn't have a weapon. He would tear this fool apart with his bare hands.



IC: Canvas - Hallways


"He... left?" Canvas stammered, trying to piece the meaning of the words together in her addled brain. She thought she remembered... shouting.


Canvas rested her head in her hands, only to rest back against the wall to stare at them. They seemed... strange. What was wrong with them? Something in the way the light reflected...


She realized it all with a start. She recognized those hands. Her wide, fearful eyes followed the shades of pink and gold as they wound up her arms and across her torso. No...


"Don't look at me!" she cried as she curled up and tried to make herself as small as possible, pressing up against the wall.

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IC Spindle


Spindle trailed the scream off into a whisper, slightly surprised at Tear's stubborn push for survival. "You remember I like to knit?"


Then, a small portion of the insane madness that had plagued Spindle before sprung up in a spasm of hideous violence. His shoulders clicked, the muscles of his faceplate drew apart for a moment, he was temporarily transfigured into a demon more violent than Tear.




As the odd contortion suddenly ceased, he looked with some fear as to what he had just been and took off down the hall as fast as his legs could carry him, not a care in the world to the blood collected on his chest.




Xi cringed, throwing his hands up in a defensive position, and crept away slightly. "What? What did I do?!"

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IC: Canvas - Hallways


Canvas didn't answer, focusing instead on trying to fix this. Her armor shimmered, patches of white appearing and disappearing across her body. Still pink and gold. She tried again, focusing harder on her powers, the powers she had used without effort for months now. For a moment, the white reappeared, but as Canvas tried to relax, it faded away again. Why is this happening?



IC: Tear - Causeway


Tear lumbered forward, step by painful step towards his victim. It would be so easy; he could already feel the crunch of metal under his talons...


And then Spindle reared up before him, eyes burning and mouth snarling. Tear fell backward as primal fear overcame him, hoping he would be able to fend off the blows.


But they never came. As Tear glanced back up again, Spindle was gone. And the dagger with him. He pounded the floor and cursed under his breath. The coward got away from him again. Resolving to finish this another day, Tear pushed himself to his feet. Where was that nurse again? Pedma? Pakna?


A trail of ichor followed as he wandered through the halls in search of the Infirmary.



OOC: Tear open to interaction

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IC: Gaever / Halls, Refectory



Okay, whatever. They were gone now. Soon Gaever was too, racing off towards the Refectory, trying not to dwell on the odd episode.


As usual she didn't pay much attention to what was going on with the other Rahks in the room, more or less trying to keep out of the way as she grabbed a tray and several bowls of gruel, supplies enough to be able to avoid coming back here for a while.


* * *


IC: Thurisaz / Library



His minion's enthusiasm and his own bringing a grin to his princely face, Thurisaz strode into the Library. First procuring a thin stack of blank paper and writing utensils of red and black, he then made his way over to a table, standing at it as he began to draw up a draft for a poster advertising his tournament.


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IC Spindle


Collapsing in the dorms, Spindle breathed heavily for some time, constantly looking over his shoulders for any sign of the Rahk. His face burned whenever he breathed in; the stinging wound was...


He glanced at the knife in his hand. The last of Tear's original weapons.


Maybe it would be better for her if I killed him... I don't see how I could live with this dread, if it was me... But then again, I dread the little bit of me that is here already.


Looking at the ichor pooling down, his eyes flashed again. Dipping his hand in the substance, he walked down the halls, writing the word FEAR wherever he could. Hopefully the porters wouldn't figure it out so quickly and decide to clean it. Glancing down at the floor, he noticed a trail of it following him, and another one in a different hallway.


He dipped Tear's knife in the second trail and began spinning it wildly in his hand, cackling at the fun he would have slicing him apart.

OOC: Spindle open for interaction.





Xi watched with wondering eyes towards Canvas as she did... A thing... With her powers. "............"


He tried to make himself stand up, with the incredible result of not actually doing anything.

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IC: Canvas - Hallways


After another attempt or two, Canvas gave up and shrank against the wall again. She didn't dare show her face, her true face, to Xi. But her voice came echoing out of her huddle, asking, "What... exactly happened when Hollow left us?"



IC: Tube - Library


Tube just stood looking over their master's shoulder, staring blankly at the symbols he was creating.



IC: Tear - Gym


Instead, Tear found his way back to the Gym. Maybe from here he could retrace the steps he took with Malattia to find the Infirmary, but he had a better idea. He retreated to the Armory, almost colliding with an hammer-toting Molecular Disruption Rahkshi who was going the opposite way. He snarled at her as he made his way past.


First things first, he had to fix up this wound. He began digging through the Armory in search of a medical kit he knew had to be there.



OOC: Tear passing Geuua

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"Uh... He gave several threats- and he doesn't joke around." Xi said with a shudder. "Then he paced out, and you uh... You kinda flipped your lid for a moment, all sorts of screaming laughter... And then you went unconscious, and..."


Xi broke into a cold sweat. "Did I do something wrong??"

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IC: Canvas - Hallways


"No, no," Canvas said. She tried to sound reassuring, but it was hard when she was on the edge of losing it herself. She took a deep breath and tried again. "For a while there, I thought you wouldn't come through. I thought you wouldn't remember, and Hollow would..." she trailed off, hoping Xi got the message.

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IC: Geuua - Gym.


"You alright?" I took a step away from the snarling rahk, frowning at the sight of their wound. 

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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IC: Bonegleam - Causeway. 


I landed just short of the entrance, the smears of rahkshi ichor and kraata blood splattered across the windswept stones standing out in the glaring midday light. It looked like someone was having a bad day... I wonder if there's a body I could take?

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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IC: Tear - Armory


"What does it look like?" he snapped back before he even considered trying to be nice. This Rahkshi might know "Teer," or at least where he could find some gauze. But if worse came to worse, he was in a room filled with weapons to defend himself.



IC: Canvas - Hallways


Canvas didn't seem to notice. "I was scared," she continued. "Maybe you can bend your promises, but I can't. I can't hurt Melody. I couldn't defend myself."

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IC: Geuua - Armoury. 


"It looks like you should go to the infirmary," I replied uncertainly. 

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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IC: Geuua - Armoury.


"Um, okay..." I was getting the impression that there was something seriously wrong with this guy, "...are you sure you're okay?" 

Edited by The Old Master

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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IC: Geuua - Armoury.


"I'll take your word for it," I said, beginning to back out of the room. 

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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IC: Canvas - Hallways


Canvas finally showed her tear-stained face to scream at him indignantly, "Melody! Our friend! The one we promised we would never fight again! The only reason I thought you were worth coming back for!"



IC: Melody - Hallways


She glanced back briefly to the other members of the Fellowship as they disappeared from view. They will be fine, she told herself. Instead, she turned back around and tried to keep up with Sim. "W-where are w-we going?" she asked. "The C-Causeway? C-Courtyard?"

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IC: Sim - Hallways

"I dink the courdyards fibe." I smiled.

We continued on down the path.


IC: Fate - Infirmary

The poor creature that was once a living kraata was now picked apart and arranged in front of me. Each individual organ carefully removed and studied for the sake of science. My only distractions thus far had been when the weak-stomached rahk fainted behind me, and as it woke up in a panic at the fluid I had accidentally flicked onto it's face. I'd been removing the eyes then and I given one of them a gash, but a few carefully applied stitches kept the eye in one piece. I'd imagine if anyone was to use it as a donated organ it would be able to heal once connected to the body.

Speaking of donating organs, I began to jar and preserve the organs that were in the most pristine condition, including the eyes. A few, such as parts of the digestive organs and spinal tissue were in much too dilapidated condition for use, both from decomposition and the nasty wound that killed the kraata in the first place. Even more were in poor condition anyway, due to the specimen's odd weight problem. Plenty of parts in the head were salvageable though, as well as the tentacles and a few nervous system. Despite the grimness of the activity I was involved in, I smiled. I'd never thought the body would be as much fun to pull apart and understand as machines are.


IC: Slif - Hallways

I had the water bowl, now it was time to see if the freak had followed up on his job. Walking quickly, but making sure not to spill anything, I made my way past the library, and then the refectory.

"Pardon me," I said through grinning teeth as I walked past two rahks taking their sweet time to walk down the halls. I think I recognized the little one from earlier, but she didn't hardly matter at the moment.

Pressing on, I started to hear the beginnings of... another shouting match. Though it sounded much more one-way than most others I had heard. My footsteps marked my arrival as I approached the same two rahkshi from before. Pinky was definitely awake now, and all up and arms at Arms. I stopped before I reached her apparent circle of focus, not really sure what to do.

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IC: Melody - Hallways


As the two walked quietly for a moment, Melody thought she heard soft music coming from nearby. If anything, it was getting louder as they approached the Courtyard. Hopefully they would find out who it was soon enough. It was refreshing to hear someone else playing something that calming.

IC: Canvas - Hallways


Canvas dropped her head back into her arms again and sighed. Every time she tried to make up with Xi, he did something that got her wound up all over again. "I should get back to her," she muttered weakly as she started picking herself up. Some huge Rahkshi was waiting a short distance away. She was relieved to find it wasn't Hollow, though she only vaguely recognized him. Maybe if she bothered to look up at his face that grin would jog her memory.

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IC: Sim - Hallways

By the time the music reached my ears, it was evident that Melody had already heard it.

"You libe dat music?" It felt obvious, considering her name, but it was good to make conversation.


IC: Slif - Hallways

Now Pinky was getting closer, still looking pretty upset.

"You okay there?" I said, leaning my body to the side to try and meet her at eye-level. The water clearly didn't matter anymore, so I used the same motion to set the bowl down


IC: Fate - Infirmary

As much fun as that was, I was about to get into the good stuff. Taking apart this beautiful, beautiful suit. And whatever odd or intriguing bits from this set, I'd get to keep and use for myself, rather than storing it away in jars that I'll likely never use again. The shell of the suit had a large gash in it, but it could still be cut into useful, smaller portions. I could very easily double-plate my own armor casing, though I'd have to compensate for the heat increase. I removed it, and set it aside.

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What did I do wrong?! I didn't do anything!!


He suddenly thought of how sad Hollow would be to see him like this. Tears streaming down his face, half on the floor, and cowering at the words of somebody who Hollow was nowhere near sorry to watch get crushed like a grape, even if he had to do it himself. The fear of what he would do to Canvas if he ever found out was too much to bear.


The fringes of his vision started to go black. He strained to force himself into a standing position.


IC Spindle


On his way to the infirmary, he was repeatedly reminded of the two gashes in his body. Limping with a slight squeak in every step, he piled into the infirmary and burbled out "If you doesn't mind, I'll sit here."


He collapsed sideways into a chair right next to a most fateful character as he dissected a Rahkshi. "Why the long face?"

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IC: Thurisaz / Library





Prove your skill and cunning in

an exciting combat competition!


Occuring in the Gym

Arranged by Thurisaz

See him there for details, entry.



read the poster, in regal font. Around the edges of the page he was sketching a simple border of two braided lines, one red and one black. "Looks about right, I think," he said, glancing to his entourage to see if they had anything to say.

Edited by Sergei Rahkmaninoff


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