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Corpus Rahkshi

Wyrd Bid Ful Araed

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IC: Shock

"Oh. THAT type of organ. Well, huh. Lets see. Abra Kadabra, theres your organ!" Shock said summoning an organ. If you could call it that, for it had no keys or strings. "Well, Karz. No way can I do it. By the way, what are you using an organ for? Just to play for fun?" Shock asked.

Corpus Rahkshi: Shock, Mortsia, Draco,  Dahl, and Carraig 

RPG score card:
Bionifight Infinite


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IC: Hoto - Malebranche


"What are you saying?" Hoto mumbled, though her voice was steadily raising in volume. "That I shouldn't trust you? I shouldn't trust Kat or Era or Fang? Phogen has never given me a reason to question our friendship! But you..."


Her eyes widened, and she staggered back with the blunt force of the memory. "You needed me to make Sontiri... and I... I couldn't refuse. If you really... love me, you would have known... and none of this would have happened..."


She fell into a stunned silence, still not quite believing the words she was saying.


She never wanted to be forced to make that decision. Yet Jayar was making her choose, right now.

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IC: Jayar / Cable Car



"That's exactly... what she wants you to think," Jayar replied.


He took a breath, and continued, "Notice how everything she says and does is perfect?"

IC Phogen: The derahk smirked from under the hood. She had to be doing something right if even her detractors called her 'perfect' literally minutes after meeting her. Truly, it was flattering. And while Phogen knew that she had her flaws, there was a certain partcof her that areed with Jayar. Most of what she did was perfection, or at least close enough to fall under that catagory.


"As if she was created to be the ideal friend, specifically for you? I don't trust her. I don't trust that everything she says, her concerns and compliments and shifting, aren't all just a carefully calculated act to ensnare the unwary in servitude guised as friendship."

From her position across the causeway, where she was buying a small bit of caramel cake from a street vendor, Phogen listened into the conversation using that helpful little trick she had once used so often for espoinage. She just needed to tune into the right vocal frequency, and filter out the noise. To be a sonic rahk was to be an artist. The vendor took the currency she pickpocketed from a cable car passenger and forked over the dessert to go.


Inwardly, Phogen remarked on how impersonal Jayar was making it sound, and how utterly offensive the term 'servitude' was. That implied Hoto was Phogen's servant. No, Hoto had graduated to associate from employee the moment she displayed intriguing prowess in the library so long ago, but servitude was never part of that equation. As for the calculation of her own actions... Well, even a broken watch is right twice a day.


Knowing that Phogen was hearing all of this and preparing the ideal charade to destroy his doubts made this difficult.

Oh she was. She was also taking a loving bite out of another true friend: caramel cake.


Knowing that Hoto would probably take it badly made it worse. But he couldn't lie, and he couldn't keep silent.

Phogen gave a deep, contented hum as the theological experience of soft, moist caramel washed over her. The experience was only enhanced by Jayar doing Phogen's job for her.


"I don't trust... that she doesn't just want to use you."

Use was such a strong word. Conduct or direct would be more fitting. Personally, Phogen prefered the term 'lead'. She licked the residue off her fingers before taking another bite of this delicious treat.


IC: Hoto - Malebranche

"What are you saying?" Hoto mumbled, though her voice was steadily raising in volume. "That I shouldn't trust you? I shouldn't trust Kat or Era or Fang? Phogen has never given me a reason to question our friendship! But you..."

Phogen smiled, letting the delicious cake and delicious loayalty melt in his mouth. This is why it paid to be just and empathetic. It paid divadends to be loved instead of feared. And Phogen was loved by Hoto, not romantically, no, but platonic love? Platonic love conquered all.


Her eyes widened, and she staggered back with the blunt force of the memory. "You needed me to make Sontiri... and I... I couldn't refuse. If you really... love me, you would have known... and none of this would have happened..."

Phogen licked off his fingers again, taking note of that gaping wound Hoto had just made on Jayar. It would be s good place to stick in a knife and twist if need be. Or a good little boo-boo to kiss and make better if warranted.


She fell into a stunned silence, still not quite believing the words she was saying.

She never wanted to be forced to make that decision. Yet Jayar was making her choose, right now.

That was her que. Phogen smiled to the vendor in thanks, and took another bite of cake. Innocuously, innocently, she wandered over towards the cable car, wondering what was taking them so long and knowing full well what was taking them so long in the same moment. She looked the former.

Essie: "Small talk subroutine complete. Were my useless vocalizations inane enough to bring you a sense of comfort?"


Profiles: http://www.bzpower.com/board/topic/9733-bzprpg-profile-pages/?p=763471

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IC: Vitesse

Vitesse decided that perhaps a good way to figure out all ends of this school, for she had only recently arrived at this school, was to follow this apparent tour group. From a distance, of course, as she would rather not meet anybody right now. She started following these few Rahk...



OOC: Talking about the group of Revenge, Vaalku, and Kuma.

Corpus Rahkshi: Shock, Mortsia, Draco,  Dahl, and Carraig 

RPG score card:
Bionifight Infinite


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IC: Sidonas - Visorak

Sidonas slammed Hook against Shark's sword with most of his strength to deflect it, and moved his leg out of the way. He took the opportunity to slam his leg against Shark's own hard, trying to make his opponent either fall, vulnerable, or give himself time to get up.

"In this new- Wait, why am I being quoted?!"

-Kovika, Toa of Ice, Bread Enthusiast, and Ko-Metru Scholar.





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IC: Revenge-Gym


Revenge led the group into the Gym.  "This, is the Gym.  The spot where most Rahkshi come to practice their skills." Revenge waived his hand and a bunch of targets appeared off to his left.  "It will respond to your mental commands and can provide any training regimen you desire."  He pulled out his launcher and started blasting the targets, glad to have a chance to show off after missing the talent show.


IC: Booger-Infirmary


"No, the Rahkshi who took my fingers left me a note saying to talk to Zara if I wanted to get my other two fingers back, also I have to stop fights and stuff."

Six Kingdoms Characters: Mazor, Jephro, The Janitor, Informant




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IC: Shark / Team Doublecross / Visorak Wilds



Shark leapt to Sidonas' side to avoid the kick, and brought another fierce blow upon Hook, straight down with all the furious power of the enormous Silence Rahk and gravity's assistance to boot.


* * *


IC: Jayar / Fourth Tier


Jayar grimaced more and more with each word. No... no... no! And finally came possibly the most painful words he had ever experienced.

Hoto was questioning it he even loved her.

"No...!" he gasped out. "I'm sorry for all of it... so sorry... How I wish I could undo my foolish actions! But history will not alter for me, no matter how intensely I will it to..." His words came out tremulous with guilt and sorrow. "The last thing I would ever want to do it hurt you... I love you so much, Hoto... But I did! And... and I hate myself for it!" Phogen was listening, preparing ways to use Jayar's every word to crush or convert him. How he wished he could have this conversation alone with Hoto!


But he had to press on, or lose Hoto. "Maybe... maybe you'd be justified... if you hated me, too. But even then... I couldn't help but love you."


At last his voice was too choked with emotion for him to continue. He gaze fell upon the ground, too heavy to meet Hoto's beautiful blind eyes.


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IC: Hoto - Malebranche


There was so much pain in those words. He couldn't even look at her. She instantly regretted everything she had said. Whether the memories were true or not, she couldn't bear to hold it against him.


She did the only thing she could do. She ran right up and wrapped her arms around him. "I... I know," she sighed. "I'm sorry... so sorry... I... I can't help loving you either. I just... I want you to give Phogen a chance... for me... please."

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IC Phogen: How romantic. Phogen was glad he could take credit for such a beautiful experience between the two. Jayar had growv a little, Hoto had seen fallability in her lover and embraced it as part of his being, and the lovers were asunder no more.


She would have to cash that credit at some point.


Phogen made her wat through the crowd, idly looking around at the city as she approached the couple. She appeared out of the mass of people and said "I heard my name. Is there-Oh!" She covered his mouth and took a step back, feeling profoundly awkward at the affection before her. "Excuse my blundering, as well as my interruption. I'll just ah... Wait over there..." Phogen turned on his heel to vanish again.

Essie: "Small talk subroutine complete. Were my useless vocalizations inane enough to bring you a sense of comfort?"


Profiles: http://www.bzpower.com/board/topic/9733-bzprpg-profile-pages/?p=763471

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IC: Sidonas - Visorak

As the blade came down, Sidonas rolled in the direction opposite to where Shark stood. He nearly evaded the sword, but he took a slash to the arm. It hurt, hurt as if a greatsword had come down on it, which it did. Sidonas got up, his arm weaker, but ready to fight.

Edited by Kovika

"In this new- Wait, why am I being quoted?!"

-Kovika, Toa of Ice, Bread Enthusiast, and Ko-Metru Scholar.





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IC Vaalku


Vaalku quickly stood and slightly leaned on Revenge. "Oh, some Rahks here are very irritable and will beat you up for no reason. I have experience from the latter end. if you upset them, just make sure to always watch your back."


He ended the sentence with three words, making sure they were in a tone Revenge could percept.

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IC: Vitesse

Karz. The amputee was aware of her presence. Granted, she had not been the most stealthy, but she would have thought it would have at least taken longer. Well, now it couldn't be helped. She waited, to see how the other two would react to the empathized words.

Corpus Rahkshi: Shock, Mortsia, Draco,  Dahl, and Carraig 

RPG score card:
Bionifight Infinite


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IC: Vitesse

It seems that this other Rahk did not like being spied on. Granted, she had just followed to learn more about this school, so she was not going to apologize. She just good in silence, listening to the conversation. There wasn't much else she could do. Run? No, that would pretty much confirm she was spying. Say something? That might only provoke them. Although, if she stood in silence, she may seem ignorant of the hints they were dropping. She sighed, and walked over to the group...

Corpus Rahkshi: Shock, Mortsia, Draco,  Dahl, and Carraig 

RPG score card:
Bionifight Infinite


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IC: Vitesse

"I would think it is quite obvious. Someone did something to him, he got payback, and probably did way more damage than he recieved to that pour soul. Simple." Vitesse spoke behind the group, somewhat surprised that the Anger Rahk did not get it.

Edited by Wielder-of-Shadow

Corpus Rahkshi: Shock, Mortsia, Draco,  Dahl, and Carraig 

RPG score card:
Bionifight Infinite


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IC: Kuma


"I didn't pick my name. The Makuta who created me always called me that before she sent me here. I think it means something in Matoran."

Edited by ToaKapura1234

Want to solve an exciting murder mystery? Try Murder Mansion II, a new game in Games and Trivia! 8 Spots remaining!


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