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Corpus Rahkshi

Wyrd Bid Ful Araed

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IC: Vlad / Halls



"Vhat?" Wasn't it obvious he wasn't talking about the Matoran, not the Cloak of Umbra? Or maybe Drift was just pretending like he hadn't seen it. "Er... yes, true," he continued, trying not to come across as confused.


Meanwhile, Ivan was trying to explain to Vlad that the Matoran had not in fact been there at all, but as before it was rather impossible for Vlad to understand him exactly, and he managed to misinterpret Ivan's squeaking as something along the lines of 'I'm glad you're okay.'


* * *


IC: Jayar / Skies



"You'll be okay," Jayar assured her. The others were quiet, solemn, determined, but this high up their noble silence wasn't exactly necessary anyways; no one outside their little band would be able to hear them anyways. He wished they'd talk more, in fact, for Hoto's sake, seeing how much his previous words seemed to have helped. But it seemed that was up to him, so he continued on ramblingly, "This is only your first time. You'll improve with experience."


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IC: Vlad / Halls



Vlad glanced around furtively. He didn't know if he could trust Drift, let alone de-Rephic. But he leaned in conspiratorially and asked Drift in a whisper, "Didn't you see... anythink other zan my cloak... in zer cave?"


In the air above Ivan shook his head no, and at last Vlad recognized the gesture, but he waited for Drift to confirm his suspicions that the Matoran was gone.


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IC: Vlad / Halls



So the Matoran was gone.


And apparently no one had been there to guard him.


He didn't know whether to be relieved or worried. It probably meant that they had taken him back to the Mainland. (Though who could be sure? Someone had been barbaric enough to bring him here in the first place... who knew what else they might do?) If they had, it certainly would have been nice if they had told him about it. But then again, he was just that weirdly-accented glowing guy. No one cared about being nice to the weirdly-accented glowing guy.


No one except Drift.


"Zer vas somethink important in zer cave, but it's been returned to it's proper place, I think," he explained to Drift, trying to sound confident. "Don't vorry about it." In an attempt to change the subject he added gratefully, "Thanks again for brinkink my cloak."


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IC: Malady (Hallways)
Catching my boomerang and once more putting it away, I meet my opponent's weapon with my own mace, the two hafts clanking together as the heads of the weapons scrape into a lock with each other. I reach to grasp his other hand, poison powers active, and simultaneously kick out with my right foot towards his belly.


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IC: Snake - Over sea

My heart pounding, I'd launched off from the school's rocky cliff, getting into flight mode with my satchel slung over my shoulder. Now we're over the sea. The sea isn't like the ground - falling and hitting it from a great height isn't as definite. But maybe that's what makes it even more frightening...there's a whole other world down there, infinitely inhospitable and alien  to us creatures of sky and fire. I look across to Fang, giving him a nod that's a lot more confident than I feel. I keep looking behind, to see if anyone's following, the shapes in the storm's writhing mist becoming the forms of Makuta-loyal rahkshi chasing us across the grey plane of ocean.


IC: Fíor - Library

I realise that it would be polite to ask a similar question to Nymph beside me. "And, er, what's your book about?"



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IC: Fang - Flying


While the cloud cover hid them from view, it also obscured their own vision. It would be easy for someone to tail them at a short distance.


Fang turned to Hoto, but one look at her told him the question would be unwelcome. And so he turned to Era instead. "Era, are you sure we're alone?"



IC: Hoto - Flying


"I... I th-think I p-p-prefer... r-running," Hoto gasped.


If she listened carefully, her words echoed back to her. Maybe she wouldn't have to fly blind.

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Beat closed in on her retreating foe and sent another swipe at his legs.



Sepulchral twisted only slightly to avoid the kick, which impacted his ribs with a jolt of fresh pain and nausea. But that was irrelevant. He had focused most of his attention on keeping the hand holding the chisel free from her grasp. He snarled and drove the sharpened wedge of metal down at his opponent's eye.


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IC: Shock

"You... Your kidding, right? FLOWERS. GROW. IN A KARZIN. FIELD!!" Shock kicked a rather large rock hard, and watched it sail out of the cave.


IC: Vitesse

"Who?" Vitesse turned to see... None other than the Draconic Rahk himself. Now what? "Stay back. This... Could get nasty." Vitesse drew her bow.


IC: Draco

It was in that moment that Draco charged, hammer out. He roared a draconic roar.


IC: Malattia

Music? A band, perhaps? "So are... Are you some sort of... Band?" They asked Daklik, though slightly less politely, as they did not like being ignored.

Corpus Rahkshi: Shock, Mortsia, Draco,  Dahl, and Carraig 

RPG score card:
Bionifight Infinite


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IC: Hoto - Flying


Hoto experimentally clicked her faceplates together. The soft sound drifted away from her and reverberated back a moment later. And for that brief moment, she could pick out something in front of her. Jayar.


She clicked a few more times, and slowly a clearer picture began to form. She noticed what direction Jayar was moving in and pointed herself back towards it. She thought she caught a glimpse of Era through the storm, and maybe Snake and Fang behind them. And as the images flooded in, her shaking began to ease.

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OOC: Switching back to third person. Also, colors and genders!


IC: Wings


Wings glided softly down from the tree he had just been perched on. Nynrah was a nice place; the forests were his home, after all. When Drift had fallen asleep, Wings decided to head home. It was so nice to feel the breeze, rather than the cramped indoor conditions of Corpus.


The Gukko landed gracefully on what appeared to be a ruined catacomb. It was covered in dust and ruined supports. Large rocks poked out here and there. It smelled of damp air, Matoran, and something perpetually disgusting. Wings was about to turn away and head back into the sky when he noticed yet another smell barely poking through the cacophony of smells. Wings flew a bit deeper into the ruins and it grew more powerful. Clearing away a few rocks revealed a silver-plated hand, covered in dust and dried blood. There was no mistaking it. It was Raptor.


Wings let out a soft, sad coo. Another nearby Gukko looked at Wings questioningly.

"What happened?"

"My friend. My friend is dead." Wings cooed again, and the other bird joined in. Soon, an entire flock of wild Gukko took up the song, a final tribute to a madman.


IC: Silver


Silver came into the building and deposited the psycho Rahk at the infirmary. He then turned and headed for the gym to practice his new skills.


IC: Drift


"So, what's happened while I was gone?" she asked, trying to change the subject.

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IC: Vlad / Halls



"Zere vas an assignment on Visorak; a bunch of people died unt Tridax tried to make everyvun go to a funeral," Vlad explained disinterestedly. "Unt somevun brought four Matoran to zer school unt let zem loose... apparently." He tried to sound casual and disconnected about it. "At least vun vas senselessly killed." His voice was bitter at the firsthand memory of her death.


* * *


IC: Jayar / Skies



Jayar began to notice a clicking from Hoto, different than usual but still, he realized as her flight path grew straighter and she less shaky, useful as a means of sight. "You've got it," he told her quietly, unsure whether speaking would help or hinder this new development.


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IC Kat-Flying:


as we left the school behind in the clouds, I flew forward, up to Fang and Snake's position.


"Looks like we're clear. No one following us yet, anyway. You two doing okay up here?"



IC Grim:


Grim bowed slightly to Tridax, "If there is nothing else you need of me, Lord Tridax, I'll take my leave."


IC Poly:


we were growing bored. We turned to our matoran, and gestured to the broken porters. "You. construct yourself a disguise out of these."


The Matoran dutifully started to work with the remains.


We turned to Deadeye, "Do as you wish, we must stay and observe the Ascension."


To Vaalku, "Any change?"

Edited by Chumpu
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IC: Vlad / Halls



"Vhere have you been, anyvays?" Vlad asked Drift. He'd assumed he hadn't seen her because she was staying away from him after he'd attacked Toxin, but apparently she'd been more absent than even just that.


* * *


IC: Shark / Library



Shark's reading was interrupted by a draconic roar, and he surreptitiously turned an eye upwards to check the source. A winged Rahk (Draco, wasn't he?) attacking two philosopher wannabees. It was a pity that he had to be distracted from his reading, which was proving most informative in the art of Kanoka forging so far. But he was far from prepared to miss out on the occurrence of events of interest for the sake of the uninterrupted absorption of a dusty tome.


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IC: Fang - Flying


"Nothing to report," Fang replied. "It seems we're making good time."



IC: Hoto - Flying


For most people, just this small demonstration of echolocation would consume all her focus. But Hoto had plenty of experience. She just had to remember to click every now and then to make sure she was going the right way. Her flight became faster and more stable as she learned to see again.


"I got it," she replied, flashing Jayar a small grin. 

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IC: Vlad / Halls



"Ah." Vlad nodded. "Goodbye," he said to de before turning back to Drift. "...Vell... did you finish zer piece?" he asked her, grasping for anything he could say to fill an otherwise awkward silence.


* * *


IC: Jayar / Skies



Jayar smiled back. Thank the stars she had figured out how to deal with this, as only someone forced to daily deal with the struggle of being blind in a visionary world could.


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IC: Fang - Flying


While the cloud cover hid them from view, it also obscured their own vision. It would be easy for someone to tail them at a short distance.


Fang turned to Hoto, but one look at her told him the question would be unwelcome. And so he turned to Era instead. "Era, are you sure we're alone?"


IC: Era.


"You're probably seeing more than I am," I sighed, "We're too high up, and moving too fast, for me to make out much more than my immediate surroundings. Sorry."  


IC Grim:


Grim bowed slightly to Tridax, "If there is nothing else you need of me, Lord Tridax, I'll take my leave."


IC: Sliver.


"I might do the same," I spoke up, wiping blood from my claws. 

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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IC: Vlad / Halls



"Oh." That was too bad. "Er... vell, if you need my help, you can have it," he offered. Drift had, after all, gotten the Cloak of Umbra; he would be happy to try repay her somehow. He just really hoped his vampiric tendencies didn't start acting up again...


* * *


IC: Jayar / Skies



"I believe so," Jayar told Kat, with a glance at Hoto.


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IC: Liar - Hallways

Liar was bored.

Missing his opportunity to fight someone back in The Cauldron had left him restless, and he was just itching to release his pent-up aggression on somebody now that he had returned to the school, so he decided to make his way towards the place where he would most likely find someone to do so on; the gym. To be perfectly honest, he probably could've found a Rahkshi willing to fight him just about anywhere else in the building as well if he waited long enough, but after that entirely forgettable what's-her-face back there had denied him the right of glorious combat (in which he would've probably exhausted every dirty trick he knew of to be perfectly honest, since he wasn't exactly too big on the whole "honor" thing), he was slightly tempted to just start punching the next unfortunate sucker that passed him by.

And then, lo and behold, some genius with a hammer and a pair of wings comparable to the ones commonly found on Fishing Birds in size decided to charge at somebody berserker-style as he was passing right by the entrance to the library.




Wouldn't it just be absolutely hilarious if this guy were to fail spectacularly and go skidding across the floor on his face right now?

Why yes, Liar; I believe it would.

Continuing his stroll with a newfound smile on his face, he waited for the last possible second before thrusting out his leg with the intention of tripping him. Whether or not the others in the hallway would also find this as amusing as he was about to was entirely out of his hands, but hopefully at least some of them would have a decent sense of humor.

OOC: Liar interacting with Draco.

Edited by Timageness


Hero Factory: Contagion

RPG Characters:

BZPRPG Characters

RPG History:

The Asylum, Bionifight Infinite, Year 60,000, Matoran und Panzer, HF RPG 2.0, Wasteland, Corpus Rahkshi, Skyrise

GM Résumé:

Matoran und Panzer (Formerly Appointed Co-GM), Corpus Rahkshi (Former Substitute Co-GM)



Feel free to shoot a PM my way if you're waiting for me to respond to something and I've been taking a while to do so.

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IC: Draco

Draco kept on charging. And then the numbskull decided to try and trip him! How DARE HE! He thought as the trip struck true and he stumbled. A simple trip, however, would not make Draco go flying down the hallways. So, he got up as quick as possible, a murderous glare in his eyes, while thrusting his hammer forward towards the interloper, using cyclonic powers once again to speed the approach of the hammer.

Edited by Akai Zaza

Corpus Rahkshi: Shock, Mortsia, Draco,  Dahl, and Carraig 

RPG score card:
Bionifight Infinite


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IC: Fang - Flying


"Very well." Fang frowned slightly and drifted back into his position. It looked like it was just up to his eyes now.



IC: Hoto - Flying


"Better now," Hoto replied as she grinned at Kat. Her faceplates clicked a few more times as she took in the profile of her friend next to her.



IC: Rain - Cauldron


After a long search, Rain finally stumbled on a crude staff that seemed to resemble the one she had, though it wasn't half as ornate. The axe blades on either end were plain and small, but at least they were sharp.


With new gear in hand, including a bag stuffed with glass bottles, brushes, and daggers, Rain set out for the school again... though she couldn't resist enjoying the soft storm for a while.

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IC: "You both have my permission to leave, and my thanks for your assistance." 


Tridax waved a hand in a dismissive gesture at Grim and Sliver. His gratitude did not extend to treating them as equals, clearly. 


"Should your winged friend ever return with the one called Vitesse, I should be able to handle things myself. In the meantime I think i will deal with this one."


He looked over at the sprawled form of Sidonas' kraata...


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IC: Sidonas - Sidonas' Subconscious

As Sidonas' mind wandered for some time, he soon became lost in his labyrinth of a mind. Time grew irrelevant. Seconds felt like years, and centuries felt as if no time had passed, it felt like the more he travelled, the more time became irrielevant. After wandering for seconds, or was it years? Sidonas could not tell, but he came across something...strange. What, if you tried to visualize it in rational terms, looked like a giant door in his subconscious. The door was locked, and no key was to be found. Sidonas looked around, searching for a lockpick or dagger, anything he could use to unlock the obstacle ahead of him. After searching for some time, he stopped, sat down, and took a breath.

Okay, just relax. There must be a way to get past this door. Stop and think: If I were a key to a locked door in wherever the Karz I am, where would I be?

Sidonas thought about it, but found no reasonable conclusion, as he knew little of his surroundings, if anything at all.

After sitting and pondering the question for decades, or seconds, a faint whisper was heard coming from a long corridor behind Sidonas, it sounded foreign, yet familiar, entrancing, and persuasive..

Inventor... Follow meeee......

"Hello?! Who is there?" The noise startled Sidonas, he jumped up and reached for Hook, but found it not there. Immediately after he reached for his bag, but found it not there. All he found was a screwdriver, which he immediately picked up and wielded like a dagger. He ran down the hall in the direction of the whisper, ready for whatever came next, yet shocked and surprised.

Who is that? Why are my things not here? Where even is here anyways?

Sidonas hoped he could find answers, for the labyrinth of his mind gave him none.

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"In this new- Wait, why am I being quoted?!"

-Kovika, Toa of Ice, Bread Enthusiast, and Ko-Metru Scholar.





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IC: Liar - Hallways

"Well now," Liar said, leaning quickly to the side in order to barely avoid the attack that would've likely crushed his rib cage had it connected, his right hand hovering over his opposite shoulder as he did so. "What a one-trick pony you turned out to be!"

As the hammer eventually came to the point where it could be thrusted no further without his new sparring buddy needing to move just to accomodate for the additional distance, he sent his left hand reaching for a spot further down the shaft, attempting to magnetise his fingers around the weapon in an effort to keep it from being swung at him again as he moved in closer to deliver a backfisted blow towards his opponent's face.

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Hero Factory: Contagion

RPG Characters:

BZPRPG Characters

RPG History:

The Asylum, Bionifight Infinite, Year 60,000, Matoran und Panzer, HF RPG 2.0, Wasteland, Corpus Rahkshi, Skyrise

GM Résumé:

Matoran und Panzer (Formerly Appointed Co-GM), Corpus Rahkshi (Former Substitute Co-GM)



Feel free to shoot a PM my way if you're waiting for me to respond to something and I've been taking a while to do so.

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