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Worst Movie(S) You've Seen

Mr. House

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I think every movie just bores me now. I cn't watch a movie in my house. Why? Because I have a computer in my house.More excitement.I am able to watch a movie if it's A: Ed, Edd, n' Eddy episode I haven't seen (I've seen them all, but I think there is a secret one that aired when I was younger), or B:Something else I have interest in.Like, I'm Agnostic, but History channel presents: God vs. Satan, Ancient Aliens, or other things that talk about supreme beings that might exist just have me COMPELLED TO NO END.God vs. Satan? Probably THE most exciting thing I've ever heard of for a tv documentary. I recorded it, but I bet it'll be something like this:Information about the two contenders for the while thing, then they walk toward eachother at the very end. END PROGRAM.Me: :wired:

Led Zeppelin?


Yes. :P

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Just saw Paranormal Activity. WORSE than "Guardians of Ga'hoole" by far. You know what, I may as well just slap on that all horror movies are cheesy fail.Aside from Priest. That was "ok". (Then again, there was more sci-fi/action than horror in it. Only scary thing was the faces of the vampires, nothing else.)


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Dune. The book was fantastic. The movie was an epic failure of titanic proportions. After I watched that movie I thought to myself, "wow, that movie did absolutely nothing right." The pacing was absolutely terrible. Do date, it is the only movie I've ever seen that was both too fast and too slow at the same time. Every single boring part of the book was displayed to its fullest extent while every good part of the book was skipped. What made it worse was the fact that the book was one of the best science fiction books of all time, and so it wasn't there wasn't a good plot there.-don't touch my pocket protector

Three great comedies at one low, low price....NOTHING!


Three late-middle age matoran think of something they want to do before they kick the bucket.


Choose Your Own Bionicle Adventure (archived)

Navigate your way through a myriad of meaningless choices as you try to not make a fool of yourself in perhaps the only comedy ever written almost entirely in spoiler tags.


Useless BZP Junk that you Must Have!!!

Get to your phone, whip out your credit card, and prepare to buy some useless BZPower related junk that has no benefit on society except that you want it!!!



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  • 2 weeks later...

When was there A Journey 1? There's a Journey 2 with Dwayne "Don't Call Me The Rock" Johnson, but I don't remember the first.It can't possibly be JOURNEY To The Center Of The Earth, can it?

I think so. It's that 3D movie with Brendan Frasier.Worst movie that I've ever seen? What comes to mind right now is In the Name of the King. Utterly baffling in its story decisions and artistic design, and a lot of the action just wasn't really that great. This is how I learned of the evil of Uwe Boll movies. Edited by Ladon: Lord of Hesperides

"Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus."

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm not trying to jump on the bandwagon from page 1, but I'll honestly consider Twilight. I actually only saw it a couple months ago. I threw out all previous notions I ever had of it, and watched it for what it was. Even then, I still found it to have some of the worst acting I've ever seen, and the dull lighting just killed everything for me. That, or maybe Just Go With It. Its plot sounds okay on paper, I guess, but it was executed poorly, and basically just boiled down to terrible imitations of foreign accents, stupid jokes (Well, given what Adam Sandler's been in lately, that's probably a given by now...), and Brooklyn Decker and Jennifer Aniston fanservice.

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A story I wrote in 2016My sole BZPRPG character who has existed since 2016, but has done absolutely nothing, A fun little Cantonese earworm ft. Marina Sirtis, Some real nostalgia from 2003 BZPower


We are Primus. We are Prima. We are Prime Nova. We are Sentinel Prime. We are Optimus Prime.

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Dune. The book was fantastic. The movie was an epic failure of titanic proportions. After I watched that movie I thought to myself, "wow, that movie did absolutely nothing right." The pacing was absolutely terrible. Do date, it is the only movie I've ever seen that was both too fast and too slow at the same time. Every single boring part of the book was displayed to its fullest extent while every good part of the book was skipped. What made it worse was the fact that the book was one of the best science fiction books of all time, and so it wasn't there wasn't a good plot there.-don't touch my pocket protector

I was sorely tempted to get up and walk away while watching it. It wouldn't have been as bad though, if the director wasn't forced to cut three quarters of the movie out. The pacing, at least, would have been better.I don't think this qualifies as "worst", because I would probably sooner watch it than some others, but Omega Man was terrible.=)

"Baby, in the final analyses, love is power. That's where the power's at."






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-Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief: I expected more out of this movie, especially because it was made by Chris Columbus. They took an excellent book and ruined it. They aged the characters by several years in order to tap into the teenaged market and screwed up the story. And if I meet the person who added Lady Gaga music the Lotus Casino part, I'll slap him/her.

I completely agree with this. While it was entertaining it was completely different from the book... Which makes me hate it because I wanted something LIKE the book, not UNLIKE the book.

Xbox 360 Gamertag: PetaPanSpartan

I play Halo Reach, Halo 3 and MW3 online.


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- Castaway. I think just about everybody can agree with me on this level.- Harry Potter 3-5. They turned too much into a teenager/angst setting, with the three main characters trying to battle against their superiors. What was a shame was, the books that the movies represented were terrible, too - or, the fifth and fourth were, just by their sheer length.- Spider-Man 3. It had a rather strange concept, honestly, but perhaps I'm wrong. I don't know why they even attempted it, although it was obvious it was in demand after the second. That and the fact the ending was kind of a rip-off of Some Like It Hot's ending, although not entirely - her singing the same song that Marilyn Monroe sang at the end of SLIH is what I mean by it being a rip-off.Gosh, can't really think of any others...there are a lot of other terrible movies I could name, but I can't think of them, currently. =/

On the day the wall came down / They threw the locks onto the ground

And with glasses high / We raised a cry / For freedom had arrived


On the day the wall came down / The ship of fools had finally run aground

Promises lit up the night / Like paper doves in flight


I dreamed you had left my side / No warmth, not even pride remained

And even though you needed me / It was clear that I could not do a thing for you


Now life devalues day by day / As friends and neighbors turn away

And there's a change that even with regret / Cannot be undone


Now frontiers shift like desert sands / While nations wash their bloodied hands

Of loyalty, of history / In shades of grey


I woke to the sound of drums / The music played, the morning sun streamed in

I turned and I looked at you / And all but the bitter residues slipped away


slipped away...



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:kaukau: I can't believe I haven't listed The Professional. It was incredibly painful to watch because the relationship between the hitman and the 12-year-old Mathilda was so disturbing. It was made even worse when I was under the impression that the film makers thought it was cool.No. Just no.Your Honor,Emperor Kraggh
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Watched Green Lantern recently, trying to give it a chance despite all the negativity. It's not the worse movie ever, but it's definitely in that direction. Turns out the negativity was right. Who knew?

:kaukau: I can't believe I haven't listed The Professional. It was incredibly painful to watch because the relationship between the hitman and the 12-year-old Mathilda was so disturbing. It was made even worse when I was under the impression that the film makers thought it was cool.No. Just no.Your Honor,Emperor Kraggh

I thought the slight disturbing feeling was the point. Personally, I loved the movie.





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- Castaway. I think just about everybody can agree with me on this level.- Harry Potter 3-5. They turned too much into a teenager/angst setting, with the three main characters trying to battle against their superiors. What was a shame was, the books that the movies represented were terrible, too - or, the fifth and fourth were, just by their sheer length.- Spider-Man 3. It had a rather strange concept, honestly, but perhaps I'm wrong. I don't know why they even attempted it, although it was obvious it was in demand after the second. That and the fact the ending was kind of a rip-off of Some Like It Hot's ending, although not entirely - her singing the same song that Marilyn Monroe sang at the end of SLIH is what I mean by it being a rip-off.Gosh, can't really think of any others...there are a lot of other terrible movies I could name, but I can't think of them, currently. =/

I really liked Castaway, but it made my eyes ache from how much I cried during it. But still, who wouldn't want a volleyball for a friend if you were the only survivor in a plane crash in the middle of the ocean, and you wind up on an island in the middle of nowhere.I really hated Jurassic Park. I've only seen the 1st one, and the dinosaurs didn't even look real, and the special FX were terrible.

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Ooh, I want to add Dawn of the Dragon Slayer now. I want to, but I probably can't because I should have seen it coming. It was a low budget thing by studios I've never heard of but without any of the critical acclaim. But hey, I thought it might be some kind of hidden gem, an indication that you can enjoy films without special effects and great reviews. I know you can anyway, but this film seem to cast a shadow over that belief.Let me just get what I liked about it out of the way. It had a nice fantasy vibe. At first, I was enjoying it. Then, somewhere between 30-60 minutes, I lost interest. I'd seen about seven seconds of dragon and was beginning to think I'd lucked out on this one. I could have enjoyed the film if the characters were entertaining but they really weren't. They were just cliches. You've got the hero who isn't burdened by a personality, so just sits around getting picked on by people until he somehow manages to find some emotion and fight back near the end; the damsel in distress who's made out to be some strong willed woman who don't need no man, but then she just gives up that facade after a while. Also, she's some kind of witch, apparently, which is a bad thing for someone to be, despite how everyone seems generally fine that they exist and don't actually show any sign of caring. You've also got the rich ponce who wants the girl, the angry father of said girl who doesn't want no peasant stealing his girl and all that stuff. I didn't care about a single one of them and couldn't wait for the dragon to show up and off half of the cast. And when it did, I sure regretted that decision. 30 seconds of dragon and I realised the adverts deceived me in making the dragon look better than it was. And the DVD cover, which I swear depicts a completely different dragon that wasn't even in the film.But, as I said, what did I suspect? It was £4 and I had to buy it online when I realised stores weren't stocking it anymore.


I wrote stories once. They were okay.

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"Man in the Mirror: The Michael Jackson Story" which if you didn't already guess is a biopic about the life and times of the King of Pop. Just so everyone knows, this movie was made when MJ was alive and well. For starters, if you are gonna make a movie about a celebrity, stick to the gosh darn facts. Last time I checked MJ was almost white by the time settled into Neverland Ranch, not completely black. Also, yes i understand that "Man in The Mirror: The Michael Jackson Story" was made circa 2004 when MJ was being accused of pedophilia a second time, but he was innocent folks! The late King of Pop even said something to the effect of he would slit his wrists before he would harm a child. Lastly, wheres "Thriller", "Black or White", "Billie Jean", "Beat It", or any other MJ song? Then again, considering the fact this waste of a biopic bombed at the box office, Perhaps MJ thought "aw heck naaaaawwww, im not gonna lend my music to a horrible movie about me thats obviously low budget and can't even be bothered to get thier facts straight" Speaking of low budget, it definetly shows in "Man in the Mirror: The Michael Jackson Story". i.e just look at MJ during the later scenes of the biopic whenever he actually is white! Looks like a zombie with powder covering its ugly face! Anyway, just had to get that off my chest. Hopefully, a proper biopic on Michael Jackson will be made eventually. That's all I got to say.

A Toa eh? What kind of Toa am I?


Ever wanted to read a manga styled retelling of the early years of Bionicle? Here ya go!


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Rango was fail.

Only "fail" means "awesome".
No, fail means fail.
The @#$% why?I'm surprised The Boondock Saints hasn't popped up here. It's like a cruddier version of Pulp Fiction.

Thank you, BZPower staff. In the past, I wish I showed more appreciation for all that you do. From one Bionicle fan to another, thank you.

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  • 4 weeks later...

The worst movie I ever sat all the way through was either Eragon or Pathfinder. They were both SO BAD. I cried tears of anguish after both of them.

"Let me guess: my theories appall you, my heresies outrage you, I never answer letters, and you don't like my tie."

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I really hated Jurassic Park. I've only seen the 1st one, and the dinosaurs didn't even look real, and the special FX were terrible.
:blink: Are you sure you watched the right movie? If the effects in Jurassic Park were terrible, I'm interested in hearing what movies you think have great effects. It just seems to me that the general consensus is that the visual effects were amazing for the time, and still hold up well even today.
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I will add Avatar, and I am not talking about The Last Airbender (though I heard the live action movie was terrible), I mean the one by James Cameron with the Blue aliens. I will say that those special effects were nice, but on the other hand, I really could not find anything else that was. I was not into the story, it was essentially Pocahontas with guns and aliens.

Divinator of Dreams.
This Is Proud Stigma.

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I will add Avatar, and I am not talking about The Last Airbender (though I heard the live action movie was terrible), I mean the one by James Cameron with the Blue aliens. I will say that those special effects were nice, but on the other hand, I really could not find anything else that was. I was not into the story, it was essentially Pocahontas with guns and aliens.
Yeah, I'd say that one too. I think people has done so much noise for a simple movie. I can't see any masterpiece in it, as many described it.Also, The expendables had many bad things, first of all Sylvester Stallone with his nearly move-less face,due to surgery. Liked it, but I'd say it's a B-series movie. Low quality, IMO.
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I really hated Jurassic Park. I've only seen the 1st one, and the dinosaurs didn't even look real, and the special FX were terrible.
I'll give you benefit of the doubt and assume you have no idea what you're talking about.Worst movie I've ever seen? Pearl Harbor. That film is so bad it actually makes me angry.
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I've seen more than my share of objectively terrible movies (I recently forced myself to sit through Battleship), but the movies I absolutely hated the most are the three Austin Powers flicks. I watched them all for the first (and hopefully last) time with a friend, and my disappointment in the lack of any actually funny material turned quickly to abhorrence and eventually utter disbelief as I realized that said friend actually liked those movies.

I ain't creative

So I use my signature

For other folks' stuff

(That was a haiku, and this is another one. Haikus are easy.)


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I've seen more than my share of objectively terrible movies (I recently forced myself to sit through Battleship), but the movies I absolutely hated the most are the three Austin Powers flicks. I watched them all for the first (and hopefully last) time with a friend, and my disappointment in the lack of any actually funny material turned quickly to abhorrence and eventually utter disbelief as I realized that said friend actually liked those movies.
You can't be serious.-Teezy



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this isn't my least favorite (it's one of my favorite movies so far) but my friend extremely dislikes "the avengers". he almost got up and walked away halfway through.i didn't like the hunger games. it bored me. the books were okay so i expected the movie to be good, but it just bored me that i fell asleep. then again, it was the midnight premiere.

Thanks for years of fun, BZP. You made me happy as a child.
Wanna know how FC2 was gonna end/FC3 was gonna play out? Check my deviantART and my Brickshelf.

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