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IC, Eita: Ga-Koro

Eita chuckled and continued eating. "I have no crab riding skills so I probably wouldn't be very good," he said, his mouth partially full with food. "What's an Iron Mahi?" he asked Nale.

Then he heard a noise in his head. 


Ideatalk? "Hmmm? Huh?" Eita said. He looked around. He spotted a Dasaka near the door of the establishment. "May I help you?" he called out to her.

OOC: @Tarn @TL01 NUVA @Mel

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Ga-Koro was a nice place. Not quite as much hustle and bustle as Oki, which was nice, and the fields and hills inland of the bay reminded her of Odaiba.

Or, at least, it had been quieter and more relaxed before all the Dasaka had shown up. She'd taken to walks around the outside of the Koro. Today, however, she was in the center of it, right at the docks, sitting down with a glass and a bottle of wine from the peculiar place outside the town to keep her company. Not that she particularly needed it after she saw the number of others that started congregating around...though it was very nice wine.

Sinshi looked absolutely adorable in that marine jacket.

So it was that Sato stood—taking the wine and glass along with her, of course, she wouldn't just leave them—and made her way up to the group.

"Toa Leah," she said, giving a respectful bow to the Toa Maru of Water, and extending it to the others in the group...stopping just short of Sinshi.

For Sinshi, she straightened, giving her friend the slowest, laziest possible salute she could manage. "I think we finally managed that trading places I mentioned so long ago!"

OOC: @Krayzikk@Vezok's Friend@TL01 NUVA@Void Emissary

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC: Asa - Entering Ga-Koro

What Asa wouldn't give to have a Kaukau right now.

Breaking the surface of the water, Asa gasped for air before swimming back to shore. She had underestimated how many air bladders she needed for this expedition, or how good of a swimmer she was. Praise Zuto Nui that she hadn't been swept away. Still, this was a good haul. She had been able to harvest plenty of seaweed during her swim, and on previous dives as well. Seaweed was quite nutritious and was well-attested as an herbal supplement in the medical annals of Kyoshi. Asa also had harvested a fair amount of harakeke; if the plant could be used for medicine, Asa had yet to discover its use. She was pretty sure out that it wasn't poisonous, so if it turned out to be absolutely useless for medical purposes, she could make it into flax and sell it off to a local craftswoman to create nets or sails.

For the past week Asa had been wandering the wilds of Ga-Wahi, cataloguing and collecting samples of the local flora and fauna. It wasn't exactly proper to have ventured off by her lonesome, and she could have very well hired a local to go with her and give her the guided tour, but this was something Asa felt she needed to do by herself. If the commodore gave her an earful when she returned, that was something she'd deal with. Sooner rather than later, as she was on her last day of rations, so it was best that she head back into town to resupply. Also best to check in with the other Dasaka and reassure them that she was still alive and hadn't become Takea food.

As she walked along the Old Fusa Path back to Ga-Koro, Asa felt something weird. Specifically, something about the village felt weirdly busy. Mentally busy. Was the Ideatalk plane always this loud? She hadn't even caught sight of the village yet but something felt wrong. Asa briefly held her axe in hand as she picked up the pace, before returning it to her belt as she entered town. It didn't look like there had been an attack or some other emergency, and yet the koro was much more active than normal, with a feeling of tension in the air. What had happened while she was gone?

Asa got her answer soon enough. There was another Dasaka ship in port besides the Chiisai Ryuu. Scratch that, there were a lot of Dasaka ships in port. And there were a great number Dasaka and Dashi climbing out of those ships in a very disorganized fashion. No diplomats were they, rather it was a host of ordinary civilians that were entering the Koro, all of them with some degree of shock, distress, or sorrow on their faces. Something was very wrong.

"What happened?" Asa asked to the first person that would answer her.

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[Ga-koro, The Great Takea(Shuuan)]
“Yeah, uh….” I tried to stride up to the table with confidence, which was hard because I was famished.  “That food looks good.   I’d like to have some.”

Money right.   Metal money...which I didn’t have.    I looked at the dashi ambassador?  Was that what she was?  “My family has resources.   They can compensate you.”

OOC: @TL01 NUVA@~Xemnas~@Tarn

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

En4XX.gif zTCqe.gif gkKRR.gif TUJGk.gif 7dN9Y.gif TNxSB.gif HpGw0.gif r89Xe.gif AKbnC.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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IC: Nale - Ga-Koro - Great Takea

Nale tried to figure out how you would explain something like the Iron Mahi to someone who wasn't from Mata Nui. "It's a big contraption that travels across the Wahi, bringing people to their destinations a lot faster than other means can." She thought that was sufficient enough, but explaining it was different than actually being on it.

She looked to the new person and raised an eyebrow. They certainly had a lot of food to spare at their table, she didn't mind that (and she doubted Nara of all people would object), but they looked unwell--and unfamiliar, in the same way Eita was. "Uh, who are you, if you don't mind my asking?"

@~Xemnas~@TL01 NUVA@Mel

(shout out to max)

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IC: Arisaka - Ga-koro - Docks -

Arisaka had been busy helping the Dasaka refugees for the last while. There was no end to it naturally, with how many there were. Most of them were not in the best moods, which was understandable. 

Arisaka was taking a short break for the moment, wiping sweat off her mask. Directing people was tiring. 

OOC: Open for interaction 

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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11 minutes ago, Snelly said:

IC: Arisaka - Ga-koro - Docks -

IC: Asa - Ga-Koro docks

"Lady Arisaka," Asa said in greeting, walking up to the Menti when there was a gap in the crowd. She was glad to find a familiar face who seemed to know what was going on. Setting her baskets on the ground and giving a respectful bow, Asa asked: "What's happening? Why are there so many Dasaka here? Did something happen back home?"

OOC: @Snelly

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[Ga-koro, The Great Takea(Shuuan)]
“Plagori Shuuan.”  My weak smile no doubt looked horrendous, but I guess I was slacking if my reputation didn’t proceed me.  "Third daughter of--younger sister.  Of the Toroshu."

Maybe me mother was already dead.  That's a thought.

"I needed some space.   And I'm hungry."

OOC: @Tarn@TL01 NUVA@~Xemnas~

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

En4XX.gif zTCqe.gif gkKRR.gif TUJGk.gif 7dN9Y.gif TNxSB.gif HpGw0.gif r89Xe.gif AKbnC.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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IC: Arisaka - Ga-koro -

"Lady Asa." Arisaka said with a nod, while Arisaka was never much for socializing compared to most, she did feel a bond with the others from the expedition. 

"I'm afraid so. Our home has been ravaged by these 'Sons of Makuta', Rahkshi is what the Mata Nuian's call them." Arisaka looked grim. "The Rora called for an evacuation to Mata Nui, which is why they're all here now." 


My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: Daijuno | Ga-Koro

Under normal circumstances, anyone putting a hand on Daijuno's head would have gotten their ear chewed off -- both figuratively and literally. In the wake of what was happening now, though, Sinshi Umbraline was granted a small reprieve, as Daijuno desperately tried to think of what other names that Zyla might have used -- Had Zyla just been a nickname? Was it just a middle name, I know some people just go by those? Could it be--

"Do you know how many Saihoko made it over?" she stammered out. "Merchants, dockhands, sailors, their stock."

OOC: @Vezok's Friend


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IC: Asa - Ga-koro docks

Lady Asa. That was a new one. The thought quickly left Asa's mind though, as the full weight of what Arisaka had just said settled in.

"What?" Asa said in shock. "Makuta's creatures reached Kentoku? How?" Asa took a moment to steady herself before continuing. "How many of our sisters came here? ... And how many stayed behind?"

OOC: @Snelly

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IC: Arisaka - Ga-koro -

"I...do not know." Arisaka admitted. "Many are here, though some were left behind. Right now all we can do is find a place for our people who are here to take refugee while we figure out how to retake our home." 


My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: Nara, The Great Takea


Time had blunted some of the more abrasive parts of Nara's personality. Instead of being instinctively annoyed as she might have been, say, several decades ago, she instead felt a tug at her chest seeing the emaciated figure approaching their table.

She wasn't exactly rich, but comfortably-enough off that she could spare some money to help someone so clearly in need.


"Oh, you poor thing! You look like you haven't eaten in an entire season. You pull up a chair, and I'll make sure you get fed. Help yourself to some of what's here, and I'll get some more ordered so we all get a full share."


She smiled gently. "Is there any food you'd prefer? If not, I'll just order a few more things. If you're worried about paying me back, we can discuss that later. Don't worry, I won't shark you for the meal. But I'd be interested to find out what had happened." 


From her tone it was clear that her "interest" was closer to steel-edged inquisitiveness of how a family which sounded well-off would let one of their members go hungry until they had to beg for food. Nara might seem calm enough, but she had a protective instinct wide as Hura Mafa.


[OOC: @Xemnas

Edited by TL01 NUVA

Whatever mountain you are climbing, you can do this.

                                       BZPRPG character masterpost


                      "Just promise me something... don't let me go."



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IC Yumiwa | Ga-Koro

"Akiri Hahli more than suffices, Rora," she said graciously. She did a quiet sweep for her assistant Eutuchia, ensuring he was out of earshot, before she added, "But I do have a man in my life I think could stand to be a bit more appreciative, if you would like to drop a Your Majesty in front of him. Should we retreat to my office? Chojo, Commodore?" 

I swallowed the wave of anxiety that snuck at the back of my mind. Intelligence on the Matoran culture was sparse—Ayiwah's expedition was intended to deliver a far more comprehensive understanding of Mata Nui's diverse peoples, and we'd beaten the deliverance of that encyclopedic understanding by a lot. Of course the rulers here don't follow the same codes of society that coursed through my veins, their blood was not blue with aristocratic aloofness like mine and their crowns were of flower petals and daisy chains instead of wrought diamonds and opals. I blinked the misstep away quick as a fly, though, and smiled through my mental note to not assume formality as the default with Hahli. 

Social cues were like sonar pings; I could adapt to what I encountered, but had to put out the feelers first. My mom used to always tell me it was better to overdress and impress than to underwhelm and disappoint, so I was grateful I at least erred well.

"I also once knew of a man who liked being flattered," I said with a humorous grin at Hahli's remark. "I daresay more than most, which is saying quite a lot. It seems men are quite alike no matter where they are from."

"I would be honored to accompany you, Akiri Hahli," Desdemona responded with a nod of her head. "Sister."


“Yes, your majesty," Ayiwah concurred. "An excellent suggestion. Lead the way.” She was obviously playing along with the Akiri’s joke but her tone of voice was that of someone playing it completely straight. She backed up her agreement by taking a step to the side and magnanimously gesturing for us to go ahead. "My honored Rora."

.:You're so full of unko, Cuz. Some things never do change... :. I made sure Ayiwah could feel my playfully heavy eyeroll in her mind's eye. It was good to have her back in my life again—she was more than a military commander I needed for campaigns ahead, she was my family, something I was sorely lacking in these days.

I followed my hostess akiri's leadership through the dizzyingly simple township she claimed dominion over and took the setting in at last. My footfalls came in all sorts of sounds, from muffled padding on the soft lily platforms to the sharp clacks on wooden planking; the whole village was a pattern of greens and browns with smatterings of bright color like spots of plumage on a drab tapestry. But Ga-Koro was not drab in the slightest, nope, it was perfectly organized in what I quickly realized was a fractal array of platforms and piers, each section of town equally both home and dock for the denizens, a perfect blend of utilitarian and cozy. Its natural colors blended into the bay as well—from offshore even with my telescūpe it was hard to discern the size of Ga-Koro as its low, foliage-colored buildings blended into the natural maritime haze. Everything about Ga-Koro was nowhere near as simple and rustic as it appeared on the front. I liked that. 

Back home, Sado was an elaborate meshwork of streets and causeways, all faceted and shimmering in dazzling glamour to bear testament to their complexity while still hiding its inner workings behind resplendence. Utility was obscured by gloss. Here on Ga-Koro, the engineering perfection was given the backseat to utility in a direct contrast, yet it was the same principles of design being employed, and the contrast showed me how familiar it was. 

Behind us were also the growing masses of Dasaka refugees. Some Dastana had come as well and a great many Tajaar, all of whom were treated with equal amounts of courtesy and grace by happily helpful Ga-Matoran. Our massive flotilla seemed to continue to flow into harbor one after another, ship piling onto ship as we all sought to disembark for the first time since fleeing the Archipelago. Masts were struck, oars pulled in, and whistling commands from linewomen and bosn's all over filled the air. It was a resounding cacophony of renewed hope for something solid again, the collective sighing of a nation.

As we passed I could feel more than see the eyes of all denizens of Ga-Koro and Mata Nui gawking as we passed. Ayiwah appeared noble enough already, but then there was the pomp of my retinue coming through town. My armor shone brighter still, my robes embroidered more fancily, and my gait more regal than anyone else's, and then there was the visage of my Clan Hogo bodyguards who moved in tight formation behind me like a train. It must have looked like a circus was coming into town for some of the onlookers, but I could tell there were plenty who also stood gawking at the sight of so much prettiness passing through.

Akiri Hahli took us straightaway to her hut, which stood taller than most of the rest and was situated on a larger platform. It was an incredibly far cry from the cathedralesque skyscrapers of Sado's crystalline edifices where a Toroshu's household pantry was larger than the akiri's abode, but that did not diminish this building's inherent importance. It wasn't a palace by my standards, but it was the center of Hahli's realm and was due every ounce of respect. I held my tongue and mind from drawing comparisons.

It was warm inside, a little on the steamy side, with a pool at the center of the first floor that was truly a window into the bay's depths. Fishes and crustaceans of all kinds could be seen through the hole in the floor and it took more than a little effort for me to pull my naturalist's inclinations away from whiling hours away studying the marine fauna from the perfect vantage point there. The steam seemed to come from a jacuzzi on one side of the chamber between couches and a coffee table, revealing this was as much a home as it was an office. The walls were decorated with a range of paraphernalia ranging from some sports-related (I guess?) stuff to trinkets and baubles of decidedly different aesthetics, and since it definitely wasn't made in Hahli's style I wagered a guess the foreign articles belonged to the aforementioned man-friend. There were stairs that led to a loft and I could see the hints of a small office and a hideaway bedchamber where I assumed Hahli spent her nights in privacy. It reminded me of the private reading nook I used to steal away to as a kid, the one Uncle Ray and Dad would find me in after spending the better half of the hour looking for me. Everything made me think of Sado in some way—the loft office, the streets outside, the jacuzzi at the side, even the worn couches, all evoked different memories of a chapter only recently filed in my past. 

The Hogo were left outside to watch the exits and that left us three Umbralines and Akiri Hahli who gestured at the seats and bade us to relax. While they waited for me to sit first in order of precedence, that was the last bit of courtly pomp left between us. We quickly dispensed of stuffy formality, and the time we broke silence we were speaking as friends, family, and allies. 

This was home, for better or worse, for now. My brows relaxed, my nose tipped closer to sea level, and my smile widened with genuine pleasure. "Okay, so—icebreaker question—Akiri Hahli," I started, "do you have boba here? My favorite flavor is coconut-papaya with tapioca pearls. I strongly feel like you can't go wrong with the classics.

"Now tell me yours, if you have one, and then let's figure out where my people can settle for the foreseeable future." Ga-Koro was too small for us, we were already practically overrunning it, so we needed a place to call home for the time being. Naho Bay was a large body of water with plenty of coastline and I hoped Hahli found it in her abilities to deed us a portion of it. 

Edited by Caedast
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[Ga-koro, The Great Takea(Shuuan)]
“Another bowl of miso…” I certainly didn’t want anymore pickled lotus root, had far too much of that on the voyage over--and most of it had come out the way it came.  Urk.

“Pokowi oyakodon, if you have it?  Something bland.   I wasn’t able to keep much down on the ride over.”

I left it at that.   Better this foreigner made her own assumptions about me having terrible sea legs.  It was easier than trying to explain how the crown princess was a freak and I was also a freak, of the less legendary variety, and when you knock two freaks into each other ones bound to topple.

OOC: @TL01 NUVA@~Xemnas~@Tarn

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

En4XX.gif zTCqe.gif gkKRR.gif TUJGk.gif 7dN9Y.gif TNxSB.gif HpGw0.gif r89Xe.gif AKbnC.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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IC: Vilda Mako (Ga-Koro)

The greater number of the still-arriving refugees were beginning to reach shore, uncoordinated like a gaggle of squabbling Toroshu still but they were all more or less on the right path. I could use that as an excuse to start acting my age for once, and step back to take a break. At this moment I really needed a drink, something to strengthen my considerably fractured nerves.

Haha, that's a laugh, my nerves were broken long ago. Can't afford self-preservation instincts in my line of work, nope!

It had to do with making a conscious decision. I was still learning to get the hang of that, and it meant choosing to think about myself even when something pretty major and important was happening. I had done my part for now, that'll do.

Well, really Kama had. She was snoozing peacefully on my shoulder at the moment. I needed to find a nice, private spot to get a drink and not get into trouble for once.

OOC: Mako's open for interaction

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IC: Asa - Ga-Koro docks

"Right," Asa said. "We should... probably keep doing that."

Asa picked up her things and began looking around, surveying the refugees, making a note of who were in the most distress. While it was unlikely that anybody coming ashore now would have serious injuries from the evacuation, there was no doubt that many of the new arrivals would be feeling unwell, if only from the conditions of the ships.

"Did anything noteworthy or concerning happen since the ships arrived? Locally, I mean. Or are the refugees being received without incident?"

OOC: @Snelly

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"Haven't slept that well in a few weeks, Leah, but somehow I'll manage." The Menti flashed the Maru a brief, small grin. But the severity of the situation was obvious, so that small bit of levity aside she focused more intently on her friends. The Hogo— Karoru, she needed to remember that— looked aghast, for reasons she couldn't quite pin down. So she did the obvious thing, and elbowed her lightly in the ribs. Under cover of Daijuno's helpful head, of course, to prevent anyone from seeing such an undignified solution. "Dai? Who're you looking for? I don't have the whole list, but if you can give me a description... Caste, species, clan, all that. If she's here we'll find her."

The same hand that had patted her on the head now patted her on the back, a gesture of comfort rather than irreverent greeting. Then she squinted.

"Umbraline Sato. Well I'll be f— Hem. It's been a long time. I'm glad to see you made it off of the Archipelago."

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On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: [Leah - Ga-Koro, Docks]

Leah tensed slightly. She really wanted to help, but the list in her hand was pretty much all she had to go by, and though extensive, it had been compiled in a hurry and transmitted telepathically between the Ryuu and the incoming ships.

She could see Daijuno’s eyes widen. The Toa Maru dropped to one knee to make it easier for the Dashi to see and held up the iStone with the list for her. “Here, look, maybe you or Sinshi can get more out of this than I can. Nothing can be ruled out just yet, not all the ships have even managed to unload their people yet. Maybe she’s yet to disembark? But if she's on this island, we'll find her.”

OOC: @Void Emissary @Krayzikk


IC: [Ayiwah - Ga-Koro, Akiri Hahli’s Hut]

Excerpt from ‘Engagement Rules - Umbraline Rora’: Don’t fire unless fired upon.

.:Yumi, the only reason I do this song and dance is so the only people that get to walk over your backside are those massage therapists you like so much.:.

OOC: @Caedast

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[Ga-koro, The Great Takea(Shuuan)]
I slumped down in a seat gratefully.   I didn’t think we were really friends, but I was too tired and hungry to argue.

OOC: @~Xemnas~@Tarn@TL01 NUVA

[Ga-koro, Docks]

“Mako, you old dog!”

The voice came from a hunched figure who was tottling (at really an alarming speed for tottling) toward him.

“Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes,” Vilda Pradhai said.   “Had quite the journey--never much of a sea skimmer, myself to tell the truth.   Didn’t have the fortune to sleep all the way like Laka here.”

The rahi in question poked its head in the direction of Mako, tasting the air in front of him.   It snaked among the feet of the refugees disembarking--almost the length of three fully grown dasaka, a deep green tube as thick around as a warrior's waste.   Needless to say, there was more than one shout of alarm.

OOC: @Geardirector

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

En4XX.gif zTCqe.gif gkKRR.gif TUJGk.gif 7dN9Y.gif TNxSB.gif HpGw0.gif r89Xe.gif AKbnC.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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7 hours ago, Constructelf said:

IC: Asa - Ga-Koro docks

"Right," Asa said. "We should... probably keep doing that."

Asa picked up her things and began looking around, surveying the refugees, making a note of who were in the most distress. While it was unlikely that anybody coming ashore now would have serious injuries from the evacuation, there was no doubt that many of the new arrivals would be feeling unwell, if only from the conditions of the ships.

"Did anything noteworthy or concerning happen since the ships arrived? Locally, I mean. Or are the refugees being received without incident?"

OOC: @Snelly

IC: Arisaka - Ga-koro docks -

Arisaka shook her head. "Not that I have seen. The people of Ga-koro have been extremely helpful and welcoming thus far."

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: Daijuno | Ga-Koro

Daijuno took the iStone in her hands with more grace and gratitude than most would expect of her -- especially those of the old order of Kentoku. She quickly began scanning through names and, while not being able to spot any that matched directly to Zyla, there were a few that would be worth checking out. Perhaps Zyla had used a fake name to get aboard, for fear of being rejected as a Dastana (or, more likely, as a Saihoko). Or....

...maybe Dai didn't know Zyla as well as she thought she did.

"Thanks, Ms. Maru," she said softly, pushing the tablet back into the warrior's hands. "I owe you one. I won't be forgetting this anytime soon."

OOC: @Vezok's Friend


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Sato raised an eyebrow at Sinshi's near-slip, a small, mischievous smile growing on her lips. "It got dicey," she admitted. "I'm surprised as many of us made it out as did, honestly." Then she turned to the other members of the group, deciding to actually take part in the conversation at hand, and not just mess with Sinshi.

"Missing someone? I'd be happy to help find them, rather than just sit around and enjoy the scenery." She shrugged; as nice as Ga-Koro was, it was a bit boring for the warrior not having anything to do. "And I'm sure that would be more appreciated than me following my favourite cousin around and telling her how cute her new uniform is."

Not that she intended to give up on the backlog she owed Sinshi after all of those florid bows and 'my lady's and such that she'd always subjected her to.

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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10 hours ago, Mel said:

[Ga-koro, Docks]

“Mako, you old dog!”

The voice came from a hunched figure who was tottling (at really an alarming speed for tottling) toward him.

“Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes,” Vilda Pradhai said.   “Had quite the journey--never much of a sea skimmer, myself to tell the truth.   Didn’t have the fortune to sleep all the way like Laka here.”

OOC: @Geardirector

IC: Vilda Mako (Ga-Koro)

I had stopped dead in my tracks the moment I'd heard that voice. It had started to be a long time now since I'd last seen Kentoku, it was longer still since I had wandered the wilderness of little Oki. I couldn't help but smile as I turned around to see the old battlemaster. After having just thought up a storm in my own mind about the importance of moving past the many steadfast routines that I'd had beaten into me, it was honestly quite the cruel trick from Zataka to then throw one of the actually likeable ones right at me.

"Pradhai!" I answered, and came over to greet her with a winning smile.

"Same goes for you, it does me good to see you're alright"

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[Ga-koro, The Great Takea(Shuuan)]
I looked at Eita.   Had he said something earlier?   Was this what dashi thought we menti talked about all day?

For a moment I thought of giving him a d̴͈̈́ē̵̡m̴̩͆ò̸̻n̴̬̕s̶̳̀t̸͇̍r̸͇͠ä̶͉t̶̨̃i̸̻̅ò̷ͅn̶͚̄, but that seemed inadvisable if I was to acquire more food.  I’m actually quite well behaved when I’m hungry.


OOC: @TL01 NUVA@~Xemnas~@Tarn

[Ga-koro, Docks (Pradhai)]

“Thanks to the grace of Zuto-Nui, I am, said Pradhai,” her face tightened as she recalled what happened on Oki.   What had happened to the rahi.  “Couldn’t say the same about old Oki, I’m afraid.   Zataka, or whoever that monster on Koshiki is, they’ve made quite a mess of the place.”
OOC: @Geardirector

Edited by Mel
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There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

En4XX.gif zTCqe.gif gkKRR.gif TUJGk.gif 7dN9Y.gif TNxSB.gif HpGw0.gif r89Xe.gif AKbnC.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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"Whitehot picked it out," The Menti commented absently, turning her arms palm out and twisting slightly side to side. The jacket moved with the motion, and in so doing allowed the light to catch the hilts on either side of her waist; one that refracted the light, and one that merely caught it. Then she dropped one arm and raised the other to her collar, unfolding it a little to let the small metal emblem catch the light better. "And as it happens, helping sort out all of this is my job. At least until someone starts a fight, then I've got to go between us and the Marines. Which... is a lot more likely than it was."

She patted Daijuno's back again.

"If you'll let us, Dai, I'd like to help you look. I'm sure Umbraline Sato will too, as well as Hogo... Karoru, yes?" She smiled at the clearly uncomfortable Menti and tilted her head a little. "The two of you can help bring us up to date on what has happened, as well. And I would be happy to answer any questions either of you have about the island here."



Sailing, it turned out, was truly awful. Some Onu-Matoran could scarcely stand to be aboveground, let alone bear the sun in their eyes or visit Ga-Koro. The slightly unsteady nature of the lily pads upset them to no end. He'd never been that unfortunate. None of those things caused him any alarm. But his first day at sea aboard the Yukanna had been miserable, as had his second. After that he started to feel better, but after two months at sea Tarnok was perfectly happy never to set foot on a ship again.

Nor had he been happy with all the time to think.

Still he'd been fortunate enough to have a deck of cards on hand by long habit, and they'd all had an awful lot of time to play. Eventually the Dasaka got bored enough that some of them stopped by to learn and play. Despair could only be sustained at its height for so long before you simply became numb. But at long last they had arrived, and it was time to get moving.

"Leli," He said, turning to his comrade. And friend. "Got all your stuff?"

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On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Leli [Ga-Koro Docks, Yukanna]

"Uh yes-!"

There was a pause, and a moment of silence from the gangplank.

And then another.

And another.

And then came a cacophony of clattering crystalline objects and the recognizable form of Leli stumbled down towards the lily pad next to Tarnok. Well, a recognizable form that was buried beneath what could only be called a pile of Dasakan crystal. Her armor, once the rugged heavy Ussalry plate, was gone, entirely replaced with the gleaming plates of the people which they had traveled with back home. Baubles and necklaces hung from around her neck, even her Kanohi was adorned; a set of newly made holes laced through with strings of crystalline beads.

"Well... no, I still have a few other things on the ship but Mata Nui I need off this boat."

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17 hours ago, Mel said:

[Ga-koro, Docks (Pradhai)]

“Thanks to the grace of Zuto-Nui, I am, said Pradhai,” her face tightened as she recalled what happened on Oki.   What had happened to the rahi.  “Couldn’t say the same about old Oki, I’m afraid.   Zataka, or whoever that monster on Koshiki is, they’ve made quite a mess of the place.”

IC: Vilda Mako (Ga-Koro)

"More monsters?" I asked, incredulous. The scattered word of frightened refugees wasn't much to go on, and even then one person could only ever gleam so much from the sort of chaos I was forming an image of in my mind. I couldn't quite imagine what I was missing by not seeing this first hand. A Fursic uprising this was not.

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IC: Kimala

A refugee crisis, in the nicest sense, was the ideal environment for the Toa of Crystal. She lived and breathed helping others, and to have such an abundance of people in need... well, she would never say she could be grateful for such a thing, but it undoubtedly breathed new purpose into herself. As such, on this day the teacher found herself at the docks, helping in every which way she could. Her Matatu and muscles both allowed her to assist in moving objects and belongings from ship to shore, much to the praise and appreciation of the folks around her. Praise and appreciation she accepted bashfully, and responded to with cookies. At least until she ran out, which as it so happened, was just what she was in the middle of doing.

"Oh goodness me," she muttered, turning her bag inside out. "I've just given my last one out. I'm so very sorry, little one," she told the Dashi standing in her shadow. The little one shook her head and thanked her for the help she had given thus far, and returned to her task. Kimala could only smile in return, then sigh as she turned her back. Always, she felt she could do more. If only there was some way of multiplying oneself. The best she could do was the most she could though, and so she did.

OoC: Kimala open for interaction.

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If I go AWOL for a while, feel free to contact me via Discord

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18 hours ago, sunflower said:

IC: Leli [Ga-Koro Docks, Yukanna]

"Uh yes-!"

There was a pause, and a moment of silence from the gangplank.

And then another.

And another.

And then came a cacophony of clattering crystalline objects and the recognizable form of Leli stumbled down towards the lily pad next to Tarnok. Well, a recognizable form that was buried beneath what could only be called a pile of Dasakan crystal. Her armor, once the rugged heavy Ussalry plate, was gone, entirely replaced with the gleaming plates of the people which they had traveled with back home. Baubles and necklaces hung from around her neck, even her Kanohi was adorned; a set of newly made holes laced through with strings of crystalline beads.

"Well... no, I still have a few other things on the ship but Mata Nui I need off this boat."


"Sure there aren't a few more psychics you want to 'trade' with?" 

The comment could've been judging but the genuine laughter rippling underneath said otherwise. Anything that kept her spirits up was important, and she had been fair. It may have worked out a little better for her in some cases but she did her best to make sure she gave a fair deal. Even when, at the prospect of acquiring even a piece of metal, some of the Dasaka had been willing to trade all of even the meager possessions they had been able to take with them. She'd still more than gotten her 'money's' worth though, as evidenced by her crystalline bounty. 

"Want some help carrying all that back home?"



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Leli [Ga-Koro Docks, Yukanna]


There was a small crash, almost like glass breaking, and Leli slow turned to look back up the gangplank, where two young Dashi, each wearing a matching piece of what was unmistakably Ussalry-issue armor, stood on either side of a half-closed chest. Colorful linens and crystalline items of all shapes and sizes were spilling out from the half-closed lid of the box, and one of the Dashi was desperately attempting to shove it back closed.


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"..." The Onu-Matoran did laugh this time, shaking his head and walking back up the gangplank. He'd lost his own pack on Mt. Koshiki so he had the free hands to carry the chest. With a few soft, polite words to the two Dashi he took the handles on either side and lifted it up. "Come on. Let's get you back before you find anyone else to swindle."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC, Eita: Ga-Koro

"Ah," Eita said, impressed. He looked to the others. "Willhammers are skilled in entering the minds of others. I let a Willhammer enter my mind once, to try and understand my amnesia... but according to her, the only thing beyond my memory of waking up on Iki is an empty void." 

OOC: @Tarn @Mel @TL01 NUVA

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