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IC: Inferno"Thank you," Zac said as he got into the back, "Sorry about the whole hot wiring thing, I was kind of desperate I wasn't thinking normally well,"

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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IC: Agent Starling - Tunnels, Savage Lands -Krystal nearly jerked back in surprise at Shockbolt's new found powers. "Y-you're a mutant? How? When?" Then Shockbolt told her of Crossfire's death. She was speechless, closing her eyes and sighing remorsefully. "He was...a good agent..." She started to massage her jaw, it was starting to ache for some reason, though she didn't understand why, she hadn't hurt her jaw at all, that she was aware of anyway, it was almost how it felt to have a new tooth coming in...or teeth.

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: Alaric (Med Ward, Institute)A'ight. **** it. Guess my telepathy's too weak. Fine. I'll get up...and do it...myself.Alaric pulled himself up into a standing position and buttoned up a short sleeve shirt, straightening his hair out lightly and rubbing his hand across his chest, where just hours before bullets had been going in and his life's blood had been pumping out. Sighing a bit shakily, he turned and activated his still-not-up-to-snuff powers, gunning forward out of the med ward and towards the garage.-Teezy



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IC: Agent Starling - Tunnels, Savage Lands -Krystal looked at Demon. "He turned you into a mutant?" Things were starting to make a little more sense now. She hadn't realized that a mutant could gain the power to turn someone INTO a mutant, though she figured that shouldn't surprise her too much. She continued to rub her jaw, which was aching even worse. "It's my jaw of all things...it's acting up for some reason...though I can't explain why." She wondered if Demon could of done something to her besides just heal her, that thought grew into a sickening feeling in her stomach, one of dread.

Edited by Overlord Snelly

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC-Elijah:"Okay, now this is right bloody annoying," Elijah said, scoffing at the dirt being thrown up at him by Windrider, as he attempted to, at the same time, dodge most of the metallic objects flying towards him. He'd already tossed aside his stealth, it was adversely affecting his strength, but at the same time...it was useful while it lasted.One smaller bar of metal thumped him in the chest, knocking the wind out of him, another slamming into his jaw. He went down for a moment, before standing up once the metal had cleared, a tooth knocked out and blood dripping from where it had been."Okay, well. Two on one. That's hardly fair, you realize that, correct?" One good sonic blast, that's all it would take to knock Quicksilver from the air so that Elijah could run over, and knock him out...but first he had to get rid of Windrider, somehow. He glanced over at the third mutant, a slightly surprised look on his face, as though he hadn't expected Windrider to still be there."So, what now? Do we go one on one in multiple rounds, do we have a free-for-all, what? Personally, I'm a fan of you deciding to stand down and actually listen to something smart, for once, Pietro, but I doubt that's likely..."

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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Shawn IC: Shawn smiles as his mind gravitates to Emily's face, see Emily reminded him of someone special that Shawn really loved. The girl was also a blonde, a very pretty one he thought. She had the beautiful soul that Shawn had ever encountered. She loves flowers...her favorite was the purple tulip. Shawn had known this girl since he was 14 when he was taking a ballet class. Shawn being who he was persued her, but She was not interested in that side of him. She wanted to know about him as a person and he could not believe how much she actually cared about his well being. After a few years they finally start dating, their feelings for one another had gotten too strong. So to show him how much she loved and trusted him she revealed to him that she was a mutant laughing at her discomfort he revealed to her that he was a mutant as well. They spend a year dating. She finds out about the Xavier institute for the gifted and really pushes the idea to leave to the institute together on Shawn. After some reluctance Shawn decides to take her up on the offer, but in exchange she had to embrace her mutant side and see it as a gift not a curse. After deciding to actually give embracing her mutant side, she goes to meet up with Shawn practicing her ability to telekentically move things. Excited at the fact that her and Shawn were about to start their lives together. She takes a shortcut and finds herself going down an alley where former enforcers had been. Noticing that she had mutant abilities they gunned her down. Shawn not wanting to remember anymore finds himself in tears as he says "I'm sorry....Luna..."


Close enough to my Shawn is...Zelos Wilder.

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IC: Torrent"I hope he is okay," Caleb said referring to Shawn, "Are doing okay Emily?" Caleb asked looking at her.

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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IC: Torrent"Do you like him?" Caleb asked, curious of their relation.

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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OOC: Last post for the night D=IC: Wild Card:"Ugh... I don't see you having to run away from everything that shoots lasers or blows up... But still, sure."With that, Card pulled up a mental image of the president again, and got ready to shift appearances again.OOC: Flex, you got my permission to control Card, as long as you don't kill him, I'm fine with that. Night.

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IC: ShadowShadow was just leaving the garage, rounded a corner, and slammed into a fast moving object.She flew back, and skidded along the hallway, glaring at whoever had knocked her over. "Hey, watch where you'r-"She blinked. "Ric?" In an instant, she was back on her feet. She took a step forward, and her arms lifted slightly as if she was going to give him a hug. She stopped mid-step, and lowered her arms again. "I'm glad you're okay."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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Emily IC: Emily become flustered....."Yes, I do...very much." she then becomes sad and thinks to herself *unfortunately* Shawn IC: Shawn not noticing his eyes begin to turn again. He continues to shed tears as a little bit of the aura starts to form around him. "I wish you were here Luna..." Shawn thinking about his distrust for people, his hate for the goverment. His sorrow begins to turn to anger. As his emotions rise the aura around him begin's to expand.


Close enough to my Shawn is...Zelos Wilder.

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IC: Torrent"And he is in that fire fight...." Caleb said, "I hope he is alright..."

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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IC:Taralynn (X-Mansion, Westchester county.)Tara got in on the passenger side."You're coming, right Zack?"

Life comes, and life goes, flowing like the tide.

Peace ebbs, and peace flows, often fleeting just like time.

Love can last, but only so, there isn't much before you die.

People pass, come to and fro. And eventually revenge too, doe lie.

For in the the end, it's only the vengent who lasts forever.

The Vengent Spectre.


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IC: (Sarah:Conquest)Conquest had seen the fight between windrider, Quicksliver, and Elijah. She started to fir rounds at Silver and Elijah. They go first. The other can live, he help us before.

War...war never changes.

We crawl, on our knees for you,
under, a sky no longer blue,
we sweat, all day long for you.

But we sow, seeds to see us though,
cause sometimes dreams just don't come true,
we wait, to reap what we are due.

-Rise Against, Re-Education (through Labor)




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IC: Windrider - Savage Lands -"Stop attacking my leader." I said in response to Elijah. "And who says I care about a fair fight?" Then out of nowhere the winged cat-like mutant I had saved earlier comes out of seemingly no where and begins to fire rounds in Silver and Elijah's direction. For the love a...I actually decide to do nothing, knowing Quicksilver could easily stop the bullets.

Edited by Overlord Snelly

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: Summer-flightAshlynn picked up on the weak telepathic message from Alaric. Ric? Are you awake? She sent to him. She then turned on the car and began to drive out of the garage. She smiled at Abbas and Tara as they got into the vehicle. "I think Shadow is going to ride her motorcycle." she said. "We are already out of room." she said looking at Abbas, Zack, Jared and Tara in the car with them. IC: Quicksilver"Windrider deal with him." he said, "I must get our people to saftey." he said. he created a powerful magnetic shield around him to deflect any of Elijah's possible attacks combined with sheets of metal that orbited around him. He then stood ontop of the plane and his hand flew forward as he magnetically lifted the unworking plane off the ground and every mutant inside before lifting off into the air. "Go to the place I told you about if we ever lost the Savage Lands!" he called down to Windrider. He ignored Conquest' bullets since his shield and the metal easily stopped them, as the plane continued into the sky. IC: Feral"**** yeah I am." Feral said. "I'm getting tired of this fight." he said. IC: Triblade"Sounds good to me." he said, dodging fire from a Sentinel.OOC: We seem to have an issue, they have a way to end the fight, but we have a group of X-Men wanting to fly all the way there, if they do then the fight will probably be over, unless I prolong it somehow, like Triblade's attack doesn't destroy all of them, just most?

Edited by Flex Nard
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IC: (Sarah: Conquest)With the revolver out, Sarah reloaded it with rubber bullets. QuickSliver would have a fun time stopping these. With him out of the way, we can take control, or simply leave them to die, that sounds like a much better plan... don't have to watch out for anyone, just us, and the other riders, if they ever surface...

War...war never changes.

We crawl, on our knees for you,
under, a sky no longer blue,
we sweat, all day long for you.

But we sow, seeds to see us though,
cause sometimes dreams just don't come true,
we wait, to reap what we are due.

-Rise Against, Re-Education (through Labor)




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IC: (Sarah: Conquest)With the target gone, Conquest fled to the portal, and came out not to far from the school, but then turned tail and went back to New-York. the alleys had been her friend for a time, and they took her back. Now she would wait for the others to rise, and together they would ride.OCC: If Weapon-X wants to try and take her, be my guest, as it'll give me something to do with her, or have Quicksliver send Lexie after her when things calm down.

War...war never changes.

We crawl, on our knees for you,
under, a sky no longer blue,
we sweat, all day long for you.

But we sow, seeds to see us though,
cause sometimes dreams just don't come true,
we wait, to reap what we are due.

-Rise Against, Re-Education (through Labor)




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IC: Alaric (Garage, Institute)His Corvette.His 1958 cherry red C1 Chevrolet Corvette, bequeathed to him by his father and carrying 480 horsepower through a series of engine modifications. The mechanical love of his life, his very first car, worth about 85 grand in the right market and about 62 in the wrong one...gone. Ric slumped against the wall visibly, looking positively unsure of something he could possibly say, unable to grasp a eulogy that could be deep enough to give the 'Vette justice."Well, then."-Teezy



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IC-Elijah:Elijah, having heard Conquest walk up-and seen the gun being drawn-had quickly rolled away behind cover. Cover being the numerous large, metallic objects that had been piled up after Quicksilver had thrown them all about."Bloody 'ell," he muttered, shaking his head. "That Pietro certainly can make one lose their temper, that's definitely the truth."

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC: Inferno"So exactly where are we going?" Zac asked, "Just so I can know,"

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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IC: ShadowShadow was quiet for a long moment, uncomfortably looking anywhere but at Ric. She stepped over to him, Abd one hand snaked out if her pocket, and hovered, as unsure of what to do as Shadow.She could see how much the car had meant to him. It looked as though someone had torn an important piece out of his heart.Finally, she wrapped an arm around him in a dirt of half-hug. "I'm sorry. I didn't get a good look, who know, maybe it could be fixed."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: InfernoZac laughed a bit, "Funny, that's what I was gonna do after I foud a means of transport insted of wheels," Zac said.

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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