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Brooklyn flicked on her TV, scrolling through the DVR and picking out a subsection of recordings labeled "The Coolest Thing Since Billy Dee Williams." There, she went into another subsection labeled "BB" and pressed Play All.


"Prepare yourself!" the youngest Carlisle cried as she took a brownie and popped it in a bite.





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IC: ???, Julia, Zack


The chronokinetic smiled to himself. Things were falling into place, and he hadn't even had to do anything about it. In a millionth of an instant, he was back in DC, quietly standing behind the battle-ready Jackson.


The world had gone very crazy very quickly. First Vegas, then President Binder and Quicksilver had been killed, and now Beast was bleeding to death from six crimson holes in his back. Julia leaned on the wall outside of her room and finally let the tears fall.


Zack, meanwhile, stood outside, staring out into the sky. He had retrieved his trenchcoat from his room and was now wearing it, letting it billow around his legs in the wind.


OOC: Madara, I think you may have missed this:



IC: Shaw
A deep, regal-souding voice answered Victor.
"Name, please."
Edited by The Zytrix


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Rebekah asked after about twenty minutes, which translates to three brownies, had passed. "I feel like I'm missing some very crucial background information to understand what's happening in this show."


"I don't get it."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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"Well, the guy's a chemistry teacher, and he's got terminal cancer. And to leave his family money so that when he dies they can still support themselves and live on their own, he starts using his chemistry smarticles to cook and sell meth."





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"....." Rebekah stared at the screen, eyebrows raised in confusion. "Hm. I'm working on it, but I don't think I quite understand yet. I think I need another brownie for fuel."


Her hand inched toward the tray, towards the last brownie.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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The hand was picked off in midgrab, just before fingertips met brownie. Brooklyn's palm was smothering Rebekah's knuckles; her fingers were groped around those of her companion.


"Tread carefully."





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"....""It would seem that there is only one brownie left." A pair of violet eyes glanced sidelong at Brooklyn. "Now the question is... Which way does this go down?"



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC ChenLooking out from the desk he had taken cover behind, Chen peered around the room. The massive explosion had left several diplomats dead, and many more injured. Fortunately, Chen hadn't been injured in the blast. "What just happened?" he thought as he looked around the room. His gaze met that of a diplomat from Iraq-or was he?NPC Cult of Marduk Spy07 was shocked, to say the least."That was not how things were supposed to go," he muttered under his breath. Slowly getting up, his eyes suffers the room before Merton that of a diplomat from China. The look in both of their eyes said the same thing:This is only the beginning.OOC Seeing as Ty hasn't responded yet... Bolded portions taken from The PunisherIC Knower"... as I was saying, we aren't being proactive enough, IMO. For too long, we've been working under the principle of shield. Now don't get me wrong; shields are an essential part of a warrior's arsenal, but it has one major flaw: it is inherently reactive. No, what we need to be is a sword." I had long since left my stony stance, now, I was actually moving about like anilin being, using body language to accentuate my point. "The shield is s fair defense, but by waiting for the fight to come to you, you've given the enemy enough time to prepare, to study your weaknesses, and to counter them. No, what we needto be is a sword. A blade, cutting into both the flesh and the hearts of those who dare disturb the peace. A sword is inherently proactive; in the hands of a skilled user, it will always strike the enemy unaware. It takes the fight to the foe and if the foe does strike first, it replies a thousandfold.""And by extreme, this is what I mean. We create laws for the people to follow, but you know what our enemies do? They laugh at the law. The rich ones who buy it and twist it to their whims. The other ones, who have nothing to lose, who don't care about themselves, or other people. All the ones who think they're above the law, or outside it, or beyond it. They know all the law is good for is to keep good people in line. And they all laugh. They laugh at the law. I've seen them at night through my psychic eye, drinking and singing in their lairs, mocking us. They all know darn well that laws are only as good as the ability to enforce them, and believe me, we aren't enforcing them well enough right now. No, we're still trying to play the 'hero', giving scads of ground of advantage. By loving, we leave hostages to fate. By being merciful, we simply let the tiger return to the mountains. No, in my opinion, we need to cast the hero aside, or at least, don anotherface in addition to it. We need to go down to their level, and go further, until we become something so dark and twisted that even the demons that dwell in the circles of would brown their pants at the mere thought of us. We need to use the weapon of fear that the enemy is holding right now and shove it up their throats. This isn't about good and evil anymore; it's shout order and chaos, and winning and losing."

Edited by Constructman
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Brooklyn may not have had the physiological advantage Rebekah had, but she also shared blood with Alaric Carlisle. This meant she was predisposed to a few genetic traits: like her brother, she often spent hours at a time watching the Numa Numa guy on the Internet when she was supposed to be tending to various responsibilities. She straightened her hair as soon as she got out of bed in the morning and did it again just to be safe before she went to sleep, just like he did. Turtlenecks bothered both of them. But, most importantly, thanks to Ric, she had a tactical eye for how to grab sweets, confections, or other sugary treats.


So while Rebekah was still staring at Brooklyn, looking for facial tells, the audiotelepath reached out with her free hand and went for the brownie.





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Only to have her wrist grabbed centimeters from the goal. One of her eyebrows raised a notch in amusement. "You are forgetting, Brooklyn Pace-Carlisle. I am quite familiar with your brother's tricks."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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"Really. So I'm guessing that if I were to throw a Warren Worthington Behind-the-Back Brownie Juggle right now with my elbow, you'd be able to block."


"Hah," Rebekah chortled. "I've spent hours practicing just that defense--"


As the ex-Weapon was distracted trying out just that defense, Brooklyn took advantage of her slightly slackened grip and dove for the brownie with both hands.





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In a flash, Rebekah was moving for it, using one hand to push it just out of Brooklyn's reach, before continuing on with the movement, tackling her into a tight hug, pinning her arms to her sides.


"We seem to have reached an impasse."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: White LightningAfter the student told him where he was and headed to the Danger Room. It's been a long time since he's down there. He can hardly remember the layout or even how to get there. So he asks a fellow mutant. "Do you know where the Danger Room is? I forgot how to get there."

IC Hei"Danger room's just down that hallway," Kristy panted as she ran through the mansion checking on everyone, stopping to address Jack. "But I wouldn't go down there if I were you. From what I've heard, they've only just fixed it and-what?!" Kristy gasped as a fellow student ran up to her. "Beast's been shot?! Oh shut," she muttered and raced down the hall towards the basement.Scurrying into the basement, Kristy gasped as she saw Dr. McCiy lying on the ground. Will was there trying to heal him while John had raced off somewhere-to find the perpetrator maybe? "Ohmygodohmygodohmygod..." Edited by Constructman
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IC: Ashley


"Faster Dallas! Faster! Can't you hear the eclairs calling us?" Ashley pulled out a small seed from one of her pockets, it began to grow into a carrot rapidly, when it was full sized she waved it in front of Dallas' face as he carried her down the street piggy back style.


IC: Shiloh


"I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm leaving with Abraham, I ain't sticking around for when they carpet bomb this place."

Edited by Snelly

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: Natalie didn't speak for a few seconds. After what had happened, she just didn't know if she wanted to have the possibility of going through that again. Being in a relationship with one of SHIELD's top agents?Of course, she was one too..."I've already forgiven you," she said softly. "I did the instant I walked into that barn and heard you and James arguing." Her breath shook as she inhaled. "It won't ever be easy having you go on missions and never knowing if you're coming back, but I've got you to compensate." Natalie looked up at his face, her eyes sparkling through slight tears. "Good deal to me."




"You're soft. You need to stop crying about me, Nat."


Brando let her cuddle up to him as he sat up, one leg bent upwards and the other stretched out, as he looked out towards Lake George, admiring the unobstructed view of the lakeside. The sun trickled down on them benevolently, giving the light blue ocean water an almost sparkling, kaleidoscope effect. It almost looked a little bit like Natalie's right eye.


"Mainly because, well...when you cry, it kind of makes me feel soft."



Edited by Tyler Durden



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IC: Marauder

Marauder made his way to the bridge. He saw Fury and Knower talking to each other. He remembered Knower from when he first arrived here on the bridge. He went up to Fury and said, "Commander Fury sir." He salutes him, standing behind him. "Permission to aid in the aftermath of the shooting, sir."


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Abraham brushed past Caden, moving for the door. "Tell the civilians to evacuate to somewhere safer. Europe would be a good option, there aren't so many anti-mutant sentiments there. This was the base for a terrorist group, they were never safe here in the first place."


He tossed a single paper card over his shoulder, letting it flutter to the floor, unless Caden caught it. "That's my phone number, and the address I'll be staying at. Contact me once that's done, or if you decide that you want to do what Quicksilver could not, and change with the times."


He could hear Shiloh following him, but he didn't pay much attention. Too much was going on for him to pay any attention. He had things he needed to do, things that needed to be accomplished, before he could do anything else. The thoughts clouding his mind could wait.


His first stop was a door down the hall from what was once Pietro's office, the room of one particular Brotherhood member. Raising a hand, he knocked.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC:"Pietro is dead."


The strategist didn't opt for a subtle approach, there wasn't enough time. And observation had shown that subtlety was not needed here. "He killed the president, and thus endangered us all. He was a madman.""So I shot him, with a little help. The Enforcers will come to carpet bomb this place in a matter of days. I'm leaving, as is Shiloh. The civilians are being evacuated.""Do you wish to stay, or go?"



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC:"I was rather hoping that would be the choice you made."


Who's left? Ms. Maximoff is MIA, and wouldn't come along anyway. Her aid Tora is similarly absent. Shiloh, Nate, and Magnitude have already been gathered... Kane will likely follow Caden, whatever choice he decides to make. The rest are either dead, missing, or gone turncoat. And I can't really say I blame them.


"Can you think of anyone else to take with us? People who weren't die hard loyalists, or otherwise incapacitated?"



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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Farther down the hall, if anybody in the area would be paying attention, they might hear a rather indignant outcry of annoyance, and of course, indignance, and seemingly minor betrayal.


"Pietro got killed without my aid?"


Luka was rather unhappy at this turn of events.


"I thought I claimed him as my own to kill, for God's sake!"

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC:"Not to anyone's knowledge." Abraham said, glancing down the hall. "It has been a while since you've been seen, Illyin. I take it you've heard the conversation thus far?"



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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