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Nuju Metru

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Is there anyone on this island WITHOUT a traumatic and terrible childhood?

Trust me, there are PLENTY of charries with decent to rather nice/wonderful/at least decent... they just tend to fly below the radar at least. Because apparently only the most tragic of characters can be the best and most influential characters in the game, let alone storytelling, so the less tragic characters don't get as much screentime as the rest. Which is a travesty.


Strangely reminds me of real life in a way :P Don't worry, they exist. And contrary to popular belief it's pretty fun to write one :D

Living large... like clown-shoe size large. Complete with nose, rainbow-colored hair, and a bottle of seltzer water.


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Dang, it's been about two years since I last rolled up around these parts.


So what's up? How's the game been?

Oh my. Weeeeell...


  • Politics
  • We have a team of six toa helping us
  • More politics
  • I'm being trailed by four of the most skillful characters aligned with Ta-Koro, and
  • Even more politics.


Anyway, can Oreius and Co. please hurry to Ko-Koro? I want to get this ordeal over with.

Edited by Lieutenant Obvious

Morally unambiguous.

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Guest Pakiro

Oh my. Well I'll have to catch up then get back in the game. I only recognize a few familiar names around here, it'll be cool to make some new friends.

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Dang, it's been about two years since I last rolled up around these parts.


So what's up? How's the game been?

Well, I'm incredibly delayed in saying this, but,.."Welcome! Always great to see someone from the older days come back, no matter how long they stay. A lot of stuff has happened, so for the majority of the things that have happened since the latest reboot, I would go check the Wiki (www.bzprpg.wikia.com). For the more major and recent events, here's a brief recap:-The Turaga were all assassinated last season, which lead to the current power structure.-Each village is lead by an Akiri, who is controlled by a different player. For example, I control Akiri Jaller of Ta, Tyler(Aegon Targaryen) has Akiri Hahli of Ga, et cetera.-Makuta was defeated, so he's not really an issue right now.-Rising intervillage tensions, most notably, between Po and just about everyone else.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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As previously discussed, I must point out that Kughii is incorrect on that front.Ga and Ta in particular did not exactly have the best of negotiations the last time that Po sent diplomats. There were no open signs of aggression on either side, but things were not calm and loving.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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Not if I blow up their snowmen army. :P

I occasionally return to BZP for a nostalgic trip back. Hit me up on discord if you need anything. 
BZPRPG Characters that I will possibly revive, Mons-Shajs-Tarotrix-Aryll Vudigg-Jorruk Yokin-Senavysh Angavur






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Good to know. I knew that trauma could cause disorders, I just needed to know if the creature itself could cause said mental disorders.


Were you referring to those jolly folks in your sig?

No, that would be the two main characters of the current Persona games.


And do we have a time when the Invincible will arrive?

"Go beyond the impossible, and kick reason to the curb! That's how Team Gurren rolls!"



Exo-Force RPG Profiles

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If you're not so subtly asking about your pursuers, I assure you, that they are on their way. But they also have RPing ethics, which means that they cannot just insta-find where you are.If you're asking about the region in general, then there is very little going on, of importance or otherwise. It's a quiet place.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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Lieutenant Obvious, Snark and the others will get to you in due time. As far as I am concerned you have nothing to kvetch about, seeing as you and the character disappeared for a while after the terrorist act in the first place, delaying even the notion of pursuing you. So I'd advise you to not press any buttons and not complain about the timeliness of the manhunt.


Or... face dire consequences.

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Lieutenant Obvious, Snark and the others will get to you in due time. As far as I am concerned you have nothing to kvetch about, seeing as you and the character disappeared for a while after the terrorist act in the first place, delaying even the notion of pursuing you. So I'd advise you to not press any buttons and not complain about the timeliness of the manhunt.


Or... face dire consequences.

Just asking. Kinda anxious. Also planning on setting up another character entirely, in that location.


Not everything has to do with Akriin.

Edited by Lieutenant Obvious

Morally unambiguous.

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Lieutenant Obvious, Snark and the others will get to you in due time. As far as I am concerned you have nothing to kvetch about, seeing as you and the character disappeared for a while after the terrorist act in the first place, delaying even the notion of pursuing you. So I'd advise you to not press any buttons and not complain about the timeliness of the manhunt.


Or... face dire consequences.



Rene, have I ever told how much of a fan I am of your work?


I always enjoyed a good manhunt. Alright kiddies, grab the popcorn and dim the lights! This ought to be entertaining.



Living large... like clown-shoe size large. Complete with nose, rainbow-colored hair, and a bottle of seltzer water.


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Oh, I am aware of that fact. I, however, have just recently returned from a small leave of absence and is only now catching up on recent events. Thus my comment. That said, in my readings I've noticed that the players seem to be at each others throats more these days that last year - I've noticed a significant increase in the elitism, clique-ness, and better-than-you attitude than even a month ago, especially when it comes to new and less-visible players.


Not exactly the most pleased to see this shift continue that I noticed even before my hiatus.


I would simply like to remind the players that this is still a community, and you need to treat each other with respect. Those of you in greater authority both IN and OUT of game are under this mandate even more, as you are the leaders and need to be setting the example. Having neat toys, being Akiri, given special powers and privileges, all are rewards for your amazing if not stunning and captivating work and your commitment to the game and contributions to the community; it can just as easily be taken away. Last arc when everyone was essentially on the same level there was a strong sense of cohesiveness since you ALL had to work together to survive and bring down the Makuta... or aide him in his dominance of the island. Everyone was in a small way struggling so it made for a strong community. Now it seems with that temporarily lifted this new attitude is re-emerging as we have given players power and reward.


I would rather strip everyone back down to basics and foster a sense of togetherness than help create an elitist group based off of "rewards". Its more fun for everyone that way, trust me on this.


Like I said, this is just a reminder. There is no need nor reason for me to do anything, but please bear in mind that I will be paying close attention to posts, both IC and OOC content. I highly suggest you think before you post ;)


Thanks much guys. Appreciated.

Living large... like clown-shoe size large. Complete with nose, rainbow-colored hair, and a bottle of seltzer water.


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Uh, it's been going on for some time. :P


Alright, look. I - and everyone else involved in this plot, I can assure you - have put up with the snide remarks and the public backbiting long enough from you. Unlike them, I don't mind calling you out on the fact that throughout this entire process, not only have you disappeared at random, you then returned trying to bring back every character except the one you had to face consequences for. I don't mind calling you out on the fact that not only did you return with every character except that one, you ignored multiple people who tried, through a variety of means, to get you to stop ignoring Snark before a staff member finally had to step in and do something about it. Not even these things bother me, because you know what, these things happen. It's natural in such a large RPG as this. That's not even what upsets me, though it did irk me quite a bit at the time.


No. What irks me is your attitude after you started playing fair again.


A week. It's been, give or take, a week. And in that time, I don't think we've gone more than a day and a half without you going public - not privately asking us what the deal is - and making us look like slackers or bum who have somehow cheated you out of your character and his plotline, which didn't look like it was going much of anywhere anyway considering that most of your first posts with said merc seem to have been the posts where the bombing actually happened and that afterwards, by all rights, you probably were looking at a good chance of never playing him again considering he's a known terrorist. Most, if not all, of the people involved in this manhunt are either facing the onset of a new year of high school or are grappling with full time jobs, meaning that we do not have time to get the posts out that are necessary for this manhunt to continue without blatant metagaming, which is something none of us wants to happen. Yes, it is taking a while. It may take a while still.


But I'd like to direct your attention to something. There. In the bottom right corner of your computer screen. It's the date. 8/7/13. You responded to my PM on 7/31/13, at long last, saying you would talk to Alex about getting something done. That's all the time you've given us. And really, you haven't even given us that. You haven't even talked to us about how it's going. You've just harped in GD about how things are being held up. This is not helping you, and it is definitely not helping us.


Now, do you remember those dates from earlier? Good, because I want you to remember one more.




It is known.





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An amazing spiel on how WE ARE A COMMUNITY and we should ACT LIKE IT.


Yes, yes, yes, very much this. I don't know about you all, but I don't want playing the BZPRPG to become a chore because of the people I have to deal with. I want it to be fun and relaxing. i want to be able to chat with my fellow players and have honest competitions with them free of accusations of metagaming or quarreling about things that are legal. I want to have fights where people will lose gracefully and win politely. I don't want to see egos get in the way of giving someone else their moment in the spotlight, and I don't want to see IC actions carried across into OOC bitterness. I want to see the fabled days of yore, the Lightbringer/Darkbringer War, when people would fight and lose honestly, compliment each other on a battle well fought in the DT, provide suggestions on how to get better, and be friendly no matter how hard they fought and hot bitter their hatred IC.


Am I guilty of most of these transgressions? Yes, certainly. I'm only human, after all (as far as you know). But I, for one, am always making an honest effort to improve and do better. I hope more people do that. But maybe I'm just old. Maybe I'm just a relic of a more optimistic time.



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The BlackBerry Torch is terrible at typing stuff into BZpower. And the autocorrect is terrible too.Anyway, I have a question:Why was the Mask of Growth banned again?


I think it has something to do with the fact that you could literally flatten buildings with your foot and have a sword the size of a tower.


Kinda surprised that didn't happen when the mask wasn't banned.

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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An amazing spiel on how WE ARE A COMMUNITY and we should ACT LIKE IT.

An amazing pledge of support for the previous statement





This. This so much.


It's much more rewarding to be nice and be treated nicely back than it is to belittle others and act smug or condescending.


I'm with you guys

BZPRPG Profiles


Akiri Nuparu Posts:

1. 2. ...

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Okay, I suppose I owe some apologies. Sorry, everyone, for being annoying, rude, and generally unpleasant, and disappearing for weeks(months? I no longer even recall) from this RPG without responding to various PMs from players and staff. Sorry, Snarks, for completely ignoring your PMs, and blowing up your stuff in the first place. Sorry, players or Orieus and Co. for rushing you guys. And I'm sorry staff, for being disrespectful and screwing up the game.


[Edit] Also, gentlemen/ladies, can I ask a favor? If I-or anyone else- am annoying/angering you, would you please tell them so, so they can stop doing whatever's bothering you?


[Another Edit] I also strongly agree with Tuck and Lloyd. We may be mortal enemies IC, but why cant we get along OOC?

Edited by Lieutenant Obvious

Morally unambiguous.

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In the spirit of player camaraderie, I have something FUN to announce:


!!There are PCs available for play in the Kumu Islets Expedition!!


I currently have two characters I would have to be playing myself, and would like to offer other players the chance to join in on the fun down South. One is a toa of water, the other a lesterin of Earth (with a fun piece of technology currently getting approved). I have three to five more open NPC slots for characters. These would be tough, violent, and conniving characters who have been surviving after the fall of the islets through grotesque means. If you feel like creating an original character and sending it my way via PM, PLEASE don't hesitate to do so.


Once again, if you are interested in Gabel, The Angler, or creating a new survivor of the Kumu collapse, please PM me. Those without characters on The Invincible have priority.


Much gamer love,


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In the spirit of player camaraderie, I have something FUN to announce: !!There are PCs available for play in the Kumu Islets Expedition!! I currently have two characters I would have to be playing myself, and would like to offer other players the chance to join in on the fun down South. One is a toa of water, the other a lesterin of Earth (with a fun piece of technology currently getting approved). I have three to five more open NPC slots for characters. These would be tough, violent, and conniving characters who have been surviving after the fall of the islets through grotesque means. If you feel like creating an original character and sending it my way via PM, PLEASE don't hesitate to do so. Once again, if you are interested in Gabel, The Angler, or creating a new survivor of the Kumu collapse, please PM me. Those without characters on The Invincible have priority. Much gamer love,Kughii

...and so the plot thickens. This is starting to sound pretty interesting; do you have any off-hand idea when The Invincible might reach land/island/wherever is is we're headed?

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