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Nuju Metru

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Really? I was under the impression that Echelon was, like, the uber-Toa. 


Um... Oops, I suppose.


Let's try this again.


2500 followers equals, say... 1 Toa, so the entire island is roughly +2 Toa to Dainobi's power.


There. That should work.

LEGO Republic:

The Valkyrie

The "Christmas Brick"


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Now a proud member of The Kanohi Force


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2500 followers equals, say... 1 Toa, so the entire island is roughly +2 Toa to Dainobi's power.

You know normally I don't come into N&D.


But your request is so baffling that I just had to step in.


You realize that's against the rules to have permanent NPC followers, right?


So, you say, "Alright, I'll just switch it to PC followers then."


If you need the numbers you're talking about, a handful of PC followers would, as you said, be pretty useless. Then, if you tried to increase the power to followers ratio, you'd be making your character even more powerful - the goal of this discussion it to do the opposite.


I need to make it clear - there are several things in this profile (multiple disciplines, custom power, traveling to Mata Nui, etc) that are either extraordinarily difficult to obtain or breaking the rules of the game.


I suggest you stop trying to justify your OP character traits by scrabbling to whatever loopholes you're trying to create, cut your character down to size, and play fair like the rest of us.



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2500 followers equals, say... 1 Toa, so the entire island is roughly +2 Toa to Dainobi's power.

You know normally I don't come into N&D.


But your request is so baffling that I just had to step in.


You realize that's against the rules to have permanent NPC followers, right?


So, you say, "Alright, I'll just switch it to PC followers then."


If you need the numbers you're talking about, a handful of PC followers would, as you said, be pretty useless. Then, if you tried to increase the power to followers ratio, you'd be making your character even more powerful - the goal of this discussion it to do the opposite.


I need to make it clear - there are several things in this profile (multiple disciplines, custom power, traveling to Mata Nui, etc) that are either extraordinarily difficult to obtain or breaking the rules of the game.


I suggest you stop trying to justify your OP character traits by scrabbling to whatever loopholes you're trying to create, cut your character down to size, and play fair like the rest of us.




Fine, then. I'll cut the extra power. Poof. Gone. There. 


Though, I don't see how having to get hundreds of people under a power's effect to notice any difference can allow a power to still be considered OP. I don't know, maybe my brain isn't working. I wrote that profile pretty late at night, and I got up at 5:30am today, so... yeah.

LEGO Republic:

The Valkyrie

The "Christmas Brick"


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Now a proud member of The Kanohi Force


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I don't know, maybe my brain isn't working. 


Whatever part of you made you say this, you need to listen to it more often. 


The truth of the matter is there's no chance in hickle that will ever be approved mate. If you want to end up with a powerful villain like Echelon or something similar you have to earn it by playing the game with just your average PC and earning the respect of the staff and everyone else. And even if you manage to do that you still will never get a character like the one you're trying to make, no PC has any power like that, and never will. 

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Actually, the part of my brain that made me say that tends to speak in an exaggerated posh English accent and go "I am NOT amuuuused..." and make people feel bad. 


I call him Mr. Hammerbait, because he often times sets up bait for the banhammer. Ask the PCGamer Minecraft server, the SMBX forum, German airlines, etc. etc.


So... we're sticking with two disciplines, no custom power, and we're sending her off to Mata Nui because, honestly, I don't think I could play a character in Kentoku. The whole caste/clan system doesn't really appeal to me (and, if you read her profile, Dainobi doesn't like it either) so I try to stay FAR away from it. 


Plus, Psionics are only really amazing on Mata Nui because everyone and their mother on Kentoku have psychic abilities. Literally.

LEGO Republic:

The Valkyrie

The "Christmas Brick"


My BZPRPG Profiles


Now a proud member of The Kanohi Force


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Actually, the part of my brain that made me say that tends to speak in an exaggerated posh English accent and go "I am NOT amuuuused..." and make people feel bad. 


I call him Mr. Hammerbait, because he often times sets up bait for the banhammer. Ask the PCGamer Minecraft server, the SMBX forum, German airlines, etc. etc.


So... we're sticking with two disciplines, no custom power, and we're sending her off to Mata Nui because, honestly, I don't think I could play a character in Kentoku. The whole caste/clan system doesn't really appeal to me (and, if you read her profile, Dainobi doesn't like it either) so I try to stay FAR away from it. 


Plus, Psionics are only really amazing on Mata Nui because everyone and their mother on Kentoku have psychic abilities. Literally.


Actually Icarus, I don't think that will work.


Dasaka characters MUST RP in the Kentoku topic. True, there are a few in Ga-Wahi, but they are part of a staff-led expedition that will, in the future, allow both societies to interact. 

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Actually, the part of my brain that made me say that tends to speak in an exaggerated posh English accent and go "I am NOT amuuuused..." and make people feel bad. 


I call him Mr. Hammerbait, because he often times sets up bait for the banhammer. Ask the PCGamer Minecraft server, the SMBX forum, German airlines, etc. etc.


So... we're sticking with two disciplines, no custom power, and we're sending her off to Mata Nui because, honestly, I don't think I could play a character in Kentoku. The whole caste/clan system doesn't really appeal to me (and, if you read her profile, Dainobi doesn't like it either) so I try to stay FAR away from it. 


Plus, Psionics are only really amazing on Mata Nui because everyone and their mother on Kentoku have psychic abilities. Literally.


Actually Icarus, I don't think that will work.


Dasaka characters MUST RP in the Kentoku topic. True, there are a few in Ga-Wahi, but they are part of a staff-led expedition that will, in the future, allow both societies to interact. 


Um... Excuse me for a moment.




Okay, I'll respond to this the only way I know how.


Ladies and gentlemen, a complete rebuttal of the logic used in your statement!


Guys, it's not that big a leap in logic to assume someone tried to follow the expedition! Now, a leap in logic would be that they got to this island by hitching a ride atop a giant flying kangaroo, but assuming someone who finds Kentoku worthless (i.e. Dainobi) would leap at any opportunity to leave makes sense from a story. Dainobi's goals could never be fulfilled on Kentoku, so logic dictates she must leave to go find another island to convert, then come back when she's done and try her luck again with Kentoku.


Saying "she can't be on Mata Nui because Dasaka are from Kentoku" is the equivalent of saying "she can't be in Australia because Norwegians are from Europe." Even if she didn't know the exactly route, she could probably find someway to track down the ship and follow it (from a distance, a small ship could see a big ship much easier than a big ship spotting a small one) until she got to the island. She goes and lands on the island, starts her mission and, faster than you can say "hallowed are the Ori," she starts forcibly converting convincing the denizens of Mata Nui into believing in a bunch of random mumbo jumbo gods.

LEGO Republic:

The Valkyrie

The "Christmas Brick"


My BZPRPG Profiles


Now a proud member of The Kanohi Force


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Plus, Psionics are only really amazing on Mata Nui because everyone and their mother on Kentoku have psychic abilities. Literally.

That's the whole point.


Listen, there are some things you cannot objectively do in this RPG. Having a Dasaka character on Mata Nui that wasn't part of the expedition is one of them.


If you don't like Kentoku, then don't create a Dasakan character. Simple as that.


This is not about what you can or cannot do logically IC. This is about respecting rules, playing fair.


Trying desperately to find loopholes in the rules is not going to get you anywhere and I suggest you cut that out pronto.

Edited by Perp
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Even if she didn't know the exactly route, she could probably find someway to track down the ship and follow it (from a distance, a small ship could see a big ship much easier than a big ship spotting a small one) until she got to the island.


It's not a 'big ship', it's a submarine.


And it submerged immediately upon leaving the Archipelago.

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So... Changing th subject. I have some questions about masks, and Toa:


Without a mask, a toa is dizzy, weaker, and their elemental power is cut in half, correct?


Can toa wear powerless masks to avoid the side-effects of being maskless?


I had an idea for a training method, and the trainer confiscates Pakari, Calix, and the like to force the user to use it less as a crutch.

The times, they are a-changing...



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Well, I just finished my first physical conditioning class, so workouts are on the brain, which coincidentally has less blood in it than usual. Hmm... Since the only place that has spare powerless kanohi is likely a morgue (which would probably not be inclined to lend out masks of its clients), could users switch masks temporarily? Kanohi require training to use, and a new one would probably be impossible to activate, at least at first.

The times, they are a-changing...



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Isn't the rule "Matoran can wear powered masks but they can't use them"? If that's the case, just ask a Matoran if he'd be willing to trade masks for a little bit until you're done with your training.


Also, WE HAVE SUBMARINES?!?! Who... Wha... HUH? 


I thought the best we had was maybe, maybe ironclads, but deity-darned SUBMARINES?


Wanna know why I stick around despite all the annoying things that get thrown at me? Because the BZPRPG is world where cultures based on the Imperial Japanese and Maori people can have submarines.


So, can I have a PC character with one?




Bugger nuggets.

LEGO Republic:

The Valkyrie

The "Christmas Brick"


My BZPRPG Profiles


Now a proud member of The Kanohi Force


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The Dasaka are the only group that has submarines. I don't think anyone on Mata Nui even thought of them before the first Kentoku expedition showed up.

"I serve the weak. I serve the helpless. I am their sword and their shield. If you want to strike at them, you must go through me, and I am not so easily moved."



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Or, you know, anyone with a Kaukau.


Which I think is actually a comparatively small number of PCs. 

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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Matoran are fun. Especially when you use antidermis to give them elemental powers. :P

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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Cause when you can have super-strength, or telekinesis, or force shields, or flight, water breathing seems kind of lame.


And yet people continue to play Matoran... ;)



My point was, compared to other mask powers, the Kaukau isn't terribly exciting. If it was something like 'you didn't need to breath period', that would be more readily useful, but all it does is basically give you gills, with the drawbacks that you can't breath air. The drawback rarely comes into play, granted...

The times, they are a-changing...



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Sure Mata Nui does. They're called ga-matoran with backpacks. Very small submersibles.

 I lolled at this, partially because there is an actual Matoran sub in lore just not sure how it translates to our game, and also because I tried to have a Submersible type vehicle for my Ga-Matoran so she could be a diver instead of just a sailor. This got shot down quite quickly so had to turn her Diver Mech into a simple boat and have it crash on the shore to get her started in the RP. That is until my Po-Matoran and Rahi are complete and playable...


Matoran are fun. Especially when you use antidermis to give them elemental powers. :P

Haha, wait what? Is this allowed? Wouldn't that just turn them into Shadow-Matoran?

"A stranger will always be a stranger unless you give them a chance."

:m_p: :r: :m_o: :w: :l:    :n: :i: :g: :h: :t: :w: :m_o: :l: :f:

 |premierball.png| <- My Pokémon | BZPRPG Characters: Po-Matoran Doseki & Nui-Jaga Scorpio; Ga-Matoran Orca 
Matoran und Panzer: Doseki & Glitch | Marvel RP PC | Mata Nui Monopoly: Come... Own a piece of the legend!


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Haha, wait what? Is this allowed? Wouldn't that just turn them into Shadow-Matoran?


Antidermis in this game works a little differently. Think of it as liquid evil. It gives evil characters powers, corrupts neutral beings like Rahkshi and Rahi to obey evil, and utterly destroys good. It's part of the Vault Loot, which can be gained from Piraka players - in the case of antidermis - from Zaktan, who's RPed by Nuju Metru. 

Edited by Roman Torchwick

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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Yup. It's pretty much the evil version of EP. 

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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So it is an option only for Evil aligned characters that has to be RPed receiving from selected players Via this Vault loot deal. Can't be started out as such? Not that I have any Evil characters to date, though may have one in the future.

"A stranger will always be a stranger unless you give them a chance."

:m_p: :r: :m_o: :w: :l:    :n: :i: :g: :h: :t: :w: :m_o: :l: :f:

 |premierball.png| <- My Pokémon | BZPRPG Characters: Po-Matoran Doseki & Nui-Jaga Scorpio; Ga-Matoran Orca 
Matoran und Panzer: Doseki & Glitch | Marvel RP PC | Mata Nui Monopoly: Come... Own a piece of the legend!


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My point was, compared to other mask powers, the Kaukau isn't terribly exciting. If it was something like 'you didn't need to breath period', that would be more readily useful, but all it does is basically give you gills, with the drawbacks that you can't breath air. The drawback rarely comes into play, granted...


I'm pretty sure the Kaukau doesn't affect your ability to breath air...only pit mutagen does that.

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

En4XX.gif aDhCn.gif gkKRR.gif TUJGk.gif 7dN9Y.gif TNxSB.gif HpGw0.gif r89Xe.gif AKbnC.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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Yeah if it did, Gali would never be wearing hers and for that matter would not of been able to even search for her own elemental masks...

"A stranger will always be a stranger unless you give them a chance."

:m_p: :r: :m_o: :w: :l:    :n: :i: :g: :h: :t: :w: :m_o: :l: :f:

 |premierball.png| <- My Pokémon | BZPRPG Characters: Po-Matoran Doseki & Nui-Jaga Scorpio; Ga-Matoran Orca 
Matoran und Panzer: Doseki & Glitch | Marvel RP PC | Mata Nui Monopoly: Come... Own a piece of the legend!


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Yeah if it did, Gali would never be wearing hers and for that matter would not of been able to even search for her own elemental masks...


Ah... mask powers can be turned off, remember? 

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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Yeah if it did, Gali would never be wearing hers and for that matter would not of been able to even search for her own elemental masks...


Ah... mask powers can be turned off, remember?



This is true, a Mask's power was only active when the user wanted it to, unless the mask was too powerful for the user. 


Quoth BS01:


The Kanohi Kaukau is the Mask of Water Breathing. It allows its user to breathe only water for a limited amount of time.



I can play that game too...


The Kanohi Kaukau was the Mask of Water Breathing, sometimes called the Mask of Water. It gave its user the power to breathe underwater, albeit only to a certain depth and for a limited amount of time.


So who is to say what version is true, or that neither is false? Could be a misconception for how it is worded.

"A stranger will always be a stranger unless you give them a chance."

:m_p: :r: :m_o: :w: :l:    :n: :i: :g: :h: :t: :w: :m_o: :l: :f:

 |premierball.png| <- My Pokémon | BZPRPG Characters: Po-Matoran Doseki & Nui-Jaga Scorpio; Ga-Matoran Orca 
Matoran und Panzer: Doseki & Glitch | Marvel RP PC | Mata Nui Monopoly: Come... Own a piece of the legend!


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Quoth BS01:


The Kanohi Kaukau is the Mask of Water Breathing. It allows its user to breathe only water for a limited amount of time.



I can play that game too...


The Kanohi Kaukau was the Mask of Water Breathing, sometimes called the Mask of Water. It gave its user the power to breathe underwater, albeit only to a certain depth and for a limited amount of time.


So who is to say what version is true, or that neither is false? Could be a misconception for how it is worded.



But.... they both say the same thing

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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