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BZPRPG - Le-Wahi

Nuju Metru

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IC:[The Invincible, Le-Koro]Talli shrugged, or as much as it was possible to shrug with Iraira’s hand clamped down on her shoulder. The back slap and shoulder grab were unnecessary she thought, but she didn't voice that thought.“The soups basically cooked, it should be fine after another fifteen minutes. The spices will soak in better with more time, but I doubt anyone in the crew really cares about that. Captain. I’ll cut up some galvi fruit for anyone who wants to come down.""WE GOTTA AFIFFTA FOOTA! GEDDOF THE DECK NOW!!""Which might be now."

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

En4XX.gif aDhCn.gif gkKRR.gif TUJGk.gif 7dN9Y.gif TNxSB.gif HpGw0.gif r89Xe.gif AKbnC.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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IC: "Kordo"


Kordo sprinted to get below-deck, pushing aside anyone in his way. "Oh boy, I hear thunder!" He remarked after getting below-deck. "What do we do if the ship gets struck by lightning? In the meantime, anyone wanna play cards?" He pulled a deck of cards out of his cloak.

Want to solve an exciting murder mystery? Try Murder Mansion II, a new game in Games and Trivia! 8 Spots remaining!


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IC: Ackune


At first, it seemed that the knock at the door would go unanswered, covered up by the constant clang of metal against metal that emanated from the stone-walled forge. It wouldn't be that surprising if it did happen, given the smith's rather advanced age, and the fact that his hearing definitely wasn't what it used to be.


But then again, the old Toa of Fire did have an Arthron, and that made up quite a bit for everything else.


The rhythmic pounding stopped, and a voice came from within.


"Come on in."



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IC: Sulkua"Come in."An old, but still healthy, yet grizzled voice called out from inside. I entered the hut.A small forge and anvil dominated the room. The walls were hung with masks and weapons. I turned mg attention to the Toa of Fire.The first thing I noticed: He was blind. The eye-light shining behind his Arthron was shining, but with the characteristics blankness of a blind man."You must be Ackune. I am Sulkua, Toa of Ice, and member of the ILF. I was wondering if I could get you to fix my broken Longsword into a shortsword. And maybe buy one of those Katanas," I pointed to the hut wall.I fished lut my coin pouch."Sorry, I only have about 420 widgets with me. Will you accept it?"

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IC: Ackune


The burly Toa of Fire crossed his thick arms, his stark white eyes pointed in the appropriate direction to the visitor, though it was clear that they weren't focused on anything, at all. He appeared to be thinking over the request, his hard jaw working as he chewed over the offer.


"No," He stated finally, "I will not accept your widgets. You're a member of our little group, no need to pay me."


"Though I'll happily fix your broken sword, and feel free to pick out anything here that catches your eye. These things have been pilling up too high."


He didn't mention the pile of weapons just outback of his hut.



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IC: Sulkua"No, I insis-"I held myself in check."Thank you, Ackune." I thanked him.I passed the Longsword to him, soon to be a Shortsword.I walked back to the walls. I ran my eyes o er the weapons. I spent some time meditating and remembering what my old Leader had taught me of weapons. I had already decided to compliment a short stabbing sword with a curved Katana.I looked over one of the weapons. It had grooves across its blade, in turn attack he'd to a hilt with a secondary straight blade.I picked it off the wall and examined it closer.OOC: Just for trivia, this Katana looks Lewa Nuva's weapons.

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IC: Naru


The Toa of Plasma let out a sigh, one that held within it a whole lot more than just air. "I went looking for a friend," She said, almost rushed, her eyes fixed on the ground infront of them, "And I didn't find him."


But the problem was thinking about what had happened. Why wasn't always a good question to ask.


IC: Ackune


The Toa of Fire took the broken sword without question, running his thumb down the flat of the blade to get a better idea of what the weapon was like. "Would you like me to modify the hilt or crossguard at all?" He asked, his attention still on the sword.



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So.... Xa-Koro was here. And the Le-Wahi cost is here. If this data about the current is correct, then the wreckage will have spread through this area. I'll color it gold.

Alright, the map is done- wait. The explosion may have blown the wreckage to different places. Hmmm. We have no data on the explosion though, so I'll create a.. silver area to account for estimated explosion radius.


It's a pretty big area.

Whelp, now the map is finally done. I should bring it to the captain.

OOC:Which boat am I on?

Daylaria's right?

"Go beyond the impossible, and kick reason to the curb! That's how Team Gurren rolls!"



Exo-Force RPG Profiles

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OOC: The Invincible is getting hit with a huge wave, just so you know.


IC: (Mons Shajs/Invincible/Le-Koran Sea)


Within seconds, the wave crashed onto the Invincible. Shajs felt the ship itself rock hard to the right. He could make out the crash of loose items into the ocean. None, he thanked the Great Spirit, seemed loud enough to be an a person. He took a quick scan of the deck. It was fairly messy, but sound.


"Every one okay? No one a'fell inta the water?" he yelled.

I occasionally return to BZP for a nostalgic trip back. Hit me up on discord if you need anything. 
BZPRPG Characters that I will possibly revive, Mons-Shajs-Tarotrix-Aryll Vudigg-Jorruk Yokin-Senavysh Angavur






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OOC: You...may want to start reading my posts, Kapura. IC(Matrapolix-Invincible)Matrapolix began rounding up the crew and bringing them below deck. He himself filed to the second floor of the ship, heading directly to the kitchen. What can he say? He's a hungry man. Better taste the food for poison.He scooped an ample serving into his mouth, backing up and sitting on a convenient counter and laying back. Scratching at a particularly itchy place on his right arm, he crossed his arms. This was the life.

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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My heart sagged at the state Naru was in.


I mean, I'd be the first to admit that she had never been the cheeriest Toa on Mata Nui, but now it seemed like the weight of the world was pulling her down into the muck and mire no matter what she did.


"Listen, Naru--" I tried to begin, but my voice trailed off like water vapour in the Motara. How was I supposed to help? I wasn't a counsellor; I just punched people -- comforting people was among the list of things that I wasn't able to do.




I still had to try.


Leaving those two words hanging in the air, I shut my eyes and wrapped Naru up in the biggest bear hug of her life, hoping against hope that Captain Pep-Talk would be able to pick up the slack for me.





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IC: Vrina


Vrina looked over at the lesterin who was trying to get to the bench. Vrina stood up and moved to help steady the lesterin

"Woah there. You had better sit down. You seem to be about ready to fall over."


IC: Hakari


I jerked a bit and nearly yelped when I felt someone touch me, though as I looked with my spinning vision I could see it was a Toa who was just trying to help. "Oh hai...yes I spend a little more time in the chutes than I should have, thank you..."


I practically collapsed on the bench as we reached it, laying across it on my back instead of sitting straight up like one normally did, I looked straight up toward the sky and watched the clouds spin in a crazy circle. The dizzying sensation was less amusing now and I wanted it to stop. My thoughts were so much on this I nearly forgot about the Toa that was probably still there, I wasn't looking so I couldn't have been sure.

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC(Daylaria-Cabin of the Dark Angel)


The Valkyr sat, head leaned over a map marked with arrows and x's and other such things, with a glass of epic tea in her hand. She kind of audibly mumbled to herself about their course, saying things such as "hopeless" and "doomed" as she heard a light knock on the door followed by an even lighter voice. "Come in," she said as kindly as her predicament allowed, letting her quiet colleague file in. She was smiling, but it was a bittersweet smile, like she didn't really want to be smiling, but was smiling anyway. Kaithas, the second to come on, obviously noticed this.


"Uh, hey. You okay?"


Her smile faded somewhat and she bit her lip, arms crossed as she leaned back in her chair. "Yes. I'm fine." There were several hints that this wasn't true. Details in her facial expression. Her fingers twitched uncomfortably. But for the most part, she played her role well, keeping a calm visage and a cool tone to her voice.


"Did you want anything, Kaithas? And Kitane- how can I help you?"

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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OOC:Black Inferno from Ga, obviously very late.

IC: (Vessel Dark Angel)

Vilor poked his head into the window of Daylaria's cabin, being too large to fit through the doorway. He noted,"You might want to do something about that fifty foot wave that just slammed the Infinity, or whatever you called that other ship. It seems to be headed this way."


Taking a look at the map, Vilor commented, "Bigger explosion. I was there."

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IC: Vrina


Vrina looked down at the lesterin to sat on the bench.

Lesterin are always unique beings. Just how similar they are to toa is unique.

Vrina looked up at the sky where the lesterin was looking for several long minutes. She then broke away from the staring and looked down at the lesterin

"So may i ask your name?"


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If you interact with one of my characters and I don't respond or acknowledge the interaction within a day, send me a PM. Odds are I missed or did not see the post.

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IC:Moments after Hakari exited the chute, a second shape shot out. But instead of landing on its feet, it landed, rolled, and popped to its feet once more, standing remarkably steady on his feet for someone who had just exited such a method of transport. His end of his coat swayed, and the Lesterin of Air took his hand off of his hat, now that there was no wind to snatch it away.After a pause, he noticed Vrina and blinked. "I don' remember pickin' up a stray."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Hakari


I realised after a moment or two that the Toa was still there and speaking to me, I slowly turned my head to look at her, though it was hard to tell where she was with my spinning vision. "Oh sorry...I'm Hakari."


"I don' remember pickin' up a stray." I distinctly heard Rerin's voice, I wasn't sure where he was exactly, just that he was around. "She's not a...stray...she helped me to this bench...so dizzy...."

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: Vrina


Vrina looked over at the new arrival.

Another Lesterin. Maybe their people travel in pairs.

She offered as warm a smile as she could muster and ran her hands over her skirt quickly to make sure it has no wrinkled or what not before she spoke

"Yes i helped," She gestured to Hakari "Hakari here after she nearly fell over after exiting that chute. I am Vrina Tivosi."

I hope neither of them ask me why my mask is how it is.


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If you interact with one of my characters and I don't respond or acknowledge the interaction within a day, send me a PM. Odds are I missed or did not see the post.

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IC: Hakari


As Vrina introduced herself and the world started to spin a little slower I couldn't help but look at her face...mask...whatever. It was an odd combination of black and white...and it seemed to be...sparkling? I could almost swear that the pattern was changing, it was starting to bug my eyes out. "That's a really cool mask...how does it do that?"

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC:Rerin regarded Vrina with an expression halfway between apathy and amusement. Idly, he reached into his pocket and withdrew a flask, uncapping it before taking a long gulp of the drink within. He replaced it in the breast pocket of his coat, and shrugged slightly.


"Well, miss, thanks for helpin' my client here. Also, you seem to have a livin' shadow on your face. Might want ta get that looked at." The Lesterin glanced at Hakari cheerfully. "And miss, we won't be needin' to find that bar. Turns out I had a second flask in my coat and didn't know."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Vrina


Vrina looked at the two lesterin and sighed rather loudly

"Well yes my mask is a bit odd.. But then again is the power."


She shrugged lightly at this comment


OOC: Where did we get the sparkling bit from?


Banner made by Onaku



If you interact with one of my characters and I don't respond or acknowledge the interaction within a day, send me a PM. Odds are I missed or did not see the post.

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IC: Iraira, The Invincible


Fifty feet of salt water and rotting animals smashed against the deck of The Invincible, flooding across the top and pouring over to the other side in the storm. She dipped, her prow meeting another swell head on, ripping a way through. Despite the force of the ocean's blows, the ship held her course under the stern control of one furious toa of crystal.


"I want those bilge rats tied to the main mast, those Makuta-spawn scum," Iraira shouted after sputtering a mouthful of water from the wave. "All hands on deck! Someone tie Kordo upside down to the mast for being first. Anyone else who goes below deck without my order will be thrown overboard! Understood? Good, now, everyone: pull the lines, close the traps, and batten down the hatches already! Karz, I thought I had some saltines with me, but you all hit a little puddle wave and start crying..." She continued to fume, her temper getting worse with every moment. Eventually, it became nearly impossible to tell what was worse: weather or Iraira?

Edited by Kughii
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IC: (Mons Shajs/Invincible/Le-Wahi Seas)


Shajs had been lucky, until this point, not to see the Captain-Commander angry. Unfortunately, his lucky streak had just ended. Being at the wheel in a storm, he couldn't exactly go down to deck. But Iraira's fury was beginning to convince him otherwise. Still, he forced himself to ask her if he was needed.


"Cap'n Commander, ya sure ya want meh on deck? I gotta whole ship to a'guide through this storm!" he yelled down, to have himself heard through the pouring rain.

I occasionally return to BZP for a nostalgic trip back. Hit me up on discord if you need anything. 
BZPRPG Characters that I will possibly revive, Mons-Shajs-Tarotrix-Aryll Vudigg-Jorruk Yokin-Senavysh Angavur






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IC: Iraira


Iraira stopped herself from lashing out at the helmsman. "Keep steady, Corporal," she finally said over the swells. "Use those husky arms to hold our course."


The rain never seemed to end, clouds spreading outwards in a blanket of thunder and grey. Darkness descended upon the vessel, but never once did The Invincible become other than its name.

Edited by Kughii
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IC(Daylaria-Dark Angel)


"Thanks, Kitane, Vilor, for your consideration. I'll look over these maps and get back to you," she said, nodding. They retreated back into the lower decks, into the cabins. The ship didn't mind the wave much, as it was built for a little abuse.


"Now, Kai...what is it?"

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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The captain winced, almost pitifully upset. "I'm afraid that I can't give you a proper answer until after the dive, for reasons that can only make themselves evident during said dive. In a nutshell? Don't worry about it. You'll find out soon enough. Now. Number two?"

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC:A lone Toa of Air flew to the village of Ko-Koro that night. Admist dark, cloudy skies and the fury of Ko-Wahi's ever-constant snowstorms, he landed in the center of the village. Finding a messaging service that was still open at this time of day proved to be quite the challenge. But when he did find such a place, he passed a letter to a Kakama runner, before flying back to the rest of the Red Star Voyagers.


Dear Kethrye: (Or whomever may be leading the ILF)

Last I had contact with you, Vorok, Kivar and myself set off searching out the phantom fleet of ships and soldiers from Xa-Koro that Le-Koro. Needless to say, we have not had any luck in this expedition, since we had yet to return to Pala-Koro for several months. Recently, we returned to Le-Koro to get our affairs in order there before returning to your base. However, our plans were disrupted when it appeared Vilor and the Black Inferno was seeking us out to kill us yet again. We decided to flee to Ko-Wahi and join the expedition that is seeking to sail towards the Red Star to see if it relates to the Vault Riddle. This appeared to us the only place where Vilor could not follow.


It seems the expedition could use a little help getting started. We could use more Toa to man our ship. In paticular, we have need of Toa of the Green, of Water, of Earth and of Iron. These elements will make it much easier to sustain a ship for a long voyage. In addition, the ILF are considered warriors of high calibre for their efforts in bringing down the Nui-Rama hive. Veterans such as these are valuable for their experience, particularly in exploring foreign lands.


The assistance and support of the ILF would be valued in our exploratory venture. In addition, this exploration may help the ILF continue to fufill it's goal in helping improve the island and the lives of it's inhabitants. Plus, the solving of the Vault Riddle by an impartial third party may indeed help restore Unity among the villages.


I hope that the ILF will chose to join us with at least some of it's number. We are in Ko-Wahi right now-you can find us with the crude map on the back.


Sincerely yours,

Cyclonis, the Green Tornado (Toa of Air)

Vorok, (Toa of Gravity)

Kivar, (Toa of Sonics)

ILF Affilates



OOC:NPC Kakama runner to Le-Wahi.

IC: {NPC Kakama Runner}

A lone Toa of Ice flashed through the Jungle at lightning speed, heading for one place-Lake Pala.


He dodged through a maze of green blurs, moving as quickly as overhanging limbs, vines that like to trip you, plants that like to eat people, various booby traps, mud pits, puddles of quicksand and wild Rahi would allow.


At last he stumbled on the place he was looking for-The shores of Lake Pala. Heading towards Pala-Koro, he entered what was left of the many-times besieged new village, seeking a particular Toa of Ice known to lead the warriors found here.

Shouting at the top of his lungs, he asked, "Where's Kethrye?"


OOC: Control of NPC passed to Benluke.

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