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Our community blogs

  1. I have decided, to keep you all occupied until I have the ability to update regularly, I will give you the absolute most difficult riddle I could ever concoct. And this time, no hints. Winner gets a free pixel art avatar, banner, or whatever.


    Although, if you really do get stuck, try listening to some "music".
  2. Isaac swore. For the fourteenth time. And for the seventh, walked up the door, inhaled sharply, and backed off. There was some cosmic force shoving him toward that door, and he believed that one was from heaven—the one pushing him away every time his hand gripped the frosty handle was from somewhere else. His breath was frosty in the air, his soul ever colder. As his brain screamed at him in that incomprehensible agony only a mother’s son can feel, he let his body take control and stumbled through the door.


    “Mom, I’m home.”


    She smiled warmly. He smiled back with a warmth that felt somehow deadened by the snow outside. And he felt guilty for that—since Dad had been gone, his mother had somehow absorbed his own warmth. But he was left to his own distance.


    “Hey, Mom.”


    “Honey, do you…” She coughed, spat blood on the sheets. Isaac bit his lip. “Did you get the medicine?” Her voice was frail, alien. That disturbed him. He dreamt about banishing the unholy demons that did this to her.


    “Nah, Mom…they wouldn’t take change.”


    She blinked.


    Awkwardness was the only word in the English language to describe the sensation that overtook Isaac, but that was something devoid of emotion. Something as cold as a Chicago winter and a doctor’s heart. What overtook Isaac had depth and sorrow, grief and guilt. It had shame. For him and for her. And that hurt.


    “Oh…well that’s okay honey. I love you anyways.”


    He laughed. Weak, but sincere. “W-we’re gonna make it, ma. Right?”


    Her eyes shimmered. That force from outside returned and manifested in her tears, which in her still-youthful confidence refused to flood from her eyes. She could not hold them in, but they stood there stoic and bold, in eerie contrast to her dying form. She was a shell, but she was not hollow. She held love and she rejected the cold that Isaac had carried in.


    “Yeah. We’re gonna make it.”

  3. Zonis
    Latest Entry
    I really need money so that I can buy Metroid Prime Trilogy. I'll be spending it all on music though.
  4. Well, excuse my language but holy ###### was this a pleasant surprise.


    I've managed to completely forget about BZP and all the great friends I made here, hadn't visited the site for just shy of a year now...heard about the "downtime" over the summer but that's the only news I'd heard about the BZP. Decided on a whim to pop in for a visit, and what is this?


    Wow. New format. So much cleaner and professional looking. Can't even remember the old look, trying not to so nostalgia doesn't overwhelm me.


    ...I'll keep poking around. See if any oldies are still here...if any of you remember me, please give a shout. I'd love to catch up.


    Nostalgic and pleasantly surprised,

    -- Lazzy

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    ...or is it?!


    According to my calculations, since I've only bought one-year worth of Premier Membership, it should've ended... right abooouuutt... two hours ago.




    (not that I'm complaining though :D)

  5. Carakki
    Latest Entry

    There's been a change of plans, everyone. I've decided not to renew my BZP Premier Membership. In recent times my interest has shifted toward other things. This is a regular occurrence, so fear not - I will likely return someday. Until then, however, goodbye...

  6. Before I continue my years-long pattern of "Hi I'm back" posts followed by radio silence, I thought I'd drop in to the forums once again to see what's been happening. It's been a decade since I made my account, and longer since I started reading the forums (though I couldn't tell you when). Reading back over my old posts has the expected embarrassment of encountering your younger self at any point, but it's cool to see that some people I recognise are still around. I really enjoyed taking a look at the Dark709 Hereafter series in particular; those old flash movies were really inspiring back when they came out, and I hope Dark and the whole comics crowd have gone on to even better things since.


    I stumbled back here after I found that someone had made a small page about me over on a wikia site dedicated to the old BZP comics community. I don't know how I compared to someone like Dark709 back in the day (though my younger self certainly felt I was right up there with the big dogs), but it was nice to see that someone remembered me enough to record a couple of random facts and images.


    I should really go back and see if I still have all of those old comics buried somewhere on my computer. Now that Majhost is gone, a couple of twitter avatars are the best things I can find outside of Brickshelf.


    These days my main presence on the internet is a YouTube series reading some silly old Japanese Visual Novels with a friend of mine, so if that's your speed I'd love if you could check it out.


    So hey, if you happen to run past this post and you want to chat about anything old forums, new forums or how much we've all grown up while this place has been around, drop a comment. I promise I'll try not to disappear for at least that long.

  7. Republic Commando Sev
    Latest Entry

    My finger has almost completely healed, so yay! Only downside is that I'm not going to get a scar. I'm dissapointed. I wanted one. I went through all that for nothing? Oh well.


  8. Resev
    Latest Entry
    Making Isaac's gun was harder than I thought (all the wiring) So I decided to postpone that and work on another project of mine. As you can see, it's coming along nicely, eh? ;)
    For those of you who don't know where this is from, It's Kroenen's gas mask.

  9. AZBlue
    Latest Entry

    Tomorrow will be my account's 17th birthday! So much has changed from when I first joined BZPower. I was only Twelve when I signed up after lurking on the homepage for just a few months during a lull in news on Mask of Destiny. The world had really started to change for me at that time and my interest in Bionicle was the singular constant as my family prepared to move across the country. I didn't know the challenges that I had yet to face, nor the joyous moments to come, all I knew was a sense of fear for my world and great hope in the world of the Matoran.

    Bionicle will always inspire my creativity, and BZPower will always be how I began writing, and for that I am forever indebted to this community and those who've been a part of it.

    Illustration from my first finished story, Bionicle Legacies: The Return ca.2007

  10. "You're": Contraction of "you" and "are." "Your": one's (used to indicate that one belonging to oneself or to any person)



    It might just be me, but it's really annoying when people mix these up.

  11. Vegans.


    I like meat and eggs and milk far too much to be a vegan. But man, do I admire vegans. I have no idea how they keep up that diet. It looks so difficult! From not being able to buy bulk, because organic stuff goes bad quickly, to only being able to eat select few foods. I couldn't even imagine doing that for a month, let alone my life. So if any of you are vegans, I salute you.

  12. My BZP membership should be deleted, tomorrow.


    I've been here for... ooh... nearly four years. I had a good time, I just grew out of Bionicle. I had been with it since the beginning.


    Most of my friends either left this place or grew out of contact.


    So it was time for me.

  13. Guys...


    Complaint topics aren't cool.


    I'll say it again.


    Complaint topics aren't cool.


    That being said, I'm not opposed to people expressing their opinions on things. Dude, if you don't like the Mistika, you don't have to, and I don't mind you telling me why you don't. Tastes differ. I get that. Odds are, I agree with you on at least one or two points.


    The thing that isn't really cool is just coming up and saying, "Hey! I don't like this! Let's all talk about it!"


    What makes this worse is when it whittles down to, "You don't agree with me and/or I don't think you articulated your opinion very well... I'm going to be insulting now!"


    And then the person in turn goes, "Hey, they're insulting me. What a #####!" and return the favor.


    First of all, guys, if you post a topic about it, all it really tells us is that you want to wallow in your dislike of something, and that's not very awesome.


    And yeah, I know, I know... it's just an honest display of your opinion.


    However, the thing that distinguishes an honest display of opinion and wallowing is the way you go about it expressing it. If you want to honestly display your opinion, go to the appropriate topic (if such exists), and give your opinion. If you don't like the Mistika, go to a topic about the Mistika and say it.


    A not-so-honest display of opinion desires to draw attention to itself. Walk into a topic and say, "Seriously, this ____ is really stupid" then you're just asking for attention to be drawn to you (if you didn't know that and don't like that, then you see your problem). When you post a topic, particularly in that manner, then that's where we get into wallowing.


    I'm not saying your complaints are stupid or aren't legitimate. I'm saying that there are better ways of handling it.


    I have rarely seen a complaint topic that couldn't be discussed somewhere else or PMed to somebody or simply expressed elsewhere. If you have a blog, go vent your crazy heart out (within BZP guidelines, of course :psychotwitch: ). Topics are not necessary and, in case you haven't notice, only cause havoc.


    Honestly guys, we don't need to discuss exclusively disliking something. Like it or not, your discussions on a website of this side will almost never be one-sided. Someone out there is going to disagree with you. There's no need to condescend them, complain them and/or people like them, or assume that a topic complaining will keep them away (in fact, it tends to have the opposite effect).


    Yes, I know... this whole thing is somewhat ironic, but I'm just saying...


    Cool your jets and easy on the complaint topics.




    Dr. Bionicle




  14. Hey dears! You may have noticed that I am -never- on BZP and I really don't pay attention to my messages or the forums. A lot of that is just me being a busy highschooler, but it's also cuz BZP just doesn't really hold my interest anymore. I love you guys but it's time for me to move on. My BZP premiership is going to run out soon, and I've decided that it's pointless to renew it, seeing as I rarely blog or do anything else that requires premiership.


    I keep telling myself I'll eventually come up with some Bionicle art to post here, or I'll write a fic or somesuch, but really, I know that's not true. In the chance I did create something, it wouldn't get any recognition anyway, and it's just pointless and frustrating for me.


    I'm not a total goner...I will check up here every once in a blue moon, see what's happenin'. But I guess this is mostly goodbye. I keep in touch with some of you outside of BZP and will continue doing so, and I will also definitely continue to be around in other venues. If you want to see what I'm up to, I'm on deviantART on a regular basis, and my account there is talebringer.deviantart.com. (I dunno if you are allowed to mention this site on BZP so QUICK HURRY LOOK BEFORE IT'S GONE.)


    Anyhoo, hope everyone's had a good summer (better than mine, anyway xD)! This coming year is going to be nuts for me, but I'm determined to enjoy it, even if it means "officially" leaving this site, on which I've had lots of fun and made some wonderful friends, some of which I hope will be lifetime friends. And even if they don't turn out to be, I'll be eternally grateful to have had the opportunity to meet them because of BZP. :)


    Peace out,


  15. ...might be getting to name your own Wifi.


    Hostname: Lego Assassin

    Password: AwesomeIsPermitted






    (It's also nice to have one's Lego collection out for all to see. :b Still have to put up some shelving so I can move in my modular buildings.)

  16. That's me now!


    Time to play some video games.

  17. Oh my gosh that new Star Wars trailer


    Yay, so awesome!! :D

  18. Soaring Strawberry
    Latest Entry

    zomn zomn zomn!!!


    So it turns out there was an error with the computer I initially ordered; None of the ones ordered came in, so I think it was a listing that didn't have an actual computer. But there was one virtually the same that I originally wanted, so I got it in store today. *Finally*


    Since my desk is almost done, I'm going to wait for that until I set it up. At any rate, I'm going to call it Alaraph, the traditional name of Beta Virginis from the constellation Virgo.


    Current Projects:

    • Concept art for B:NG
    • A comic... it used to be Bionicle fan fiction, but now it's not
    • Art class: Rendering a spray bottle and designing a label for it
    • English 103: an in-class essay is coming up, about Fences by August Wilson.

  19. Onuki
    Latest Entry

    I find it fairly ironic that the longer I'm here the less I recognize the x-year masks that my profile obtains. At this point I have no idea what the mask I have is supposed to be. :P Of course, this is entirely my fault for not bothering to learn the current story. Kudos regardless to the staff for taking the extra time to recognize members who have been around longer!

  20. Paleo
    Latest Entry

    Please! Everyone! Sign the petition!

    And once you've done that, make sure to check out the subreddit for more ways you can help!

  21. blog-0205149001395659050.jpgI made this, giant cannon walker thing because I thought i wanted to do something I haven't done before, so here it is! The cannon you see attached to those arm looking things are not in fact arms they are just poles holdin' a gun. The legs and feet are pretty neat, they are fairly maneuverable too! I can bend those things all over town!
  22. Franz Joseph Haydn
    Latest Entry

    So I'm thinking about getting lifetime premiership, what do y'all think?

  23. If you read What If?, you've probably noticed that my update schedule is grievously slipping. While I promise weekly updates, it's been more like monthly updates. This is because I bit off more than I could chew and started What If? during the summer, thinking I could keep up a chapter a week. As soon as I went back to school the September after the book started (I'm homeschooled, as I've mentioned before in this blog, but I'm taking classes at the local community college), it slowed down. By December the semester was over and I sped up a bit, but now the next semester has begun. In addition, I've recently been having a series of minor family crises, along with extracurricular things, and of course, sometimes even when I can be writing, I'm too stressed or uninspired to put any words on the page. I try not to force myself to write if I'm not feeling up to it, because I've noticed that when I didn't feel like writing at the time I wrote some scene, it's evident in the bland narration and dialogue and lack of anything interesting happening.


    Still, Book 7 is a 20-chapter book like most of the others in the series, and it started in late July, so it should have been finished by the start of December. It's inexcusable to only be on Chapter Fourteen when the book started 37 weeks ago. It's already gotten to the point where I will have to delay the start of Book 8. And like I mentioned in my last blog entry, I want the series to be finished by the end of next year. As of this writing, there are 90 weeks until the end of next year, and 60 of them must be used on Book 8, 9 and 10. The remaining 30 are obviously for the intermissions between books. Normally I give myself 8 weeks between books, so if we assume 8 weeks between Book 8 and 9 and 8 weeks between Book 9 and 10, that means I have 14 weeks to work with before I start Book 8. I could safely drag Book 7 out to mid-July and still finish on time. Obviously, I don't want to do that.


    However, expecting myself to write the remaining 6 chapters in 6 weeks is too much right now. Being realistic, I expect it to take at least 10 weeks. During school, it can take me almost 3 weeks to write a chapter (obviously depending on the length of the chapter, which varies from around 3000-8000 words), but when I'm off school I can occasionally manage one chapter a week. I seriously doubt that the rest of the book will take more than 14 weeks, especially considering there are only 5 weeks left in the semester, but if it does, I will simply have to shorten the other intermissions. Either way, there will be no intermission between Book 7 and 8. Because of these severe delays, Book 8 will start after Book 7 with no more than a single week of a break. This is well enough, because Book 8 picks up directly after Book 7 ends (I obviously haven't written Book 7's epilogue yet, but depending on if I can make it work as an ending, Book 8's first chapter might literally begin only seconds after the ending of Book 7).


    This segues into the next part of my plan: writing ahead. When I started this series, I was updating three times a week. This was because I had written all of Book 1 before I began to post it. If I had done this with subsequent books, we might be seeing nearly year-long breaks between books. Because the books were so short at first (Book 1 was only about 70,000 words - for comparison, Book 7 had hit that mark by Chapter Eleven), I decided I would write them as I posted them. With Book 2, it worked out okay - I stayed ahead of my update schedule until almost the end. As I got more busy though, that became increasingly difficult and with Book 7 I was practically behind the update schedule before the end of the first month of the book.


    To mitigate this effect, I'm writing Book 8 before I even finish Book 7. I'm already behind my intended schedule (I wanted to be finished Chapter 5 by now, but I'm only on Chapter 3), but since this is my final year of high school and I shouldn't have a very busy summer, I am hopeful (though not at all making any guarantees) to finish writing Book 8 by September, when I will start college full-time (as opposed to part-time as it is now). Whenever it finishes being posted really depends on when I finish Book 7, but I'm more concerned about staying ahead of my update schedule than I am about the update schedule itself.


    It may seem counter-intuitive to be writing two books at the same time. Wouldn't that just make both of them go more slowly? Yes, really, it does, but I've already basically given up on finishing Book 7 with any amount of regularity to my update schedule by now. Please just bear with me until I finish Book 7. As long as I finish it within the next 14 weeks, I'm still on schedule. I am really hoping to finish it before then, so I can have Book 8 written by the end of summer, but I can only write as fast as my circumstances will allow.


    By no means have I given up on the series - I will finish it out as long as I'm physically able to do so. Whether I will finish it by the end of 2012, and whether I will manage to provide any regularity to my updates from here on out, I can only make promises, but with this much work put into it, my own death (or losing my arms or something like that :P) is all that's going to stop me from finishing.


    Again, I'm really sorry that I've been unable to hold to my promises regarding the update schedule. I've always prided myself on having a story where you could count on there being an update, even if it might be a few days late - not like the multitude of excellent fan fiction I've read only to find that the author has given up or isn't serious about updating regularly. But I've fallen into that myself now. Serves me right to make such steep promises, I suppose. But rest assured, any readers I still have - I am still here, still writing, and doing the best I can to keep putting out updates.

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