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  1. So I've been keeping track of my BIONICLE collectible progress via a post on a particular blogging site and, while it's been very effective so far, I'd like to also keep track of it here. I've been using older checklists for my Kanohi and Kanoka while utilizing my nice, newer checklists for Krana and Kraata.


    tumblr_m2faz0mA6S1qgz3yto1_r3_500.png tumblr_m2faz0mA6S1qgz3yto2_r4_500.png


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    Last Update: August 8, 2014

  2. I've been hit by the nostalgia bat recently. A few weeks ago, I was tagged (on the book of faces) in an 18-year-old photograph of my senior homecoming, well, a homecoming alternative put on by those of us (and our parents) at the church I attended at the time. I was about to turn 17 (if I wasn't already) at the time of the photograph, and I'm now more than twice as old as I was when that photo was taken.


    Something else I saw on the book of faces recently: an update to something I posted 6 years ago. I got to reading the old entry, and I was struck as to what has changed in the past 6 years:

    • I have not worked at another MathCounts competition since then.
    • One of the other judges at that competition is now a co-worker.
    • I'm now considering sending my firstborn daughter to one of those three Lake Castle schools for pre-Kindergarten.

    As for the funny email, well, it appears six years hasn't done too much to the running joke. I'm sure you've heard it before, but here it is to enjoy again. (Lines with no change have been greyed out.)

    Why did the chicken cross the road?

    Famous celebrities, politicians and big mouths help us out...


    SARAH PALIN: The chicken crossed the road because, gosh-darn it, he's a maverick!


    BARACK OBAMA: Let me be perfectly clear, if the chickens like their eggs they can keep their eggs. No chicken will be required to cross the road to surrender her eggs. Period.


    JOHN McCAIN: My friends, the chicken crossed the road because he recognized the need to engage in cooperation and dialogue with all the chickens on the other side of the road.


    HILLARY CLINTON: What difference at this point does it make why the chicken crossed the road?


    GEORGE W. BUSH: We don't really care why the chicken crossed the road. We just want to know if the chicken is on our side of the road or not. The chicken is either with us or against us. There is no middle ground here.


    DICK CHENEY: Where's my gun?


    BILL CLINTON: I did not cross the road with that chicken.


    AL GORE: I invented the chicken.


    JOHN KERRY: Although I voted to let the chicken cross the road, I am now against it! It was the wrong road to cross, and I was misled about the chicken's intentions. I am not for it now, and will remain against it.


    AL SHARPTON: Why are all the chickens white?


    DR. PHIL: The problem we have here is that this chicken won't realize that he must first deal with the problem on this side of the road before it goes after the problem on the other side of the road. What we need to do is help him realize how stupid he is acting by not taking on his current problems before adding any new problems.


    OPRAH: Well, I understand that the chicken is having problems, which is why he wants to cross the road so badly. So instead of having the chicken learn from his mistakes and take falls, which is a part of life, I'm going to give this chicken a NEW CAR so that he can just drive across the road and not live his life like the rest of the chickens.


    ANDERSON COOPER: We have reason to believe there is a chicken, but we have not yet been allowed to have access to the other side of the road.


    NANCY GRACE: That chicken crossed the road because he's guilty! You can see it in his eyes and the way he walks.


    PAT BUCHANAN: To steal the job of a decent, hardworking American.


    MARTHA STEWART: No one called me to warn me which way the chicken was going. I had a standing order at the Farmer's Market to sell my eggs when the price dropped to a certain level. No little bird gave me any insider information.


    DR SEUSS: Did the chicken cross the road? Did he cross it with a toad? Yes, the chicken crossed the road, but why it crossed I've not been told.


    ERNEST HEMINGWAY: To die in the rain, alone.


    GRANDPA: In my day we didn't ask why the chicken crossed the road. Somebody told us the chicken crossed the road, and that was good enough for us.


    BARBARA WALTERS: Isn't that interesting? In a few moments, we will be listening to the chicken tell, for the first time, the heartwarming story of how it experienced a serious case of molting, and went on to accomplish its lifelong dream of crossing the road.


    ARISTOTLE: It is the nature of chickens to cross the road.


    BILL GATES: I have just released eChicken2014, which will not only cross roads, but will lay eggs, file your important documents and balance your checkbook. Internet Explorer is an integral part of eChicken2014. This new platform is much more stable and will never reboot.


    ALBERT EINSTEIN: Did the chicken really cross the road, or did the road move beneath the chicken?


    COLONEL SANDERS: Did I miss one?

    Good comedy never gets old. Does this qualify as good comedy, though?



  3. Sif
    Latest Entry

    Stuffs happening :)


    If Bionicle returning is real, i might come back here.

  4. ankyfdarkness
    Latest Entry

    Just want to get your guys' thoughts on college.


    As a man who is close to finishing his associates degree, I'd like to hear what everyones' expectations are/were and how life has treated you during/after/before college.



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  5. Light
    Latest Entry



    Can we just appreciate how GLORIOUS the Digital Trip "Spider Tank" is for allowing players to rampage through Chicago with this truly amazing vehicle?

  6. That's pretty much what has been happening lately. Fans are just suggesting loose ends to Greg, and he usually seems to just say yes. Now I understand Greg is a busy guy, but too much fan influence just takes thrill away from the story. It's as if Greg is just too lazy to deal with BIONICLE right now, when he was the writer of it for eight years.

  7. But don't tell nobody.


    In all seriousness though, I might actually come back here if the leaks are true.


    In the meantime, I'm gonna get back to playing on the xbox one with some mods from this site.


    And I'm waaaay too lazy to find the font or do my signature anymore.

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    blog-0977599001405960906.jpgI NEED $17,000 DOLLARS FOR A CON!
















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    Timelady Gallade
    Latest Entry

    i got japenese pokemon gold and silver today for 50p each and a gameboy advance sp w/ gold for £4 today with the wireless adpater.

    that is all.

    did that count as bragging or

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    Recent Entries

    Jumpin' on the anniversary week blog bandwagon!

  8. Hey.


    It's been a while since we've seen each other. How are you holding up?


    Are the kids alright? I still miss the littlest one. What did you decide on for the name--Jimmy?


    No? Oh, right, Timmy.




    Kind of funny bumping into you here. You look great, by the way.


    Anyway, I should really be going. But we should get lunch some time--catch up. You should still have my number.


    Yeah, well, uh, see you around--I mean, maybe--if we do. Good-bye.






    In all seriousness, though, now, I guess I'm back for a bit. What's with this new reputation thing on the posts? Is it like le epic Reddit upboats, and does it indicate who "reputationed" the post? Any other new features I should know about.


    (And I am very sorry for the above awkward-encounter-w/-estranged-person-dialogue-thing, which dialogue-thing didn't really stick to a solitary theme or storyboard and was generally kind of lamely executed. But it felt oddly fitting and humorous, and I find myself funny when I do stupid junk like that.)


    - BioGio

  9. Editorials

    A bit dismal in the journaling department this week. Never fear though, once life is taken care of the MNW crew will be ship shape giving you the best OOC plot network. ~Kughii



    Kentoku Archipelago

    • Awaiting information from our regional reporter. Will update soon.


    • J'con and Syvra left Kini-nui and headed for J'con's cove in Ga-koro.
    • Ishi attempted to beguile Echelon and his companions. It failed.


    • Awaiting information from our regional reporter. Will update soon.


    • Raknar began assembling a crew for his ship, Southern Charm. If you want on a pirate ship, now's your chance!


    • Awaiting information from our regional reporter. Will update soon.


    • Awaiting information from our regional reporter. Will update soon.


    • Krell and Iagasa talk about tea, life, and the meaning of all things.


    • Four Skakdi formed a mercenary guild.
    • Vail violently killed a skakdi in the warehouse fight.
    • Krazov found one of Jokara’s posters and then Jokara himself.
    • 88 decided he will pay back Vhohan for the house.


  10. Squishyfrog
    Latest Entry

    okay this is something that's been on my mind for awhile now and i think it's time i finally say it


    now this isn't some big farewell about how i'm never going to come back to BZPower ever again or anything but i've seen so many great people just disappear from here without saying a word, and i don't want to leave anyone who might care wondering why i left or what happened to me.


    for a long time, the only reason i kept coming back here was because of my friends, but once i was able to find most of them on other websites i just forgot about BZPower almost entirely. there is literally nothing here to keep my interest anymore, and even excluding that all of the drama surrounding this site is just something i don't need or want to deal with anymore.


    i'll always have a soft spot for this site - it's where i met most of my internet friends and when i was younger it was great for talking about Bionicle and Lego. but as time went on it seemed as though the mood of this website changed, possibly because everyone was growing up. i used to think of BZP as a really welcoming site with a friendly community, but now it's just barren and the only discussion that really takes place anymore happens in whatever the latest fuss in the blogs is, and even then a lot of the arguments contain thinly-veiled insults and generally just a negative attitude.


    there's not a whole lot else to say, really. if you want to find me elsewhere shoot me a PM and i'll get back to you.


    and with that, i say goodbye, BZPower. you used to be fun, but now you're just depressing.

  11. It’s been some time since my last blog entry or even my last burst of activity on BZPower.

    I may post this in S&T later once I’ve re-worked it into more a concrete theory and less of jumble of words my brain has spat out onto the blog post.


    As a further development of my theory outlined in my previous blog post about the functions of different types of Matoran in the Matoran Universe, I outlined what I believed to be the function of the Bo-Matoran as a method of maintenance of the various flora made from organic Protodermis throughout the Mata-Nui robot.


    The primary point of this theory is a look into the question: Why only flora?


    We've been told by Greg and several references in the universe that the entirety of the matoran universe is comprised of various forms of Protodermis.

    "Protodermis is the material which makes up the Matoran Universe and
    living things and objects inside it."


    Now Matoran, like all other sapient species in the matoran universe are made up of a combination of mechanical and organic components. The mechanical components are comprised of pure solid protodermis whilst the organic components are comprised of what is reffered to as organic protodermis.


    "Organic Protodermis is a type of Protodermis that makes up
    all the organic tissue
    in the Matoran Universe."

    Organic tissue is not only found in the sapient species, but also is what makes up all of the Flora in the Matoran Universe.


    "The plants of the Matoran universe are made
    entirely of Protodermis
    , distinguishing themselves from plants of other worlds."

    Toa of the Green are able to manipulate this Flora, tapping into the Protodermis which comprises the plant-life, manipulating and also creating it. Some of the Flora in the MU (such as Karzahni and Morbuzakh) even had varying degree's of sentience, making the only real difference between flora and fauna the presence of solid protodermis and shape of being. This creates an interesting question, if a plant entirely made up of organic protodermis can be sentient, then that form of organic protodermis must be capable of forming at least some variety of brain equivalent capable of higher thought and function, similar at least in composition to the organic parts of the brain that lies within a Toa.


    With the above knowledge I see it as a reasonable thought process that if the Toa of the Green are able to control the organic protodermis that comprises the various forms of flora throughout the matoran universe including those that are sentient; they should be also control and manipulate the organic protodermis that lies within matoran or any of the other humanoid inhabitants of the MU.


    As far as I know I don't believe we've had direct confirmation from Greg that a Toa of the Green can't do this. I believe that there are a few reasons which could plausibly explain why we have not seen such usage of the Green in the story-line thus-far whilst allowing for it's inclusion.

    1. Unethical behavior / Breaking the Toa Code. Toa are upright paragons of right and justice, manipulation someone's internal organs can quite easily be seen a fighting dirty or as unethical. This is the same reason why there were no elemental Toa of Acid, despite there being Bohrok of this element. Despite this being seen as unethical to use on enemies, I still believe this can work as a part of the range of powers that the Toa could utilize.
    2. No significant Toa of Green in the Lore. In the entirety of the BIONICLE storyline, we only ever encountered one Toa of the Green: A Toa from Lhikan's past team who died to an attack by the Frostelus. Also due to the Frostelus nature of being sentient Rahi, point 1 would aid in why we never saw him use this power.
    3. Experience required / Hard to control Power. The internal organics of a living humanoid integrated with machinery and programming would be incredibly complicated, it would take a lot of practice and finesse to do so and it may be something everyday Toa of the Green may not be able to accomplish.
    4. Too complicated to explain to children. This is fairly self-explanatory, in the same way that psionics did not have large story presence, the green is easier to explain as being simply plant life to children, they can easily understand a plant Toa, but explaining that the plant guy can also manipulated organic components of the Matoran? Not so much. Luckily the ending of the official story line removes this restriction.
    5. Possibly confusion with Life Powers. Toa of the Green were introduced during the 2006-2008 story line surrounding the Mask of Life, while the Mask of life doesn't explicitly manipulate organics in any way. It's manipulation of the "Life force" inside every living thing in the Matoran Universe could potentially cause some confusion with an element which could manipulated Flora and to a limited extent Fauna. However, Life is a very different "element" In that all of it's powers are in relation to "Life-Force" while the organic protodermis is simply another form of protodermis. A Toa of Iron, Psionics and the Green could create a being with organic, biomechanical and programmed components but the being would not have the "Life-Force" component analogous to a soul if you will. It would simply be a robot or a golem-like creation.

    With these five reasons in mind, I don't believe that they necessarily mean that non-flora organic manipulation is off the table for Toa of the Green, I've got a few reasons why I believe this would be rather a neat addition to the canon.

    1. Interesting and more in depth power usage. Self explanatory really, it could have a lot of interesting applications and could be used both in and out of combat and give Teams a reason for taking a Toa of the Green to environments which do not have plants.
    2. Introducing a 'Healer' element. Aside from Gali Nuva in the 2003 Mask of Light movie, we have never really had the healer trope in a group of Toa, with the ability to create and manipulate the organic protodermis inside their allies. Toa of the Green could become healers for the group, repairing their damaged organics in the same way a Toa of Iron would mend armor. Gali's healing scene can be explained that the exposure to water was helping the organics that had been damaged in Tahu heal slowly with exposure to water. A Toa of the Green would have been able to heal him at a much greater rate. The Toa of Green's knowledge of poisons and toxins from various plants could aid in this role greatly.
    3. Making the most of an ambiguous name. Has Greg decided to name the element "Plant-life" or "Jungle" we wouldn't have this opportunity. The fact that's it's called "the Green" allows us to associate it not with just plants but all organic protodermis. This can easily be explained by having the raw form of organic protodermis take on a green color when channeled for creation of plants or healing.
    4. Possible explanation for lack of Toa of Green. The Makuta actively wiped out Toa of the most powerful elements that they saw as a threat to themselves. Magnetism, Iron, and Plasma were all hunted down. If the Makuta wished to hide their new lack of organic components from Toa in their continued masquerade, Toa of the Green would pose a problem.
    5. Completion of a Self-Maintaining MU. It's been stated before that the Matoran working is what keeps the Matoran universe working. In my previous blog post from 2010, I outlined the various matoran and the purposes that they fulfill in the robot. However there was one missing maintenance job as there was nothing responsible for organic protodermis in sapient beings.
      If the Toa of the Green gain the ability to manipulate and repair the organics within humanoid lifeforms in the Matoran Universe, all aspects of lifeforms inside the MU are now self-relying and maintaining.
      Toa of Iron can maintain and repair armor and solid protodermis in the mechanical components of beings.
      Toa of Psionics can maintain and fix mental errors and programming malfunctions in the minds of beings.
      Toa of The Green can maintain, and heal injuries and organic protodermis in the bodies of beings.

    I've gather a few further thoughts and references on why the organic components of Matoran and Toa would need some form maintenance.


    We were told in 2001 that the original Toa Mata had all of their organic components decayed due to their prolonged inactivity and hibernation and possibly the environmental factors associated with being floating in a tube for 1000 years. The Toa also lost their memories as an effect of this, leading me to conclude that the majority of their memories must have been stored in their organic protodermis components or the majority of their 'brain'.

    The Mechanical components, made of solid protodermis must have included at least some form of rudimentary secondary brain for survival reactions such as putting themselves back together and basic motion and lower brain function.This would be a core part of Matoran/Toa base programming installed into their machinery.

    I'd imagine this would be a similar to how the human body can react to pain before passing on a pain signal to the brain itself, allowing the body to operate on its own in a limited capacity. Similarly the matoran/Toa can operate on it's own until the organics are repaired as seen by the Toa Mata and Matoran hibernated in the spheres . I'd imagine that the Matoran in Karzahni in disrepair were also in a similar state but kept this way as it was stated that Karzahni "stripped them of their identities". This would have been achieved by removing the organics and thus memories and a little bit of reprogramming.

    The Toa Mata not only lost all of their memories but also their training and skills, this shows that the organic components are vital for continuing functionality of Toa. The organic components healed on their own slowly, but it was years before any of them regained their memories.

    The Metru-nui refugee's also lost their memories and required the pure Toa energy of six Toa simply to awaken them. Potentially, we could still have six Toa Metru running around if there had been a Toa of the Green amongst them.


    As I said at the start, this theory is still a work in progress and I'd appreciate any feedback and criticism that you may have to offer.


    Thanks for reading.

    - Roki

  12. Captain Marvel
    Latest Entry

    Well, I haven't been on this website in almost a year, and I haven't been on this blog in almost two years. All of the people I know from this place are probably gone.




    Well, LOL I guess?

  13. to declare my absolute loathing for the sound of lawnmowers

  14. blog-0205149001395659050.jpgI made this, giant cannon walker thing because I thought i wanted to do something I haven't done before, so here it is! The cannon you see attached to those arm looking things are not in fact arms they are just poles holdin' a gun. The legs and feet are pretty neat, they are fairly maneuverable too! I can bend those things all over town!
  15. A bit of brainstorming has led to some realizations about Matoran, and they may end up as playable in BIONICLE Fighter after all. They don't have powers, and that is what has been the biggest challenge in balancing them. Still, it also means there are fewer custom powers needed for them, which would save on their development time. Here is what they might have instead of a full elemental power selection:


    - Matoran will carry the passive elemental traits of their Toa counterparts. Ta-Matoran get fire resistance, Onu-Matoran are a bit stronger while grounded, and so on.

    - Slightly higher base move speed coupled with a slightly smaller hitbox compared to other species. They can still be hit easily, but running away should be easier. Due to their small size, certain melee weapons are scaled down for Matoran, and they receive slightly more knockback force but are quicker to get back on their feet.

    - Matoran have no Kanohi power. This button will instead be used to activate their special ability. Kanohi they spawn with will not have powers at all. The new engine will distinguish a bit clearer between powered and unpowered masks, by having powered masks not fade out so much when dropped. Alternately, Matoran masks will not fade or change color at all, as per canon.

    - Power 1 and Power 2 can be used to switch between extra items carried. Matoran can choose to carry extra weapons, lightstones, and similar objects, some depending on their chosen job/special ability.



    Abilities available to Matoran (chosen from a list like any other power would be):







    Workers (and most Matoran types) can choose to carry extra weapons, backup Kanohi, and/or lightstones. 2 slots are available for this. Press Power 1 or Power 2 to pull these items out in-game depending on the slot used. This expends a small amount of energy: 5 points. Matoran don't use energy for all that many things, so this will seldom be an issue, but rapid switching of items can wear out your energy supply.


    Special power: Repair. Can repair held items by pressing the Kanohi/special power button. Every currently equipped item (armor, mask, shield and weapons) is repaired by a certain amount decided by the Matoran's number of points in the generic "Power Plus" perk. This is the same perk that controls the strength of Toa elements, for the record, and is thus the Matoran equivalent. Unlike the power of the Kanohi Kiril, using this ability to repair forces you to walk slowly while doing a short animation. The Absorb key can be held to do a much slower, gradual repair that does not cost any energy to perform but still impairs your mobility.


    Repair amount: 30% of the weapon's HP per use. 10% per rank in Power Plus, for a maximum of 50% and a minimum of 10%.

    Energy cost: 20 points per use.

    Use time: It takes 2 seconds to perform repairs, then another 2 seconds before the ability can be used again.


    Unique perks:

    Skilled crafter - 1 rank. After repairs are done, your items take less damage when attacked for a short period of time. This does not affect the damage/knockback resistance offered by shields, only the speed at which they wear out.

    Re-craft item - 1 rank. Extra ability. While using your Absorb repair ability, press the key for one of your items and you can exchange it for another item of the same type. This expends energy like a normal repair would. A sword will become a different sword, a laser gun will become a different laser gun, and so on. This ability completely repairs the item in the process, but the item you create can not be controlled.

    Improve gear - 1 rank. Extra Ability. After using your repair ability, your weapons deal extra damage for the next few attacks and your defensive items can withstand a bit more damage. Visually the items will have a faint shine to them. This perk increases the repair energy cost to 30 and the cooldown between each use of your repair ability to 10 seconds. Items lose their improvements if dropped.

    Quick fingers - 1 rank. Improved ability. Increases your repair speed to 1 second and reduces the cooldown of your repair skill by 25% (to 1.5s or 7.5s, depending on other perks).







    Guards are used to defending against Rahi attacks, which nullifies the knockback penalty normal Matoran have. Guards can also carry 2 extra items, one each in the Power 1 and Power 2 slots.


    Special power: Call Squad. Summons two randomized Matoran NPCs to appear at your location. One will carry a basic melee weapon, while the other will have a basic projectile weapon. These Matoran each have 50% of your current health at the time of calling. The summoned Matoran will gradually lose HP while summoned and do not block attacks. If reduced to 0 HP they will flee and vanish immediately. This happens after at most 60 seconds, less if attacked. They do not drop any items when defeated.


    Points put into Power Plus will increase the health of the called Matoran by 15% of your max health per point. Maximum is therefore 80% of your max health, minimum 20%. The duration of their stay does not change, but their resistance to attacks will naturally be greater.


    Press the power key again to dismiss your followers prematurely, reducing the ability's cooldown by an amount proportional to the time that was left.


    Unique perks:

    Steadfast backup - 1 rank. Summoned Matoran stay longer. Does not affect the damage they recieve from enemies.

    Strength in numbers - 2 ranks. Each rank adds another summoned Matoran.

    Power hungry - 1 rank. Summoned Matoran appear with special powers in their weapons, such as Fire Swords or Cordak Blasters.



    Rahi Tamer




    Like all Matoran, Rahi Tamers may also carry up to 2 extra items in their empty Power slots.


    Special power: Rahi Follower. A Rahi spawns alongside the Matoran. The Rahi provides special features such as having an auto-attack and serving as a mount. Pressing the power button causes the Rahi to follow the Matoran, while pressing the button again will cause it to attack whatever enemy is closest in the direction the Matoran is looking. By keeping the button held down, a targeting reticule appears which can be used to direct the Rahi to a specific target.


    The Rahi that will spawn is chosen at the character selection screen. Rahi have max health equal to their Tamer's max health, and slowly recharges health after a few seconds of not being attacked at a rate proportional to their Tamer's current health. If defeated, the Rahi will retreat and vanish. It appears automatically again a minute later (or the next time the Matoran respawns). If the Tamer dies the Rahi will flee and vanish just a few seconds later.


    Press E while standing next to the Rahi to mount it (if possible). While mounted, the power button causes the Rahi to use its standard attack. If the Matoran or the Rahi recieves damage/force that would normally knock them prone, the rider will be forced to dismount. Both melee weapons and projectiles can be used by the Matoran while mounted, but this increases the chance of being knocked off by an enemy attack. Using projectile weapons will also make it harder to steer.


    If your Rahi is at less than 50% health and is hit by enough force, it may be knocked down or stunned. At this point, an enemy is able to mount it. They will have a much harder time steering it than you, however, and the Rahi will still be unable to cause damage to its owner. After a certain amount of time, your Rahi will shake the enemy off and return to you. If you have died in the meantime, the Rahi will instead vanish once the "horse thief" dismounts.


    The Power Plus perk will increase your Rahi's toughness by giving it a few points worth of armor as well as increased damage per rank of the perk.



    rahi_nuirama.pngNui-Rama - Provides flight, medium speed. Easy to control in the air. Attacks by flying close to enemies and attacking with weak claws. If the Matoran presses the Absorb button while flying, they can pick up a target for a few seconds. This slows your flight speed based on the weight of the target. Press the button again (or just wait) to drop the unfortunate victim.

    rahi_gukko.pngGukko - Provides flight, quick and steady. Harder to turn around. Attacks by ramming into enemies while flying, which may knock them around.

    rahi_muaka.pngMuaka / Kane-Ra - Large and powerful. Moves somewhat slowly, but can extend their neck to bite enemies outside of normal melee range. They are hard to knock around, but are pretty much unable to jump.

    rahi_tarakava.pngTarakava - Medium size and speed, with a powerful double-punch attack. The first punch deals decent damage, while the second one also knocks the target away.

    rahi_husi.pngHusi - Very quick and lightweight, but has next to no attack power.

    rahi_ussal.pngUssal Crab - Moves at medium speed and has medium attack power. Extra resistant to knockback force, but can barely jump.

    rahi_nuijaga.pngNui-Jaga - Moves at medium-slow speed and has medium attack power. Stinger attacks at close range will cause weak poisoning in addition to their normal damage. At long range, the scorpion may also toss a small glob of poison which does less damage but still poisons. If ridden, the Nui-Jaga can not use its stinger as a melee attack.

    rahi_fikou.pngFikou - Swift movement speed, weak attack power with mild poison effect. Can not be ridden.

    rahi_visorak.pngVisorak - Medium movement speed, has a dash attack with medium knockback force. Can jump and climb walls. Wall climbs disable your use of weapons, since you need to hang on tight.


    Unique perks:

    Come Home - 1 rank. Improved ability. When you call for your Rahi, it will immediately appear at your side regardless of the distance between you. This ability has a cooldown of 5 seconds. If you call your Rahi again during the cooldown it will respond as it normally would, but move a bit faster.

    Dramatic Dismount - 1 rank. Extra ability. Whenever you dismount, you do so gracefully. Being knocked off your Rahi will no longer stun you, and if you're lucky you might even be able to land back in the saddle.

    Loyalty - 1 rank. Extra ability. Enemies that attempt to mount your Rahi will find themselves shaken off immediately.

    War Beast - 1 rank. Ability Modifier. Whenever your Rahi takes damage, it becomes slightly faster and more powerful until it next starts regenerating health. This perk increases the delay before your Rahi's natural health regeneration kicks in and also causes its health to regenerate slower.



    Feel free to suggest other Matoran types.

  16. I am a scientist

    I can observe

    Describe, categorize, dissect,

    Even worship

    Marvel at the genius and splendor of design

    Bear witness with a scholar’s reverence

    To the perfect unity of each part


    But I am a scientist

    And so I watch in silence

    And can only wonder

    At the craft of the creators, the artists, the architects



  17. HAZMAT
    Latest Entry

    Haven't been here for a few months, whoops. I just don't have the kind of time I used to.


    What's been happening?


    BTW I retired

  18. Hey people. I'm alive. I can't believe it's been since October. Things have changed, some good, some bad, but I'm happy to be back. I hope to be more active on this site, I still enjoy collecting bionicle sets. I hope to be collecting more, But there's not much left for me to collect. Logging back on the site brings such a wave of nostalgia, it's mind blowing. this is all for my blog entry right now. I hope to have a lot of fun on bzp.

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    The Lord of the Rings: Guardians of Middle-Earth (+ Smaug's Treasure DLC) Claimed.

    The Lord of the Rings: War in the North Claimed.

    The Lord of the Rings Online: Steely Dawn Starter Pack

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  19. blogs_blog_849

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    Despite the fact that I live in Kyoto, I’ve unfortunately not visited much of the ancient temples and shrines. My program has had a lot of trips, shipping us off to Okayama prefecture, or taking us to the disaster prevention center, or the like. When I go out with my friends, it’s usually to shop or for something like karaoke. It doesn’t help that I live quite out of the way, almost in the mountains that surround Kyoto. So the first day of fall break, I decided that I would go see a few temples myself. Sight seeing alone, while rather lonely, somehow suites the atmosphere of these temples and gardens.

    I decided that my main goal would be visiting Kiyomizu-Dera, the most famous Buddhist temple in Kyoto. I had planned to go early in order to avoid the tourists, but I ended up exploring Maruyama Park and the little shrines on the way to the temple, so by the time I got there it was around ten o’clock and there was quite a crowd of tourists, both Japanese and foreign.


    The street leading up to the temple was packed with shops selling everything from samurai swords to cell phone charms, a lot of it kitschy and kind of overpriced. I skipped the shopping and bought a charm for safe driving inside the temple grounds (I’ll probably need it when I get back home). The most awe-inspiring part of the temple for me was probably Tainai-meguri. You pay a hundred yen and then walk down steps into complete darkness, guided only by feeling along a strand of buddhist prayer beads attached to the wall. You eventually come to a big, round stone with a week light shining on it, which you are supposed to turn once for each wish that you have. The experience is supposed to represent entering the womb of a female Bodhisattva (person who has forgone enlightenment to guide others) that has the power to grant wishes. I suppose this is kind of gross-sounding, but it was very profound for me.


    I was actually kind of disappointed with the main grounds of the temple. (When I asked if there was a student discount, the ticket seller more-or-less replied “lol, no. 300 yen please.” T.T) This might have been due the fact that the main temple was under construction, but nonetheless there was plenty to see. I visited the buddhist cemetery and stumbled upon a path into the forest that was absolutely devoid of people. There was beautiful foliage everywhere and yellow birds flitting about, and I couldn’t believe that no one else had stopped to at least look. I would have liked to follow the path, but I had no idea how long it was and I wanted to get back early.


    I ended up eating lunch at in the temple grounds. I had green tea with kitsune soba, which is buckwheat noodles in broth with fried tofu. It was very simple, but at 600 yen it was less than half the price of most of the meals on the street outside the temple. The staff was very nice; once she realized that I spoke some Japanese she didn’t talk down to me at all.


    I ended up getting lost on the way back and stumbled into Kinnen-ji, the oldest Zen temple in Kyoto. Admission was 500 yen, but well worth it for the beautiful ink screens, rock garden, and massive drawing of twin dragons on the ceiling of the main hall.


    I also passed close to the Gion district, so I got a chance to see some maiko (apprentice geisha), although I didn’t take pictures. Although, my host mother says that tourists can pay to be dressed up as maiko, so I don’t know if they were real or not.

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