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Everything posted by TERIDAX941

  1. If 2005 never happened, we'd never find out what baby rahkshi looked like. In all seriousness I enjoyed that storyline. It definitely developed the story of the Metru, and I found the venom mutation process fascinating really. Not to mention those really cool spinners we got to experience.
  2. With a name like "shadow" it's truly ironic that he's an Av-Matoran lol... maybe he brushed the "dark side" briefly and that's how he got his name. You know, became a shadow matoran then was cured. it's a theory anyway. But gotta admit it's a cool name
  3. AAAARRRRRGGGGGGG an intro!!! so much suspense and it hasn't even really started yet!!! (hope it lasts...) Okay enough of that, now to be serious. I like it so far. The photography is nice, and I'm interested in this Carl character... I want to know... who he is... and what he's doing there... lol but yeah, full disclosure I'm really eager to see how this plays out.
  4. Is the Trans-green Miru really that cheap? I thought it was a rarer one
  5. Might work for a Nui Kopen... probably not for a Niazesk... maybe idk haha
  6. - Opens obj_nuirama - Opens Create event - Adds code: image_xscale = 5; image_yscale = 5; Done deal! Wouldn't that just make the original Nui Rama sprite bigger? not entirely make a totally new sprite for the Niazesk? Just curious, I have no experience with coding lol
  7. I don't have sprites of Klakk, but it's an idea to be considered.Klakks *and* those bug creatures that escaped from Mutran and mutated to giant size. The Niazesk I believe. If you could find/make a sprite for those, they'd be a cool swarm to command/battle. They might end up stronger than normal Nui Rama
  8. So... who did the killing... how did they get to the Core Processor... and why didn't they get along with the Glatorian?
  9. Ah makes sense. Well it went well, that one thing just stood out because of the rahkshi's nickname that they've been known as since we first were introduced to them. But you played it well. Anywhooooo.... Court adjourned!
  10. I like it. But why do you refer to the Rahkshi as his "daughters?" They're normally known as the sons of Makuta, unless you're suggesting that Rahkshi have genders as well? I just assumed them being mindless slaves of makuta, they really didn't have such luxury lol
  11. Disk maker, or Mask maker anything engineering like.
  12. Actually something happened like that in 2001. When a mask isn't being worn, it turns dark grey and is "inactive" and once a Toa puts it on, it changes color to reflect the Toa wearing it. So, if Onua took off his mask, it would revert to "normal" and then if Tahu put it on, it would turn red. That's just the way the masks work. If Brutaka took Tahu's mask, and wore it, it would probably turn gold, or so forth.
  13. "Hey I just met you... and this is crazy... but I mind-read you... so kill me maybe..." Not funny but true
  14. three-ninths dumb? I'd think only one-ninths because only the "krekka" type would possibly be stupid (and we have no proof that all the "krekkas" are dumb, we only have one example of them. And the piraka, even Reidak and Vezok weren't dummies. Even though Reidak looked stupid, it was stated over and over that secretly he was quite brilliant. Add Thok and Zaktan's brains, and this creature could be extremely smart.
  15. Well bah humbug and all that jazz. Looks like it's up to individual head canon to decide who and what is that thing exactly. :/
  16. The oddest thing happened... bzpower just kinda disappeared for a day or so...

    1. Ghidora131


      It does that. Updates to the site, hacking attempts, etc.

  17. If you can find out for sure, that'd be great. As for how the Piraka got there, I believe the Order had supposed that the Skakdi had "rescued" them and took them back to Zakaz for the procedure. And the Toa Mahri deduced that Terry gave the idea for the fusion into the Skakdi minds because only he knew if those particular beings were destined to be transformed because of his connection with the Mata Nui robot (how exactly wasn't explained)
  18. Well it wasn't the Matoran they were concerned about, it was the Glatorian and Agori.
  19. Wouldn't be easy if they made all Matoran into Toa so they could defend themselves ? Well the Great Beings made Marandar because they were afraid of a toa revolution after Mata Nui completed his purpose, I really doubt they'd create thousands upon thousands of Toa if they were scared of just the Toa that were around could go bad.
  20. Yeah Mata Nui made the other species (aside from the Zyglak, Bahrag and Artahka and Karzahni...) Well Matoran are only the first stage in their "development" with the Toa being the ones who do the fighting and so forth, so the Matoran weren't necessarily supposed to "look after" themselves like they did on Mata Nui (and Voya Nui) it was the Toa's job to protect them, so the Matoran didn't have to be super powerful to do their duty.
  21. Fishers64, that link you put, it says Greg states that Zaktan was the green cloud, but doesn't prove yet that Zaktan was able to take control over the being, it was just speculation. And Nektann wasn't the Skakdi warlord making the speech, he had already taken his army to the lands of the south, this was taking place at Zakaz.
  22. Actually the fusion was created after Nektann had already allied his army with Teridax. Plus, the Skakdi warlord organizing the event stated that they were doing it to make a name for themselves, and not have to follow Teridax's rule. So whatever influence Terry had, it was all behind the scenes. Also, I don't think it was ever proved that Zaktan controlled the fusion... was it?
  23. I'd love to see Artahka and see the wonders there. I'd love a tour of Mata Nui just to see the different environments. After that? Hmm... I'd spend weeks down in the Onu-metru archives.
  24. Correction. Karzahkni *was* a sociopath. I personally liked that guy...
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