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Endless Sea (Alaki Nuva)

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Everything posted by Endless Sea (Alaki Nuva)

  1. Quite a bit of unorthodox building styles going on here. I like it! Say, when you say "unit", do you mean it's a mechanical drone? Maybe a mecha?
  2. ...right, I hate to cause a ruckus so soon after joining up, but what's going on with Dessimus? Apparently he's suddenly talking to Kuur out of nowhere now? And he has De-Matoran-level hearing? What? I am confused. >_>
  3. I remember going to the closest Lego store to my home, searching for a set or two, not finding them, asking about it, and outright being told that Lego stores often get new sets after other toystores. Sure enough, Toys'R'Us had what I was looking for, and that's been the case rather often. They also keep old sets around for a decent amount of time, too. Ended up grabbing myself a Skull Soldier off the shelves just a month or two ago when I walked there on a whim. Makes me wish I'd grabbed a Keetongu and Brutaka when I had the chance- I really could've used the parts, and they were sitting around the shelves until, like, 2007 or something.
  4. While I like the idea of seeing the Toa of Light concept return, I can't help but feel our current batch of Toa haven't quite had their time to shine yet. They put up an admirable fight against Skull Grinder, but Ekimu ended up being the one to save the day, and he seems set to have a major role again this summer. I kinda want to see the Toa Mata win their way through 2017 all on their own.
  5. The winter 2016 sets didn't take long to grow on me, and I really like how they turned out... but I do indeed consider the term "mess" to be a rather accurate descriptor of Storm, Quake, and Lava Beast. I think the Creatures were rather excellent, though. Nonstandard designs, built-in functions, and most of them look pretty dang good too.
  6. I think most people are more worried about connecting the two generations ruining G2 rather than G1. The current story is nice and simple as it is. No need to bend over backwards to connect it to the continuity snarl that is G1 and overcomplicate G2 in the process. A few diehard fans would have all the nice nostalgia fuzzies, yeah, but everyone who wasn't around back then would be scratching their heads going "what in the world is this now?".
  7. Looks the same as normal 2005 backgrounds to me, what with it being green and covered in webs.
  8. IC: Kuur- Outskirts of Canus When he heard the scream, Kuur was close enough to the village he could make out some of the Matoran just inside the gates. The sound was distant, and to any other it would have been little more than a faint echo, but Kuur was De-Matoran, and the wasteland was empty, and so even something so quiet rattled his mind and arrested his journey. He halted his approach and looked back at the sands he had left behind, his tracks still visible in the dust. What in the world...?
  9. Those are some impressive weapon designs. I may have to steal some of them.
  10. If only I knew how to make custom gearboxes and such on a whim like so.
  11. For G1, Kardas. For G2, probably Mask Maker and Skull Grinder.
  12. Don't stop Lewa now, 'cause he's havin' a good time, havin' a good time!
  13. You bought some of the STARS sets? Heresy. Nah, I'm kidding.
  14. I really have no idea what I'd do with my sets and pieces if I have kids or when I pass on. I've always wondered about that.
  15. 1. Okoto Online Game. 2. I'd really love to try my hand at set design and story writing. I've been coming up with ideas for new pieces and stories for a while. 3. Relatively minor, but Carlos D'Anda doing some art, official or otherwise, just because I wanna see his take on G2 designs. On a similar note, more CGI artwork and promo stuff for the sets like Advance and Ghost used to do back in the day.
  16. 2002- specifically, around the time that interview with Lewa was written up- was when I first found the Bionicle website. This takes me back.
  17. I do think Ekimu's speech about the Vahi does hint at some sort of connection between G1 and G2- the fact that it and no other mask has a name is a pretty big red flag to me- but I do hope those hints don't become anything more than hints so that G2 has a chance to stand on its own. Also, I'm inclined to believe G2 will wrap itself up next year, if only because I remember a couple times Lego stuck to three-year story arcs for other lines in the past, and because Bionicle isn't quite as important to the company as it once was. I figure it'd just go one legendary mask per year- Creation, Control, and in 2017, Ultimate Power.
  18. I'm kinda interested in how the Brotherhood would figure into this story, aside from being the cause. How public would they be? How much do they actually care? Is this before or after they went into open rebellion?
  19. IC: Kuur - Outskirts of Canus Kuur did not know where he was. Kuur did not know who he was. All Kuur knew that he was Kuur, and that he was scared. The wind nipped at his flesh through the tatters of his cloak and the metal beneath. It smelled of poison and pain, whistling as it cut through him. Every step through the sands embedded tingly stone grains deeper into his feet and sent shuddering spasms up his legs and into his spine. With one hand he clutched the hood of his cloak tight; with his other, he clutched at empty air at his side, as if his fingers remembered something his mind could not, remembered that something ought to have been hanging at his hip, yet was not. Kuur did not know where he was, but he was fairly certain that it was not a place where he wished to stay. The village in the distant was faint amidst the gray sands and gray skies, and settled land meant people, and people meant noise, and noise was bad. But settled land also meant rooms, and dark places to hide inside and huddle down and pretend the world wasn't there, and that was an invitation Kuur could not refuse. Kuur carried on further. Sanctuary was not far. OOC: Open for interaction. Took me long enough!
  20. I wasn't being entirely serious either, really, or else I wouldn't have started typing in Chinese.
  21. Whoops, wrong person. Trying to quote someone else.
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