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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Adventurer

  1. I was slightly unconvinced of the proportions at first - but that last image of him riding the Ussal is perfect! Proportions between the two are spot on.
  2. Tohunga is a cooler word (I love the Polynesian languages in general ) but I like Matoran too and I totally respect their desire to not have such a word from their language used in that way. Taking that into account I actually prefer Matoran in context.
  3. With a return of Bionicle I think it'd be a smart idea for an ebook version to be released - a lot of people would be curious about these but re-releasing the books as physical copies probably wouldn't be profitable. As ebooks though I think it could be done fairly easily since all the copyright issues would largely be sorted and creation and distribution wouldn't be too hard. Cross that bridge when it comes I guess though. I'd certainly be for contacting Lego and suggesting/asking for this though - as much for me personally so I don't have to risk breaking/damaging my physical copies on re-reading them.
  4. I'd say that it's possible that it's possible but effectively won't happen again. By the first bit I mean that it is possible with all the switches that there is a possible pair of Takanuva and Makuta out there that could be destined to have that happened, but in effect I doubt it will happen as the Takutanuva set is no longer current and I doubt they would ever make another Takutanuva as it'd be rehashing - at most we'd get a different combo. So yeah I say possibly possible but not going to happen.
  5. It'd make sense that they can - from an in-universe and story making point of view. In universe they should still have the elements of the component Toa and their entities (like it's not just a being with those elements its basically the three joined) so in that respect I don't see a particular reason they shouldn't be able to. For a story making point of view if they were restricted in that regard it'd remove the motivation for there existence - why form Kaita if doing so essentially removes certain abilities of the team. That being said since they haven't appeared as a set and as a result story feature perhaps that would actually be a good reason not to allow them to do that. Still it'd make there earlier appearances feel a bit odd in that respect (I know they're more powerful in other aspects but still seems weird to restrict them in that way kind of). Either way I'd lean towards yes they can, but of course doesn't sound like we have any actual word.
  6. OP and B6 deliver! Good stuff, guys!
  7. Succulent tasty nostalgia. That aside aesthetically they had a really cool design, very colourful bodies (not just a grey type torso with coloured armour) and the functionality at the time was quite fun and provided a lot of entertainment. The weapons were unique and added a lot of character to the characters through the sets alone, the Kanohi's Polynesian appearance added a sense of mystery to them and the packaging as well added to this and was quite cool, even compared to that of the Roboriders and Slizers. All in all I'd say for their time they did a lot of things right and those good aspects have only become stronger in my memory as time has gone on. (I've not entirely forgotten about things such as trying to separate the head pieces. )
  8. Yeah excluding this I would say the Toa Nuva (2008 specifically). Any other answer would revolve around hypotheticals involving how the team works together and synergises their abilities I think. In terms of raw elemental power and what not the Nuva win.
  9. Wasn't there a point where I think the word "jerk" was used as an insult in one of the books but was still filtered on here? I always found that amusing.
  10. This looks so cool! Really hope it passes through! A cooler setting than a lot of the existing LotR sets too.
  11. The shapes, materials the bodies of the Toa and whatnot are made of may interact differently with water - less resistance and the what not. Furthermore, I tend to think the Toa are quite a bit stronger in terms of the thrust they are capable of generating. For example if we assumed Matoran have equivalent strength to us (which isn't necessarily true and if it weren't true I'd suspect them to be stronger than us), the Toa are meant to be quite a lot more powerful than them, in terms of their raw physical capabilities. Keeping that in mind, it seems plausible hat the extra resistance introduced by the aquatic environment would pose less of an obstacle for the Toa than we would be familiar with from our own experiences.
  12. For set I'd probably pick Hewkii (yellow ) and Vezok. For character - it'd be too hard a choice for the Inika, but the Piraka it would be Vezok or Zaktan I think.
  13. I'm still subscribed and even though I don't find most of the content relevant/interesting to me, its a nice overview of whats available and what kind of universe each line has and most importantly it allowed me to get the Bionicle comments. I wouldn't be upset not being able to get them anymore, but I'd be disappointed, particularly if that meant no easy access to physical copies of future comics.
  14. Yeah definitely other way round for me - more abstract an less grounded in stuff it is the better I cope I've found. Was the algebra part of a general requirement for a maths degree, or did you need it for something specifically in statistics? (I don't know much about what stat students study though I've noticed more of them in the algebra type courses than the analysis type ones). Sounds like more applicable and desirable skill set you have though - which was a major attraction for me to wanting to do it earlier on.
  15. Woo! I almost chose to do stat and maths, but ended up going with physics, made the decision after classes had started that semester so was a close call. Somewhat on the opposite side of maths to me in some ways I guess though - my favourite parts of maths and physics are the abstract bits. I'm quite interested in Lie groups and algebras at the moment, hoping to do a project on them over the Summer.
  16. I impulsively went for the Vahki since I thought they were super cool - but that being said I could have just as easily gone for either the Phantoka or Mistika Makuta sets or the Bohrok/Bohrok-Kal. Now I come to think of it I really liked the Visorak at the tme as sets, but storywise I think I preferred the other options. If I were to make a judgement based equally on sets and story it'd be one of the two Makuta canister lines (I think the Phantoka sets were cooler as a whole but I liked the story for the canister Mistika Makuta more and I really really loved Bitil ).
  17. Ancient and The Shadowed one were my favourites, though Lariska had a really cool character line too I thought. That being said I also really liked Darkness's concept too.
  18. I prefer text and image as it allows me to analyse things more thoroughly if I wish and I can read them when I can't use sound. Also easier to refer something in particular that was said (don't have to try and find the point where a particular feature was shown or something interesting was said etc...)
  19. Yes they make the story more complicated, but I wouldn't say TOO complicated. I think they add a lot to the mythology of the world and allows Greg to explore the characters in ways that can't be done in the main story (the what-ifs I think allow different sides of characters to be explored as well as showing the importance of certain events). That being said I don't think they're nessecary either, but on the same hand they're not harming anyone by being there either. They can quite easily be ignored if someone finds them too complicated and just wishes to follow the main story.
  20. I'd rather add features to the site than take away my precious smilies. That being said I do think the wink smiley could use a more friendly alternative.
  21. Adventurer

    Hot Topic?

    Makes me feel there should be a slightly more sophisticated criteria for determining what makes a topic hot or not.
  22. Why can't he be more intelligent than those that made him? :s That being said I imagine he'd be on a lesser power level, however given his speciality - innovation and creation is the same as that of the Great Beings typically he could possibly be viewed as a "lite" Great Being, or perhaps even an improved one. I'd tend to believe the former is more likely however - but the mask of creation could be powerful enough to give him some sort f edge in that respect (remember the Ignikas power was dangerous even to the Great Beings and the mask of creation would have comparable capabilities and power levels).
  23. Adventurer

    Hot Topic?

    Yeah that seems to be the case - how long has it been like that? I only just noticed that like 80% of the topics I see are marked Hot.
  24. Adventurer

    Hot Topic?

    Is it just me or are all the topics in the forums marked as "Hot"? Has this been like that always and I just noticed or did something change? :S
  25. I wouldn't be surprised if Artakha somehow had access to "intelligence" in the form of prophecies as well, similar to how the Ko-Matoran on Metru/Mata-Nui would try to interpret the stars. Combine that with his connections, agents and technology it's not hard to imagine him pulling off something like that.
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