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Blog Comments posted by InnerRayg

  1. It's for the best. We've all had our flirtations with Comic Sans - believe me, the reason they become so overused is because initially these fonts seem very attractive. They're often free or come pre-installed on a system, stand out from an otherwise hard to distinguish crowd, and for the uninitiated seem like a great way to stand out. The problem is that they end up doing just the opposite.


    @Kahi & Brickeens: NEVER!


    Actually I'll be honest I have thought about just writing in standard plain default text on BZPower before since I kind of find formatting my posts properly to be more trouble than its worth at times. Still I been writing this way on BZPower for so long now that is like second nature to me now and well, I identify with text style that I used.


    Beside, I happened to like using Comic Sans font. It has been my favorite font style since I stumbled upon in Microsoft Word so many years ago. So yeah, I am not ditching it. And really I don't understand why people on internet seem to hate Comic Sans so much. *shrugs*


    So tough cookies, I am still sticking with my style of writing on the internet.

    Hey, you know what'd be a great idea? Let's repeat yesterdays giant political/social warfare, but then about Comic Sans! =D

    Actually, let's not go to Camelot do that. 'tis 'twas a silly place thing.


    But aside from the general hatred the Internet seems to have simply because the Internet already had that hatred when they joined, the most major criticism about the Comic Sans-font, as said by comic authors themselves, is that Comic Sans basically uses the font traditionally found in comics, and messes it all up. (Don't ask me how, I'm not an expert in these things, nor do I pretend to be one)


    Personally I don't use BZP's 'Customize-yer-posts'-function though, since from a webdesign-standpoint it just generally messes things up. I get why people are using it to create their own sort-of "brand", but that's rather the thing I'd like to leave to my avatar and signature.


    Comic Sans is hated for very specific reasons in typography: First, it is not well optimized. It has really awful kerning in places, and generally the letterforms do not flow well together, especially at small sizes, where it can become nigh unreadable. In short it is designed without thought. Still, there are thousands of typefaces like that, what makes Comic Sans (and things like Curlz MT, Papyrus, Bleeding Cowboy, etc) so hated is their OVERUSE. On any given square mile you will almost always find at least one storefront using one (or more!!) of these fonts on their displays, or even as their logo. It's so polluted the world of design that it's almost an evil act to point it out - once you know how to spot one of these red letter fonts, you will never stop seeing it and it will infuriate you more each time.


    In short: It is a lazily designed font, that is often used by equally lazy people not interested in visual appeal.


    That's why it is hated.


    Protip: Never preorder. Always buy after. You're basically loaning them your money interest free for a month or however long.

    Well, when it comes to the Japanese figures I collect, you pretty much have to preorder if you want to get the best deal or sometimes even get the item at all..

    I assumed you meant videogames.

  4. I know I'm not the normal blog guy, but Mak's having phone troubles, so to quote my gigantic friend:

    "Conversation stops now. Since it has been established we aren't capable of having a rational discussion on this matter,failure to heed this warning gets proto drops."

  5. Technically your definition is correct, but seduction at the very least tends to imply subtlety, and I have to say watching that show it was anything but. "Oh, look at this giant flower that exists for no explicable reason, I'm sure it is completely innocent". My foot.


    Obviously I'm way outside the demographic Lego is trying to hit with this show, but it had some serious issues when I watched it - first and foremost, the female character cast is non existent. The Eagle girl is definitely portrayed as helpless and the only other girl amongst what appears to be an extremely large cast is a generically evil sibling. The animation was okay, but where it really fell down was in giving things any kind of appropriate weight - the people and vehicles moved like they didn't have any mass. Frankly the story was really disappointing - not because it was bad, but because I actually thought it had some potential at first. Instead of what I was expecting, which was "oh, the crocs are bad because they are", we got one as a main character who is a best friend of the lead, who then is forced into opposition with him because the apparent death of his parents (although frankly having the croc cut that rope was so ridiculous. I don't understand why it couldn't have just snapped on its own.) Then evil sis shows up. Cue eye roll.


    I did like that at least the crows didn't seem "evil for evil's sake". They just like shiny things, pretty funny stuff.

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