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For a while, I was playing Crusader Kings II. Played as Barcelona, with the duchy's dynasty, de Barcelona. ('more' tag is broken. this game has no spoilers unless you are more fanatical about history than me and you need help)


By the year 1066 AD, the Castilian-originated Jimena dynasty has control over kingdoms of Galicia (pre-Portugal really), Leon, Castile, Pamplona (later renamed Navarre), and Aragon, and Hispania would be forced to endure warfare from not only the north to south fighting o the Reconquista, but also fighting along the north between the different Jimena states, and the south fighting among the post-Umayyad Caliphate Andalusian emirs and sultanates before the rise of the powerful Almoravid and Almohad Empires (which came from Morrocco, the two oft referenced as the 'Moors' by Westerners). The Crown of Aragon historically ruled over all of modern Catalonia, but during the year 1066 they only controlled the mountainous spanish-french border region named Alto Aragon.


As Barcelona, I took the rest of my duchy from the andalusian muslims as well as retaking muslim areas of the Duchy of Aragon (the Crown of Aragon only ruling one province of the region) and Duchy of Valencia (which by this point had been forcefully converted to islam and their culture changed from Catalan to the Berber-Spanish Muslim culture of Andalusian), all as part of the Hispanic Reconquista. To change the lands of Valencia and others back to Christianity and the Catalan culture will take a lot of patience; at least the Christians of the lands I retook are no longer being oppressed and have been liberated from the rule under the Pact of Umar (a staple in islamic governance; islamic =/= muslim, for those unaware) and I am working on increasing the tolerance of my lands so as to make revolts and rebellions less likely. My first character dies a Grand Duke, his son taking Valencia (making him a grand-er duke?? idk). With that, I am so much larger than the my de jure king (meaning his kingdom would usually have lands that I own but I am independent from him; de jure =/= de facto) that I feel that this Grand-er duke should be a king! So I declare war to take Alto Aragon from the Crown of Aragon before the king feels he should be the rightful ruler over >my< lands (and as legally crowned he would have legitimacy from the Pope). For being a little pipsqueak he had some large forces, sot he war lasted longer than I wished but by using the terrain of my homeland I was able to crush Aragonese forces and eventually take their capital. Winning the war, I dispose all of the Jimena dynasty from my lands (save a bishop of the family, his occupation disqualifying him from succession laws so he is no threat). The Crown of Aragon's state destroyed, I establish a kingdom of my own, abandoning the old name of Aragon for the proper name of Catalonia. My vision for Catalonia is not yet finished, yet there is a chance I may be able to realize it within the current lifetime.


While Barcelona is in the process of becoming the Kingdom of Catalonia, Castile does it's historical thing and inherits the kingdoms of Galicia and Leon, officially renaming itself as Castile-Leon but for simplicity sake it shall continue to called Castile as the kingdom dominates the others, a fact blatantly shown when there are rebellions in the regions of Leon and a historical Portuguese rebellion occurring in south Galicia (historically they gain independence and become Portugal and expand south, but not here, they lose). Also, to no surprise, the game's AI is unable to replicate Alp Arslan's conquest of Anatolia from the Roman Empire, so the ancient country is still holding strong and is a giant purple wall on the map. Oh, and William the Conquerer of Normandy fails in his Norman invasion of England (as well and the Norweigans under Hardrada historically losing at the Battle of Stamford Bridge) so Harold Godwinson is king and the Anglo-Saxons remain independent. Also, Castile expands south at the expense of Andalusian countries (spoiler: Castile later becomes the chief power to create Spain); the success of the Reconquista so early will have to see if it will interfere with the eventual Moroccan invasion into Andalusia and it's expansion against the visigothic spanish kingdoms of north Hispania.

  After I become Catalonia, France starts getting wary of me and starts to think it must control me before the hegemony of the Franks is broken (which they have held influence in western Europe ever since their invasion into Gaul, destruction of Soissons and displacing of Visigoths into Hispania back in the late 400's AD). Foreseeing what is to come, I declare war on little Basque kingdom of Pamplona to make it a suzerain of mine (a forced ally that has to pay tribute, or as i like to say, give me rent money) The war is quick and i become master over the Basque folk. This helps, but will not spare me the wrathful ambition of the Frankish big-blue blob, so I marry the daughter of the Kaiser Heinrich IV of the Holy Roman Empire, making the giant grey blob of central Europe a close ally of mine. Having such a power behind me persuades France to back off. I am thinking of taking advantage of my new-found friend and going into France before continuing with the Reconquista against the Andalusians; this must be done before King Ramon-Peres de Barcelona dies, as alliances only last as long as people do in these times.







Later, I went back to Serious Sam: the Second Encounter. This game is so much fun but makes me want to pull my hair out sometimes. The techno-magical crud in the Mayan area is sometimes entertaining, other times frustrating. But seeing a suicidal bomber little tree uproot itself and chase after me while screaming, and later a plant with in a sun glasses disguise attempts to avenge it's fallen brother, and much later trees mutate themselves for the sake of vengeance and become biomechanical reptile walker-turrets with a tree through the middle of their bodies;  

a giant stone head and a mayan stone totem shooting fire-balls like a machine gun and blue laser beams (respectively) at each other and my computer describing it like it was some divine battle of the ages (so ridiculous! :lol);  

finding a devil the size of my toe whisper in my ear in an effort to distract me from jack-o-lantern chainsaw hillbillies and me killing the little devil resulting in a booming demonic voice exclaim, "OH MY GOD -- HE KILLED MURPHY!";  

and fighting a red-gaseous mayan god of winds while it whips out tornadoes all over the place, flinging the enemy hordes and myself across the arena to and fro while switching between rocket launchers and shotguns, made for a frustratingly good time.


Again, I recommend everyone try out these Serious Sam games.



After taking a break for a few months, I'm now back to playing Civilization V. More specifically, I have now begun to play through the second expansion pack, Brave New World.


Before anyone mentions it, yes, I'm aware that Civilization VI came out a few months ago. The thing for me is that these Civilizations game are very time-consuming, with a single game typically taking me two or there days to complete. The fact that I'm only now finally getting to some content that came out about three years ago shows just how far behind the times I've fallen. And since I've heard that Civ VI has the same issue with Civ V that's always bugged me (slow to process AI turns, especially on larger maps), I've decided that I will not be getting Civ VI at all. Instead, I'm going to get as much done on Civ V: Brave New World as I can this year (yes, I anticipate I'll be busy with this game for months), then once I'm finished with that, that'll be the last time I ever plan on playing any game from the Civilization franchise.

...You think that two to three days is time consuming??

Edited by Iaredios the Hip Historian



A RUDE AWAKENING - A Spherus Magna redo | Tzais-Kuluu  |  Pushing Back The Tide  |  Last Words  |  Black Coronation  | Blue Man Bound | Visions of Thasos   ن

We are all but grey specks in a dark complex before a single white light

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I'm working my way through the Dark Forces/Jedi Knight game series and playing the second game. It isn't easy - but not the game, getting it to work on Windows 10 is the real challenge. Playing so that every time I save the game crashes, every time I finish a level the game crashes, and each time I fire it up I need to configure the settings is egregious... but the game itself is fun, and worth all of this hassle. That said, I can't wait to finish it and move on to Jedi Outcast to play without constant crashes.


FMV is still awesome, though.



:kakama: Stone rocks :kakama:

Model Designer at The LEGO Group. Former contributor at New Elementary. My MOCs can be found on Flickr and Instagram

:smilepohatunu: :smilehuki:

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After taking a break for a few months, I'm now back to playing Civilization V. More specifically, I have now begun to play through the second expansion pack, Brave New World.


Before anyone mentions it, yes, I'm aware that Civilization VI came out a few months ago. The thing for me is that these Civilizations game are very time-consuming, with a single game typically taking me two or there days to complete. The fact that I'm only now finally getting to some content that came out about three years ago shows just how far behind the times I've fallen. And since I've heard that Civ VI has the same issue with Civ V that's always bugged me (slow to process AI turns, especially on larger maps), I've decided that I will not be getting Civ VI at all. Instead, I'm going to get as much done on Civ V: Brave New World as I can this year (yes, I anticipate I'll be busy with this game for months), then once I'm finished with that, that'll be the last time I ever plan on playing any game from the Civilization franchise.

...You think that two to three days is time consuming??


Two to three days per game/round/match/whatever you want to call it, and with how much of a completionist I am, that can take me literally months to get through the entire game. And that's if I dedicate all of my free time to just that one game, which I certainly can't. Best case, I can dedicate the entire afternoon and part of the evening each day for almost each day of the week. And realistically speaking, I'm unlikely to reliably have that much time consistently available, as there are plenty of other things I'd also like to do with my time


The way I see it, it's a lot of effort, I've already made it this far, and I intend to finish what I started. I will certainly be very happy once I'm finally done with everything that Civilization V has to offer.

Formerly known as Takanuva's Symbol, I rejoined BZPower on October 10, 2012.

These days, I am perhaps best known for my obsession with all Lego video games.

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Finished our (my ~7th, her first) playthrough of the Mass Effect trilogy with my wife, and that ending still hits hard. I never was one to particularly dislike ME3's ending, but its true that the EC improved it, and my wife "liked" it too. I put "liked" in airquotes because I mean that she was satisfied with the ending, but was still sad about it. We both still have the "blues".


Man, there really isn't anything else out there quite like Mass Effect...



:kakama: Stone rocks :kakama:

Model Designer at The LEGO Group. Former contributor at New Elementary. My MOCs can be found on Flickr and Instagram

:smilepohatunu: :smilehuki:

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Tried my hands at the campaign editor for Shadowrun: Returns. I have a story idea in mind, and will see what I can make of it.


Related, I have a question for you fine folks - what games, preferably RPGs, are there on PC with official campaign creators? I don't just mean a regular level editor, but something which allows you to use the game's props and mechanics entirely, including story, dialogue, triggers, progression, multiple levels, loot, all that jazz. Basically a full editor that allows you to use the game to make another game with almost zero programming knowledge of artistic skill? 



:kakama: Stone rocks :kakama:

Model Designer at The LEGO Group. Former contributor at New Elementary. My MOCs can be found on Flickr and Instagram

:smilepohatunu: :smilehuki:

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Not sure about the programming/skill requirement, but Neverwinter Nights comes with a full toolset, afaik at least. Probably the same thing's true for the sequel, although I've never played that.




Just finished Shadow of Destiny, with all endings and wow, that story was intense. (as in, thrilling until the end)

Also, it was really well thought through for a game featuring time travel.


 My art collection topic - updated! (21/09/2021)

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I've jumped into a playthrough of KotOR 2: TLS, with all the necessary mods, of course. While I played through KotOR like 15 times over the years, both modded and un-modded, I've only ever actually played the sequel once several years ago, and without the restored content mod. I don't know why I didn't have more goes at it, since I liked it well enough and heard from many people that with the restored content, it's better than the first. Anyway, I rolled Jedi Sentinel and will likely go darkside with this playthrough. I'm about halfway through Peragus right now.



:kakama: Stone rocks :kakama:

Model Designer at The LEGO Group. Former contributor at New Elementary. My MOCs can be found on Flickr and Instagram

:smilepohatunu: :smilehuki:

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Nioh is hard, man.  It's supposedly a blend between Ninja Gaiden and Dark Souls.  I was never good at either of those.

---------------------------------------------------Links to fun stuff---------------------------------------------------

A story I wrote in 2016My sole BZPRPG character who has existed since 2016, but has done absolutely nothing, A fun little Cantonese earworm ft. Marina Sirtis, Some real nostalgia from 2003 BZPower


We are Primus. We are Prima. We are Prime Nova. We are Sentinel Prime. We are Optimus Prime.

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Terraria with my cousin. Liking this game, should have gotten it sooner.


I would like to thank Toa Imrukii for buying it for me (as well as Garry's Mod). Your awesome dude.




I've jumped into a playthrough of KotOR 2: TLS, with all the necessary mods, of course. While I played through KotOR like 15 times over the years, both modded and un-modded, I've only ever actually played the sequel once several years ago, and without the restored content mod. I don't know why I didn't have more goes at it, since I liked it well enough and heard from many people that with the restored content, it's better than the first. Anyway, I rolled Jedi Sentinel and will likely go darkside with this playthrough. I'm about halfway through Peragus right now.



It's great, I hope you enjoy it!

Edited by Iaredios the Desert Dude



A RUDE AWAKENING - A Spherus Magna redo | Tzais-Kuluu  |  Pushing Back The Tide  |  Last Words  |  Black Coronation  | Blue Man Bound | Visions of Thasos   ن

We are all but grey specks in a dark complex before a single white light

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Dark Souls II: SotFS


Been playing a bunch of Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin, as part of the Return to Drangleic community event.


Having a great time, but I had forgotten how much I hate the Black Gulch, especially with the frequency of invasions.

I've been playing through this for the first time and the black gulch(or its boss) didn't trouble me much. Then again, I am level 100 in the iron keep right now.


still getting destroyed by the standard enemies. Much harder than DS3 or DS1

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Terraria. Played with Toa Imrukii.


I am starting to create a room that is Roman Empire-oriented, purple torches lighting marble (making the marble look like 'holy' purple) with purple stained glass and red banners hung over. I am also trying to make my character look like a Palaiologos-era Emperor. As the world replacement for the 'holy' Porphyra Chamber of Constantinople, any child made in that room will have inherited rule over the universe. :P



A RUDE AWAKENING - A Spherus Magna redo | Tzais-Kuluu  |  Pushing Back The Tide  |  Last Words  |  Black Coronation  | Blue Man Bound | Visions of Thasos   ن

We are all but grey specks in a dark complex before a single white light

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Replaying Fire Emblem Birthright.


I'm not sure what possessed me to say it has a tolerable story. Admittedly, this time I'm playing the game with the official TL, but good lord- how did they make an already mediocre-at-best storyline even worse?


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Played through the A Criminal Past DLC for Deus Ex: Mankind Divided.

Eh, it was a bit disappointing relative to the main game and the previous DLC. The level design wasn't particularly great, and the story was basically a weaker version of the Missing Link DLC from Human Revolution. Even in terms of visuals and aesthetics there wasn't a single truly stunning area or scene like in the main game.

I mean, it was still Deus Ex and it was still a good time, but it's definitely not a high note to end Mankind Divided on.





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Last game I played was Banner Saga 2. As if my avatar and sig weren't enough of an indication, you should play it.

Replaying Fire Emblem Birthright.


I'm not sure what possessed me to say it has a tolerable story. Admittedly, this time I'm playing the game with the official TL, but good lord- how did they make an already mediocre-at-best storyline even worse?

It would have been better if they had played the loyalty/betrayal plot to the hilt, instead of wasting valuable hours on pandering. Even Awakening handled that better than Birthright. At least the gameplay's good on the higher difficulties.

"You humans are absurd, Rook. Furious when you're not in control, terrified when you are. Pull it together."

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Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, for PS3. (which means no DLC aside from expansions. Screw you too Bethesda)


Love this game. Some of the potato heads are an eye-blight though. Hopefully this time I can complete it without the game going away!

Edited by Iaredios the Desert Dude



A RUDE AWAKENING - A Spherus Magna redo | Tzais-Kuluu  |  Pushing Back The Tide  |  Last Words  |  Black Coronation  | Blue Man Bound | Visions of Thasos   ن

We are all but grey specks in a dark complex before a single white light

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Absolute last game I played was Space War on Atari 2600 with my dad. (Played on Atari Flashback Classics for Xbox One because my Atari power brick broke :/ )


i was gonna play some halo 5 but it had an update and i have a internet bandwith cap

Edited by jupoawp

I liked G2.  :o


Also known as:




also i write some and do some art, bad at both though.

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Animal Crossing: City Folk


The tarantulas are EVIL!

Voicing your opinions with tact is the best way to keep a discussion from becoming an argument.
So far as I'm aware, it's pronounced like this: We're ee ah moo.

Check out my Creations:


G1 Battle for Spherus Magna - G2 A Lingering Shadow

Short Stories

G1 Fallen Guardian - G2 Shadows of Past and Future (The Legend Continues Entry) Head of Stone, Heart of Jungle


Mask Hoarder, Desert Scourge

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Crusader Kings 2. Couldn't get passed the loading screen because it kept crashing. Apparently I was using an incompatible mod Crusader Kings II Plus [CK2+]. I got the updated version, but it's late, after making sure it works i'll be heading to bed. With the update of the game itself and this required mod, I deleted all of my saves, so now I am wondering who I should start anew with.


Romans, or Vikings? Authoritarian propaganda-blinded caesaro-papist heretical warmongers bent on regaining lost glory from a thousand years prior surrounded by opportune wolves and jelly pretenders bent on destruction, or blood-thirsty and hungry heathens who raid the lands to get a place in Valhalla and carving an unstoppable empire to the north while constantly fighting with neighbors with similar aspirations? (no one is a good guy here, everyone's in the grey-zone)

Edited by Iaredios the Desert Dude



A RUDE AWAKENING - A Spherus Magna redo | Tzais-Kuluu  |  Pushing Back The Tide  |  Last Words  |  Black Coronation  | Blue Man Bound | Visions of Thasos   ن

We are all but grey specks in a dark complex before a single white light

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I played CKII, reformed the Germanic Faith (First time I have ever reformed a Pagan Faith), and got butt(can't say that) by my vassals, as usual..... Seriously CKII bloody hates me.

Quote: "Love has no fear, and no vengeance." |

:t: :m_o: :a: :i: :m: :r: :u: :k: :i: :i: | mEaHKlH.pngAndekas



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Last game I played was Crusader Kings 2.

I am playing as the Palaiologos Dynasty, first as Mikheal 8th Palaiologos. Historical background:

This campaign begins on July 26th 1265 is after my first character Mikhael 8th Palaiologos historically as the emperor/king of Nikaea retook Makedonia and Thrake from the rogue Crusader States back from the failed 4th Crusade of 1204, which this catastrophe resulted in the collapse of the Roman Empire as it was then divided into rivaling kingdoms/'empires' and crusader states, the biggest of the latter being the Latin Empire that united the crusader states of Greece. With this victory against the Latins and rivaling Epirus, Mikhael was proving himself to be a worthy leader, but as he just took over Nikaea in a coup some still questioned his rule. To solidify his rule, he had to take back Konstantinopolis, the holy Roman city and the imperial capital that was held longer than Rome itself (funnily). Using the zeal of his servants to his own aims, cynical Mikhael retook Konstantinopolis in 1265, doing so he resurrected the Roman Empire, abolishing all old Latin Empire customs and bringing back the ways from Manuel Megas Komnenos (the last great emperor before the 4th Crusade) and some of the ways from the multitude of rulers dating back to even great Constantine and Octavian Caesar. Now historically, Mikhael saw the Catholics of the west as posing more of a threat than the Muslims to the east, as they were being ravaged by the Mongol hordes and khanates, the new Emperor crowned before a god he barely cared for fearing that the it's western representitive (the Pope) would arouse the westerners to avenge the 'faithful' (that he excommunicated when their states were established in 1204, funnily) and take back the lost empire and crusader states. He sought to unify the two halves of Chalsedonian Christendom in the face of the hostile east and south, and spare the young resurrected Roman Empire from papal wrath, and for the first time in centuries they were communicating, but the nigh-fascist ways of the Roman Empire, the romano-greek lords and laymen of Hellas seeing the west as still being ancient barbarians, resisted this attempted unity, Mikhael's attempted forced unification driving many Rhomaionoi to flee to serve the divided lords of the Mongol-wasted, crumbling Seljuk Sultanate of Rum (specifically a young Ottoman state).

But i did things a bit differently.

Will I go into it all with Michael? Nah. I regained some land, raised an awesome kid, retook some more land, and died after 15 years of rule. My current character is that awesome kid and is named after great (and late in his life, prideful) Manuel Komnenos, he being Manuel II Palaiologos.

Manuel II part I

He started out as teenager with teen love, that sweet child becoming his lovely wife despite her rank not being worthy of Empress, and after his father's death he began as a weak ruler and many wanted his older brother to be emperor (Adronikos II, the historical successor to Mikhael 8th) despite Manuel being purple-born and not his older brother. But I would not be deterred. Not having the imperial confidence to declare wars of Imperial Subjugation (retaking entire areas of lost Roman Empire lands, which is the main way to expand as these guys), I focused on improving the economy and building and improving hospitals (especially with the Black death popping up in the middle of Mikhael's rule and ravaged the population of all the world even as the Mongols were already did that in the East). By amassing prestige I was able to lower Rhomania's imperial decadence, its corruption and rot, to the point where I was able to prove to the lords of the Empire that I was indeed chosen by the divines as the rightful Emperor of the Romans, and with this authority and the wealth and health security Manuel II had secured in his early reign, i knew the Roman Empire was back. War after war was declared, land and glory and money flowed back to the Queen of Cities (the economic center of the world), and monuments (like one of Manuel's father Mikhael 8th) were raised and nations and kings cowered and kneeled. Manuel II suffered a big blow to his prestige when he made it so that females could inherit the Crown if there were no male successors, but his glory made that naught but a bump in the road as it all came back within no time. In Rhomania came whispers of destiny spread and chants of Megas, "The Great", and so Manuel II was nicknamed Manuel the Lionhearted; outside the timeless state, however, many kings of the West began to fear and sign treaties with each other, defensive pacts, so that if one of their groups was attacked by Roman armies then all would rush to aide. Manuel's wife died to Slow Fever, and remarried 5 years later tot he daughter of the independent Duke of Cyprus.


But really, this is cool and all, love this character so far, but that's not why I am here tonight. No. I am here to talk about Marco Polo. Yes, Marco effing Polo. After his (allegedly) historical travels to the east and back, Kublai Khan of Yuan State and all in-between, he returns home and the stories of his travels spread, making him renown throughout the late medieval world. In my game, he rises to become important in Venetian politics. He and the Serene Doge didn't see eye to eye, and the merchantile republic was pretty decadent, so Marco Polo then fled to Crete and raised a rebellion to make an independent merchantile republic based in the Aegean Sea. Seeing an opprotunity, Manuel II Palaiologos declares war after both sides are even after a year of warfare. Before being stolen by Venetians int he aftermath of the 1204 Sack of Constantinople, Crete had belonged to the Roman Empire ever since it was retaken from the Slovenians who invaded and butchered all of Greece in early medieval times (the newcomers mixing with the native minority remnant and taking the greek culture as their own), and Manuel II had been on a bloody path of reconquest making the Roman Empire a name feared once more; Crete would be no exception. Marco Polo put up a good fight but was no match for the Rhomaion levies. He would surrender to Manuel II. At first disgruntled, like under Venetian rule Marco Polo would rise to prominence in Roman imperial politics, becoming not only the Arkhon (Doge) of the Republic of Krete under Romania, but also a high-ranking general and Master of Trade, and would lead armies along side the Roman Emperor in his wars with the Kingdom of Epirus, Theme of Cyprus, Sultanate of Rum, and the Crusader Kingdom of Athens. Marco Polo died of old age, leaving all his riches and glory to a teenage son, who unfortunately due to Krete politics was assassinated, thus ending the brief but illustrious journey of House Polo.


Manuel II Part II:


Manuel had held the title of King of Epirus under his wing ever since he conquered and kept the title to himself. With his son Kallistos of age, he made his son the Exarch of Epirus and Despot of Rhomania, and to help redevelop the wasted lands of central Anatolia he also gave Kallistos a couple of provinces there. A Grand Tournament was held, Manuel II's age of 53 apparently finally catching up with him as he got second in the epic games, his son getting first place.


Now a while before Manuel II invited Alexios III Komnenos to stay at his court, displaced King of Trebizond after his lands were carved up between the mongol states the Golden Horde and the Ilkhanate. He had promised to take back his lands, and many decades had passed and both Alexios and Manuel had become old and grey, but Manuel had not forgotten his promise. He partially fulfilled his promise by successfully taking the single province of Tapeziuos (Trebizond) from the barely standing Sultante of Rum (which by now is naught but a spotty green wall that had been carved between the Roman Empire and the Ilkhanate). Alexios was forever in his debt, a stark contrast to the first King of Trebizond Alexios II Komnenos who had seen the other post-1204 greek states as being illegitimate heirs to the Roman Empire (before Andronikos, Komnenos became a divine name of recognition even outside of Rhomania but throughout Europe and the Near East) and styled themselves as Emperors of Rome and Pontos. Manuel had some plans, and wed his daughter to barking-mad Khan of Hungary (formerly king but the king invaded by the Golden Horde and surrendered to spare Hungary of the bloodshed it experienced in real history).


Like his namesake, after a lifetime of victories, Manuel II became prideful, feeling his life and that of his father worthy of record. It was finished, but before the ending could truly be written. Again like Manuel Komnenos, Manuel II Palaiologos got a little too cocky, and in the 1310's declared Holy War on the Ilkhanate, the mongol state of infinite people and wrath that had so bloodily destroyed the once second greatest city on earth, Baghdad, reducing it to the kharz-hole it is today, and been a bane of tyranny upon lands from Pakistan to Arabia. Trebizond/Pontus would become Roman once more, he swore, no longer slaves to a Scythian wilderness and the barbarians who brought it! He had relied on Hungary, but the insaniac had suddenly died (under strange circumstances I must add), and so his planned back-up abandoned the war-effort as there were no longer alliance ties. But the Emperor was confident in his abilities, and so continued on. After an impossible victory that resulted in the death of the one-eyed Southern Khan, Manuel II continued deeper into Persia heading towards the Ilkhanate capital of Qom in Eranshar (Iran). In the lands blurred between Eranshar and Azerbaijan Manuel II had reports of an untold host of barbarians coming towards them, just shy of a million people. His army could not escape in time, and so was pounced upon and decimated, his soldiers sacrificed their lives to give Manuel and his son Kallistos enough time to escape. Kallistos went back to Epirus for one reason or another, his father ashamed, and Manuel fled back to Roman Trebizond, and called forth all soldiers across the Empire (even taking bank loans to hire swathes of mercenaries) as the armies of the devil neared Roman territory. It looks like it will not be enough, and elderly Manuel looks on in despair, and considers declaring a truce before losing to the Tengriist heathens.







Well, I played CKII, reformed the Germanic Faith (First time I have ever reformed a Pagan Faith), and got butt(can't say that) by my vassals, as usual..... Seriously CKII bloody hates me.


Why do you find it so difficult? :/ I don't play on iron-man so that might be it.

Edited by Iaredios the Desert Dude



A RUDE AWAKENING - A Spherus Magna redo | Tzais-Kuluu  |  Pushing Back The Tide  |  Last Words  |  Black Coronation  | Blue Man Bound | Visions of Thasos   ن

We are all but grey specks in a dark complex before a single white light

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I just finished a pack of levels for Doom 2, the Japanese Community Project, along with a mod called MetaDoom.  I think I've spent the greater part of a month finishing it?  I've been trying to get all the secrets on all the levels, aided by YouTube and some generous use of the noclip cheat.  Really flipping hard, but I had fun with thirty-one of the thirty-two levels, and MetaDoom's a sweet mod.


Now I think I'll dig through the pile of demos I downloaded off of IndieDB.

Avatar by Nicholas Anderson (NickonAquaMagna)

My blog: The Jaga's Nest

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After a far too long break, I'm back at Assassin's Creed Rogue. I've decided to put off the story missions until I've finished all the exploration and collectibles. I feared that this would grow boring, but quite the opposite - it's fun and relaxing to sail to random islets, bays and caves to uncover the secrets they hide!



:kakama: Stone rocks :kakama:

Model Designer at The LEGO Group. Former contributor at New Elementary. My MOCs can be found on Flickr and Instagram

:smilepohatunu: :smilehuki:

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Injustice 2.


Only sparred for a bit with my brother, but I liked what i saw. I'll get around to playing the campaign later. It has a high bar to meet after the previous game.



A RUDE AWAKENING - A Spherus Magna redo | Tzais-Kuluu  |  Pushing Back The Tide  |  Last Words  |  Black Coronation  | Blue Man Bound | Visions of Thasos   ن

We are all but grey specks in a dark complex before a single white light

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Beat Phantasy Star 1 with extensive help from a walkthrough.  The game reminds me of Bionicle in a lot of ways, what with its sci-fi and fantasy blend, the three planets and travel between them, robots and spacecraft landing next to medieval villages.  I do recommend playing it in an emulator - I used one called Gens+, with a speed-boost button to help with grinding and hq2x rendering so it looks all smooth and pretty.

Avatar by Nicholas Anderson (NickonAquaMagna)

My blog: The Jaga's Nest

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I got sucked back into the world of Star Wars Battlefront 2 spiced up with mods. Every time I play the guilt of my massive backlog eats away at me, but it's tooooooo good.



:kakama: Stone rocks :kakama:

Model Designer at The LEGO Group. Former contributor at New Elementary. My MOCs can be found on Flickr and Instagram

:smilepohatunu: :smilehuki:

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Recently I purchased Verdun, and have been playing the ever living crud out of it. It has thrown my sleep schedule all off.

Quote: "Love has no fear, and no vengeance." |

:t: :m_o: :a: :i: :m: :r: :u: :k: :i: :i: | mEaHKlH.pngAndekas



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Crusader Kings 2


Didn't play it really, test a couple of mods i made myself, then earlier today I opened it up to see how the colors on the terrain map looked in 3D. Useful for custom map creation.



A RUDE AWAKENING - A Spherus Magna redo | Tzais-Kuluu  |  Pushing Back The Tide  |  Last Words  |  Black Coronation  | Blue Man Bound | Visions of Thasos   ن

We are all but grey specks in a dark complex before a single white light

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Deus Ex: The Conspiracy (PS2 port)


...Is it so wrong that I actually kind of prefer the small changes for this console port compared to the original PC release? Only annoying thing are all the dang loading screens.

Edited by Iaredios the Hip Historian



A RUDE AWAKENING - A Spherus Magna redo | Tzais-Kuluu  |  Pushing Back The Tide  |  Last Words  |  Black Coronation  | Blue Man Bound | Visions of Thasos   ن

We are all but grey specks in a dark complex before a single white light

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Deus Ex: The Conspiracy (PS2 port)


...Is it so wrong that I actually kind of prefer the small changes for this console port compared to the original PC release? Only annoying thing are all the dang loading screens.

Wrong? 'Tis blasphemy!


I'm joking, of course. In fact, my plan is to use an overhaul mod the next time I play it. I can't remember what it is called off the top of my head, but it is supposed to be quite good.


I doubt the changes between the PC version of the game and the PS2 version are anywhere near as extensive as an overhaul, but I am curious: What kind of changes were made?

My epic: For Them (Review Topic)


BZPRPG: Trauer and Faora


Bionifight Ultimate: Daedalus Drachoren and Von Worten Undtränen


The Elder Scrolls: Ashfall: K'Larn

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