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BZPRPG - Kentoku Archipelago

Nuju Metru

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IC (Dakte)


Dakte finished playing, and turned his torso to face the audience, bowing once more to the applause. Once it had died back down, he began the minuets: lively three-step dances. Pairs of Dasaka began to take to the floor, and the sounds of merriment grew again in the background: this was less of a performance than the previous music, so chatting was more acceptable.


OOC: The minuets would sound something like this:



IC (Tazera)


:I should think so!: Taz replied. :He's a credit to the clan. Unusual to see a male so devote himself to the arts, but I think he teaches in the Yards too; this must be a personal passion.:





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IC: Ahrusa


Ahrusa was irritated by her laxness, and it shows by the tone of her voice."They have already been interviewed by minor members of the IBS beforehand. They are too busy having their whiskey and cigars to be of actual use. I don't see why this seems like a game to you. It isn't."

"Poor Cyclonus - Sworn To Reject A World That Hates and Fears Him. He And I Are Very Similar, Really: Two Reformed Characters Struggling To Make Our Way In Life. He Just Has Less Violent Coping Strategies." Whirl



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Desdemona looked sharply at Hanako and then back at Lhurai, inclining her head deeply and trying not to let her tongue trip itself, not when she was so close to the finish line. "Roku Lhurai, please excuse me. Hanako is no doubt here on my sister's business, and it would be ill of me to refuse her. Thank you again for the lovely bracelet. Please, enjoy the party."




Hanako led Desde away by the arm, and when they had safely traveled through three prongs of people and no one could hear them the princess squeezed Hana's arm and breathed, "You are a lifesaver, Hana. I won't forget this. God bless."





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"And I hear the Archipelago is full of people who can kill you."


I turned, and with a mischievous smile, faced the dour Dasaka and added, "Quite frankly, I think I'd prefer the creatures; you're allowed to kill those without being shunted into a prison cell, if you catch my drift, miss...."





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IC: Vilda Mako (Dragon Hall)


Hmm... so at least I've earned her attention. Use it wisely, Mako.


"Soraph, as I said, I've only met fairly recently. She's nice enough company and all that, but that's not really the reason I'm here with her. Rather, it's because she's a stranger to her own clan, much like me. Relisai's been keeping her stuck here on Sado for a long time, because she was paranoid that Soraph was actively plotting to usurp her, and as such she's been as much of a stranger to her home and people as I have. I cherish what kinship I can find"


"And as for First Sons..." I took a deep breath, "my opinion is that they're a bunch of ungrateful, whiney self-absorbed little snots, the lot of them, or at least I have yet to meet someone who proves me otherwise"


"Our own First Son is a self-obsessed womanizer, the Dastana's more vain than this entire room, the Fursic is a spineless momma's boy, and the Roku can't keep his affairs in order for two seconds"


"They want to complain about their position when they at least have some influence and importance? Give me a ###### break"

Ic: "Well," I said, cocking my head slyly, "you sure as aren't wrong about Kuno. Or any of them." Respect, Mako; you have mine. Being a datsue he could express himself more freely, though that didn't rob from the fact that his impressions were right on. "And to just think that that is the pool from which the next prince consort be drawn from," I lamented, shook my head and drowned my fear with wine, neglecting to mention it was already decided who I was supposed to wed.


"As for Relisai... what she did was unspeakable. She'll come to know justice shortly. And... who knows?" I added and teasingly grinned a little. "She might not be toroshu for much longer."

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IC: Vilda Mako (Dragon Hall)


"Somehow I can't help but wonder if any earlier Crown Princesses have said the same thing..." I trailed off, not finishing my thought because I was distracted by the food.


Her second remark I had a response to however.


"I suspected that from the moment you blew up at her, and I know where this is going." I said with a knowing wink.


"Yes, it would be very nice to get along with my Toroshu for a change. I mean let's face it, a wolf is still a pack animal"

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Does the sergeant really think that four walls can keep me cooped up in here? thought Toroshu Relisai. I am the beloved leader of Clan Vilda, a general in the Empire's army. How can he suppose to suppress a Willhammer of extraordinary skill?


Relisai reached up to her chin, felt the small gash and drop of blood.


Another face to add to my list. She will be sorry she treated me with such disrespect, as will the Chojo.


The Vilda leader looked out the window, waiting. All she needed to escape was a passing bird.




A few hours later Relisai returned to her body. Through the eyes of a bird she'd flown; Relisai had managed to communicate with the captain the message she needed to send, and to whom. Even now it was being transported by fast-relay to it's target on another island. She had also gone to oversee the Vilda soldiers that had come with her to Sado. They'd reached their destination, met the contact and proceeded with their orders.


Operation Winter Snow was well underway, and would be completed soon.


Relisai lay down, closing her eyes and drifting to sleep.


The Vilda Toroshu had a big day ahead of her. At some point, probably near noon, the Rora herself would come visit her.

OOC: As I told you in our PM conversation, you had the option to edit the post's unreasonable components or else I would steamroll over it and render part of it a fantasy. It's been three days, more than long enough for you to edit, and I'm going to do the latter. The crossed out lines are what is being disregarded.


IC | Clan Hogo retainers


"Sergeant, I'm feeling a renewed surge of Willhammer powers," the squad's 'hammer alerted the group, her face grave. The second 'hammer, from the second team they picked up on the way up to the apartments, verified the claim.


"Can you sever it?" the sergeant asked.




"Aw, well now I'm almost disappointed," she said, putting the key in the lock and preparing to turn it. "Girls, get ready. Weapons sharp; we're going in and slapping this before she gets away with whatever. Lai," she said to her squad's hammer, "shield us just in case she tries anything funny. Boom!" She turned the key and almost tore the door off as she opened it wide, allowing her troops to flood in.


Relisai was sitting by the lone window as though she were dozed off, but Lai knew better. "She'd warged," she said, "probably into some bird. in' Vildas."


"in' Vildas," the sarge echoed as she brusquely kicked a leg from under the chair and sent Relisai toppling to the floor. The toroshu's head impacted with the hand floor, suddenly shattering her Willhammer focus and bring her mind back to the present situation: Throbbing headache and renewed hatred for the large woman currently towering over her like a colossus. "Woman, we've caught you once and we've caught you twice and you better realize that being under arrest means no Menti powers. Pull this again and I swear you will not have enough willpower to push the out of you. Do you hear me? Good.


"Move out." They filed back out the door into the hallway and locked the door after them, once again leaving Relisai alone, hurt and—by then—afraid.




IC: Vilda Mako (Dragon Hall)


"Somehow I can't help but wonder if any earlier Crown Princesses have said the same thing..." I trailed off, not finishing my thought because I was distracted by the food.


Her second remark I had a response to however.


"I suspected that from the moment you blew up at her, and I know where this is going." I said with a knowing wink.


"Yes, it would be very nice to get along with my Toroshu for a change. I mean let's face it, a wolf is still a pack animal"

IC: "I'll wager I'm not the first princess to say such a thing, and I'm probably not going to be the last, but that doesn't diminish my loathing," I said, glancing spitefully at the Fursic gang, all huddled together like a nest of vipers in one part of the hall.


"Say, you know her better than anyone I know—how do you think Soraph would handle leadership of the clan?" I asked.

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IC: Noshima


"A most pleasing sound," said Noshima thoughtfully by Seiryu. "It is to my happiness that the knowledge such talent exists affects."

IC Seiryu

"I was only vaguely aware that such manner of music or instruments existed. If I had known earlier the beauteous melodies that one possessing sufficient skill can create on them, surely I would have invested much time into their practice." Seiryu sighed, and continued: "I guess that locking oneself up in their castle does have numerous downsides." The Kyoshi First Son continued watching as Dakte changed his tune, now playing a lively minuet.

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[OOC: Finally back to full access, so hopefully less shenanigans on my part.]

IC: Soraya [imperial Palace, Dragon Room]

Soraya watched the Chōjo go. She listened to the Chōjo speak. And she pretended not to hear the clatter of the Chōjo grabbing whatever unfortunate announcer was behind that curtain in what was probably a bear hug for the ages.

And Soraya tried very hard not to hate

The princess had been chipper as could be throughout their conversation, all smiles and grins and 'just-between-you-and-me' and Soraya might have been fine with that if any of it had been even remotely called for. Is that what she is to you? Soraya thought, bringing her drink to her mouth. An enemy's tool to be turned to your side, used, and then gloated about? If Yumiwa had felt any sympathy for Nihi, she hadn't shown it; the Chōjo had had more eyes for the dress than the woman in it.

Soraya didn't know
Nihi, and frankly, she probably never would. The Menti had her own life, and it was clear it wasn't one that had much call for high-end dyework. But-

She lost her sister to this, she wanted to scream. How can you call her a tool? How can you stand up there and wax poetic about your grand expedition as though it's just a feather to stick in your cap? Would you even have this chance if it weren't for her pain?

Her cup was empty, and she thrust it back into the wine fountain without looking.
This was the woman who was going to lead them one day, and she was either blind or cruel. More than that, she was going to be the face of the archipelago to everyone on Mata Nui. Soraya had difficulty believing it was an island filled with Chaotic Sixes; more likely it was filled with people; some like her, some like Nihi, some like Hatchi, some like Morie. And the first person they'd get to talk to would put on that imperial smile and grin at all the new little playpieces for her world and -

She brought the cup to her lips, stopped, and threw it back into the fountain. That was enough of that for the evening; she was about two cups away from actually following up on her deck-the-
Chōjo idea. Walk away from it, said that inner Morie voice, and she had little doubt the actual Morie voice a few hundred feet away would say the same. Plangori are dyemakers. The plots of royals and the fates of other islands are not ours to take in mind.

And a different voice, one that she had spent whole nights trying to remember the dips and hums of, one that faded a little more every day
the woman it belonged to wasn't there, said quietly: Don't bend to the world, Sor. Adapt to it if you must, but don't ever let it change you. If you have something you believe in, hold onto it for dear life, and make sure people know it.

Soraya looked back across the room; Yumiwa was deep in conversation with Mako. Not now. This was a party, after all, and she had the feeling trying to catch the Chōjo more than once was a fool's errand. But they were going to talk again soon. She didn't know exactly what was going to come out of her mouth when she did, but she had a feeling that if that second voice had its way, she was going to owe Morie an apology and a list of people who could take over her shop.

Maybe giving the Plangori the honor of "first trans-oceanic sale" would make it up to her, at least.

But before she possibly threw her life overboard, there was a party to survive. Soraya realized rather suddenly that she'd become the partygoer who stands by the booze and seethes at nothing in particular, which was one life role she'd tried to avoid thus far. As casually as she could - which is to say, not particularly, but A for effort - she filled her cup with water and stepped back into the hall. Out of the corner of her eye, she recognized Toroshu Noshima standing next to a First Son she'd not seen before, discussing the music (which some part of her brain registered rather after the fact as being quite good.) Music seemed like a good way to keep out of trouble for the moment, and if things did start getting too political, she could always excuse herself or jump out the nearest window.


The Plangori joined the pair as casually as she could, which, again, at least got a participation badge. "Yeah, he's wiping the floor pretty good with most musicians I've heard. But that's what putting in the hours'll get ya, hey?"

Edited by GSR
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Hey: I'm not very active around BZP right now.  However, you can always contact me through PM (I have email notifications set up) and I will reply as soon as I can.

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BZPRPG: Komae · Soraya · Bohrei

Blog: Defendant Lobby no. 42

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IC Seiryu

"You are most correct," Seiryu replied. "In any art or discipline that has been practiced, putting in lots of practices correct practice, mind you-will more often than not lead to superb skill." He looked around to see who had addressed hin, then looked down at Soraya. "Good greetings ma'am. Kyoshi Amakusa Seiryu at your service. You are... Soraya of Clan Plangori, yes?"

Edited by Last Son Amakusa
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Conversations died down or dropped low as the music began to play. It was a lovely melody and Ayiwah listened to it intently, every now and then glancing down from the dais to watch the artist.


:That is quite an opening act...: she said mentally, directing the thoughts at Tazera. :Such a performance will be remembered. I imagine your Toroshu will be quite pleased, Taz.:


[imperial Palace, Dragon Room]

During the music, Morie had drifted away from other two Toroshu in the direction of Commander Ayiwah. As the performance drew to a close, she gently tapped the Menti on the shoulder, bowing slightly when she turned to see.


“Commander, would you mind if I discussed something with you for a second? I am sorry for interrupting. I have a small...proposal to make.”

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

En4XX.gif BkY1n.gif gkKRR.gif MWEwd.gif 7dN9Y.gif ODscu.gif HpGw0.gif HZtia.gif AKbnC.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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IC: (Hanako)


"It was no issue Desde, you know I'm here if you need me," I said. I saw my brother waiting some distance away and remembered that we still needed to talk about...well a lot of things. I silently sighed and turned back to Desdemona. "I'm going to have to take my leave of you ma'am, my brother and I have some things we need to talk about." I bowed a bit before walking back over to him, walking with him we moved through the throngs of people and up a few stairs, not exactly in the Dragon Hall anymore. I think we we were going to need some open air, but still some privacy. We hopefully would be away from the party for long. The first thing I did?


I turned around and hugged my big brother, it probably seemed like an emotional outburst to him. We Herupa have to be reserved, emotions are fuel, not something to give in to. I just cannot keep the face of calmness all the time, I cannot be stoic outwardly, when inwardly I'm screaming, but it becomes second natural to stifle such impulses.


"It's good to see you Jiyu, it's been far too long. I did receive your letter, how are you holding up?"


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IC: Arsix Dastana - The Dragon Room


The twins glanced at each other. Their eyes turned once more to the Dasaka before them, showing no signs of internal thoughts or feeling. They were known within the courts for their poker faces, "I don't know... those were pretty interesting accusations to say the least."


Arsix's brow furrowed, "I'm not so sure Jasik, by the looks of her gene pool she's likely to know more about that sort of thing than us."


"Arsix, play nice. The Plangori here is worthy of our respect - look at all the fine dresses her family's made for this evening. What are our royal Umbralines supposed to do if she takes offense and decides to crawl back under her rock? Go naked? Nobody wants to see that any more than we want to see her."



[imperial Palace, Dragon Room]

I raised an eyebrow.

“You don’t want to see the Princess naked, first son? I’m sure there are many a male and quite a few females who would disagree with that sentiment, except for dear Kuno over there.”

I was getting under their skin, I could tell. My mask hid my own expressions, but I didn't need my legendary intuition to feel their disdain hammering down on me through their words. I'm not the kind of person who values impassion, however I knew they did and breaking down that cold wall would be all the more sweet if I managed to do it.


“As for your other point, scientists are a bunch of cold fish and I prefer to avoid them...I’ve heard such things affect the intelligence before the body, in which case I’m sure you both would be more knowledgeable than me.”

Edited by Yukiko

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

En4XX.gif BkY1n.gif gkKRR.gif MWEwd.gif 7dN9Y.gif ODscu.gif HpGw0.gif HZtia.gif AKbnC.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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IC: (Hanako)


Perhaps I didn't know as much as I thought I did. I understand the plight the males of our society suffered, they were objectified, they were trophies and to be honest it never really sat well with me. Even if it was because there were so few males that we female Dasaka couldn't help but covet them, and thus others would move them about like chess pieces. Including my brother and now I could feel a sadness, and also an anger for my brother. I loved my mother dearly, but the way Jiyu was reacting to telling me it didn't feel like an act. It was a very real pain he was feeling, as if the memories were still fresh in his mind, the way he grimaced and balled his fists. "I'm sorry for asking but what did mother do?"


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"Okay! That's enough! Take a hike or something!!!"


Ni had apparently pushed her sister to breaking point. Her sister had gotten mad enough to yell at her in public and kick her out of the restaurant for the night. What she didn't understand was why Ichi had exploded in the first place. She hadn't done anything wrong? She, what, only juggled a few plates and knives, made art with the water, you know, those sorts of things. But somehow, Ichi couldn't take it. "You're so annoying!" she would always say, and leave Ni standing around confused. The two of them didn't get each other at all.


Regardless, Ni was now down by the beach, kicking sand and rocks. She didn't feel particularly bad about being kicked out for a few hours, but she was bored. Not that much more bored than in the restaurant, but still. Nothing in the market seemed to catch her interest, and she definitely wasn't going boating in the evening. So she was down by the beach, dirtying her feet, and occasionally getting sand in her eyes. That's when she spotted another figure crouched down on the sand (Myghan). "Who could that be?" she wondered aloud, and walked over. "What are you doing?

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IC: Mygahn


The Dasaka shuddered ever so slightly as Ni spoke, as if someone had walked by her, though the movement was hardly visible within the current lighting. After a pause, her head turned with a lethargy that almost suggested that she had been dozing off on the spot. Her gaze focused on the approaching Dashi, with a vaguely startled look, like the presence of another living thing was enough to throw her off.


A single blink, and Mygahn returned to reality from wherever she had been exploring before, her eyes fixing on the curiously red ones of the Dashi beside her. She titled her head downward in an impromptu bow of sorts, before replying.


"Listening to the world, and hearing what it has to say. Or at least trying to make sense of it."



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IC: "I'll wager I'm not the first princess to say such a thing, and I'm probably not going to be the last, but that doesn't diminish my loathing," I said, glancing spitefully at the Fursic gang, all huddled together like a nest of vipers in one part of the hall.


"Say, you know her better than anyone I know—how do you think Soraph would handle leadership of the clan?" I asked.


IC: Vilda Mako (Dragon Hall)


"I don't doubt she'd be much preferrable to Relisai, but there's still a long ways to go between that and "good", if you get my meaning" I replied with a scrunched up face.


"For all her conniving and backstabbing, Relisai got things done while she was in power, that much I've gathered. Soraph... she seems fairly level-headed, and I wouldn't sell her short on compassion for nature, she clearly loves the things most important to our clan, but aside from that, I can't whole-heartedly support her as the next Toroshu"


I groaned, my head was already starting to hurt from talking politics.

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Ic: "Interesting. Maybe I will teach her while we sail to Mata Nui," I resolved. "Oh, yeah, also!" I... slurred. I was suddenly aware that my doses food and water was not cutting it to keep the inebriation at bay anymore, "az fer your referrrals, I saw that Relisai commememened you." Geez, it was hitting me now like a wrecking ball. My glass, by that point in its umpteenth filling of brandy, was being treated like some sort of brush as I gestured broadly as though painting a wall—surely a masterpiece, though—and my lips seemed to take on minds of heir own. "I'm counting her as one of two. Haf you ffffound a second ensordement?"

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:Not just any passion, I think.: Ayiwah replied to her friend. :How often do you see somebody so emotionally invested in their hobbies?:


She felt a gentle tap on the shoulder, which surprised her a little bit; usually she was very mindful of her surroundings. Then again, she usually didn't have this much Bumboo in her system. When she saw who the other Menti was, she gracefully stood up and respectfully bowed as well.


"Plangori Morie." she greeted the former Torosho. "How may I be of assistance?"




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IC: Vilda Mako (Dragon Hall)


"Oh I don't doubt you'd have a thing or two to teach her, Yumi" I replied, catching onto the fact that the Crown Princess had also been hitting the bottle, not that it really surprised me, nobles have a habit of doing that in my experience.


"'Fraid not," I admitted, following Yumiwa as she "painted", "but I'm keeping my hopes up"


I ducked under a swish of Yumiwa's arm that painted a nearby dessert in an interesting shade of indescribability, I shook my head in mild annoyance.


"Maybe we're all hitting the bottle a bit hard here"

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Ic: I stared at the cream cake currently smeared on my grand hand and the floor and the face of the hapless servant who was carrying the tray. "Whoops." My mind wanted me to say, Maybe you're right, Mako, but the opposite came out: "I'll drink to that!" Whatever that was supposed to mean. Sluuurp! The brandy felt like fire as it slipped down my throat—fire in an already gutted house.


And then I started licking my fingers for the precious sweet sugar they were coated in. The scene had gotten the attention of Zafin, one of my lesser handmaidens, and she came up like an angel. "Yumiwa, I think you should rest," she suggested as she shrouded my hand in a cloth that she massaged while leading me away. "Let's go to the royal dais, okay?"

"Byyye, Mako! Kama!" I bade as I was whisked away by my clan-sister.


I had four handmaidens as chōjo: Zafin, a low-tier noble from the Umbraline ranks who grew up at court, Iglia and Thran, both from Clan Eiyu, who shared a Twin Soul bond to work seamlessly to my needs, and of course Hanako, the chief of the squad and the lone Herupa in my service. While Hana often worked as my chief of staff or, more commonly, my companion, and the twins buzzed like bees to accomplish tasks in a fraction of the time otherwise needed, Zafin was more attuned to individual needs, having a background in psychology or something like that or whatever. Whenever Hana didn't use her super reflexes and skills to fix something, Zafin was right there with the solution. Right then, the problem was me being drunk and not getting any better by the second. Thankfully, she somehow wound me through the back, behind the dragon sculpture and a smokescreen of Hogo mooks guards that shielded the public from seeing me stumbling like a tranqued horse.


Finally we reached the uppermost dais and Zafin managed to lower my royal into a chair that still gave me a commanding view of the sea of faces in the party while I was a tiny faraway speck to everyone else. This was intentional, though it didn't amuse me as much as it would have otherwise. "Zafnee," I said as my head slowly sank towards the table, "fetch me three things."


"Tea and honey lemon crumbcakes?" she asked.


My eyes were shut and my head was by then wallowing on the table as though it were a pillow, but my lips curled back in a smile, mostly in response to the crumbcakes. "Yessss. But also: My sister. Send me my sister."


"Yumiwa, do you really think this is the sort of condition—"


"I said I want Desdemona!" I yelled drunkenly. "It's important. I owe her an apology."


"Yes, coming right up, Your Highness," Zafin obediently said as she went and complied with my demands.

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IC: Ahrusa


Ahrusa was irritated by her laxness, and it shows by the tone of her voice."They have already been interviewed by minor members of the IBS beforehand. They are too busy having their whiskey and cigars to be of actual use. I don't see why this seems like a game to you. It isn't."

IC: Celis (Dragon Hall)


Celis sighed a bit louder than normal

"Listen here, I'm here to enjoy this," she made a gesture with her hand to the general central of the hall while a look of confusion crossed her face though her voice hinted at disgust "This party. It's not often I am invited to such a social affair. Now unless something actually happens perhaps find someone else to harass."


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If you interact with one of my characters and I don't respond or acknowledge the interaction within a day, send me a PM. Odds are I missed or did not see the post.

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"What hasn't he done?" He asked, holding in a snarl, "I've spent almost the entirety of my existence locked inside my own room, kept there through locks and threats. I had to beg to be sent to train... And when I return, she had spread lies and slander so that no one would want me as a servant. She disregarded my existence, only talking to me to remind me that my entire existence is pointless."


Jiyu knew he couldn't truly be cross at Hana... Kentoku was islands of doors and mirrors. Secrets and smoke. The truth was never plainly visible. And it only got worse among the secrets families kept.


"Zola was no different," He said with a frown, knowing Hanako didn't care to hear this, "She and Eshiwa thought alike. And the night before Eshiwa's death, she told me that things would be even worse once she became Toroshu... Although, I suspected by then her sanity had started to unravel..."

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"Pursuit of excellence, in any area, takes time and effort." The Eiyu Toroshu observed from next to Noshima, breaking the silence of the past few minutes. She observed the musician's movements attentively, observing not only the movements themselves but their results. It was a fascinating pattern, inherently rational, but with a certain art to it.


"He certainly seems to have invested the time into his art."




Sinshi listened to the music with rapt fascination, paying attention to every note, every sequence, every single melody. The musician himself held little interest for her; She had great respect for his skill, but it was the fruit of his efforts that truly held her transfixed. The elegant beauty of the first few compositions held every bit of her focus, so much so that she did not even consciously note the arrival of the Plangori Toroshu. She was too caught up in a world of musical artistry, an entirely different level of existence from even the mental plane.


When the more recent music began, and various pairs began to take to the floor to dance, the Menti was, for a single heartbeat, tempted to join them. She could dance herself, though she would never pretend to be any real dancer, as her family in its misguided sense of importance mandated she learn. The music was stirring, and for once, conjured the desire to dance, rather than just the duty to learn. The moment passed quickly, however, as she realized she was lacking something rather important; A partner to dance with. For all her skills, conjuring a person out of thin air wasn't within the scope of reality.


Likely for the best, she concluded. It was already a miraculous turn of events that her invitation had culminated in a chance to be around beings of such esteem; She shouldn't wish for more than that. A quick glance around the table showed that most of those present had retreated into their own conversations, the Commodore with the Plangori Toroshu- Sinshi fervently hoped that the noble hadn't noticed her lack of a bow, she needed to pay more attention- Tazera seemed to be absorbed in her own thoughts, as did Xania.


Immediately deciding that she didn't wish to disturb any of them, the Umbraline Menti retreated into herself, watching the dancers below with almost as much fascination as she'd watched the musician moments before. It was her chance to catch a glimpse of another world; She didn't intend to waste it.


OOC: Color-coded this time, as I actually have access to a full web browser.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Ahrusa


Finally, Ahrusa conceded. "I'm here to enjoy the party too, I'm just a little worried. I'm sorry I insisted on wasting your time, and hope you enjoy the rest of the night." She bowed, before walking away and rejoining the crowd.

"Poor Cyclonus - Sworn To Reject A World That Hates and Fears Him. He And I Are Very Similar, Really: Two Reformed Characters Struggling To Make Our Way In Life. He Just Has Less Violent Coping Strategies." Whirl



My BZPRPG Characters

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IC: Mygahn


The Dasaka shuddered ever so slightly as Ni spoke, as if someone had walked by her, though the movement was hardly visible within the current lighting. After a pause, her head turned with a lethargy that almost suggested that she had been dozing off on the spot. Her gaze focused on the approaching Dashi, with a vaguely startled look, like the presence of another living thing was enough to throw her off.


A single blink, and Mygahn returned to reality from wherever she had been exploring before, her eyes fixing on the curiously red ones of the Dashi beside her. She titled her head downward in an impromptu bow of sorts, before replying.


"Listening to the world, and hearing what it has to say. Or at least trying to make sense of it."


"The world speaks? I've never heard it."

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IC Seiryu

"You are most correct," Seiryu replied. "In any art or discipline that has been practiced, putting in lots of practices correct practice, mind you-will more often than not lead to superb skill." He looked around to see who had addressed hin, then looked down at Soraya. "Good greetings ma'am. Kyoshi Amakusa Seiryu at your service. You are... Soraya of Clan Plangori, yes?"


IC: Soraya [imperial Palace, Dragon Room]


"Shh," she said conspiratorially, "it's a masquerade. As far as you know, I'm just the bird lady." She took a sip of water; this was more like it. Music, banter, and light drink - always a winning cooldown combination.


"That said - if I were Plangori Soraya, I'd have to say I'd never seen you around, 'least not that I could remember. So, who are you definitely not?"

Hey: I'm not very active around BZP right now.  However, you can always contact me through PM (I have email notifications set up) and I will reply as soon as I can.

Useful Topics: The Q&A Compendium | The Official RPG Planning Topic
Stories: Fractures | An Aftermath | Three Stories | LSO 2012 Epics: Team Three | The Shadow and the Sea | The Days They Were Needed | Glitches | Transformations | Echoes | The Kaita and the Storyteller | Nui

BZPRPG: Komae · Soraya · Bohrei

Blog: Defendant Lobby no. 42

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IC: Higashi


Higashi covertly yawned, her eyes flicking from guest to guest as she tried to stay awake while in the allure of the music. While she would think of herself as quite a dutiful guardian, there were times when boredom set in, and coupled with the relaxing sounds emanating from the Dragon Hall's stage, there was very little she could do to resist the onset of sleep. Really, she wished it could be more exciting - it had been pretty dull except for kicking out that drunk.


"Yare yare dawa," she muttered quietly, leaning back against the wall.


OOC: Open for interaction.

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Ic: Desdemona was not hard to find. People still paused to bow curtly as she passed and despite her willowy frame she gave an air of authority that demanded respect, so all Zafin had to do was take a moment to look over the crowd and search for the bubble of influence with a tiny nucleus drift around.


Zafin had two servants fetch the tea and cake for Yumiwa while she went to approach the other royal. "Princess Desdemona," she said politely once she managed to come close to her, "your sister would like to see you. I can take you to her if you want, otherwise you'll find her on the north upper dais."




Once Dakte's latest song drew to a close, Inokio cut off their dancing. "Soraph, I apologize, but I have to move on and see some others before they become too drunk." He bowed his head as he drew away and charmingly smiled. "Though the conversation has been stimulating and I hope we meet again soon—it's been a pleasure."


Once freed from the socialization with the Vilda heiress, the firs son collected a fresh glass of wine and plopped a roll of sushi in his mouth. These simple pleasures of fine drink and delicious treats were, oddly enough, the things he could appreciate most. It wasn't as though higher luxuries weren't within his reach, indeed he could afford anything he needed with his pension, but after decades of living as a glorified bodyguard he had grown used to the spartan lifestyle he lived. And so, despite being surrounded by frivolity and extravagance, he discovered himself zoning out at the delicate flavours on his palate and soothing sound of music and not at all disturbed by the rampant conversations and bright lights around him.


This, however, backfired when he looked down and realized Toroshu Tyee was right in front of him. "So tell me, where's your woman?" she pressed almost instantly. "You should be spending time with her here, you know. A fish that beautiful is sure to be easily lost in this sea!"


"Tyee," he said, not bothering with addressing her by her title, "I am not engaged to Soraph. Or anyone."


"Fffs!" she spat. "What are you waiting for? Are you not in high demand? Close the deal, seize the day, as I always say."


"When I am engaged you will be the first person I tell in one of my leters, Tyee, but until then, leave me be."


"... Atramentous! Have you done something to shame the clan name?" she continued with an alarmed face. "I swear it, if you have somehow ruined the chance—"


Inokio would hear no more of his toroshu's incessant dogging. He maintained a steely composure, eyes devoid of anything but the kind of disdain a stern parent gives to a mouthy child at a museum, and put two fingers on Tyee's lips to silence her. His own lips curled as though mouthing "Shhh," though he said nothing, unsettling the august leader into quietude. And then the noble son turned and left Tyee standing there like a pillar of salt withering in the wake of a demon's gaze.


The warrior named Umbraline Sinshi was his next point of interest, a far cry beneath Vilda Soraph but, in his opinion, vastly more important to his mission. He approached her, nodded to those of higher status who sat at the table, and then directed a kindly look to Sinshi. "Menti Sinshi, I've seen you practicing in the Yards. I have an offer I would like to discuss with you. Would you please?"

Edited by Crown Princess Yumiwa
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[imperial Palace, Dragon Room]

Morie lowered her voice.

“It happens to be about my daughter,” she said. “My third one. I am sure you can guess.”

She glanced in the direction of the dark-clad dasaka. “She has become too hard for me to handle. Her power as a willhammer is...prodigious, certainly, but she’s too wild, too aggressive. Our clan specializes in defensive willhammering, and Shuuan appears to be outside our area of expertise.”

“I was going to ask Master Inokio, to be honest, but he seemed to be otherwise occupied. I would like to offer Shuuan to the military--hopefully she’ll be better suited for the environment there. I would provide for her upkeep, of course; I wouldn’t wish her on anybody. I’m sure this isn’t an issue you can just decide now, but if you would discuss it with the other heads of the military I would be grateful.”

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

En4XX.gif BkY1n.gif gkKRR.gif MWEwd.gif 7dN9Y.gif ODscu.gif HpGw0.gif HZtia.gif AKbnC.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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Desdemona tightened her lips and took a deep breath. She could imagine why her sister had suddenly seen fit to perch up on the dais, far from the peering eyes of her future courtiers, but nothing that reached her imagination really comforted her. The thought that suddenly it would be left to the younger princess to fend off all these guests for herself made her hold her breath so long that she felt light for a second. All she had to do was not leave me alone with these people. Then, tepidly, she reached out with her mind.




.:###### ######, Kuno is a RAISIN. He acts like an ACTUAL RAISIN. The costume just makes him LOOK THE PART. You never see HANA act like a raisin, do you? Of course not. I'm hungry. Where is my cake?:.


If Desdemona Umbraline could have exploded into a psionic sphere of frustration, wiping clean the minds of every Dashi, Dasaka, and Datsue in the room, even at the cost of her own life she would have done so gladly at that moment. The younger princess collected her composure and then slipped through the same passageway behind the dragon sculpture that Yumiwa had used, creeping along the dais like a spider and then sitting down beside her sister. Yumi smelled of wine and perfume. Before her sister could launch into something awful and casually petty to say - "Hey Des, I like that ivy dress you're wearing, it makes you look much more like a tree branch than usual" was at the top of Des' mental list - she began her own impassioned call to arms.


"Yumi, you need to sober up," her little sister pleaded. "We need you down there. This is your party. Yours. You can't just sit up here all night and swing about and make fun of people in your head, like some merchant performing card tricks on the docks. Something isn't right here. The Fursics are acting almost brazen, and every time Jasik Dastana looks at me he gets this-this--this smile, and I don't know what to think. Help me, please."



Edited by Plank Sinatra



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