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BZPRPG - Ta-Wahi

Nuju Metru

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"As much as your enforcer antics are really strikin' fear into my heart, E, nothing touched the mannequins. I was defending them. That was the point of sparring practice."





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IC (As Fupa): "Was he a toa, skakdi, vortixx, Lesterin or something weird?" The Lesterin asked. She didn't find Naohi's words to be believable.


IC: Naohi [Ta-Koro {Magma Lounge}]


She stopped to think, "Hmm, well he was tall-ish." 


This wasn't saying much of course, since with Naohi's stature anyone would be tall-ish.



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IC (As Fupa): The Lesterin frowned at Naohi. "I'm sorry, but did you hit your head recently? Unless that tall person led you to Ta-Wahi a week ago, it shouldn't be that hard to recall someone you just met." 

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OOC: Wow. Has it really been 17 pages since my last post here? Huh.

Sorry it took so long, people, but here's Part 2. Oh, and here's a link back to Part 1 for your convenience.

IC: Zenithex - Ta-Koro (Denrika's Apartment)


Caught up in his work, Zenithex had understandably missed the first few times that the Archangel's glorious name had been muffled because of the gag, the Matoran's voice now little more than a ragged whisper easily drowned out by the scraping of knife against bone. Upon removing the interfering object and hearing her repeat the word over and over again in a seemingly endless loop, however, the mad Lesterin finally breathed in a sigh of relief.

"I must give you credit, little one," he said, getting up to grab a scavenged towel from the bathroom in order to wipe the blood off of his weapons. "You are, by far, the most resilient individual that I have ever had the pleasure of... illuminating, and trust me, I've worked on my fair share of Vortixx and Skakdi back in the day as well. Hopefully, that trait will be put to good use as you go on to fulfill your new duties as a servant to the Archangel."

Moving back towards Denrika, he kneeled beside her, lifting her up so that she was now leaning up against him as he began to gently stroke the top of her head.

"Unfortunately for us, however, it appears that our time together is now at an end, as I have done all that was necessary to guide you onto your new path. May the light of Ak'rei'an guide you safely to his side."

Tightening his grip as his other hand reached for her chin, he violently twisted himself to the side, her neck breaking with a sickening crack as she slumped back towards the floor.

"And now, to finish what I have started..."

Digging his fingers into her wounds, he began painting the walls with her blood, praising the Archangel with various messages and symbols as he did so. After cleansing himself of the red liquid still flowing from her body, he began tearing the place apart, searching through her belongings for anything remotely useful to him. Pocketing a small pouch containing exactly one hundred widgets, a bottle of champagne, and a book of matches, he then proceeded to unlock the front door to her dwelling, leaving it slightly ajar before heading towards the window he had previously used to break in before taking a moment to survey his accomplishments.

Ak'rei'an be praised.

Popping the cork on the champagne, he stuffed the makeshift gag still on his person into the neck of the bottle before lighting the fabric ablaze. Quickly throwing the improvised incindiary device into the kitchen, he carelessly let the match used to ignite it fall onto the carpet as he climbed his way out of the apartment and dropped back into the alleyway. Knowing that the fire would only cause the scene to be discovered sooner, the Lesterin decided that it was about time he distanced himself from his attempt to strike fear into the heart of the village.

Reaching around the corner once again, Zenithex retrieved his cloak from the trash can where he had previously stored it, carefully draping it around his body as he stepped onto the street and blended back into the crowd.

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Hero Factory: Contagion

RPG Characters:

BZPRPG Characters

RPG History:

The Asylum, Bionifight Infinite, Year 60,000, Matoran und Panzer, HF RPG 2.0, Wasteland, Corpus Rahkshi, Skyrise

GM Résumé:

Matoran und Panzer (Formerly Appointed Co-GM), Corpus Rahkshi (Former Substitute Co-GM)



Feel free to shoot a PM my way if you're waiting for me to respond to something and I've been taking a while to do so.

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[Ta-Wahi, Mangai Tunnels]


Lucira was a bit embarrassed that she hadn’t considered the situation as Loraan had, but that’s probably why the detective was the leader of the mission.  It was a bit of a relief to be wrong about assuming the worst for once.

She nodded and prepared to sprint towards the captives.

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

HAHVF.gif NVnzf.gif B8pNV.gif 8qwI0.gif rg6F2.gif ItljY.gif UOJS7.gif lQn0K.gif X1bBI.gif 035db.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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revitalize systems


if he falls he'll crush the countertop













"Uh...thanks, Saeva. That means a lot."



Edited by Luke Schwarz
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IC: Hey, that's it!


"Senile! Thanks, Lumira. So yeah, he's gotta be senile."



"Certainly seems likelier than Ko gettin' stormed by a bunch o' Kuta-skulls," Lumira said, still giving the old man the    e v i l    e y e . "D'ya actually have any proof of what you're talkin' about, mister?"


IC (Lohkar)


"I like ta promote the use o' gentleman as a gender-neutral moniker, love."




"Keep it up with me and you'll be gender-neutral, buddy."



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IC (As Fupa): The Lesterin frowned at Naohi. "I'm sorry, but did you hit your head recently? Unless that tall person led you to Ta-Wahi a week ago, it shouldn't be that hard to recall someone you just met." 


IC: Naohi [Ta-Koro {Magma Lounge}]


This question prompted nothing more than a small shrug from the matoran, accompanied by the well known "Idunno" sound.



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IC: Praxis


Makuta worshipers... with an army? And they've captured Ko-Koro...?


Only a select few could have possibly done such a thing.




"There's a path just down the road that goes up the mountains and west to Ko-Koro. Take me there an' show me this army."

He jerked his head to indicate, Ash, Lumira, Lain and Larvi.

"I have no interest with this bunch anyway. If yer tellin' the truth, I'll see about... er, helping you. If not... well, I'm no pacifist, so I won't have no reservations about stabbin' ya."



- - - - - - - - - -



IC: Torana

She finished her coffee, setting the cup aside as she stretched out and popped the joints in her neck and back.

"Well, aside from sparring and road repair, what's on the agenda for today?"

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IC Kihohiki


Turning towards Praxis, he used his Huna for half a second. Just for thought provoking.


"If we are to head... We'll need to gear up first. Ko-Koro is loaded with Makuta scum, so we'll need to blend in with the general populous. And check for anyone else intending to attack; we'll need all the help we can get."



He turned back towards the others. "The only reason a scraggly, old half-wit who looks like he's been trampled a few times is heading into Ko is because nobody else is. Nobody's even attempted it yet. That's why I'm wasting my time talking to anyone; to get a force together small enough to be inconspicuous, but big enough to get through whatever's waiting in there. That's what being a Toa calls for. Not giving a Karz for anything but making sure the world doesn't collapse."

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IC (As Fupa): *A skakdi or vortixx would be more trustworthy right now...* The Lesterin gave up asking about the stranger and took a drink. "So, what do you do as your hobbies?"

If you like Pingu & want to support a good project, click here. Also, I've rejoined the BZPRPG & I have a new profile for a new game. Click here to see it.

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IC Lain

"Well there've been plenty a times the world didn't seem ta give a karz whether I collapsed or not..." The Bo-Toa grumbled as he, for the third or fourth time, attempted to shoo the old man away by turning and resolutely marching in the direction they had been marching resolutely in before this guy showed up.

Edited by Lugh

...but close to it

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IC: "Don't waste your time, Praxis. Makuta lost, remember? No way he had enough forces lying around organized enough to take a whole Koro." Ash replied emphatically. Placing an eye on the Turaga, he half-turned away, in the same direction as Lain.

"I get the sentiment, old man, believe me. Heroism's something we should all aspire towards, but barking up the wrong tree isn't. I've been to Ko before, the way Ambages has that place set up would need them to literally roll over for a bunch of ragtag straggler cultists."

helo frens

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IC: Larvi

They certainly seemed to know quite a bit about Ko-Koro, and they clearly seemed to think that it was more than well prepared enough. Plus, not going had gotten the single most terrifying person in the group to leave, so... yay?

I too followed after Lain's lead, not exactly sure why it was I was going with them in the first place. Then I looked back at Ash. No. No no no. Suddenly I didn't feel quite as uneasy following.

This is my signature

It has words in it

They don't say much


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IC Kihohiki

"Well there've been plenty a times the world didn't seem ta give a karz whether I collapsed or not..."


"Heard that." Kihohiki said. "Sound, remember?"


"And i'll be looking out for this Ambages person to tell them they're doing a horrible job. If they're trying to protect that place."

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"Rebuild the Lavapool? Resurface the Ta-Kini?" Redhot suggested. After a second he seemed to realize how much community service he was suggesting and added "...What about a fast food crawl? Whoever eats the least amount of cheeseburgers has to decide what we do next."





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IC Mirin:


She approached one of the Matoran, examining the plant on his neck.


Mirin frowned. What she was about to do was risky, and she wasn't even sure if it would work.


Concentrating, she formed a small, compressed slice of water, and with all the presicion she could manage, drove it clean through the base of the parasitic implant along the matoran's skin.




Mirin's water jet sliced through the thorn-like spikes that embedded the parasite into its host's flesh. The orange glow of its orb was snuffed out, though the strange suction of its appendages kept it attached to the Matoran's neck.


The change in the Matoran himself was immediate. His eyes lost their empty orange glow, returning to their natural shade of yellow, and widened in hysterical terror as he jerked his head back, hands scrabbling frantically at the back of his neck.


"Get it off me! Get it off!" he shrieked.


The plant-creature's attention instantly shifted from Tharros and the two Turaga's bombast to its lost thrall. It too shrieked, not in fear but in rage, and the tentacles that had hovered cautiously around its core or draped placidly along the ground sprang into writhing movement. The other thralls raised their heads, suddenly alert, and echoing the creature's frenzied cry they charged at the group.


"Now!" yelled Loraan, unsheathing her Guard-issue dirk and rushing to meet the attacking thralls. Most were Matoran and would probably be easily defeated and freed, but there were some larger beings among them, including three Skakdi and a Vortixx, that looked as though they could do some serious damage.





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IC: Corex (Mangaia Catacombs)




I immediately turned towards the center "face" of the monstrous plant, and released a blast of energy from my wrist shooting forward towards its core. I would never be able to paralyze something this large, but it would stun him for at least a while, and I could just do it again if I felt it was necessary.


My other arm shifted again, taking the drill shape. A bad cutting tool, but also one that would be hard for the vines to grab and hold tight.

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IC Mirin:


Well that hadn't gone quite according to plan.


Still, she felt a trickle of liquid from the sheared off section she now held in her hand.


Which meant these plant creatures had water in them. 


The trio of Skakdi weer Mirin's first target, since they were the most dangerous together, and the most helpful once freed.


She felt the water in the parasites on their necks, closed her eyes...



And pulled the water from them.

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IC (Lohkar)


"I'm hurt," pouted the Lesterin, theatrically clutching his chest. "But you still 'aven't answered my question: are you motley lot goin' on foot?"


IC: Alfon


"You're about to suggest something, so I'm gonna say not anymore."

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