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And like in V2, I stop the execution by killing the executioner and those around him who tried to kill him.

You seem anxious to save a Mafian...
The question is, how do YOU know if he is Mafian?
Process of elimination. The way Mafia works is that one of the suspects is the killer, and since there were 3 suspects, and the 2 we lynched were innocent, that means that the third, Onarax, is the Hunter. There's only one left, and that one is guilty.
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Which therefore means that Snake is:

A: Mysterious figure

B: The sibling of Onarax

C: A Hunter/Mafia

You decide which. I say both B and C. :P

I declare myself type 734. ;)

Edited by Rahkshi Guurahk

-Rahkshi Guurahk
GENERATION 3: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.
If I actually tried putting all the stuff I like on here, the sig would burst.



(This banner is created by http://www.bzpower.com/board/user/59020-onaku/ )

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Another intermission scene for you all! Again, I must give the disclaimer that any members mentioned within these intermissions are there merely for plot purposes, and these intermissions should not be used as a basis for evidence and such.


In this one JL is a zamboni, Voltex serves out ussal crab steaks, the Sentinels argue over codenames, Canis finds his plot armor, and two people have a conversation using only a particular accent.


Also RG is in there somewhere too.


Chapter 3 Part I: JL the Zamboni


At first, JL had disliked being a zamboni.


Okay, he really disliked it.


Fine – he hated it. Being a zamboni sucked, especially when The X tried to use him to play ice hockey. Except that you couldn’t play ice hockey in the desert, and you couldn’t play hockey with a zamboni.


So The X took to squashing the Shadowy Corpse Heap via JL instead, and that was actually quite fun for both parties. Some strange quality of the corpse heap caused it to bounce back up how it had been before it was squashed every single time, creating an endless game for The X and JL the Zamboni.




“So, how are the steaks?” Voltex asked, shaking some onion powder onto his.


“It is delicious,” said Rahkshi Guurahk. “Thanks for inviting me.”


“No problem,” Voltex said. “What about you guys?”


He waited several seconds for a response, but Xaeraz, Canis, and Punished Snake were too busy devouring the steaks.


“Hey, can I have some?”


Voltex glanced up to see Chro (who’s arm was still on fire) and The X sitting atop JL the Zamboni. Shrugging, the host tossed a steak to both riders, before hesitating.


“Can JL even eat in that form?” Voltex asked.


“Of course I can!” JL yelled, his voice emanating from some speaker that was probably meant for the radio. “Well, I think I can. Put it in my gas tank.”


“Do you even have a gas tank?” asked The X. “I could’ve sworn you were environmentally friendly!”


“Being environmentally friendly doesn’t mean I can’t have a gas can,” JL pointed out.


“True enough,” said The X, who promptly shoved a steak into the aforementioned gas tank. “How is it?”


“Tastes like diesel,” JL said, “with a hint of curry and a dash of ketchup.”


“That’s odd,” said The X, glancing at his steak. “All mine tastes like is landcrab.”


“All mine tastes like is charcoal,” Chro said, staring mournfully at his steak, which had been burned to a crisp in his palm.


“So Onarax is guilty, right?” Canis asked. “I missed the lynching earlier – I was trying to fix my plot armour.”


“He’s probably guilty,” Xaeraz responded, “but then, this place is so screwed up that Voltex can turn JL into a zamboni but can’t actually lynch people. Who knows if there was even a guilty guy in the suspect list.”


“Did you fix your plot armour?” asked Voltex.


“Not really,” Canis replied. “Which really sucks. Seems like my plot armor got sliced in two the same time Metru-Nui did. I don’t think we’ll be using it for awhile.”


“That sucks.”


“But what about Onarax?” Canis asked, returning to the real topic of the conversation. “He must be guilty, but how can we tell?”


“He isn’t guilty.” Punished Snake told them, speaking up for the first time.


“Sure he isn’t,” Voltex said, rolling his eyes. “I’m also a horse. See where that logic gets ya.”


Voltex vanished in a puff of fire; when the flames dissipated, his companions all burst out laughing.


“What are you all laughing at?” Voltex asked. “And why can’t I feel my fingers?”


He glanced down and squealed, flashing up in fire again before becoming visible once more, glaring at everyone in turn.


“Nobody speaks of that,” he ordered, “or I swear, I will eat your liver in front of you.”


“Oh my god,” Chro cried. “I can’t believe Voltex just turned himself into a horse!”


“Shut up, Chro!”




“So who are we going to protect tonight?” asked the first Sentinel. “And also, when are we going to give each other codenames? Because calling you two ‘the second Sentinel’ and ‘the third Sentinel’ sucks.”


“Why do we have to give each other codenames?” asked the third Sentinel. “Everybody knows I was the awesome one anyway.”


“Codenames suck.” Said the second Sentinel, yawning as they kicked sand into the first Sentinel’s eyes.


“Hey!” the first Sentinel complained. “Codenames are cool, and kicking sand in my eyes is not cool!”


“Codenames are definitely not cool,” said the third Sentinel.




“Wait, these steaks were made from those ussal crabs Voxumo was looking after?!” The X screeched.


“Well… uh… yeah. I mean, maybe. No? Maybe?” Voltex responded.


“Oh man, I think I’m gonna be sick,” Punished Snake muttered, tottering off to go do just that.


“Meh,” Xaeraz said with a shrug. “This doesn’t even compare to that one time I chugged a two litre bottle of oil.”


What?!” Chro, Voltex, and RG all choked on their food, coughing and hacking as they tried to absorb what Xaeraz had said.


“Well, you know,” Xaeraz said. “That one time when somebody replaced all the chocolate milk in the city with oil? I didn’t know that, so when he bet ten dollars that I couldn’t chug two litres of chocolate milk in ten seconds, I said ‘bring it on yo’.”


“That sounds like a nightmare,” Voltex said.


“That sounds traumatizing!” said Chro.


“That sounds awesome!” said RG, fist pumping the air.


“Yeah… it didn’t taste very good,” Xaeraz said thoughtfully. “Anyway, yeah, that’s about it.”


“That was literally the worst story ever.” Canis said, “of all time.”


“It was not!” Xaeraz protested. “Your lame story about your plot armour was way worse!”




“I shall dub myself ‘Charon’.” Said the first Sentinel.


“That’s a lame name,” said the second Sentinel.


“You’re a lame name!” the newly christened Codename:Charon shot back.


“That’s just what they want you to think,” said the third Sentinel.




“I swear, Onarax is innocent!” Punished Snake yelled.


“Guilty!” Norik yelled back.












“Alright, both of you need to calm down,” Xaeraz ordered. “Canis, help me out here. Deep breaths people, come on.”


“In through the mouth… and out through the nose,” Canis said softly.


“You moron, you said it wrong!” The X declared. “It’s in through the nose and out through the mouth!”


Canis glared at him; The X merely glared back. A second later, the two were at each other’s throats. On the bright side, Punished Snake and Norik both stopped fighting to watch the fight. On the downside, Xaeraz now had to watch people bloodthirstily tearing each other apart without him.


“What is going on over here?” Lhikevikk asked, still using the fake British accent.


“People are fighting without me,” Xaeraz complained. “Also, why are you still using that accent?”


“Why because I can, old chap!” Lhikevikk said with a grin, as Voltex popped up and shook his hand pompously.


“Greetings, good sir!” said Voltex.


“A good day to you as well, sir!” Lhikevikk responded.


“I trust all is well with you, sir?”


“All is indeed well with me, sir! How about you, sir?”


“I am very fine, sir, thank you sir! Would you like a cup of tea?”


Lhikevikk waved his hand, shaking his head. “I am afraid not good sir, I am on a strictly sugarless diet.”


“Ah, well, that is too bad, sir.” Voltex said, sipping what looked suspiciously like hot chocolate, and not tea. “It is quite delicious.”


“I would expect no less, good sir. Now I must unfortunately bid you farewell, sirs. Farewell!”


“Good day to you, sir! Farewell!” Voltex replied, waving as Lhikevikk walked off.


“…what did I even just what?” Canis asked.




“You know, JL, you could go a little faster,” The X grumbled.


“I’m a zamboni! I’m meant to clean ice or something! I’m not meant for driving in the middle of a scorching hot desert!”


“Well, I wouldn’t say scorching hot. More like a lukewarm. You know, since the skies are kind of too dark to even see the sun any more.”


“Whatever. I’m still not meant for this!”


“Sigh…” The X sighed. “I guess I’ll never achieve my dream of turning Zamboni Desert Racing into a real sport.”


To Be Continued.

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How is being a Zamboni any worse than have your arm be eternally on fire? Zambonis get to spend their time with attractive bodies of ice!


Hence why you were not the one transformed into a Zamboni.


Hence nothing, my case is in a coma!




Well, maybe that would have worked better with rest instead of hence. Anyway, my point still stands. Firearms case nothing but pain! Here a Grape Drank Stugios, we only use the finest of melee weapons. And Finest Sourdough Bread!

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At least I pass up the steak for watching people fight.And I will find a way to resurrect the ussals. TO EAT THEM AGAIN! AND RESURRECT! AND EAT! OVER AND OVER MUAHAHAHAHA!!!!! GIMME THE SWORD AND SCYTHE!!!!!!!Ahem. Excuse me. We need more Zombonis.

Only those who are deemed worthy may wield the sword and scythe combo.. it is a class skill.. Have to be of the shadow and or reaper classes which require a second seal and Master seal combo..


Ten zombie ussals for anyone who gets my reference

Edited by Voxumo


Banner made by Onaku



If you interact with one of my characters and I don't respond or acknowledge the interaction within a day, send me a PM. Odds are I missed or did not see the post.

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zamboni riding fun

it should definitely be a sport though

just imagine that

zambonis racing through the deserts at speed of 5 mph...



Kind of reminds me of the forklift races that never were.


Reach's one failing. ;_;


- :burnmad:

Avatar by Brickeens




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zamboni riding fun

it should definitely be a sport though

just imagine that

zambonis racing through the deserts at speed of 5 mph...



Kind of reminds me of the forklift races that never were.


Reach's one failing. ;_;


- :burnmad:



and now i shall strap jet engines to zambonis and make them go faster than 5 MPH.

and declare myself master of the zambonis.

even if i die i shall still ride the zamboni.


Steam name: Ehksidian

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My games tend to involve a lot of deaths.


Chapter 3 Part II: Rise of the Sentinels


“Alright,” said the first Sentinel. “I shall be Charon! You, number two, shall be Bow-Tie! And you, number three, shall be… Le Quack!”


INTRODUCING: Codename: Bow-Tie and Codename: Le Quack!


“Man, those codenames suck,” said Bow-Tie.


“Hey!” Charon protested. “Bow-Ties are cool!”


“Says you,” Bow-Tie grumbled.


“Listen,” said Charon. “We really oughta get on protecting people this time. Bow-Tie, bow-ties are cool so I will protect you.”


“That makes no sense!” Le Quack protested.


“My choice is final.”


“I appreciate your services,” Bow-Tie said, as Charon’s energies formed a protective shield around him. “I will follow the plan we set in place earlier, if you two don’t mind. What about you, Le Quack?”


“Me?” Le Quack asked, laughing. “I must be off again, I’m afraid. Time to go be even more awesome!”


With that, the third Sentinel extended his wings and flew off into the night again, leaving behind two very confused companions… again.




The Cloaker crept among the bodies, wondering whom he would kill – after all, they could only miss the Detective and Medic so many times, right?


His musings were interrupted when a blast of lightning struck his feet, sending him crashing through the air. Glaring at the party responsible, the Cloaker realized that it wasn’t on purpose – Voltex was, yet again, attempting to take his staff back.


“That Staff is rightfully mine!” Voltex shouted.


“You fool! You lose power everyday while I gain it!” the Mysterious Figure said. “Now, begone! There are Matoran to be slain on this night.”


The Cloaker turned his gaze away from the battle; he knew how it would end, and sure enough, Voltex’s fading cry of vengeance could be heard as the Host was blasted out of sight.


“Hey… what are you doing up?” a voice asked him from behind.


The Cloaker whirled around to see Dragonstar7 holding a baseball bat.


“You’re one of the Hunters, aren’t you?” Dragonstar7 said. “I guess I’ll have to do something about that, won’t I?”


Dragonstar swung the bat into the Cloaker’s head; the Cloaker, unprepared for the assault, collapsed to the ground, rolling away just in time to dodge the next blow. Drawing a dagger, the Cloaker blocked the next attack, pushing Dragonstar away and scrabbling to his feet.


“RG!” Dragonstar yelled. “I’ve got one!”


Less than a second later the Cloaker staggered as Rahkshi Guurahk leaped onto him from behind, arms wrapped around his neck. Several feet away, the Cloaker’s sibling shifted uncomfortably in his sleep, but did not awaken as the dagger was forced out of the Cloaker's grasp.


“Holy cow,” said Dragonstar as he picked up the dagger. “RG, we’ve actually done it! We’ve gotten a Hunter at night!”


The Cloaker clawed at the arms wrapped around his throat, but RG held firm as Dragonstar walked towards them. The Matoran paused to savor the moment before jabbing the knife right into the Cloaker’s gut-




RG was blasted away from the Cloaker as Dragonstar stumbled backwards, clutching at his hand. The dagger bounced off of the Cloaker and back onto the sand as the Cloaker’s under armour was revealed. The Cloaker kneeled to the ground, grabbing the dagger again as he regained his breath. Meanwhile, the Father stepped out of the shadows, an energy launcher held in his hands.


“You looked like you could use some help,” said the Father.


The Cloaker shrugged, accepting the Father’s offered hand as he pulled himself to his feet. He turned his attention to Dragonstar, who froze at his glare.


“Hey, wait-”


The Cloaker threw the dagger and it spun through the air, before sticking itself blade-first into Dragonstar’s throat. Dragonstar choked, drowning in his own blood as he staggered backwards and collapsed onto the Shadowy Corpse Heap, convulsing. RG, having just recovered from the Father’s earlier attack, suddenly clutched at his own neck, drowning from blood that didn’t exist; within seconds, it was over.


Dragonstar7 (Matoran), & Rahkshi Guurahk (Matoran; Sibling) killed by the Cloaker.


“Well done,” said the Father. “You certainly know how to make it bloody.”




Elsewhere, Burnmad awoke to the sound of footsteps amidst the wreckage. Except there should not have been footsteps – walking around had been forbidden during the night to prevent confusion regarding the Hunters.


So much for that plan.


Acting on instinct, Burnmad rolled to the side just in time to avoid being stabbed in the face by the Staff of Unlimited Power, which was giving off energy radiation in waves. Reeling from the proximity to the Staff and quickly losing basic motor functions, Burnmad grabbed the distress beacon he’d found earlier and activated it.


“Oh, don’t worry, you poor soul,” the Mysterious Figure said with a chuckle. “They won’t arrive nearly in time to save you.”


“Au contraire, my friend!”


The Mysterious Figure whirled around, coming face to face with the third Sentinel, A.K.A. Le Quack. The Sentinel wagged his finger at the Mysterious Figure playfully.


“Make sure you’re playing nice, you!”


“This is impossible!” the Mysterious Figure said. “You cannot be protecting him now!”


“And if I am?” the Sentinel asked casually.


The Mysterious Figure growled and stabbed the Staff of Unlimited Power towards the still incapacitated Burnmad; the Sentinel, in response, lazily flicked his hand and a miniature portal appeared in the way, causing the Mysterious Figure to once again stab the Sentinel instead.


“Oh dear,” the Sentinel sighed, glancing down at the Staff that he had pushed out of the way at the last second. “I do seem to be addicted to getting impaled on this thing, don’t I?”


“This isn’t over,” the Mysterious Figure promised. “You can’t block me forever!”


“Or perhaps I can?” the Sentinel asked. “We shall see, my friend… we shall see.”


The Mysterious Figure vanished in a cloud of shadow without waiting for a reply. The Sentinel stepped forward, helping the still delirious Burnmad to his feet.


“My powers will heal you,” said the Sentinel, “but your brain is probably going to continue thinking that you are a duck for a couple hours.”


“Gotcha…” Burnmad muttered.


“I must bid you farewell now, I am afraid,” the Sentinel said. “So… goodbye!”


With that, the Sentinel disappeared in a brilliant flash of light.




“You have more news for me?” the Detective asked.


“I do,” Voltex said, hefting his scythe. “You’re not going to like what it means.”


To Be Continued.




-Chro; Caught trying to set Toarobot and Norik on fire with his arm

-Unit; found unconscious at the scene of the crime

-Canis; known manufacturer of body armour

-Cryophile; owner of the dagger

-Toarobot; owner of the energy blaster

-Punished Snake; caught arguing for Onarax’s innocence

-Pulse; Missed the meeting of all survivors earlier that night

-The X; also found unconscious at the scene of the crime

Edited by Tex
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I say Snake. Unless he is a type 111

Also to the first and second sentinels: nice reference, which means you two are two of about 10. :P

Edited by Rahkshi Guurahk

-Rahkshi Guurahk
GENERATION 3: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.
If I actually tried putting all the stuff I like on here, the sig would burst.



(This banner is created by http://www.bzpower.com/board/user/59020-onaku/ )

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Hm, after reading this over many times, I have come to two possible conclusions regarding each weapon:

1. The weapon was stolen from the owner in order to frame the actual owner

2. The weapon was loaned to the Mafian from another Mafian.

And with the dagger, a third option opens up: They actually are the Mafian.

Why do I say that this doesn't apply to the energy blaster? Simple.

Onarax is the Father, not TR.

So, I shall hold my vote for a bit to mull over this and make a better decision.


Steam name: Ehksidian

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I say X, Unit, and possibly Pulse, as Pulse; Missed the meeting of all survivors earlier that night.

EDIT: KEyboard is messed up, tried to type are innocent.

Edited by Rahkshi Guurahk

-Rahkshi Guurahk
GENERATION 3: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.
If I actually tried putting all the stuff I like on here, the sig would burst.



(This banner is created by http://www.bzpower.com/board/user/59020-onaku/ )

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I say X, Unit, and possibly Pulse, as Pulse; Missed the meeting of all survivors earlier that night.



I can vouch for all of our innocence.

Especially Pulse's. And mine.

Unit i'm fairly certain is innocent, too.

And before you ask, yes, I do have proof. However, I only give it to those I know the roles of.


So I know I can trust them.


Steam name: Ehksidian

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I am horrible with apostrophes. I tried to type innocent. :P

-Rahkshi Guurahk
GENERATION 3: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.
If I actually tried putting all the stuff I like on here, the sig would burst.



(This banner is created by http://www.bzpower.com/board/user/59020-onaku/ )

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I am curious as to how you can be suspicious of yourself. As there is no cult in this game. :P

-Rahkshi Guurahk
GENERATION 3: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.
If I actually tried putting all the stuff I like on here, the sig would burst.



(This banner is created by http://www.bzpower.com/board/user/59020-onaku/ )

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I am curious as to how you can be suspicious of yourself. As there is no cult in this game. :P


I'm me.

I tend to kill myself in minecraft by jumping in lava.

I could accidentally kill myself somehow, even though we have no guns and I have no idea how I would kill myself.


Steam name: Ehksidian

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By the way, this means X and Burn are not Mafia, as the Mysterious figure tried to kill them,

-Rahkshi Guurahk
GENERATION 3: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.
If I actually tried putting all the stuff I like on here, the sig would burst.



(This banner is created by http://www.bzpower.com/board/user/59020-onaku/ )

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By the way, this means X and Burn are not Mafia, as the Mysterious figure tried to kill them,


Not necessarily. Mysterious Figure can kill any player in the game.




-Chro - 1



-Cryophile - 1


-Punished Snake


-The X

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